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Preview Silicon Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits

SpringerSeriesin advanced microelectronics 13 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH SpringerSeriesin advanced microelectronics SeriesEditors: K.Itoh T.Lee T.Sakurai W.M.C.Sansen D.Schmitt-Landsiedel TheSpringerSeriesinAdvancedMicroelectronicsprovidessystematicinformationon allthetopicsrelevantforthedesign,processing,andmanufacturingofmicroelectronic devices.Thebooks,eachpreparedbyleadingresearchersorengineersintheirfields, cover the basic and advanced aspects of topics such as wafer processing, materials, devicedesign,devicetechnologies,circuitdesign,VLSIimplementation,andsubsys- temtechnology.Theseriesformsabridgebetweenphysicsandengineeringandthe volumeswillappealtopracticingengineersaswellasresearchscientists. 1 CellularNeuralNetworks 9 LowDielectricConstantMaterials Chaos,Complexity forICApplications andVLSIProcessing Editors:P.S.Ho,J.Leu,W.W.Lee ByG.Manganaro,P.Arena, 10 Lock-inThermography andL.Fortuna BasicsandUse 2 TechnologyofIntegratedCircuits forFunctionalDiagnostics ByD.Widmann,H.Mader, ofElectronicComponents andH.Friedrich ByO.Breitenstein 3 FerroelectricMemories andM.Langenkamp ByJ.F.Scott 11 High-FrequencyBipolarTransistors 4 MicrowaveResonatorsandFilters Physics,Modelling,Applications forWirelessCommunication ByM.Reisch Theory,DesignandApplication 12 CurrentSenseAmplifiers ByM.MakimotoandS.Yamashita forEmbeddedSRAM 5 VLSIMemoryChipDesign inHigh-Performance ByK.Itoh System-on-a-ChipDesigns ByB.Wicht 6 SmartPowerICs TechnologiesandApplications 13 SiliconOptoelectronic Ed.byB.Murari,R.Bertotti, IntegratedCircuits andG.A.Vignola ByH.Zimmermann 7 NoiseinSemiconductorDevices ModelingandSimulation ByF.BonaniandG.Ghione 8 LogicSynthesisforAsynchronous ControllersandInterfaces ByJ.Cortadella,M.Kishinevsky, A.Kondratyev,L.Lavagno, andA.Yakovlev Horst Zimmermann Silicon Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits With291Figuresand19Tables 1 3 ProfessorDr.-Ing.HorstZimmermann Institutfu¨rElektrischeMess-undSchaltungstechnik TechnischeUniversita¨tWien Gusshausstraße25/354,1040Wien Austria E-mail:[email protected] SeriesEditors: Dr.KiyooItoh HitachiLtd.,CentralResearchLaboratory,1-280Higashi-Koigakubo Kokubunji-shi,Tokyo185-8601,Japan ProfessorThomasLee StanfordUniversity,DepartmentofElectricalEngineering,420ViaPalouMall,CIS-205 Stanford,CA94305-4070,USA ProfessorTakayasuSakurai CenterforCollaborativeResearch,UniversityofTokyo,7-22-1Roppongi Minato-ku,Tokyo106-8558,Japan ProfessorWillyM.C.Sansen KatholiekeUniversiteitLeuven,ESAT-MICAS,KasteelparkArenberg10 3001Leuven,Belgium ProfessorDorisSchmitt-Landsiedel TechnischeUniversita¨tMu¨nchen,Lehrstuhlfu¨rTechnischeElektronik Theresienstraße90,Geba¨udeN3,80290München,Germany ISSN1437-0387 ISBN 978-3-642-07351-9 LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData:Zimmermann,Horst,1957-Siliconoptoelectronicinte- gratedcircuits/HorstZimmermann.p.cm.–(Springerseriesinadvancedmicroelectronics;13)Includes bibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN 978-3-642-07351-9 ISBN 978-3-662-09904-9 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-09904-9 1.Integratedcircuits–Designandcon- struction.2.Optoelectronicdevices.I.Title.II.Series. TK7874.Z582003 621.3815–dc22 2003057315 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,reuseofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublicationor partsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965,inits currentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH. ViolationsareliableforprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. springeronline.com ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2004 Originally published by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York in 2004 Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply, evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelawsand regulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. TypesettingbytheauthorusingaSpringerLATEXmacropackage