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Signatures of Inelastic Scattering in Coulomb-Blockade Quantum Dots PDF

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by  T. Rupp
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Preview Signatures of Inelastic Scattering in Coulomb-Blockade Quantum Dots

Signatures of Inelastic Scattering in Coulomb-Blockade Quantum Dots T. Rupp, Y. Alhassid, and S. Malhotra Center for Theoretical Physics, Sloane Physics Laboratory, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 We calculate the finite-temperatureconductance peak–height distributions in Coulomb-blockade 2 quantumdots in thelimit where the inelastic scattering rate in thedot is large compared with the 0 mean elastic tunneling rate. The relative reduction of the standard deviation of the peak-height 0 distributionbyatime-reversalsymmetry-breakingmagneticfield,whichisessentially temperature- 2 independent in the elastic limit, is enhanced by the inclusion of inelastic scattering at finite tem- n perature. Wesuggest thisquantityasanindependentexperimentalprobeforinelasticscatteringin a closed dots. J 5 Quantum coherence of the electrons in ballistic quan- find that the decrease in the standard deviation of the ] tum dots leads to distinct signatures in the mesoscopic conductance peak heightupon applicationof a magnetic l al fluctuations of their conductance [1]. These signatures field (measured in units of the peak-height standard de- h are affected by decoherence and inelastic scattering of viationinthepresenceofamagneticfield)issensitiveto - the electrons at finite temperature. inelasticscattering. Thisreductioninthe standarddevi- s e Various methods can be used to measure the dephas- ationis temperature-independent in the elastic limit but m ingrateoftheelectronsinopendots[2,3]. Inparticular, is enhanced as a function of temperature in the inelastic . the weak-localizationeffect(i.e., the reductionofthe av- limit, and therefore can be used as an experimental sig- t a erage conductance in the absence of a magnetic field) is nature of inelastic scattering that is independent of the m sensitive to decoherence, and the suppression of this ef- weak-localizationsuppression. - fecthasbeenusedtoextractfromexperimentaldatathe In Ref. [12], the ratio of the standard deviation of the d temperature dependence of the dephasing time. peakheighttoitsmeanvaluewasmeasuredasafunction n o In almost-isolated dots, the dephasing and inelastic of temperature in the presence of a magnetic field and c scatteringratesareexpectedtovanishatlowexcitations comparedwiththeory. Itwasfound thatthe experimen- [ [4, 5]. It is, however, more difficult to determine experi- tal values are suppressed in comparison with theoretical 1 mentallythedephasingrateinsuchdots. Aneffectanal- valuescalculatedintheelasticlimit[13],andthesuppres- v ogous to weak localization was predicted in the average sion is stronger at higher temperatures. To determine 5 Coulomb-blockade peak height of a closed (i.e., almost- whether this suppression can be explained by inelastic 5 isolated)chaoticdot[6, 7], and,in the limit of pureelas- scattering, we calculate the ratio of standard deviation 0 tic scattering, was found to be essentially independent tomeanpeakheightinthe inelasticlimit. While we find 1 0 of temperature [7]. A recent experiment measured the some suppression (compared with the elastic limit), it is 2 weak-localization effect in closed dots and found good relatively small and insufficient to explain the observed 0 agreement with theory for temperatures kT below the data. / t mean level spacing ∆ [8]. However,this effect was found We consideracloseddotthatis weaklycoupledto the a tobesuppressedforkT &∆. Recently,theoppositelimit leads, where the average width Γ for elastic decay of m el wherethemeaninelasticscatteringrateΓ islargecom- anelectroninto the leadsis muchsmallerthanthe mean in - d paredwith the meanelastic rate Γel [9] wasstudied, and spacing∆ofthesingle-particlelevelsinthedot. Wealso n the weak-localization effect in the average peak heights assumethatthethermalenergykT ismuchsmallerthan o was found to be suppressed with increasing temperature the charging energy e2/C, where C is the capacitance c [10]. This suppression was stronger than what was ob- of the dot (Coulomb-blockade regime). To identify the : v served in the experiment, and it was concluded that the effect of inelastic scattering of the electrons within the Xi experimental data are consistent with Γin . Γel ∆. dot on the linear conductance, we compare two limits. ≪ Ref. [11] has generalized the master-equations approach Intheelasticlimit,theinelasticdecayrateisassumedto r a ofRef.