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JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL.108, NO.D3,4104, doi:10.1029/2002JD002502, 2003 Signatures of terminal alkene oxidation in airborne formaldehyde measurements during TexAQS 2000 B. P. Wert,1,2 M. Trainer,3 A. Fried,1 T. B. Ryerson,3 B. Henry,1 W. Potter,1,4 W. M. Angevine,3,5 E. Atlas,1 S. G. Donnelly,1 F. C. Fehsenfeld,3 G. J. Frost,3,5 P. D. Goldan,3 A. Hansel,6 J. S. Holloway,3,5 G. Hubler,3,5 W. C. Kuster,3 D. K. Nicks Jr.,3,5 J. A. Neuman,3,5 D. D. Parrish,3 S. Schauffler,1 J. Stutz,7 D. T. Sueper,3 C. Wiedinmyer,1 and A. Wisthaler6 Received1May2002;revised12September2002;accepted20September2002;published6February2003. [1] Airborne formaldehyde (CH2O) measurements were made by tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) at high time resolution (1 and 10 s) and precision (±400and±120partspertrillionbyvolume(pptv)(2s),respectively)duringtheTexasAir Quality Study (TexAQS) 2000. Measurement accuracy was corroborated by in-flight calibrations and zeros and by overflight comparison with a ground-based differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) system. Throughout the campaign, the highest levelsofCH Oprecursorsandvolatileorganiccompound(VOC)reactivityweremeasured 2 in petrochemical plumes. Correspondingly, CH O and ozone production was greatly 2 enhanced in petrochemical plumes compared with plumes dominated by power plant and mobile source emissions. The photochemistry of several isolated petrochemical facility plumes was accurately modeled using three nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) (ethene (C H ),propene(C H )(bothanthropogenic),andisoprene(C H )(biogenic))andwasin 2 4 3 6 5 8 accord with standard hydroxyl radical (OH)-initiated chemistry. Measurement-inferred facility emissions of ethene and propene were far larger than reported by inventories. Substantial direct CH O emissions were not detected from petrochemical facilities. The 2 rapid production of CH O and ozone observed in a highly polluted plume (30+ parts per 2 billionbyvolume(ppbv)CH Oand200+ppbvozone)originatingoverHoustonwaswell 2 replicated by a model employing only two NMHCs, ethene and propene. INDEXTERMS: 0345AtmosphericCompositionandStructure:Pollution—urbanandregional(0305);0365Atmospheric CompositionandStructure:Troposphere—compositionandchemistry;KEYWORDS:formaldehyde, troposphericoxidation,urbanpollution,alkeneoxidation,petrochemicalfacilityemissions Citation: Wert,B.P.,etal.,SignaturesofterminalalkeneoxidationinairborneformaldehydemeasurementsduringTexAQS2000, J.Geophys. Res.,108(D3),4104,doi:10.1029/2002JD002502,2003. 1. Introduction in the oxidation of a large array of volatile organic com- pounds(VOCs).However,onlyasmallnumberofVOCsare [2] Gas-phaseformaldehyde(CH2O)isaubiquitouscom- bothabundantandefficientCH Oproducers.Inthepolluted ponentofthetroposphereandistypicallythemostabundant 2 boundary layer the terminal alkenes are generally the most carbonyl compound found in the boundary layer atmos- important CH O precursors, particularly isoprene (C H ), phere. CH O is largely produced in situ, as an intermediate 2 5 8 2 ethene(C H ),andpropene(C H )[Dodge,1990;Leeetal., 2 4 3 6 1998b; Goldan et al., 2000]. In many cases, the important 1Atmospheric Chemistry Division, National Center for Atmospheric CH Oprecursorsalsocontributesubstantiallytototalhydro- Research,Boulder,Colorado,USA. 2 carbon hydroxyl radical (OH) reactivity ((cid:1)[k OH * 2Also at Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of x Colorado,Boulder,Colorado,USA. [VOCx]), and thereby total VOC reactivity. Here kx is the 3Aeronomy Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminis- bimolecularrateconstantforreactionofOHwitheachVOC. tration,Boulder,Colorado,USA. Due to the heterogeneous spatial distribution of CH O 4Also at Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of 2 precursors, and the relatively short lifetime of CH O (2–4 Tulsa,Tulsa,Oklahoma,USA. 2 5AlsoatCooperativeInstituteforResearchinEnvironmentalSciences, hours in the sunlit troposphere), continental boundary layer UniversityofColorado,Boulder,Colorado,USA. CH2O concentrations span nearly 2 orders of magnitude 6InstituteforIonphysics,UniversityofInnsbruck,Innsbruck,Austria. [Grosjean, 1991; Fried et al, 1997; Lee et al., 1998b], 7Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of California, Los providing asensitive indicator of recentVOC oxidation. Angeles,LosAngeles,California,USA. [3] CH2O is also emitted directly into the atmosphere by incomplete fossil fuel combustion [Sigsby et al., 1987; Copyright2003bytheAmericanGeophysicalUnion. 0148-0227/03/2002JD002502$09.00 Altshuller, 1993; Anderson et al., 1996], biomass burning ACH 8 - 1 ACH 8- 2 WERTETAL.:TERMINALALKENEOXIDATIONINAIRBORNECH OMEASUREMENTS 2 [Lee et al., 1998a; Yokelson et al., 1999], industrial pro- cesses, and vegetative emissions [Carlier et al., 1986]. However, primary CH O emissions are typically small 2 relative to photochemical production. Using ambient meas- urements,Lietal.