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Shin - Eucharist as a Celebration: A New Model for the Korean Methodist Church PDF

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Eucharist as a Celebration: A New Model for the Korean Methodist Church A Professional Project presented to the Faculty of the Claremont School of Theology In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Ministry by Shin Jong-Seung May 2000 .1885 This professional project completed by SHTx JoNc-SEUNG has been presented to and accepted by the faculty of Claremont School of Theology in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the DocToR oF MINISTRY Faculty Committee Chan-Hie Kim, Chairperson Jospeh M. Webb I)ean of the Faculty John R. Fitzmier May 2000 ABSTRACT Eucharist as a Celebration: A New Model for the Korean Methodist Church by Shin Jong-Seung The problem addressed in this study is two-fold: (1) the liturgy of the Lord's Supper-in its form and content-focuses on Jesus' suffering on the cross, not on the celebration of Easter as a feast; and (2) for this reason the liturgy is not able to employ the significance of the primitive Christian tradition in and through which the Eucharist has been performed. Because the Christian worship service is originally the celebration of the resurrection of Christ, it is natural that the Eucharist has an element of resurrection. The Eucharist is not an act of remembrance for Jesus who died on the cross, but the joyful fellowship with the Lord who arose from the dead. Worship in the New Testament is dedicated to God in light of the resurrection, and Eucharist in the early church must have been filled with thanksgiving and praising in hope and glory. However, the Korean Methodist Service Book lacks such elements of celebration as resulrection and exaltation, descent of the Holy Spirit, and hope for the heavenly feast with the Lord. In addition, there is no mention of doxology, thanksgiving, unity and fellowship. On the contrary, the focus of the Eucharist falls mainly on repentance of the participants. The liturgy of the Lord's Supper needs to be revised to enhance the element of a feast at Easter. This study begins with an examination of the nature and significance of the Lord's Supper in the early church. Biblical, historical, and theological perspectives are discussed. The study then reconstructs a liturgy of the Eucharist in the context of the Korean Methodist churches. A key consideration of the new liturgy is the celebration of the Supper in the setting of the fulI act of worship, of which the Eucharist is the climax. Finally, the new liturgical form suggested is not unmovable. The eucharistic liturgy for the Korean church is designed to be repeatedly renewed until the distinctive features of the Lord's Supper are fully restored. Easter joy is not merely retrospective. It should be constantly renewed in the liturgy. ë ElrtE E[Ë EÊ g çl Et 4 + _E È =41 : Êt+äqEËlË Ëëg-e Eucharist as a Celebration: A New Model for the Korean Methodist Church A professional project Presented to the Faculty of the Claremont Scool of Theology in partial Fulfillment of the the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Ministry cêbây Shin Jong-Seung April 2000 ooF .[ 8U&gt +Ãtst= 9lÞÌ Àl{ËE üt^lÅl EË E+ : pl+¿i¿lilslol 8EJãffil^l^1= ã!oÊ A Study of The Ner llode I of The Euchar ist Order as Ce lebrat ing in the Korean llethod ist church by Sh in Jong-Seung 0l bEa g+õl.I ?=-d H0ll,$sJ åËEtrt 9,1= 5üðlfit^]= +I1tË =lJÊ g"0ltt. ãõl'õlll ?l-d SBJr!fi|^lÅiË ü=¿l= -e! ^llË= 5ÐLr= ll=n filHll0ll ?,t0JÅJ tllElõl =eÉ ot^.l0tB.8nJ&= ül+91 ulItE 0J& trll äõiål +Hgt gåD-ë80il ltã-d 5/-¿l= lHtjn ütHlJgt :d^l ^t^totB, lt trH,8Et+Þ gå0tñoç, +Ef+þ ßqr grütñoB:d8Eot ?t= = "80il^l u= I Hlê01 a)l II]EOIÚ. ]Èül oig 0lç0il^lplxt -d=,Jand gl0ilÅ1 , l¿t I tll+=91 lll^]Dã= 9J0llii 8Lr.lÊ ô=o-l GZ= SEll OtLlE g^401 "+0ll æ= elll]Lf= 9l-d 9l^lc,e ã+El0l ?ttl-. l¿lt:e 9=gol 5üãl fil^l= Eitr: ä¿.lFl0i E¿llgl llå= öl=õH0t -dtl. ^l E þËP 0l¿l-d -d8=9 grlÃ19j EIll= 4gõlÃl filÀlÅlgl EIJI¿l,l IJ =-d 3eltt. fflUHgl gA= filÀlÅlll Elll tttlE0l tl. 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