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Preview Signal Shaping for Two-User Gaussian Multiple Access Channels with Computation: Beyond the Cut-Set Bound

Signal Shaping for Two-User Gaussian Multiple Access Channels with Computation: Beyond the Cut-Set Bound Zhiyong Chen, and Hui Liu Cooperative Medianet Innovation Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, P. R. China Email: zhiyongchen, huiliu @sjtu.edu.cn { } 7 1 0 Abstract—In this paper, we investigate the signal shaping z Jan 2 iaopncpecrteiamtsrsiatznwcinhsomga-uniitsnnteeeprrluit(dsMipbsArceorCybeo)tanebdwiltitiithtmhyeecdcouimsmtt-respimebututobatrtioyoiuolnenns,.dst.hIItGenaitscruoassnnshitsaormnwasinstmswitouhintlathtirptablhteyee- wA A xA y D wA¯wB single-userdiscretememorylesschannel,theMaxwell-Boltzmann 5 distribution is no longer a good approximation to the optimal wB B xB 2 input probability distribution for this discrete-time Gaussian MAC with computation. Specifically, we derive and analyze the ] Fig. 1. A two-user discrete-time memoryless Gaussian multiple access T mutualinformationforthischannel.Becauseofthecomputation channel withcomputation. I in the destination, the mutual information is not concave in . general on the input probability distribution, and then primal- s c dual interior-point method is used to solve this non-convex [ problem. Finally, some good input probability distributions for be regarded as the multiple access phase in two-way relaying 16-ary pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) constellation are channels [1], [2]. To the best of my knowledge, the capacity 1 obtained and achieve 4.0349 dB gain over the cut-set bound of such channels is still unknown, but it is upper bounded by v for the target transmission rate 3.0067 bits/(channel use). 4 1 P 9 I. INTRODUCTION, SIGNAL MODELAND MAIN RESULTS Ccs = 2log2(1+ σ2), (1) 3 Inthispaper,westudyatwo-userdiscrete-timememoryless per transmitter based on the cut-set bound [1], [2]. Here, we 7 0 Gaussian multiple access channel (MAC) with computation. use σ2 =N0/2 as the noise variance per dimension. As well . The two-user discrete-time memorylessGaussian MAC is de- known, this upper bound is attained by continuous Gaussian 1 70 fiYn,eadnbdyatwcoonidniptiuotnaallphparobbetasbXiliit,yid=istAri,bBut,ioanndPoru(tYpu|XtaAlp,XhaBbe).t iisnpthuet.oFpotrimthailssidginscarlelitnegdsitsrtaritbeugtyioPnXininpuotsrdXerAtoanmdaxXimBi,zewhthaet 1 Here, let Xi and Y be random variables taking values in Xi mutual information I(WC;Y) in this two-user discrete time v: aZnd∼Y, re(s0p,eNctiv)eilsy.aWGeaucsosnisaindenroYise=asXshAow+nXFBig+. 1Z. Zanids memoryless Gaussian MAC with computation Pr(y|xA,xB)? i 0 X indepeCnNdent of X , i = A,B. Furthermore, we consider A. Main Results i A X r and are one-dimensional signal constellations, but is In this paper, we answer this fundamental problem in a orthoXgBonalwith . For example, we use = a MXAand some cases. In particular, we consider a real-value 2m-ary XB XA { i}i=1 XityBP= {=√−p1aiM}Mi=,1w=he√re−a1XisArewailthnucmorbreesr,pion=di1n,g..p.,rNob.abil- apulcsoemapmlepxli-tvuadleuem2omdu-laartyionPA(PMAMc)oncsotneslltaetliloantionfofror XA, ia.ne.d, NoXw, w{eid}ei=sc1ribe the ciomputation operation. Source i M = 2m and a = M + 2i 1 for i = X1B,...,M. i − − has source bit messages W , i = A,B. W and W are With this orthogonalconstellations,the destination can dothe i A B independent.Byusinglinearmodulation,W ismappedtothe ambiguity-free detection, which means w can be uniquely i C