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Shop Floor Control Systems The material in this book expresses only the views of its authors, and is in no way a statement of Digital Equipment Corporation. Shop Floor Control Systems From design to implementation A. Bauer, R. Bowden, J. Browne, J. Duggan and G. Lyons a 1 111 Springer-Science+Business Media, B. V. First edition 1991 @ 1994 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht Originally published by Chapman & Hall in 1991, 1994 ISBN 978-0-412-58150-2 ISBN 978-94-011-1296-3 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-94-011-1296-3 Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the UK Copyright Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may not be reproduced, stored, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprogrsphic reproduction only in accordance with the terma of the licences issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency in the UK, or in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the appropriate Reproduction Rights Organization outside the UK. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the terms ststed here should be sent to the publishers at the London address printed on this page. The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. A Catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available CONTENTS Figures viii About the authors XI Acknowledgements XIII Preface xv Foreword xix PART ONE: BACKGROUND TO SHOP FLOOR CONTROL SYSTEMS Overview 1 1 A background to shop floor control systems 3 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 The Just in Time approach to production management 5 1.3 An overview of requirements planning (MRP and MRP II) 12 1.4 MRP fOPT versus JIT 24 1.5 Guidelines for the development and installation of production planning and control systems 25 1.6 An architecture for production planning and control 26 1.7 Conclusions 32 PART TWO: A FUNCTIONAL ARCHITECTURE FOR SHOP FLOOR CONTROL SYSTEMS Overview 33 2 An architecture for shop floor control systems 35 2.1 Introduction 35 2.2 Production Activity Control 36 2.3 Factory coordination 46 2.4 Conclusions 62 v VI Contents 3 A structured functional model for shop floor control 64 3.1 Introduction 64 3.2 Structured Analysis and Design Technique 65 3.3 Overview of SADT™ model for FC and PAC 70 3.4 AO: Coordinate the factory 74 3.5 AI: Design the production environment 75 3.6 A2: Coordinate the product flow 83 3.7 Conclusions 94 PART mREE: AN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ARCHITECTURE FOR SHOP FLOOR CONTROL Overview 95 4 An information technology architecture for shop floor control 97 4.1 Introduction 97 4.2 The concepts of a layered architecture 98 4.3 The entities and core services of the reference architecture 101 4.4 A descriptive summary of Petri nets 108 4.5 A sample protocol of the reference architecture 113 4.6 Conclusions 119 5 Implementation technologies for shop floor control systems 120 5.1 Introduction 120 5.2 An overview of information technology 121 5.3 Communication systems 123 5.4 Data management systems 129 5.5 Processing systems 137 5.6 User interfaces 141 5.7 The object oriented approach 144 5.8 Conclusions 148 PART FOUR: STATE-OF-THE-ART REVIEW Overview 149 6 A review of scheduling strategies 151 6.1 Introduction 151 6.2 Traditional scheduling approaches 152 6.3 Modern scheduling approaches 164 6.4 Conclusions 178 7 A review of production environment design strategies 179 7.1 Introduction 179 7.2 Product based manufacturing 180 7.3 Process planning 196 7.4 Manufacturing system analysis 203 7.5 Conclusions 207 Contents Vll PART FIVE: THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SHOP FLOOR CONTROL SYSTEMS Overview 209 8 An approach to the implementation of factory coordination and production activity control systems 211 8.1 Introduction 211 8.2 Sociotechnical design 212 8.3 The contribution of sociotechnical design to the implementation of PMS 226 8.4 The environment for Factory Coordination and Production Activity Control 231 8.5 Conclusions 242 9 A design tool for shop floor control systems 244 9.1 Introduction 244 9.2 The application generator 245 9.3 The manufacturing database 248 9.4 The rulesbase 252 9.5 The PAC simulation model 255 9.6 Using the AG in the electronics industry 269 9.7 Conclusions 274 PART SIX: AN IMPLEMENTATION OF A PAC SYSTEM Overview 277 10 The environment of the case study 279 10.1 Introduction 279 10.2 The business environment 280 10.3 The production management system environment 283 10.4 The technical and social sub-systems 288 10.5 The information technology environment 295 10.6 Conclusions 297 11 Implementation of a PAC system 298 11.1 Introduction 298 11.2 Description of the pilot implementation 299 11.3 Architectural mapping and implementation software 303 11.4 Lessons and guidelines 308 11.5 Conclusions 312 12 References and further reading 314 12.1 References 314 12.2 Further reading 334 Index 336 FIGURES The structure of the book. xvii Figure 1.1 Breakdown of the lead time in a batch production system. 