[9]tostudytheeffectofinelasticscatteringonthe be negligible compared with the elastic rate Γ Γ , in el ≪ average peak height in the crossover regime Γ Γ . and an electron decays into one of the leads prior to any in el ∼ This allows one to determine from the data a mean in- inelastic scattering event inside the dot. In the opposite elastic scattering rate. limitofstronginelasticscattering,Γ Γ ,anelectron in el ≫ Here we study additional signatures of inelastic scat- tunneling into the dot has sufficient time to thermalize teringontheconductancepeak–heightstatisticsinclosed because of inelastic processes before leaving the dot. Coulomb-blockadequantumdots. Wecalculatethepeak- Model. We further assume the limit Γ ,Γ < kT of el in heightdistributions atfinite temperature inthe inelastic sequential tunneling that can be described by a master- limit Γ Γ , andcompare them with the correspond- equationsapproach[9]. IntheCoulomb-blockaderegime, in el ≫ ing distributions in the elastic limit. In particular, we the conductance displays sharp peaks as a function of 2 gate voltage. The conductance G around a Coulomb- blockade peak can be written as e2 πΓ G(T,E˜ )= el g(T,E˜ ), (1) F F h 4kT whereg(T,E˜ )isadimensionlessconductanceattemper- F aturekT andeffectiveFermienergyE˜ (thelattercanbe F tuned by varying the gate voltage). For kT,∆ e2/C ≪ and in the elastic limit, g = g can be expressed as a el sum of contributions from several levels λ in the dot [9] 2 ΓlΓr g = w λ λ , (2) el Γ X λΓl +Γr el λ λ λ l(r) where Γ is the partial elastic width of the level λ to λ decay to the left (right) lead, and Γ = Γl +Γr. The contributions of the levels λ in Eq. (e2l) areλweighλted by FIG.1: Leftpanels: distributionP(gmax)ofthedimensionless peak height gmax (see Eq. (1)) in the elastic (dashed lines) factors and inelastic (solid lines) limits at temperatures kT = 0.5∆ (toppanel)andkT =∆(bottompanel). Rightpanels: mean w =4f(∆F E˜ ) n [1 f(E E˜ )], (3) λ N − F h λiN − λ− F gmax (top) and standard deviation σ(gmax) (bottom) of the whichareafunctionofbothT andE˜ [13]. Here,f isthe peak height gmax in the elastic (dashed lines) and inelastic F (solid lines) limits. Fermi-Dirac distribution function, ∆FN = FN FN−1, − where F is the canonical free energy of N noninter- N acting particles,and n arethe canonicaloccupation numbersofthelevelshλiλniNthedotcontainingN electrons. symmetry(β =2). Thewidths{Γlλ;Γrλ}aretakenasthe squares of corresponding eigenvector components of the On the other hand, in the inelastic limit Γ Γ , in ≫ el randommatrix. ForagivennumberN ofelectrons,both there is full thermalization of the electrons among the the canonical free energy F and the occupation num- N levels in the dot and g =g with [9] in bers n are calculated exactly using particle-number λ N h i projection [13] (projecting from grand canonical parti- w Γl w Γr g = 2 (cid:0)Pλ λ λ(cid:1)(cid:16)Pµ µ µ(cid:17). (4) tion functions with imaginary chemical potential). The in Γ w (Γl +Γr) elastic and inelastic conductance peaks at temperature el Pν ν ν ν T arethen calculatedasafunction ofthe effective Fermi Note that the inelastic conductance (4) does not depend energy E˜ from Eqs. (2) and (4), respectively. Finally, F explicitly on Γin (in the inelastic limit). theheightgmaxofthecorrespondingconductancepeakat Inachaoticdot(e.g.,withirregularshape),thesingle- temperature T is calculated by maximizing the function particle levels and wave functions follow random-matrix g(T,E˜ ) with respect to E˜ . The (numerical) distribu- F F theory (RMT) statistics [1]. In particular, the partial tionP(g )oftheconductancepeakheightsisobtained max elasticdecaywidthsarefluctuatingquantitiesthatarein- by calculating the peak heights for an ensemble of RMT dependentanddistributedaccordingtoaPorter-Thomas spectra and corresponding widths. law PPT(Γ) Γβ/2−1exp( βΓ/Γel), where the symme- Results. Wehavecarriedoutcalculationsforbothnon- ∝ − try parameter β indicates the presence (β = 1) or ab- degenerate and spin-degenerate single-particle spectra. sence (β = 2) of time-reversal symmetry. We assume In both cases ∆ is the mean-level spacing per single- that alllevelshavea commonaveragepartialwidth, i.e., electron state (and is therefore half the orbital spacing Γlλ(r) = Γlµ(r) for any pair of levels λ and µ, and that the inthespin-degeneratecase). Inthefollowing,weassume leads are symmetric: Γl =Γr. non-degenerate energy levels unless otherwise stated. λ λ Method. We calculate the conductance peak–height Fig. 1 illustrates the temperature dependence of the distributionsintheinelasticlimitandcomparethemwith distributions P(g ) of conductance peak heights g max max thecorrespondingdistributionsintheelasticlimit. Inan in both the elastic and inelastic limits. In the left pan- RMT approach, we model the single-particle spectrum els,thedistributionsP(g )areshownattemperatures max E of the quantum dot by the spectrum of a matrix of kT = 0.5∆ and ∆. In the right panels, the mean λ { } that belongs to the corresponding Gaussian ensemble, conductance peak height g and standard deviation max i.e., the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble (GOE) for con- σ(g )(σ2(g )=g2 g 2)areshownversustem- max max max− max served time-reversal symmetry (β = 1), and the Gaus- peraturekT. Theelasticquantities areshownby dashed sian unitary ensemble (GUE) for broken time-reversal lines and the inelastic quantities by solid lines. All the 3 results in Fig. 1 are for the case of broken time-reversal symmetry (β =2), but similar behavior is found for the case of conserved time-reversal symmetry (β =1). In the limit of kT ∆, only a single level λ con- ≪ tributes to the various sums in Eqs. (2) and (4) and g = g . In this limit, the distributions of the elastic el in and inelastic conductance coincide, and the mean peak height and its standard deviation take the analytically known GUE values for one-level conduction, g =1/3 max and σ(g ) = 2√5/15 0.2981 (the GOE values are max ≈ g = 1/4 and σ(g ) = √2/4 0.3536). At finite max max ≈ temperatures, both the mean g and the standard de- max viationσ(g ) arefound tobe enhancedby inclusionof max inelastic scattering. In recent work [8, 10], the finite-temperature suppres- sion of the weak-localization effect in the average con- ductance peak height was suggested as a signature of inelastic scattering in the dot. Quantitatively, the weak- FIG.2: Thequantitiesγ (upperpanel,Eq. (6))andα(lower panel,Eq. (5))versustemperaturekT intheelastic(opencir- localizationeffectcanbedescribedbytheincreaseofthe cles)andinelastic(solidcircles)limits. Thediamondsarethe averagepeak heightupon breakingoftime-reversalsym- correspondingresults fora spin-degeneratespectrum. Notice metry (relative to the GUE average value) thesensitivity of both γ and α to inelastic scattering. g GOE max α=1 . (5) − g GUE field is applied, max σGOE(g ) max At low temperatures kT ∆, α = 0.25 [6, 7]. In the γ = 1. (6) ≪ σGUE(gmax) − elastic limit, α is fairly independent of temperature [7], as is shown by the open symbols in the lower panel of In the upper panel of Fig. 2, we show γ versus temper- Fig.2. Thecirclescorrespondtoanon-degeneratesingle- ature for both the elastic (open symbols) and inelastic particlespectrumandthediamondstoaspin-degenerate (solid symbols) limits. For kT ∆, γ = 3√5/(4√2) ≪ − spectrum. As the temperature increases, more levels 1 0.1859,characteristic for conduction involving a sin- ≈ contribute to the elastic conductance but the ratio be- gle level in the dot. In the elastic limit, γ is essentially tween the GOE and GUE averages of the peak height independent of temperature. However, at finite tem- remains approximately constant, since the average over perature, γ is sensitive to inelastic scattering. In the several contributing levels commutes with the ensemble inelastic limit, γ increases from 0.1859 at kT ∆ to ≪ average. A small suppression in the temperature range 0.42 0.01 at kT ∆. The high temperature limit ≈ ± ≫ kT/∆.0.8 is due to the suppressed occurrence of close is obtained using the approximationw w(0)/2, where λ ≈ λ lying levels in the GUE case, as pointed out already in w(0) =1/cosh2[(E E˜ )/2kT]arethe thermalweights Ref. [11]. Because levelrepulsionis strongerin the GUE λ λ− F in the absence of charging energy [1]. thantheGOE,thecontributionofanexcitedlevelinthe The quantity γ can be calculated in the crossover dot to the elastic conductance is smaller on average for regime Γ Γ using the generalized master-equations in el the GUE, and α decreases somewhat. ∼ approach of Ref. [11]. It can therefore be used as an On the other hand, inelastic scattering is found to re- independent experimental probe from which the finite- duce α at finite temperature and α 0 for kT ∆. temperature inelastic scattering rate can be determined. → ≫ As a reminder, we show in the lower panel of Fig 2 the Anotherdimensionlessquantityofrelevanceto the ex- temperature dependence of α in the inelastic limit (solid periments is the ratio between the standard deviation symbols). While the data shown in Ref. [10] was ob- σ(g )andaverageg ofthepeakheights. Thisratio max max tained assuming equidistant levels, our results are calcu- was measured versus temperature in Ref. [12] and found lated from RMT spectra yielding a stronger suppression to be significantly suppressed at higher temperatures in of the inelastic α at low temperatures. comparison with RMT calculations [13]. However, these Here we suggest an independent signature of inelastic predictions were based on the assumption of pure elas- scattering that is experimentally accessible. We define γ tic scattering, and it was conjectured that the experi- asthereductionofthestandarddeviationoftheconduc- mentally observed suppression might be due to inelastic tance peak height (relative to the GUE standard devia- scattering. Fig. 3 shows the temperature dependence of tion) when a time-reversal symmetry-breaking magnetic σ(g )/g for both the elastic (dashed lines) and in- max max 4 scattering inside the dot on the distribution of the con- ductance peak heights in the Coulomb-blockade regime. We found that the quantity γ measuring the decrease in the standard deviation of the conductance peak height uponbreakingoftime-reversalsymmetry(relativetothe value of the standard deviation for broken time-reversal symmetry)is sensitive to inelastic scatteringofelectrons within the dot. This quantity can serve as an indepen- dent experimental probe of inelastic scattering, in addi- tion to the quantity α that was suggested and measured recently. We thank C.M. Marcus for useful discussions. This work was supported in part by the U.S. DOE grant No. DE-FG-0291-ER-40608,andin partby the NationalSci- ence Foundation under Grant No. PHY99-07949. 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