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Silage production and utilisation: Proceedings of the XIVth International Silage Conference, a satellite workshop of the XXth International Grassland Congress, July 2005, Belfast, Northern Ireland PDF

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Silage production and utilisation edited by: R.S. Park M.D. Stronge Silage production and utilisation Silage production and utilisation Proceedings of the XIVth International Silage Conference, a satellite workshop of the XXth International Grassland Congress, July 2005, Belfast, Northern Ireland edited by: R.S. Park M.D. Stronge WWaaggeenniinnggeenn AAccaaddeemmiicc PPPP uuuu bbbbb llll iiii ssssss hhhh eeeeee rrrr ssssss All rights reserved. Nothing from this publi cation may be repro duced, stored in a computerised Subject headings: system or published in any form or in any Grass ensiling manner, including electronic, mechanical, Silage microbiology reprographic or photographic, without prior Ruminant production written permission from the publisher, Wageningen Academic Publishers, P.O. Box 220, NL-6700 AE Wageningen, ISBN: 978-90-76998-75-6 The Netherlands. e-ISBN: 978-90-8686-553-6 DOI: 10.3920/978-90-8686-553-6 The individual contributions in this publication and any liabilities arising from them remain the responsibility of the First published, 2005 authors. The publisher is not responsible for possible © Wageningen Academic Publishers damages, which could be a result of content The Netherlands, 2005 derived from this publication. Organising Committee Dr C S Mayne, Chairperson, ARINI/DARDNI Dr T W J Keady, ARINI/DARDNI Dr R E Agnew, ARINI/DARDNI Dr P O’Kiely, Teagasc Dr A F Carson, ARINI/DARDNI Dr A Wylie, DARDNI Dr R C Binnie, ARINI R S Park, DARDNI Dr P J Frost, ARINI/DARDNI M G Porter, ARINI Reviewers Dr C S Mayne Dr T W J Keady Dr C Thomas Dr R E Agnew Dr R J Merry Dr A R G Wylie Dr R C Binnie Dr C Ohlsson Dr T Yan Dr A F Carson Dr P O’Kiely R S Park Dr J P Frost Dr D C Patterson M G Porter Main Sponsors of the XIV International Silage Conference Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for Northern Ireland (www.dardni.co.uk) ALLTECH (www.alltech.com) LALLEMAND (www.lallemand.com) Foreword This book presents the proceedings of the XIV International Silage Conference, a Satellite Workshop of the XX International Grassland Congress, held in Belfast, Northern Ireland from 3-6 July 2005. This Workshop was one of five satellite meetings held immediately after the main Congress, designed to enable in depth presentation and discussion on current practices and the science underpinning silage production and utilisation. A total of 122 papers are included in these proceedings, presented in five main sections. The first section examined the effects of conserved feeds on milk and meat production. Papers addressed topics from effects of harvesting system, chop length and additive use on intake and animal performance through to effects of silage quality and supplementation on meat quality, milk conjugated linoleic content and microbiological quality of milk. The increasing interest in ensiling “alternative forage” crops was highlighted in Section 2 with a number of papers examining effects of conserving wheat, forage maize, legumes, sorghum and Lotus species on the resulting forage composition and animal performance. New developments in ensiling techniques were considered in Section 3, including reviews of recent advances in big bale silage production and techniques to improve silage fermentation, aerobic stability and ultimately nutritive value of silages. Section 4 examined challenges and new developments in the ensilage of tropical forages, ranging from tropical grasses to whole crop rice and sugar cane. The final section included a large number of papers on the chemical and biological characteristics of silages and in particular the use of near infrared spectroscopy to predict intake potential and nutritive value of conserved forage. This is an important reference book, which provides an excellent overview of current developments in forage conservation and utilisation of conserved forage in animal production systems. Silage production and utilisation 7 Table of contents Foreword 7 Keynote presentations 17 An overview of silage production and utilisation in Ireland (1950-2005) 19 C.S. Mayne and P. O’Kiely Grass silage: factors affecting efficiency of N utilisation in milk production 35 P. Huhtanen and K.J. Shingfield Recent developments in feeding beef cattle on grass silage-based diets 51 M. McGee Ensiled maize and whole crop wheat forages for beef and dairy cattle: effects on animal performance 65 T.W.J. Keady Update on technologies for producing and feeding silage 83 P.D. Forristal and P. O’Kiely Silage production from tropical forages 97 L.G. Nussio Recent developments in methods to characterise the chemical and biological parameters of grass silage 109 R.S. Park, R.E. Agnew and M.G. Porter Advances in silage quality in the 21st Century 121 D.R. Davies, M.K. Theodorou, A.H. Kingston-Smith and R.J. Merry Section 1: A. Effect of conserved feeds on milk production 135 The effect of grass silage chop length on dairy cow performance 137 Å.T. Randby Whole crop silage from barley fed in combination with red clover silage to dairy cows 138 J. Bertilsson and M. Knicky Responses to grass or red clover silages cut at two stages of growth in dairy cows 139 A. Vanhatalo, K. Kuoppala, S. Ahvenjärvi and M. Rinne The effect of chop length and additive on silage intake and milk production in cows 140 V. Toivonen and T. Heikkilä Effect of supplementing grass silage with incremental levels of water soluble carbohydrate on in vitro rumen microbial growth and N use efficiency 141 D.R. Davies, D.K. Leemans and R.J. Merry Effects of access time to feed and sodium bicarbonate in cows given different silages 142 T. Heikkilä and V. Toivonen Dairy cow performance associated with two contrasting silage feeding systems 143 C.P. Ferris, D.C. Patterson, R.C. Binnie and J.P. Frost Pea-barley bi-crop silage in milk production 144 M. Tuori, P. Pursiainen, A.-R. Leinonen and V. Karp Conjugated linoleic acid content of milk from cows fed different diets 145 E. Staszak and J. Mikołajczak Feeding with badly preserved silages and occurrence of subclinical ketosis in dairy cows 146 F. Vicente, B. de la Roza, A. Argamentería, M.L. Rodríguez and M. Peláez Modelling contamination of raw milk with butyric acid bacteria spores 147 M.M.M. Vissers, F. Driehuis, P. de Jong, M.C. te Giffel and J.M.G. Lankveld Use of a dairy whole farm nutrient balance education tool to teach the importance of forages in the context of nutrient management concepts at the whole-farm level 148 J.H. Harrison and T.D. Nennich Feeding mixed grass-clover silages with elevated sugar contents to dairy cows 149 J. Bertilsson Silage production and utilisation 9

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