"Who Is ScottH aines?" B-vJack NlacDonald uitc-s irnplvS. cott'sa directr esponsceo pywriterantl markcting consultantr vho'si l "g(l tr) gul"' tbr manvo f thet op rnarketingg urusi n theworltl. such as:G lrv Halbert,J iiy Abrahant. RobertA llen irndm anv,m anvo tlicrs. FIc'ss 0ughtt lut. bccitt-tscit. scelttsh c lrts an unusuulk nack litrcrelrrings ulcsl cttcrs:in6a cls that pull in rtionstrtillsre sponsesto r ultra expcnsir.cp rociirctsa ncls c5,ices.$ 1.000i nformation rroducts. S-5,000s eminars.$ 10.000p ersonuls ervices. It rlocsn'tr latter. Scolt scelrs to r:ir'ri,r..r, iind thc riglrt "hook" or "angle" [o t]lovc tlteseg ooclsl 'ast..a. nrl...c realcl lrssiyc rvinclfall, lrtits l'orh is clicrrts. He got his startY earsa go strrclvirrlgb r a Markctinu tlegreei n collcgc. Hou,cvcr.a s hc "vhiic stl blr-rntiYpr -rtsit . "l quickly lbLtntlo ut lhlt rvhatt hey wcre tcachingm e was plrreb ullshit! \\/hat happenedw as...i n the library one dar'. I str-rrnbleocnl to someb ooksb y oid arl'ertisingm asters. You know. thc ttsrtalH, opkins. Ogilvr.'.C aples.e tc. Anvr.var,t.h ey 69kcd s6gcl.s , Iihccked thenl ortt lncl startcdt o porc ovcr thent tltrvt .indn iglrt. l'hosc hooksc hunsedm v lil-el 'niey containedl he "tt-uth"I had beens earchin-fso r... ancl...\ \'asn ot gettingf roil thc "I'oryT'*,er" professors/theorisrtvsh tlnlI rr"asb cing sLrlr-jcctctcdl . In luct. ri,,1cnI l6ltl rrrvp lunst o startm v Ou'nd irect rcsPonseb usittcssto onc o['thc ireudso 1-thcr narkctinrt:l cpartnrcrrth.c ltgkcil at l]tc 'fhat snlugll' ancla ctuallyl ar:ghcd. n'itsi i turning point. \!'ithin onc semcsterI left collegea nd was determinedI lvasg oing to beconrea clircctr narketcrt irr a living...f or lilcl" Shortly alter Scott leli collegc,a nd starteclhavings ornes uccess."vithhi s o*,n clirectr esponse projects.a chanceo pportunitv camc up to study untJerG ary Halbert. That was in 1998. An6 he Irasn'lto okedl rucks incc. With the sagem entoring of Halbert. Scott has transformed into a truly r.vorld-class copywriter..' writing salesl ettersa nd ads that have pulled in millions anclr nillions of ci.llars in uitra-profitable saleso ver thc last l'ew years fbr a wirle variety of clients anclm any inclustrv insiders. Now' I'hroughh is new course,h e's revealing the hyper-responsive,s ometimess neakv,b ut always ethical' shortcutc opywriting secretsh e's acquired through yearso f diligent, relentless (not to mention, expensive)s tudy... and...r eal-world, frontlines experience. What you learni n this coursew ill shavea minimum of 5 years( if not 10)o ff the learning curveo f You becominga copyr,vritinagn da dvertisingm aster. Enjoy! P.S. By the way, Scottd id NOT write this coursei n an attemptt o acquiren ew clients. His schedulies bookedf ar in advance.a..n d...h e hasn o planso f acceptinagn vn ewc lientsi n the nearf uture. On the rareo ccrlsionw hen he doesa ccepta netvc lient,h e commandsa somewhast taggeringfe e of S15,000p lus 5% of grosss alesf or anyc ampaignh e creates . AIso,S cottd oesn ot acceppt honec alls,h oweverh. ec anb e reachebdy lettcra t: 7107S . \.aleA venue , #295,T ulsa.O K 7413 6...o r...b y e-maila t:s cott@k