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Short-distance RG-analysis of X(3872) radiative decays D. A. S. Molnar,∗ R. F. Luiz,† and R. Higa‡ Instituto de F´ısica, Universidade de Sa˜o Paulo, C.P. 66318, 05314-970, Sa˜o Paulo, SP, Brazil (Dated: January14,2016) Abstract Wepresentarenormalization-groupanalysisoftheX(3872)radiativedecaysintoJ/ψγandψ(2S)γ. We assume a DD¯∗ molecule for the X long-distance structure and parametrize its short-distance physics as 6 contactinteractions. Usingeffectivefieldtheorytechniquesandpower-divergencesubtractionscheme, we 1 0 findthatshort-andlong-distancephysicsareequallyimportantinthesedecays. Ourcalculationssetalower 2 limit to the corresponding decay widths, which can in principle be tested experimentally. Our results may n beusedasguidetobuildmodelsfortheX short-distance. a J 3 1 ] h p - p e h [ 1 v 6 6 3 3 0 . 1 0 6 1 : v i X r a ∗[email protected][email protected][email protected] 1 I. INTRODUCTION Theinterestinthephysicsofheavyquarkoniawasspurred,morethanadecadeago,bythedis- covery of the exotic meson X(3872) [1–3], whose physical properties do not fit in the historically well-succeededquarkmodel. Soonafter,anew“particlezoo”ofexoticparticleswasuncoveredby severalcollaborationsaroundtheworld. Thechallengeimposedbytheso-calledX,Y,andZ states triggered alternative explanations for their structures, such as tetraquarks, molecules, gluonic ex- citations,mixtures,andothers[4–7]. Thelatestdiscoveriesofchargedmesonsinthecharmonium andbottomoniumsectorsputincheckexplanationsbasedoneithertheconventionalquarkmodel, orhybridsofcharmoniumandgluonicexcitationssince,besidesthecc¯pair,twoadditionalquarks must exist to provide the charge of these states. These recent findings highlight the complexities of the strong force in its non-perturbative regime, with the promise of improve our understanding abouttheemergenceofconfinementinQCD. Despitethelargeamountoftheoreticalinvestigationsintheliterature,verylittleisknownabout the X(3872) structure (denoted by X from now on). However, the purely molecular interpretation is very appealing, since it has a mass remarkably close to the DD¯∗ threshold [8–10] and its small width is not easily accommodated in the conventional quarkonium picture. On the experimental side, only recently the X quantum numbers were confirmed as JPC =1++ by the LHCb collabo- ration [11]. This result practically rules out any conventional charmonium explanation, albeit not enoughtodistinguishamongtheremainingexoticpossibilities. Swanson, in Ref. [12], suggested looking at the X radiative decays into γJ/ψ and γψ(2S) as oneofthepromisingtestsforitsmolecularnature. Hismolecularmodelcalculationincludesboth neutral and charged DD¯(cid:63) states, decaying to a photon via light quark annihilation, and smaller components of ρJ/ψ and ωJ/ψ decaying to a photon via vector-meson dominance. He obtains Γ(X →γJ/ψ)=8 keV and Γ(X →γψ(cid:48))=0.03 keV. His quark model calculations, though very sensitive to the detailed assumptions involved, give Γ(X → γJ/ψ) ∼ 70-140 keV and Γ(X → γψ(cid:48))∼95keV.Basedontheseresults,theauthorclaimsthatradiativedecays,especiallydecaying into the ψ(2S) channel (here denoted by ψ(cid:48)), would be a sharp test for the X molecular nature. In 2009BaBarmeasuredtheratio Γ[X →γψ(cid:48)] R≡ (1) Γ[X →γJ/ψ] obtaining R = 3.4±1.4 [13]. Later attempt to measure the same ratio was done by the Belle collaboration. They could not find any signal though, setting only the upper limit R<2.1 at 90% confidence level [14]. Recently, the LHCb collaboration reported R=2.46±0.64±0.29, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic [15]. The latter concludes that the experimental result does not support the pure molecular picture, favoring charmonium [16–20] or mixtures of molecule and charmonium [21–23]. However this conclusion, which is based on the resultsofRef.[12],isdisputable,asindicatedbyfurthercalculationsinthemolecularapproach. UsingphenomenologicalmesonLagrangiansandassumingtheX tobealoosely-boundD0D¯∗0 molecule,Dongandcollaborators[24]calculatedtheradiativedecayX →γJ/ψ,obtaininganup- per limit of 118.9 keV, compatible with some quark model predictions [12]. Their calculation is not very sensitive to variations on the binding energy, but depends on their form-factor parameter Λ . Theyconcludethattheirdecaywidthisfullycompatiblewithapredominantlymolecularna- M tureofX,allowingaverysmalladmixtureofcc¯. Inalatterwork[25],thesameauthorsaddressed, besidesacoupleofhadronicdecays,radiativedecaysintobothJ/ψandψ(cid:48) channels. Theirvalues fortheratioRwerecomparedagainsttheexperimentaloneavailableatthetime,fromBaBar[13]. With essentially the same molecular approach used before [24], but with different quark model 2 approaches for their cc¯ component, they find a subtle interplay between these two components, dependingonthecc¯modelandtheX bindingenergy. Guo et al. [26] investigated the imprints of the long-distance DD¯(cid:63) molecular structure of X on theradiativedecaysX →γJ/ψ(Γ )andX →γψ(cid:48) (Γ ),withaneffectivefieldtheoryapproach. γJψ γψ(cid:48) Contrary to [12], they conclude that the radiative decays do not allow one to draw conclusions about the nature of the X. However, their analysis focus only at the long-distance loop contri- butions to the radiative amplitude, without explicitly considering the short-distance contributions, parametrized as contact-like interactions in the effective Lagrangian. The main purpose of this workistoperformaproperrenormalization-groupanalysisofbothloopandcontactcontributions totheseradiativedecays,therefore,complementingthestudiesofRef.[26]. Nevertheless,weadopthereadifferentprescriptiontoregularizetheloopintegrals,thepower- divergence subtraction (PDS) scheme [27, 28]. Devised to handle the non-perturbative aspect of thenucleon-nucleoninteraction,itsoonbecameanalternativeregularizationmethodinothernon- perturbative systems such as cold-atoms, exotic mesons, and nuclear clusters [29–33]. Based on dimensional regularization, the method consists of subtractions, beyond the D=4 dimensions of the usual modified minimal subtraction (MS) scheme, at lower dimensions to account for power- law divergences [34]. The latter are required in order to guarantee non-trivial renormalization- group properties characteristic of weakly-bound systems [35, 36], like the scaling limit and the Efimov effect [29]. In fact, for non-perturbative systems the usual MS scheme seems to fail in reproducinganon-trivialscatteringamplitude[36]. II. RADIATIVEDECAYAMPLITUDES TheinteractionsarederivedfromeffectiveLagrangiansbasedonheavy-mesonandchiralsym- metries[26,37–41]. Theloopdiagrams(a)-(e)fromFig.1wherecalculatedinRef.