S P CIENTIFIC APER Side Docking the Robot for Robotic Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy Ekong E. Uffort, MD, James C. Jensen, MD ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Background and Objectives: Low lithotomy position Robotic-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy withtherobotbetweenthelegsfordockingisastandard (RALP) has dramatically altered the surgical treatment position for robotic radical prostatectomy. Its complica- of localized prostate cancer and urological surgery in tions include occasional nerve injury and compartment general. Since the introduction of the da Vinci robot in syndrome.Insomepatientswithconditionsthatlimithip 2001,thestandardpatientpositioningforpelvicsurgery abduction, this position may be infeasible. We report a hadbeenthelowlithotomywiththerobotbetweenthe docking technique that obviates stirrups and simplifies patient’s legs for docking.1,2 This positioning can be setup without altering surgical technique. associatedwithperonealnerveinjuryandcompartment syndromes in rare cases.3 Moreover, the low lithotomy Methods: A total of 100 consecutive patients underwent maynotbefeasibleinpatientswithahistoryofbilateral robotic radical prostatectomy for localized prostate can- hip arthroplasty which typically limits abduction posi- cer.Fiftypatients(group1)wereinthestandardlithotomy tion. We report a docking technique that obviates the position,andtheremaining50patients(group2)werein need for stirrups and attendant complications thereof, slighttrendelenburgpositionwiththerobotatthesideof seems to simplify patient setup, and may significantly the bed – “side-docked.” Setup and docking times were shorten surgical setup time, while not the affecting recordedandbothgroupswerecomparedfordifferences overall surgical technique. in operative variables. Results: Mean setup time for group 2 was 4.7 minutes shorter than for group 1 (p (cid:1) 0.02). Docking time and MATERIALS AND METHODS otheroperativevariableswerestatisticallysimilarandnot Institutional review board approval was obtained to affectedbytheadoptionofside-dockingtechnique.How- prospectively collect data on all patients undergoing ever,overallsurgicaltimewaslongerduetomodifications RALPatourinstitutionfromJanuary2009toApril2010, inotheraspectsofthetechniqueduringthestudyperiod. and to retrospectively review all such data collected on patients from March 2003 to January 2009. The data Conclusion: Side-docking for robotic radical prostatec- include patient demographics, indications for robotic tomyisassociatedwithsmallbutsignificantimprovement prostatectomy, operating room setup start times, surgi- in setup time and can be utilized in patients with limited cal times, console times, estimated blood loss, and hip abduction. perioperative complications. Setup time is defined as Key Words: Robotic radical prostatectomy; prostate can- the time interval from patient entry to the operating cer; robot side docking; lithotomy position. room to the surgical start time, and the docking time is thetimeintervalfromportplacementstodockingofthe robot. Between January 2009 and April 2010, 100 consecutive Division of Urology, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Marshall University, Huntington,WestVirginia,USA(DrJensen). patients with clinically localized prostate cancer under- DepartmentofSurgery,JoanC.EdwardsSchoolofMedicine,MarshallUniversity, went RALP at our institution. Prior to September 2009, Huntington,WestVirginia,USA(DrUffort). the standard patient positioning was used for all RALP Addresscorrespondenceto:JamesC.Jensen,MD,DivisionofUrology,Department until a patient presented with prostate cancer and a of Surgery, Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, Marshall University, 1400 Hal history of bilateral hip arthroplasty. Positioning in the Greer Boulevard, Huntington, West Virginia 25701. Telephone: (304) 399-6600. lowlithotomyatsurgerywasnotfeasibleduetolimited Email:[email protected] lower extremity abduction secondary to prior hip sur- DOI:10.4293/108680811X13022985132056 gery. In fact, maximum abduction at the knees was ©2011byJSLS,JournaloftheSocietyofLaparoendoscopicSurgeons.Publishedby theSocietyofLaparoendoscopicSurgeons,Inc. feasible with only 11cm of separation. Therefore posi- 200 JSLS(2011)15:200–202 Table1. CharacteristicsofStudyGroups Group1a(n(cid:1)50) Group2a(n(cid:1)50) PValue Age(yrs) 61.2yrs 63.0yrs 0.203 BMIb(kg/m2) 28.9kg/m2 29.1kg/m2 0.775 aGroup 1 (cid:1) Standard lithotomy position; Group 2 (cid:1) Patients positionedwithside-docking. bBMI(cid:1)BodyMassIndex. Table2. ComparisonofOperativeDataofStudyGroups Group1 Group2 PValue Figure1.Side-dockingdaVinci-STMrobotinradicalprostatec- tomy. Setuptime,mins 42.5(27–83) 37.8(22–65) 0.022 (range) Dockingtime,mins 5.36(2–14) 5.46(2–12) 0.839 (range) tioning, prep, and draping were performed with the patient in the supine position. Insufflation and port Surgerytime,hrs 2.69(2.0–4.1) 