signal symbol X , i = A,B. Thus, X is also independent decoded. i A of X . Different from the conventional MAC, the goal of 1) GoodInputProbabilityDistributions: Wefirstderivethe B the destination in this paper is to compute a target mod- mutualinformationI(W ;Y)forthetransmissionofarbitrary C 2 sum of the messages from the received signals Y, i.e., and withP .Theoptimalsignallingstrategyproblem A B X X X W =W W .Inthiscontext,differentx +x valuescan for an optimal choice P∗ to maximize I(W ;Y) is then for- C A⊕ B A B X C representthesamew value,duetothemany-to-oneoperation mulated. In contrast with the single-user discrete memoryless C of computation in the destination. channel (DMC) where the problem of capacity computation Consider the probability restriction M p = 1 and 0 is convex, this convexity is missing. As a result, we use Pi=1 i ≤ p 1 for i, and the average transmission power constraint primaldualinterior-pointmethodtocarryoutthisoptimization i E[≤x 2] =∀E[x 2] = M p a 2 P. This model can problem and obtain good input probability distributions. | A| | B| Pi=1 i| i| ≤ TABLEI GOODINPUTPROBABILITYDISTRIBUTIONSPX∗ OF16-PAM • The uniform distribution suffers a large shaping loss. CONSTELLATIONFORGAUSSIANMACOVERCOMPUTATIONWITH For example, when the achievable rate Rt is 3.0067 CONSTRAINTSONTHEDIFFERENTTARGETTRANSMISSIONRATERt bits/(channel use), the uniform distribution is far away (BITS/CHANNELUSE).FOREACHINPUTDISTRIBUTIONTHESNR THRESHOLD(P )∗ISGIVEN.BESIDES,APPLYINGTHECUT-SETBOUND from the cut-set bound by 3.9901 dB, which points out σ2 (1)FORTHETARGETRATERt,WECANGET(σP2)cs.WEALSOAPPLYTHE the importance of signal shaping. MBDISTRIBUTIONANDUNIFORMDISTRIBUTIONTOTHE • In contrast with the single-user DMC, the Maxwell- CONSTELLATION,ANDOBTAIN(σP2)MB AND(σP2)uf FORRt, Boltzmann distribution is no longer a good approx- RESPECTIVELY. imation to the optimal distribution for discrete-time Rt 3.0067 1.9724 0.9846 0.5239 Gaussian MAC with computation. Similarly, consider- p1 0.0002276 0.0000896 0.0000140 0.0184170 ing Rt = 1.9724 bits/(channel use), the proposed good p2 0.0933530 0.0000637 0.0000495 0.0540220 input probability distribution P∗ achieves 2.5893 dB p3 0.0001605 0.0001011 0.0250460 0.0003871 X gain compared with the optimized MB distribution with p4 0.0001664 0.0845740 0.0464800 0.0560510 p5 0.1692600 0.1336100 0.0062702 0.0000330 λ∗ =0.115. p6 0.1833400 0.0001079 0.0229170 0.0000371 p7 0.0002105 0.2013800 0.0000193 0.0000140 2) Beyond the cut-set bound: Surprisingly, we find that in p8 0.2352551 0.3054700 0.7495156 0.0000319 discrete-time Gaussian MAC with computation, the trans- p9 0.0001460 0.0000463 0.0000159 0.7945245 mission rate with the proposed good input probability p10 0.0001526 0.0000470 0.0000211 0.0000120 distributioncanbeatthecut-setbound!Basedonthecut-set p11 0.2007700 0.1881500 0.0001262 0.0000012 p12 0.0002296 0.0001013 0.0903270 0.0000113 bound(1), thethreshold(σP2)cs onthischannelis18.0349dB p13 0.0002384 0.0860131 0.0589980 0.0000281 for C = 3.0067 bits/(channel use), but we can get a much cs p14 0.1157200 0.0000909 0.0001697 0.0004899 better threshold (P )∗ = 14 dB based on the proposed good p15 0.0001761 0.0000615 0.0000167 0.0256960 σ2 p16 0.0005942 0.0000936 0.0000138 0.0502440 inputprobabilitydistributionPX∗.Similarly,theproposedgood (P )∗ dB 14 9 3 -1 inputdistributioncanoutperformthecut-setboundby2.5834, σ2 (P )cs dB 18.0349 11.5834 4.6471 0.2831 1.6471 and 1.2831 dB for Rt = 1.9724,0.9846 and 0.5239 σ2 (P )MB dB 17.7858 11.5893 5.5165 2.3252 