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A somewhat Reputable Newsrag published in the Undercity Sigil(cid:146)s Independent Global Information Service Issue 12 Year 1 Price: 2 Stingers Fourth Week of Retributus Mercenaries Turn Stag FAUNEL(cid:151)In a bizarre turn markingsonarrowsfoundon Somethinkotherwise. and, well, inquire politely Inothernews,chantabout of events, the entire crew the site, atorn strip of cloth (cid:147)I don(cid:146)t care about pay- about why they made such a Faunel has it that Wrath was manning the Spireward tan- andaclearsetoftracks.When ment,ortrials,(cid:148)statedIvanna mess of poor Errol, if you seen to move one of his fin- ningoperationwereputinthe attemptsweremadetolocate Shirehorn,afiremageandone know what I mean. I expect gers. Wrath has refused to dead-book,apparentlybythe themercenaries,investigators ofanumberofbloodscollect- that it might be a bit more commentontheincident. mercenaries who so recently discoveredthatthemercshad ing at the grave of Errol thanthatpompousassWhyt- (rm) fought to protect them. The brazenlycollectedtheirpayin Greenleaf to say their final coteisoffering.(cid:148) Cambion Arrest: bodies were discovered this thesmallhoursofthemorn- good-byes. (cid:147)That(cid:146)s too much morning by Jacob Alderman ing and made use of Spire- efforttowasteofthesestag- atthekipofLyleLackwit,the ward(cid:146)sportal toTradegate to turningsods.Ijustwantthem Harmonium Discord village idiot, who had not slip the blinds on the law. A lost. Preferably by fire. A reportedtowork.Sevenbod- reward of 4000 jinx is being numberofusthinkthatway. iesinallwerelocated,among offered by Spireward to Mindyou,weagreeonprec- them Adam Tanner, the anyone who can bring these iouslittleelse,butweagreeon SIGIL(cid:151)Followingourreport exclusively to SIGIS that, in MasterofSpireward(cid:146)stanning berksintostandtrial. that. See, Errol died with in our last issue that the fact, the Harmonium really operation, and Lyle himself. (cid:147)Ijustcan(cid:146)tunderstandwhy more than one blood owing cambion Don Julio had been wanted Don Julio for Blood The bodies showed signs of theywoulddosomethinglike him a favour. The lot of us arrestedforattemptedmurd- War conspiracy activity. The armed conflict and had been this!(cid:148) ranted Lambert Whyt- don(cid:146)t necessarily find each er, further developments in story became even more searched and stripped. Scat- cote,headofSpirewardTrad- other the best of company, hiscasehavesentchantswirl- complexfourdayslaterwhen teredamongthecorpseswere ing.(cid:147)It(cid:146)snotlikeIdidn(cid:146)tpay being from different sides of ingaroundtheCageconcern- itwasrevealedthatFranz,the symbolsofThePaingivers,as them! I don(cid:146)t like those many a moral fence, if you ingtheimportanceofthiscase victim,haddiedofhisinjuri- wellasanumberofVileHunt knightsofthepostgivingme catchthedarkofit,butweall to the Harmonium. The day es, and that the investigation tokens. the laugh like this. I want do pay our debts. So, we(cid:146)ve beforewelastwenttopress, was being upgraded to a The mercenaries hired to themtostandtrial,andIwant started a little collection, to DonJuliowasarrestedbyan murderinquiry.AnAnarchist protecttheloggerswerepin- toseethempayforwhatthey kindof(cid:133)encouragepeopleto Harmonium patrol outside source toldSIGIS thatthere ned as the killers by tell-tale havedone!