[26],andfor thesakeofcompletenesswereproducebelowtherelevantexpressions. γ γ γ D* D* D X D X D* X D D D D* (a) ψ (b) ψ (c) ψ γ γ γ D D X D* X X D* D* ψ (d) ψ (e) (f) ψ FIG.1. DiagramsthatcontributetotheX radiativedecay. Seetextfordetails. One denotes ψ generically for both J/ψ and ψ(cid:48). The hidden-charm mesons X and ψ have 3 masses M and M while the open-charm mesons D(cid:63) and D have masses m and m, respectively. X ψ √(cid:63) The X long-range structure is coupled to a DD¯(cid:63) pair with strength x=x M m m via the inter- nr X (cid:63) actionLagrangian x (cid:16) (cid:17) L = √ X† D¯(cid:63)σD+D¯D(cid:63)σ +H.c., (2) X σ 2 (0) where the open-charm meson fields stand for both neutral and charged ones [26], and x = nr 0.97+0.40 GeV−1/2 wasobtainedfromanon-relativisticrelationwiththebindingenergy[42]. We −0.97 definex(0) ≡x (µ ),therenormalizedcouplingofX totheDD¯(cid:63) pairatthescaleµ =M . nr nr 0 0 X Theinteractionoftheopen-charmmesonswiththehidden-charmψreads (cid:26) ↔ (cid:104) (cid:105) L =iψµ† g (cid:0)D¯ ∂ D(cid:1)−g ε (cid:0)∂αD¯(cid:63)ν(cid:1)(cid:0)∂βD(cid:1)−(cid:0)∂βD¯(cid:1)(cid:0)∂αD(cid:63)ν(cid:1) ψ D¯D µ D¯(cid:63)D µναβ (cid:27) (cid:104) ↔ (cid:105) −g D¯(cid:63) ∂ D(cid:63)ν+(cid:0)∂ D¯(cid:63)(cid:1)D(cid:63)ν−D¯(cid:63)ν(cid:0)∂ D(cid:63)(cid:1) +H.c., (3) D¯(cid:63)D(cid:63) ν µ ν µ ν µ withthecouplingsrelatedtoasingleparameterg viaheavy-quarksymmetry[26,40,41]: 2 (cid:114) g 1 g m g 1 D¯D = D¯(cid:63)D (cid:63) = D¯(cid:63)D(cid:63) =g . (4) (cid:112) (cid:112) (cid:112) ψ M m M 4m M m ψ ψ ψ (cid:63) Interactions with the emitted photon have two distinct origins. Electric interactions have no additionalparameters. Theycontributetodiagrams(b),(c),and(e),viaminimalsubstitution∂ → µ ∂ +ieA in the kinetic term of the D(cid:63), kinetic term of the D, and interaction term of the D¯(cid:63)Dψ µ µ Lagrangians, respectively. Magnetic interactions are derived from the covariant generalization of thenon-relativisticheavy-mesonLagrangian[26,43,44], (cid:16) Q (cid:17) L =iem F D(cid:63)µ† βQ − cδ D(cid:63)ν m (cid:63) µν i ij m ij j c √ (cid:104) (cid:16) Q (cid:17) (cid:105) +e mm ε vα∂βAλ D(cid:63)µ† βQ + cδ D +H.c. , (5) (cid:63) λµαβ i ij m ij j c wherevµ isthefour-velocityoftheheavyquarkwithv2=1,Q=diag(Q ,Q )isthechargematrix u d of the light quarks, Q =2/3 and m are the charmed quark charge and mass, respectively. They c c contributetodiagrams(a),(b),and(d). Theextraparameterβ∼1/(380MeV)takesintoaccount thenon-perturbativedynamicsofthelightquarkinsidethecharmedmeson[26]. Theloopamplitudesfromdiagrams(a)-(e)arewrittenas e (cid:90) d4k Mloop = √ x g m(cid:112)M M εµ(p(cid:48))εσ(p)ελ(q) Sνσ(k)S(k−p)J (k), (6) 2 nr ψ X ψ ψ X γ (2π)4 µνλ whereSνσ (S)istheD¯(cid:63) (D)propagatorwithmomentumk(k−p). Thepolarizationvectorsεµ,εσ, ψ X andελ standforX,ψ,andγwithexternalmomenta p, p(cid:48)= p−q,andq,respectively. Theexplicit γ contributionsofeachdiagramtoJ isgivenbyEqs.(24)-(29)ofRef.