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Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications PDF

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Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications Siebel Innovation Pack 2013 Version 8.1/8.2 September 2013 Copyright © 2005, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error- free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are “commercial computer software” pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government. This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services. Documentation Accessibility For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc. Access to Oracle Support Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired. Contents Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications 1 Chapter 1: What’s New in This Release Chapter 2: Setting Up Order Management for Industry Applications About Asset-Based Ordering and Network Ordering 19 About Order Management for Industry Applications 20 Activating Workflows for Order Management for Industry Applications 22 About the Workflow for Order-To-Installation Tasks 23 Chapter 3: Telco Subscription Management in Open UI About Telco Subscription Management in Open UI 25 Tasks for Configuring the Customer Dashboard 25 Configuring the Navigation Pane of the Customer Dashboard 26 Configuring the Action Launchpad of the Customer Dashboard 27 Configuring Customer Analytics 27 Using the Customer Dashboard 27 Changing SIM Cards 28 Workflow Reference for Telco Subscription Management in Open UI 30 TOUI Installed Asset Select Process Workflow 30 TOUI Generate Order Process Workflow 31 TOUI Get Selected Service Sub Process Workflow 34 TOUI Get Delta Sub Process Workflow 34 TOUI Set Value Sub Process Workflow 35 TOUI CSim Cancel Process Workflow 36 TOUI CSim Delete Process Workflow 36 Chapter 4: Employee Asset-Based Ordering Updating Opportunities from Quotes 38 Processing a Quote Through the Order-to-Cash Process Integration Pack 39 Comparing Prices with Competitor Prices 40 Setting Up Service Charges for Products 40 Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications Version 3 8.1/8.2 Contents ■ About Synchronizing Product Attributes, Product Classes, Products, and Promotions 42 About Synchronizing Product Attributes 43 About Synchronizing Product Classes 44 About Synchronizing Products 45 About Synchronizing Promotions 47 Viewing Synchronized Extensible Product Fields 49 Defining Product Promotions 50 Defining Promotion Component Actions 50 About Defining Promotion Upgrades for a Group of Promotions 52 Upgrading Promotions 55 Defining Promotion Upgrade Aggregate 57 About Defining Promotion Merge 60 Example of Defining a Promotion Merge 60 About Defining a Promotion Split 62 Scenario for Defining a Promotion Split 62 Example of Defining a Promotion Split 63 About Dynamic Transform 65 Source Promotions Applet 65 Target Promotions Applet 66 Performing a Promotion Dynamic Transform 67 Configuring the Edit Promotion Product Selection 68 Defining User Interfaces for Bundled Promotions 70 Editing a Bundled Promotion 71 Processing Order Management Messages 75 About Bundling Components for a Promotion 75 Defining Bundled Promotion Compatibility Rules 76 About Promotion Components Using Two Nodes Associated with Two Service Accounts 78 Scenario for Using Different Service Account for a Promotion Component 79 About Promotion Component Commitments 80 Defining Component-Level Commitments 80 Selecting Asset-Based Promotion Recommendations 85 Debundling Component Assets from a Promotion 86 About Visual Indicators for Promotions 87 Configuring the Projected Asset Cache Search Specification 88 About Promotion Transitions Ambiguity Resolution 92 Controlling Promotion Ambiguity Resolution 92 About Manually Resolving Ambiguous Promotion Transitions 93 Transferring an Ambiguous