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Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide Siebel Innovation Pack 2013 Version 8.1/8.2 September 2013 Copyright © 2005, 2013 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error- free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. 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Contents Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide 1 Chapter 1: What’s New in This Release Chapter 2: Overview of Siebel Anywhere Features and Benefits of Siebel Anywhere 9 Roadmap for Using Siebel Anywhere 10 About the Siebel Anywhere User Interface Features 11 Siebel Anywhere Screens and Views 11 Siebel Anywhere Wizards and Utilities 12 About Siebel Anywhere File Attachments 14 About Siebel Anywhere Version Settings 14 Siebel Anywhere Terminology 19 Siebel Anywhere Deployment Recommendations 25 Chapter 3: Planning and Preparing to Use Siebel Anywhere Process of Planning and Preparing to Create Upgrade Kits 27 Determining Your Upgrade Requirements 28 Identifying Software to Be Replaced or Added 29 Evaluating Siebel Anywhere as an Upgrade or Delivery Method 30 Identifying Computers and Users to Receive Upgrades 30 Identifying Configurations to Deliver Upgrade Components 30 Identifying Files to Include in Upgrade Kits 32 Determining If an Upgrade Kit Is Required or Optional 33 Determining Version-Setting Values 34 Other Preliminary Tasks for Upgrade Kits 39 Determining Required Upgrade Sequences 41 Planning Upgrade Test Details 42 Modifying and Creating Siebel Anywhere Configurations 42 Adding Components to a Configuration 43 Removing Components from a Configuration 43 Creating a New Configuration 43 About Assigning Employees to a Configuration 45 Assigning Employees to a Configuration 46 Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide Version 8.1/8.2 3 Contents ■ Removing Employees from a Configuration 46 Setting Up Custom Siebel Anywhere Upgrade Components 47 About Monitoring and Verifying Siebel Anywhere Version Numbers 47 Creating a Custom Component 50 Verifying Client Connections to the Siebel File System 51 Verifying the Availability of Siebel Anywhere 51 Preparing Upgrade Kit Contents 51 Preparing Contents for a Siebel Upgrade Wizard Upgrade Kit 52 Preparing Contents for a Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit 53 About Reducing the Size of Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kits 55 Preparing Contents for a Siebel Quick Fix Upgrade Kit 56 Preparing Contents for Repository File or Third Party Software Upgrade Kits 56 Creating a Delta Patch File 57 Compiling an SRF File for Use in a Delta Repository File 60 Preparing a Delta Repository File 60 Synchronizing Server Components 63 Chapter 4: Defining Upgrade Kits About Defining Upgrade Kits 65 Running the Upgrade Kit Wizard 66 Defining a Siebel Upgrade Wizard Upgrade Kit 67 Defining a Siebel Configuration File (CFG) Upgrade Kit 68 Defining a Siebel Database Schema Upgrade Kit 71 Defining a Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit 74 Roadmap for Distributing a Siebel Maintenance Release or Patch 79 Roadmap for Creating a Delta Installation Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kit 80 Defining a Siebel Quick Fix Upgrade Kit 81 Defining a Siebel Repository File Upgrade Kit 84 Roadmap for Creating a Delta Repository File Upgrade Kit 88 Defining a Third Party Software Upgrade Kit 88 Defining a Siebel Client Customer Revisions Upgrade Kit 92 Defining a Custom Component Upgrade Kit 96 Viewing Upgrade Kit Properties 97 4 Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide Version 8.1/8.2 Contents ■ Chapter 5: Retrieving, Installing, and Testing Upgrade Kits Process of Retrieving, Installing, and Testing Upgrade Kits 101 Retrieving and Installing Upgrade Kits 102 Retrieving Optional Upgrade Kits for Mobile Web Clients 102 Retrieving Optional Upgrade Kits for Developer Web Clients 104 Retrieving Required Upgrade Kits 105 Starting the Upgrade Wizard 107 Retrieving Upgrade Kits for Siebel Regional Node Servers 107 Testing Upgrade Kits 110 Uninstalling Siebel Maintenance Releases or Patches 111 Chapter 6: Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits Process of Completing Upgrade Kit Creation 113 Activating an Upgrade Kit 113 Controlling the Order of Upgrade Kit Installation 114 Deactivating an Upgrade Kit 115 Applying an Upgrade Kit 116 Converting an Optional Upgrade Kit to a Required Upgrade Kit 117 Distributing Upgrade Kits 118 Limiting the Distribution of an Upgrade Kit 119 Distributing Different