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Sigma Functions for Telescopic Curves ∗ 2 Takanori Ayano 1 0 2 n a Abstract J In this paper, we consider a symplectic basis of the first cohomology 3 group andthesigma functionsforalgebraic curvesexpressedbyacanon- ] ical form using a finite sequence (a1,··· ,at) of positive integers whose G greatest common divisor is equal to one (Miura [13]). The idea is to ex- pressanon-singularalgebraiccurvebyaffineequationsoftvariableswhose A orders at infinityare (a1,··· ,at). Weconstruct asymplectic basis of the . h firstcohomology groupandthesigma functionsfortelescopiccurves,i.e., t the curves such that the number of defining equations is exactly t−1 in a theMiuracanonical form. Thelargest classofcurvesforwhichsuchcon- m struction has been obtained thus far is (n,s)-curves ([3][15]), which are [ telescopic because they are expressed in the Miura canonical form with 1 t=2, a1=n, and a2 =s,and thenumberof definingequations is one. v 4 1 Introduction 4 6 0 In recent years, the theory of Abelian functions is attracting increasing 1. interest in mathematical physics and applied mathematics. In particular, the 0 sigma functions associated with algebraic curves with higher genus have been 2 studied actively. In this paper, we construct the sigma functions for a class of 1 algebraic curves for which such construction has not been obtained thus far. : v Let C be a compact Riemann surface with genus g, and H1(C,C) the first i cohomologygroup,which is defined by the linear space of second kind differen- X tials modulo meromorphic exact forms. We say a meromorphic differential on r a C to be second kind if it is locally exact. We consider a basis of H1(C,C) consisting of dimCH1(C,C)=2g elements (cf. [11], pp.29-31, Theorem 8.1,8.2) . In particular, in order to construct the sigmafunctions, wewishto constructabasis(symplectic basis) du ,dr g of { i i}i=1 H1(C,C) such that 1. du is holomorphic on C for each i, and i 2. du du =dr dr =0 and du dr =δ for each i,j, i j i j i j ij ◦ ◦ ◦ ∗2010Mathematics SubjectClassification. Primary14H55;Secondary14H42,14H50. 1 where the operator is the intersection form on H1(C,C) defined by ◦ p η η′ = Res( η)η′(p) ◦ p Z X for second kind differentials η,η′ (the summation is over the singular points of η and η′, and Res denotes the residue at the point). In order to express defining equations of C, we use a canonical form for expressingnon-singularalgebraiccurves proposedby Miura [13]. Given a finite sequence(a ,...,a )ofpositiveintegerswhosegreatestcommondivisorisequal 1 t to one, Miura [13] proposed a non-singular algebraic curve determined by the sequence (a ,...,a ), which is called (a ,...,a )-curve. The idea is to express 1 t 1 t a non-singular algebraic curve by affine equations of t variables whose orders at infinity are (a , ,a ). Any non-singular algebraic curve is birationally 1 t ··· equivalent to some (a ,...,a )-curve (cf. [13]). 1 t Klein [9][10] constructed a symplectic basis of the first cohomology group and the sigma functions for the hyperelliptic curves with genus g, which are expressed in the Miura canonical form with t = 2, a = 2, and a = 2g+1. 