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1102 Pages·2016·120.61 MB·English
by  Kramer
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SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION THIRD EDITION IJ M. K sbrand ramer University of Bordeaux European Institute of Chemistry and Biology, INSERM U1045 Talence, France AMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON NEW YORK • OXFORD • PARIS • SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYO Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier 125 London Wall, London EC2Y 5AS, UK 525 B Street, Suite 1800, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, USA 225 Wyman Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1GB, UK Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier.com/permissions. This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein). Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary. Practitioners and researchers may always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility. 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ISBN: 978-0-12-394803-8 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress For information on all Academic Press publications visit our website at http://store.elsevier.com/ Acquisition Editor: Janice Audet Editorial Project Manager: Fenton Coulthurst Production Project Manager: Karen East and Kirsty Halterman Designer: Mark Rogers Typeset by TNQ Books and Journals www.tnq.co.in Printed and bound in United States of America Biography IJsbrand Kramer is a professor at the Univer- sity of Bordeaux, working in the European Institute of Chemistry and Biology (IECB). He holds a bachelors and masters degree in biomedicine from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, with a one year research- excursion in the Department of Cell Biology at the University of Liverpool, the UK. He did his PhD at the University of Amsterdam, in the Central Laboratory of Blood Transfusion Services (Stichting Sanquin) and worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Hubrecht Labo- ratory in Utrecht and at the University of Washington in Seattle. He then took a lecturer position at the Department of Pharmacology at University College London, where he taught signal transduction (with Bastien Gomperts and Peter Tatham) and pharmacology. Both teaching activities have been documented in textbooks: Signal Trans- duction (three editions) and Receptor Pharmacology (CRC Press/Taylor Francis Group, three editions). Most of his research centers on the theme of inflammation, starting with neutrophils and the NADPH oxidase, synovial fibroblasts and destruction of the joint and more recently podosomes for- mation and extracellular matrix destruction in vascular endothelium. He moved to the University of Bordeaux for family reasons and switched from pharmacology to cell biology, with a strong contribution to an introduc- tory course for first-year university students. Given the important teaching load and the general low level of student engagement in higher education, he started to investigate the reasons for student failure (finding out about their expectations and attitudes) and the role of images and animations in comprehension. Scientific publications, Web-based multimedia resources, and dramatically enhanced retention rates (from 33% to 85%) are the fruits of these activities. At the same time, he organized with University College London and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, summer schools on Receptor and Signaling Mechanism. He has been codirector of two Euro- pean Programmes (Interbio and Transbio) that aimed at enhancing indus- trial innovation in the biomedical sector in the South West European region (SUDOE). More information about his teaching and pedagogical-research activities can be found at www.cellbiol.net. xiii Preface The third edition differs considerably from the earlier editions in that the book is no longer separated in two parts, the first providing the nuts and bolts of what might be termed classical signal transduction. In fact, this classification does not really apply for two reasons. First, for students everything is as new as the latest scientific article is for a teacher and dividing between classical or nonclassical is not really making the subject clearer and might even pretend that cells employ classical (important) and not-so classical (less important) mechanisms that bring about changes in their metabolism, gene expression, secretion rate, contraction state, and so on. Second, with the recent structural revelations of G protein-coupled receptor and the action of biased agonists, classical