[1994]haveestimatedthattheamountof CH O directly emitted from eastern North America is 16 2 times less than that produced by the oxidation of emitted anthropogenic and biogenic VOCs. [4] Since VOC oxidation also drives tropospheric ozone production in the polluted boundary layer [Haagen-Smit, 1952; Chameides et al., 1992; Sillman, 1999], CH O 2 measurements are useful to deconvolving sources of ozone pollution, an issue central to urban and regional air quality. For instance, CH O measurements made during the 1995 2 SouthernOxidantsStudy(SOS95),basedinNashville,TN, were used to corroborate the contribution of biogenic isoprene to regional ozone production [Lee et al., 1998b]; and satellite measurements of CH O have been used to 2 evaluate biogenic isoprene emissions over North America [Chance et al.,2000; Palmeret al.,2001]. Tosimilar ends, the present study utilizes high time resolution airborne CH OmeasurementscollectedduringtheTexasAirQuality Figure 1. Regional distribution of CH O maximums 2 2 Study (TexAQS) 2000 to examine the role of various measured below 1000 m flight altitude for 0.2(cid:2) latitude by hydrocarbons in the photochemistry of the Houston, Texas 0.2(cid:2)longitudegridcells.Thesolidcirclesshowthelocation area. of NO emitters and are sized according to reported NO x x [5] During the 1990s, ozone levels in exceedance of emissions. Labels are provided for cities (Houston and National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) were Dallas–Fort Worth), utility power plants (W.A. Parish, regularlyreportedforthegreaterHouston,TXmetropolitan Monticello, and Welsh), isolated petrochemical facilities area. On average, only Los Angeles reported more intense (Sweeny, Freeport, and Chocolate Bayou), and areas of episodes of ozone pollution during this period [Lin et al., concentrated petrochemical production (Ship Channel and 2001]. Over 4 million people live in the greater Houston Texas City) discussed in the text. metropolitan area [U.S. Census Bureau, 2000], resulting in largemobile source emissions of VOCs andNO [TNRCC, x CH O precursors) in the Houston atmosphere? (2) Can the 2 1996]. Oneofthe largest electric utility power plantsinthe fast CH O measurements reported here be used to accu- 2 nation, the W.A. Parish facility, is located just outside of rately extrapolate intermittent, lower resolution CH O pre- 2 Houston (see Figure 1) (D. K. Nicks et al., Fossil-fueled cursor measurements made on the same aircraft? (3) To power plants as a source of atmospheric carbon monoxide, what extent did the important CH O precursors contribute 2 submitted to Atmospheric Environment, 2002). In addition, torapidozoneproductionintheHoustonarea?and(4)Were a large fraction of the U.S. olefin production capacity is emission inventories accurate with respect to the important found in the Houston–Galveston–Brazoria area, with an CH O precursors? 2 especially high density located along the Ship Channel inside Houston city limits (see Figure 1). Biogenic emis- 2. Experimental sions are also a source of VOCs in and around Houston, although detailed vegetation surveys [Wiedinmyer et al., 2.1. Airborne Sampling 2001] indicate that these emissions should be substantially [8] The measurements considered here were made from less than in areas such as Tennessee [Geron et al., 1994; the NCAR L-188C Electra aircraft. CH O measurements 2 Goldan et al., 2000]. were made by the NCAR tunable diode laser absorption [6] TheTexAQS2000missionwasconductedtoelucidate spectrometer (TDLAS). Supporting measurements included the role of such emissions, along with meteorology, in 1 Hz ozone, CO [Holloway et al., 2000], CO , NO, NO , 2 2 Houston’s intense photochemical pollution [Kleinman et NO [Ryerson et al., 2000], HNO [Huey et al., 1998; y 3 al., 2002]. The study was conducted from mid-August to Neuman et al., 2002], SO , size-resolved aerosol number 2 mid-September 2000 and involved the combined efforts of [Brock et al., 2000], and spectrally resolved actinic flux. the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission Peroxyacyl nitrate compounds were measured once every (TNRCC), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin- 3.5 min by gas chromatography (GC) (F. Flocke et al., The istration (NOAA), the National Center for Atmospheric behavior of PANs and the budget of total reactive nitrogen Research (NCAR), Brookhaven National Laboratories (NO ) during the TOPSE campaign, manuscript in prepa- y (BNL),theUniversityofTexas,BaylorUniversity,andmany ration, 2002). Acetaldehyde was measured by proton trans- other laboratories and universities. Multiple well-instru- fer mass spectrometry (PTRMS) [Lindinger et al., 1998]. mentedaircraft andgroundsiteswereemployed. Thirty-nine whole air canister samples, typically integrated [7] The present study addresses four primary questions over8s,wereacquiredoneachflightatthediscretionofthe utilizing airborne CH O observations collected during Tex- flight scientist; subsequent GC analysis provided an exten- 2 AQS2000:(1)WhatwerethemajorsourcesofCH O(and sivesuiteofspeciatedVOCs(seeTable1)[Schauffleretal., 2 WERTETAL.:TERMINALALKENEOXIDATIONINAIRBORNECH OMEASUREMENTS ACH 8 - 3 2 Table 1. VOCs Measured by the NCAR Whole Air Sampler determined to be ±6% [Gilpin et al., 1997; Fried et al., (WAS) 1998, 2002]. During the first portion of the TexAQS intensive, ambient CH O