CFG Files to Different Users 120 Disabling Siebel Anywhere 122 Chapter 7: Performing Additional Siebel Anywhere Tasks Distributing Additional Language Packs 125 Example of Global Deployment with Siebel Anywhere 125 Example of Creating Multiple Upgrade Kits of the Same Type 128 Process of Updating the Siebel Database Schema 129 Review What Happens During a Siebel Database Schema Upgrade 131 Changing the Siebel Database Schema in a Development Environment 131 Moving Siebel Database Schema Changes Between Environments 132 Creating Upgrade Kits for Siebel Database Schema Changes 132 Preparing Mobile Web Clients for Siebel Database Schema Changes 133 Preparing Siebel Regional Node Servers for Siebel Database Schema Changes 133 Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide Version 8.1/8.2 5 Contents ■ Checking Siebel Regional Node Server Parameters Before a Siebel Database Schema Update 134 Installing Siebel Database Schema Changes on Mobile Web Clients 136 Installing Siebel Database Schema Changes on Siebel Regional Node Servers 137 Deleting Old Upgrade Kits 138 Testing the Consistency of Upgrade Kit Components 139 Creating Upgrade Kits That Check DLL File Versions 141 Example of Constructing a Third Party Software Upgrade Kit 142 Chapter 8: Troubleshooting for Siebel Anywhere Upgrade Kit Wizard Error at Finish 145 New Upgrade Kit Status: Request Submitted 145 New Upgrade Kit Status: In Progress 147 Unable to Download Upgrade Kit 148 Required Upgrade Kit Cannot Be Installed 149 Failed Upgrade Kit Locks the Siebel Administrator’s Account 150 Converting a Required Upgrade Kit to an Optional Upgrade Kit 151 Changing Version Settings After Distribution 151 Index 6 Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide Version 8.1/8.2 1 What’s New in This Release Oracle’s Siebel Anywhere allows Siebel administrators to distribute software updates to Siebel clients and Siebel Servers. NOTE: This guide assumes that you have installed Siebel Innovation Pack 2013. This innovation pack is provided for Siebel CRM version and version (Siebel Fix Pack releases). For more information, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using and the applicable Siebel Maintenance Release Guide on My Oracle Support. What’s New in Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide, Version 8.1/8.2 No new features have been added to this guide for this release. This guide has been updated to reflect only product name changes. What’s New in Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide, Version 8.1, Rev. B and Version 8.2, Rev. A Table 1 lists some of the changes in these versions of the documentation to support these releases of the software. Table 1. What’s New in Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide, Version 8.1, Rev. B and Version 8.2, Rev. A Topic Description New topics include: Added new topics. ■ “Preparing Contents for a Siebel Client As of Siebel CRM versions and 8.2.2 (for Executables Upgrade Kit” on page 53 Microsoft Windows server deployments) or versions and (for UNIX server ■ “About Reducing the Size of Siebel Client deployments), you can use Siebel Client Executables Upgrade Kits” on page 55 Executables components to distribute Siebel Fix ■ “Creating a Delta Patch File” on page 57 Pack releases and associated Siebel language packs, as was possible before Siebel CRM version ■ “Defining a Siebel Client Executables 8.1.1. Upgrade Kit” on page 74 Some of the usage details have changed, due to ■ “Defining a Siebel Quick Fix Upgrade Kit” on client installer changes introduced in Siebel CRM page 81 version 8.1.1. ■ “Uninstalling Siebel Maintenance Releases You can also use a new component, Siebel Quick or Patches” on page 111 Fix, to distribute Siebel Quick Fix releases. ■ “Distributing Additional Language Packs” on page 125 Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide Version 8.1/8.2 7 What’s New in This Release ■ 8 Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide Version 8.1/8.2 2 Overview of Siebel Anywhere This chapter provides an overview of the capabilities of Siebel Anywhere. It includes the following topics: ■ Features and Benefits of Siebel Anywhere on page 9 ■ Roadmap for Using Siebel Anywhere on page 10 ■ About the Siebel Anywhere User Interface Features on page 11 ■ About Siebel Anywhere File Attachments on page 14 ■ About Siebel Anywhere Version Settings on page 14 ■ Siebel Anywhere Terminology on page 19 ■ Siebel Anywhere Deployment Recommendations on page 25 Features and Benefits of Siebel Anywhere Siebel Anywhere allows the