illercopvsecrets.com .lackM ucDortuldi ,;u .freeluntev ,rileru n(l ciltreptetterrr. "What OthersS ay About ScottH aines And His CopywritingA bilities... "Scott '.rtrll'oncol'thcbcstcopy"nrilersinthcivorld...and...or.rco1'onlvtlrre-cpcoplci.r,66sc'pi.i.nI trtlst- I't:rthc lasl fbur vcarso r so. he hls rvritlcn nunrerousy ricccso f advertisingf or nte.l rll of which werc I l.rrtrouslvs uccesslul.W hat's ma-i'bcn rort irnpr-cssivies his unclnnv abilit,vt o sell high-trcket items ."tthe a-se.I -asty ear,h c wrote l lcttert hat rladc $36 fbr everr $l spentr rurilingu t a pricc.p pint of, $970. \lcttcrht-.jtrstu'roteforrtterhasrtx(stdoela r)$23forevcrv$lspcltutlrpriccpeiptof $1,222... and... ',c'res till gcttinr ttrdcrsl Scott has nrv lrighcstr cconurrcndation." - Gary C. Halbert, "The World's Greatest Copvrvriter!" "Last. eat Scottw rotc a salcsl cttcr for nret hat prrllccla .lt,{ responsc.' l'hatn ravn ot srtundl oo impre.ire,hoi.r,ever.onceyourealizestheell ingpriccpcrunit-51.032-itbecttmesinrrnecliately cleart rrtti t's ver)ri rnpressire. I maclcs ornethinsl ikc $-lI for everr,S I spcntm ailils thlt lettcr. Scottu ncl I crlttt itte ttl ivork (ltl nlltn\' ltro.icctst ogcther. In firct, he reccnllv $,rote:r lcilcr firr rnv $10,000 per ]'ear'i'latinunl Plus'coaclting club that pulled an amazing 2l'Z response! Il'vou get a clrancet ' hire hint-. lon'tt hink trvicel Scott'sc opvr.r'ritin*a nd consultinss ervicesa ree ssentiallyfr ce...b ccause..h. e makc vr''tls o tnttch nlorc nloney thut't- vouo thcrwise rvould. Hc coultl chargec 6ublc w'hutl re c1)csn ow ancli t lstill bc a bargrrirr.I cun'fr ecolnnrcndh irn hiuhly cnough." - Jo,. Polish,,P resident, Piranha Nlarketing, Inc. "Scot is one of the ntost oltsesscdc opvrvritcrs on the planet - Hc has uncovercdc vcry single usefirl secrct of thc :rclt:s[ ads evcr rvritten...a nd proveclt hat they still work, over and over again. with fresh ads for new;:oducts. He's a'living library' of tricks.t ips and shoncuts ecretst hat will instantlyt urn even a pure dog-rr.,:ata d into solid gold, literally in a lew rninutes. Ninety percent gf the copvwriters working have no clri ' u'hat makes a successfula d. It's not a myster y to Scott, and he proves it over and over again by makin -'c lients rich. Don't passu p this opportunity to learn stuff only a handful of luckv advertiserse ver stumbr-'a crossi n their lifetimes. It will help you quickly amassa stunnins foftunel" - Jolrn Carlton, "The lVlarketing Rebel" "Scott is my own personal marketing specialist. He is a pro. I, myself, have hired Scott to help me with severalo f my marketing campaigns- with great success. I'm impressedw ith his work and I know you will bc.l oo!" - Rolrert Allen, #l New York Times Bestselling author of , l{othing Down and Creating Wealth. (Note: This quote is from Rotrert's New York Times bestselling book, Multiple Streams Of Internet Incomc.') Introduction and Welcome! From: Scott [-. Hliines Tulsa, Oklahon-ra 'l'ucschy. 