measurements were made at 10 s Alkanes Alkenes Aromatics Alkynes 2 resolution.Dataintegrationwasreducedto1sbeginningon methane ethene benzene ethyne the 1 September flight, and this resolution was maintained ethane propene toluene propane 1-butene ethylbenzene for the remainder of the mission. Estimated TDLAS pre- isobutene isobutene m-xylene,p-xylene cisionduringtheTexAQSmissionwas120partspertrillion n-butane t-2-butene o-xylene by volume (pptv) for 10 s measurements, and 400 pptv for isopentane c-2-butene styrene 1 s measurements (reported at the 2s level) (Wert et al., n-pentane 1,3-butadiene isopropylbenzene n-hexane 3-methyl- n-propylbenzene submitted manuscript, 2002). Ambient measurements 1-butene covered roughly 50% of the total flight time, excluding 2,2-dimethylbutane 1-pentene 1,2,3-trimethyl takeoff and landing. benzene 2,3-dimethylbutane isoprene 1,2,4-trimethyl [11] Extensive tests have found that only methanol (CH OH) interferes with this technique. Laboratory studies benzene 3 3-methylpentane t-2-pentene 1,3,5-trimethyl using the same TDLAS arrangement as in TexAQS have benzene shown the methanol interference to be +3.8% at equal 2-methylhexane c-2-pentene methanol and CH O concentrations [Fried et al., 2002] 3-methylhexane 2-methyl- 2 (Wert et al., submitted manuscript, 2002), consistent with 2-butene 2,2,4-trimethyl cyclopentene independent measurements made at Rice University pentane [Richter, 2001]. Thus ambient methanol levels of 10 parts n-heptane a-pinene per billion by volume (ppbv) would cause the TDLAS n-octane CH O measurement to be too high by 380 pptv. TDLAS n-nonane 2 n-decane CH2Odata werecorrected usinganalgorithm derivedfrom cyclopentane 144 coincident measurements of methanol (in situ GC) and cyclohexane CH O made on the Electra. Given the 1–3 ppbv CH O 2 2 dimethylcyclopentane boundary layer background in the Houston area, and the dimethylcyclohexane emphasis of the present study on plume chemistry, the methanol bias and associated correction were largely negli- gible for the data of interest (<10%). All analyses in this 1999]. In situ GC samples were acquired once every 15 paper utilize methanol corrected data. min, measuring a different subset of VOCs, including a limited suite of oxygenates [Goldan et al., 2000]. [12] Further evidence for the accuracy of the TDLAS CH O measurement was provided by comparison with [9] Flights surveyed the greater Houston metropolitan 2 UCLA’s ground-based differential optical absorption spec- area on 8 different days. Two days each were dedicated to trometer(DOAS)[StutzandPlatt,1997;Harderetal.,1997] exploring the Dallas–Fort Worth area, and power plant during TexAQS; these two systems were also successfully plumes throughout eastern Texas. Flight tracks usually compared throughout the SOS 99 campaign (Wert et al., involved multiple crosswind intercepts of one or several submitted manuscript, 2002). During TexAQS the Electra plumes at a number of distances downwind, in order to aircraftconductedoverflightsoftheLaPorteairport,thesite characterizethe temporal evolution of the plume chemistry. of extensive chemical instrumentation including the UCLA The bulk of sampled plumes were either of mobile source DOAS. TDLAS data was averaged for a 5–10 s period of (urban), petrochemical facility, or power plant origin, with closestapproachinallbutonecase,correspondingtoapath many plumes representing some combination of these comparableinlength(0.5–1km)andheight(40–60mflight emission types. In order to capture midday photochemistry altitude) to that of the DOAS (1.9 km path length, 2–50 m and the daily ozone maximum, flights typically took off height above ground). Ground-based O and CO measure- between 1000 and 1100 CST, and lasted for about 6 hours. 3 ment variability was acceptably small during the DOAS 2.2. TDLAS System integration periods (20 min to 1 hour). Bivariate regression [10] The TDLAS and its forerunner systems have been oftheTDLASandDOASCH2Odataproducedtherelation- described [Fried et al., 1998, 2002] (B. P. Wert et al., ship:(TDLASCH2O)=0.95*(DOASCH2O)(cid:1)0.70ppbv Designandperformanceofatunablediodelaserabsorption (n = 6, c2 = 5.5), with slope and intercept uncertainties of spectrometerforairborneformaldehydemeasurements,sub- 0.15 and 0.65, respectively (see Figure 2). CH2O measure- mitted to Journal of Geophysical Research, 2002, herein- mentsmadebythreeseparateDOASpathsatLaPorte(0.75, afterreferredtoasWertetal.,submittedmanuscript,2002), 1.9, and 5.5 km path lengths) agreed well during all over- thus only a short summary is included here. Gas-phase flight periods but one, indicating good mixing. The over- CH O was measured by probing the 2831.6417 cm(cid:1)1 flight associated with conditions of poor mixing was that 2 rovibrational line with a tunable diode laser coupled to a whichyieldedthehighconcentrationpoint.Removalofthis 100 m path length astigmatic Herriott absorption cell. pointproducesaslopeof1.23(±0.29).Theseresultssuggest Extensive field and laboratory analysis has shown that the that systematic measurement errors associated with the two TDLAS inlet and Herriott cell produce only minimal different techniques are small(< (cid:2)10%). sampling artifacts under the conditions