(cid:148) look up this group of berks P(cid:146)charni(cid:146)s Bar in the Hive was a cover-up in progress, Plague-Mort Returns Ward in the aftermath a and, following a number of brawl. Subsequently SIGIS disturbances,theHarmonium revealed that although Don decidedtomovethetrialback Julio himself had not been to Waterdeep of Toril to be involved in the brawl, his freeoffactioninfluence. OUTLANDS(cid:151)Much to the that point that the burg Lector(cid:146)s goal. Instead, they presenceatthebaralonemay The trial begins in three dismay of many berks who vanished. According to wit- pursued the cultists back to haveincitedtheviolence. daystimeand,althoughitwill wished it good riddance, the nessesintheburg,duringthe camp and shortly afterwards The actual reason for Don be tried on the Prime, the Outland(cid:146)s least popular gate- disappearance the Arch- the city rejoined the Out- Julio(cid:146)sarrest was declared to HarmoniumandGuvnerswill town came staggering back Lector ordered the Hounds lands.FifteenHoundofficers, betheattemptedmurderofa be participating fully in the justunderaweekago.Chant (Plague-Mort(cid:146)smilitia)tokill includingthreealu-fiendsand githzerai named Franz who court process. (cid:147)It(cid:146)z a ztitch- aroundtheburghintsthatthe asmanycultistsastheycould, acambion,aremissing,along had been assisting Julio in up(cid:148) said Kzzz Bzzzurzz, a chaos cultists whose bloody orderstheHoundscarriedout with a posse comitatus of whatwasdescribedascovert chasme-blooded tiefling religiouswarhadtriggeredthe withgreatrelish. about thirty locals. Chant operationsofasuspectnature following the case closely. slide have been put in the Thissavageactofbloodshed from Broken Reach tells ofa by Jasmin Tealybuck, the (cid:147)The Hardheadz are getting dead-book by the Hounds. couldhaveeasilysenttheburg new settled area about three Harmonium Mover Three worriedthatthey(cid:146)llbeimpli- Duringanin-depthinvestigat- spinningdownintotheAbyss days walk from the town, investigating the case. Al- catedinaconzpiracyoftheir ion, SIGIS discovered that were it not for the self- which is thought to be the thoughthecrimetookplacein ownzotheymovedthetrialto beforethetimeofthedisap- sacrificing actions of an un- remnantsoftheKultKamps. Waterdeep, on the Prime an out-of-touch cluelezz pearance two separate cults knownpaladin,whostarteda Ifthisprovestrue,thiswould world of Toril, the Harmon- Primeworldtocoveritup.It(cid:146)z had established strongholds fireinoneoftheKultKamps beonlythethirddocumented iumsaidthatduetoSirJulio(cid:146)s outrageouz(cid:151)I hope you near the Gate-town (these drawing the warring barmies occasion of part of a district keendesiretobeaSigilianand cullerzmakeyourwaytothat were dubbed the (cid:147)Kaos Kult outofthecity. switchingplanesratherthana the apparent involvement of backwater Prime to keep on Kamps(cid:148)). Althoughmanybelievethat Gate-town, and the Frater- at least one other faction in eyeonthosezodzzz.(cid:148) Thetwosectsturnedoutto theArch-Lectorwishedtosee nityofOrderareplanningan the crime (it was not stated Further reports will be be vicious enemies and their Plague-Mort join Broken expedition to both Plague- which), the case would be released as soon as possible brawlingescalatedintoafull- ReachonthePlainofInfinite Mort and the Abyss to triedintheCage. andSIGISisevennowsend- scalewar.Theburghercurry- Portals,theHoundsapparent- investigatethispossibility. Clarion of the Guardians ingareporter(atthebequest mushylookedsettoburnthe lyweretoocaughtupintheir (cid:151)DharvashSmig,SIGIS and Fenris Cassre of the of Sir Bzzzurzz naturally) to placedown,anditwasabout mania to further the Arch- cullerbasedinCurst(ar) Xaoticians spilled the chant Toriltowitnessthetrial. (ar) Copyright1997by DisclaimerNote: ScottKelley [email protected] JonWinter [email protected] All of the published Planescape characters, character names, symbols and distinctive likenesses thereof are PDFversionby trademarksownedbyTSR,Inc.Allothermaterialhereisoriginalandcopyright1997bythegivenauthorwhere Feniks [email protected] noted.ShouldtherebegivennoauthorthearticleiscopyrightedbytheeditorsJonWinterandScottKelley.Noneof Submissionsby ScottKelley [email protected] itisendorsedbyTSR,andnoneofitisinanyway(cid:147)official".Thismaterialisforpersonaluseonlyandmaynotbe AlexRoberts [email protected] published,altered,redistributedorpostedonNewsGroups,MailingLists,WebPages,FTPSitesorBulletinBoards RoyMorton [email protected] withoutthepermissionoftheauthor. PaulWolfe [email protected] JimBarrett [email protected] TheoriginalSIGISisinHTMLformatandishostedathttp://www.mimir.net/asitemaintainedbyJonWinter. Mr.Niceguy [email protected] TheSIGISinRTFishostedathttp://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Arcade/6827/ aHofbauerHeinz(cid:146)ssite. Sigil(cid:146)s Independent Global Information Service Editorial Second Correspondence Don(cid:146)t Get Written Onto the Debt Post From The Cadre If you owe jink to Zadarathe Titan, now(cid:146)s the time to wash yourselfclean! A one-month amnestyhas been SIGIL(cid:151)In the continuing ferent (i.e. more coherent) Sigil(cid:146)s beloved tax collecting declaredby the Titan of Commerce saga of the Cadre(cid:146)s terror theletterstillplacesblameon faction,anddepictedthemas for all sods who owe her jink but attacks on Sigil, SIGIS has any cutter in the Cage with thetrueslavedriversofSigil. receivedasecondcorrespond- jink. Interestingly, the Cadre What follows is the state- haven(cid:146)t been posted. encefromtheAnarchist cell. finally announced threats ment,initsentirety: If that(cid:146)s you, basher,then Though the style seems Sdif- alimaedvdieresctlytatothe JFateidn, k don(cid:146)t be slow! The new residentsof Jangling Hiter can lann any berk to the d ! consequencesof turning stag e bytheoCadre r on one of Zadara(cid:146)s contracts. s n Paymentsacceptedby either Gog or e C Kubrielat Zadara(cid:146)s Tower, betweenpeak and dusk. All jink must be Free League approved. NotefromtheEditor:Atpresstime,theHarmoniumtoldSIGISthattheletterfromthe No kendercoins accepted. CadrewasthepropertyoftheHardheadsforexplicituseintheirongoinginvestigation,and thusunprintable.Unduepressurewasplacedonouroffices,andwewereforcedtocapitulate or lose our press license. Instead we substitute Zeines Pauchs commentary on the Cadre NewsChant letter,andtheHarmoniumcensorshipincident. Full Dark on Recent Commentary on (cid:147)Slaves to Jink(cid:148) Prisoner Exchange While we laboured to bring othersinourinfiniteuniverse. Inthefinalsectionsoftheir this edition of SIGIS to our Infact,weatSIGISregularly letter,theyoutlinedaconvol- SIGIL(cid:151)Followingourexclu- notknown),andhispositionis readers, we were confronted giveeartoAnarchistsviewsas uted plan for deposing those sive report last week on the likely to be taken by his bythosewhovowtoprotect a whole, and should not who they claim are the real deathofLoz(cid:146)gok(cid:146)k(cid:146)lovathepit deputy,Galzephon.However, the Cage from the harmful discount that some of their slave drivers of Sigil: the fiend as a result of Tanar(cid:146)ri Galzephon was not available forces of entropy and evil. points are within reason. Fated.Bydestroyingvaluable treachery,afurthertragicdev- forcommentandanAbishaiin Withourpressesrolling,these However, their methods are properties,theCadrebelieve elopmenthasovertakenthose his employ said that he had self-proclaimedsavioursburst generally cowardly, mispla- thatthetaxbaseofSigilwill involved. With characteristic gone away on business and intoouroffices, scragged the ced,andintheCadre(cid:146)scase, begintodeclineandthiswill precision, the Baatezu who that he did not know when lot of us, and seized our deadly. cause a full-scale economic had been fatally peeled had Galzephonwouldreturn. property