bits/(channel use), respectively. σ2 (P )uf dB 22.0250 16.9335 10.1647 5.8724 Because I(W ;Y) for this channelcannotbe calculated in σ2 C closed form, we cannot prove this phenomenon theoretically. However, we can express this observation from the mismatch The Maxwell-Boltzmann(MB) distributionand the uniform of the cut-set bound for discrete-time Gaussian MAC with distribution are considered as two benchmarks in this paper. computation. Accordingly, the cut-set bound is defined as The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution provides a very good C = max I(X ;Y X ), which means the maximum cs PX A | B approximation to the optimal distribution obtained from the rate achievable from source A to the destination when source Blahut-Arimoto algorithm for the single-user DMC [3]–[5], B is not sending any information. In this context, when the and can be written as transmission rate is below C , X can be reliably transmit- cs A pi = Peixepx(cid:0)p−(λ−|λa|ia|2i(cid:1)|2), (2) tHtheodawnweivintehdri,vaitrdhbueitardlaerwsiltAyinasotmiroanwllBwe.arrnDotrsueptortooobbatbhtaieilnitcyowmPApr(u⊕wtaAwtioB6=n,,rmwaˆtAhoer)er. where the parameterλ characterizesthe trade-offbetween the than one superposition signals x +x are mapped to one A B mavienriamguempoawveerraPgeaennderegnytrwophyichHm(Weacn)s. Wthee mcainnicmounmsumsigentahle- wwA⊕=wwB′,.yTiehludsi,ngthewrAe m⊕awybBe=exwisA′t s⊕omweB′ cfaosreswsAuc6=hwthA′atatnhde B 6 B to-noise (SNR) to achieve a given transmission rate Rt by transmissionratepertransmittermaybecanexceedCcs,yield- selecting λ properly. Taking Rt = 3.0067 (bits per channel ingPr(wC =wˆC) 0,althoughwehavePr(wA =wˆA)=0 use) for example, the optimized value λ∗ = 0.0295 for 16- or Pr(w =6 wˆ )=→0. 6 6 B B 6 6 PAM. We have pi =1/M for the uniform distribution. Besides,thiscut-setboundC canbeattainedbyGaussian cs The resulting input probability distributions of 16- input x N(0,P). In general, there is no solution to A PAM1 (M = 16) are shown in Table I for Rt = calculate I(∼W ;Y) with X N(0,P) and X N(0,P). c A B 3.0067,1.9724,0.9846and0.5239(bitsperchanneluse).Each Butaccordingto(2),theMBd∼istributionisadiscre∼teGaussian column corresponds to on particular input probability distri- distribution. We can use the MB distribution to verify the bution ϕ∗p as well as the corresponding SNR ((σP2)∗ (dB)). above-mentionedphenomenon.From Table I, we can see that Here,thethreshold(P )∗ isthesmallestrequired P suchthat the transmission rate of the MB distribution can also beat σ2 σ2 the transmission achieves a given rate Rt. Likewise, we have the cut-set bound at some SNR values. For example, the MB the thresholds (σP2)MB and (σP2)uf for the MB distribution distribution with λ∗ = 0.0295 achieves 0.2491 dB gain over andtheuniformdistribution,respectively.Interestingly,wecan the cut-set bound for rate R =3.0067 bits/(channel uses), t observe from Table I that: Accordingly, we conjecture that the cut-set bound is not tight for the discrete-time Gaussian MAC with computa- 1It is easily to obtain good input probability distributions with any n or otherconstellations, e.g.,quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). tion, and can be exceeded. B. Related Work Ω =M and the probability of wi can be calculated as | i| C For the single-user DMC, the mutual information is a con- Pr(wi )= p p , (3) cave function of the input probability distribution and Kuhn- C X k l Tucker condition is necessary and sufficient for a distribution (k,l)∈Ωi to maximize the mutual information. The