encountered during TexAQS[Wertetal.,2002].Frequentinstrumentzeroswere 2.3. Photochemical Model acquired, and flowing gas-phase standards were generated [13] Thephotochemicalmodelusedinthecurrentstudyis via a permeation oven, the accuracy of which has been similar to earlier plume simulations by, for example, Hov ACH 8- 4 WERTETAL.:TERMINALALKENEOXIDATIONINAIRBORNECH OMEASUREMENTS 2 the boundary layer (0.5–2.5 km) (C. Senff, private com- munication, 2001), indicative of surface CH O precursor 2 sources and the short lifetime of CH O under summer 2 conditions. The regional distribution of CH O maximums 2 observedbelow1000mflightaltitudeisshowninFigure1, atagridcellresolutionof0.2(cid:2)latitudeby0.2(cid:2)longitude(22 (cid:3) 19 km, respectively). Of primary interest to the present studyarethehighCH OlevelsfoundinthegreaterHouston 2 metropolitan area on many days. These large mixing ratios of between 10 and 32 ppbv were observed in plumes substantially smaller in spatial extent than the Houston metropolitan area. In contrast to Houston, Dallas–Fort Worth had CH O levels that were much lower (2–6 ppbv) 2 and more spatially uniform. Measurements of the Dallas– Fort Worth plume are compared with those from Houston, as the populations of the cities are similar (Dallas–Fort Worth: Dallas and Tarrant counties, 3.6 million people; Houston: Harris, Fort Bend, Brazoria, and Galveston coun- ties, 4.2 million people) [U.S. Census Bureau, 2000]. The only power plant plumes with CH O levels significantly 2 above background were those from the Welsh and Mon- ticello plants (up to 17 ppbv CH O over a very limited 2 area), which encountered strong biogenic isoprene emis- Figure 2. Bivariate regression of CH O measurements sions (see Figure 1). 2 made by the NCARTDLAS on the Electra aircraft and the UCLA DOAS at the La Porte site during close overflights. 3.2. Houston Area CH O Precursor Distributions 2 [15] To provide an assessment of the relative CH2O production expected from measured VOCs, the present analysis calculates the ‘‘CH O production potential’’ of andIsaksen[1981]andSillman[2000],wheretheplumeofa 2 individual VOC samples [Lee et al., 1998b]. For a given powerplantwasfollowedinanidealizedLagrangianfashion VOC mixture, the CH O production potential is here and the vertical and horizontal spreading were explicitly 2 expressed as (cid:1)(k OH * [VOC ] * (gCH O )). Note described.Inthepresentmodeltheverticaldispersionofthe x x 2 (VOCx) that in this analysis the CH O yield term (gCH O) reflects plume was controlled by the growth of the planetary boun- 2 2 only the first generation products of OH-initiated VOC darylayer(PBL),anddiffusiveverticaltransportwascalcu- oxidation; production from moderately lived intermediates lated as described by Trainer et al. [1991]. The maximum such as acetaldehyde (CH CHO) is not considered. Molar height of the PBL was scaled to approximate observed 3 CH O yields used for the most abundant reactive CH O conditions.Horizontalspreadingoftheplumewasdescribed 2 2 precursors were ethene (1.6) [Niki et al., 1981], propene by a diffusion coefficient chosen to approximate the (1.0) [Niki et al., 1978], and isoprene (0.6) [Carter and observed growth in plume width as a function of distance. Atkinson, 1996]. For the alkanes yields of 0.1 to 0.3 were Theadvectivewindwasafreeparameterthatcontrolledthe typically used (exceptions include methane (1) and isobu- peakconcentrationintheplume,andwaschosenaccording tane (0.8)); the yields of alkynes and most aromatics were to measurements aboard the aircraft, or radar profile meas- set to zero [Lee et al., 1998b]. OH reaction rate constants urements made from the ground. Horizontal grid resolution were given by Atkinson [1990, 1997] and DeMore et al. wasfixedat500mandtheplumewasemittedintoa100(cid:3) [1997]. 500(cid:3)500mgridcell.Plumespreadingandphotochemistry were concurrently calculated within this grid framework. [16] CH2O production potentials were calculated for 390 VOC samples collected in canisters aboard the Electra at The chemistry was based on the studies of Trainer et al. flightaltitudeslessthan1000mduringTexAQS,producing [1987, 1991] where the reaction rates and products were theHouston–GalvestonareadistributiondepictedinFigure updatedaccordingtoJPL97[DeMoreetal.,1997]andtothe 4. A distinct maximum in CH O production potential is studyofAtkinson[1997].Photolysisrateswerecalculatedby 2 clearlyevidentinthevicinityoftheHoustonShipChannel. the TUVradiative transfer model of Madronich [1987] and Of the VOC samples taken in this area, six yielded pro- validated by comparison with actinic flux measurements duction potentials between 13 and 63 s(cid:1)1. Only two other made on the Electra. The TUV model is based upon the samples acquired during TexAQS had CH O production discrete ordinates model modified to solve the radiative 2 potentials greater than 10 s(cid:1)1. One of these samples was transfer equation in pseudospherical coordinates [Dahlback taken in a plume downwind of Texas City, an area of and Stamnes,1991]. concentrated petrochemical industry south of Houston (see Figure 1). The other was measured in a plume intercepted 3. Results over eastern Texas, from a petrochemical facility