Short Notes African Broadbill Smithornis capensis as a resident in Soutpansberg, Northern Province, South Africa Craig T. Symef andSarahM. VenteC L’Eurylaime du Cap Smithorniscapensisa recemment ete decouvert dans le Soutpansberg, Province duNord,AfriqueduSud,ouilpourraitnichercommehoted’ete.Desobservationsrecentes,faitesdans uneforetpresdeLouisTrichardt, semblentindiquerqueI’especeestresidentedanslaregion. Lestatut taxonomique de cette population isolee merite d’etre examine. A w fricanBroadbillSmithorniscapensis 2iSrecently References found to occur in the Soutpansberg, Northern 1. Allan, D.G. 2000. African Broadbill Smithornis Province, SouthAfrica, where itwassuggestedtobe capensis. In: Barnes,K.N. (ed) TheEskomRedData seasonal. Subsequently, it has been discovered at a Book of Birds of South Africa, Lesotho and forestnearLouisTrichardt(site3 inSymes&Perrin^) Swaziland. Johannesburg: BirdLife South Africa. inwinter.On21June2000atleasttwowererecorded 2. Cohen, C. 1997. African Broadbill Smithornis inRoodewaalforest(23°00’S 30°01’E,whereheardat capensis. In: Harrison,J.A., Allan, D.G., Underhill, 08.00hrs;and23°01’S30°02’E,whereseenandheard L.G., Herremans, M., Tree, A.J., Parker, V. and at 12.00 hrs). On 10 October 2000 attempts were Brown, CJ. (eds) The Atlas ofSouthern African vmaardieoustosiltoecs.atAe tmhaelseewiandsivaitdturaalcst,edusoinngonpelaoycbcaacskioant 3. BsGieerrldvdsae.tniVhoounlysF2o,.rJeCsoJth.rayn1nP9er9so9bp.uosrFagol:.rBeiUsrntdpLwuiofbeolidSs—ohuDetWdhAFArferpCioocrant.-. (08.45hrs),butdidnotcall. On25May2001,another Pretoria: Department ofWaterAffairs &Torestry. was heard on the south side ofRoodewaal forest, a 4. Keith, S., Urban, E.K. andFry, C.H. (eds) 1992. The sitewhere ithad not been previously recorded. BirdsofAfrica.Vol4. London,UK:AcademicPress. ThesedatasuggestthatAfricanBroadbillmaybe 5. Parker,V. 1998. TheAtlasoftheBirdsofSuldoSave, resident in the Soutpansberg during winter (May- SouthernMozambique. CapeTown:AvianDemog- June), and thus throughout the year. The forest is raphy Unit. classifiedasre-growthforesCandthecanopyseldom 6. Symes, C.T. andPerrin,M.R. 2000. Rangeextension exceeds 10 m. During winter the understorey be- of African Broadbill Smithornis capensis into comes particularly dry. The bird-species community Soutpansberg,NorthernProvince,SouthAfrica.Bull. ABC1-. 135-138. includes those recorded in higher altitude Afromontaneforestandloweraltitudebushveldand 7. Symes, C.T., Venter, S.M. and Perrin, M.R. 2000. Afromontane forest avifauna of the eastern re-growthforestintheregion^. Eurtherresearch into Soutpansberg mountain range. Northern Province. the status ofAfrican Broadbill here is required^ In South Africa.J. SouthAfr. Forestiy189: 71-80. addition, the taxonomic status of those in Soutpansberg, which is separated by 250-300 km ‘’SchoolofBotanyandZoology, University ofXatal. P/ fromthenearestknownpopulation,shouldbeinves- Bag XOl, Scottsville, 3209, KwaZiilu-Xatal. South Af- tigated.Itispossiblethatanundescribedformoccurs rica. E-mail: [email protected]. here. Otherwise, contrarytothesuggestionthatthey '’DepartmentofWaterAffairs&Forestiy. P/BagX2413. areofthesubspeciesconjunctu^,itismorelikelythat Louis Trichardt, 0920, Xoithern Province. South Af- cryptoleucus is involvedk Based on biogeographic rica. E-mail: [email protected]. evidence, this population more likely has affinities with those occurring to the east and south-east in Mozambique, Swaziland and KwaZulu-NataP-L ShortNotes BullABC Vol9Not -63