Blahut-Arimoto for i=1, ,M. ··· algorithm is then developed to compute the optimal input Remark 1: Therefore, the entropy of W is C probabilitydistribution[3], [4], and can be approachedby the M MB distribution [5]. Indeed, by selecting constellation points H(W )= p p log p p . (4) properly based on the MB distribution at any dimension, the C −X X k l 2 X k l ultimate shaping gain (1.53 dB) can be achieved [5]. i=1(k,l)∈Ωi (k,l)∈Ωi For discrete-time memoryless Gaussian MAC, the mutual The first- and second-order derivatives of H(W ) are C information (e.g., I(X ,X ;Y)) is not concave on the input A B probability distribution. However, with the binary input, the ∂H(WC) = 2 2 M pi log p p , (5) total capacity can be calculated for a two-user discrete-time ∂p −ln2 − X j 2 X k l memoryless Gaussian MAC [6]. Then, a generalized Blahut- i j=1  (k,l)∈Ωj  Arimotoalgorithmhasbeendevelopedforcomputationofthe totalcapacityofdiscrete-timememorylessGaussianMAC[7]. ∂2H(W ) 4 p p C i n = 2log p p , More recently, a two-user Gaussian MAC under peak power ∂p ∂p − 2 X k l− ln2 p p constraintsatthetransmittersisaddressedin[8],whichproves i n (k,l)∈Ωj′ P(k,l)∈Ωj′ k l that discrete distributions with a finite number of mass points M 4pipn j j , (6) can achieve anypointon the boundaryof the capacity region. − X ln2 p p Instead of reconstructingall the signals of each transmitter, j=1,j6=j′ P(k,l)∈Ωj k l the destination only reconstructs a function of sources in a where pi is the probability of a or √ 1a , yielding a + MAC over computation [9]. The work of [9] presents that j k − k k √ 1a Ω or a +√ 1a Ω for given i, respectively. i j i k j structured codes can achieve higher computation rates for − ∈ − ∈ Ωj′ denotes the index pairs set of (xA,xB) including of computing the modulo-sum of two messages in Gaussian (k,l) = (i,n) or (k,l) = (n,i). We can see from (6) that MAC over computation. Accordingly, [1] achieves a rate ∂2H(WC) isdependentofP ,sothattheconvexityofH(W ) of 1log(1 + P ) by using lattice coding in the multiple ∂pi∂pn X C 2 2 σ2 on P is missing. access phase of the two-way relaying channels. The results X Fortunately, because x is orthogonal with x , we have are effective in understanding specific features of different A B Pr(y x ,x )=Pr(y x )forall(x ,x ) .The computation functions inherent the model. However, there | A B | AB A B ∈XA×XB mutual information I(W ;Y) is then given by the following remain much fundamental problems to be done, e.g., the C theorem. optimal input probability distribution for discrete memoryless Theorem 1: The mutual information I(W ;Y) of a Gaussian MAC with computation. C discrete-time memoryless Gaussian MAC with computation II. PROBLEM FORMULATIONAND ANALYSIS Pr(y|xA,xB) is shown in (7). Proof: Given wi , i = 1, ,M, the conditional proba- Definition 1: LetxAB =xA+xB denotethesuperimposed bility Pr(y wi ) canCbe written··a·s signal without noise in the destination. Let = xi wi | C denote the signal set with respect to a giVvein co{mApBut|atiCo}n Pr(wi y)Pr(y) Pr(xi (k,l)y)Pr(y) Pr(y wi )= C| = AB | messages wi , for i = 1, ,M. We use natural mapping | C Pr(wi ) X Pr(wi ) for 2m-ary PCAM in this pap··e·r, e.g., w3 =0010 for M =16. C (k,l)∈Ωi C There are M different pairs of (wA,wCB) associated with the = Pr(y|xiAB(k,l))Pr(xiAB(k,l)) same wi . Thus, the cardinality of the signal set is =M. X Pr(wi ) DefinCition 2: Let Ω = (k,l) : xi (k,l) |V=i| a + (k,l)∈Ωi C √−1al ∈Vi,1≤k ≤Mi ,1≤{l ≤M} denAoBte the index pkairs (=i) X pkplPr(y|xiABp(kp,l)) (8) setof(xA,xB)ofassociatedwiththesamewCi .Wethenhave (k,l)∈Ωi P(k,l)∈Ωi k l I(W ;Y)= M  p p Pr(y wi )log Pr(y|wCi ) (7) C Xy Xi=1(k,Xl)∈Ωi k l | C PMj=1(cid:16)P(k′,l′)∈Ωjpk′pl′(cid:17)Pr(y|wCj ) M M p p Pr(y xi (k,l)) =  p p log p p +  p p Pr(y xi (k,l))log P(k,l)∈Ωi k l | AB . −Xi=1(k,Xl)∈Ωi k l (k,Xl)∈Ωi k l Xy Xi=1(k,Xl)∈Ωi k l | AB  PMj=1(cid:16)P(k′,l′)∈Ωjpk′pl′ Pr(y|xjAB(k′,l′))(cid:17) where Steps (i) is based on Pr(xi (k,l)) = p p . Accord- AB k l ingly, we have Theorem 1. 