10-Collinge-Chap10.qxd 24/12/05 07:54 AM Page 135 CHAPTER 10 Shifting roles of abiotic and biotic regulation of a multi-host parasite following disturbance Mary F.Poteet 10.1 Background disturbance in macroparasitic diseases with complex life cycles (Wasserberg et al. 2003). For Impacts of macroparasitic diseases can scale from example, overfishing in Lake Malawi is hypothes- the individual host to the community (Anderson ized to increase densities of the intermediate host and May 1978; Holmes 1982; Scott 1988; Scott and snail of schistosomiasis and lead to increased Dobson 1989), however our knowledge of the prevalence in humans (Stauffer et al. 1997). community-level mechanisms that drive macro- Although this is a compelling argument, the parasite dynamics in wildlife is still limited. Even authors acknowledge that their data are anecdotal more limited is empirical evidence that shows how and more study is necessary to test their hypothesis. parasites of wildlife respond to anthropogenic A recent paper also suggested that eutrophication disturbances. Many of the current emergent and could alter food webs in a cascading effect from resurgent parasitic diseases in wildlife appear to be snail hosts to parasite abundance to limb deform- associated with anthropogenic activities (Schrag ities in amphibians (Johnson and Chase 2004). and Wiener 1995; Harvell et al. 1999; Daszak et al. Again, this is a compelling hypothesis that deserves 2000), but the paucity of rigorous data on wildlife further testing but the data that support the links diseases in general and their ecological aspects in between eutrophication, snails, and infection in particular limit our ability to assess causality. There amphibians is generated from different studies in are cases in which causality can be assigned, but different sites over different years (see Skelly et al., these generally are limited to zoonoses (e.g. Lyme chapter 11, this volume for a systematic study of disease, Spielman 1994; LoGiudice et al. 2003; urbanization effects on trematode infection in Wasserberg et al.2003) and introduced pathogens of amphibians). endangered or charismatic species (e.g. malaria in Due to the extent and severity of anthropogenic Hawaiian birds (Van Riper et al. 1986), whirling disturbances and the likelihood that they will disease in trout (Hedrick et al. 1998), distemper in significantly alter parasite–host dynamics, it is essen- black-footed ferrets (Thorne and Williams 1988), tial to rigorously measure the response of different upper respiratory disease in desert tortoises types of parasites and pathogens to disturbances (Jacobson et al. 1991)). To date, few studies rigor- and then apply this knowledge in ecological ously test for the impacts of anthropogenic dis- restoration and conservation efforts. This chapter turbances, such as habitat loss, change, and focuses primarily on macroparasites that are espe- degradation, on macroparasitic diseases in wildlife. cially sensitive to disturbance due to the diversity The evidence needed to link disturbance with of hosts and transmission stages necessary to diseases is often anecdotal, even for well-studied complete their life cycles. In addition to their inherent human diseases (McSweegan 1996). Recent work sensitivity to disturbance, macroparasites can have provides clues to the importance of anthropogenic 135 10-Collinge-Chap10.qxd 24/12/05 07:54 AM Page 136 136 DISEASE ECOLOGY significant, but difficult to detect effects on their watershed. This eliminates the need to estimate host populations. Indeed, recent work demon- parasite loss due to host movement. I carefully strates that nematode parasites can cause popula- selected 18 creeks in watersheds exposed to three tion cycles in grouse (Hudson et al. 1998). Thus, a levels of disturbance associated with clearcut change in macroparasitism in response to logging. They include streams located in old growth disturbance could greatly affect host populations, forests without anthropogenic disturbances, and the dynamics between hosts and parasites streams in clearcut forests, and streams in clearcut (May and Anderson 1979). forests that experienced severe winter flooding One of the main limitations in assessing impacts (debris flow) that was exacerbated by logging. I of anthropogenic disturbances on parasite popula- measured the effects of disturbance level on the tions in wildlife is the inability to replicate these density of each obligate host and on the prevalence, disturbances. Natural disturbances play a