[26]. µνλ Diagram(f)istheshort-distanceXγψinteractionthatrenormalizestheultravioletdivergences presentin(6). Thecorrespondingamplitudereads Mcont =C εµ(p(cid:48))εσ(p)ελ(q)ε qν. (7) ψ ψ X γ µσλν 4 As pointed out in [26], the necessity of having this term to cancel the divergences of the loop dia- gramsmeansthattheX radiativedecaysaresensitivetobothitslong-andshort-distancestructure, makingthemunsuitableasprobesexclusivelyoftheformer. Nevertheless,renormalization-group techniques can be used to estimate the strength of the short-range interactions at a limited range of energy scale. This is the main goal of this work. In Ref. [26], the strength of diagram (f) (r) after renormalization, C , was set to zero. We take advantage of the most recent experimental ψ (r) value of R by the LHCb collaboration to obtain the renormalized values ofC in both J/ψ and ψ ψ(cid:48) channels. III. RESULTSANDDISCUSSIONS The partial width of the X radiative decay, when the initial and final polarization states are not measured,isgivenby M2 −M2 Γ= X ψ|M|2, (8) 48πM3 X wherethetotalamplitudesquaredreads (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:16) (cid:17) |M|2 = ∑ M M∗ εσ(cid:48) (p)ε∗σ (p) εµ(cid:48) (p(cid:48))ε∗µ (p(cid:48)) ελ(cid:48) (q)ε∗λ(q) µ(cid:48)σ(cid:48)λ(cid:48) µσλ (X) (X) (ψ) (ψ) (γ) (γ) allpols. (cid:32) (cid:33)(cid:32) (cid:33) pσ(cid:48)pσ p(cid:48)µ(cid:48)p(cid:48)µ (cid:16) (cid:17) =M M∗ −gσ(cid:48)σ −gµ(cid:48)µ −gλ(cid:48)λ . (9) µ(cid:48)σ(cid:48)λ(cid:48) µσλ M2 M2 X ψ We made use of the Mathematica software to deal with contractions of the Lorentz indices and algebraic manipulations. The loop integrals in Eq. (6) were handled with the usual Feynman parametrizations, with the remaining integrations solved numerically with a Gauss-Legendre quadrature. Inordertoestimatequalitativelytheimportanceofshort-distancephysics,wefirstcomputethe ratioRfromEq.(1)consideringonlythelong-rangeloopdiagrams(a)-(e),whichweshalldenote by Rloop. At this point the analysis is similar to the one from Ref. [26]. It is evident from Eq. (6) that, in this case, the dependence on x is cancelled in the ratio Rloop. However, Rloop remains nr very sensitive to the ratio (g /g )2, which is poorly known. From the leptonic decay widths of ψ(cid:48) J/ψ J/ψandψ(cid:48),Ref.[25]obtainsg /g ∼1.67,whichisthecentralvaluethatweadopt. Weallow ψ(cid:48) J/ψ avariationaroundthe natural band1(cid:46)g /g (cid:46)2.5,whichshouldaccount foruncertaintiesin ψ(cid:48) J/ψ bothphenomenologicalextractionaswellasrenormalizationevolutionofthisratio. Fig.2showsRloop asafunctionoftherenormalizationscaleµ. Wechoosetheinterval3GeV≤ µ≤5GeV, not too far from µ=M , the relevant scale of the problem. The dashed (blue) curve X essentially reproduces the results of Ref. [26]. The solid (red) curve is our result, with the loop integralsregularizedwithinthePDSscheme. The(gray)horizontalbandistheLHCbexperimental value [15], with uncertainties added in quadrature. Though these results are quite different from each other and not yet properly renormalized, one is still able to refute the conclusions from Ref. [12, 15], that a ratio R much larger than ∼ 10−3 would disfavor a molecular nature of X. Regarding the behavior of these two different curves, a few comments are in order. First, since R is an observable, it should not depend on µ. Therefore, Fig. 2 indicates the need of proper renormalization. Second, we draw attention to the logarithmic scale of the figure. In the PDS scheme adopted here, the dependence of Rloop on the renormalization scale µ is much stronger 5 Guo et al. This work 10 p o o lR 1 0.1 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 µ [GeV] FIG.2. RatioRloop ofthebranchingfractionsdefinedbyEq.