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The short-time behavior of a classical ferromagnet with double-exchange interaction H. A. Fernandes and J. R. Drugowich de Fel´ıcio Departamento de F´ısica e Matem´atica, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciˆencias e Letras de Ribeir˜ao Preto, Universidade de S˜ao Paulo, Avenida Bandeirantes, 3900 - CEP 14040-901, Ribeir˜ao Preto, S˜ao Paulo, Brazil 6 0 ∗ 0 A. A. Caparica 2 Instituto de F´ısica, Universidade Federal de Goi´as, 74.001-970, Goiˆania (GO) Brazil n We investigate the critical dynamics of a classical ferromagnet on the simple cubic lattice with a double-exchange interaction. Estimates for the dynamic critical exponents z and θ are obtained J using short-time Monte Carlo simulations. We also estimate the static critical exponents ν and β 0 studying the behavior of the samples at an early time. Our results are in good agreement with 1 available estimates and support the assertion that this model and the classical Heisenberg model belong to thesame universality class. ] h c PACSnumbers: e m I. INTRODUCTION onthis hypothesis Zener1 succededin explainingin 1951 - t the occurrenceof the metal ferromagneticphase in man- a ganites. Due to a strong intrasite exchange interaction t In the last decade many works have been devoted to s the spin of the electronalwaysaligns parallelto the spin . the study of the perovskite manganites, A1−xBxMnO3, t oftheion. Whenanelectronhopsfromsiteitositej its a where A and B are rare-earth and alkaline-earth ions, spin must also change from being parallelto Si to being m respectively, and x is the concentration of B. The per- c parallel to Sj, but with an energy loss proportional to d- orevmskairtkeamblaenpgraonpiteerstieasr.e Tmheetaml ooxstidneostticheaatbleexhoifbtithesmomies the cosine ofchalf the angle between the core spins2. n colossal magnetoresistance (CMR), an extremely large In Ref. [10], the critical behavior of a classical fer- o change in the resistivity when a magnetic field is ap- romagnet with double-exchange interaction was studied c [ plied in the vicinity of the critical temperature Tc. Usu- and estimates for the static critical exponents ν, β and ally these materials have been studied on the basis of γ, and the critical temperature Tc were derived. These 1 the double-exchange theory1,2,3,4,5 (DE). In one of these simulations indicate that this model belongs to the uni- v works, Anderson e Hasegawa2 showed that the transfer- versality class of the classical Heisenberg model11. 8 0 ence element is proportional to cos(θ/2), where θ is the Inthispaper,weperformshort-timeMonteCarlosim- 2 angle between the ionic neighbouring spins. This result ulations to explore the critical dynamics of a classical 1 was recently confirmed for layered manganites6. Never- ferromagnet with double-exchange interaction. We eval- 0 theless, although this theory has succeeded in explain- uate the dynamic exponents z, θ and the static expo- 6 ing qualitatively CMR, some authors have argued that nents ν and β. Our estimates for static indices are in 0 it cannot alone provide a complete description of this good agreement with previous results available in the / t phenomenon. They suggestthat, in additionto the dou- literature10,12,13 for the same model. In addition, the re- a m ble exchange, a complete understanding of these materi- sult for the dynamic exponent z compare well with pre- als should include strong electron correlations7, a strong vious estimates for the classical Heisenberg model. In - d electron-phononinteraction8,orcoexistingphases9. One summary, present results confirm that both models be- n mightthereforethinkthatdouble-exchangealonecannot long to the same universality class. o explain CMR in manganites8, but this remains an open Thearticleis organizedasfollows. Inthe nextSection c question. Whatweknowisthatinthestudyoftheman- wedefinethemodel. InSectionIIIwegiveabriefdescrip- : v ganites the double-exchange theory plays an important tionofshort-timeMonteCarlotechniqueandpresentour i role, both in the study of CMR and in explaining the X results; in Section IV we summarize and conclude. presence