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SID - Aditya Birla Sun Life Fixed Term Plan - Series OM (1146 days) PDF

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Preview SID - Aditya Birla Sun Life Fixed Term Plan - Series OM (1146 days)

Scheme Informmation DDocumeent Birla Sun LLife Fixedd Termm Plaan - SSeriess OM (11446dayys) (A Close endded Income SScheme) Thiss product iss suitable ffor investoors who aree seeking:  income withh capital groowth over loong term  investmentss in debt and money mmarket securrities mmaturing onn or before tthe tenure oof the Scheme Inveestors should consult thheir financiaal advisers if in dou bt wwhether the product is ssuitable for them. Offer of units of Rs100/- each for cassh during the Neew Fund Offer NNew Fund Offerr Opens On Tuesdayy, March 28, 20117 NNew Fund Offerr Closes On Wednesday, March 29, 2017 Thee subscription lisst may be closeed earlier by giving at least onee day’s notice in one daily newwspaper. The TTrustee reservess the right to exxtend the closinng date of the NNew Fund Offeer Period, subjeect to the conddition that the ssubscription listt of the New Fund Offer Perriod shall not bee kept open for mmore than 15 daays. Name oof Mutual Fund Name of The AAsset Management Company Name of The Trustee Company Birla Suun Life Mutual Fund (BSLMF) Birla Sun Life Asset Manageement Companny Birla SSun Life Trusteee Company Pvvt. One Inndia Bulls Cenntre, Tower 1, 17th Limited (BSLAAMC) Ltd(BSSLTCP). Floor, Jupiter Mill Compound, 841, One India Bullls Centre, Toweer 1, 17th Flooor, One Inndia Bulls Centre, Tower 1, 117th Floor, Senapaati Bapat Marg, Elphinstone Road, Jupiter Mill Coompound, 841, Senapati Bapat Jupiterr Mill Compounnd, 841, Senapati Bapat Mumbaai 400 013. Marg, Elphinstoone Road, Mummbai 400 013 Marg, Elphinstone Rooad, Mumbai 400 013 Tel. 435568000, Fax Noo. 43568110/ 8111 Tel. 43568000,, Fax No. 435688110/ 8111 Tel. 433568000, Fax NNo. 43568110/ 88111 Websitee www.birlasunllife.com CIN: U65991MH1994PLC0808811 CIN: UU74899MH19944PTC166755 The particulars of thee Scheme havee been prepared in accordancce with th e Seccurities and Exxchange Board of India (Mutuual Funds) Regulations 1996, (hherein after refferred to as SEEBI (MF) Regullations) as ameended till date, and filed withh SEBI, along wwith a Due Diligence Certificaate from the AMMC. The units being offered for public suubscription havve not been aapproved or reecommended bby SEBI nor hhas SEBI certiified the accuraccy or adequacyy of the Schemme Information Document. Please refer the NSE disclaimer Claause overleaf. The Scheme Information Document ssets forth concissely the informaation about the scheme that aa prospective investor ought too know before innvesting. Before investing, invesstors should also ascertain aboout any further cchanges to this Scheme Informmation Documennt after the datee of this Documment from the Muttual Fund / Inveestor Service Centres / Websitte / Distributors or Brokers. Thhe Mutual Fundd/AMC and its empanelled broker(s) has not given and shall not give any indicative poortfolio and inddicative yield inn any com munnication, in anyy manner whattsoever. Investtors are adviseed not to rely on any communication regardinng indicative yyield/portfolio wwith regard to tthe scheme. The invvestors are advised to refer to the Statement of Additionnal Informationn (SAI) for dettails of Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund, Tax annd Legal issues and general innformation on wwww.birlasunliife.com SAI i s incorporated bby reference (iss legally a part of the Schemee Information DDocument). Forr a free copy off the current SAI, please conttact your nearestt Investor Servvice Centre or llog on to our wwebsite The S chheme Informatioon Document shhould be read inn conjunction wiith the SAI and not in isolation. This Sccheme Informatioon Document iss dated March 15, 2017 Birlaa Sun Liffe Fixedd Term PPlan - Series OM (11466 days) DISCLAIMER OOF NSE: Ass required, aa copy of thiss Scheme Information Doocument hass been submmitted to Natioonal Stock EExchange of India Limmited (hereinnafter referreed to as NSE). NSE hass given vide its letter NNSE/LIST/1044677 dated FFebruary 20, 2017 peermission to the Mutual FFund to use the Exchangee’s name in thhis Scheme IInformation DDocument ass one of the SStock Exxchanges on which the Mutual Fund’s units are prooposed to bee listed subject to, the Mutual Fund fullfilling the various criteria for listiing. The Exchhange has sccrutinized this Scheme Innformation Doocument for its limited innternal purpoose of deeciding on thee matter of granting the aaforesaid permmission to thhe Mutual Funnd. It is to be distinctly unnderstood thaat the afooresaid permmission givenn by NSE shhould not inn any way bee deemed orr construed that the Schheme Informmation Doocument has been clearedd or approved by NSE; noor does it in aany manner wwarrant, certify or endorsse the correcttness orr completeneess of any off the contentts of this Sccheme Informmation Documment; nor dooes it warrannt that the MMutual Fuund’s units wwill be listed or will continue to be listed on the Exchange; nnor does it taake any respponsibility foor the finnancial or othher soundnesss of the Mutuual Fund, its sponsors, itss managemennt or any scheme of the MMutual Fund. Evvery person who desiress to apply foor or otherwise acquire aany units of the Mutual Fund may do so pursuaant to inddependent innquiry, invesstigation and analysis annd shall not have any claaim against the Exchangge whatsoeveer by reason of anny loss whiich may bee suffered bby such peerson conseequent to oor in conneection with such suubscription/accquisition whether by reeason of anyything statedd or omitted to be statedd herein or aany other reeason whhatsoever. Page2 Birlaa Sun Liffe Fixedd Term PPlan - Series OM (11466 days) TABLEE OF CONTENTSS HIIGHLIGHTS OF THE SCCHEME .............................................................................................................................. 