strong intensity, and density of each stage of the parasite. I role in structuring patterns of species diversity and then assessed whether disturbance alters the distribution (Sousa 1984, 2001; Pickett and White strength or direction of the relationship between 1985). The effects of natural disturbances are often host and parasite densities and explored the measured through replicated experimental manip- implications of these changes to parasite ulations within a designated temporal and/or transmission.I interpret these results in the context spatial regime (Levin and Paine 1974; Sousa 1979; of general Anderson and May (1978, 1979) models Hobbs and Mooney 1991). The effects of large-scale, for macroparasites. These models assume mass- single-point anthropogenic disturbances, such as action transmission that results in a positive oil spills, can be difficult to assess as they are often relationship between host and parasite densities generated by events that are unreplicated through with or without an upper threshold. These models time or space (for review see Schmitt and Osenberg are commonly used to predict the response of 1996). As long as care is taken in site selection, some parasites to environmental disturbances (e.g. anthropogenic disturbances, such as habitat frag- Lafferty and Holt 2003). Finally, I test whether mentation and road building, can be used for disturbance shifts the role of environmental and natural experiments; however these are the exception biotic factors in the host–parasite populations. to the rule. In addition, understanding the effects of disturbance on epidemiology can be made more 10.2 The parasite-host system difficult due to dispersal of infected individuals, parasite stages, or vectors away from or into the site The trematode parasite, Cephalouterina dicamptodoni, of disturbance. Parasites with complex life cycles obligately and sequentially infects three stream- often infect hosts that cross ecosystem boundaries, dwelling species: the Pacific giant salamander, such as schistosomes in humans, or migrate long Dicamptodon tenebrosus, an abundant snail, Juga distances, such as Nanophyetus in salmon. The silicula, and the stonefly, Calineuria californica (Fig. difficulty is in assessing not only the patterns of 10.1) (Senger and Macy 1953; Schell 1985). Adult infection, but also whether and how they are parasites live and sexually reproduce in the intes- affected by anthropogenic impacts. tines of their salamander hosts. Parasite eggs are In this chapter, I report results of a study released into the environment with the host’s feces designed to measure the effects of three levels of where they are consumed by snails and sub- anthropogenic disturbance on each host and sequently hatch into miracidia. The miracidia parasite stage of a macroparasite that occurs in migrate to the snail’s gonads and transform into a stream communities of the Pacific Northwest, USA. series of sporocyst stages. Each of these sporocysts The disturbance of interest is clearcut logging: a asexually produces thousands of cercariae that are prevalent, replicated, large-scale disturbance in the then released into the aquatic environment. To con- northwestern United States. I chose a “closed” tinue the life cycle, these cercariae search for the parasite–host system in which none of the hosts next obligate host species which is a nymphal regularly disperses or migrates outside of the local stonefly, C. californica. Once found, the cercaria 10-Collinge-Chap10.qxd 24/12/05 07:54 AM Page 137 SHIFTING ROLES OF ABIOTIC AND BIOTIC REGULATION 137 Dicamptodon tenebrosus Predation Egg Figure 10.1 Life cycle diagram of Cephalouterina Adult dicamptodoni,a trematode parasite that infects the Calineuria Juga definitive host,Dicamptodon tenebrosus,the first californica Sporocyst silicula intermediate host,Juga silicula,and the second intermediate host,Calineuria californica.Free-living Metacercaria parasite stages transmit to the snail and stonefly host.Parasites transmit to the salamander via predation of an infected stonefly.Arrows indicate direction of transmission for each stage of the Cercaria parasite between hosts. pierces the stonefly with a scalpel-like stylet and invertebrate biomass in streams, reaching densities penetrates the exoskeleton through the incision. of 1500m2, thus making them strong competitors Cercariae encyst as metacercariae in the muscle with macroinvertebrate grazers, particularly tissues of the stonefly. The life cycle of the parasite Diptera (Hawkins and