CoverconceptbyeStudioCalamarSteinenusingabackgroundpicturefromPhotoStudio"SONO".Courtesy ofMr.YukioSono,3-18-4Uchi-Kanda,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo Coverdesign:design&productionGmbH,Heidelberg Printedonacid-freepaper SPIN:11735885 57/3111-54321 Preface Sincethebook“IntegratedSiliconOptoelectronics”appearedinthe“Springer Series in Photonics” in 2000, a whole variety of silicon optoelectronic in- tegrated circuits (SOEICs) have been developed and introduced in many journals and conference proceedings. Therefore, a new book on these new SOEICs collecting and selecting the most interesting ones was highly desir- ableespeciallybecausethemainpartof“IntegratedSiliconOptoelectronics” concentrated on integrated photodetectors. This new book, in contrast, de- scribesconsiderablymorecircuitsimplementedasSOEICstogetherwith the photodetectors. Many design engineers in semiconductor companies, ASIC and design houses have to design SOEICs, OPTO-ASICs, image sensors or even smart pixelsensors.I also feelthat the number ofPh.D. students or diploma work- ers doing research and development in the field of optoelectronic circuits is constantly growing. This book, therefore, is intended as a second bridge (af- ter“IntegratedSiliconOptoelectronics”)betweenmicroelectronicsandopto- electronics.Usually, optoelectronics plays a minor role in electricalengineer- ing courses at universities. Physicists are taught optics but not very much semiconductor technology and chip design. This book covers the missing in- formation for engineers and physicists who want to know more about in- tegrated optoelectronic circuits (OEICs) in silicon technologies and about their rapidly emerging applications. The low-cost requirement permanently drives and pushes silicon OEICs in contrast to expensive III/V semiconduc- tor receiverOEICs. This book reflects this trend by stressingCMOSOEICs. BiCMOS OEICs with their better performance, however, are also described in detail, since they are still much cheaper than III/V OEICs. TheimportanceofOEICsisduetothefollowingadvantagesofmonolithic optoelectronicintegratedcircuits:(i)goodimmunityagainstelectromagnetic interference (EMI) because of very short interconnects between photodetec- torsandamplifiers,(ii)reducedchipareaduetotheeliminationofbondpads, (iii) improvedreliability due to the elimination of bondpads andbond wires, (iv) cheaper massproduction comparedto discrete circuits, wire-bondedcir- cuits, and hybrid integrated circuits, and (v) larger −3dB bandwidth com- pared to discrete circuits, wire-bonded circuits, and some hybrid integrated circuits due to the avoidanceof parasitic bondpad capacitances. VI Preface This book describes the basics and theory of photodetecors in compact form. The three chapters on integrated photodectors, thin-film detectors, and SiGe detectors desribe the properties of photodiodes, which were imple- mented in the circuits discussed later in this book. The chapter on design of integrated circuits covers analytical methods for calculating bandwidth. Methodsforcalculatinginputandoutputresistanceaswellaselectronicnoise of transimpedance amplifiers were also added. Furthermore, a transmission- line approach leading to a new π-model for integrated transimpedance am- plifiers was included. Inthelastandlongestchapter,newconceptsforDVDandCD-ROMOE- ICsandnewresultsonthesestilleconomicallymoreimportantkeydevicesfor optical storage systems were included. The state-of-the-art of fiber receiver OEICswasupdatedandnewmarketdemandslikeplasticopticfiberreceivers and burst-mode optical receivers are covered by the description of these re- ceiver circuits. The key topics systems-on-chip (SoC) and camera-on-chip (CoC) are included. Within CoCs, revolutionary three-dimensional single- chipCMOScamerasaredescribed.VariousCMOSandBiCMOSopticalsen- sor chips are introduced. Several innovative smart-sensor circuits are high- lighted. Furthermore, speed-enhancement techniques for fiber receivers and large-area, large-capacitance photodiodes are explained. The general trend towards deep-sub-micrometer