Component to a Target Promotion Definition 93 4 Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications Version 8.1/ 8.2 Contents ■ Removing a Promotion Component from the Target Promotion Definition 94 Defining Customizable Product Compatibility Rules 95 Configuring the Workflow for Promotion Penalties 96 Setting Up a Product for Oracle Application Integration Architecture Integration 98 Modifying the Order Priority Mapping 102 Processing a Sales Order Through Oracle Application Integration Architecture Integration 102 Managing Telephone Numbers for an Order 108 Building a Hierarchy of Orders 109 About Order Revisions and As Submitted Orders 111 Submitting an Order for Technical Service Qualification 113 About Time-Based Offerings 114 Process of Setting Up Time-Based Offerings 115 Creating Time-Based Offering Product Attributes (Administrator) 116 Creating a Time-Based Offering Product Class (Administrator) 118 Creating a Time-Based Offering Discount Product (Administrator) 118 Adding a Time-Based Offering Discount to a Bundled Promotion (Administrator) 119 About Managing Time-Based Offerings 120 Time-Based Offerings in New Orders 121 Example of Including a Time-Based Offering in a New Order 121 Time-Based Offerings in Changed Orders and Assets 122 Transferring Service to Another Location (User) 123 About Managing Bulk Requests 124 Roadmap for Configuring Bulk Requests 125 Configuring Cancellation Processing 126 Creating Bulk Import Template Files 127 Process of Adding Custom Fields to Import Template Files 129 Configuring Validation Rules for the Import Process 134 Configuring Bulk Request Validation to Improve Performance 136 Configuring the Import Process 137 Setting Up Bulk Requests on a Mobile Web Client 138 (Optional) Changing Processing for Action Sets 139 Process of Managing Bulk Requests 140 Creating a Bulk Request Header 140 Adding Bulk Request Data Manually 141 Importing Bulk Request Data from a Template File 151 Creating Bulk Requests with a Target List 152 Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications Version 5 8.1/8.2 Contents ■ (Optional) Validating a Bulk Request 155 Submitting a Bulk Request 155 Managing Exception Data in a Bulk Request 157 Viewing a Bulk Quote 159 Viewing a Bulk Order 159 About Bulk Request Processing 160 About Bulk Request Processing Logic 160 About Exploding an Action Set Template 161 About Exception Data in Bulk Requests 163 Process of Managing Prepaid Services 165 Designating Prepaid Services for Products and Promotions 165 Setting Up a Billing Profile for Prepaid Services 166 Topping Up a Balance for an Installed Asset 167 Viewing Prepaid Transaction Details 169 Process of Configuring Prepaid Services 169 Creating Outbound Web Services 169 Configuring Virtual Business Components 170 Importing Outbound Web Services into the Siebel Application 172 Adding Special Rating Items to a Quote or Order 172 Adding Special Rating Items to a Quote 173 Adding Special Rating Items to a Sales Order 173 About Managing Order Fallout 174 Viewing Fallout Orders and Order Line Items 176 Upgrading Promotions in Quote and Order Lines 178 Scenario for Working with Promotion Upgrades 179 Upgrading Promotions from a Quote or Order Line Item 179 Chapter 5: Workflows for Employee Asset-Based Ordering About Workflows for Employee Asset-Based Ordering 182 Workflow That Generates Revenue Line Items for an Opportunity 182 SIS OM Update Revenue Workflow 182 Workflows to Edit Quote Line Items 183 SIS OM Edit Delta Quote Line Item Workflow 184 SIS OM Add Service Charge Quote Sub-Process 186 Workflows to Edit Order Line Items 187 SIS OM Edit Service Order Line Item Workflow 187 SIS OM Add Service Charge Order Sub-Process 190 Workflows to Submit an Order 191 6 Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications Version 8.1/ 8.2 Contents ■ Submit Order ASI Workflow 191 SISOMBillingSubmitOrderWebService Workflow 192 