Siebel administrator to distribute software upgrades (in the form of Siebel Anywhere upgrade kits) to Siebel Mobile Web Clients, Siebel Developer Web Clients, and Siebel Servers. Upgrades can include custom configurations (updated CFG or SRF files), certain types of Siebel Business Applications releases, custom extensions to the Siebel database schema, custom files, or third-party files or applications. Siebel Anywhere provides the following mechanisms: ■ Configuration control to make sure users are connecting to a system with the appropriate software components. ■ Creation and packaging of supported types of upgrade components for distribution to clients or servers. ■ Distribution to provide users with acceptable version levels of the upgrade components. NOTE: Siebel Anywhere is not designed to deliver base software installations (such as Siebel CRM version 8.1.1 or version 8.2.2) for Siebel clients, deliver upgrade kits to Siebel Tools, or support database upgrades of the type described in Siebel Database Upgrade Guide. In general, the term upgrade as used in this guide has a specific, narrow meaning relating to distributing software updates through Siebel Anywhere. For more information about how Siebel administrators and other users work with Siebel Anywhere, see “Roadmap for Using Siebel Anywhere” on page 10 and other topics in this chapter. For more information about how Siebel Anywhere performs its functions, see “About Siebel Anywhere Version Settings” on page 14. Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide Version 8.1/8.2 9 Overview of Siebel Anywhere ■ Roadmap for Using Siebel Anywhere NOTE: Some of the references in this guide to Siebel Fix Pack version numbers are for example or illustrative purposes. You must verify the availability, characteristics, and requirements of any future releases, including any version 8.1.1.x or version 8.2.2.x Siebel Fix Pack releases, that might be mentioned in this guide (or updated versions of it) or in other documentation. Tasks and requirements for all future releases are subject to change. Roadmap for Using Siebel Anywhere This topic describes the overall process of using Siebel Anywhere. To use Siebel Anywhere to distribute product updates, perform the following tasks and processes: 1 Plan and prepare to create upgrade kits. For more information about this step, see “Process of Planning and Preparing to Create Upgrade Kits” on page 27. For example, you must determine your upgrade requirements. As a Siebel administrator, you must create any required configurations, dynamic configuration assignments, and components. For a discussion of components and configurations, see “Siebel Anywhere Terminology” on page 19. 2 Define an upgrade kit to meet your requirements. For a discussion of upgrade kits, see “Siebel Anywhere Terminology” on page 19. For more information about this step, see Chapter 4, “Defining Upgrade Kits.” 3 Activate the upgrade kit. Activating an upgrade kit gathers the files to be included in the upgrade kit and compresses them into a single archive stored on the Siebel File System. For more information about this step, see “Activating an Upgrade Kit” on page 113. 4 Apply the upgrade kit. Applying an upgrade kit updates a compiled information string with the component version information. For more information about this step, see “Applying an Upgrade Kit” on page 116. 5 (Client upgrade kits only) Distribute the upgrade kit to test users for testing. Test users are specified by membership in a test configuration. For more information about this step, see “Distributing Upgrade Kits” on page 118. 6 (Client upgrade kits only) For Siebel client users belonging to the test configuration, these users retrieve the upgrade kit for testing: ■ Mobile Web Client users retrieve the upgrade kit by synchronizing (if the upgrade kit is required) or by selecting and upgrading the applicable component in the Component Upgrades view in the User Preferences screen (if the upgrade kit is optional). NOTE: To support the Component Upgrades view, Siebel administrators must include this view in the responsibilities that are assigned to mobile users. For more information, see “Retrieving and Installing Upgrade Kits” on page 102. 10 Siebel Anywhere Administration Guide Version 8.1/8.2

is provided for Siebel CRM version and version (Siebel Fix Pack releases). For more .. component are compatible with the upgrade kit. Explorer. Third Party - Microsoft SQL. Server Driver. Third Party - Microsoft Word.
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