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Silver Nanoparticles Mediated by Costus afer Leaf Extract: Synthesis, Antibacterial, Antioxidant and PDF

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Preview Silver Nanoparticles Mediated by Costus afer Leaf Extract: Synthesis, Antibacterial, Antioxidant and

molecules Article Silver Nanoparticles Mediated by Costus afer Leaf Extract: Synthesis, Antibacterial, Antioxidant and Electrochemical Properties EliasE.Elemike1,2,3,OmololaE.Fayemi1,2,AnthonyC.Ekennia4,DamianC.Onwudiwe1,2,* andEnoE.Ebenso1,2 1 MaterialScienceInnovationandModelling(MaSIM)ResearchFocusArea,FacultyofAgriculture, ScienceandTechnology,North-WestUniversity,MafikengCampus,PrivateBagX2046, Mmabatho2735,SouthAfrica;[email protected](E.E.E.); [email protected](O.E.F.);[email protected](E.E.E.) 2 DepartmentofChemistry,SchoolofMathematicsandPhysicalSciences,FacultyofAgriculture,Scienceand Technology,North-WestUniversity,MafikengCampus,PrivateBagX2046,Mmabatho2735,SouthAfrica 3 DepartmentofChemistry,CollegeofScience,FederalUniversityofPetroleumResources, P.M.B1221Effurun,DeltaState,Nigeria 4 DepartmentofChemistry,FederalUniversityNdufu-AlikeIkwo(FUNAI),P.M.B1010Abakiliki, EbonyiState,Nigeria;[email protected] * Correspondence:[email protected];Tel.:+27-18-389-2545;Fax:+27-18-389-2420 AcademicEditor:DiegoMuñoz-Torrero Received:10March2017;Accepted:20April2017;Published:29April2017 Abstract: Synthesis of metallic and semiconductor nanoparticles through physical and chemical routeshasbeenextensivelyreported. However,greensynthesizedmetalnanoparticlesarecurrently in the limelight due to the simplicity, cost-effectiveness and eco-friendliness of their synthesis. ThisstudyexploredtheuseofaqueousleafextractofCostusaferinthesynthesisofsilvernanoparticles (CA-AgNPs). The optical and structural properties of the resulting silver nanoparticles were studiedusingUV-visiblespectroscopy,scanningelectronmicroscopy(SEM),transmissionelectron microscopy (TEM) and Fourier transform infra–red spectrophotometer (FTIR). TEM images of the silver nanoparticles confirmed the existence of monodispersed spherical nanoparticles with ameansizeof20nm.TheFTIRspectraaffirmedthepresenceofphytochemicalsfromtheCostus afer leaf extract on the surface of the silver nanoparticles. The electrochemical characterization of a CA-AgNPs/multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT)-modified electrode was carried out toconfirmthechargetransferpropertiesofthenanocomposites.Thecomparativestudyshowed thattheCA-AgNPs/MWCNT-modifiedelectrodedemonstratedfasterchargetransportbehaviour. TheanodiccurrentdensityoftheelectrodesinFe(CN) ]4−/[Fe(CN) ]3− redoxprobefollowsthe 6 6 order: GCE/CA-Ag/MWCNT(550mA/cm2)>GCE/MWCNT(270mA/cm2)>GCE(80mA/cm2) > GCE/CA-Ag (7.93 mA/cm2). The silver nanoparticles were evaluated for their antibacterial propertiesagainstGramnegative(Escherichiacoli,Klebsiellapneumonia,Pseudomonasaeruginosa)and Grampositive(BacillussubtilisandStaphylococcusaureus)pathogens. Thenanoparticlesexhibited betterinhibitionofthebacterialstrainscomparedtotheprecursors(leafextractofCostusaferand silvernitrate). Furthermore,theabilityofthenanoparticlestoscavengeDPPHradicalsatdifferent concentrationswasstudiedusingtheDPPHradicalscavengingassayandcomparedtothatofthe leaf extract and ascorbic acid. The nanoparticles were better DPPH scavengers compared to the leafextractandtheirantioxidantpropertiescomparedfavorablytheantioxidantresultsofascorbic acid. The green approach to nanoparticles synthesis carried out in this research work is simple, non-polluting,inexpensiveandnon-hazardous. Keywords: silvernanoparticles;Costusafer;electrochemical;antioxidant;antibacterial Molecules2017,22,701;doi:10.3390/molecules22050701 www.mdpi.com/journal/molecules Molecules2017,22,701 2of20 1. Introduction Nanoparticleswithcontrolledsize,shapeandstructureareimportantbuildingblocksformany optical, magnetic, electronic, and biomedical applications [1]. The organization and patterning of silver NPs (AgNPs) into one and two-dimensional functional templates have recently attracted muchattentionduetotheirpotentialadvantagesasphotosensitivecomponentsofopticaldevices, electrocatalysts,chemicalsensorsandantibacterialagents[1–4]. Thesynthesisofsilvernanoparticles can be achieved by using various methods which involve chemical reduction [5], photochemical reduction[6], electrochemicalreduction[7], andheatvaporization[8].Theseprocessesallinvolve different toxic chemicals as reducing agents or stabilization agents for the silver ion. In order to circumventthecomplicationoftoxicityinthesynthesisofsilvernanoparticlesduetotheirpotential biologicalapplications,plantsorplantextractshavebeenestablishedtohavealeadingroleinthe AgNPbiosynthesisprocess[9]. Phytosynthesis(theuseofplantextractsinsynthesisofnanoparticles) ofmetalnanoparticlesincorporatestheuseofweed,seeds,gums,fruits,roots,bark,sapandflowers[9]. Inusingthisapproachforsynthesis,thepropertiesofthenanoparticlescouldbetunedbychanging theratiooftheprecursorsaltstothesubstrates;andthemethodissimple,practicable,sustainable andcosteffective. CurrentlyseveralAgNPshavebeensynthesizedusingdifferentplantextractsas potentialreducingagents[9,10]. Biosynthesizedsilvernanoparticleshavebeenreportedtoexhibitanumberofbiologicalproperties thatincludesantimicrobial[10–12],antioxidant[11–14],wouldhealing[9]andanticancereffects[11,15]. Inaddition,silvercatalystshavebeensuccessfullyusedinheterogeneouscatalysisatanindustrialscale