44  Seection I – INTRODUCTIOON .................................................................................................................................... 66  A. RISK FACTTORS ..................................................................................................................................................... 66  B. RISK CONTTROL STRAATEGIES ............................................................................................................................ 88  C.. REQUIREMMENT OF MIINIMUM INVVESTORS IN THE SCHEME ........................................................................ 99  D.. SPECIAL CCONSIDERAATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 99  E. DEFINITIONNS ....................................................................................................................................................... 100  F. DUE DILIGENCE BY THHE ASSET MMANAGEMEENT COMPAANY ....................................................................... 144  Seection II – INNFORMATIOON ABOUT TTHE SCHEMME ............................................................................................ 155  A. TYPE OF TTHE SCHEME ..................................................................................................................................... 155  B. INVESTMEENT OBJECTTIVE ................................................................................................................................ 155  C.. ASSET ALLLOCATION AAND INVESTTMENT PATTTERN ..................................................................................... 155  D.. INVESTMEENT BY SCHHEME ............................................................................................................................... 177  E. INVESTMEENT STRATEEGY ................................................................................................................................. 199  F. FUNDAMENNTAL ATTRIBUTES .......................................................................................................................... 199  G. BENCHMAARK ...................................................................................................................................................... 199  H.. FUND MANNAGER ................................................................................................................................................ 200  I. INVESTMENNT RESTRICCTIONS FORR THE SCHEEME ........................................................................................ 200  J. SCHEME PERFORMANNCE ................................................................................................................................. 222  Seection III - UUNITS AND OOFFER ............................................................................................................................ 222  A. NEW FUNDD OFFER ............................................................................................................................................. 222  B. ONGOING OFFER DETTAILS .............................................................................................................................. 311  C.. PERIODIC DISCLOSURRES ................................................................................................................................ 355  D.. COMPUTAATION OF NEET ASSET VVALUE .......................................................................................................... 366  Seection IV – FFEES AND EEXPENSES ..................................................................................................................... 366  A. NEW FUNDD OFFER EXXPENSES ....................................................................................................................... 366  B. ANNUAL SCHEME RECCURRING EEXPENSES .................................................................................................. 366  C.. TRANSACTTION CHARGGES ................................................................................................................................ 388  D.. LOAD STRRUCTURE ............................................................................................................................................ 399  E. WAIVER OF LOAD FORR DIRECT AAPPLICATIONS .......................................................................................... 399  Seection V - RIIGHTS OF UUNITHOLDERS ............................................................................................................... 399  Seection VI - PPENALTIES, PENDING LLITIGATION OR PROCEEEDINGS ............................................................. 