1 2 Buchstaber et al. [3] and Nakayashiki [15] constructed them for more general plane algebraic curves called (n,s)-curves, which are expressed in the Miura canonical form with t = 2, a = n, and a = s. In this paper, we construct 1 2 themforthe telescopic(a ,...,a )-curves,i.e., the (a ,...,a )-curvessuchthat 1 t 1 t for any i (2 i t) ≤ ≤ a a a i 1 N+ + i−1N, d :=GCD a , ,a . i 1 i d ∈ d ··· d { ··· } i i−1 i−1 Theclassofthetelescopic(a ,...,a )-curvesisequaltothatofthe(a ,...,a )- 1 t 1 t curves such that the number of the defining equations in the Miura canoni- cal form is exactly t 1 (cf. [18]). Since the (n,s)-curves are telescopic, our − curvescontainthem strictly. Recently,Matsutani[12] constructedthem for the (3,4,5)-curves,which are not telescopic. The plan of this paper is as follows. In section 2, we define the (a ,...,a )- 1 t curves. Because there exists no English paper for the (a ,...,a )-curves, we 1 t give complete proofs in Appendix. In section 3, we construct holomorphic 1- forms du g for the telescopic (a ,...,a )-curves. In section 4, we construct second{kinid}id=i1fferentials dr g for1theteletscopic(a ,...,a )-curves,andshow that the set du ,dr g { isi}ai=s1ymplectic basis of th1e first tcohomology group. { i i}i=1 In section 5, we construct the sigma functions associated with the telescopic (a ,...,a )-curves. 1 t Throughout this paper, N,N ,Z, and C denote the non-negative integers, + the positive integers, the integers, and the complex numbers, respectively. 2 (a ,...,a )-Curves 1 t Miura [13] proposed a canonical form for expressing non-singular algebraic curves. Let t 2, and a ,...,a positive integers such that GCD a ,...,a = 1 t 1 t ≥ { } 2 1. We denote A := (a ,...,a ) Nt and A := a N+ +a N, assuming t 1 t ∈ + h ti 1 ··· t that the order of a ,...,a is fixed. For the map Ψ : Nt A defined by 1 t t Ψ((m ,...,m ))= t a m , we define the order< in Nt s→o thhatiM <M′ for 1 t i=1 i i M =(m ,...,m ) and M′ =(m′,...,m′) if 1 t P 1 t 1. Ψ(M)<Ψ(M′) or 2. Ψ(M) = Ψ(M′) and m = m′,...,m = m′ ,m > m′ for some 1 1 i−1 i−1 i i i(1 i t). ≤ ≤ Let M(a)be the minimum elementwith respectto the order < in Nt satisfying Ψ(M)=a A . We define B(A ) Nt and V(A ) Nt B(A ) by t t t t ∈h i ⊆ ⊆ \ B(A )= M(a) a A t t { | ∈h i} and V(A )= L Nt B(A ) L=M+N,M Nt B(A ),N Nt N =(0,...,0) , t t t { ∈ \ | ∈ \ ∈ ⇒ } respectively. Hereafter, C[X] := C[X ,...,X ] denotes the polynomial ring over C of t- 1 t variables X ,...,X . For A C[X], Span A and (A) denote the linear space 1 t ⊂ { } overCgeneratedbyAandtheidealinC[X]generatedbyA,respectively. Also, XM,M =(m ,...,m ), denotes XM =Xm1 Xmt for simplicity. 1 t 1 ··· t For M V(A ), we define the polynomial F (X) C[X] by t M ∈ ∈ F (X)=XM XL λ XN, λ C, (1) M N N − − ∈ {N∈B(At)X|Ψ(N)<Ψ(M)} where L is the element of B(A ) such that Ψ(L)=Ψ(M). We assume that the t set of the polynomials F M V(A ) satisfies the following condition: M t { | ∈ } Span XN N B(A ) ( F M V(A ) )= 0 . (2) t M t { | ∈ }∩ { | ∈ } { } Let I := ( F M V(A ) ), R := C[X]/I, x the image of X for the M t i i { | ∈ } projection C[X] R, and K the total quotient ring of R. Then, we have the → following three propositions. For complete proofs, see Appendix. Proposition 2.1 (Miura [13]). (i) The set xN N B(A ) is a basis of R over C, where x:=(x ,...,x ). t 1 t { | ∈ } (ii) The ring R is an integral domain, hence, K is the quotient field of R. (iii) The field K is an algebraic function field of one variable over C. (iv) There exists a discrete valuation v of K such that (x ) =a v for any ∞ i ∞ i ∞ i, where (x ) denotes the pole divisor of x (cf.