3:29 p.ru. Dcar Frientl- First and foremost.I want t<tt hank vou fbr purchasinun iv collrse...l irr takine :l "chance-"o r) 'rlc. I tlrink Vctu'llf ind that ntv collrsei s ngt only ap instlrctign;.rgl pidc that will huyc yt)Ll i'ritingw orld-classc opy in the lastesat n)oLrnotf tirneh umanlt'possibl.e.. br:ta lso...t hat it's a tnique,l ll-in-one-place,r eferences ourcet hat will scrve\ 'oLll br a lifetime of supcr-succses with .,o ur lr<lvertisingc opy. SecondI,h aveonesimpleprornisIer vanttomaketovolr. Anclit'sthis:I fyou'llreadmy, collrse.l illlorv the instn-rctionasn d tlo the c'rcrciscs.y oLr'lln tlrkeb ack'u,ounr r<trlesint itial investtrtcnitn thc coLlrsch undteclst.h ousandsc. \,ent enso f tlroLrsundosf lirnes( or ntore) in tfic months and vears to come. And to that end. I want to gcl you startcdi mrlediatcly. So. I'ur loing to kcep this introductions hort and srveet. Just tltlc thing: Bel bre yott clivel tcadlorrgi nto thc course,I uclviscV oLlt o reuilt he spccill lronusr epofi that came with it titlecl: The Haines lv[sfh 6d trt For Quick Cnpvv riting Nlaster-v! It's a quick reada nds howsy ou how "best" to absorba nda pplya ll thc secretss, kills and strategiesin my course.a gain,i n the l-astesatr nounto f tinteh umanlyp ossible. Sincercly, (A, tl d ttrL-/L- Utut 1"b-- ScottL . Haines P.S. I just rvanttosayt hanky ou againf or placiney our trusti n me andm y course.I sincerely appreciateit. Now get goingw ith the quick copvwritingm asrr-ryre port...t hent he course. Chapter1 : How To Write Killer HeadlinesT hat Are ImpossibleT o Ignore! Part I incet heh eadliner sthe singlemostimportantpaftofa nyadvcrtisementorsaleslettcr.it.'.s onlv a'tpropriatet hlit this courses tartw ith thc subicct. And, it's onlv appropriateto -tirst-read someq uoteso n heacllinefsr om fonr masterso f the ac1'u'ertisgina:m e: ". . .i f voll use a poor headline.i t doesn't matter holv hard vor-rla bor over vour copy because vollrcopv w'ill not be read....If Youh avet ime to rvritea s nlanv as twcntv-fir,ch cacllines, r-ru increases till furthcr vour chanceso f writing a good one.'' - John Caples, Tested A it:ertising Methods ,; rvritero l this chapters pendsf ar more time on headlinest han on r.r'riting.H e ofien lds hours on a single headline....I t is not uncommon for a chan-eein headlinest o ,ipiy returnsl 'rom five to tcn times over." - Claude Hopkins, ScientiJic. ldvertisirtg i the averasef.l ve timesa sm anyp eopler eadt he headlinesa s readt heb ody copy. It ru s thatu nlessv ourh eadlines ellsy our product.lo u hirvew astec9l 0 perc ento f yor_rr lei ." - David Ogilvy, Ogilv;' on Advertisirtg ;n1'selfh,a ver e-headlineadd sa ndi ncreasedth eirp ull by 1757o.I hlve a clientr vht-r j nlc $195.000p er )'eart o writc headlincs.H eadlinesa reu 'hercI spendn torec reative rft tltan anv othera specto f m1,w' ork." - Gary C. Halb ert,,T he Gary Halbert Letter En, :h. ' It's rite obviot-tsa, fter reading theseq uotes from famous ad men, that (like I said above) the headljtr,.i'S rhe sin-elem ost important part of your ad or salesl etter. ln fact, the "pulline power" differe ^ie betr.veena so-so headline and a great heacllinei s often astonishing. That is,luit chang'nl the headline.w ith no changet o the body copy at all, can improve responseb y as much 4s... L8AA7o Thal i been directinarketinge xpert/guruTed Nicholas'e