signal transduction has suddenly lost its classical touch and has become very modern. Instead, an introductory chapter has been added in which a number of principles are outlined common to many signal transduction events, and these are placed in the context of the most “Nobel”, the most classic, of all pathways: adren- aline to glycogen phosphorylase. While the previous editions were written by three authors and rewritten by Bastien Gomperts, so that it appeared as written by one mind, one hand, this edition also differs in that it has been written by one hand only (or, less poetically, typed by two hands on a keyboard). The two “greybeards” have pulled out after publication of the second edition and, very sadly, Bastien Gomperts has passed away in October 2013. If, from the previous editions, you appreciate the writ- ing style, the wit, and the anecdotes, bearing from some unusual sources, much of the credit goes to him. He was an inspiring mentor indeed. With a few exceptions, for instance the chapter on protein phosphatases, each chapter now has a theme of its own, around which specific aspects of signal transduction pathways are developed. For teaching purposes, Table 1-1 attempts to give a short overview of each chapter’s subjects and highlights, so that, depending on the pathway to be explored, a relevant (suitable) context can be selected. Although there still is a gradual build- up of the subject, where later chapters make reference to earlier chapters, each chapter could stand on its own. Naturally, the signaling aspects highlighted are not necessarily unique to the context in which they are developed, but it allows teachers (and students) to tell a story rather than just listing a sequence of signaling events (Kramer and Thomas, 2006). As a consequence, this edition contains more on cell biology, physiology, pathology, and immunology. By providing precise examples, embedded in precise contexts, the book offers the possibility to integrate signaling xv xvi PREFACE knowledge into the above-mentioned disciplines and, therefore, facilitates a constructive approach to teaching (for more information, see http://www. cellbiol.net/docs/Constructive_teachingKramer.pdf). Again, there has been no attempt to be comprehensive and certain important topics that well qualify for inclusion in this book, such as signals initiated by damaged DNA or unfolded proteins, are conspicuous only by their absence. Although the book touches the leading edges of the sub- ject, it also endeavors to provide an elementary basis with some historical background to all the topics covered. The “prologue” has been extended considerably with new information about the first observations of “irrita- bility,” a phenomenon that qualifies as “an essential element of the living” (besides template replication and metabolism). Historical background not only provides a broader insight into the subject and pays tribute to the wisdom of our forebears, whose freedom of thought and sometimes ser- endipitous discoveries in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries led to the creation of the modern sciences, for certain people it may also pro- vide meaning to the numerous odd names, abbreviations, and acronyms (collectively named symbols) that riddle the book. For unexplained sym- bols the reader is encouraged to consult UniProt (paragraphs “function” and “names & taxonomy”) or relevant Wikipedia articles. Besides the chapter about intracellular calcium, the book does not reveal a good deal of experimental techniques. A lack of time and a growing complexity of technology are to blame. Moreover, experience tells that explaining tech- nology is revealing for learners who already master the cellular context and signaling events but tend to mystify matters, because of a substantial increase in cognitive burden, when learners are still struggling with the molecular mechanisms that drive the pathways. In preparing the book, I have had the benefit of advice and opin- ions from many friends and colleagues. These include (in order of their first name) Alan Hall (New York), Alasdair Gibb (London), Bob Wein- berg (Cambridge, USA), Bob Lefkowitz (Durham, USA), Bruno Klaholz (Illkirch), Carsten Hoege (Dresden), Chris de Graaf (Amsterdam), Chris- topher Glass (San Diego), David Armstrong (Durham, USA), David Strutt (Sheffield), Filip van Petegem (Vancouver), Geerten Vuister (Leicester), George Mosialos (Thessaloniki), Graham Dunn (London), Jean Des- solin (Bordeaux), Jeff Saucerman (Charlottesville), Jennifer Lippincott- Schwartz (Bethesda), Jürgen Knoblich (Vienna), Karin Rittinger (London), Karl Matter (London), Maria