fortheoxidationofmethanoltoformaldehydeandethylenetoethyleneoxide[16].Similarly,Ag-doped semiconductornanoparticleshavemanyapplicationsinphotocatalysis(i.e.,degradationoforganic pollutants, hydrogen production, CO photoreduction, disinfection), in order to improve the 2 photo-conversionyieldandallowtheextensionofthelightabsorptionofwidebandgapsemiconductors tothevisiblelight[17,18].RecentreportssuggestthattheremovaloforganicdyesusingAgnanoparticles isabetterchoicethanthecommondyeremovaltechniqueslikeredoxtreatment,electrocoagulation, carbonsorption,andUVphotodegradation[2]. Theadsorptionofchemicalspeciesonthesurfaceofnanotubesisanareaofimmenseinterest due to its relevance for molecular electronics and because it is a necessary prerequisite for any surface-mediatedchemicalprocess[19]. Carbonnanotues(CNT)possessinghighthermalcapacityand abilitytopromoteelectrontransferreactionspresentanenormouspotentialasinorganictemplates[20]. This is explored in the preparation of AgNPs/CNT hybrid materials, which integrate the unique physical and chemical properties of each component [21] Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) attached onto multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) have attracted significant attention due to their uniqueproperties[22,23]. Themodificationofelectrodesusedinelectrochemicalexperimentsusing variousmultifunctionalmaterialsinordertoconfernovelelectrochemicalpropertiestotheelectrode hasbecomeacommonpracticeinelectrochemistrystudies[24–26]. Multi-walledcarbonnanotubes (MWCNTs)havebeenusedtomodifytheelectrodesurfacesinordertoincreasethesensitivitytowards theelectrochemicaldeterminationofsomecompoundsandenzymes[25,26].However,literatureonthe infusionofgreensynthesizedsilvernanoparticlesoncarbonnanotubesisstillscarce. Similarly,there arenotmanyreportsontheelectrochemistryofthesehybridnanocompositesfromplant-mediated nanoparticles[27–29]. Hence,inthisworkweutilizedtheactivecomponentsoftheleafextractsof Costus afer for nanoparticle synthesis and investigated in a comparative study the electrochemical propertiesofabareglassycarbonelectrodeandanelectrodemodifiedwithCA-AgNPs, MWCNT and CA-AgNPs/MWCNT nanomatrices as potential electrochemical sensors for biological and environmentalmolecules. Costus afer belongs to the family Costaceae, a monocot and a relatively tall, herbaceous, unbranched tropical plant with creeping rhizomes. It is commonly found in moist or shady and riverbanksforestofWestandTropicalAfricancountriesincludingSenegal, SouthAfrica, Guinea, Nigeria, Ghana and Cameroon [30]. Almost all parts of Costus afer have been extensively used in Molecules2017,22,701 3of20 Mtroaldeciutlieos n20a1l7,m 22e, d70ic1i ne as a remedy for cough, rheumatic pains, sleepiness and as a cardiotonic3 [o3f 120]. The phytochemical composition of extracts of different parts of the plant has been established panhdytroecphoermteidca[l 3a1n,3a2l]y.sTish eofp thhyet olecahveems icaanlda nstaelmys iasqoufetohuesl eeaxvtreasctasn dshsotwemeda qsoumeoeu psheyxttoraccotmspshoonwenetds ssuomche pahs ytaolckoamlopidosn, ensatsposuncinhs,a staalnknailnosi,d sf,lasvaopnooniidnss ,taanndn inpsh,eflnaovlso. noAidlksaaloniddsp haerne olass.sAoclkiaatleodi dswaitrhe aansstio-icniafltaemdmwaitthorayn, atin-itni-flmaimcrmobaiatol reyf,feacnttsi -ams iwcreollb aiasl aenfftei-chtyspaesrwteenlsliavse aangtei-nhty, apnedrt ethnes ihveeaalignegn te,ffaencdt hthaes ehaeralliienrg beefefenc atthtraisbeuatreldie trob teheen patrtersiebnucteed otfo tathnenipnrse sinen icne tohfet apnlannint.s Tinhein rothoetsp olaf nCt.osTthues arofeort hsaovfeC boseteuns raefeprohratevde btoe ecnornetpaionr teodxatloicc oancitda,i nlaonxoaslitceraocli,d t,rliagnoogsetneirno,l ,at ringeowg edniions,gaenneinw, dstiiogsmgeanstienr,oslt,i gsmitoasstteerrooll,, csoitsotsutgeernoiln, caonsdtu ag neenwin satenrdoida nsaepwonsitnearofeidrossiadpeo Ani [n3a2f]e. rLoesaivdees Aof [a3n2o].thLeera svpeescioefs,a Cnoostthues rpiscptuesc,i hesa,vCe obseteuns rpeicptourst,edh atvoe cobneteaninr eflpaovrotneodidtso scuocnht aaisn kflaaevmopnfoeirdols, s3u,4c-hdi aOs-kMaee-mqupefrecreotli,n 3a,4n-dd iphOe-nMoeli-cq auceirdcse tsiuncha nads p2,h5-edniohlyicdraocxiydbsesnuzcohic aasci2d,,5 O-d-ichoyudmroaxriycb aecnizdo, ipc-hacyiddr,oOxy-cboeunmzoaicr icacaidci dth,apt- hpyodssreosxsy gboeondzo aicntaiocxididtahnatt, panotsis-einsfslagmoomdataonrtyio, xhiydpaongt,lyacnetmi-iinc flaanmdm reantoarl yf,uhnycptioognlsy c[e1m4,3ic3]a. nTdhere vnaasltf umnecdtiiocinnsal[ 1a4p,3p3l]i.caTthioenvs aosft emxetrdaicctins aolfa Cpopsltiucas taiofenr sporfoemxptrtaecdts thofe Caonsttiumsiacfreorbpiraol manpdte adntthioexaindtaimnti cervoabliuaaltaionnd oafn tsiiolvxeidr annatneovpaalurtaitciloens soyfnstihlveesrizneadn obpy atrhtiec laeqsuseyonuths elseiazfe edxbtryactht eofa qthuieso pulsalneta mfeaxtterraicatl.o Tfhthei srepslualnt twmaast ecroimalp. Tarheedr ewsiuthlt wthaast ocobmtapinaerded frwomith btahraet aoqbutaeionuesd lefraof mexbtraarcet aoqf uCeoosutussl eaafefre axntrda csttaonfdCaorsdt udsraufgers.a ndstandarddrugs. 