analog-digital CMOS SoCs is considered with respect to OEICs. Finally, new optical interconnect and free-space receivers based on the optoelectronic phase-locked loop principle are introduced. Parts of the book have their origin in the lecture “Optoelectronic inte- grated circuits” started at Vienna University of Technology in 2001 and in the lecture “Optoelectronics” I had given from 1994 to 1999 at Kiel Univer- sity. This book, however, dives much deeper into the topic. The possibilities of SOEICs are described thoroughly with respect to circuits and some new integrated detectors like the innovative so-called spatially-modulated-light detector and the photonic mixer device (PMD) are added. The newest pub- lications on silicon OEICs up to 2003 are considered. I would like to thank Prof. Dr.-Ing. P. Seegebrecht from Kiel University, Germany,whereI beganresearchanddevelopmentonsiliconOEICs,for the generous possibility to work independently and to acquire the title ‘habilita- tus’. I am also indebted to Prof. Dr. H. Fo¨ll, who offered a waferprober for the characterization of the OEICs. The work of the OEIC group members at KielUniversity, A. Ghazi, T. Heide, M. Hohenbild, K. Kieschnick,and G. Volkholz, is highly appreciated. Three students, N. Madeja, F. Sievers, and U. Willecke,carefullyperformedsimulations andmeasurements.M.Wieseke and F. Wo¨lk helped with the preparation of numerous drawings. Special thanks go to R. Buchner from the Fraunhofer-Institute for Solid-State Tech- nology in Munich and H. Pless from Thesys Microelectronics (now Melexis) inErfurt,Germany,fortheirengagementinthefabricationofCMOSOEICs and BiCMOS OEICs, respectively. I gratefully acknowledge the funding of Preface VII the projects by the German ministry for education, science, research, and technology (BMBF) within the leading project ‘Optical Storage’. Atthe Institute forElectricalMeasurementsandCircuitDesign(EMST) at Vienna University of Technology, I would like to thank my colleague and head of the institute Gottfried Magerl for his great support towards a quick start of research. I also have to thank my Ph.D. students M. Fo¨rtsch, J. Knorr,F.Schlo¨gl,K.Schneider,andR.Swobodafortheir carefuldesignand characterizationwork.M.Hofer,Ch.Su¨nder,andJ.Wissenwasserdrewmany newfigures.I further haveto thankG. LangguthandH.Wille fromInfineon Technologies in Munich, Germany, J. Sturm from Infineon Technologies in Villach, Austria, as well as A. Martin from Infineon Technologies in Vienna, Austria,fortheirsupportandconstructivecooperation.Ifurtheracknowledge funding from the European Commission in the project INSPIRED. I extend my sincere thanks to Dr. Ascheron and his team at Springer for the good cooperation and their technical support with the text processor. My deepest gratitude, however, is directed to my wife and my daugthers, Luise and Lina, as well as to my son Frieder, who supported this second book project with their encouragement and patience. Vienna, August 2003 Horst Zimmermann Contents List of Symbols ...............................................XIII 1 Basics and Theory........................................ 1 1.1 Basics of Optical Absorption............................. 1 1.1.1 Photons and their Properties ...................... 1 1.1.2 Optical Absorption of Important Semiconductor Materials .............. 2 1.1.3 Photogeneration.................................. 4 1.2 Semiconductor Equations................................ 5 1.3 Important Models for Photodetectors ..................... 8 1.3.1 Carrier Drift..................................... 8 1.3.2 Carrier Diffusion ................................. 13 1.3.3 Quantum Efficiency and Responsivity............... 16 1.3.4 Equivalent Circuit of a Photodiode ................. 21 2 Integrated Silicon Photodetectors......................... 25 2.1 Integrated Detectors in Bipolar Technology ................ 25 2.1.1 Bipolar Processes................................. 25 2.1.2 Integrated Detectors in Standard Bipolar Technology . 28 2.1.3 Integrated Detectors in Modified Bipolar Technology.. 