399  Page3 Birlaa Sun Liffe Fixedd Term PPlan - Series OM (11466 days) HIGHLIGHTTS OF THEE SCHEMEE Naame of the SScheme Birla Sun LLife Fixed Teerm Plan - SSeries OM (11146 days) Sttructure A Close endded Income SScheme Investment OObjective The schemme seeks to generate income by investing in a portfolio of fixed inccome securities mmaturing on oor before the duration of tthe scheme. The Schemme does not guarantee/inndicate any rreturns. There can be no assurancee that the schemees’ objectivess will be achieeved. Liquidity The schemme will have duration/tennure of 11446 days fromm and includding the date of allotment.Thhe NAV of the scheme will be aannounced oon every buusiness dayy. No redemption or repurchase will be peermitted priorr to maturity of the Schemme however, The scheme will be listed onn NSE and/oor any otherr recognized stock exchaanges as maay be decided by AMC from time to time aand the Unithholders who wish to redeeem units maay do so through SStock Exchaange at prevaailing listed pprice on suchh Stock Exchange. Flexibility The Mutual Fund will alllow investorrs the flexibility to switch their investmments (subjeect to minimum aapplication aamount undeer the schemme) from any other sccheme(s) / pplans managed by Mutual Fund, Fund, ass per the feaatures of thee respective sscheme, andd / or close endedd scheme(s) / plans offeered by the MMutual Fund to Birla Sunn Life Fixed TTerm Plan-Seriess OM (1146 ddays) during the New Fund Offer perriod (subjectt to completion of lock-in period, if any, of the units of the scheme(s) fromm where the units are bbeing switched) Pllans/ Optionns offered The Schemme will have Regular Plan and Direect Plan** wwith a commmon portfolioo and separate NAAVs. Investoors should inddicate the Pllan for whichh the subscriiption is madde by indicating thhe choice in the applicatioon form. Each of thee above Reguular and Direect Plan under the schemme (launchedd with duratiion of more than 3365 days) will have the foollowing Options / Sub-opptions: (1) Growthh Option and (2) Dividennd Option with (a) NormalDividend sub-option (Payouut Facility) (b) QuarterlyDDividend subb-option (Payyout Facility).. **DIRECT PPLAN: i. Direct Plan is onlyy for investtors who puurchase /subscribe Units in a Schheme directlyy with the MMutual Fund and is not available foor investors who route their investmments through a Distribbutor. ii. Eligiblee investors: All categories of investoors (whetherr existing or new Unitholdders) as permmitted under the Schemee Informationn Document of the Schemme are eligibble to subscribbe under Dirrect Plan. iii. Modes for applyinng: Investmeents under DDirect Plan ccan be madee through vaarious modes offered by thhe Mutual Fuund for invessting directly with the Muttual Fund [exxcept throughh Stock Exchhange Platforrms for Mutuual Funds annd all other PPlatform(s) wwhere investorrs’ applicatioons for subsccription of units are routedd through Disstributors]. iv. How too apply: a. Invesstors desirouus of subsccribing underr Direct Plann of a Scheeme will havve to ensuure to indicatee “Direct Plaan” against thhe Scheme nname in the aapplication foorm. b. Invesstors should also indicatee “Direct” in tthe ARN coluumn of the application form. Default Opttion: Growthh In case of valid appliccation receivved without indicating cchoice betweeen Growth and Dividend OOption, the same shall be consideered as Groowth Option and proceessed accordingly.. In case of valid appliccation receivved without indicating cchoice betweeen Growth and Dividend OOption, the same shall be consideered as Groowth Option and proceessed accordingly.. For valid application received witthout indicatting choice between Noormal Dividend annd Quarterlyy Dividend sub-option, thhe same shaall be considdered as Noormal Deefault Plan // Option / Dividend sub-option andd processed aaccordingly. Suub-option (Inn case the investor fails to specify his prefereence, the givven default plan / option / Default Plaan: sub-option would apply) Investors arre requested to note the following sceenarios for thhe applicability of “Direct Plan or Regular PPlan” for valiid applicationns received under the Schheme: Page4 Birlaa Sun Liffe Fixedd Term PPlan - Series OM (11466 days) Scenario Broker Codde Plan mmentioned Default PPlan mentioneed by thhe by the iinvestor to be captuured investor 1 Not mentiioned Not menntioned Direct Plan 2 Not mentiioned Direct Direct Plan 3 Not mentiioned Regularr Direct Plan 4 Mentioned Direct Direct Plan 5 Direct Not Menntioned Direct Plan 6 Direct Regularr Direct Plan 7 Mentioned Regularr Regular Plaan 8 Mentioned Not Menntioned Regular Plaan In cases of wrong/ invallid/ incompleete ARN codees mentioned on the appplication formm, the application shall be proccessed undeer Regular Pllan. The AMCC shall contaact and obtaiin the correct ARNN code withinn 30 calendaar days of thhe receipt of the applicatiion form fromm the investor/ disstributor. In ccase, the corrrect code is not receivedd within 30 caalendar dayss, the AMC shall reprocess tthe transactiion under DDirect Plan ffrom the daate of appliccation without anyy exit load. Minimum Appplication Minimum off Rs 1,000/- and in multipples of Rs 110/- thereafteer during thee New Fund Offer Ammount period. Trransparencyy / NAV The AMC wwill calculate and disclosee the first NAAV(s) of the sscheme not later than 5 (five) Diisclosure Business daays from thee date of allotment. Theereafter, the NAV will be calculatedd and disclosed foor every Business Day. NAAV of the scheme will bee calculated uup to four deccimal places and shall be publlished in atleast two dailyy newspaperss on daily basis in accorddance with the SEEBI (MF) RRegulations. AMC shall update the NAV on thhe AMFI weebsite (www.amfiinndia.com) annd on the website of thee Mutual Fund (www.birrlasunlife.comm) by 9.00 pm on the day of ddeclaration oof the NAV. NNAV shall alsso be commmunicated to sstock exchange(s) where the uunits of the sccheme are lissted. In case of any delay, thee reasons for such delay wwould be explained to AMFI in writing. If the NAVs are noot available bbefore commeencement of business houurs on the folllowing day ddue to any reason, Mutual Fundd shall issue a press releaase providingg reasons andd explaining wwhen the Mutual FFund would bbe able to puublish the NAAVs. The NAVV shall be puublished at leaast in two daily newspapers in accordance wwith SEBI (MMF) Regulatioons. The inforrmation on NAAV of the scheme may be obtaained by the uunit holders, on any day bby calling the office of the AMC or any of thee ISCs at various locationss. As required by the SEBI (MF) Regulations, a complete stateement of the Scheme porrtfolio would be puublished by the Mutual FFund as an aadvertisement in a newsspaper withinn one month from the close of each half yyear (i.e. March 31 & Seeptember 30)) or mailed too the Unit holderss. The monthlyy portfolio off the schemee (alongwith ISIN) shall aalso be madee available on the website of MMutual Fund (www.birlassunlife.com) on or beforee tenth day oof the succeeeding month. Deematerializaation The Unit holders are giveen an Optionn to hold the uunits by way of an Accounnt Statementt or in Dematerializzed (‘Demat’’) form. Unit holders optiing to hold tthe units in ddemat form must provide theirr Demat Accoount details in the specifieed section off the applicatiion form. Thee Unit holder intending to hold the units in DDemat form aare required to have a beeneficiary acccount with a Depoository Particcipant (DP) (rregistered with NSDL / CCDSL) and wwill be requireed to indicate in the application the DP'ss name, DP ID Number and the beeneficiary acccount number of tthe applicant held with the DP at the time of subsscribing to thee units during the NFO. In case the unit holders do not provvide their Demat Accountt details or pprovide Incommplete details or thee details do noot match with the records aas per Depossitory (ies), units shall be allotted in physical (non-demat) foorm. Such invvestors will not be able to trade in the sstock exchannge till their holdinggs are converrted into demmat form. For conversion oof physical hooldings into ddemat form, the unit holders will have to sendd the demat rrequests to thheir Depositorry Participantts. No redemption/rrepurchase oof units shall be allowed prior to the maturity of the scheme.. Unit holders wishhing to exit maay do so throuugh the Stockk Exchange mmode. Trransfer of Units Units held bby way of acccount statemment cannot be transferrred. Units heeld in demat form are transfeerable in aaccordance with the pprovisions oof SEBI (DDepositories and Participantss) Regulationns, as amendded from timee to time Beenchmark Inndex CRISIL Commposite Bondd Fund Indexx Looads Entry Loadd*: Nil Page5 Birlaa Sun Liffe Fixedd Term PPlan - Series OM (11466 days) Exit Load: Nil *In terms off SEBI circular no. SEBII/IMD/CIR No.4/ 168230/09 dated Juune 30, 20099, no entry load wwill be charged by the Sccheme to thee investor efffective Auguust 01, 2009.. The upfront commmission, if any, on investment made by the innvestor shall be paid byy the investor direectly to the DDistributor, bbased on hiss assessmennt of various factors incluuding the service rendered by the Distributtor. No redempttion/repurchaase of units shall be alloowed prior too the maturitty of the scheme. Investors wishing to exitt may do so tthrough stocck exchange mode. Appplication SSupported Investors allso have an option to suubscribe to uunits of the sscheme durinng the New Fund byy Block Amoount Offer periodd under the Applicationns Supporteed by Blockeed Amount (ASBA) faccility, (AASBA) which wouldd entail bloccking of funds in the inveestor’s Bank account, ratther than transfer of funds, onn the basis oof an authorissation given to this effectt at the time of submitting the ASBA application form. Investors aapplying throough the AASBA facilityy should caarefully readd the appliccable provisions bbefore makinng their application. For ffurther details on ASBA facility, inveestors are requested to refer too Statement of Additionall Information (SAI). Trransaction CCharges In accordannce with SEBBI circular noo. Cir/ IMD/ DF/13/ 20111 dated Auguust 22, 20111, the (FFor Lumpsumm AMC shall ddeduct the TTransaction CCharges on purchase / ssubscription of Rs10,0000 and Puurchases roouted above received from firrst time muttual fund invvestors and investor otheer than first time thhrough distributor/ mutual fundd investors tthrough the distributor/aagent (who hhave opted-in to receivee the aggent) transaction charges on basis of typee of product) as under: First Time Mutual Funnd Investor (across Muutual Fundss): Transactiion charge oof Rs 150/- for suubscription oof Rs10,000//- and abovee will be dedducted from the subscription amount andd paid to thee distributor / agent of thhe first time investor. Thhe balance oof the subscriptionn amount shaall be investeed and accorrdingly units allotted. Investor otther than Firrst Time Mutual Fund Innvestor: Transactionn charge of Rs 100/- pper subscripption of Rs 10,000/- annd above wiill be deducted frrom the subsscription amoount and paid to the distributor/ agennt of the inveestor. The balancee of the subsscription amoount shall be invested and accordingly units allotteed. Transaction charges sshall not be deducted/applicable foor : o Purchasses /subscripptions for an amount lesss than Rs 10,000/-; o Transacction other tthan purchasses / subscriptions relating to new inflows succh as Switchees, etc. o Transacctions carriedd out throughh the Stock EExchange Plaatforms for MMutual Fundss. No transacction charges will be deducted foor any purcchase / subbscription mmade directly witth the Fund (i.e. not rouuted throughh any distribbutor/ agentt). For further details on trransaction charges referr to the section 'Transacction Charges' on page 38 & ppage 39. Invvestors in the Scheme are not being offered any guaranteed // assured retturns. Invvestors are aadvised to coonsult their LLegal / Tax and other Proofessional Addvisors with rregard to tax / legal immplications reelating to their investmentts in the Schheme and beffore making decision to invest in or reedeem the UUnits. Seection I – INTRODUUCTION A. RISK FAACTORS STTANDARD RRISK FACTOORS  Mutual Fuunds and seecurities investments arre subject too market rissks and there can be nno assurancce or guaranteee that the objeectives of thee Scheme will be achieveed.  