that 3.1. TexAQS CH2O Distributions reported the largest ethene emissions in Texas (Eastman [14] As depicted in Figure 3, the vertical distribution of Chemical) [TNRCC, 1999]. On average, the terminal CH OmeasuredduringTexAQSshowsarapiddecayabove alkenes,largelyetheneandpropene,composed95%oftotal 2 WERTETAL.:TERMINALALKENEOXIDATIONINAIRBORNECH OMEASUREMENTS ACH 8 - 5 2 Figure3. TheverticaldistributionofCH OmeasurementsmadeduringTexAQS2000.MedianCH O 2 2 values for 1000 m flight altitude bins are denoted by the solid circle symbols. CH O production potential and 91% of total hydrocarbon with ethene contributing 30%, propene 22%, and isoprene 2 OH reactivity in these eight highlypolluted samples. Addi- 14% (1-butene, isobutene, 1, 3 butadiene, 3-methyl-1- tional sources of substantial CH O production potential butene, and 1-pentene also contributed to a lesser degree). 2 were the Sweeny, Freeport, and Chocolate Bayou petro- Terminalalkeneswerealsoresponsibleforamajority(71%) chemical facilities south of Houston (2–9 s(cid:1)1); these three of the total OH hydrocarbon reactivity of these samples. facilities will be collectively referred to as the ‘‘isolated [18] Seven VOC samples, acquired on 5 different days petrochemical facilities.’’ The forested region northeast of between1130and1600CSTwereselectedasrepresentative HoustonalsofeaturedsomewhatelevatedCH Oproduction of Houston mobile source emissions based upon chemical 2 potentials (1–3 s(cid:1)1) due largely to isoprene. In all such ratios (ethene/ethyne < 1.7 and propene/ethyne < 0.5), CO cases, the bulk of the CH O precursors must have been mixingratios(>150ppbv),CO mixingratios(<375ppmv), 2 2 emitted within about an hour prior to sampling, given the location over the Houston urban core, and wind direction. rapid midday summertime photochemistry. MedianCH Oproductionpotential(0.6s(cid:1)1)andOHhydro- 2 [17] The industrial origin of the eight highest CH2O carbon reactivity (0.7 s(cid:1)1) for these samples were substan- production potential samples (>10 s(cid:1)1) was confirmed by tiallylowerthanseenintheindustriallyinfluencedsamples. ethene/ethyne and propene/ethyne ratios (T. B. Ryerson et All nine canister samples acquired over the Dallas–Fort al., Effect of co-located petrochemical industrial emissions Worth metropolitan area yielded similar signatures, consis- of reactive alkenes and NO on tropospheric ozone forma- tent with the lower, more spatially uniform CH O levels x 2 tion,inpreparation,2002,hereinafterreferredtoasRyerson measured throughout the Dallas–Fort Worth plume (see et al., in preparation, 2002). Strong industrial signatures Figure1).TheseobservationssuggestthattheCH Ospecies 2 (ethene/ethyne (cid:4) 3 and/or propene/ethyne (cid:4) 1) were iden- should represent an excellent proxy for the important reac- tified in 98 canister samples acquired over the greater tiveVOCsintheHoustonatmosphere,theutilityofwhichis Houston metropolitan area. These samples had a median explored in the remainder of this paper. ethene/ethyne ratio of 4.9, propene/ethyne ratio of 1.6, CH Oproductionpotentialof2.9s(cid:1)1,andOHhydrocarbon 3.3. Houston Area Plumes 2 reactivityof3.1s(cid:1)1.TheCH2Oproductionpotentialofthese [19] MeasurementsofCH2OintheHoustonareaarenow 98 samples was due largely to the terminal alkenes (78%), examined for consistency with the precursor distributions ACH 8- 6 WERTETAL.:TERMINALALKENEOXIDATIONINAIRBORNECH OMEASUREMENTS 2 Figure 4. Measured Houston–Galveston VOC distribution coded by size for CH O production 2 potential and by color for the percentage of terminal alkene contribution to total OH hydrocarbon reactivity. discussed above. Complicating this however, lifetimes of 13ppbv)thanthoseofthemobilesource(upto4.5ppbv)and ethene (3–8 hours) and propene (1–2.5 hours) are short powerplantplumes(upto3ppbv). (lifetimerangescalculatedforOH=1(cid:3)107molcm(cid:1)3,O3 [21] Within individual plumes transects, tight positive =120ppbv,andOH=4.5(cid:3)106molcm(cid:1)3,O =60ppbv, correlations were found between CH O and directly emit- 3 2 respectively) [Atkinson, 1997]. Therefore, regressions of ted species (CO, CO , and NO ), as well as secondary 2 y CH O versus CH O production potentials did not yield photoproducts (ozone HNO , and acetaldehyde), as listed 2 2 , 3 strong correlations; this lack of correlation was accentuated in Table 2 for two petrochemically dominated plumes. by variable meteorology and limited VOC measurements. Figure 7 depicts such relationships, showing CH O and 2 [20] Instead, levels of CH2O in Houston area plumes are coincidentally measured NOy and ozone from a Ship comparedfortransectsofroughlyequivalentphotochemical Channel dominated plume transect. Associated correlation age.Plumesourcesweredeterminedusingtracersincluding coefficient(r2)valuesweregreaterthan0.95forthe20-km- SO , CO, and CO [Brock et al., 2003; Ryerson et al., wideplumecrosssection,indicatingthattherelationshipof 2 2 manuscript in preparation, 2002]. Based on these tracers, CH O, NO , and ozone was very uniform throughout the 2 y distinctpower plant(W.A.Parish), mobilesource(Houston plume (see Table 2). Note that these good correlations are urban),andpetrochemical(ShipChannel)dominatedplumes largely