in order to (cid:147)shield TheCadre,withthisstate- depression.Theyalsocallfor stuck to the letter of their However, a pit fiend was us(cid:148)fromitsharmful influen- ment, have crystallised fur- theFatedto: agreementwhilstpullingafast sighted near Plague-Mort ces.Thisisallwellandgood, thertheirviewsthatthereare (cid:147)(cid:133)dispensetheyokeonour oneontheTanar(cid:146)ri.Pleshnerk- shortlyafteritsreturntothe andourbelovededitoriskeen afewberksintheCagewho Sigilian(cid:146)s,ceaseyourcontinu- ri,thebalorwhosereleasehad Outlands[seethePlague-Mort onthewayhisfacelooks, so hold all the jink and all the ingtheftofoursouls.(cid:148) secured the alleged freedom feature story in this issue] wedidnotputupaphysical power.Thisisnotanewphil- In the final sentence, the of Loz(cid:146)gok(cid:146)k(cid:146)lova, had been sparkingrumoursthatGalze- fight.However,wearedeter- osophy, as anyone who(cid:146)s had Cadre have made another of infected with a specially en- phonwasabouttoturnstagon minedtogetallthedarkout todowithout ameal ordes- theircrypticthreats: gineered contagion whilst in theBaatezu.Yet,itseemsthat there that we know, so I ired some object which was (cid:147)Heartlesstheymaybe,and captivity, and died in (cid:147)writh- thepresenceofapitfiendin continuewithmyimpressions deniedforlackofmoneywill fireisthecleanser.Theringis ing agony three days later(cid:148) Plague-Mort, if confirmed, andexcerptsfromtheCadre attest. The one point that round, and the fire comes according to a Tanar(cid:146)ri we wouldonlybeasignofrenew- letter,entitledSlavestoJink. disturbs most who examine fromtheair.(cid:148) managedtopindown. edfiendishinterestintheburg As mentioned earlier, the theCadre(cid:146)sviewsisthatthey Isthereasolutionforthese With this second bit of notnecessarilyabetrayal.(An style is more coherent than offer no alternatives. They misguidedphilosophers?Oris cross-trading, therecentdec- Arcanaloth was also seen the previous Cadre letter. havenotcalledforaredistrib- thereadeepermeaningtoall line in Blood War confron- snoopingaroundthedayafter However,the letter still fails ution of wealth. (They claim thisviolenceandterror?Ifthe tationswillcertainlycometo the burg rejoined the Out- to delve into the real philos- they want no jink for them- Sigiljusticesystemhasitsway, anend.Bothsidesarerumour- lands.)Inanyevent,it(cid:146)llbea ophyorreasonforthechoice selves.) Mainly,theyseemto we will never know. But rest edtobemassingfresharmies, tick before any firm announ- of methods used by the becallingforauniversalcan- assured, this culler is on the and the Field of Nettles and cement about promotion Cadre. While it is true that cellationoftheideaofmoney trailofthetruthandyouwill Avalasarelikelytoberavaged comesoutofBaator,sothere(cid:146)s theyhavecausedconsiderable asawhole.WhileaSignermay know the dark of this sordid by vicious combat in short time yet for other ambitious harmtomanySigilians, their beabletowishjinkaway,we affairasIcometoknowit. order. Loz(cid:146)gok(cid:146)k(cid:146)lova was a Baatezu to try to impress statementsandviewsdorep- know that this is not at all a (cid:151)ZeinesPauch, trustedaidetooneoftheDark membersoftheDarkEight. resent asentiment shared by verylikelythingtohappen. independentculler(pw) Eight (which of the Eight is (ar) Cullers and Artists Wanted For Must be literate and on the case Weareinsearchforinteriorartistsfor upcoming, recent and previous versions ApplicantsshouldcontacttheEditor,ScottKelley 'remainswiththeartist Page 2 Fourth Week of Retributus Sigil(cid:146)s Independent Global Information Service NewsChant City of Shackles Sold Bloods Wanted! BIG JINK FOR BIG BASHERS! Are you joten-sizedor bigger? Jangling hiter purchased by Titan of