Furnish 1987). is completed when a salamander preys upon an Calineuria californica, the second intermediate infected stonefly and the metacercaria excysts and host, is distributed from central California north grows to sexual maturity. through British Columbia and east to Montana Each host of C. dicamptodoni is an important (Stewart and Stark 1993). In the central Cascades, component of the aquatic food web in small stonefly nymphs are semivoltine. Calineuria prey streams in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon. dominantly on larval Diptera and Ephemeroptera Larvae of D.tenebrosusoften comprise the greatest (Sheldon 1969; Peckarsky 1984). vertebrate biomass in small streams throughout western Oregon and California and are voracious predators (Murphy and Hall 1981; Corn and Bury 10.3 Methods 1989). Dicamptodon larvae eat a wide variety of 10.3.1 Host censuses aquatic and terrestrial prey, with aquatic macroin- vertebrates comprising the most significant prey To measure the effects of anthropogenic disturbance base (Parker 1992). Salamander larvae of different on patterns of parasite and host abundance, size classes overlap significantly in the prey they I surveyed each host species from 18 streams consume with preference toward certain macroin- located in the McKenzie and Fall creek watersheds, vertebrates, including Calineura spp. During their Oregon. The streams were located in small water- aquatic stage, D. tenebrosus are territorial and can- sheds (4–16 km2) that had experienced one of three nibalistic. With the exception of neotenic individu- levels of anthropogenic disturbance associated with als, larval salamanders reside in streams for 2–3 logging. The three categories of disturbance were: years until metamorphosis to the terrestrial adult no disturbance (ND), intermediate disturbance stage (Nussbaum and Clothier 1973). (ID), and severe disturbance (SD). ND streams Juga siliculais an abundant aquatic snail inhabiting (n=7) were located in watersheds covered by mid-elevation streams from northern California mature forests that were at least 80 years old. ID north to southern Washington (Burch 1982). This streams (n=7) were in watersheds with at least 50% species often comprises the majority of total clearcuts. SD streams (n=4) were in watersheds 10-Collinge-Chap10.qxd 24/12/05 07:54 AM Page 138 138 DISEASE ECOLOGY with predominantly clearcut forests that experienced Table 10.1 Number of D. tenebrosuslarvae captured and dissected major flooding and debris flows (as defined in along a 150 m transect within each creek.All captured larvae were weighed and measured in the field.Larvae that were not dissected Leopold et al. 1964) 2 years prior to the survey. were released in the creek from where they were captured. Clearcut watersheds were defined as having (cid:2) 20-year-old clearcuts covering at least 50% of the Creek Date Disturbance Captured Dissected area of the watershed. Each watershed was selected CONE 17 June ND 42 18 to minimize differences in logging-independent geo- JONES 21 June ND 74 23 morphology such as stream gradient, elevation, and SLICK 24 June ND 12 10 watershed size. Streams were randomly sampled SFGATE 28 June SD 24 10 with respect to date from June 13 through July 30, HOLDEN 1 July ID 4 3 1998. OSBORNE 3 July ID 43 20 Each stream was sampled over a 2-day period. RITCHIE 6 July ID 46 21 Macroinvertebrates and physical data were FINN 8 July ID 14 10 collected on the first day and salamanders were WFNFGATE 10 July SD 31 17 collected on the second day. Streams were sampled HAGAN 11 July ND 100 30 EFNFGATE 15 July SD 48 19 in a stratified random manner and samples were SIMMONDS 17 July ND 38 17 collected every 5 m along a 150 m transect for a ELK 19 July ND 24 11 total of 30 surber samples per stream. D. tenebrosus WFDEER 21 July ID 46 23 larvae and neotenes were collected from each EFDEER 23 July ID 42 19 stream along the 150 m transect using a fish elec- NFNFGATE 25 July SD 21 11 troshocker. Seine nets were placed at least every MONA 28 July ND 45 22 50 m along the transect to block individuals from STURDY 31 July ID 8 5 escaping. All D. tenebrosuswere counted, measured, Disturbance levels are ND=no disturbance,ID=intermediate and weighed in the field. Arepresentative sample disturbance,SD=severe disturbance. of larvae was euthanized, dissected (Table 10.1), and all intestinal parasites were counted and stage averaged across all infected hosts in the preserved. population. Mean parasite density was calculated Snails, stoneflies, and