Short ~nswers TOoligh Questions Expanded Edition How to answer the questions libertarians are often asked J. Dr. Mary Ruwart THE ADVOCATES FOR SELF-GOVERNMENT Cartersville, Georgia 11 Copyright ©2012 by Dr. Mary J. Ruwart All rights reserved under International and Pan-American copyright conven tions. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other-except for brief quotations with attribution to the author, without prior written permission of the author or publisher. Published in the United States by the Advocates for Self-Government 269 Market Place Blvd. #106, Cartersville, GA 30121-2235 800-932-1776, [email protected], FIRST EDITION Published August 2012 Ruwart, Mary J. Short Answers to the Tough Questions, Expanded Edition By Dr. Mary J. Ruwart ISBN 13: 978-0-9754326-6-2 1. Politics 2. Political issues 3. Libertarianism 4. Libertarian Q&A 5. Libertarian FAQ I. Title II. Ruwart, Mary J. Cover design and typography by JPL Design Solutions Manufactured in the United States of America iii 7his book is dedicated to libertarians worldwide who are called upon to answer the tough questions and want to give it their best shot! lV ALSO BY THE AUTHOR of Healing Our World· The Other Piece the Puzzle (1992, 1993) of Healing Our World in an Age Aggression (2003) Short Answers to the Tough Questions of Healing Our World: The Compassion Libertarianism (2013) ALSO FROM THE PUBLISHER Libertarianism in One Lesson: Ninth Edition by David Bergland Liberty A to Z: 872 Libertarian Soundbites You Can Use Right Now! by Harry Browne of Secrets Libertarian Persuasion by Michael Cloud of Unlocking More Secrets Libertarian Persuasion by Michael Cloud Minimum liVtlge, Maximum Damage by Jim Cox The Haiku Economist by Jim Cox Discovering Self-Government: A Bible-Based Study Guide by Virgil L. Swearingen v Tab1e of Contents Preface ................................................................................................. vii Publisher's Introduction ....................................................................... ix What Is a Libertarian? .......................................................................... 1 What Does a Libertarian Government Look Like? ............................ 13 Restitution ........................................................................................... 20 Roads ........................· . .......................................................................... 40 The Environment ................................................................................. 48 National Defense ................................................................................. 73 Money and Banking .......................................................................... 102 Jobs and Wealth Creation .................................................................. 108 Discrimination .................................................................................. 119 Helping the Poor ............................................................................... 126 Abortion ............................................................................................ 141 Family Values and Children's Rights ................................................. 145 Animal Rights ................................................................................... 154 The War on Drugs ............................................................................. 156 Assisted Suicide ................................................................................. 164 Consumer Protection ......................................................................... 167 Health ............................................................................................... 177 Trade & Tariffs .................................................................................. 182 Gun Control. ..................................................................................... 189 Education .......................................................................................... 193 Immigration ...................................................................................... 201 Local Issues ....................................................................................... 212 Miscellaneous Issues .......................................................................... 220 How to Get There from Here ............................................................ 234 Notes ................................................................................................. 260 Acknowledgements ........................................................................... 271 About the Author .............................................................................. 273 Index .................................................................................................. 275 Short Answers to the Tough Questions Vll Pref8ce For most of us, learning about the libertarian ideal was a life changing event. Our entire perspective on politics and, at a deeper level, on life itself shifted. We recognized that war and poverty result from a misunderstanding of how human nature works. The realization that these age-old plagues can be largely eliminated by adopting the non-aggression principle results in an incredible enthusiasm to share the good news with others. When we try to do so, however, we discover that societal indoc trination is so strong that our friends and relatives often dismiss libertarian ideas as impractical, idealistic, or just plain wrong. Very few of them are willing to give us much time to dissuade them, either. Yet without a more widespread understanding of how liberty works in the real world, our society cannot reap the benefits that freedom can bestow. Our mission, should we choose to accept it, is to entice our listeners with brief explanations that pique their interest and encourage them to ask us for more information. Short Answers to the Tough Questions provides examples to stim ulate the curiosity of your listeners. These questions and answers have been compiled from my own experience as a guest lecturer in schools and universities, as a Libertarian Party candidate, and in writing the "Ask Dr. Ruwart" column for the Liberator Online, the free newsletter published by the Advocates. These "short answers" are compelling because they challenge the way the questioner views the world. Most people believe that government is the solution, instead of the problem. Although short answers can pique their interest, showing them a different way is likely to require references to how liberty works in the real world. My book, Healing Our World, cites Vlll Short Answers to the Tough Questions hundreds of studies that you can use to show your listeners the practicality of libertarian solutions. A complimentary download of the 1993 edition is available at my website,; the 2003 edition is available there and at the Advocates for Self Government's website ( Throughout Short Answers, I'll be citing some chapters in Healing Our World that provide detail beyond the short answers. Some of the "tough questions" have been combined, paraphrased, or edited for ease of reading, but the essence and tone have been preserved. I have included some duplication where alternative phraseology might be useful. I've also included some questions that are openly hostile so that you can get a feel for how to handle them. You'll also find some gems from my readers who have come up with great short answers of their own. My answers to the tough questions are far from perfect; however, most have been "field tested" and work well for me. Ultimately, you will find your own style and develop your own unique answers if you are in front of audiences with any frequency. Your unique back ground and experience will give you insights and perspectives that are different than mine; these are likely to work better with the people that are part of your intimate circle. Readers have asked for more elaboration, so some answers are longer than others. Feel free to use these answers or reprint them (citing the Advocates and me). Finally, please let me know what you think of Short Answers! You can reach me on Facebook or through my website www.ruwart. com. Visit the Advocates' website (w ww. for more communication tips as well. Whether you use this book to improve your communication of libertarian ideas or simply to enhance your understanding of how liberty works, I hope you'll find it inspiring and enlightening. Mary J. Ruwart, Ph.D. Burnet, Texas Short Answers to the Tough Questions ix Publisher's Introduction T he Advocates for Self-Government is proud to present this new and greatly expanded edition of Dr. Mary Ruwart's libertarian communication classic, Short Answers to the Tough Questions. Libertarians are constantly asked questions on a wide variety of issues. To answer them effectively, libertarians need short, accurate, convincing and memorable answers - preferably learned and prac ticed in advance. Many years ago Mary Ruwart realized that. She began preparing such answers for her own use. The results were so dramatic that she began sharing her short answers with other libertarians, in speeches at libertarian events. One of the key missions of the Advocates for Self-Government is to empower libertarians to become successful and persuasive advocates for our ideas. So in 1997 we asked Mary to write a regular column for our free email newsletter the Liberator Online. Readers were invited to send us questions they had difficulty answering, and Mary would craft short answers. "Ask Dr. Ruwart" has since become one of the libertarian movement's greatest resources. Mary's column has been read by tens of thousands of libertarians around the world and has been widely reprinted. Over the years, the audience for "Ask Dr. Ruwart" has grown - and changed. As the circulation of the Libertarian Online increased, questions began coming in not just from libertarians, but from non libertarians curious about libertarianism. Mary's column now serves a double purpose: educating the public about libertarianism and helping libertarians answer those tough questions every libertarian faces.