xperience.I 've hearcJl avA braham. anothcriurLl, say 2l timesd ilf'erencez. lo r 5times ditlerence is not unconlnton. Whater,,etrh e case,a il lhingsb einge ouai.i t's yourh ighespt oint of leverage. Chapter1 -I So' if you desiret o succeedin directm arketing,a nd makem aximumm oneyf rom your advertisin-s.y..o u shouldb ecomea mastero f identifyinga ndc reatingg oodh eadlines. What's a goodh eadline?A gootih eadline,a ccordingt o JohnC aplesi n TestedA tlv-ertising Methods,is onet hath aso neo r moreo f thesef our elements: l. Self-interest 2. News -1. Curiositv 4. Quick and Easy Way I'd ltgrcer vith that- Flor,vcvcrI. l voLtldn rodil'ys ell-inrcrcstt o sell--intcr-cst/hDisr. r'isc,r pronliscso n thc list. hr otlte'rl vords.a big bcncllt or bcltcfitst o thc readcr. (Actu,lly. thcv'rc really one itr the same. lvfakinga bie pronrise(s)t o the reacleir, ra ppealinrt o their sclf-intcrcst.) Ancl. I bel ieve that the besth eadlincsr rt: oficn a cornbinltion of pearlve vcry elcrncnt. Let nrc give you as closc to a pcrfc'cte xample as vctu'lle vcr rcurl. Hcrc.s e hcacllineli tr a _oolf. instrur-'tiovni dco l'rolnn -ryf ricnd aurlc ollcagueJ ohn Carlton: Amazings ecretD iscoveredB y one-LeggedG olfer Adds5 0 YardsT o your Drives,E liminatesH ooksA nd slices...A nd can slash up To 10 strokesF romy our Game AlmostO vernight! Firs1t.h isa d rans uccessfullfvo r somcthineli ke 10 years.I t u'asa bis rvinner.S oI et'sb relk il rkrrvn. Let's sce.i thas newsv alue..." Arnaz.ingS ccrctD iscoveretl"I.t liass elf-interest,/bis promiscs--. " Atltls5 0 YardsT 'oY our Drivcs.E iinrinatcsH ooks, qnaS ti.'..t-&-x1 C; SlashI Jp Tol0StrokcsFrotnYout'CiantAcn".d .ithasaquickandprcsumablyeasyway.....Alnost OvernighLl" It alsoh asc uriosity..." Onc-f_eggeGcol lf-er".J olinc allst hist he..Hook...( Actually, "AnlazingS ecretD iscoverecBl y One-LeggedG olf'er"i s theh ook.) The hook is the little human- interestt idbit or storyt hatm akesi t almosti mpossiblen ot to read. After all. coukj you resisr readingth isi f you werea golf nut? I seriouslyc loubtit . (N{oreo n "Hooks"l atcr.) So, it's no wondert his headline( anda d) was sucha big successI.t captures-accordingto Caples-every elemento f a goodh eadline.H owever,t hai'sn ot to sayy ou can,td o well with Icss'B ut, almosta lwaysa, cornbinationo f elementsw ill yiel<yl ourblrt result.H erea rea f'ew morew inninge xrmples: Horv To CollectF rom SocialS ecuritv... At Any Age! ChapterI -2 Written by Garv Halbert. This headlinep rovidesb ig promises.A nd somec uriosiry. Do You l\Iake TheseM istakesI n English? Writtcn by Max Sackheim.T his ad is onc of the mosts llccessfusl pacea dso f all tirne. It ran in variousp Lrblicationfsb r -10y ears. In ail thatt ime, nobodyw as ablet o write an ad that producedm orcs ales.I t rvrtrkcclbecautshec h eadlinep romiseds oliciln f'ornntionin theb ocly copr'.s elt-intcrest.a.n. cl..a. lot o1'crtriositvP.e oplc.jr-hrsatc tlg kltorl,'uyhitclfh " these"r nistakes thcyn riglitL rcr nakins.B y ther va,V".t hesc"i s thek ey r,vordin thtsh cadiine.I n split-runte sts. ''Are thish cadlinefa r ortt-pLrllcth-dc heatlline. You i\l'raidO f Makingl vlistakc1st llngiish'7.' 