the result of mixing/dilution, as will be discussed were identified in the 28 August, 30.1(cid:2) latitude E-W flight below. transect appearing in Figures 5 and 6. These plumes had [22] When comparing plumes of different sources, large passedoverthecoreoftheHoustonmetropolitanarea2.5–3 differences were observed in such CH O/‘‘tracer’’ relation- 2 hours (40 km) previously. Peak NO levels in each of the ships.Thisisclearlyevidentinthesurveyofpetrochemical, y three plumes were roughly comparable (9–14 ppbv), and mobilesource(urban),andpowerplantplumespresentedin consistent NO /NO ratios (0.21–0.27) indicated that the Table 3. CH O/NO slopes for petrochemical plumes, x y 2 y three plumes were well processed and of similar photo- including the Ship Channel plume (see Figure 7b), were chemical age. As shown in Figure 6, levels of CH O in the between 0.8 and 3.1. In contrast, CH O/NO slopes ranged 2 2 y petrochemically dominated plume weremuch higher (up to from 0.2 to 0.4 for the Houston and Dallas–Fort Worth WERTETAL.:TERMINALALKENEOXIDATIONINAIRBORNECH OMEASUREMENTS ACH 8 - 7 2 3.4. Isolated Petrochemical Facility Plumes [24] Using the model discussed above, we now analyze several petrochemical plumes to determine if measured ethene and propene emissions can account for the majority of observed CH O and ozone, and if measurements are 2 consistentwithNO andVOCinventories.Forthisexercise, x plumemeasurementsfromtheisolatedpetrochemicalfacili- ties, Freeport, Sweeny, and Chocolate Bayou are used [Brock et al., 2003; Ryerson et al., manuscript in prepara- tion, 2002]. These facilities primarily conducted olefin- producing processes, and are analogous to many of the larger petrochemical facilities located along the Houston Ship Channel (C. Wiedinmyer and G. Frost, personal communication, 2001).On27and28August,plumes from thesefacilitiesweresuperimposedoncleanbackgroundair, theresultofprevailingwindsfromtheGulfofMexico(see Figure5).Thiskepttheplumeslargelyunperturbedbyother emission sources for several hours. Plume model results presented here are for 28 August, as intermittent CH O 2 instrument problems were encountered on 27 August. Sufficient CH O data were collected on 27 August to 2 demonstratethattheFreeportandSweenyplumesexhibited Figure5. Measurements of CH Oin the Houston areaon 2 consistent behavior on both days. Emission estimates 28 August below 1000 m flight altitude. The solid circles inferredfromaircraft observationsarereported forFreeport show the location of NO emitters and are sized according x and Sweeny, but not Chocolate Bayou, as VOC data were toreportedNO emissions.Generalwinddirectionisshown x collected only on the very edge of the Chocolate Bayou by the arrow in the bottom left corner. plume.MeasurementsofacetaldehydeandCH Owereused 2 toapportionemissionsofetheneandpropene,sincepropene oxidation produces acetaldehyde while ethene oxidation plumes (mobile source dominated), and the W. A. Parish does not [Niki et al., 1978, 1981; Grosjean and Grosjean, plume (power plant). Reported CH O/tracer slopes were 1996;Grosjeanetal.,1996;Calvert etal.,2000;Bacheret 2 determined from individual plume transects where NO / al., 2001]. x NOy ratios were generally between 0.2 and 0.3. Some [25] Model NOx and VOC inputs were derived from uncertainty in this comparison arises due to HNO loss observations made1–2hoursdownwind of the petrochem- 3 [Trainer et al., 2000], and the relatively short lifetime of ical complexes on both 27 and 28 August, between about CH O that will cause such ratios to change significantly 1200 and 1300 CST. It was assumed that by this time the 2 with the photochemical age of the air mass (see Table 2). boundary layer was well mixed vertically and the measure- Nonetheless, the striking and consistent CH O/NO slope ments at the flight altitude of 500–600 m were representa- 2 y differences found between plumes of different source types tive of the whole boundary layer (species ratios were on multiple days provides further evidence that petrochem- constant). Uncertainty in estimated NO emission rates for x ical emissions are indeed the dominant source of extreme the isolated petrochemical facilities was largely due to CH O concentrations in Houston. model parameters such as wind speed (±1 m s(cid:1)1), and 2 [23] The tightly positively correlated CH2O/O3 slopes boundarylayerheights.Consideringtheseuncertainties,the repeatedly measured in mobile source, power plant, and adopted and reported NO emission rates for the isolated x petrochemical plumes (see Tables 2 and 3 and Figure 7c), petrochemicalcomplexescomparedfavorably(seeTable4). suggest that oxidation of CH O precursors (including Previous plume studies provide precedent for this good 2 photolysis of CH O itself) played a major role in ozone agreement [Ryerson et al., 1998]. 