Schumacher (Durham, USA), Marian Joëls (Utrecht), Marina Gloukova (Paris), Mark Dell’Acqua (Aurora), Matthew Gold (London), Michel Laguerre (Bordeaux), Miho Lijima (Baltimore), Mingjie Zhang (Hong Kong), Peter van Haastert (Groningen), Purna Joshi (Toronto), Roel Sterckx (Cambridge, UK), Romuald Nargeot (Bordeaux), Sander van den Heuvel (Utrecht), Shiva Malek (South San Francisco), Stuart Firestein (New York), Yohanns Bellaiche (Paris), Vadim Asharvsky (Durham, USA), Wai Leong (Singapore), and Wei-Min Shen Los Angeles. Special gratitude also goes to all authors, curators, Website developers, and PREFACE xvii technicians who contributed and continue to contribute to an increasing number of outstanding annotated databases (UniProt, PubMed, OMIM, UniGene, GenomeNet, HGNC, PhosphoSite, and so on) and Wikis. These databases have become key sources of information for research as well as education. I encourage students to go out on the web! In acknowledgment of their contribution I offer the following quota- tion by one of the pioneers of signal transduction (Figure 1-1; Ringer and Murrell, 1878). FIGURE 1-1 xviii PREFACE Of course, the authors of this paper would themselves never have recog- nized the expression signal transduction, and it would be a further 100 years before it made its appearance in the biological literature. The sensations brought about by pituri, an alkaloid that Ringer and Murrell described as sharing some of the pharmacological properties of atropine (courage, infu- riation, frustration, and headaches), are not dissimilar to those experienced in the writing of this book. Indeed, they will be familiar to many students and investigators in this and other fields of research. However, we should not take this too far. When Ringer (1879) tested the effects of the applica- tion of pituri on four men, he noted that it also causes drowsiness, faint- ness, pallor, giddiness, hurried and superficial breathing, dilates the pupil, produces general weakness with convulsive twitchings, and antagonizes the action of muscarin on the heart. Unlike atropine, it produces sickness and increases the salivary secretion in large doses copiously, the breathing becomes quick and shallow, and general weakness ensues. Reading all this, it leads one to wonder who, among their students, colleagues, and servants, may have offered themselves up as willing, or less than willing, guinea pigs in the furtherance of scientific research. Ringer and his friends apparently preferred to eschew membership of the very honorable brotherhood of self- experimenters, of which the more famous members include Sir, Humphry Davey, who breathed nitrous oxide as well as other more noxious gases, John Scott Haldane, who too inhaled lethal gases; and more recently Barry Marshall, who has swallowed a culture of Helicobacter pylori to show that it caused stomach ulcers and who with Robin Warren was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2005. Another member of this fraternity, Charles Eduard Brown-Sequard, figures prominently in “prologue” chapter. NOTES For web-support of this book See the companion website: http://booksite.elsevier.com/9780123948038 For protein structural data we have made use of The Protein Data Bank: Berman et al. (2000). Protein structures have been generated using PyMol (education ver- sion), a molecular visualization system on open source foundation, main- tained and distributed by Schrodinger. References We have tried to provide original text sources to nearly all the state- ments, experiments, and discoveries discussed. The main reason for this PREFACE xix is that we ourselves have necessarily had to extend the treatment of nearly all the topics presented far beyond the areas of our own experience or expertise. Thus, comprehensive lists are there to provide us with some sort of reassurance that what we have written has not simply been con- jured out of the air. Also, because we have made a particular feature of presenting original historical source material by quotation, which nec- essarily required referencing, it seemed logical also to include literature references to modern sources as well. Thus we hope that this book may serve as a valuable resource, in the manner of a basic literature review, for anyone wanting to explore further. Protein symbols (gene products) We have named proteins according to the symbols agreed upon in the HUGO gene nomenclature database (HGNC) (www.genenames.org). Similar symbols have been adopted by protein databases such as UniProt. Some of the new symbols are simply awkward, so different from conven- tional names that they are even not recognized by scientists who made major contributions to the field, and when they really are uncommon alternative more conventional names are provided, but from a pedagogi- cal point of view it is vital that students can search the web with unique (unambiguous) symbols and find out about the relevant proteins (and genes) themselves. And remember, certain symbols may be more familiar to experts in the field, for students they are all the same: new and often gruesome. References Kramer, I.M., Thomas, G., Spring 2006. Meeting report: teaching signal transduction. CBE Life Sci. Educ. 5, 19–26. Ringer, S., Murrell, W., 1878. On pituri. J. Physiol. 