'lhe [,azy Nlan's Way To Riches! Writtcrlb v JocK itrbo. Big prorlisc.c usyr vava ndc uriositva ll u,rappcdu p in a tighr,s uccinct tr words. No u,tlncleitr rvorkeclsuoc ll. l'his fr-rll-pagaed r vass o succcssfiirtl sold2 .786.,500 sclf-publishebdo okso f thes amen ilrncbr eforcJ oec liedin 1980. Also. (iar1'ilalbcrt (they \\'crc I'r'icrrdst)o ld rriet hat Joc ccirrldn rnthisa d sotnclhinoli kc thrcc tinrcs ir rveek in the la.r ,4n,qelesT ime.s.e \,erv week, ancls till makc ahcrlthv profit. Which is tmlv arnlzing. Another point: A good tcst of 1'ourh cadl.ineis to ask voLrrseltfh issrlrrplery ucstion: "Coukl I remove :rn1'o f the lyords in nry heacllinc w'ithout changing its meaning or impact?" Il'lhe ltnsvu'eisr yc:;.,voun ced to rvork on it sr>rrrnet ore. Il-thc answcri s no. likc in the e-xantplcas bove.y ou're on the right track. This tcst cloesn'te nsurc1 ,ourh cadlinew ill be a l'n'inner..b. ut... it's a qualitv Vou'll frnd in alrnoste vcry winninc headlinee vcr createtl. I couldk ecpg oinga nds horvy ou literallyh urrdredosf exarnplesB. r-rtth ere'sn o ncecl.J ust knorvy ou needt o try andg et asc loset o usinga ll the elementso f a goodh eadlinea sp ossible. Hou'ever.y ou won't alwaysg et there. And you clon'th avet o. Peopleh avem uclef ilrlunesw ith heatiiinesth atw cre "good enough". Three Proven Shortcut Formulas For Writing Super-EffectivHe eadlines Now thatw e'vec overedth ce iementso f goochl eadlines..I.'m goingt o givey ou some shortcutm ethodsf or writing super-eff'ectivhee acliinesT. his will savey ou the time and frustrationo f trying to "create"v our own. The first wav to do thati s... HeadlineT emplates Chapterl -3 This is fast,a ndi t's simple. What you do is takea provenh eadline..o, nel ike: They Laughed When I Sat Dorvn At The Piano But WhenI StartedT o Plav! The templatefo r thish eadlineis : Thel' LaughedW hen I But When I Ntlrv. ltovuc lov oll tlsc that firr rvhatv ori'rc seiling'l Lct's sav it's a nroner,-lnaking oirportunitVl.l e rc's horvv oir'd flll in ttteb lanks: They LaughedW hen I Quit NIy Jolr Ilut lVhen I StartedN laking $10,000i\ Nlonth Part-Time From Flome! Lct's tlv anothcrp rovcn hcaclline: Who ElseW ants A lVhiter Wash With No H'rd Work? The templateis : Who EIscW ants.\_With Again.l irr a nrrtnr._v-itrakoipnpgo rtunitvu ,cc oulcsl ay: lVho Else lVants A Six-Figurc, Part-Time IncomeW ith No Hard Work? Andonandon. Attheendof thischaptertheraer e2ggprovenheacllinTehse. re'san cxerciseI wanty ou to completew ith theh eadlinetsh atI 'll tell vou abor:itn a minute.W hile doingt ltise xcrciscy, ou cane asilyc reatete mplatcs(l iket hc oncsa lrovea) t thes amet inre. Horv To... If/Then If you're evers tucko r needa headlinef ast...j ust starty our heatllinew ith "How To,' then give a benefito r benefltsa nda quick,e asyw ay. The curioust hing aboutt his shortcutis ... the headliney ou createu sing" Horv To" will oftenw ork bettert hana ny otherh eadliney ou could dreamu p. Also. I'm jumping aheadh erer vith the "IflThen" thing. This is an openings entence And it goesl ike this: Chapter1 -4 If vou'rei nterestedin _, thent hisis goingt o be them oste xcitingm essage vou'll el'err ead! Here'sw hy: This is nty favoriteo penings entcnce(actuallys entencesW). hy'/ It'ss inrpl..B'. ecurrsite works. And it worksb ettert hana lmostanvthinge lsey ou canu se. Anvuav. here'sl tttu,'\'ttutt sct his sholtcut.l -his tiniel et'ss ella scrr.icc.H ow about '.) outcall manicurings crvice That is. thc manicuristg ocst o their horne. 