2 production. This is consistent with the observation that [26] Estimates of VOC emissions were derived using CH Oprecursorswereresponsibleforasubstantialfraction measured plume VOC/NO ratios, with corrections applied 2 x of total OH hydrocarbon reactivity, especially in the most for VOC and NO losses occurring between the point of x pollutedVOCsamples.AsdepictedinFigure6,CH Oand emission and measurement. For the Freeport plume, six 2 ozone levels observed the same basic trends in the 28 separate VOC measurements were made at a variety of August Houston plumes. Measurements from 1 September, downwind distances. One VOC sample apiece was col- ahighlypollutedday(seeFigures7aand7cand8aand8b), lected from the Sweeny and Chocolate Bayou plumes. Due also show CH O and ozone tracking one another. It should to the dominance of ethene and propene in these samples, 2 be noted that a spatial (temporal) offset was observed the model assumed that VOC emissions for each facility between the CH O and ozone gradients, as expected, due were composed exclusively of these two terminal alkenes. 2 to the longer lifetime and slower relative net production Isoprene was also measured in all plumes, the majority of rate of ozone. Throughout the TexAQS campaign, high which was attributed to biogenic emissions from the dis- CH O levels, often 10–20+ ppbv above background, were continuous forests of the region, based upon VOC samples 2 always found coincident with exceedance levels of ozone taken outside of the plumes and biogenic inventories (>120 ppbv). [Wiedinmyer et al., 2001]. A background isoprene flux ACH 8- 8 WERTETAL.:TERMINALALKENEOXIDATIONINAIRBORNECH OMEASUREMENTS 2 Figure6. MixingratiosofCH OandotherspeciesinacrosssectionoftheHoustonplumeacquiredat 2 30.1(cid:2)latitudeon28August,showingdistinctpowerplant(W.A.Parish),mobilesource(Houstonurban), and petrochemical (Ship Channel) dominated plumes. common to all of the plumes was therefore included in the [28] The Freeport and Sweeny plumes were also mod- model (5.2 (cid:3) 1015 mol m(cid:1)2 s(cid:1)1). eled using NO and VOC emissions taken directly from x [27] Using these observationally derived NOx and VOC TNRCC inventories, along with the measurement-inferred emission values, the model accurately replicated measured biogenic isoprene background. Note that the only real ethene,propene,CH O,acetaldehyde, (NO (cid:1)NO ),(NO difference between this and the previously discussed 2 y x y (cid:1) (NO + HNO )), and ozone concentrations. As noted model case was the magnitude of the industrial VOC x 3 above,observationallyderivedNO valueswereeffectively inputs (see Table 4). When using inventory inputs, less x equivalent to inventory values. Figure 9 provides an over- than 10% of the measured CH O, and 40% of the 2 viewofresultsforthe29.3(cid:2)latitudeinterceptoftheSweeny measured ozoneenhancement over background levels were and Freeport plumes. Not only did the model successfully predicted (see Figures 9b and 9d, dotted gray lines). In this simulate the rapid CH O enhancement in the plume, it also case, modeled CH O and ozone production was largely 2 2 accurately captured the CH O background due to the due to the presence of the isoprene background, with 2 area-wide isoprene emissions (see Figure 9b). Ethene and TNRCC inventory VOCs contributing minimally. On a propene emission apportionment was corroborated by related note, inclusion of a large measured isobutane agreement with both CH O and acetaldehyde (Figures 9b emission to the ethene, propene, and isoprene mix used 2 and 9c). It is important to note that in all cases the model to model the Chocolate Bayou plume (not depicted) needed only standard OH-initiated VOC oxidation to produced very little additional CH O and ozone, due to 2 achieve good agreement with observations. The observed the much lower reactivity of alkanes. ‘‘shoulder’’ feature seen on the east side of the Freeport [29] One potential weakness of the above analysis was plume, particularly apparent in the ozone measurement its reliance on just a handful of canister measurements to (Figure9d),wasduetoincursionoftheFreeportAcomplex characterize the VOC emissions of the isolated petrochem- plume into the Freeport Bcomplex plume. The model only ical facilities. However, since CH O is efficiently pro- 2 attempted to replicate the larger Freeport B plume (see duced by the dominant reactive VOCs in these plumes, it Figure 5). represents a good surrogate for plume VOCs. The very WERTETAL.:TERMINALALKENEOXIDATIONINAIRBORNECH OMEASUREMENTS ACH 8 - 9 2 Table2. SlopesofCH OVersusSeveralOtherSpeciesMeasuredinthe1SeptemberShipChannelDominatedPlumeand 2 the 28AugustFreeportPlume Distance(km) Age(hours) NO/NO CHO/NO r2 CHO/CO r2 CHO/O r2 CHO/HNO r2 x y 2 y 2 2 3 2 3 1SeptemberShipChannelDominatedPlume 10 0.8 0.69 0.47 0.73 0.21 0.89 0.68 0.87 7.7 0.87 25 2 0.49 0.79 0.99 0.18 0.95 0.41 0.96 5.0 0.94 50 4 0.29 0.73 0.84 0.13 0.92 0.16 0.86 2.5 0.80 75 6 0.24 0.87 0.98 0.09 0.97 0.15 0.98 2.8 0.96 100 8 0.22 0.74 0.89 0.05 0.91 0.12 0.86 1.9 0.77 28AugustFreeportPlume 8 0.6 0.77 0.14 0.90 0.07 0.50 na na na na 33 2.3 0.36 1.35 0.95 0.31 0.94 0.25 0.99 3.7 0.92 60 4.2 0.29 0.87 0.93 0.10 0.84 0.15 0.95 2.2 0.85 robust positive CH O/tracer correlations measured in the vertically homogeneous species ratios as well. Therefore, 2 plumes (see Tables 2 and 3) show that facility emissions plume VOC/NO ratios measured at flight altitudes of x were sufficiently collocated, and atmospheric mixing 500–600 m by the Electra should be representative of the adequately strong, as to rapidly (0.5–1 hour) produce entire boundary layer vertical