4 Cut−set bound: 1/2×log(1+P/σ2) According to (8), Pr(y wi ) is dependent on P given the 2 | C X 3.5 Good input distribution, 16−PAM channel transform matrix Pr(y x ,x ). If P is uniform d1istribution, iP.er.(,yPxrii =(k,lM1)).fo|rAall Bi, Pr(y|wXCi ) becomes nel use) 3 MUnBi fdoirsmtr idbiusttiroibnu, t1io6n−,P 1A6M−PAM M P(k,l)∈Ωi | AB an canRemMaarlksPo2r:(wTihbe)ePr(ymwwuriittut)ealnlog iansforPmr(ayIt|(iwWoCin)C;Y)I(.WC;Y=) bits per ch2.25 PAcycoPrdii=n1g to Cthe con|caCvity oPf Mj=m1uPtru(walCi)iPnrf(oyr|mwCia)tion, for ate ( fifisuxnPecdrti(oyPnxra(lyo,|fwxPCi)r),(,wniCot).=PHr(oy1w,we.v..e,)rM.,th,eIc(hWanCn;eYlt)ranissfoarmcomnactarvixe nsmission r1.15 3.35 A B C a There|fore, the optimal i|nput probability distribution prob- Tr 0.5 lem for a discrete-time memoryless Gaussian MAC with 2.5 computation Pr(y xA,xB) can be formulated as 0 16 18 20 | −5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 max I(W ;Y) P/σ2 (dB) C PX M Fig.2. Transmissionratepertransmitterof16-PAMwithdifferentdistribu- s.t. p =1 tionsindiscrete timeGaussianmultiple access channelwithcomputation. X i i=1 p 0, i=1,...M i ≥ the gap at 2.5 (bits/channel use) between the cut-set bound M p a 2 P (9) and the achievable rate with uniform distribution is 4.67 dB. X i| i| ≤ Thus, it is very necessary to do the signal shaping. Moreover, i=1 the results show that the proposed good input probability Based on M p = 1, P is located on an (M 1)- Pi=1 i X − distribution has significantly shaping gain compared with the dimensional simplex D . Similar to [6], I(W ;Y) is not p C uniform distribution, e.g., 8.38 dB in 2.5 bits/(channel use). in general concave on the input probability distribution PX. Interestingly,itcanalsobeseenthatforfixed P ( 5dB Because ∂Pr∂(pyi|wCj) does not equal 0 and I(WC;Y) is a σP2 ≤ 25 dB), the achievable rate per transmiσtt2er−with P≤X∗ function of PX PX, it is difficult to evaluate obtain the based 16-PAM is larger than the cut-set bound. For example, N necessary condition for the optimal problem based on Kuhn- for rate-2.5 bit per channeluse, P∗ providesgain of 3.71 dB X Tucker condition. Here, denotes Kronecker product. comparedthe cut-set bound.Notice also that the transmission N For this non-convex problem, we can use some stochas- rate based the MB distribution is very close to the cut-set tic optimization algorithm to solve this non-convex problem bound, even more than the cut-set bound for high SNR (11.5 [10], e.g, genetic algorithm or annealing algorithm. However, dB P 21.5 dB). The reason for this observation is ≤ σ2 ≤ stochastic algorithms have high complexity and cannot guar- presented in Section I-A. antee a global optimal solution. In this paper, we use primal- Fig. 3 plots the good distribution and the corresponding dualinterior-pointalgorithmwithrandominitialvaluestofind probability distribution of W for R =3.0067 bits/(channel C t theoptimalsolution[11]. Primal-dualinterior-pointmethodis use). It is clear from this figure that this P has more X a deterministic optimization algorithm, where every feasible