22.. RReessuullttss aanndd DDiissccuussssiioonn 2.1. UV-VisibleSpectroscopy 2.1. UV-Visible Spectroscopy UV-visiblespectroscopyisavaluabletechniqueusedtodetectthecharacteristicsurfaceplasmon UV-visible spectroscopy is a valuable technique used to detect the characteristic surface plasmon resonance(SPR)patternofmetalnanoparticles. MetalnanoparticlesexhibitSPRphenomenawhen resonance (SPR) pattern of metal nanoparticles. Metal nanoparticles exhibit SPR phenomena when metalelectronsintheconductionbandcollectivelyoscillateinresonancewithcertainwavelengthsof metal electrons in the conduction band collectively oscillate in resonance with certain wavelengths incidentlight.ThesynthesiswasmonitoredinatimedependentmannerusingUV-visiblespectroscopy of incident light. The synthesis was monitored in a time dependent manner using UV-visible asshowninFigure1. spectroscopy as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. UV-vis spectra showing the surface plasmon resonance exhibited by the nanoparticles at Figure1. UV-visspectrashowingthesurfaceplasmonresonanceexhibitedbythenanoparticlesat different time intervals. differenttimeintervals. The UV-visible spectra showed an early appearance of a surface plasmon resonance peak (SPR) TheUV-visiblespectrashowedanearlyappearanceofasurfaceplasmonresonancepeak(SPR) with high intensity after 10 min. However, as the reaction time increased, the sharpness of the SPR withhighintensityafter10min.However,asthereactiontimeincreased,thesharpnessoftheSPR peak increased too. This is often a factor of the size, shape dispersion; nature of biomolecules and peakincreasedtoo. Thisisoftenafactorofthesize,shapedispersion; natureofbiomoleculesand surrounding media characteristics of the phytochemical reducing agent, as different extracts give varying SPR results [34–36]. The range of the wavelengths throughout the incubation time was within 405–411 nm, with continuous increase in intensity which reflects the presence of a considerable amount of monodispersed and stable AgNPs. AgNPs absorb radiation intensely within the observed Molecules2017,22,701 4of20 surrounding media characteristics of the phytochemical reducing agent, as different extracts give varyingSPRresults[34–36].Therangeofthewavelengthsthroughouttheincubationtimewaswithin 405–411 nm, with continuous increase in intensity which reflects the presence of a considerable amMouolnectuloesf 2m01o7,n 2o2,d 7i0s1p ersedandstableAgNPs. AgNPsabsorbradiationintenselywithintheob4 soef 2r0v ed wavelengths. Theexactmechanismfortheextracellularbiosynthesisofmetalnanoparticlesisnotwell wavelengths. The exact mechanism for the extracellular biosynthesis of metal nanoparticles is not understood,butstudiesareinprogresstounravelthemechanismofthecrystalgrowthandhowto well understood, but studies are in progress to unravel the mechanism of the crystal growth and controlthesize,aswellashowtodevelopparticlesofhighermonodispersity[37]. how to control the size, as well as how to develop particles of higher monodispersity [37]. 2.2. FTIRAnalysis 2.2. FTIR Analysis FTIR spectroscopy was used to identify the possible biomolecules present in Costus afer leaf FTIR spectroscopy was used to identify the possible biomolecules present in Costus afer leaf powder which are responsible for reducing the Ag+ to Ag0, capping and stabilizing the silver powder which are responsible for reducing the Ag+ to Ag0, capping and stabilizing the silver nannoapnaorptaicrlteicsl.esT. hTeheF TFTIRIRs pspeeccttrraa rreeccoorrddeedd ffoorr tthhee leleaaf fanadn dCACA-A-gANgPNsP asrea prerepserensteedn tiend FiinguFrieg 2u. re2. (b) (a) Figure 2. The FTIR spectra of the (a) Costus afer leaf and (b) biosynthesized AgNPs. Figure2.TheFTIRspectraofthe(a)Costusaferleafand(b)biosynthesizedAgNPs. The FTIR spectrum of leaf powder showed peaks at 3307, 1625, 1375, and 1029 cm−1 which are simThilearF tToI Rpesapkesc otrbusmervoefdl eina fCpAo-wAdgeNrPssh. oOwnelyd ap selaigkhsta vta3r3ia0t7io,n1 6a2t5 t,h1e3 l7ig5a,tainndg s1i0te2s9 mcman−if1ewstsh itchhata re simbiiloamrtoolepcuealek asdosbosreprtvioend oinn tCheA s-iAlvgeNr oPcsc.uOrrendly. Tahsel ivgihbrtavtiaorniaatl ipoenaka tatrhoeunlidg a3t3i0n7g csmit−e1 sism asasnigifneesdts toth at bioνm(Ool–eHcu) lsetraedtcshoirnpgt iothnato ncotuhled spilovsesribolycc eumrraenda.tTe hfreovmib craartbioonhayldpraetaeks aorro puhnedno3l3ic0s7. cTmhe− 1peisakass sfiogunnedd to ν(Oa–roHu)nsdt r2e9t1c7h ianngd t2h8a4t9 ccomu−l1d apreo assscibrilbyede mtoa nthaet e–Cfr-oHm stcraetrcbho ohfy tdhrea atelksyol rgprohuepn, oalnicds .thTeh peepake aakrosufnodu n d aro1u6n2d5 c2m91−17 ias nddue2 8to4 9thcem e−no1laicr eβ-adsickreitboendest oort h-Ce=–OC -sHtrestcthre otcf hcaorfbtohxeylaicl kaycildgsr, owuhpi,lea nthde tchoerrpesepaoknadrinogu nd 162-5Cc-mO −s1triestcdhu eist oobthseerveendo liacroβu-nddik e1t3o7n5e asnodr -1C0=29O csmtr−e1.t cThhoef acsasribgonxmyelinct aocfi dpse,awksh iilse sthimeiclaorr rteos poothnedri ng -C-Olitesrtarteutrceh riespoorbtsse [r3v8e,3d9]a. rTohuen dap1p3e7a5raannced o1f0 t2h9escem p−e1a.kTs hsuegagsessitgendm theen tproefsepnecaek osf isphsyimtoiclhaermtoicaoltsh er such as flavonoids, alkaloids, phenolics, organic acids of the Costus afer leaf in the CA-AgNPS, which literaturereports[38,39].Theappearanceofthesepeakssuggestedthepresenceofphytochemicals are responsible for stabilizing as well as the capping effects on the nanoparticles. The biomolecules may suchasflavonoids,alkaloids,phenolics,organicacidsoftheCostusaferleafintheCA-AgNPS,which have interacted with the Ag ions through their oxygen donor atoms and are adsorbed on the surface areresponsibleforstabilizingaswellasthecappingeffectsonthenanoparticles. Thebiomolecules of the metal ions which is manifested by a decrease in the peak intensities of bands observed in the mayhaveinteractedwiththeAgionsthroughtheiroxygendonoratomsandareadsorbedonthe AgNPs [34]. surfaceofthemetalionswhichismanifestedbyadecreaseinthepeakintensitiesofbandsobservedin theAgNPs[34]. 