Commerce Need quick jink? byMalacystMord,LowerPlanarcorrespondent Then look no further! A Titanichaulingprojectneedsyour MINAUROS (Baator)(cid:151) The majority of the resi- business, I(cid:146)ve accumulated a Zadara,thereclusiveTitanof dentshowever,bothfiendand fewIOUs.SoIdecidedtocut musclenow! Commerce,todayannounced non(cid:151),areinsteadpackingup my losses and trade all the Bags of merts are going to the first that she had purchased theirkipsandfleeingintothe contracts I(cid:146)ve got on my cutterswho can Get the Job Done! outright, down to the last freezing swamps rather than default list for something of See the planesand participatein smallest link, the Baatorian face eviction at the hands of value. And that Pollus Wind- possiblythe most gigantic moving day burg of Jangling Hiter. In an thekytons.Whenaskedabout scream,well,hehadjustwhat in a turn or two! exclusive interview with Mr. Belfry(cid:146)s allegations, and thishigh-upwaslookingfor.If Travel required,resistance to cold SIGIS,thetitanessconfirmed the sale in general, Wind- you don(cid:146)t think my contracts that she not only bought the scream had this to say: (cid:147)Mr. allow me to sell people that and life-drainhelpful. city,shewouldbemovingitas Belfryisgettingonlywhathe default on (cid:145)em, then you(cid:146)d See Kubrielor Gog, well! A short trip through a was promised, and has no betterthinkagain,berk!Who at Zadara(cid:146)s Tower. portal to the town itself, reasonforcomplaint.Further- wasityou think taughtthem (Mr. N) danglingabovetheswampsof more,hereallyoughttohave baatezuhowtonegotiate,eh?(cid:148) Minauros, confirmed the readmorecloselythewording When questioned about NewsChant chant. Evacuation and appar- of our agreement. He is not why she had purchased Scarling Bird entdismantlingoftheCityof just allowed, but required to Jangling Hiter, the Titaness Chains has already begun. export all the chains he can, replied, (cid:147)Well, Imust have a Kytons,themysteriousnative and if he should stop before mightybigmarketforchains, Attacks on Rise inhabitants of the burg who thelastchainofJanglingHiter eh? But then, most of what actasthelocalpolice,arenow falls,thenheandhischildren I(cid:146)vegotis(cid:145)mighty(cid:146)and(cid:145)big(cid:146).(cid:148) swarming about the place, areindefault.Atthatjunction Shedeclined tocomment on picking apart the locks and the standard clause becomes thesubjectfurther. SIGIL(cid:151)Three deaths and and subsequent facial scar- bindings that suspend the enforceable.(cid:148) Finally,manymustwonder eleven disfiguring infections ring,hewasejectedfromthe burg above the ooze of the (cid:147)Astothesaleofthecity,I whythenormallyaloofTitan have been confirmed due to beauty-worshipping priest- third layer of Baator. The can only say that I am no ofCommercedecidednotto attacksfromadisease-causing hood of Sune. This Chipper, chainsthatcomprise thecity longer in charge of the fetid conduct this business in the birdintroducedtoSigilovera whoaskedtohavehisidentity arenowfalling. place. I(cid:146)ve acquired a huge dark, as is her wont. Zadara year ago. This starling-sized protected,blamestheMercy- Normally avoided because number of souls recently, in said, (cid:147)This interview has a bird, dubbed a (cid:147)scarling(cid:148) by killers for introducing the of their tendency to kill, suchquantitiesthatIamnow price, cutter, like everything some,hasincreaseditsnumb- scarling into Sigil; (cid:147)See, they rather than scrag, lawbreak- being promoted directly to around the Spire. Firstly, I ers from only a few mated got this nasty bird from the ers, the kytons are in places Styx fiend. Let some other wantedthisstorytogetabout pairstoseveralhundredsince LowerPlanes!Baator,I(cid:146)llbet. beingattackedbyotherfright- pathetic sod deal with these town.Idon(cid:146)texpecttoomany it was first spotted near the Youcanseenestboxesupon ened Hiters. (cid:147)It ain(cid:146)t fair,(cid:148) chain-wrapped runts!