profile, except for very plumes of constant species ratios, despite the fact that the fresh plumes (<0.5 hour under moderate winds) and facilities were not perfect point sources. The strong perhaps for plumes affected by special meteorological boundary layer mixing necessary to create this measured conditions such as coastal effects. Support for this con- horizontal uniformity would also be expected to produce clusion is provided by airborne LIDAR ozone measure- Figure7. MeasurementsofCH O,NO ,andozoneinacrosssectionofthe1SeptemberShipChannel 2 y dominatedplume,2hoursdownwindoftheShipChannel(a).RegressionsofCH OversusNO (b)and 2 y ozone (c) (see Table 2 for slopes and correlation coefficients). ACH 8- 10 WERTETAL.:TERMINALALKENEOXIDATIONINAIRBORNECH OMEASUREMENTS 2 Table 3. Slopes of CH O Versus NO and Ozone Measured in increased downwind of these initial intercepts despite 2 y PlumesofPetrochemical,MobileSource(Urban),andPowerPlant dilution, consistent with rapid photochemical production Origin of CH O from emitted VOCs, rather than primary emis- 2 sion. In addition, the model achieved good agreement with PlumeSource Date NO/NO CHO/NO r2 CHO/O r2 x y 2 y 2 3 observations invoking only photochemistry. The domi- Petrochemical nance of in situ CH O production was also supported by Freeport 27August 0.37 0.85 0.93 0.19 0.97 2 extensive, continuous PTRMS measurements of propene, Freeport 28August 0.36 1.35 0.95 0.25 0.99 Freeport 6September 0.31 1.30 0.78 0.18 0.84 acetaldehyde, and CH O made at the La Porte ground site 2 Sweeny 27August 0.27 1.85 0.92 0.11 0.85 near the Ship Channel (T. Karl et al., The use of proton- Sweeny 28August 0.32 1.66 0.99 0.12 0.97 transfer mass spectrometry to characterize VOC sources at ChocolateBayou 28August 0.29 3.13 0.98 0.33 0.99 the La Porte super site during the Texas Air Quality Study ShipChannel 27August 0.24 1.28 0.96 0.15 0.91 ShipChannel 28August 0.29 0.92 0.82 0.13 0.88 2000, manuscript in preparation, 2002). Direct CH2O ShipChannel 1September 0.24 0.87 0.98 0.15 0.98 emissions from mobile sources are not expected to have contributed importantly to peak daytime Houston CH O MobileSource(Urban) 2 abundances either, based upon work by Zweidinger et al. Houston 28August 0.21 0.36 0.81 0.11 0.53 Dallas–Ft. 7September 0.28 0.25 0.86 0.095 0.80 [1988], Altshuller [1993], and others, and the much lower Worth measured CH O levels in the Houston and Dallas–Fort 2 Worth mobile source plumes. PowerPlant W.A.Parish 28August 0.21 0.24 0.83 0.08 0.94 3.6. Photochemistry of a Highly Polluted Plume [32] OzoneexceedanceeventsmeasuredoverHoustonby the Electra typically involved ozone enhancements of 60– ments made during TexAQS that showed strong vertical 150+ ppbv above background. In comparison, ozone mixing (C. Senff, private communication, 2001) as well as limited in situ measurement profiles made by the Electra. [30] Measurement derived VOC emissions for the Free- port and Sweeny plumes used in this model exercise were estimated to be accurate within at least a factor of 2. This was based upon the high degree of agreement achieved between predicted and measured secondary photoproducts, particularly CH Oandacetaldehyde,andtheplumespecies 2 ratiouniformitydemonstratedbyCH O/tracerrelationships. 2 Also accounted for were the uncertainties associated with NO emissions, wind speeds (plume ages), and boundary x layerheights.ConsistentCH O/tracerslopeswerefoundon 2 eachdaytheFreeport(3days)andSweenyplumes(2days) were intercepted, as listed in Table 2 for intercepts of comparablephotochemicalages(NO /NO ratios),suggest- x y ing that the VOC emissions deduced here were the con- sequences of standard operations rather than unreported unusual emission events (‘‘upsets’’). As seen in Table 4, derived ethene and propene emissions for the Freeport and Sweeny facilities are 50–100 times larger than reported (1999TNRCCVOCinventory),andinsumabout20times larger than total reported VOC emissions. Analysis of the Chocolate Bayou plume produced similar disparities. 3.5. Primary CH O Emissions 2 [31] The isolated petrochemical facility plumes were also used to assess the importance of primary petrochem- ical CH O emissions. If primary emissions were large, 2 they would need to be considered in assessments of emissions and photochemistry made using CH O data. 2 However, only small enhancements of CH O were found 2 in close proximity intercepts of the isolated petrochemical facility plumes, providing an upper limit on direct emis- sions. In the Freeport plume, CH O levels were 1–2 ppbv 2 above background about 20 min downwind (8 km), on both 27 and 28 August (see the 29.1(cid:2) latitude pass in Figure8. MeasuredCH O(a)andozone(b)mixingratios 2 Figure 5). A similar enhancement was also measured 30 in the Houston–Galveston area on 1 September at flight min (7 km) downwind of the Chocolate Bayou facility on altitudeslessthan1000m.Generalwinddirectionisshown 27 August. In all cases, plume CH O levels dramatically by the arrow in the upper left corner of (a). 2

(2s), respectively) The industrial origin of the eight highest CH 2O production potential samples gas-phase reaction of ozone with simple alkenes,
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