of a ferromagnetic state (for x ≈ 0.3) in doped r manganites, furnishing the basis for describing mangan- a ites with colossalmagnetoresistence. The mechanism of the double-exchange consists of a II. THE MODEL strong intrasite exchange between localized ions (core spinSi)andnon-localizedelectrons(E orbitals). Based c g We use the short-time Monte Carlo simulations to in- vestigate the dynamical critical behavior of a classical spin model with double-exchange interaction. We con- ∗Correspondingauthor: siderasimplecubiclatticeL×L×Lwithperiodicbound- [email protected](A.A.Caparica) aryconditions. TheHamiltonianforsuchsystemisgiven 2 by10 The dynamic scaling relation obtained by Janssen et al for the k-th moment of the magnetization, extended H=− X Jp1+Si·Sj, (1) to systems of finite size18, is written as <i,j> M(k)(t,τ,L,m )=b−kβ/νM(k)(b−zt,b1/ντ,b−1L,bx0m ), 0 0 (2) where < i,j > indicates that the sum runs over all where t is time, b is an arbitrary spatial rescaling fac- nearest-neighbor pairs of lattice site, J is the ferromag- netic coupling constantand the spin S =(Sx,Sy,Sz) is tor, τ = (T −Tc)/Tc is the reduced temperature and L i i j k is the linear size of the lattice. The exponents β and a three-dimensional vector of unit length. ν are the equilibrium critical exponents associated with We used lattice sizes L = 20, 25, 30, 40 and 60 the order parameter and the correlation length, and z is and performed short-time simulations at the critical temperature10 thedynamicexponentcharacterizingtimecorrelationsin equilibrium. For a large lattice size L and small initial Tc =0.74515, magnetizationm0atthecriticaltemperature(τ =0),the magnetizationisgovernedbyanewdynamicexponentθ, in units of J/k , where k is the Boltzman’s constant. B B Our estimates for each exponent were obtained from M(t)∼m tθ (3) 0 five independent bins. The dynamic evolution of the spins is local and updated by the Metropolis algorithm. if we choose the scaling factor b=t1/z. For20≥L≥40theestimatefortheexponentθwasper- In addition, a new critical exponent x0, which repre- formed using 10000 independent samples, while for the sents the anomalous dimension of the initial magnetiza- exponents z, ν and β we used 5000 samples. For L=60 tion m0, is introduced to describe the dependence of the all the estimates were performed using 2000 samples. In scalingbehavioronthe initialconditions. This exponent order to maximize the quality of the linear fitting, each is related to θ as x0 = θz +β/ν. In the following sec- exponent is determined in the time interval [200,500], tion we evaluate the critical exponents θ, z, ν e β using except for the exponent z which was measured in the scaling relations obtained from Eq. (2). interval [30,250]. A. The dynamic exponent θ III. SHORT-TIME SCALING RELATIONS AND RESULTS Usually the dynamic critical exponent θ is calculated using Eq. (3) or through the autocorrelation SchFmolliottwminagnn1t4heandwoHruksse15o,f thJeansstsuedny, ofScthhaeubcritaicnadl A(t)∼tθ−zd, (4) properties of statistical systems became in some sense where d is the dimension of the system. simpler,becausetheyallowtocircumventthewell-known In the first case, careful preparationof the initial con- problem of the critical slowing down, characteristic of figurations (m ≪ 1) is essential, as well as the delicate 0 the long-time regime. They discovered using renormal- limit m → 0. In the autocorrelation case, one must to 0 ization group techniques and numerical calculations, re- know in advance the exponent z, which is an order of spectively,thatthereisuniversalityandscalingbehavior magnitude greater than θ, so that a small relative error even at the early stage of the time evolution of dynami- in z induces a large error in θ. calsystemswithoutconservedquantities(modelAinthe Inthe presentworkwe findthe dynamic criticalexpo- terminology of Halperin et al16). nent θ using the time correlation of the magnetization19 In this new universal regime, in addition to the fa- miliar set of static critical exponents and the dynamic C(t)=hM(0)M(t)i∼tθ. (5) criticalexponentz, a new dynamic criticalexponent θ is found. Thisnewcriticalindex,independentoftheprevi- Here, the