other macroinvertebrates as the number of parasites of a single stage were collected from a 30 (cid:3) 30 cm quadrat using a averaged across all hosts per square meter. For surber sampler. All snails greater than 5mm were parasites in snails and stoneflies, each metric was dissected for sporocyst presence. Counting sporo- averaged per quadrat. Stream averages were calcu- cysts was time-prohibitive so intensity of this stage lated as the grand mean for all quadrat means. was estimated based on a regression of percentage Means for prevalence, intensity, and density of the of gonad infected and gonad length (Poteet 2001). adult parasites were averaged across all dissected Snails smaller than 5mm were not included in salamanders and then divided by total creek area these data since prior dissections revealed that sampled. The total creek area sampled was the small snails were never infected (Poteet 2001). All product of the transect distance of 150m and the encysted metacercariae were counted in each stone- mean wetted width of the creek. fly. To count all the metacercariae, each stonefly was digested in an HCl and pepsin bath that dis- 10.3.2 Disturbance,environmental variables, solved stonefly muscles, but not parasite cysts (Ash and parasitism and Orihel 1991). Prevalence, intensity, and density of each parasite Logging leads to increased stream temperatures, stage were calculated following Bush et al. (1997). altered stream velocity, and decreased habitat Prevalence was calculated as the proportion of heterogeneity. Clearcuts in the Cascade mountains hosts in the population that were infected by one are associated with high rates of hillslope erosion parasite stage. Mean parasite intensity was and increased storm peak discharge (Jones and measured as the number of parasites of a single Grant 1996) that affect stream channel morphology, 10-Collinge-Chap10.qxd 24/12/05 07:54 AM Page 139 SHIFTING ROLES OF ABIOTIC AND BIOTIC REGULATION 139 particle size, and discharge. Each of these variables variables were transformed into their principal can significantly affect the success of parasite components (Selvin 1998; S-Plus 2000). Variables transmission (Chernin and Perlstein 1969; Upatham used in the PCAincluded maximum water temper- 1974; Anderson et al. 1982; Jewsbury 1985; ature, thalweg velocity, pool/riffle ratio, percentage Woolhouse and Chandiwana 1989; Shostak and canopy cover, channel shape (measured as width/ Esch 1990; Sousa and Grosholz 1991; McKindsey depth ratio), embeddedness (Brusven Index, and McLaughlin 1994). Along each 150m transect, Gordon et al.1992), and mean substrate particle size I measured a series of environmental attributes (Dunne and Leopold 1978). These variables were associated with logging and used these measures to chosen for their high probability of affecting host or correlate parasitism with disturbance-related envi- parasite populations. Before conducting the ana- ronmental variables. These attributes included lysis, the data were transformed where necessary to dominant substrate particle size, thalweg depth, meet the assumptions of normality and homogen- thalweg velocity, percent channel morphology eity of variance and all variables were standardized (pool, riffle, run, or cascade), and percentage of to a mean of 0 and unit variance to account for canopy cover. I also measured substrate embed- differing scales of measurement. dedness, or the extent to which fine sediments Biotic variables considered for the ANCOVA filled the interstitial spaces around larger substrates included host length, host density, parasite density (Bovee 1982; Gordon et al. 1992). The interstitial and, in the case of metacercarial transmission, spaces formed within creek substrates are impor- salamander diet (i.e. the mean number of stoneflies tant habitat for salamanders, stoneflies, and other found in salamander stomachs per treatment, see stream biota. Thus, as embeddedness increases, habi- Fig. 10.1). Abiotic variables considered for the tat availabilityand biotic productivity decreases. ANCOVA included the first three principal To standardize host and parasite density components. Because the number of possible measurements across creeks, I measured bank-full explanatory variables for the ANCOVAwas greater width and depth and wetted-channel width. Air than the number of replicate streams, I chose leaps temperature was measured in the morning, and and bounds analyses to select the best-fit models minimum and maximum diurnal water tem- for each host–parasite pair (Furnival and Wilson peratures were measured over the 48-h sampling 1974; S-Plus 2000). Leaps and bounds analysis is period. Watershed area was calculated from USGS similar to model selection analyses that evaluate 7.5’ topographic maps. the best fit models from the full set of explanatory variables. However, unlike other model selection analyses leaps and bounds uses an algorithm 10.3.3 Statistical analyses developed by Furnival and Wilson (1974) that I tested for differences in host density and parasite identifies the best fit by testing all possible models. prevalence, intensity and density across forest The resulting best-fit models of donor-target pairs disturbance levels with analysis of variance had at least four explanatory variables and thus I (ANOVA) followed by adjusted Tukey post hoc was unable to divide the forests into all three dis- comparisons. I regressed parasite density on host turbance levels for the analyses due to low replica- density for each host–parasite pair to test model tion. The final best-fit models lumped ID with SD assumptions that parasite transmission leads to into a single “disturbed” category. positive correlation between host and parasite densities (May and Anderson 1979). All variables were 10.4 Results transformed where necessary to meet the assump- 10.4.1 Responses of host density and parasite tions of homogeneity of variance and normality. prevalence,intensity,and density to I tested for the responses of parasite density to environmental disturbance abiotic and biotic variables with principal com- ponents analysis (PCA) followed by analysis of Densities of each host species were significantly covariance (ANCOVA). Seven correlated abiotic lower in logged creeks, but patterns differed by 10-Collinge-Chap10.qxd 24/12/05 07:54 AM Page 140 140 DISEASE ECOLOGY (a) Salamander Snail Stonefly 0.12 250 30 a c a 200 a y nsit 0.08 150 b 20 a e d b b ost 0.04 100 10 b H 50 0 0 0 (b) Adult parasite Sporocyst Metacercaria 100 10 100 a a ns 8 a 75 75 e b nc 6 a e al 50 50 ev 4 r P 25 2 b 25 0 0 0 Figure 10.2 Host density,parasite prevalence,and (c) Adult parasite Sporocyst Metacercaria parasite intensity for 18 streams of three disturbance 8 1600 a 8 intensities.(A) Host density is the mean number of a,b a hosts/m2.(B) Prevalence is the mean proportion of 6 a 1200 6 hosts infected.(C) Parasite intensity is the mean sity ns number of parasites averaged across all infected en 4 800 b 4 hosts.Small letters denote statistical significance at nt the p< 0.05 level.Error bars are±1 SE. I b 2 400 2 White bars = no disturbance (ND) sites, grey bars = intermediate disturbance (ID) sites,and black bars = severe disturbance (SD) sites. 0 0 0 host species and level of disturbance (Fig. 10.2(a)). (Fig. 10.3(a)). These results run counter to many Salamander density was similar across ID and SD population models of macroparasite population creeks, but snail densities were lower only in creeks dynamics (e.g. May and Anderson 1979) and to with the most severe disturbances. Stonefly predictions that parasite densities will decrease densities differed across disturbance levels such following disturbances that cause decreased host that the lowest stonefly densities were found in ID densities (Lafferty and Holt 2003). This anomaly is streams and the highest densities were found in SD likely explained by an increase in the rate of streams. parasite transmission from stoneflies to salaman- Prevalence and intensity of each parasite stage ders that result from the predation-dependent was generally lower in logged sites but did not transmission of this parasite stage (Box 10.1). track host density (Fig. 10.2(b) and (c)). Interestingly, Of all stages, the sporocysts were most affected adult parasite intensity recovered somewhat in by disturbance, with significant declines in severely disturbed streams even though salaman- prevalence and intensity in ID and SD creeks. This der densities remained low (Fig. 10.2(a) and (c)). At density-dependent effect is partially explained by the the same time, prevalence of adult parasites sharp decline in snail host density in the sites with remained constant across disturbance (Fig. 10.2(b)) severe disturbance, but is also associated with leading to a recovery in the density of adult changing abiotic conditions (see Principal Components parasites in SD streams as compared to ID streams Analyses, below). Intensity of metacercariae was not 10-Collinge-Chap10.qxd 24/12/05 07:54 AM Page 141 SHIFTING ROLES OF ABIOTIC AND BIOTIC REGULATION 141 (a) 0.8 low recruitment of cercariae from small snail populations at these severely disturbed sites. 