[19] p.19). i ∞ i LetCaff := (z ,...,z ) Ct f(z ,...,z )=0, f I . FromProposition 1 t 1 t { ∈ | ∀ ∈ } 2.1(ii)(iii),CaffisanaffinealgebraiccurveinCt. Hereafter,weassumethatCaff 3 isnon-singular. Fork N,wedefineL(kv ):= f K (f)+kv 0 0 , ∞ ∞ ∈ { ∈ | ≥ }∪{ } where (f) denotes the divisor of f, i.e., (f)= v(f) v. v · Proposition 2.2 (Miura [13]). (i) R= ∞P L(kv ). k=0 ∞ (ii) The map φ S Caff discrete valuation of K v ∞ →{ }\{ } p v p → is bijective, where v is the discrete valuation corresponding to p Caff (cf. p ∈ [17], p.21,22). Let C be the compactRiemannsurface correspondingto Caff. FromPropo- sition2.2(ii),wecanobtainC byaddingonepoint toCaff,wherethediscrete ∞ valuationcorrespondingto isv . Itisknownthatanynon-singularalgebraic ∞ ∞ curve is birationally equivalent to such C for some A (cf. [13]). Hereafter, we t represent each curve C by the sequence A = (a ,...,a ) and call (a ,...,a )- t 1 t 1 t curve for short. The sequence A =(a ,...,a ) is called telescopic if for any i (2 i t) t 1 t ≤ ≤ a a a i 1 N+ + i−1N, d :=GCD a , ,a . i 1 i d ∈ d ··· d { ··· } i i−1 i−1 Note that A =(a ,a ) is always telescopic. 2 1 2 Proposition 2.3 (Miura [13]). If A is telescopic, the condition (2) is met, t and we have the followings. (i) B(A )= (m ,...,m ) Nt 0 m d /d 1, 2 i t . t 1 t i i−1 i { ∈ | ≤ ≤ − ≤ ≤ } (ii) V(A ) = (0,...,0,d /d ,0,...,0) 2 i t , where d /d is in the t i−1 i i−1 i { | ≤ ≤ } i-th component. (iii) The genus g of C is t 1 d i−1 g = (1 a )+ 1 a . (3) 1 i 2( − i=2(cid:18) di − (cid:19) ) X Note that ♯V(A ) is the number of the defining equations, where ♯ denotes t thenumberofelements. FromLemmaC.1(iv)inAppendix,weobtain♯V(A ) t ≥ t 1. IfA istelescopic,thenfromProposition2.3(ii)weobtain♯V(A )=t 1. t t − − On the other hand, Suzuki [18] proved that if ♯V(A ) = t 1, then A is t t − telescopic. If A = (a ,...,a ) is telescopic, we call the (a ,...,a )-curve telescopic t 1 t 1 t (a ,...,a )-curve. From Proposition 2.3, the defining equations of a telescopic 1 t (a ,...,a )-curve is given as follows: for 2 i t, 1 t ≤ ≤ t F (X ,...,X )=Xdi−1/di Xmij λ(i) Xj1 Xjt, i 1 t i − j − j1,...,jt 1 ··· t jY=1 j1X,...,jt 4 where (m ,...,m ) B(A ), t a m = a d /d , λ(i) C, and i1 it ∈ t j=1 j ij i i−1 i j1,...,jt ∈ (j ,...,j ) runs over (j ,...,j ) B(A ) with t a j <a d /d . 1 t 1 t ∈P t k=1 k k i i−1 i EXAMPLE 1. A =(n,s) for relatively primPe positive integers n and s. 2 Since A = (n,s) is telescopic, from Proposition 2.3 (ii), we have V(A ) = 2 2 (0,n) . Hence, the (n,s)-curves (cf. [15], p.182) are given by the following { } defining equation: F (X ,X )=Xn Xs λ(2) Xj1Xj2. 2 1 2 2 − 1 − j1,j2 1 2 nj1+Xsj2<ns In particular, we obtain the elliptic curves if n=2 and s=3, and the hyperel- liptic curves with genus g if n=2 and s=2g+1. EXAMPLE 2. A =(4,6,5). 