Investmennt in Mutual Fund Units involves invvestment riskks such as ttrading volummes, settlemment risk, liquuidity risk, defauult risk including the possible loss of pprincipal.  As the price / value / interest ratees of the seccurities in whhich the scheeme invests fluctuates, tthe value of your investmennt in the scheme may goo up or dowwn dependingg on the various factorss and forcess affecting caapital markets and money mmarkets.  Past perfoormance of the Sponsor / AMC / Muttual Fund dooes not guarrantee futuree performancce of the Schheme and may nnot necessarrily provide a basis of commparison withh other invesstments.  Birla Sun LLife Fixed Teerm Plan-Series OM (11446 days) is thhe name of tthe Scheme and does noot, in any manner, indicate either the quality of the Sccheme or its ffuture prospeects or returnns.  The Sponssors are not responsible or liable for any loss ressulting from tthe operationn of the Scheemes beyond the initial conttribution of RRs 1,00,000 mmade by it towwards settingg up the Funnd.  The preseent scheme iss not a guaraanteed or asssured return scheme. Page6 Birlaa Sun Liffe Fixedd Term PPlan - Series OM (11466 days) SCCHEME SPEECIFIC RISKK FACTORS RIISK FACTORRS ASSOCIAATED WITHH INVESTMEENTS IN FIXEED INCOMEE SECURITIEES:  Price-Riskk or Interesst-Rate Riskk: Fixed inccome securitties such ass bonds, debbentures and money market instrumentts run price-rrisk or interest-rate risk. GGenerally, wwhen interest rates rise, pprices of exissting fixed inccome securities fall and wheen interest rrates drop, ssuch prices iincrease. Thhe extent of fall or rise in the pricess is a function off the existingg coupon, dayys to maturitty and the inccrease or decrease in thee level of inteerest rates.  Credit Rissk: In simplee terms this rrisk means thhat the issueer of a debennture/ bond oor a money mmarket instrument may defauult on interesst payment orr even in payying back thee principal ammount on maaturity. Even where no deefault occurs, thee price of a ssecurity mayy go down beecause the ccredit rating oof an issuer ggoes down. It must, howwever, be noted tthat where thhe Scheme hhas invested in Governmeent securitiess, there is noo credit risk too that extentt.  Liquidity or Marketability Risk: This refers to the easee with which a security ccan be sold at or near tto its valuation yyield-to-matuurity (YTM). The primary measure off liquidity riskk is the spreaad between the bid pricee and the offer pprice quoted bby a dealer. Liquidity riskk is today chaaracteristic oof the Indian ffixed incomee market.  Reinvestmment Risk: Investmentss in fixed inncome securrities may ccarry reinvesstment risk as interest rates prevailing on the intereest or maturrity due dates may differ from the oriiginal couponn of the bond. Consequeently, the proceeeds may get invested at aa lower rate.  Pre-paymment Risk: Certain fixed income secuurities give ann issuer the rright to call bback its secuurities before their maturity date, in perioods of declinning interest rates. The ppossibility of such prepayment may force the funnd to reinvest thhe proceeds of such inveestments in securities offfering lower yields, resulting in loweer interest inccome for the fund.  Concentraation Risk: The Schemee portfolio mmay have higher exposurre to a singlee sector, subbject to maximum of 25% of net assets aas specified in this SID, ddepending upon availability of issuannces in the mmarket at the time of investmment, resultinng in higher cconcentration risk. Any cchange in goovernment ppolicy / businness environment relevant too the sector mmay have ann adverse impact on the pportfolio.  Different types of secuurities in which the scheeme would innvest as giveen in the Sccheme Informmation Document carry different levels and types of rrisk. Accordinngly the scheeme’s risk mmay increase or decreasee depending upon its investmment pattern.. e.g. corporate bonds caarry a higher amount of risk than Goovernment securities. Fuurther even among corporatee bonds, bonnds, which are AA rated,, are comparratively moree risky than bbonds, whichh are AAA ratedd. RIISK FACTORRS ASSOCIAATED WITHH LISTING OOF UNITS:  Listing of units of the scheme on stock exchange(s) does not necessaarily guaranttee liquidity aand there caan be no assurance that an aactive secondary market for the units will developp or be maintained.  Trading in the units of the Schemee on the Exchhange may bbe halted beccause of maarket conditioons, includingg any halt in the operations oof Depositoryy Participantts or for reassons that in vview of the EExchange Authorities or SSEBI, trading in tthe units is ssuspended aand / or restricted. In addition, trading in units is suubject to tradding halts caaused by extraorrdinary markket volatility and pursuaant to stock exchange rules of ‘circcuit filter’. TThere can be no assurancee that the requirements of Stock Excchange neceessary to maaintain the liisting of unitts of schemee will continue too be met or wwill remain unchanged  Further, thhe Scheme bbeing a closse ended schheme and lissted on stocck exchange, as per SEBI guideliness, no redemptionn / repurchaase / switchees of units wwill be alloweed prior to mmaturity undeer the schemme. The inveestors wishing to redeem their units may ddo so throughh stock exchaange mode.  