2.3. Microscopy/Compositional Analysis Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to study the surface morphology, shape and size of the nanoparticles and the nanocomposite. The images are presented in Figure 3a–d. The SEM image showed high density silver nanoparticles with Molecules2017,22,701 5of20 2.3. Microscopy/CompositionalAnalysis Scanningelectronmicroscopy(SEM)andtransmissionelectronmicroscopy(TEM)wereusedto sMtuodleycutlehs e20s1u7r, f2a2,c 7e0m1 orphology,shapeandsizeofthenanoparticlesandthenanocomposite. Thei5m oaf g20e s arepresentedinFigure3a–d.TheSEMimageshowedhighdensitysilvernanoparticleswithsurface surface morphology which reveals encapsulation of the biomass in the silver. Bio-capped molecules morphologywhichrevealsencapsulationofthebiomassinthesilver. Bio-cappedmoleculeshelpto help to prevent agglomeration of nanoparticles and also enhance antimicrobial activity [40,41]. preventagglomerationofnanoparticlesandalsoenhanceantimicrobialactivity[40,41].Semi-quantitative Semi-quantitative estimation of the nanoparticles composition was performed by EDS and the estimation of the nanoparticles composition was performed by EDS and the respective spots of the respective spots of the phytocapped CA-AgNPs are represented by labels 1 and 2 in Figure 3a. phytocappedCA-AgNPsarerepresentedbylabels1and2inFigure3a.Quantitativeanalysisprovides Quantitative analysis provides the weight % of all the elements present in the biosynthesized AgNPs the weight % of all the elements present in the biosynthesized AgNPs as: C (8.51%), Mg (0.16%), as: C (8.51%), Mg (0.16%), Cl (3.77%), Ag (60.33%), O (27.24%) and for the nanocomposites: C 61.95%, Cl(3.77%),Ag(60.33%),O(27.24%)andforthenanocomposites:C61.95%,O9.52%,Mg0.22%,Cl1.73%, O 9.52%, Mg 0.22%, Cl 1.73%, K 1.07%, Ag 25.51%. The presence of O, Cl, C and Mg peaks along K1.07%,Ag25.51%.ThepresenceofO,Cl,CandMgpeaksalongwithAgsignals,suggestthatthe with Ag signals, suggest that the AgNPs are bonded to phytoconstituents of the leaf extract. The Ag AgNPsarebondedtophytoconstituentsoftheleafextract.TheAgdetectionlimitismuchhigherthanfor detection limit is much higher than for all other trace elements present in the AgNPs while in the allothertraceelementspresentintheAgNPswhileintheCA-AgNPs/MWCNTnanocomposite,ahigher CA-AgNPs/MWCNT nanocomposite, a higher percentage of carbon was recorded. Hence, Ag spots percentageofcarbonwasrecorded.Hence,Agspotsareprevalentintheelementalmapping.Similar are prevalent in the elemental mapping. Similar works have reported the synthesis of AgNPs using workshavereportedthesynthesisofAgNPsusingextractsofA.farnesiana,Dracocephalummoldavica,pine, extracts of A. farnesiana, Dracoce phalummoldavica, pine, persimmon, magnolia, ginkgo, platanus, and persimmon,magnolia,ginkgo,platanus,andguavaextractswhichshowedthepresenceofC,Oand guava extracts which showed the presence of C, O and other minor elements with Ag having higher otherminorelementswithAghavinghigherpercentagecomposition[42–46].TheTEManalysisshowed percentage composition [42–46]. The TEM analysis showed well stabilized particles with spherical wellstabilizedparticleswithsphericalshapeandnegligibleaggregation. AsshowninFigure3b,the shape and negligible aggregation. As shown in Figure 3b, the size of the AgNPs is about 5–38 nm sizeoftheAgNPsisabout5–38nmrange.Figure3dshowstheintercalationoftheAgNPswiththe range. Figure 3d shows the intercalation of the AgNPs with the multiwalled carbon nanotube multiwalledcarbonnanotubesignifyingthewelldispersednatureofthecompositeandtheinteractive signifying the well dispersed nature of the composite and the interactive mode leading to enhanced modeleadingtoenhancedelectrochemicaldetection. electrochemical detection. Figure 3. (a) SEM and (b) TEM images of the as-synthesized Costus afer mediated silver nanoparticles Figure3.(a)SEMand(b)TEMimagesoftheas-synthesizedCostusafermediatedsilvernanoparticles (c) SEM and (d) TEM images of the CA-AgNPs/MWCNT. (c)SEMand(d)TEMimagesoftheCA-AgNPs/MWCNT. 2.4. Thermal and EDX Analysis Figure 4 shows the TGA/DSC/DTG graph of CA-AgNPs. The graph presents a three step decomposition process. The first step of the trace, which occurred in the 50–115 °C range, was due to the evaporation of water moisture and residual solvent molecules adsorbed on the surface of Molecules2017,22,701 6of20 2.4. ThermalandEDXAnalysis Figure 4 shows the TGA/DSC/DTG graph of CA-AgNPs. The graph presents a three step Mdeolceocumlesp 2o0s17it, i2o2n, 7p01r ocess. Thefirststepofthetrace,whichoccurredinthe50–115◦Crange,was6 odfu 2e0 to the evaporation of water moisture and residual solvent molecules adsorbed on the surface of AAggNNPPss.. TThhee sseeccoonndds tseteppw weiegihgthlto lsossbse btwetewenee1n1 61–1262–522◦5C ,°aCn, danthde tthheir dthsitredp sbteeptw beeetnw2e2e8n– 428208–◦C48w0 e°rCe wcoenrsee cqounesnecqeuseonfctehse osfu trhfaec esudrefasocerp dtieosnoropftbioion- oorfg bainoi-cocrgomanpico uconmdspporuensednst pinretsheennt ainn othpea rntiacnleoppoarwtidceler . pTohwesdeesru. gTgheesstet hsuagtgtheestr ethwaet rtehemreo rweethrea nmoonree ttyhpane oofnoer tgyapnei comf oorlgecaunliecs macotliencgulaess caacptipnign gasm caatpepriianlgs . mSilavteerriNalPs.s sStialvbeilri zNedPbsy sptalabniltizleeadf ebxytr apcltaanrte elexapfe cetxetdratcot baerme aedxepuepcteodf dtioff ebreen tmmaodlee cuuple sorfe sdpioffnesriebnlet mfoorltehceulreesd ruecstpioonnsoifbmle eftoarl tihoen raendduactlsioons toafb milieztianlg iotnh eapndar atilcsloe sstianbtihliezisnoglu tthieo npa[4r7ti]c.leOsv ienr athlle, tshoeluTtGioAn [r4e7s]u. lOtsvsehroawll, athleo sTsGoAfa rbeosuultt4s 0s.h5o%ww ae liogshst oufp atboo4u8t 040◦.C5.