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Dated: 10.01.2013 - Time: 2.54 A.M India Time - * Place: Gurgaon * State: Haryana *Region: Indus India *Continent: Asia *Planet: Earth *Planetarium: Solar Planetary System *Mass Planetarium: The Universe. To, Sheikh Hasina Prime Minister Bangladesh Attn: All world In-commands & Commander In-Chief’s of armies of entire nastier world countries alien presently in blocks as continents covering the worsen ‘War zone’ & ‘Warren zones’. Sub: Covering cum Interim Adm. Order via letters to President /PM/ along with ‘WHITE PAPER’ twisted – ‘FINAL TESTIMONIAL REJIONDER’ by ‘I’ KRISHAN ‘MAN OF SINS’ amide this waged- ‘ War of justice’ - ‘War of Armageddon’- ‘War of jihad’- ‘verse ‘Geeta’, ‘Bible’ & ‘Quran’. Ref : MY Commission - Declarations, Submissions & Revelations Vide www.manofsins.com Dear Prime Minister, Commander In-chief (Army). This letter is the covering letter cum Interim administrative order of me ‘Man of sins’. I am enclosing along here with the ‘White paper’ as ‘Final Testimonial Rejoinder’, which under my eminence grise authority - deus ex machina duty of the mighty son, I am bound to foresee the same. Thus in this time of need denotes your good office, amide the war time to entire inhabitants sod ‘the world’ divided in confinement as worsen ‘War zone’ & ‘Warren estate’. And them too, who shall be issued arrant to ebb thus be part of the ‘new world’ in making now. All under my duty in this ‘timid time’ of resurrection enroot etui road to making ‘Kingdom of lord’ the ‘Ethic world’. Dear the document enclosed is nothing less than a ‘death warrant’, the final intimation to them who ‘SOS’ ever & they have been alien as ‘War zone’ countries & continent in present divvied world assessment in the document enclosed. And the ‘Warrant of caution’ for them who are to be undergo the ‘sanitation wash’ under this mass ‘atonement expo exercise’, my expertise under the duty to let they be prudent by the wash. And be made to accompany me by assorting the lot in specific microscopic surge suzerain form. Than after they be made prudent to enter the gate of my new kingdom in making the ‘Kingdom of lord’ frame duel ‘Golden era’ just in time ahead. 1 Dear this letter is the ‘interim order’ amide the war thrown throughout the world, which I have raged differently under the different meanings by the different beliers of the mighty sons than namely ‘Krishna, ‘Christ & ‘Mohammad. They divvied vie presently as ‘Hindu’, ‘Muslims’ & ‘Christians’ throughout the world & have been engender engaged by me in this ‘ethic war fare’. Though for them this shall be ‘ethnic warfare’ all over ether World. Dear so listen with care & all the hole of the bode in individual & collective capacity opened, since this all is a Deity theist compote complot. The intimation as confirmed just the ‘interim order’ by me the ‘man of sins’, which he was bound to give in tilt time, I than intimidated veiled welted in advance in encyclopedia ‘Geeta, ‘Bible & ‘Quran. Them whom you all lardy believe in form of your algal religious enema to milk them to best of your advantage in present ether ethnic prêt preens world. These which are being used mostly for your presumed presently ‘ethics believes’. Rather more so used they now for dodging largely on one another in the world, who so ever he is your alien or allied countries. Though for you all prenatally, they are your ‘opponent operand’. Rather than ‘operant’ which these ethic so called good god books teaches you. Hence all agile agama claimants, you presently beefier emu, aliens allied in the continents counties. All now engaged all over the world lardy in one way or other in wars like massy ‘kale enjoinders’. For them whom all I have create the mass graveyard to burn their egged effigies so fetch dead & deaden bodies. All lobe rot ‘the ethnic world’. That too in one time & all over all altogether. Rather than letting they know first & then letting that happened. Hence I have engaging the entire entrée world, all altogether - they who are to be ensile in ‘Wall of time’, they too who shall be killed in time presently but shall be renewed after ‘Deity Sanitation wash’ to come again a human. & they too who are to be left as ‘Seeds’ & ‘Seeders’ in this world in continuation for let flow the ‘life river’ henceforth. Them whom I shall use in engrafting & crafting the newly emirate ‘Garden of love’ in my new kingdom just ahead. Dear thus all the class lewdly lardy, which I have ‘bemire bier’ in the document enclosed needs to take the few of my ‘Commandment’ with almost seriousness for retched ‘trey resonant’ reasoning. So that they be gracefully be given ‘ethanol emolument fate’ in tray of ‘haps happenings’, which lordly I have declared in the enclose documents. Whose command shall ebb rested in my two most trusted ‘unman arm’ command commando’s ‘Air’ & ‘Water’. Then they too shall be energized by windily afire ‘fire’ to blow than to their last largely which is required & is the ‘Call of time’. Though lastly all shall; be submerged in the galling water & roved in river beds ultimately as ‘ash’ to be than thrown in the sea to clean the clan ethnic ethereal dead beds & entrée graves & grave yards. As declared cellared by me in the document ‘White paper’ enclose here with. So whatever I am letting you know is my extra time labor, which I did not promised mighty the service to serve you. But my pretty to you human in form of my love to you all, who are to die is loudly largely intimated in your anomies, initiated me, to write few words. So that the entrée entreat the ‘nettle emolument’ finally shall be gracefully plotted to your dead beings as per the class clasp of your believes. You all ethnically divided; I decided are need to award the fate accordingly though for me it is ‘ethically moieties’ motivated mutilation ‘War time’. Hence I say the mighty son ‘Man of sins’, to all the class divided world before me mostly the twin beasts ‘USA’ & ‘UK’ along with their clines allied countries. All over thaw world their associates. Secondly they who are engaged in ‘War zone’, the’ Middle east’ countries largely believers of father frame ‘Mohammad classed as ‘Muslim Arab world’, they who are classed ‘Asian counties’. They too who are Sam sand countries till fare away New Zealand & entire content countries all over ether ethnic world & lastly least engaged directly shall be continent ‘African countries’. 2 I must alert their Incommodes & in specific their Commodore In-chief’s of armies, since all are needed to be affirmed the specific job on the countries bounders, which they shall be under heavily shelling & afire that too by ‘dévier’ of my devein puff ‘devils of heaven’. Though shall be Worldly animated & amateurs like the acts by enemy bordering countries. But is all the creation animation disco displays of this woozy henchman, ‘Man of sins’ creativity creation to make spicily this ‘ethic war’, with the color of ‘ethnic colors’. So that you are much dumped by the etching of your all ‘ethnically believers’. All ‘prêt oeuvre’, ‘the world’ is now to be lost in this gal, they who are left un food by the much ‘servos rêve’ of you rove ‘révélateurs. Which till date you largely served forcefully on others tables. Though presently which I be only servings & you all who shall be taking the task of tasting it irrespective of your liking or not. Since this is the ‘Worldly feast’ called by none other than mighty son. Hence all the worldly foods from all the foodie joints of the world countries, I shall be serving that too to all together individually & collectively. Thus I declare largely that espied of the single punt deco display of the damnation recourse that too to which shall be dilated in form of the toasted ‘wars’. Ethnically all over ‘oeuvre thaw world’ for the resonant of they all need to safe guard their ‘woman’ from this rage wage forms, from the devilish attacks by none other than your so called ‘opponents’. They who are engaged in fighting you in your entire countries in the skin of sheep’s. But all are devils demons’ in actual in your hocked homes, them I am tilling. And have ask my devils to assist further them to take them their avenge or revenge, whichever the tenor tone theme suits them. By which they shall be taking their toil to eat their prey in vagrant forms, in what so ever way they shall get the prey in whatever forms. That though, which largely my devils intruding in their skins shall be helping to eosin them all their ‘algal oeuvre’. The present ‘prêt world’ all altogether in all the countries, continents & counties, worldwide. These which shall be colored ethnically all over & the mirror of them shall be nothing apart you could view yourself in your believed encyclopedia separately for each class of beliers spritely spiraled ‘Geeta’, ‘bible’ & ‘Quran’. So I declare all class of the beliers spartanly needs to give the mean to their all dodging now on their ‘opponent’ & ‘operant’ as per the mean of the menacing