The Units of the schemme may tradee above or bbelow their faace value / NNAV. The NAAV of the scheme will flucctuate with changges in the maarket value oof schemes hholdings. Thee trading pricces of units oof the schemme will fluctuaate in accordancce with changges in their NNAV as well as market ssupply and ddemand whicch may even lead the unnits to quote at significant premium or disccount to NAVV.  There is aa possibility that the unittholders findd it difficult oor uneconommical to liquiddate their invvestments att any particular time. As a reesult, investoors in the sccheme must be preparedd to hold the units until thhe maturity uunder the Schemme.  Regulatoryy Risk: Any cchanges in ttrading regulations by thee Stock Exchhange or SEEBI, inter aliaa, may also rresult in wider ppremium/ discount to thee NAV of thee Schemes. Although thee Units are proposed too be listed onn the Stock Excchange, the AAMC and thee Trustees wwill not be liaable for any lloss sufferedd by investorrs due to delay in listing of uunits of the SSchemes on tthe Stock Exxchange or ddue to connectivity probleems with the depositoriess due to the occuurrence of anny event beyyond their control.  As the units of the sccheme may be held in eelectronic (deemat) mode through deppositories, thhe records oof the depositoryy shall be finnal with respect to the nuumber of units available to the crediit of unitholdder. Settlemeent of trades, reddemption/divvidend payment, in lieu oof such unitss held in elecctronic (demat) form, by the Mutual Fund will depennd upon the confirmations to be recceived from depository (ies) on which the Mutuual Fund haas no control. Page7 Birlaa Sun Liffe Fixedd Term PPlan - Series OM (11466 days) Riisk Factors Associated with Close Ended Schemes  A close ended Schemme endeavouurs to achievve the capitaal appreciatioon only at thhe scheduled maturity oof the Scheme. HHowever, theere is no assurance thatt the said obbjective will bbe achieved at the scheduled maturrity of the schemme and there is a risk thatt the capital invested mayy not be fullyy realisable uupon maturityy of the scheme.  The scheme being cclose endedd in nature does not aallow redemption duringg the tenor of the scheme. Redemptioons shall haappen only aat the time oof maturity oof the schemme, and hennce returns ggenerated byy the scheme mmay be affeccted if the uunderlying mmarkets are at unfavouraable level att the time oof maturity oof the scheme  Investors wwho wish to exit/redeemm before the scheduled mmaturity datee may do soo through thee stock exchange mode. Forr the Units lissted on the eexchange, it iis possible thhat the markeet price at whhich the Unitts are traded may be at a disscount to thee NAV of such Units. Hennce, Unit Holdders who sell their Units in a Schemee prior to maaturity may not geet the NAV rreturns. B. RISK COONTROL SSTRATEGIES Invvestments mmade by thee scheme wwould be in accordance with the invvestment obbjectives of the schemee and prrovisions of SEBI (MF) Regulationss. Since invvesting requires disciplinned risk maanagement, the AMC wwould inccorporate addequate safeeguards for ccontrolling rissks in the poortfolio consttruction process. The riskk control proocess invvolves reduccing risks through portfoliio diversificaation, taking ccare howeveer not to dilutte returns in the process. The AMMC believes that this divversification wwould help aachieve the ddesired level of consistenncy in returnss. The AMC aims to identify seccurities, whicch offer supeerior levels oof yield at lower levels oof risks. Withh the aim of controlling rrisks, riggorous in-deppth credit evvaluation of the securitiess proposed tto be investeed in will be ccarried out bby the investtment team of the AMMC. Crredit Risk Evvery investmment in Debt and Money Market Instrruments of aany issuer wwould be madde in accorddance with CCredit poolicy as definned and estaablished by AAMC from timme to time. TThe Credit Poolicy, which is reviewed aand monitoreed on a regular basiss by Investmment Committtee, inter aliaa, enumeratees issuer seleection process, the varioous parameteers to bee consideredd for setting uup credit expposure limitss and Credit authorisation matrix for such limits, credit monittoring prrocess etc. Thhe following pparameters sshall be conssidered for selection: (i) The expossure to a couunter party is based on thhe networth oof the counteerparty. The ffund manageer would do aa risk assessmeent of the issuer before mmaking the innvestments. Further, conntinuous monnitoring of the networth oof the company iis done. The risk assessmment by the fund manageer includes thhe monitoring of the folloowing: I. Cappital Structuree II. Debbt Service covverage ratio III. Interest coveragge IV. Proffitability marggin V. Currrent ratio (ii)) The fund managers determine thee sector to wwhich the coounter party relates. Thee fund managgers assignss risk weightagees to sectorss and shall nnot invest in sectors which carry a hhigh credit rrisk. The riskk weightagess are based upoon various faactors like thee nature of pproducts/servvices of the ssector, currennt state and future outloook for the sector, subsidies pprovided to thhe sector andd governmennt regulationss for the secttor. (iiii) The fund mmanager shaall also checkk the track reecord of the company in terms of its financials annd any defauults to its creditorrs. (ivv) The fund managers shall consider the track rrecord of thee sponsor/ parent of the counterpartty. It includess the financials of the sponssor/ parent coompany and whether the parent/sponnsor has defaaulted in the past. (v) The fund manager can also have a call with tthe Managemment of the company ass a part of itss research oof the company. (vi) The fund manager will also checkk for Credit Default Swaaps spreads of the comppany in globbal market, iff any available. Thhe