averaging is over a set of random initial con- ouslyknownexponents,characterizestheso-calledcritical figurations. The time correlationallowsthe directcalcu- initial slip, the anomalous increase of the magnetization lation of the dynamic exponent θ, without the need of a when the system is quenched to the critical temperature carefulpreparationofthe initialstate norofthe limiting T . procedure, the only requirement being that hM i=0. c 0 Several works on phase transitions and critical phe- In Fig. 1 we show the time dependence of the time nomenausingthistechniquehavebeenpublished17. The correlation C(t) in double-log scale for the system with results corroborate the prediction of universality and L = 60. Table I shows our estimates for the critical scaling behavior in the short-time regime and the static exponent θ along with d/z, 1/νz and β/νz. criticalexponentssoobtainedareingoodagreementwith These results show that for L ≥ 25 the finite size ef- well-knownvaluescalculatedintheequilibrium. Inaddi- fects are less than the statistical errors. Therefore, we tion,thisapproachhaspermittedobtainingmoreprecise conclude that the values for aninfinite lattice are within estimates for the dynamic critical exponent z. the errorbarsof our results for L=60. 3 0.0001 0.67 θ = 0.480(7) C(t) U(t)40.66 L = 40 1 L = 60 2 z = 1.98(3) 0.00004 0.65 100 200 300 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 t t FIG. 1: Time evolution of the time correlation of the total FIG. 2: The cumulant U4(t,L) for L = 40 and 60 plotted magnetization on log scales. Errorbars are smaller than the versus time t with initial states m0 = 1. The line shows the symbols. Eachpointrepresentsanaverageover5setsof2000 latticeL=60re-scaledintime. Thecumulantforbothlattice samples. sizeswasobtainedfromfiveindependentbins. ForL=40we used 5000 samples and for L=60 we used 2000 samples. TABLEI:Critical exponentsforthedouble-exchangemodel. shows the colapse of the larger lattice re-scaled in time. L θ d/z 1/νz β/νz Our estimate for z, obtained through the χ2 test22, for 20 0.460(4) 1.499(1) 0.766(6) 0.276(3) L =60 and L =40 is 1 2 25 0.473(4) 1.515(2) 0.734(5) 0.267(3) 30 0.479(8) 1.521(5) 0.748(7) 0.267(2) z =1.98(3) (8) 40 0.482(4) 1.525(7) 0.743(5) 0.264(1) This result is consistent with that obtained by Peczak 60 0.480(7) 1.519(8) 0.738(7) 0.263(2) and Landau23 for the classical Heisenberg model. Using equilibrium tecniques, these authors found z = 1.96(7). We also estimate the exponent z for other lattice sizes B. The dynamic exponent z and our results are consistent with the Eq. (8). For L = 40 and L = 25 we obtained z = 1.96(2), whereas 1 2 Intheshort-timeregimethedynamiccriticalexponent for L =60 and L =30 we obtained z =1.96(4). 1 2 z can be evaluated using various methods, such as the A more precise estimate for the dynamic exponent autocorrelation20 (Eq. (4), with the previous knowledge z can be obtained by combining results from samples of θ), or the second moment M(2)(t)17 (when the static submitted to different initial conditions (m = 1 and 0 exponents β and ν are known). In the present work we m = 0). According to the Ref. [24] the function 0 estimate the exponent z in two independent ways, us- F (t) = M(2)(t)/(M(t))2 behaves as td/z where d is 2 ing two different techniques. First, we used the time- the dimension of the system. This approach proved to dependent fourth-order Binder cumulant18,21 be very efficient in estimating the exponent z, accord- hM4i ing to results for the Ising model, the three- and four- U4(t,L)=1− 3hM2i2, (6) state Potts models24, the tricritical point of the Blume- Capel model25, the Baxter-Wu model26 and nonequilib- with ordered initial configurations (m = 1). If τ = 0 rium models like Domany-Kinzel and contact process27. 0 this equationdepends only ont/Lz, accordingto scaling In this technique, for different lattice sizes, the double- laws valid in the beginning of the evolution. log curves of F2 versus t fall on a single straight line, In this case, according to the scaling relation Eq. (2), without any rescaling of time, resulting in more precise the cumulants obtainedintwodifferentlattices obey the estimates for z. equation The time evolutionofF2 is shownonlogscalesinFig. 