%A wcceoirgdhitn ugpt otot h4e80D °SCC. Acucrcvoer,dtihneg etloim thine aDtiSoCn coufrtvhee, twhea teelrimminoaleticounl eosf wthaes waanteern mdootlehceurlmesi cwcausr avne ewnidthothpeeramkitce cmuprveer awtuitrhe paeraoku ntedm9p5er◦aCtu,rwe hairloeutnhde 9d5e s°oCr,p wtiohnilse othfeth deebsioormptoiolencsu olef sthwee rbeioemxootlheceurmlesic wreearect ieoxnosthweritmhicp eraekactteiomnps ewraitthu rpeseaakr otuemndpe1r6a9tuarneds a3r0o0u◦nCd. T16h9is arnesdu 3lt0s0u °gCg.e sTthsitsh raetstuhlet psuhgygtoecshtse mthiacta ltshwe hpihcyhtaorceheremspicoanlss iwblheifcohr athree rreedspuoctnisoinbloef fAorg +thteo rAegd0u(cntiaonno poafr tAicgle+ )taor eAsgtr0o n(ngalynocpooarrdtiicnlea)t eadrteo stthreonsiglvlye rcaonodrdthinaatttehde ytoa rethree lasitlivveerly asntadb ltehcaot mthpeoyu nadres . rTehlaetirveesliyd usetarbelme acionminpgouafntders.h Tehatei nrgesiisduaep urermeasiilnvienrg maficterro shtreuactitnugr ei.s Tah peuErDe Xsilavnearl ymsiiscrcoasrtrriuecdtuoruet. Tohnet hEeDnXa naonpalayrstiisc lceasrbrieefdo roeutth eornm tahlea nnaanlyospiasrctoicnlefisr mbeefdorteh ethperremseanl caenaolfyCsi,sO co,Cnfli,rMmegda nthde Cparewsehnicche oafr eCd, Oue, Ctol, tMheg palnadn tCma awtehriicahl .aTreh educoe mtop tohsei tpiolannot fmthateerpialal.n Tthmea cyomdipffoesritbioanse odf othne tphleanetn mviaroyn dmifefenrt baansdedg eoong rtahpeh eicnavlirreognimonesnt[ 4a8n].dT gheeopgrreaspehniccealo rfeCgiaonnds O[48s]u. pTphoer tpsrtehseenFcTeI Rofr eCsu altnsdw Oh icshupspuogrgtess tthede FcaTrIbRo hreysdurlatste wsohricphh seungogliecsstaesd ccoamrbpoohnyednrtastoefs tohre pphlaenntoelixctsr aacst scaonmdpaotntaecnhtsm oefn tthoef tphleanptl aenxttreaxcttrsa catntdo athtteacshilmveernwt oasf tvhiea poxlayngte enx.tract to the silver was via oxygen. 100 4 90 1 3 n) Weight (%) 7800 Heat Flow (W/g) -10 2 eriv. Weight (%/mi D 1 60 -2 50 0 0 200 400 600 800 Exo Up Temperature (°C) Universal V4.7A TA Instrum FFiigguurree 44.. TTGG//DDTTGG aanndd DDSSCC ccuurrvveess ooff tthhee CCAA--AAggNNPPss oobbttaaiinneedd iinn nniittrrooggeenn aattmmoosspphheerree.. 22..55.. EElleeccttrroocchheemmiiccaall SSttuuddiieess ooff tthhee AAggNNPPss MMeeddiiaatteedd NNaannooccoommppoossiitteess AA ccoommppaarraattiivvee ssttuuddyy oonn tthhee cchhaarrggee ttrraannssffeerr pprrooppeerrttiieess ooff tthhee bbaarree aanndd mmooddiiffiieedd ggllaassssyy ccaarrbboonn eelleeccttrrooddeess wwaass ppeerrffoorrmmeedd wwiitthh ccyycclliicc vvoollttaammmmeettrryy eexxppeerriimmeennttss.. TThhee CCVV wweerree ppeerrffoorrmmeedd iinn 55 mmMM FFee((CCNN))66]]44−/−[F/e[F(CeN(C)N6]3)−6 ]in3− 0i.1n M0.1 PMBSP (BscSa(ns craanter, a2t5e ,m25Vms−1V) sa−n1d) athned rtehseulrte issu pltriessepnretesden itne dFiignuFreig 5u. rAel5l . tAhlel tehleecetrleocdteros,d iensc,liundcliungd inthget hbearbea rGeCGEC, Esh,sohwoewde rdedreodxo pxepaekask slalbaeblelellde dAAAA’. ’.TThhisi srreeddooxx ppeeaakk wwaass aattttrriibbuutteedd ttoo tthhee FFee((CCNN))66]]44−−//[F[eF(eC(CNN)6])36−] 3r−edreodx opxrpocroescse.s sT.hTeh peepaeka kcucrurrernetn trersepspoonnsesse soof ftthhee ggllaassssyy ccaarrbboonn--mmooddiiffiieedd eelleeccttrrooddeess ffoolllloowweedd tthhee oorrddeerr:: CCAA--AAggNNPPss//MMWWCCNNTT ((339911 µµAA)) >> MMWWCCNNTT ((119922 µµAA)) >> GGCCEE (5(57.71.1µ Aµ)A>) C>A C-AAg-NAPgNs(P5s.6 3(5µ.6A3) .µTAhe).r eTwheerree nwoeorteh enroo bostehrevra bolebspeeravkabalteb apreeaGk CaEt, CbaAr-eA GgNCPEs, CanAd-AMgWNCPsN aTn,dw hMilWeoCnNthTe, wCAhi-lAe goNn Ptsh/eM CWAC-ANgTNmPso/dMifiWedCNeleTc tmrooddeisfi,etdh eesleecctornoddepsa, irthoef sreedcoonxdp epaakirs oBfB r’e(dFoigxu preea4k)s iBnBt’h (eFirgeugiroen 4s) oinf 0th.8e6 rmegVioanns dof0 .04.786m mVVw aenrde 0a.t4tr7i bmuVte dwetoret haettrsiiblvueterdn aton othpea rstiilcvleers nanoparticles redox process. This comparative study shows that the CA-AgNPs/MWCNT-modified glassy carbon electrode demonstrated faster charge transport behaviour which is evidenced in the observed anodic current response. The anodic current density of each modified electrode in Fe(CN)6]4−/[Fe(CN)6]3− redox probe follows the order: CA-AgNPs/MWCNT (550 mA/cm2) > MWCNT (270 mA/cm2) > GCE (80 mA/cm2) > CA-AgNPs (7.93 mA/cm2). Therefore the glassy carbon electrode modified with CA-AgNPs/MWCNT remains the best electrode owing to the Molecules2017,22,701 7of20 redoxprocess. ThiscomparativestudyshowsthattheCA-AgNPs/MWCNT-modifiedglassycarbon electrodedemonstratedfasterchargetransportbehaviourwhichisevidencedintheobservedanodic currentresponse. TheanodiccurrentdensityofeachmodifiedelectrodeinFe(CN) ]4−/[Fe(CN) ]3− 6 6 redox probe follows the order: CA-AgNPs/MWCNT (550 mA/cm2) > MWCNT (270 mA/cm2) >GCE(80mA/cm2)>CA-AgNPs(7.93mA/cm2). Thereforetheglassycarbonelectrodemodified Molecules 2017, 22, 701 7 of 20 