volatilitythanPr(W ).Thisbehaviorimpliesthecomputation C initialvaluesisrelatedtoa localoptimalsolution.Asaresult, operationcansmooththepeak-to-averageprobability.Thiscan we can use different initial values to approach the global be very useful to improve the entropy. With this probability optimal solution. distribution, we have H(X ) = H(X ) = 2.5455 bits, but A B the entropy of W is increased to H =3.7959 bits. III. NUMERICAL RESULTS C WC We consider16-PAMconstellationinthesimulation.Based IV. EXTENSIONAND DISCUSSION onTheorem1andprimal-dualinterior-pointalgorithm,wecan A. Differentinput probabilitydistributions for differenttrans- search good inputprobabilitydistributionP∗ and then obtain X mitters the transmission rate at each P per transmitter. Fig. 2 plots σ2 the transmission rate per transmitter for increasing P with Inprevioussections,twoorthogonal1-Dconstellationswith σ2 differentPX, wheresomecorrespondingproposedgoodinput thesameinputprobabilitydistributionPX areused.Obviously, probability distributions P∗ are listed in Table I. it can be extended to two orthogonal 1-D constellations with X From the simulation results, it is clearly show that with the differentinputprobabilitydistributionPX andQX.LetQX = uniform distribution, the system suffers a large shaping loss, {qi}Mi=1 betheinputprobabilitydistributionofXB.Therefore, where the shaping loss is larger than 1.53 dB. For example, (3) becomes P(k,l)∈Ωipkql and then we can get I(WC;Y) TABLEII 0.25 GOODINPUTPROBABILITYDISTRIBUTIONPX∗ OF16-QAM CONSTELLATIONWITHGRAYMAPPINGFORGAUSSIANMACOVER p i COMPUTATIONFORDIFFERENTTARGETTRANSMISSIONRATESRt Pr(wi) (BITS/CHANNELUSE). C 0.2 Rt 3.9176 3.2494 2.7475 1.5412 ( P )∗ dB 14 9 7 3 0.15 (2Pσ2)cs dB 11.4958 9.2991 7.5706 2.8112 2σ2 pi (2Pσ2)MB dB 14.025 9.012 7.011 3.0002 ( P )uf dB 15.0681 10.9920 9.1750 5.0278 0.1 2σ2 0.05 V. CONCLUSIONS We address the optimization problem of the input proba- bility distribution to maximize the mutual information for a 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 two-userGaussian MACwith computation.We formulateand Index i analyzetheoptimizationproblem,andthenusetheprimal-dual interior-pointalgorithmtosearchtheoptimalinputprobability Fig.3. Angoodinputprobability distribution PX ={pi}1i=61 for16-PAM distribution. The main results are summarized as follows: andtheprobability ofWC atRt=3.0067bits/(channel use). • The uniform distribution suffers a large shaping loss comparedwith the cut-setbound,where the shapingloss by substituting Pr(wCi ) into (7). QX is also located on an is larger than 1.53 dB. (M 1)-dimensionalsimplex Qp, and Dp Qp is a domain • The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution also suffers a large of P−X QX. As a result, we need to searNch PX∗ and Q∗X in performanceloss compared with the optimal input prob- N Dp Qp to maximize I(WC;Y). By increasing the search ability distribution. dimNension, I(WC;Y) based on PX∗ and Q∗X is no less than • Theproposedinputprobabilitydistributioncanachievea that based on P∗ and P∗. significant gain compared with the cut-set bound. X X Taking16-PAMconstellationforexample,forgiven P =9 σ2 dB,I(W ;Y)canachieve2.9762bits/(channeluse)basedon REFERENCES C the following PX∗ and Q∗X. [1] M. P. Wilson, K. Narayanan, H. D. Pfister, and A. Sprintson, “Joint physical layer coding and network coding for bidirectional relaying,” PX∗ =10−4×{2,1226,2,2,3,3326,2,2,2,3701,2,2,2, IEEETrans.Inf.Theory,vol.56,no.11,pp.5641–5654, Nov2010. 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