'Alrvays "Hory To H:rl'e Perfect'BeautifulN ails That Are T'hcE nvy Of AII Your Friendsl Vithout Ever visiting i\ salon...A nd... without The High prices!" l1-yott'rcit ltc-rcstcitnl ltlrrinr voLtrn ;tilsl ook "alwaysp crf'ect"r' u'itlttttuhtc tirlc ctrnsurrripg hasslco l"''isittnga s:llon...a nd... at thc samet ime, sar,'inag lot o1'lnonevt.h ent his is going to be the nosi excitins ntessa-s)c, or,r'lcl vcr reacll I lcrc's lvhv. I-lllt u'asa big strctchf il-rrc. I knorv notlring ahoul this sgrt of t5ing. Fgr all I kngw'.w orren u'ould rathcrv isit a salon.a nd don't nrind thc cost. But I'm just usingt his examplet o prove a poirrt. Anilthat pointi s: If tltoscl rcncfitsu crc 1hcr ighto ncs...t lrisn ould work. Anrl 'robably u'trt'kv cry well. Also, ['ttt sltou'ing] '()Lhl ou,elrsyt his fbrnrulac an lrc adaprectlg learly anvthini. Reworking Proven Headlines This is similart o tlsingt empliites.I {owever,I havea specificp rocessth atm akest his niethod ultra-porverfuIl.n thcn cxtc haptcrI' ll revealm y process. But first, thete's an exerciseI want yolr to complete. At the end of this chapter there are 299 pro\cn hcadlines. These are winning headlinesl 'roni my private filcs. Fiere'sw hatI want you to do: Go to your local office supplys torea ndg et 600 or 700 3x5 indcr cards.A Jso,g et at leastt wo inclexc ardb oxcst o hold them. Then,I want vou to write evelv oneo f my provenh eadlinesd own on thosec ards. Oneh eadlineto a card. Plc;lsed o this. It is EXTREMELY important. It will insraini n your neurologv'n ,haitt 's like to r,r'ritew orld-classh eadlines. Chapter1 -5 I know it's a pain. But I nevers aidb ecominga world-classc opywriterw ould be easy. I just saidI 'd showy ou how." ... in thef astesat mounto f timeh umanlyp ossible!"A nd that'st rue. But it doesr equires ornee ffort. so pleased o the exercisea fiery ou tlnish thisc hapter. TIP: You don't havet o do thisa ll at once. Do son lanyh eadlineas dav. Say2 0.o r 2*5o. r 50. Or sett integ rtals.l -5m inules a day. 30 minutesa dav. Whatevcr.J ustp icka n arnounyt ou can do everyd aya nds tickt o it until you'vec ompietedth et ask. Oncey ou'red one,s toret hemi n oneo f theb oxesI toldv ou to buy. Also remetnbery.o u cal.s) tartm akingu p voLlrh eadlinete nrplateass v ou'red oingt his e.rerciseW. hen votls cca hcrrdLntt-h ati s u gooccl untlirlatlco r a tcrrrplutcr.v ritci t down( )nr rn ilrrlcxc lrrd.S lorey ourt t-nrprlltctclr rclisn tlres ccondh ox. \'ou u.'lLntot kecpt hescs eprrra.te One rvarningh ere:T hesef ormr:lrsr .r,orka. ncio ften help vou cl'eatea n-iuchb cttcrh eadline ihattv ou crtuld" clrcatlu p'or1 yollro \\'lr.r \nd certainlyl.h cyh el p vou spccdu p thep roccss grcatly. llowevcrp lcaseh ccdt hisl rlr icc ll'onr. lohnC aplcs: 'Ihev "Formulass houldn ot be useda s a substitutef br originalt hinking. are merelva guidet o get your mind n'orking in ch:rnnelsth at havep ror,edp rolit:rble.Y ou shoulcnl ot usefirrmul:tsevervtintevourvritealreadliInl'e1.o udo.r'ouu'illneverinventanvtlring new. Perhapst lreb ests erlice the formulasc an renderi s to hellrt ,our vheny ou havet n bat nut :rn advertiscnrcnqt uickl;'." Ncxt chaptcr*. 