SIS OM Submit Order Process 195 Order Process Workflows Retained for Backward Compatibility 195 Workflows to Update Order Line Items 196 SIS OM Order Line Item Update Main 196 SIS OM UpdateOrderItem 197 SIS OM NSB Update Order Line 198 Workflows to Modify a Service Item 199 SIS OM Edit Complex Asset Workflow 200 SIS OM Add Service Charge Sub-Process 203 SIS OM Modify Products & Services Process 204 Workflows to Disconnect a Service Item 206 SIS OM Disconnect Products & Services Process 206 SIS OM Disconnect Asset Sub-Process 207 Workflows to Suspend or Resume Service Items 209 SIS OM Suspend / Resume Products & Services Process 209 SIS OM Suspend / Resume Asset Sub-Process 211 Workflows to Transfer a Service to Another Location 214 SIS OM Move Process 215 SIS OM Move Exception Handling 222 SIS OM Move Service Point Check 223 SIS OM Move Display Quote 224 Workflows to Validate a Network 224 VORD Validate (Quote) 224 VORD Validate (Order) 226 Workflows for Price Comparison 227 SIS OM PC Price Comparison Process 228 SIS OM Goto Price Comparison View Process 229 Workflows for Enrollment 230 SIS OM PC Enrollment 230 SIS OM PC Create Account Subprocess 232 SIS OM PC Go To Opportunity View 233 SIS OM PC Set Opportunity Account 233 CUT eSales - PC Enrollment Process 233 CUT eSales - Set Shopping Cart Price List 235 CUT eSales - PC Prepare Cart Process 235 SIS OM PC Go to Order Entry - Line Items View (Sales) 236 Workflows for Bulk Requests 237 Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications Version 7 8.1/8.2 Contents ■ ABO Bulk Request Import Workflow 238 ABO Bulk Request - Validate Process 239 ABO Bulk Request - Submit Driver Process Workflow 240 ABO Bulk Request - Submit Process Workflow 241 ABO Bulk Request - Parallel Sub Process Workflow 243 ABO Bulk Request - Sub Process Workflow 245 ABO Bulk Request - Prepare Action Set Sub-Process Workflow 247 ABO Bulk Request - Inclusive Process Action Sub-Process Workflow 248 ABO Bulk Request - All Exclusive Process Action Sub-Process Workflow 250 ABO Bulk Request - Add Sub-Process Workflow 252 ABO Bulk Request - Modify Sub-Process Workflow 253 ABO Bulk Request - Delete Sub-Process Workflow 254 ABO Bulk Request - Suspend/Resume Sub-Process Workflow 256 ABO Bulk Request - Upgrade Sub-Process Workflow 259 ABO Bulk Request - Notify User Sub-Process Workflow 261 ABO Bulk Request Add Item Customize Process 262 ABO Bulk Request Add Item Customize SubProcess 264 ABO Bulk Request - Edit Order Line Item 266 ABO Bulk Request - Clear Exception Process Workflow 268 ABO Bulk Request - Clear Exception Sub-Process Workflow 269 ABO Bulk Request - Reset Process Workflow 269 ABO Bulk Request - Reset Process Sub-Process Workflow 270 ABO Bulk Request - Cancel Process Workflow 270 ABO Bulk Request - Edit Complex Asset Workflow 271 ABO Bulk Request - Promotion - Add Missed Items Sub Process Workflow 274 ABO Bulk Request - ApplyProductPromotion Workflow 275 ABO Bulk Request - ModifyWebService-Order Workflow 277 ABO Bulk Request - Check Eligibility & Compatibility Workflow 278 ABO Bulk Request - Disconnect Products & Services Process Workflow 278 ABO Bulk Request - Promotion Disconnect Integration SubProcess Workflow 279 ABO Bulk Request - Disconnect Asset Sub-process Workflow 282 ABO Bulk Request - Edit Promotion Related Asset Workflow 284 ABO Bulk Request - Promotion - Update Matched Items Sub Process Workflow 286 ABO Bulk Request - Promotion Disconnect Process Workflow 287 ABO Bulk Request - Explode Workflow 289 ABO Bulk Request - Explode Driver Workflow 291 ABO Bulk Request - All Instances Sub Process Workflow 292 ABO Bulk Request Add Item Customize SubProcess Quotes Workflow 294 Workflow for Prepaid Services 296 SIA External Integration Process 296 Workflows to Calculate Prices for Orders 297 Basic Pricing Procedure 298 8 Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications Version 8.1/ 8.2 Contents ■ Dynamic Pricing Procedure 301 Pricing Procedure - Calculate Net Price 304 Workflows to Process an Order 307 SWI Initial Load Non CP Order Release Workflow 307 SWIOrderUpsert_O2C Workflow 308 SWI Configurator Load Workflow 309 Oracle Configurator Load Workflow 310 SWISendATPCheck Workflow 311 SWISendATPCheckLine Workflow 312 SWISendCalculateShippingCharge Workflow 313 SWISendOrder Workflow 314 SWIReviseOrderValidation Workflow 316 SWICopyOrder 316 Verify Header (Order) 317 Verify Item (Order) 318 SWIValidateDependentOrders 319 SWIOrderUpsert Workflow 319 SWIOrderUpsertSubProcess Workflow 321 SWI TSQ Order Workflow 323 Workflows to Cancel an Order 324 SWICancel Sales Order 325 SWI Cancel Sales Order Line Item 326 SWI Cancel Sales Order_O2C Workflow 326 Workflows to Process a Quote 328 Submit Quote ASI Workflow 328 SWIQuoteUpsert Workflow 329 SWISendQuote Workflow 329 Workflows to Process Time-Based Offerings 331 SWISetTBOEndDate Workflow 331 SWI Asset Status Update Workflow 332 Workflows for Dynamic Transform 332 ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Process Workflow 333 ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Quote Sub Process Workflow 334 ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Quote Reprice Sub Process Workflow 336 ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Order Sub Process Workflow 336 ISS Promotion Dynamic Transform Order Reprice Sub Process Workflow 339 Workflows for Ambiguity Resolution 339 ISS Promotion Collect Eligible List Workflow 339 ISS Promotion Ambiguity Resolution Process - Upgrade Workflow 340 ISS Promotion Cancel Ambiguity Process Workflow 342 Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications Version 9 8.1/8.2 Contents ■ Workflow for User Prompts 343 ISS Promotion Prompt Interactive Sub Process Workflow 343 Workflows to Process Promotions 344 Chapter 6: Creating Communications Promotion Groups About Promotion Groups 349 Scenario for Working with Promotion Groups 351 Process of Setting Up Promotion Groups (Administrators) 354 Creating Promotion Group Membership and Reward Products 354 Creating Promotion Group Definitions 355 Adding Membership Definitions to a Promotion Group Definition 356 Adding Reward Definitions to a Promotion Group Definition 360 Adding Promotion Group Definitions, Membership Definitions, and Reward Definitions to Price Lists 362 Setting Pricing Adjustments for Memberships, Rewards, and Assets 362 Adding Commitments to a Promotion Group Definition 370 Creating Eligibility Rules for Promotion Group Definitions 375 Creating Compatibility Rules in Promotion Group Definitions 377 Defining Asset Membership Cardinality Rules 381 Applying Validation Rules to Promotion Group Definitions 382 Defining Access Control Rules for Promotion Group Members 386 Associating Promotion Group Definitions with Catalog Categories 387 Setting Up Notifications to Promotion Group Members 388 Releasing a Promotion Group Definition 389 Deactivating a Promotion Group Definition 390 About Managing Promotion Groups 391 Roadmap for Managing Promotion Groups (Users) 391 Process of Creating Promotion Groups 391 Creating New Promotion Group Instances 392 Adding Memberships to a Promotion Group 394 Associating Assets with a Promotion Group Membership 395 Defining Promotion Group Membership Attribute Values 397 Process of Managing Promotion Groups 398 Viewing the Details of a Promotion Group 398 Accessing the Promotion Group Components 399 Adding Memberships to a Promotion Group 400 Modifying Promotion Group Memberships 400 Disconnecting Promotion Groups 401 Disconnecting Promotion Group Memberships 402 10 Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications Version 8.1/ 8.2

Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Communications 1. Chapter 1: What's New in This Release. Chapter 2: Setting Up Order Management for
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