31 2.2 CMOS-Integrated Photodetectors......................... 34 2.2.1 One-Well CMOS Processes ........................ 35 2.2.2 Twin-Well CMOS Processes ....................... 35 2.2.3 Integrated Detectors in Standard CMOS Processes ... 36 2.2.4 Spatially-Modulated-Light Detector................. 41 2.2.5 PIN Photodiode.................................. 43 2.2.6 Charge-Coupled-Device Image Sensors .............. 58 2.2.7 Active-Pixel Sensors .............................. 62 2.2.8 Amorphous-Silicon Detectors ...................... 66 2.2.9 CMOS-Integrated Bipolar Phototransistors .......... 68 2.2.10 Photonic Mixer Device............................ 71 2.3 BiCMOS-Integrated Detectors ........................... 72 2.3.1 BiCMOS Processes ............................... 72 2.3.2 BiCMOS-Integrated Photodiodes................... 79 X Contents 3 Detectors in Thin Crystalline Silicon Films ............... 87 3.1 Photodiodes in Silicon-on-Insulator ....................... 87 3.2 Silicon on Sapphire ..................................... 92 3.3 Polyimide Bonding ..................................... 93 4 SiGe Photodetectors...................................... 95 4.1 Heteroepitaxial Growth ................................. 95 4.2 Absorption Coefficient of SiGe Alloys ..................... 96 4.3 SiGe/Si PIN Hetero-Bipolar-TransistorIntegration ......... 96 5 Design of Integrated Optical Receiver Circuits............ 101 5.1 Circuit Simulators and Transistor Models.................. 101 5.2 Layout and Verification Tools ............................ 106 5.3 Design of OEICs ....................................... 107 5.4 Transimpedance Amplifier ............................... 110 5.4.1 Frequency Response .............................. 111 5.4.2 Phase and Group Delay ........................... 115 5.4.3 Stability and Compensation ....................... 118 5.4.4 Bandwidth of Transistor Transimpedance Amplifier Circuit ...... 118 5.4.5 Bandwidth Limit of Integrated Transimpedance Amplifiers ............ 121 5.4.6 New π-Model for Integrated Transimpedance Amplifier ............ 123 5.4.7 Shunt-Shunt Feedback ............................ 133 5.4.8 Input and Output Resistance ...................... 137 5.4.9 Noise and Sensitivity ............................. 139 6 Examples of Optoelectronic Integrated Circuits........... 147 6.1 Digital CMOS Circuits.................................. 147 6.1.1 Synchronous Circuits ............................. 147 6.1.2 Asynchronous Circuits ............................ 153 6.2 Digital BiCMOS Circuits................................ 155 6.3 Laser Driver Circuits.................................... 155 6.4 Analog Circuits ........................................ 158 6.4.1 Bipolar Circuits.................................. 159 6.4.2 Two-dimensional CMOS Imagers ................... 162 6.4.3 Optical Distance Measurement Circuits ............. 172 6.4.4 Three-dimensional CMOS Cameras ................. 176 6.4.5 Smart Pixel Sensors .............................. 179 6.4.6 CMOS Optical Sensors............................ 192 6.4.7 BiCMOS Optical Sensors.......................... 208 6.4.8 CMOS Circuits for Optical Storage Systems ......... 212 6.4.9 BiCMOS Circuits for Optical Storage Systems ....... 222 6.4.10 Continuous-Mode Fiber Receivers .................. 240 Contents XI 6.4.11 Receiver for Wireless Infrared Communication ....... 283 6.4.12 Hybrid Receivers ................................. 291 6.4.13 Speed Enhancement Techniques .................... 293 6.4.14 Plastic-Optical-Fiber Receivers..................... 306 6.4.15 Burst-Mode Optical Receivers...................... 310 6.4.16 Deep-sub-μm Receivers............................ 314 6.4.17 Comparison of Fiber Receivers ..................... 317 6.4.18 Special Circuits .................................. 320 6.5 Summary.............................................. 324 References.................................................... 325 Index......................................................... 347

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