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Se SIGNAL F 4; PROCESSING ELSEVIER Astola, J., O.V.Sarea (3) 247-263 Ichige, K.. N. Otsuka and R. Ishii, P: transformat rices for IIR Bamford, P. and B. Lovell, Unsupervised cell nucleus segmenta Ishii, R., see K. Ichige ) tion with active contours (2 03-213 Bapalt, J.L., Partially blind estimatio sased approaches Jain, A.K., Y. Zhong, M.-P. Dubuisson-Jolly, Def and Cramer—Rao bound 3) 265-2 plate mod At A >) 109 ) Barni, M. and V. Cappellini, On the « f multivariate median filters (1) 4 ’ Kafri, W.S., see W.A. Hashlamoun Bloyet, D., see A. Elmoataz (2) 215-226 Kamel, M.. 4. Campilho Bohme, J.F.. see A.B. Gershman (1) 15-2 Kervrann, C.. Learning probat Campilho, A. and M. Kamel, Editorial Cappellini, V.. see M. Barni (1) 45-54 Lee. Y.-Y.. Castedo, L., see J. Miguez (1) 15-2 Lim. J.S.. B Chern, S.-J., see S.-N. Lin (1) “ ) : onditior Clouard, R., see A. Elmoataz | ~ Lin, S.-N. and S.-J. Chern, Cong, S., see L. Homg (1) 55-77 tir tion alg Conradsen, K., see N. Schultz (2) 141-153 Lo, P.-C. and Y.-Y. Lee, Rea Cowley, W.G., Reference symbols can improve performance radix FFI Ar gor over differential coding in MI nd near-ML detector butterfly modu 3) 29] Lovell, B.. see P. Bomford (2 Cui, N., see L. Hong (1) 55-77 Miguez, J. and L. Castedo, A co Delingette, H., see J. Montagnat (2) 173-186 re “+r for mult user nter ierer Dougherty, E.R., see O.V. Sarea (3) 247-263 Mavuduru, R., see L. Pavlidis Dubuisson-Jolly, ML-P., see A.K. Jain (2 2 Montagnat, J. and H. Delingette, Global) ible models for 3D object1 Elmoataz, A., S. Schupp, R. Ciouard, P. Herlin and D. Bloyet, g active contours and mathematical morphology tools Otsuka, N., see K. Ichige quantification of immunohistochemical images 2) 215-226 Papanikolopoulos, N.P., see 1. Paviidis (2) 187-20) Pavlidis, 1., N.P. Papanikolopoulos and R. Mavuduru, S Fan, X., see N.H. Younan (i) 85-93 jentification through the use of deformab 1R7 (1 Gershman, A.B. and J.F. Bohme, A pseudo-noise approach to Prince, J.L., see C. Xu direction finding (1) 1-13 Sakai, H. and K. Shimizu, A new Hashlamoun, W.A. and W.S. Kafri, A unified framework for omponent is (3) 301-308 evaluating bounds on the Bayesian cost (3) 279-289 Sarca, O.V., E.R. Dougherty and J. Astola, $ Herlin, P., see A. Elmoataz (2) 215-226 strained Boolean filters (3) 247-263 Hong, L.. N. Cui, S. Cong and D. Wicker, An interacting Schupp, S., see A. Elmoataz (2) 215-226 multipattern date association (IMPDA) tracking algo Schultz, '. and K. Conradsen, 2D rithm (1) 55 plates 4 Elsevier Science B.\ ~ avneeeae e “2

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