377–383. Ringer, S., 1879. On the action of pituri on man. Lancet 290–291. Berman, H.M., Westbrook, J., Feng, Z., Gilliland, G., Bhat, T.N., Weissig, H., Shindyalov, I.N., Bourne, P.E., 2000. The protein data bank. Nucleic Acids Res. 28, 235–242. http://www. rcsb.org/pdb/. TABLE 1-1 Contexts, pathways, subjects, and proteins/molecules elaborated in different chapters x x Highlights on molecules, proteins, Title/context/main pathway Subjects and personalities 1. P rologue: Signal transduction from An account of how the term “signal transduction” • A lfred Gilman an historical perspective entered biomedical research and how stimulus– • M artin Rodbell response coupling, hormones, neurotransmitters, • T homas Henry Huxley growth factors, and their receptors were brought to • S teve Grand light • C harles Edouard Brown-Séquard • H enry Hallett Dale • O tto Loewi • G eorge Oliver • E dward Scharpey-Schäfer • E rnest Henry Starling • W illam Maddock Baylis • C ONRO, a self-reconfigurable robot • P aul Ehrlich • J ohn Newport Langley • F rancis Peyton Rous • R ita Levi-Montalcini • S tanley Cohen • A lexis Carrel • H oward Temin • R enato Dulbecco 2. A n introduction to signal • S ignaling pathways serve to create symbolic • A ph(2′)-Ib, aminoglycoside-2 transduction representations of the cellular environment phosphotransferase, Escherichia coli (ancient) Context: • F irst messengers, description of hormones, protein kinase fold, structural composition, Adrenalin-mediated activation of growth and differentiation factors, cytokines, conserved residues, αC helix glycogen phosphorylase in striated inflammatory mediators, vasoactive agents, • D ocking site, substrate-binding motifs in muscle neurotransmitters MAPKinase, D motif, and DEF motif, examples of substrates, sequence of the transcription factor ELK1 • S ignaling in context, the signal itself is ambiguous • E dmond Fischer and Edwin Krebs, Nobel but context, cell type, and cell condition, Laureates 1992 (protein phosphorylation, determine the outcome glycogen phosphorylase) • R eceptor–ligand concept, classic pharmacology, • E icosanoids, molecular composition, different receptor types prostaglandin, prostacyclin, thromboxane, • S ignaling mechanisms, the sequence of receptor– leukotriene, anandamide transducer–effector–second messenger • G NAI1, Gαi subunit of heterotrimeric G-protein, • A drenaline to glycogen phosphorylase, structural composition, conserved residues, pioneer studies in signal transduction, detailed GTP-binding pocket, GαRAS and alpha-helical transcription of the pathway as operated in segment muscle • H 3F3A, histone-3.3, posttranslational • N obel laureates associated with the adrenaline to modifications, acetylation, crotonylation, glycogen phosphorylase pathway methylation, and phosphorylation • W ired allostery, signal integration, and thoughtful • H RAS, monomeric G-protein, molecular decisions structure, position of conserved residues, • P osttranslational modifications, a broad overview mechanism of nucleotide exchange and GTP • F eedback mechanisms, modeling of EGFR- hydrolysis, GTPase cycle, switch regions, mediated activation of MAP-kinase farnesylation • C ellular communication, modes of, endocrine, paracrine, juxtacrine, synaptic, and autocrine • P harmacology, agonist, antagonist, inverse agonist, receptor–ligand interaction, affinity, dose–response curve, receptor number, and signal sensitivity • P hosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system in bacteria • P hosphorylation, consequences for activity and subcellular localization of proteins, potential phosphate donors, ATP favorite but not exclusive x Continued x i

A reference on cellular signaling processes, the third edition of Signal Transduction continues in the tradition of previous editions, in providing a historical overview of how the concept of stimulus-response coupling arose in the early twentieth century and shaped our current understanding of the
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