3 Since A = (4,6,5) is telescopic, from Proposition 2.3 (ii), we have V(A ) = 3 3 (0,2,0),(0,0,2) . Hence,the(4,6,5)-curvesaregivenbythefollowingdefining { } equations: F (X ,X ,X )=X2 X3 λ(2) X X λ(2) X X λ(2) X X λ(2) X2 2 1 2 3 2− 1− 0,1,1 2 3− 1,1,0 1 2− 1,0,1 1 3− 2,0,0 1 λ(2) X λ(2) X λ(2) X λ(2) − 0,1,0 2− 0,0,1 3− 1,0,0 1− 0,0,0 and F (X ,X ,X )=X2 X X λ(3) X X λ(3) X2 λ(3) X λ(3) X 3 1 2 3 3 − 1 2− 1,0,1 1 3− 2,0,0 1 − 0,1,0 2− 0,0,1 3 λ(3) X λ(3) . − 1,0,0 1− 0,0,0 3 Holomorphic 1-Forms for the Telescopic Curves Let C be a telescopic (a ,...,a )-curve,and Γ(C,Ω1) the linear space con- 1 t C sisting of holomorphic 1-forms on C. In this section, we construct a basis of Γ(C,Ω1). Let G be the matrix defined by C ∂F ∂F 2 2 ... ∂X ∂X 1 t G:=................., ∂F ∂F  t ... t ∂X ∂X   1 t   and G the matrix obtained by removing the i-th column from G. Then, we i have the following theorem. Theorem 3.1. The set xk1 xkt t P := 1 ··· t dx (k ,...,k ) B(A ), 0 a k 2g 2 1 1 t t i i (detG1(x) | ∈ ≤ ≤ − ) i=1 X 5 is a basis of Γ(C,Ω1) over C, where detG (x) denotes detG (X =x). C 1 1 We rearrange the elements of P in the ascending order with respect to the order at , and write du ,...,du . 1 g ∞ { } In order to prove Theorem 3.1, we need some lemmas. Lemma 3.1. If detG (p) = 0 for p = (p ,...,p ) Caff and 1 i t, i 1 t 6 ∈ ≤ ≤ then v (x p )=1. p i i − Proof. Without loss of generality, we assume i= 1. Suppose v (x p ) p 1 1 − ≥ 2. Then, there exists k (2 k t) such that v (x p ) = 1. In fact, if p k k ≤ ≤ − v (x p ) 2 for any k, then v (f) 2 or v (f) = 0 for any f R. Then, p k k p p − ≥ ≥ ∈ v (g) 2 or v (g) =0 for any g R , where R be the localization of R at p. p p p p ≥ ∈ This contradicts that R is a discrete valuation ring. p There exist γ ,δ(i) C such that for 2 i t { ij j1,...,jt}∈ ≤ ≤ t F (X ,...,X )= γ (X p )+ δ(i) (X p )j1 (X p )jt, i 1 t ij j− j j1,...,jt 1− 1 ··· t− t Xj=1 j1+·X··+jt≥2 where γ = ∂Fi(p). Since F (x ,...,x ) = 0 and v (x p ) 2, we have ij ∂Xj i 1 t p 1 − 1 ≥ v t γ (x p ) = v (x p )( t γ xj−pj) 2. Since v (x p j=2 ij j − j p k− k j=2 ijxk−pk ≥ p k − p )(cid:16)=P1, we have t (cid:17)γ b =(cid:16)0, where bP= xj−pj (p)(cid:17). Hence, we obtain k j=2 ij j j xk−pk (cid:16) (cid:17) P b 0 2 G1(p)· =·. · · bt 0     Since b = 1(= 0), we have detG (p) = 0. This contradicts the assumption of k 1 6 Lemma 3.1. Hence, we obtain v (x p )=1. p 1 1 − (cid:3) Lemma 3.2. (i) As an element of K, we have detG (x)=0. 1 6 dx 1 (ii) div =(2g 2) . detG (x) − ∞ (cid:18) 1 (cid:19) Proof. Since the differential d(F (x ,...,x ))=0 for any i, we have i 1 t dx 0 1 G(x) · =· . · · dx  0  t       By multiplying some elementary matrices on the left, the above equation be- 6 comes w z z z dx 0 2 22 23 2t 1 ··· w 0 z z  3 33··· 3t · =·. ... · · wt 0 zttdxt 0  ···          SinceCaff isnon-singularforanyp Caff,thereexistsisuchthatdetG (p)=0. i ∈ 6 Hence, we have w = 0 or z = 0 as elements of K. Since v (x ) = a , we t tt ∞ j j 6 6 − have x / C, hence, dx = 0 for any j. Since w dx = z dx , we have w = 0 j j t 1 tt t t ∈ 6 6 and z = 0. Hence, by multiplying some elementary matrices on the left, the tt 6 above equation becomes w′ z z 0 dx 0 2 22 23··· 1 w′ 0 z 0  3 33···  · =·. ... · · wt 0 zttdxt 0  ··          Similarly, we obtain w′′ z 0 0 dx 0 2 22 ··· 1 w′′ 0 z 0  3 33···  · =·, ... · · wt′′ 0 ··· zttdxt 0      where w′′,...,w′′,z ,...,z K are non-zero. Hence, we obtain detG (x)= 2 t 22 tt ∈ 1 z z =0, which complete the proof of (i). 