(1). Seetextfordetails. thanin[26],whichusesthestandardMS-scheme. Thisissomehowexpected,sincePDS-regulated loops take into account power divergences that are set to zero in MS. Power divergences lead to a richer structure in the renormalization-group (RG) evolution path, allowing the existence of a non-trivial fixed point [35] that describes the non-perturbative aspects of weakly-bound systems. Such RG constraints can induce a larger dependence of the short-distance contact couplingsC ’s ψ onµ,asshowninthefollowing. Mostofpowerdivergencescomefrommagneticinteractions,c.f. Eqs. (24)–(28) of Ref. [26], meaning that they are more sensitive to short-distance physics. Note thatthereareafewexamplesinweakly-boundnuclearsystemswheretheshort-distancesensitivity ofmagneticinteractionsisalsoobserved—see,forinstance,Refs.[32,33]. Thepreviousdiscussionpointstotheneedofincludingexplicitlythecontactinteractionsfrom diagram (f)and perform a proper RG analysis. For practical reasons, we find more convenient to imposetheRG-constraintonthedecaywidth,thatis, ∂Γ =0. (10) ∂µ This condition is imposed, numerically, on each decay channel γJ/ψ and γψ(cid:48), tied to the ex- perimental constraint R ≈ 2.46 [15]. Since both Γ and Γ , contrary to their ratio, are not γψ(cid:48) γJ/ψ well-determined, we choose a few representative values of Γ as initial boundary condition in γJ/ψ ourRG-equation(10). Onefindstwosetsofsolutionsfortheµ-dependentcontactterms,C and J/ψ C , which reflects the fact that we impose the RG-constraint essentially on the modulus-squared ψ(cid:48) ofthedecayamplitude. Wepresentonlyoneofthesesets,sincetheotherleadstodecaywidthsof theorderoftenthsofMeVwhilethetotaldecaywidthoftheX hasanupperlimitof1.2MeV[45]. Weassumethatallµ-dependenceisgivenbythecouplingsC ’s,ignoringeventualµ-dependences ψ onthecouplingsx andg . nr ψ Infigure3wepresentourRGresultsfortheshort-distancecouplingsC andC . Asindicated, jψ ψ(cid:48) the curves correspond to different values of Γ . Within the selected ranges of µ and Γ , one γJ/ψ γJ/ψ notices a smooth variation on C , within ≈ 30%, about the same relative error on R reported J/ψ by LHCb. We stress that the extraction of the couplingsC ’s depend on x via Eq. (6) and has a ψ nr much larger relative theoretical uncertainty. On the other hand, C exhibits a stronger variation ψ(cid:48) with µ, meaning that Γ is more sensitive to the short-distance physics not dynamically taken γψ(cid:48) intoaccountbyoureffectivetheory. Itisimportanttoemphasizethat,fromtheEFTpointofview, short-distancephysicsmeansnotonlycompactconfigurationslikecharmoniumortetraquark,but alsoheaviermolecularstatesthatareintegrated-outfromtheeffectivetheory,forinstance,avirtual 6 0.8 9 Γ = 7.5 keV Γ = 7.5 keV 0.7 γ J/ψ 8 γ J/ψ Γ =15.0 keV Γ =15.0 keV γ J/ψ γ J/ψ Γ =30.0 keV 7 Γ =30.0 keV 0.6 γ J/ψ γ J/ψ Γ =60.0 keV Γ =60.0 keV γ J/ψ 6 γ J/ψ CJ/ψ 0.5 C’ψ 5 0.4 4 0.3 3 0.2 2 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 µ [GeV] µ [GeV] (a) (b) FIG.3. Short-distancecontactinteractionsC andC ,asfunctionsoftherenormalizationscaleµ. J/ψ ψ(cid:48) D D¯(cid:63) contribution. s s 1400 5.5 5 1200 Γ γψ’ 4.5 1000 4 V] ke 800 nt 3.5 cont [ 600 coR 2 .35 Γ 400 Γγ J/ψ 2 1.5 200 1 0 0.