above parrameters aree dependent upon the infformation avaailable at thee time of due diligence. TThe fund mannager shhall endeavour to includee all these paarameters buut investors should note that these pparameters aare indicativee and caan change froom time to timme at the disscretion of thhe fund manaager. Prrice-Risk or Interest-Raate Risk Thhe fund will invest in a baasket of debtt and moneyy market seccurities maturring on or beefore maturityy of the fundd with a view to holdd them till thhe maturity oof the fund. While the interim NAV will fluctuatee in responsse to changes in intterest rates, the final NAAV will be moore stable. Too that extentt the interestt rate risk will be mitigateed at the maaturity off the scheme. Page8 Birlaa Sun Liffe Fixedd Term PPlan - Series OM (11466 days) Reeinvestmentt Risk Reeinvestment risks will be limited to thhe extent of ccoupons recceived on debt instrumennts, which will be a very ssmall poortion of the pportfolio valuue. Cooncentrationn Risk Thhe Fund Mannager shall eendeavor to mmitigate the rrisk by takingg exposure to high rated instruments and locking in at the point of invvestment to ssuch issuancce yields. WWhile these mmeasures aree expected tto mitigate thhe above risks to a largee extent, theere can be no assurancee that these risks woould be comppletely eliminated. C. REQUIREMENT OF MINIMUUM INVESTTORS IN TTHE SCHEEME Thhe Scheme sshall have a minimum off 20 investorrs and no sinngle investor shall accouunt for more than 25% oof the coorpus of the SScheme. Theese conditionns will be complied with iimmediately after the close of the NFFO itself i.e. aat the timme of allotmeent. In case of non-fulfillmment with thee condition oof minimum 220 investors, the Scheme shall be wwound upp in accordaance with Reegulation 39 (2) (c) of SSEBI (MF) RRegulations aautomaticallyy without any reference from SEEBI. In case of non-fulfilllment with thhe condition of 25% holdding by a sinngle investor on the date of allotmentt, the appplication to the extent oof exposure in excess off the stipulatted 25% limit would be liable to be rejected andd the alllotment would be effectivve only to thhe extent of 25% of the corpus colleected. Conseequently, succh exposure over 255% limits will lead to refunnd within 5 BBusiness dayys of the datee of closure oof the New FFund Offer. D. SPECIALL CONSIDDERATIONNS  Changes in Governmeent Policy in general andd changes inn tax benefitts applicable to mutual fuunds may immpact the returnss to investorrs in the Scheme. As is tthe case withh any investmment, there ccan be no guarantee thaat the tax positioon or the prooposed tax position preevailing at thhe time of ann investmennt in the Schheme will enndure indefinitelyy. In view of the individuaal nature of tax consequences, eachh unitholder is advised too consult his / her own professsional tax aadvisor.  The NAV of the scheeme may bee affected byy changes inn the generral market coonditions, faactors and foorces affecting ccapital markeet in particullar, level of interest ratees, various mmarket relateed factors, seettlement peeriods and transffer procedurees.  Mutual Funds are vehicles of secuurities investmments that are subject too market andd other risks and there caan be no guaranntee against loss resultinng from invessting in the SScheme. Thee various facctors that impact the valuue of the Schemme' investmeents include, but are noot restricted to, fluctuatioons in the bbond marketts, fluctuationns in interest raates, prevailinng political aand economiic environmeent, changess in governmment policy, ffactors specific to the issuer of the securrities, tax lawws, liquidity oof the underlyying instruments, settlemment periods, trading voluumes etc.  The Trusttee, AMC, MMutual Fund, their direcctors or theirr employeess shall not bbe liable forr any of thee tax consequennces that mayy arise, in thee event that the Scheme is wound up ffor the reasonns and in thee manner provvided in Statemeent of Additionnal Informatioon (SAI) / Schheme Information Documment.  The Produuct labeling mmandated byy SEBI is to pprovide invesstors an easyy understandding of the rissk involved in the kind of prroduct /scheeme they arre investing to meet theeir financial goals. The Riskometerr categorizess the schemes of Fund undder different levels of rissk based on the schemee's investment objective,, asset alloccation pattern, innvestment sttrategy and typical inveestment timee horizon of investors. Investors aree advised beefore investing tto evaluate aa scheme noot only on thee basis of thee Product labbeling (includding the Riskkometer) butt also on other qquantitative aand qualitativve factors such as performmance, portffolio, fund managers, assset managerr, etc. and shall also consult their financial adviserss, if they aree unsure abbout the suittability of thee scheme beefore investing.  Redemptioons due to change in thee fundamentaal attributes oof the Schemme or due to any other reeasons may eentail tax consequences. Thhe Trustees, the Mutual Fund, the AAMC, their ddirectors or ttheir employyees shall noot be liable for aany tax conseequences thaat may arise.  There is nno guaranteee or assuraance on the frequency oor quantum of dividends, which shall be subjeect to availabilityy of distributaable surplus.  Growth, appreciation, dividend, boonus, incomee, etc if anyy, referred too in this Doccument are ssubject to thee tax laws and oother fiscal eenactments aas they exist from time to time.  