22 tt ± ··· 6 Next, we prove that the 1-form dx /detG (x) is both holomorphic and 1 1 non-vanishing on Caff. When detG (p) = 0 for p Caff, from Lemma 3.1, 1 6 ∈ dx /detG (x)isbothholomorphicandnon-vanishingatp. SupposedetG (p)= 1 1 1 0 for p Caff. Since Caff is non-singular at p, there exists i (2 i t) such ∈ ≤ ≤ that detG (p)=0. Since w′′dx +z dx =0, we have w′′z z z dx + i 6 i 1 ii i i 22··· ii··· tt 1 z z dx = 0, i.e., detG (x)dx detG (x)dx = 0, where z denotes to 22 tt i i 1 1 i ii ··· ± remove zii. Since detG1(x) = 0 and detGi(x) = 0, we have dx1c/detG1(x) = 6 6 dx /detG (x). Hence, from detG (p) = 0 and Lemma 3.1, dx /detG (x) is i i i 1c 1 ± 6 holomorphic and non-vanishing at p. On the other hand, by Riemann-Roch’s theorem, we have degdiv(dx /detG (x)) = 2g 2, which complete the proof 1 1 − of (ii). (cid:3) ProofofTheorem3.1. FromLemma3.2andProposition2.1(i),wehaveP ⊂ Γ(C,Ω1C),andtheelementsofP arelinearlyindependent. SincedimCΓ(C,Ω1C)= g, it is sufficient to prove ♯P = g. It is well-known that there are g gap values at from 0 to 2g 1. Since dimCL((2g 1)v∞) = dimCL((2g 2)v∞) = g ∞ − − − (Riemann-Roch’stheorem),2g 1isagapvalueat . Hence,fromProposition 2.1(i)andProposition2.2(i),w−ehave♯ (k ,...,k )∞ B(A ) 0 t a k { 1 t ∈ t | ≤ i=1 i i ≤ 2g 2 =g, which complete the proof of Theorem 3.1. − } P (cid:3) 7 4 Second Kind Differentials for the Telescopic Curves In this section, we construct dr for a telescopic (a ,...,a )-curve C. For i 1 t 2 i t and 1 j t, we divide F (Y ,...,Y ,X ,...,X ) by X Y , i 1 j−1 j t j j ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ − where we regard X as a variable. Let h C[X ,...,X ,Y ,...,Y ] be the j ij 1 t 1 t ∈ quotient, i.e., F (Y ,...,Y ,X ,...,X )=h (X Y )+F (Y ,...,Y ,X ,...,X ), (4) i 1 j−1 j t ij j j i 1 j j+1 t · − and H the matrix defined by h ... h 22 2t H := .............. .   h ... h t2 tt   We consider the 1-form detH(x,y) Ω(x,y):= dx 1 (x y )detG (x) 1 1 1 − and the bilinear form (cf. [15], p.181, 2.4) xi1 xityj1 yjt ωˆ(x,y):=d Ω(x,y)+ c 1 ··· t 1 ··· t dx dy (5) y i1,...,it,j1,...,jtdetG (x)detG (y) 1 1 1 1 X onC C,wherex=(x ,...,x ),y =(y ,...,y ),c C,(i ...,i ) × 1 t 1 t i1,...,it,j1,...,jt ∈ i t ∈ B(A ) with 0 t a i 2g 2, and (j ...,j ) B(A ). Wte take a≤basisk=α1 ,kβk g≤ of−the homoliogy grtou∈p H (Ct,Z) such that their P { i i}i=1 1 intersection numbers are α α =β β =0 and α β =δ . i j i j i j ij ◦ ◦ ◦ DEFINITION 4.1. (cf. [15], p.181, 2.4) Let ∆ := (p,p) p C . A { | ∈ } meromorphic symmetric bilinear form ω(x,y) on C C is called a normalized × fundamental form if the following conditions are satisfied. (i) ω(x,y) is holomorphic except ∆ where it has a double pole. For p C, we ∈ takealocalcoordinatesaroundp. Then,the expansionins(x)ats(y)isofthe form 1 ω(x,y)= +regular ds(x)ds(y). (s(x) s(y))2 (cid:18) − (cid:19) (ii) ω =0 for any i, where the integration is with respect to any one of the Zαi variables. Normalizedfundamentalformexistsandunique(cf. [15]p.182). Then,wehave the following theorem. Theorem 4.1. 