withCA-AgNPs/MWCNTremainsthebestelectrodeowingtotheelectrontransportpropertieswith currentdensityhigherthanthatofothermodifiedelectrodes. Thestudyfurthershowsthedistribution electron transport properties with current density higher than that of other modified electrodes. The ofCA-AgNPsinthecarbonnanotubesasshowninFigure3d. study further shows the distribution of CA-AgNPs in the carbon nanotubes as shown in Figure 3d. 1.5 (a) 1.0 0.5 A m 0.0 I / -0.5 -1.0 GEC GCE/MWCNT/CA-Ag GCE/CA-Ag -1.5 GCE/MWCNT -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 E/V (Ag/AgCl Vs sat'd KCl) FFiigguurree 55.. CCyycclliicc VVooltlatammmmooggrraammsso offG GCCEE//CCAA--AAgg ((ggrreeeenn)),, bbaarree GGCCEE (b(blalacckk)),,G GCCEE//MMWWCCNNTT ((bblluuee)),, aanndd GGCCEE//CCAA--AAgg//MMWWCCNNTT ((rreedd)) inin5 5mmMMF eF(eC(CNN)6)]64]−4−//[[FFee((CCNN))66]]33− −sosloulutitoinon pprreeppaarreedd iinn 00..11MM PPBBSS aatt ssccaann rraattee 2255 mmVVss−−11. . TThhee ssyynneerrggyy bebtewtweeene nMWMCWNCTN aTnda CndA-CAAgN-APgs NnaPnsocnoamnopcoosmitep ions eitnehainnceinngh tahnec einlegctrthone terlaencstproonrt tpraroncsepsosr tobptraoicneesds aotb ttahien eGdCaEt mthoedGifCieEd meleocdtirfioeddese lies cwtroeldl epsriosnwouenllcepdro. nTohuen ccoendd.uTchteivceo nnadtuucrtei voef nmautultriewoafllmedu lctiawrbaollne dncaanrobtounben athnoutsu ibmepthrouvseism tphreo vpersoptheertpierso poef rgtireeseonf pglraenetn epxltarnatcte-xmtreadcita-mteedd siailtveedr snilavneorpnaarntiocpleasr taicnldes tahned itohneicio ninicteirnatcetriaocnt iobnetbweetwene etnheth eCACA-A-AgNgNPsP snnaannoococommppoosistiete aanndd MMWWCCNNTTss wwhhiicchh rreessuullttss iinns siiggnniifificcaanntte eleleccttrroonnt rtraannssppoorrtta attt htheeG GCCEE//CCAA--AAggNNPPss//MMWWCCNNTT--mmooddiiffiieedd eelleeccttrrooddeess.. SSiimmiillaarrllyy,, tthhee llaarrggee ssuurrffaaccee aarreeaa ccrreeaatteedd bbyy tthhee ppoorroouuss MMWWCCNNTT oonn tthhee eelleeccttrrooddee ffoorr ffrreeee flflooww ooff eelleeccttrroollyytteess aanndd cchhaarrggeess bbeettwweeeenn tthhee bbaassee eelleeccttrrooddee aanndd tthhee eelleeccttrrooaaccttiivvee ssppeecciieess aatt tthhee eelleeccttrrooddee ssuurrffaaccee iiss aalslsoo aannooththeerri mimppoorrtatannttf afactcotorrf oforrt hteheb ebtetettrerp epreforfromrmanacneceo foGf CGEC/EC/CAA-A-AggNNPPs/s/MMWWCCNNTT eelleeccttrrooddeess.. TThhee ppeeaakk-t-oto-p-peaeka kppotoetnetniatil aslespeapraatriaotnio (nΔE(∆pE) pfo)rf tohret hCeAC-AAg-NAPgsN/MPsW/MCNWTC eNleTctreoledcetsr oisd ≥e s10is0 ≥mV10, 0wmhiVch, wish gicrehaitserg trheaante trhteh athneothreetitchael o5r9e.t8i cmalV5 9e.x8pmecVtede xfpore cat efdastf oornae-fealestctoronne -terlaencstrpoonrt.t rAanlssop, othrte. Aralstioo,st hoef trhaeti oasnoodfitch etoa tnhoed cicatthootdhiec cpaetahko dcuicrrpeenatk recusprroennster (eIsppao/Inpsce) (fIopra C/IAp-cA)gfoNrPCsA/M-AWgNCNPsT/ MeleWctCroNdTe ealreec tarpopdreoaxriemaapteplryo xuinmitayt,e ilnyduicnaittyiv,ein odfi caa rteivveerosfibalere evleercstirbolceheelmecitcraolc phreomceicsasl. process. FFuurrtthheerrmmoorree,, tthhee eeffffeecctt ooff cchhaannggeess iinn ssccaann rraatteef rfroomm2 255––550000m mVVss−−11 oonn tthhee aannooddiicc ccuurrrreenntt ((IIppaa)) aanndd ccaatthhooddiicc ccuurrrreenntt ((IIppcc)) aattt thheem mooddifiifeieddC CAA-A-AggNNPPss//MMWWCCNNTT eelleeccttrrooddee wwaass ssttuuddiieedd ffoorr tthhee ssaammee pprroobbee uussininggc yccylcilcicv ovlotaltmammmeterytryex epxepriemriemnetsn.tsB.o Bthotthh ethane oadniocdciucr rceunrtre(Inpta )(Iapnad) caantdh ocdaitchcoudrirce ncutr(rIpenc)t i(nIpcrce)a isnecdrewasiethd iwncitrhe aisnecrineasscea inn rsactaens arastsehs oaws nshionwFnig iunr eFi6gau.rTeh 6eap. lTohteo pflaonto odfi canaonddicc aatnhdo dciacthpoedaikc cpuerarken ctu(Irprean)tv a(Irpieas) lvinaeraiersly liwnietahrltyh ewinitchr etahsee iinncsrceaanser aitne ss(c2a5n– 5r0a0tems V(2s5−–15,0F0i gmurVes6−1b, ),Fwigiuthrer e6gbr)e, swsioitnh vraeglureesssoiofnR v2a=lu0e.s9 9o8f aRn2 d= 00..999958 faonrda 0n.o9d95ic faonr dancoadthico daincdp cloattshordesicp epcltoivtse lrye,spcoenctfiivrmelyin, gcoandfiirfmfuisnigo na cdoinffturosilolend cpornotcreosllse.d process. IInn aaddddiittiioonn,, tthhee ppeeaakk ppootteennttiiaall mmoovveedd ttoo mmoorree ppoossiittiivvee vvaalluueess aass tthhee ssccaann rraattee iinnccrreeaasseedd.. TThhiiss iiss sshhoowwnn iinn tthhee lliinneeaarr ccoorrrreellaattiioonn ooff tthhee ggrraapphh ooff ppeeaakk ppootteennttiiaall ((EEpp)) aaggaaiinnsstt tthhee llooggaarriitthhmm ooff ssccaann rraattee ((lloogg vv)).. TThhee ssllooppee ooff EEpp vvss.. lloogg vν ffoorr tthhee mmooddiififieedd eelleeccttrrooddee CCAA--AAggNNPPss//MMWWCCNNTT wwaass 00..1100 VV.. FFrroomm tthhee ssllooppee oobbttaaiinneedd,, tthhee TTaaffeell vvaalluuee ((bb)) wwaass eessttiimmaatteedd bbyy uussiinngg tthhee eexxpprreessssiioonn pprreesseenntteedd inin EEqquuaatitoionn (1(1) )[4[499].] . (cid:3029) E ( ) log (v/mVs−1) + constant (1) (cid:2900) (cid:2880) (cid:2870) From the equation, the value of b for this electrode was calculated as 200 mVdec−1. This value is higher than the theoretical 118 mVdec−1 for a one-electron process involved in the rate-determining step. Therefore the high Tafel values suggest adsorption of reactants or intermediates on the electrode surfaces and/or reactions occurring within a porous electrode structure [50]. This process at the modified CA-AgNPs/MWCNT electrode can be linked with the porous