In respectt of transactioon in Units oof the Schemme through SStock Exchange Platformm for Mutual Funds, allotment and redemmption of Units on any Business Dayy will dependd upon the orrder processsing/ settlemeent by respeective stock excchanges andd their respeective clearing corporattions on which the Funnd has no ccontrol.Moreover, transactionns conductedd through thee Stock Exchhange Platfoorm shall be ggoverned byy the guidelinnes and direcctives issued by respective reecognised sttock exchangge(s). Page9 Birlaa Sun Liffe Fixedd Term PPlan - Series OM (11466 days)  Investors should studyy this Schemme Informatioon Documennt carefully inn its entirety and should not construee the contents hhereof as advvise relating to legal, taxaation, investmment or any oother matterss. Investors may, if they wwish, consult theeir legal, taxx, investmentt and other pprofessional advisors to ddetermine poossible legall, tax, financial or other conssiderations oof subscribinng to or redeeeming Unitss, before maaking a decision to inveest/redeem UUnits. Investors wwho intend tto invest in tthe Scheme are requiredd to and deeemed to havve understood the risk faactors associatedd with the scheme.  The AMC and its Registrar reservee the right too disclose/shhare investorrs’ personal information wwith the folloowing third partiees: 1. Registtrar, Banks and / or authorisedd external third parties who are involved in transaaction processingg,dispatchess, etc., of inveestors’ investment in the Scheme; 2. Distributors or Sub-bbrokers throuugh whom applications oof investors aare received ffor the Scheme; or 3. Any othher organisations for commpliance with any legal or regulatoryy requiremennts or to verrify the identtity of investors ffor complyinng with anti-mmoney launddering requirrements. Acccount statemments or finaancial information pertaining to the invesstor, if it is too be sent oveer the interneet to the Unittholder, distrributors or anny other entiity as indicated aabove, will bee sent only through a seccure means and /or throuugh encrypteed electronic mail.  The Mutuual Fund maay disclose details of tthe investorr’s account and transacctions there under to tthose intermediaaries whose stamp appeears on the aapplication foorm. In addittion, the Muttual Fund mmay disclose such details to the bankers / its agents,, as may be necessary ffor the purpoose of effectiing paymentts to the inveestor. Further, thhe Mutual FFund may dissclose details of the invvestor’s accoount and traansactions thhereunder too any Regulatoryy/Statutory eentities as peer the provisioons of law.  Neither this Document nor the Unitts have beenn registered iin any jurisdiiction. The diistribution of this Documeent in certain jurisdictions maay be restricteed or totally pprohibited duee to registration requirements and acccordingly, perrsons who comee into possesssion of this Document aare required to inform theemselves abbout and to oobserve any such restrictionss and or legall compliance requirementts.  No personn has beenn authorized to issue aany advertiseement or too give any iinformation or to make any representaations other than that ccontained inn this Documment. Circulars in connection with this offeringg not authorizedd by the Muttual Fund annd any informmation or reppresentationss not containned herein mmust not be rrelied upon as haaving been aauthorized byy the Mutual Fund. E. DEFINITIIONS In this Schemee Informationn Document, the followingg words and expressionss shall have tthe meaning specified heerein, unnless the conntext otherwisse requires: “AAMC” or “Assset BBirla Sun Lifee Asset Mannagement Coompany Limited, incorpoorated under the provisions of Maanagement CCompanies AAct, 1956 annd approved by the Securities and Exxchange Boaard of India tto act Coompany or aas the Asset Managemennt Company for the scheme(s) of Birlaa Sun Life MMutual Fund. “Innvestment Maanager” “AApplicable NNAV” TThe NAV appplicable for ppurchase or rredemption oor switching oon the date oof maturity. “AApplicationss AASBA is an application containing an authorizaation given by the Invesstor to blockk the Suupported byy aapplication mmoney in his specified baank account towards the subscriptionn of Units offfered Bllocked Amoount” or dduring the NFFO of the Sccheme. “AASBA” If an investoor is applying through ASBA facility, the appplication monney towardss the ssubscription of Units shhall be debitted from hiss specified bbank accounnt only if his/her aapplication iss selected forr allotment oof Units. “BBeneficial owwner” AAs defined in the Depossitories Act 1996 (22 of 1996) means a personn whose namme is rrecorded as ssuch with a ddepository. “BBusiness Daay” AA day other tthan:  Saturdayy and Sundayy or  A day onn which the bbanks in Mummbai and / RBBI are closedd for businesss / clearing oor  A day onn which the SStock Exchannge, Mumbaii is closed orr  A day, wwhich is a puublic and /or bank holidayy at a Investtor Service CCentre wheree the applicatioon is receiveed or  A day onn which Sale and Repurchase of Unitss is suspendded by the AMMC or  A day onn which normmal businesss cannot be ttransacted due to stormss, floods, banndhs, strikes orr such other events as thhe AMC may specify fromm time to timee. TThe AMC resserves the riight to declare any day aas a Businesss Day or othherwise at any or aall Investor SService Centrres. “CConsolidated CConsolidated Account SStatement is a statement containingg details reelating to all the Acccount Stateement” ttransactions across all mmutual fundss viz. purchaase, redempttion, switch, dividend paayout, Page10

y indicative po cation regardin vised to refer nformation on w by reference (is vice Centre or l on Document sh on Document is mation D. Life m Pla. Scheme) onal English re the head o e displayed ach half year naudited fina tual Fund / h unaudited nal English age of the re of shall be se re of the
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