(cid:148)Wind- CagerstotryandbobZadara Mercykiller(cid:146)s headquarters, thewallsofThePrison.They said Blandon Belfry, a three- screamthenvanishedinapuff the Titan after this. But ThePrison. put the scarlings up there as monthinhabitantoftheburg. ofsulphur. mostly, I(cid:146)m getting two free Thesooty-greybirdprefers protection.(cid:148) (cid:147)Thathamatulahigh-upwhat In her interview, however, ads in this penny-gushing to nest in cavities near the Accompanied by Druid runs this burg, Pollus Wind- ZadaratheTitanesswasmore screamer.Twoforone,that(cid:146)s GreatBazaar,whereitiscom- Meadowgrass, I went to the scream,hegavemeacontract forthcoming. When asked my motto. And your (cid:145)one(cid:146) is monlyseenpickingatgarbage. Prison to confirm the Chip- what lets me and my heirs about the details of the sale, over.(cid:148) Rest assured dear Merchantsandpropertyown- pers(cid:146) statements. Nest boxes export allthechains wecan, shesaid,(cid:147)Well,cutter,evenas readers, that SIGIS(cid:146)s cover- ers attempting to clear away housingscarlingswereindeed foraslongasHiterhangshere. good a business woman as ageofthishell-shaking event Scarling nests have been spotted on the perimeter OnlynowthembarmyKytons myself sometimes picks up a is not over. Further news of attacked by adult birds wallsofthePrison.Meadow- aretearin(cid:146)itdown!Well,they deadbeat who won(cid:146)t pay her themovewillbereportedasit defending their young. The grass pointed out that scar- ain(cid:146)tgettin(cid:146)mycasewithouta what(cid:146)s owed. And over the occurs. birdsattackthefaceandeyes, lingswerealsonestingwithin bash in the brain-box, that(cid:146)s millenniathatI(cid:146)vebeendoing (Mr.N) but only deliver superficial clumpsofrazorvinethatcov- sureasSigil!(cid:148) cuts and scratches. The scar- ered the Prison(cid:146)s walls. They NewsChant lingissodirty,however,that appearedtobeunaffectedby Philosophers these scratches quickly be- the vines(cid:146) sharp stems, and comeinfectedandcanleadto were maintaining nests and death if not treated within broodssuccessfully. twentyhoursofanattack. (cid:147)Many prime bird species Even curative magics used are able to nest within the to stop disease and heal spinesofdesertcacti,(cid:148)Mead- With Swords woundsdonotpreventhorrid owgrassstates.(cid:147)Itisnowon- scarring, as one prime druid der they have spread across attested. Caryai Meadow- Sigil. No one dares disturb grass, a druid of Sylvanus theirnestsoryoung,andthey living near the Great Bazaar, thriveonthegarbageofSigil(cid:146)s treated several scarling vic- inhabitants.(cid:148) tims. (cid:147)Infected wounds left Faction high-ups and mer- SYLVANIA(cid:151)Anewtemper- ants for the Dipping Dragon forge.(cid:147)Aweekagoyoucould untreated for only six hours chant leaders have met to ing technique for blades has Tavern,hasbeenhiredbythe barely give the things away. after a scarling attack will discuss the scarling problem been discovered in Sylvania Order torecycle their alche- Now,merchantsfromallover producepermanentscarring,(cid:148) and resultant fatalities and thatiscausingthelocalsmiths mical cyclones, and has sup- theOutlands areshowing up said Meadowgrass. (cid:147)Perhaps injuries. Action on how to to beat plowshares into pliedanumberofprominent lookingforanythingthatwill healing magic more powerful addresstheproblemhavenot swords, for a hefty mark-up. citizensoftheburgwithspec- cut. Swords, axes, knives(cid:133) than mine can prevent this, yet been determined. Dabus Anewtemperingagent,dev- ialty items. The demand for I just can(cid:146)t keep up. Its all a but I have had no successes cells have not been observed eloped by the proprietor of blades created with Xavier(cid:146)s foreignmarket,mindyou,and preventingitsofar.