4 Figure 1.2 Components of production smoothing. 9 Figure 1.3 Basic structure of an MRP system. 14 Figure 1.4 Manufacturing resource planning. 18 Figure 1.5 NBS hierarchy. 28 Figure 1.6 Manufacturing controls systems hierarchy. 29 Figure 2.1 Production Activity Control. 37 Figure 2.2 The link between production environment design and control. 47 Figure 2.3 Process based layout vs. product based layout. 49 Figure 2.4 The production environment design task within factory coordination. 50 Figure 2.5 Data exchange between the control task of factory coordination and a number of PAC systems. 55 Figure 2.6 An overall picture of the factory coordination architecture. 63 Figure 3.1 SADTTM model showing structured decomposition (Ross, 1985). 66 Figure 3.2 Parent and child relationship (Ross, 1985). 67 Figure 3.3 Input, output, control and mechanism of an SADT™ box (Ross, 1985). 69 Figure 3.4 A-I: Context diagram for coordinate factory. 71 Figure 3.5 A-O: Coordinate factory. 72 Figure 3.6 AO: Coordinate the factory. 75 Figure 3.7 AI: Design the production environment. 76 Figure 3.8 All: Develop process plan. 78 Figure 3.9 A12: Maintain product based layout. 79 Figure 3.10 A13: Analyse manufacturing system. 81 Vlll Figures ix Figure 3.11 A2: Coordinate product flow. 83 Figure 3.12 A21: Schedule factory. 85 Figure 3.13 A22: Dispatch factory. 86 Figure 3.14 A24: Control cells. 88 Figure 3.15 A241: Schedule cell. 89 Figure 3.16 A242: Dispatch cell. 90 Figure 3.17 A245: Monitor cell. 91 Figure 3.18 A25: Monitor factory. 93 Figure 4.1 Architectural mapping from functional to layered. 100 Figure 4.2 Layered architecture for FC and PAC. 101 Figure 4.3 Petri net graph based on Table 4.1. 110 Figure 4.4 A marked Petri net. 111 Figure 4.5 Petri net after firing transition 1. 112 Figure 4.6 Timing of a Petri net. 112 Figure 4.7 Initial Petri net model for dispatcher and producer interaction. 116 Figure 4.8 Petri net after dispatcher commands the producer to start. 117 Figure 4.9 Petri net after the producer commences. 118 Figure 5.1 General computing model. 123 Figure 5.2 OSI reference model. 125 Figure 5.3 EDI concept. 127 Figure 5.4 Implementation scenario for communication. 129 Figure 5.5 Hierarchical data model. 130 Figure 5.6 Network data model. 131 Figure 5.7 Implementation scenario for data management. 137 Figure 5.8 Implementation scenario for processing. 140 Figure 5.9 Implementation scenario for the user interface. 143 Figure 5.10 Traditional design of software systems. 144 Figure 5.11 Object oriented approach. 145 Figure 5.12 Concept of object oriented technology. 146 Figure 6.1 Possible sequences of 4 jobs A, B, C and D (Cunningham and Brownie, 1986). 156 Figure 7.1 An example of a monocode coding system. 185 Figure 7.2 Two components of similar shape and size, but different manufacturing characteristics. 186 Figure 7.3 The formation of block diagonals in a matrix. 191 Figure 7.4 An example of a composite product. 194 Figure 7.5 Parallel approach of design and manufacturing. 203 Figure 7.6 Breakdown of the production lead time. 204 Figure 8.1 Inclusion of feedback in a system. 215 Figure 8.2 The transactional and contextual environments (Pava, 1983). 216 x Figures Figure 8.3 An approach to sociotechnical design. 224 Figure 8.4 View of an organization within its environment (Brownie et ai., 1988). 235 Figure 8.5 The different flows in a technical sub-system. 237 Figure 8.6 Manufacturing controls systems hierarchy. 238 Figure 8.7 A two-stage scheduling procedure. 240 Figure 8.8 A sample Gantt chart. 241 Figure 8.9 The two type of inputs used in the interactive scheduling task. 242 Figure 9.1 The PAC life cycle model. 245 Figure 9.2 Combinative operation. 251 Figure 9.3 Sequential operation. 252 Figure 9.4 Inspection operation. 252 Figure 9.5 Disjunctive operation. 253 Figure 9.6 Sample output for the interactive scheduler. 257 Figure 9.7 Petri net model of a completed producer task. 261 Figure 9.8 The command from the dispatcher reaches the Petri net. 263 Figure 9.9 Petri net fires transition 1. 264 Figure 9.10 Petri net fires transition 2. 265 Figure 9.11 Test area layout for the application generator. 270 Figure 9.12 Sample output from the rulesbase. 274 Figure 9.13 Monitor screen during the simulation run. 274 Figure 10.1 Integrated manufacturing business model. 283 Figure 10.2 The planning cycle at the Digital Equipment Corporation's plant in Clonmel. 287 Figure 10.3 An ideal layout under continuous flow manufacturing. 291 Figure 10.4 The actual layout of the PCB assembly area and unit assembly cells. 292 Figure 10.5 The four workcells within the common PCB assembly cell. 293 Figure 11.1 The hierarchy of PIM systems in Clonmel. 301 Figure 11.2 PAC in the test environment. 302 Figure 11.3 PAC implementation model in the Clonmel environment. 303 Figure 11.4 Implementation area for pilot PAC system. 305 Figure 11.5 Final PAC implementation. 306 Figure 11.6 The PAC implementation software. 307 Figure 11.7 The PAC scheduler. 311 Figure 11.8 The workcell monitor. 312

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