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 µ [GeV] µ [GeV] (a) (b) FIG.4. Contributionsoftheshort-rangeinteractionstothedecaywidths(a)andtheratioR(b),asfunctions oftherenormalizationscaleµ. ThecurvesfollowthesamelabelsfromFig.3. To estimate the relevance of the short-distance interactions to X radiative decays, we show in Fig. 4 only their contributions to the decay widths Γ and Γ , as well as the ratio R. To γJ/ψ γψ(cid:48) qualitatively interpret these results, let us focus on the dash-dotted (blue) curve of Γ . This γJ/ψ hasaninputvalueof60keV.However,Fig.4(a)showsthatitsshort-rangeinteractionscontribute about 200 keV. That implies a large cancellation between the long-(Mloop) and short-(Mcont) distance terms to generate the smaller width of 60 keV. In other words, the interplay between Mloop and Mcont is of a delicate balance, both having the same importance to the decay. This is evenmoredramaticinthecaseofΓ . Suchlargecancellationsbetweenlong-andshort-distance γψ(cid:48) termsmaybeaconsequenceofanunderlyingsymmetryandisaquestionworthpursuing. Wealso checked that this qualitative cancellation holds for the MS-regulated loops, as much as for Γ γJ/ψ but less dramatic for Γ . The µ-dependence shown in figure 4 may also be relevant in guiding γψ(cid:48) theoreticalmodelsfortheshort-distancepart. In EFT approach, representations of short-range physics as contact interactions mean that all dynamical effects not explicitly taken into account may be relevant only beyond the EFT 7 scale. That includes the opening of high momenta thresholds, leading to imaginary terms in the amplitude. Therefore, the constraint that the short-range coulplings C remain real-valued ψ within the energy range of the effective theory assures that there are no opening of high-energy thresholds. However, one notices numerically the appearance of an imaginary part on C in ψ the evolution of our RG-equation (10), depending on the initial conditions. Choosing the range 3GeV(cid:46)µ(cid:46)5GeV,tokeepC realonefindstherestrictions ψ Γ (cid:38)7.5keV and Γ (cid:38)18.5keV. (11) γJ/ψ γψ(cid:48) Though the precise values depend on the EFT range, these numbers can be put to experimental scrutinity. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Kanchan Khemchandani and Alberto Martinez-Torres for discussions. This workwassupportedbyCNPqandFAPESP. [1] S.-K.Choietal.(BelleCollaboration),Phys.Rev.Lett.91(2003),10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.262001. [2] D.Acostaetal.(CDFCollaboration),Phys.Rev.Lett.93,072001(2004). [3] V.M.Abazovetal.(D0Collaboration),Phys.Rev.Lett.93,162002(2004). [4] G.Bauer,Int.J.Mod.Phys.A21,959(2006). [5] E.S.Swanson,Phys.Rept.429,243(2006). [6] M.Nielsen,F.S.Navarra, andS.H.Lee,Phys.Rept.497,41(2010). [7] N.Brambillaetal.,Eur.Phys.J.C71,1534(2011). [8] M.B.VoloshinandL.B.Okun,JETPLett.23,333(1976),[PismaZh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.23,369(1976)]. [9] A.DeRujula,H.Georgi, andS.L.Glashow,Phys.Rev.Lett.38,317(1977). [10] N.A.Tornqvist,Phys.Lett.B590,209(2004),arXiv:hep-ph/0402237[hep-ph]. [11] R.Aaijetal.,Phys.Rev.Lett.110,222001(2013). 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