2m) / ult (# 0.4 1as0s.4u.m2 pEtniovnirsonmental disturbance and model d A If the assumption of mass-action transmission is 0 correct in the general macroparasite models (May 0 0.06 0.12 0.18 and Anderson 1979), then regressions of parasite Salamander (#/m2) density on host density should have positive (b) 1500 slopes. Significantly positive regressions between parasite and host densities were found in only two 2m) cases (Fig. 10.3(a) and (c)): between salamanders /1000 st (# and adult parasites in ID (R2=0.5584, F1,5=6.321, y p=0.054) and between stoneflies and metacercariae c ro 500 inND (R2=0.6153, F =7.999, p=0.037). In general, po 1,5 S the regression slope between adult parasites and 0 salamanders trended toward positive across all dis- 0 100 200 300 400 turbance levels (Box 10.1). This is not the case for Snail (#/m2) the two other parasite stages. In fact, the regression (c) 600 between snails and sporocyst densities was signi- 2m) ficantly negative across ID sites (R2=0.6096, F =7.806, p=0.038) and was not significantly / 400 1,5 # a ( different from 0 at ND and SD sites (Fig. 10.3(b)). ri a rc 200 e c 10.4.3 Physical attributes of streams:univariate a Met analyses 0 0 10 20 30 When selecting streams to test for effects of Stonefly (#/m2) environmental disturbance on parasite populations, I controlled for geographic location, watershed area, elevation, and stream gradient to minimize Figure 10.3 Regressions between each host and parasite pair at differences among watersheds that were not caused three levels of disturbance.Common models for macroparasite by disturbance. All but three streams were located populations assume a positive correlation between parasite and host densities.These regressions demonstrate that this assumption is not in the McKenzie River watershed. The remaining valid for most of the parasite stages in areas with environmental three streams, Jones, Slick, and Sturdy, were in disturbances.(a) Adult parasite in salamanders,(b) sporocyts in snails, the Little Fall creek watershed, which is the (c) metacercariae in stoneflies.Open triangles with dashed lines = no drainage immediately south of the McKenzie disturbance (ND) sites,gray squares with solid gray lines = intermediate River watershed. There were no differences in disturbance (ID) sites,and filled circles with solid black lines = severe disturbance (SD) sites. watershed area, elevation or stream gradient among streams in different forest types (basin statistically different across the disturbance gradient area: F =0.271, p=0.766; elevation: F =1.743, 2,15 2,15 (Fig. 10.2(c)), but metacercarial density was lower p=0.208; gradient: F =0.052, p=0.949). 2,15 in SD than ND sites (Fig. 10.3(c)). The low meta- Undisturbed streams had significantly higher cercarial density in SD sites was somewhat surpris- pool to riffle ratios (30%) than ID (11%) or SD (2%) ing since stonefly densities in these sites were the streams. Thalweg velocity and substrate embed- highest of the three stream types. The low density dedness (Brusven Index) were higher in streams of metacercariae in SD sites was probably due to at logged sites (velocity: F =28.276, p=<0.001; 2,15 10-Collinge-Chap10.qxd 24/12/05 07:54 AM Page 142 142 DISEASE ECOLOGY Box 10.1 Transmission through predation of an obligate,intermediate host Predicting how changes in salamander density will affect by the functional response of the predator,but also by the parasite dynamics is not straightforward since salamanders proportion of stoneflies that are infected.Thus,a acquire infections by consuming infected stoneflies.Thus, transmission term that is dependent upon prevalence of transmission of metacercariae will depend upon the infection in stoneflies would provide a better description of predator–prey functional response curve between metacercarial transmission than would mass-action salamanders and stoneflies.May and Anderson (1979) transmission.This is reminiscent of frequency-dependent suggest that transmission completed through a trophic link models in which infection of the vector is dependent upon is extremely efficient and that the threshold density of the frequency of infected nonvector hosts (Getz and predators,in this case salamanders,required to maintain Pickering 1983;Thrall et al.1995;McCallum et al.2001). the adult parasite population is low (May and Anderson One interesting outcome of frequency-dependent 1979).So even at extremely