(cid:148) removing scarling nests. The Addleman Alchemy, Xavier new tempering solution is a that(cid:146)s the best part. I don(cid:146)t Scarling disfigurement has chantisthattheLadydoesnot Addleman, has allowed the great boon to the weapon knowwheretheygo,butI(cid:146)m deeply affected one former care that another source of localsmithstoturnoutblades smiths of a town that has justgladitsoutofSylvania." prime priest of Sune, now a painhasmadeitselfpartofthe on par with the finest green suddenlyfounditselfpacified (cid:151)MarcantoDiCapella, memberofTheDispossessed, Sigilianlandscape. steel. Among his other undertheOrder. culler a sect originating from Pan- (cid:151)Barrett-by-the-Spire, achievements, Xavier produ- (cid:147)It(cid:146)s a real blessing.(cid:148) Said (rm) demonium. Since his fateful SpecialtoSIGIS cesallofthespecialtyintoxic- Aleron Xanthes, working his encounterwithascarlingnest (jb) Fourth Week of Retributus Page 3 Sigil(cid:146)s Independent Global Information Service Obituaries Letters Sensate response to offical Sinker letter by Sir Twist Loz(cid:146)gok(cid:146)k(cid:146)lova TotheReadersofSIGIS, RAISED TO the Diabolate* through came last month in the reign of Soretti the when the Guardinals and I read with some amusement the official Doomguard response to its own Spider, Loz(cid:146)gok(cid:146)k(cid:146)lova had Yugolothstogetherpersuaded beenagelugon intheservice the Tanar(cid:146)ri that a partial members questioning Factol Pentar(cid:146)s decision to ally with the Society of ofLevistusbeforehispromo- suspensionofhostilitiesmight Sensation.Inhisletter(apparentlymeanttosoothethetroublecountenancesof tion, a well-deserved one by benefit their longer-term all accounts. Combining an cause. Although many Balors Sinkerfactioneers),SirTwistassertsthatthehigh-upsofthefactionwrestled admirable strategic talent were angry at this, the with a ruthless cruelty that MarilithTaramandamaintain- overwhichsidetheywouldfightfor:theRigansortheCelts. boughthimrespectintheeyes editwould serve them well, Althoughthismakesanicelittlestory,IfindthemeritofSirTwist(cid:146)sassertion ofallhisequals,hecommand- leadingmanytobeapprehen- edarmiesfortheDarkEight sive about the bona fides of questionableatbest.Twounalterablefactsleadmetothisconclusion.First,itis for many decades. Two years those striking the deal. As it no dark that many Sinker factioneers believe the Multiverse is decaying (I back he was captured whilst transpired,thedoubterswere personally leading a foray correct,asLoz(cid:146)gok(cid:146)k(cid:146)lovawas mightsayevolvingoralteringinstead,butIguessthatiswhyI(cid:146)mnotaSinker) deepintoenemy-heldterrito- dead upon arrival at the ryinMinethys,Carceri.Some exchange area. He will be atfartoorapidapaceandmoremustbedonetoslowtherapidrateofentropy. suggestedthathisdeeplyloyal missed by his troops, who Byitselfthisisnotnoteworthy,butcombinedwiththefactthatthefactionplansto deputy, Galzephon, had looked up to him as an betrayed himtotheTanar(cid:146)ri, exemplar of the techniques puttheModronMarchinthedead-book,theseverysamefactioneerssurely but Galzephon travelled to thathavemadeBaatorgreat. Sigil specially to make an [Note: Theviewsdisplayed wouldbeupsetatthethoughtofgeneratingevenmoredestructionbyallyingwith appealforhisrelease,andpaid here were intended as a fair theRigans. movingtributetoacommand- appraisalofthetruetalentsof er he described as firm but the late Loz(cid:146)gok(cid:146)k(cid:146)lova, and