'c'il look at sollter rorc tcchniclurlcosr creatinsh curllincsl.n cludingo, nco f tltem ostp on'erfullr cad]incte chniclueksn or,r,tno ntanf or gcttingp coplet tt rc:lda ndr csponttlo l'orrra tJl'crist ing. For now.I r.vantto cover... How Your HeadlinesS hould Look For Maximum Readership/Respons-e The Basics Fonts This is no placel br an in-depth,t echnicald iscussiono f typefacet,y pe font or type family. Besidesy, ou don't needt o cloud your mind with all thatm inutiaea nywav. Flere'sa ll you needt o know... In choosin'v ourh eadlinefo nts( thel ook of vour individuallc tters)I. suggcsyt ou keepi t sinlple. I personallyu seo ne of two lbnts onlv on headlines.E itherT imesN ew Romano r Arial. (Helveticaa ndA rial aren earlyt he same,s o Helvetica'sf ine,t oo.) Chapter1 -6 Here'sw hat a TimesN ew Romanh eadlinelo oks like: This Is A Times NervR oman Headline! Hcrc'sr vhata n Arial heldlinel ooksl ike: Thisl s An ArialH eadline! Norv the ciiltcrencein thesef bntsis.T imesi s a serilf-o nt...a nd, {rial is a sans-serfibf nt. i\lcr,nirrTsi nresli asI irtlec urlv-typtehingso n cachl cttera ndA riuld oesn't.Y ouc arru scA rirl fbr :rca,llinacsn tls uhlraed s..a. nd...it nrlrr,'cvcln"r ce asicrt o lcatli n lur!'cl-l 'pe. Ilou,evcrT, irnes wil rvorkj ust l'ine. \o. il yott u'iult t() tttakci t ttltrl sillplc. usL-i. lT ilncs Ncl'u,Rorr.uluitrn t fbr all vgur ltcadlipcs Font Color 's {lcre anothe\r\ 'ayt o ntakei t siurplc.Do all yoirrh eadlineisn bold,b lackt ype. Like This. llc-:.) i)u can useo thcrc iarkc olors. Br,rtv.ouc an'ts o \\'rongu ithb lack...E VERI Font Size I don't hur,cr rr.rhva rcl-untl-tirsrut lcs on lliis. I useu nywher c lrorn 1-1-1'roitnttt 36-pointo n thc nr.rinh eadlinc.R arcl,i,doI go abovco r bclow thescs izcs. r\nd I pnrbablvu sc 28-point on the a\enigc. FlonestIr'I.. jLrd-utch is-subjcctir,elv-on how it ltioks l'hat is. I chlnge the firnt size I'i'--.r ix or rlrorct inrcs..a. nd...e ucht inreI nrint it otl-anr{l rkca look. Thc onc thutI think Io,k s best! 'et \ u\c(1. Justm akc surey ou print o11'yourh clrlline exactly how it will look in your:.rdo r salesl ettcr. Y ri can't tcll by looking at it on a computcr':jcreenT. 'rustm e. Quite arvhileb ack r',y printer br ke, and I couldn't alford to buy a ne\\,'o ne-I was ers truggling copyu'riter-so I turned in a pr ce of finished copy that looked srea t on mv complrter screen. But rvhcn I sarv the mailing prtrrc... well, it lookcd like hell! Thc hclidlinc was wily too small,a nd it ntadet he lirst page "lr;t)k" very hard to read. Don't make this nistake. Alwavs, alv,a),s,p roof your copy as it will look when printed. ALL CAPS.l owerc aseo. r First Cans Don't put yourh eadlineisn ail capsl ike this: HOW TO SCREWU P A HEADLINE! It rnakest he headlineh ardt o read. (A word or two in all capsi s fine... but not the whole headline.) Chapter1 -7