8 (i) There exists a set of c such that ωˆ(x,y)=ωˆ(y,x). i1,...,it,j1,...,jt Wetakec suchthatωˆ(x,y)=ωˆ(y,x). Then,wehavethefollowings. i1,...,it,j1,...,jt (ii) The bilinear form ωˆ satisfies the condition (i) of Definition 4.1. (iii) For du :=(xki,1 xki,t/detG (x))dx , we define i 1 ··· t 1 1 yj1 yjt dr := c 1 ··· t dy . i ki,1,...,ki,t,j1,...,jtdetG (y) 1 1 j1X,...,jt Then, dr is a second kind differential for any i, and the set du ,dr g is a i { i i}i=1 symplectic basis of H1(C,C). In order to proveTheorem 4.1, we generalize Lemma 2,3,4,5,6 in [15] to the telescopic (a ,...,a )-curves. 1 t Let B be the set of branch points for the map x : C P1,(x ,...,x ) 1 1 t → → [x : 1] (cf. [17], p.24, Example 2.2). Since the ramification index of the map 1 x at is a , we have degx =a (cf. [17], p.28, Proposition 2.6). For p C, 1 1 1 1 we set∞x−11(x1(p)) = {p(0),p(1),...,p(a1−1)} with p = p(0), where the same∈p(i) is listed according to its ramification index. Lemma 4.1. Let U be a domain in C, f(z ,z ) a holomorphic function on 1 2 U U, and g(z) := f(z,z). If g 0 on U, then there exists a holomorphic × ≡ function h(z ,z ) on U U such that f(z ,z )=(z z )h(z ,z ). 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 × − Proof. Leth(z ,z ):=f(z ,z )/(z z ). Givenz ,h(z , )hasasingularity 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 − · onlyatz , where its singularityis removable,i.e., h(z , )is holomorphiconU. 1 1 · Similarly, h( ,z ) is holomorphic on U. Hence, h is holomorphic on U U. 2 · × (cid:3) Lemma 4.2. The 1-form Ω(x,y) is holomorphic except ∆ (p(i),p) i = ∪{ | 6 0, p B or p(i) B C C. ∈ ∈ }∪ ×{∞}∪{∞}× Proof. Since dx /detG (x) is holomorphic on C (cf. Lemma 3.2), Ω(x,y) 1 1 is holomorphic except ∆ (p(i),p) p C,i=0 C C. We ∪{ | ∈ 6 }∪ ×{∞}∪{∞}× prove that Ω(x,y) is holomorphic on (p(i),p) i = 0,p / B,p(i) / B . From { | 6 ∈ ∈ } (4), we obtain t F (X ,...,X )= h (X Y )+F (Y ,...,Y ). (6) i 1 t ij j j i 1 t · − j=1 X Set X =x and Y =y, then we have t h (x,y) (x y )=0. ij j j · − j=1 X 9 Take (p(i),p) C C such that i=0,p / B, and p(i) / B, then we have ∈ × 6 ∈ ∈ h ... h p(i) p 0 21 2t 1 − 1 .............. = .    ·  · ht1 ... htt X=p(i),Y=ppt(i)−pt 0       Since p(i) p =0, we have 1 − 1 p(i) p 0 2 − 2 H(p(i),p) = .  ·  · p(i) p 0  t − t     Since (p(i) p ,...,p(i) p ) = (0,...,0), we have detH(p(i),p) = 0. Since 2 − 2 t − t 6 p / B and p(i) / B, we can take (x ,y ) as a local coordinate around (p(i),p). 1 1 ∈ ∈ Hence, from Lemma 4.1, there exists a holomorphic function h(x ,y ) around 1 1 (p(i),p)suchthatdetH(x,y)=(x y )h(x ,y ). Hence,Ω(x,y)isholomorphic 1 1 1 1 − at (p(i),p). (cid:3) Lemma 4.3. Let p / B, s a local coordinate around p. Then, the expansion ∈ of Ω(x,y) in s(y) at s(x) is of the form 1 Ω(x,y)= − +regular ds(x). s(y) s(x) (cid:18) − (cid:19) Proof. Set Y =y in (6), then we have t F (X ,...,X )= h (X,y) (X y ). i 1 t ij j j · − j=1 X Hence, we obtain t ∂F ∂h i ij (x ,...,x )= (x,y) (x y )+h (x,y). 1 t j j ik ∂X ∂X · − k k j=1 X Set x=y, then we have ∂F i (x ,...,x )=h (x,x). 1 t ik ∂X k Hence, we obtain detG (x) = detH(x,x). On the other hand, since p / B, 1 ∈ we can take (x ,y ) as a local coordinate around (p,p). Since p / B, we have 1 1 ∈ detG (p)=0. In fact, if detG (p)=0, then dx /detG (x) is notholomorphic 1 1 1 1 6 at p, which contradicts Lemma 3.2 (ii). Hence, detH(x,y)/detG (x) is holo- 1 morphic at (p,p). Hence, from Lemma 4.1, there exists a holomorphic function 10

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