Second,itisalsowell-knownthatoneofthemainhigh-upsintheArmouryisa fair. are not to be construed as a Tanar(cid:146)ri.HowmighthisAbyssalsiblingsrespondtothenotionthatElyCromlich(cid:146)s In the two years that politicalstatementonthepart followed, Galzephon camp- SIGIS.] veryownfactionallieditselfwithBaatezutryingtorecouptheirlossesfromthat aignedtirelesslyforanagree- *Diabolateisaformalname ment that would free his forthoseofpitfiendstatusor BloodWarfiascoinCarceri?Personally,Idon(cid:146)teventhinkthatthepossibility chief. A seeming break- higher. (ar) of siding with the Rigans ever even came to the floor in this meeting Sir Twist Stop Press alludes to. (What kind of leatherhead would propose such an idea to a Harmonium Purge House Cambionmasterswordsman?) SIGIL(cid:151)Sources inside the or sensitive departments had It is a pleasant enough thought to imagine the Doomguard succumbing in a Barracks have told SIGIS taken bribes, performed per- faction meeting to its own philosophy with Cromlich putting a few sods in the today that up to 10 inter- sonal favours for friends and mediate bureaucrats within family, and in 2 cases, were dead-book, but the only berks who might have wanted to side with the Rigans the Harmonium faction have actually agents for another been dismissed from duty or faction.Itisthoughtthatthe probably mumbled this in the back of the hall under their breath. However, detained for criminal quest- investigation continues, and readingbetweenthelinesofpropagandainSirTwist(cid:146)sletter(andlisteningtothe ioning.Intheaftershockofthe more demotions and dismiss- dismissalanddisappearanceof als could be forthcoming. No chantintheCage),IconcludedthattherewasmuchdissentfromSinkerswho MeasureThreeHavrmGhex, official word on the organi- can(cid:146)t stand the idea of allying with the Sensates. Their Factol no doubt Harmonium Internal Affairs sational shake up has come launched a blitzkrieg investi- from the Harmonium Public convincedtheseberksthatalittleexercisewoulddothemgoodinpreparationfor gation late last week. Our RelationsDepartment. sourcestellusthatpossiblyup (cid:151)SerafinedLache, ending the Great March. Moreover, fighting to save Tir Na Og probably to5%ofintermediateadmin- staffculler(pw) appealedtotheSinkerswhothinktheMultiverseisdecayingtorapidly. istratorsworkingininfluential Libations Holdings Indeed,IfinditamusingtoseecannyFactolPentarspinningthechantwith suchskillandplayingbothendsoftheSinkerssowell.ButwhatIfindmost Collects Big Jink humorousistheinabilityoftheSinkerstolearnandgrowfromtheirexperiences inTirNaOg.Inthisbattle,thebeautyofthelandanditspeoplewerejuxtaposed SIGIL(cid:151)Overthepastweek, recent Sigil history. The Libations Holdings Ltd. partners of Libations could againsttheviolenceandterrorofwar,asituationwhichthrewintosharprelief collectedonanAssuranceand notbereachedtoverifythisas thesignificanceoftheBloodWartotheentireMultiverse.Tomyselfandother ProtectionAgreementitheld the amount. Last week, withaFated-ownedcompany LibationsLtd.(cid:146)sparentcomp- Sensates,thatresonatesfarmoremeaningthananyfieldexerciseevercould. for the destruction of the any, Three Rings Holdings Dach Tchlorem SquareBarintheLady(cid:146)sWard Ltd.filedfordebtprotection twoweeksago.Somebashers with the City Courts. It is in the dark have whispered unknownatthistimehowthis GuardianshipCommander the pay-out might be to the will affect the Three Rings tuneof200thousandjinx. suit. SocietyofSensation If true, this would be the (cid:151)FelicityK.Ghwar, (sk) largest insurance pay-out in tradesculler(pw) Brix(cid:146)s Guide to Sigil for the most reliable information on The Cage Page 4 Fourth Week of Retributus

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