3.02(2.2–4.5) 0.002 (range) placement were performed using the standard method, the robot was “side docked” to the surgical table MeanEBLa,mL 255(50–800) 283(50–800) 0.443 (range) (Figure 1), and the procedure proceeded uneventfully and without any appreciable effect on robot perfor- Hospitalstay,days 1.04(1–2) 1.14(1–4) 0.217 (range) mance or overall surgical technique. Since that time, all RALP have been performed with the da Vinci-S robot aEBL(cid:1)EstimatedBloodLoss. side docked. There have been no apparent changes required in the surgical technique due to this new methodology. callysimilar(P(cid:1)0.443).Meanoperativetimewasapprox- imately 30 minutes longer in group 2 due to changes in The prospectively collected data were stratified by pa- otheraspectsofthesurgicalmethodology,butnotdueto tient positioning, and 2 groups were consolidated con- the change to side docking. sisting of 100 consecutive patients. Fifty of these pa- tients were from the period immediately before and 50 DISCUSSION from the period immediately after the adoption of side docking. Group 1 consisted of 50 patients who had Robotic surgery has gained significant popularity with standard low lithotomy positioning with the robot radical prostatectomy and other pelvic surgeries in the placed between the legs, and group 2 consisted of the last decade. The standard patient positioning for these 50 consecutive patients in the supine position with the robotic surgeries has remained the lithotomy position robot side-docked. The Student t test was used to com- with the surgical robot placed between the patient’s pare both groups. legs for docking. This potentially precludes patients who have problems of hip abduction and also intro- RESULTS duces potential complications of placement in stirrups, such as compartment syndromes in rare cases and Patient age and BMI for the 2 groups are depicted in neurapraxia.3,4 Table1.Both groups were statistically similar in all basic parameters, such as age, PSA, tumor characteristics, and In our series, the first patient we encountered with a othersuchthings.BMIwasnotdifferent(P(cid:1)0.775).Setup limiting condition was placed in the supine position with time was longer for group 1 than for group 2 (Table 2, therobotsidedocked(Figure1).Thispositioninghadno P(cid:1)0.022), and the docking time was similar in both effectonrobotperformance,andtheoperativetechnique groups (P(cid:1)0.676). Estimated blood loss was also statisti- was not changed. The side docking technique seemed JSLS(2011)15:200–202 201 SideDockingtheRobotforRoboticLaparoscopicRadicalProstatectomy,UffortEEetal. remarkably simpler and was adopted immediately for all CONCLUSION subsequent cases. Not only does this positioning change Side docking for robotic radical prostatectomy is a viable extend the benefits of robotic prostatectomy to patients alternative positioning technique for patients with hip with hip abduction limitations, but it also decreases the abduction limitations to the standard low lithotomy posi- setup time for the procedure (Table 2) and eliminates tioning. Major alterations with the surgical technique are potential complications intrinsic to stirrups. notrequired,andtheperioperativeoutcomesarecompa- The overall surgical time in group 2 in this series was rable to outcomes with the standard low lithotomy posi- longer because of technicalities with the port place- tioning. ments leading to the robotic arms’ collisions. As the surgeonprogressedalongthelearningcurveintermsof References: knowing the distances and angles between the robotic 1. Tewari A, Peabody J, Sarle R, et al. Technique of da Vinci arms needed to avoid collisions, the overall setup time robot-assisted anatomic radical prostatectomy. Urology. 2002; was shorter. Major alterations in surgical technique 60(4):569–572. were not required because of side docking, and no change in anesthesia was required. Excluding the op- 2. Menon M, Tewari A, Peabody J, Members of the VIP team. erative times, other variables remained similar between VattikutiInstituteprostatectomy:technique.JUrol.2003;169(6): 2289–2292. the 2 groups. This method of docking has been suc- cessfully used on patients of different body habitus 3. MosesTA,KrederKJ,ThrasherJB.Compartmentsyndrome: including obese patients with conditions that limit the An unusual complication of the lithotomy position. Urology. standard lithotomy positioning. 1994;43(5):746–747. Limitations with this study include the small number of 4. Gumus E, Kendirci M, Horasanli K, Tanriverdi O, Gide- patients and the fact that it is not a randomized study. As mez G, Miroglu C. Neurapraxic complications in operations performed in the lithotomy position. World J Urol. 2002;20: weutilizethismethodonmorepatients,alargerrandom- 68–71. ized study is needed to confirm or dispute our initial conclusion.Also,ourconclusioncannotbegeneralizedto other da Vinci models as we only utilized the da Vinci-S surgical system. 202 JSLS(2011)15:200–202