low salamander densities, transmission is the lack of a host threshold,since metacercarial transmission should be successful.However, transmission depends upon proportional infection.By this the rate of transmission will vary with the predator–prey model,even if stonefly and salamander densities are functional response,which will depend upon the density of extremely low,parasites should still be able to establish in salamanders and stoneflies.Pacific giant salamander larvae salamanders.That seems to be the case in this system, prey disproportionately on mayflies and large predaceous where even at high levels of disturbance and low insects,including stoneflies (Parker 1994).The proportion of metacercarial densities (Fig.10.3(c)) adult parasite density stoneflies relative to the other prey items preferred by almost recovers to undisturbed levels (Fig.10.3(a)).In salamanders is not constant across forest type (M.Poteet, either transmission model,decreased salamander density unpublished data).This suggests that the functional should result in decreased metacercarial transmission and response curve is likely to be nonlinear with disturbance, this is the case here.At each level of disturbance, either Type II or Type III,which would lead to nonlinear regardless of salamander density,there is a direct parasite transmission and not the linear transmission correlation between salamander densities and adult function assumed by mass-action models (e.g.Crofton parasites.This is not the case for the free-living 1971;Anderson and May 1978).In addition,since the transmission stages (sporocysts and metacercariae),whose salamander must eat an infected stonefly to become densities are affected by both environmental stressors and infected,the rate of transmission will not only be affected host density. embeddedness: F =5.391, p=0.005). The only changes altered channel shape, increased stream 2,15 abioticfactor that was significantly lower at logged velocity, and decreased streambed particle size. sites was canopy cover (F =20.770, p<0.001). Each of these features is described by at least one 2,15 The decreased canopy cover in ID and SD streams principal component, with channel shape a corresponded to slightly increased air temperature significant feature in each principal component. and maximum water temperature, though The first principal component (PC1) described neitherdiffered significantly with disturbance level channel shape and was composed of positive (air temperature: F =2.667, p=0.102; water correlations between stream velocity and the ratio 2,15 temperature:F =0.648, p=0.537). of bank full width to bank full depth (width/ 2,15 depth). This reflected higher stream velocities and wider, shallower channels following logging. The 10.4.4 Physical attributes of streams:principal second principal component (PC2) described components analyses stream channel pool/riffle morphology. Logging Each of the principal components described some increased the proportion of riffle habitat which led aspect of the physical responses of streams to log- to greater mean channel width. Pool/riffle ratio ging. Logging increased sediment load delivered to was inversely proportional to width/depth ratio the creeks, increased peak storm flows (Jones and and stream temperature. The third principal Grant 1996), and decreased canopy cover. These component (PC3) described streambed particle size 10-Collinge-Chap10.qxd 24/12/05 07:54 AM Page 143 SHIFTING ROLES OF ABIOTIC AND BIOTIC REGULATION 143 33669354 65075070 61031500 o Table 10.2Results of ANCOVA testing for the effects of disturbance on the biotic and abiotic variables that best explain variation in each stage in the life cycle of the parasite.Best fit modelswere selected with the leaps and bounds method (see text for explanation) Adult SporocystMetacercaria CtpCtpCtp ND–0.504–0.9490.361ND–31.663–2.250.059ND–0.987–0.4550.D–0.469–0.8830.394D–20.61–1.4640.186D–3.476–1.6010.222Salamander #/m(ND)0.2362.2240.046Snail #/m(ND)8.7972.7260.03Stonefly #/m(ND)3.4073.9070.222Salamander #/m(D)0.1793.5540.004Snail #/m(D)0.9051.2240.26Stonefly #/m(D)0.8580.9460.Salamander SVL (ND)0.2741.9120.080PC3 (ND)–4.02–1.2670.246PC1 (ND)1.4681.5780.Salamander SVL (D)0.1132.5750.024PC3 (D)0.4940.8310.434PC1 (D)–0.217–0.7050.2PC1 (ND)7.5252.4640.043Snail #/m(ND)2.8282.0860.2PC1 (D)–0.946–2.9430.022Snail #/m(D)1.744.1090. ND=no disturbance,or watersheds in old growth forests;D=disturbance,or watersheds in clearcut forests with and without debris flows;SVL=salamander length measured from the snout tthe vent in mm;P1=principal component 1;P3=principal component 3;C=regression coefficients.The first two coefficients in the ‘C’column are regression intercepts for the ND or D sitesrespectively.The remaining coefficients are regression slopes for each variable for the ND or D sites respectively. 