CNT layer [49]. Molecules2017,22,701 8of20 b E = ( ) log(v/mVs−1)+constant (1) P 2 Fromtheequation,thevalueofbforthiselectrodewascalculatedas200mVdec−1. Thisvalueis higherthanthetheoretical118mVdec−1foraone-electronprocessinvolvedintherate-determining step. ThereforethehighTafelvaluessuggestadsorptionofreactantsorintermediatesontheelectrode surfaces and/or reactions occurring within a porous electrode structure [50]. This process at the modifiedCA-AgNPs/MWCNTelectrodecanbelinkedwiththeporousCNTlayer[49]. Molecules 2017, 22, 701 8 of 20 3.0 (a) 1.5 A m 0.0 I / 25 mVs-1 50 mVs-1 -1.5 100 mVs-1 200 mVs-1 300 mVs-1 -3.0 400 mVs-1 500 mVs-1 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 E/V (Ag/AgCl Vs sat'd KCl) 2 y = 3.628 X - 0.21 R2 = 0.998 1 (b) 0 A m I / -1 -2 y = -5.88X - 0.44 R2 = 0.995 -3 -4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 V 1/2 (mV S-1) 1/2 FFiigguurree 66.. CCyycclliicc vvoollttaammmmooggrraammss oobbttaaiinneedd ffoorr ((aa))G GCCEE//CCAA--AAggNNPPss//MMWWCCNNTT iinn FFEECCNN ssoolluuttiioonn pprreeppaarreedd iinn 00.1.1M MP PBBSS( s(csacnanra rtae:te2:5 2–55–0500m0 VmsV−s1−;1i;n innenretro toou oteurt)e;r()b; )(bL)i nLeianrepalro ptslootfsI poaf vIpsa. vVs1. /V21a/2n adnIdp cIpvcs v.sV. 1V/12/2 ffoorr GGCCEE//CCAA--AAggNNPPss//MMWWCCNNTT inin 55 mmMM FFee(C(CNN)6)]64]−4/[−F/e[(FCeN(C)6N]3−) 6s]o3l−utsioolnu ptiroenpparreedpa irne d0.1in M0 .P1BMS.P BS. 22..66.. EElleeccttrroocchheemmiiccaall IImmppeeddaannccee SSppeeccttrroossccooppiicc ((EEIISS)) SSttuuddiieess FFuurrtthheerr iinnvveessttiiggaattiioonn oonn tthhee eelleeccttrroonn ttrraannssppoorrtt pphheennoommeennoonn aatt tthhee eelleeccttrrooddee--eelleeccttrroollyyttee iinntteerrffaaccee wwaass ccaarrrriieedd oouutt bbyy uussiinngg eelleeccttrroocchheemmiiccaall iimmppeeddaannccee ssppeeccttrroossccooppiicc ((EEIISS)) tteecchhnniiqquueess [[5511,,5522]] iinn 55 mmMM [[FFee((CCNN))6]]44−−/[/F[eF(eC(NCN)6])3− ]3s−olusotilounti oant aa tfaixfiexde pdopteontetniatli aolfo 0f.02. 2VV. .TThhee NNyyqquuiisstt pplloottss oobbttaaiinneedd ffrroomm tthhee 6 6 iimmppeeddaannccee eexxppeerrimimeennt t(a(ta tfixfiexde dpoptoentetinatli aolf o0f.20 V.2 vVs. vAsg./AAgg/CAl, gsaCtl’d, sKatC’dl) KbeCtwl)ebeent w10e eKnH1z0 aKndH 0z.1a nHdz are presented in Figure 7a for the glassy carbon modified electrode CA-AgNPs/MWCNT, CA-AgNPs, 0.1 Hz are presented in Figure 7a for the glassy carbon modified electrode CA-AgNPs/MWCNT, MWCNT and bare GCE, respectively. The fitting of the impedance data was done by using circuit CA-AgNPs, MWCNTandbareGCE,respectively. Thefittingoftheimpedancedatawasdoneby model in the Nova 1.6 Software presented in Figures 7b(i–ii). In this circuit model, Rs is the solution usingcircuitmodelintheNova1.6SoftwarepresentedinFigure7b(i,ii). Inthiscircuitmodel,Rsis trheesisstoalnucteio, nCdrl erseipstraensecnet,sC ther depourebsleen latsyethr ecadpoaucbitlaenlcaey, eQr ocar pCaPcEit aisn tchee, QcoonrstCanPtE pihsatshee ecleomnsetnatn, tanpdh aRscet dl is the charge transfer resistance. The circuit RQ ([RC]) Figure 7b(i) was used for CA-AgNPs/MWCNT, element, and Rct is the charge transfer resistance. The circuit RQ ([RC]) Figure 7b(i) was used for MWCNT and CA-AgNPs, while R(Q[RW]) Figure 7b(ii) was used for the bare GCE electrode. The CA-AgNPs/MWCNT,MWCNTandCA-AgNPs,whileR(Q[RW])Figure7b(ii)wasusedforthebare impedance parameters obtained from the fitting of the raw impedance spectra with the circuits are presented in Table 1. The electron transfer resistance Rct value recorded for the modified CA-AgNPs/MWCNT electrode had better electron transport with lower Rct values compared with the bare and CA-AgNps electrodes, as shown in Table 1, and these results agreed with that from CV where the conductive properties of the MWCNT influence the increase in current response recorded at the modified CA-AgNPs/MWCNT electrode. Molecules2017,22,701 9of20 GCEelectrode.Theimpedanceparametersobtainedfromthefittingoftherawimpedancespectrawith thecircuitsarepresentedinTable1.TheelectrontransferresistanceRctvaluerecordedforthemodified CA-AgNPs/MWCNTelectrodehadbetterelectrontransportwithlowerRctvaluescomparedwith thebareandCA-AgNpselectrodes,asshowninTable1,andtheseresultsagreedwiththatfromCV wheretheconductivepropertiesoftheMWCNTinfluencetheincreaseincurrentresponserecordedat Molecules 2017, 22, 701 9 of 20 themodifiedCA-AgNPs/MWCNTelectrode. 600 (a) 450 Ω z ' / 300 GCE/MWCNT 150 GCE/CA-Ag GCE GCE/CA-Ag/MWCNT 0 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 z '' / Ω (bi) (bii) (b) FigureF7ig.uTrey p7i.c TalypNicyaql uNisytqupilsot tspl(oat)s o(ab)t aoibnteaidnefdo rfothr etheel eecletrcotrdoedsesi nin5 5m mMM FFee((CCNN))6]]44−−/[/F[eF(Ce(NC)N6]3)− ]3− solution prepared in 0.1 M PBS (pH 7) at a fixed potential of 0.2 V (vs. Ag|AgCl,6 saturated KCl6) solutionpreparedin0.1MPBS(pH7)atafixedpotentialof0.2V(vs. Ag|AgCl, saturatedKCl) (b i,ii) represent the circuits used in the fitting of the EIS data. (b(i,ii))representthecircuitsusedinthefittingoftheEISdata. Table 1. Impedance data obtained for the bare GCE and the modified electrodes in 5 mM Table F1e.(CNIm)6]p4−e/d[Faen(CceN)d6]a3−t saoloubtitoani naet d0.2f oVr (vtsh. eAgb|aAregCGl sCaEturaantedd KthCel). mAoll dviafilueeds weleercet roobdtaeisneidn fr5omm M Fe(CNt)h6e]4 f−it/te[dF eim(CpNed)a6n]3c−e sspoelcutrtaio. Tnhaet v0a.l2ueVs i(nv sp.arAengt|hAesgesC alrsea ptuerrcaetnetd erKroCrsl) o.fA dlaltav afiltutiensg.w ereobtained fromthefittedimpedancespectra.Thevaluesinparenthesesarepercenterrorsofdatafitting. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Data Electrodes R (Ω) Q (×106 nF) R (Ω) W × 102 EslectrochemicalImpedanceScptectroscopyData ElectrodGesCE 116.10 (1.04) 4.53 (4.05) 1572.00 (1.14) 0.14 (10.97) Rs(ΩE)lectrocQhe(m×i1c0a6l InmF)pedanceR Sctp(eΩct)roscopy DWat×a 102 Electrodes GCE 116.10(R1.0(4Ω)) 4Q.5 3(×(140.065 n)F) 157R2.0(0Ω()1.14) C0.14 (u(1F0). 97) s ct dl GCE/MWCNT 82.E30le (c0t.r5o9c)h em0i.c3a6l (I3m.3p3e) dan1c5e.0S0p (e2c7t.r0o5s)c op3y02D.1a0ta (23.24) Electrodes GCE/CA-AgNPs Rs72(Ω.20) (0.50) Q(0×.6160 (62.n5F2)) 76.R50c t(4(Ω.36)) 399.C00d l(4(u.6F5)) GCE/CA-AgNPs/MWCNT 76.10 (2.37) 0.21 (5.46) 74.70 (11.74) 100.30 (9.79) GCE/MWCNT 82.30(0.59) 0.36(3.33) 15.00(27.05) 302.10(23.24) GCE/CA-AgNPs 72.20(0.50) 0.66(2.52) 76.50(4.36) 399.00(4.65) The Bodes plots (Figure 8a,b) show the capacitive (charge storage) or resistance to charge GCE/CA-AgNPs/MWCNT 76.10(2.37) 0.21(5.46) 74.70(11.74) 100.30(9.79) transfer behaviour of some of the modified electrodes. The CA-AgNPs/MWCNT, CA-Ag and MWCNT-modified electrodes have lower phase angles, 4.3°, 4.6° and 1.3° respectively compared ThweitBho tdhee sbparloe tGsC(FEi g(5u0r.e4°8)a. ,Tbh)es hreoswulttsh aelscoa paagcreiteidv ew(icthh atrhgee Rsctto vraagluee)so wrhreicshis itmanpcley tao fcahstaerrg cehtarragne sfer behavitoruanrsoffers opmroeceosfst hate tmheo dCiAfi-eAdgeNlePcst/rModWesC.NTTh-emCoAdi-fAiegdN gPlass/sMy cWarCboNnT e,lCecAtr-oAdge.a TnhduMs, WthCe NloTw-emr othdeif ied electropdheasseh aavneglelo, wtheer lopwhears ethae ncgalpeasc,it4iv.3e◦ b,e4h.6av◦ioaunrd a1n.d3 ◦three shpigehcetirv tehley ccoonmdupcatirveed owr icthhartghee trbaanrsefeGr CE properties of the sensor [53]. Molecules2017,22,701 10of20 (50.4◦).TheresultsalsoagreedwiththeRctvalueswhichimplyafasterchargetransferprocessatthe CA-AgNPs/MWCNT-modifiedglassycarbonelectrode. Thus,thelowerthephaseangle,thelowerthe Molecules 2017, 22, 701 10 of 20 capacitivebehaviourandthehighertheconductiveorchargetransferpropertiesofthesensor[53]. 70 GCE/MWCNT/CA-Ag GCE/CA-Ag 60 GCE (a) GCE/MWCNT 50 e e gr e 40 d e / gl 30 n a se 20 a h P - 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 log (f/Hz) GCE/MWCNT/CA-Ag 3.2 GCE/CA-Ag (b) GCE GCE/MWCNT 2.8 Ω| Z / g | lo 2.4 2.0 0 1 2 3 4 log (f/Hz)) Figure8.Bodeplotsobtainedforsomeoftheelectrodes,showing(a)theplotsofphaseangle/deg.vs. loFgig(fu/rHe z8).) Baondde (pbl)otths eopbltoaitnoefdl ofogr| sZo/mΩe |ofv tsh.el oegle(cft/roHdze)s., showing (a) the plots of phase angle/deg. vs. log (f/Hz)) and (b) the plot of log |Z/Ω| vs. log (f/Hz). Thechargetransferresistance(Rct)valuescalculatedafterfittingtheEISdatatotheRandle's The charge transfer resistance (Rct) values calculated after fitting the EIS data to the Randle's eqeuqiuviavlaelnenttc icricrucuitit inin TTabablele 11s usuggggeesststs ththee ssuuitiatabbiilliittyy ooff GGCCEE//CCAA--AAggNNPPs/sM/MWWCNCTN Tas aas agogoodo d cocnodnudcutcitninggp plalatftoforrmm ffoorr eelleeccttrrooccaattaallyyssiiss.. TThhiiss bbeehhaavvioiouurr mmaayy bbe edduue etot othteh esysnyenregryg ybebtweteweene ntheth e hihgihglhylyc ocnondduuctcitninggs silivlveerrn naannooppaarrttiicclleess aanndd tthhee ppoorroouuss ccoonndduucctitningg MMWWCCNNT Twwithit hlarlagreg seusrufarcfea caereaar,e a, thtuhsusfa fcaicliiltiattaitninggm moorreec chhaarrggee flflooww ((aatt lloowweerr cchhaarrggee ttrraannssffeerr rreessisistatanncece) )bbetewtweeene nthteh eeleelcetrcotrlyotley taenadn d thteheG GCCe leelcetcrtoroddee..T Thhee rreessuulltt wwaass ffuurrtthheerr ssuuppppoorrtteedd bbyy tthhee hhigighheer rcucurrrernetn trersepsopnosnes ererceocrodredde dat at GGCEC/EC/CAA--AAggNNPPss//MMWWCCNNTT eelelecctrtrooddee frforomm ththee CCVV eexxppeerirmimenent. tT.hTeh eeleelcetcrtorcohcehmemicaicl asltustduyd tyhtehreefroerfeo re prporvoevsetsh tahtaftu fnucntciotinoanlaizliaztaiotinono foCf CAA-A-AgNgNPPssw witihthc oconndduuctcitninggm maateterriaialls suucchha assM MWWCCNNTTt otoi mimpprroovveei ts elietcst reolecchtreomchiceamlpicraol pperrotpieesrteiestsa ebsltiasbhleisdhtehde tfhaec tfathcta tthmato mdiofideidfieCdA C-AAg-ANgPNsP/sM/MWWCCNNTTe leelecctrtoroddeec caannb e usbeed uassedp oatse pnotitaelnetilaelc terloeccthreomchiecmalisceanl sseonrssofrosr ftohre thdee tdeectteioctnioonf obfi oblioogloicgaiclaml moleocleucluelse.s. 2.72..7A. AntnitbiabcatcetreirailalS Stutuddieiess OOneneo fotfh tehme aminaionb ojebcjteicvteivseosf obfi obiinooinrgoargnaicniacn danmd emdiecdinicainlcahl ecmheimstsisitss tios dtoe vdeelovpelosup bssutabnstcaenscwesi th hiwghithth heirgahp ethuetricapveaulutiecs v[a5l4u]e.sT [h5e4]r.i sTihneg rpisrienvga lpernecvealoefnmceu olft im-durultgi-drerusigs traenstisbtaanctt ebraiaclteirnifael citniofencstiionnsth e in the past few decades has become a serious healthcare problem. A growing number of immuno-compromised patients (with immune responses attenuated by the administration of immunosuppressive drugs) as a result of cancer chemotherapy, organ transplantation and HIV infection are the major factors contributing to this increase [55]. Hence there will always be a vital

afer leaf extract on the surface of the silver nanoparticles. Lynn, G.; Milosavljevic, B.H.; Meisel, D. Redox catalysis on “naked” silver nanoparticles.
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