3forL=60. InTableIweshowthevaluesofd/z forthe U4(t,L1)=U4(b−zt,L2) (7) five lattice sizes. Taking into account the value of this ratio for the lattice L=60 we obtain with b=L /L . This equation shows that the exponent 1 2 z is obtained by finding the time re-scaling factor b−z z =1.975(4) (9) which colapses curves for two lattices of different sizes. InFig. 2weshowtheBindercumulantasafunctionof Our results for z indicate that besides presenting the the time for the lattices L = 60 and L = 40. The line same static critical exponents double-exchange and 1 2 4 0.1 100 d 1 = 1.519(8) = 0.738(7) z νz 50 ) (t ) M F(t2 0.01 ∂ln τ 0.001 10 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 t t FIG.3: TimeEvolutionofF2. Theerrorbars,calculatedover FIG. 4: The time evolution of thederivative ∂τlnM(t,τ)|τ=0 5 sets of 2000 samples, are smaller than the symbols. on log scales in a dynamic process starting from an ordered state (m0 = 1). Error bars are smaller than the symbols. Eachpointrepresentsanaverageover5setsof5000samples. Heisenberg models have the same dynamic exponent when submitted to the same updating. 0.5 0.4 β C. The static exponents ν and β = 0.263(2) νz Thestaticexponentν canbeobtainedbyfixingb−zt= 0.3 1inEq. (2)anddifferentiating lnM(t,τ)withrespectto ) τ inthe criticalpoint. Takinginto accountsamples with (t M ordered initial configurations (m0 = 1), we obtain the 0.2 following power law ∂ lnM(t,τ)| ∼t1/νz. (10) τ τ=0 In numerical simulations we approximate the derivative by a finite difference; our results were obtained using 0.1 100 200 300 400 500 finite differences of T ± δ with δ = 0.01, in units of t c J/k . In Fig. 4 the power law increase of Eq. (10) is B plotted in double-log scale for L=60. FIG. 5: The time evolution of the magnetization for initially From the slope of the curve one can estimate the crit- ordered samples (m0 = 1). The errorbars calculated over 5 sets of 2000 samples, are smaller than the symbols. ical exponent 1/νz (see Table I). Using the exponent z obtained from U (t,L) and the 4 estimate of 1/νz for L = 60, we obtain the static expo- nent exponentβ/νzforthefivelatticesizesareshowninTable I. ν =0.68(2). (11) Using the previous result obtained for 1/νz (Table I), while following the scaling relation F (t) the result is we find 2 ν =0.682(8). (12) β =0.354(5). (14) Finally we can evaluate the static exponent β by the dynamic scaling law for the magnetization Our estimates for the static exponents ν and β are in M(t)∼t−β/νz, (13) good agreement with the theoretical results of the Ref. [10] (ν = 0.6949(38) and β = 0.3535(30)), Ref. [11] obtained from Eq. (2), by considering large systems and (ν = 0.7036(23) and β = 0.3616(31)) and Ref. [28] (ν = setting b = t1/z at the critical temperature τ = 0. In 0.704(6) and β = 0.362(4)), as well as the experimental Fig. 5 we show the time evolution of the magnetization results of the Ref. [29] (β = 0.37(4)) and the Ref. [30] in double-log scale for L = 60. The estimates of the (β =0.374(6)). 5 IV. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS have obtained the static exponents ν and β which are in good agreement with the values available in litera- In this article we have performed short-time Monte ture. Comparisonofourresultswiththosefortheclassi- Carlo simulations in order to evaluate the dynamic and cal Heisenberg model corroborate the assertion that the static critical exponents of a classical ferromagnet with models belong to the same universality class. double-exchange interaction. The exponent θ was esti- mated using the time correlation of the magnetization. We found the dynamic exponent z through the colapse ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ofthefourth-ordertime-dependentBindercumulantand also, alternatively, using the function F (t) which com- The authors are grateful to Departamento de F´isica e 2 bines simulations performed with different initial condi- Matema´tica (DFM) at IFUSP for the use of their com- tions. Using scaling relations for the magnetization and puterfacilities. 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