10-Collinge-Chap10.qxd 24/12/05 07:54 AM Page 144 144 DISEASE ECOLOGY as a function of channel shape and was composed Unlike adult parasites, disturbance caused a of the pebble count, maximum water temperature, significant shift in the type of variables that con- and width/depth ratio. Width to depth ratio and trolled sporocyst density. Both abiotic and biotic pebble count were positively correlated with each variables correlated with sporocyst density in other and inversely related to the maximum water unlogged streams, but only abiotic variables temperature. The first three principal components affected sporocyst density in logged streams. among all streams explained 76% of the variation in Specifically, sporocyst density was significantly abiotic variables. The significant components were and positivelycorrelated with snail density and the based on variables with loadings greater than 0.40 channel shape/velocity principal component or less than (cid:4) 0.40 (Hair et al.1987; McGarigal et al. (PC1). However, in streams with disturbance, 2000). sporocyst density was significantly and negatively correlated with PC1 and not correlated with snail density (Table 10.2). 10.4.5 Disturbance shifts the importance Disturbance caused a shift in the biotic variables of biotic and abiotic variables controlling metacercarial densities, but as with Because host density did not explain significant adult parasite density, abiotic variables were not amounts of variability in abundance for most of associated with metacercarial densities in logged or the parasite stages, I expanded the regression unlogged streams. In unlogged streams, stonefly analyses to include host density and the first density explained the majority of variation in three principal components. Leaps and bounds metacercarial density. Disturbance shifted control analyses selected the following explanatory over metacercarial density from stonefly hosts to variables for each parasite stage to minimize the snail hosts in logged streams (Table 10.2). Mallow’s Cp: (cid:2) adult parasite density: salamander density and 10.5 Discussion salamander length; Land use change and resource use by humans (cid:2) sporocyst density: snail density, PC3, and PC1; increasingly force species to cope with fragmented (cid:2) metacercarial density: stonefly density, PC1, and and degraded habitats that can alter infection snail density. dynamics of diseases and parasites (e.g. Dobson The models were analyzed with ANCOVA and Carper 1992; Lafferty and Holt 2003; LoGiudice using forest type as a covariate. Since there were et al. 2003, this volume). Although several reviews only four replicates of SD streams, I combined report that diseases and parasites of wildlife the ID and SD forests into a “disturbed” category respond to anthropogenic disturbances (Schrag and (D). Wiener 1995; Lafferty 1997; Daszak et al.2000), most In all but the adult parasite stage, disturbance of the studies cited are either anecdotal or are not switched the dominant variable that best explained sufficiently replicated, which limits our ability to parasite density (Table 10.2). Although disturb- interpret them (but see Wasserberg et al. 2003). By ances had significant effects on the overall density measuring each stage of a macroparasite and its of adult parasites, they did not alter the positive host species across replicated environmental correlation between the parasite and its salamander disturbances, this study measures the response of host. For example, adult parasite density was parasite infection levels to disturbance and also positively and significantly correlated with sala- explores the mechanisms that drive these changes. mander density in both logged and unlogged Disturbances caused by logging led to significant streams, and significantly correlated with salaman- declines in host density and in the prevalence, der size in logged streams (Table 10.2). Adult intensity, and density of infection by trematodes parasite densities could not be explained by in these three host species. Regressions between variation in abiotic variables for either logged or parasite and host densities were also affected unlogged streams. by disturbance, suggesting that disturbance