in the class good god books documented neon by me for you once in past time. But they in spirit by your volleyed god father, which I declare no word of them shall be untrue & I ‘man of sins’ shall be thus duding the job of third empire, to let not anyone do the foil. So that the game shall be played as per ‘retch rule’, lordly layered in their mirror of present ethical believes, which though I am bound to toast them all like the puzzle now. Though the resultant I declare shall be all to my advantages to make the priestly presently harvesting the’ algal effigies’, which are encroached by the eels. All overeager overt, ‘oviraptor like’ to be thus now required to cleared them all, either way lardy by letting them burn as it is. So that in minimal time much of the work could be done. Since now I am short of time & overdue the ‘haps happenings’, my godly touché to reach the gate of mewing ‘pew world’. Though already I had lapsed the date, for which I am needed to be accounted by the mighty for any delay further. That shall ebb nothing less a sin on my part to let it be delayed any more. Hence I say that all you ‘shoal shells’ take that in account for them all for whom the ‘White paper’ is a ‘final testimonial rejoinder’. Though is rejoinder to the existing good god books ‘Geeta, ‘bible & ‘Quran. And the document enclosed shall be trusted as rejoinder for the resonant reasoning’s of all of you, to let you make your allay in apse in tune to your believes. This which I had already alarmed the allure alerts by declaring that you are under the deity ‘Mass atonement expo mercerize exuberant exercise’. Now to be performed by me, the mighty son in ‘sprouts spirits’. 3 This which is the clear animated version written as the ‘emetic time’ to come in encrypted scriptures of your believe. Than too I ‘Man of sins’ to be revealed then after which shall be taken for all the worldly hap happenings reference as time ready reckoners. They which are now not in your hands in spite of your ‘algal dodging’, apart from the direction which you may not be directing or intending the haps to happen. But I had lardy declare & is declaring again that they all are the toasting serves of me, in form of now the ‘hap happenings’, hatched ‘time spout shoots’. They shall be deposed throttles by the ‘throttle effects’ in form of the happenings. All shall be colored mostly ethnically, beside other few which shall be a part of your Adam like thrown thoughts. They which you shall impose the punch ponds upon your subjects in form of legislations to control & command the losing grip over your country mates. So listen now what I am Worldly declaring in general a reference booklet icon in specific in short. Though that algal claims & claimants suzerain serge, I have already énoncé the ebony like. Them I have declared & denounced to you all in scenic septic in blocks form, which need base I informs you through my formal letters written till date. But few tips I need to still give you more, so as ‘Commandment command’, which I am giving in this form. That too are instructions inlay inline for my ‘Complier accomplices’. They the devils of heaven, angels of lord & them too my two most trusted commando ‘air’ & ‘water’ along with a flair of heaven – ‘fire’ to upkeep my words in Toto in animation. Though their intimation alarmed already given shall be intuit in world celluloid screen immediately, immensely & immodestly where ever it is required so. But for them they the ‘mastics sinners’ shall now prism immodestly without any delay or default. Hence I hatch the commands the ; ‘Commandment’ being I the ‘Commander In-chief of theism expo worldly defamed esperice of ‘damnation demiurge soirée under my nomenclature ‘Man of sins’ : 1. Well I give the command to all my armiger commandos, who so ever they are dodging ills & what so sever the stet safety guards they ‘nerds’ may had, they are now needed to nee down them. They who so ever have been assorted as the ‘sinners’, their ‘associates’ & they the ‘speculators’ spiraled in class consortiums. In all over ether worsen ‘war zone’, warden the ‘warren world’, divvied as class & they the ‘shills’ be mostly pained with ‘ethnic color’ using the operant’s & opponents bodied farmed of their ‘algal believes’. That too to further afire the fire of heaven all over worldwide, all together. No one shall be left in piece apiece. This is sis ‘Command’ of your ‘Commander In-chief’ in words to pruned words to word, be prudently prove my words as said in ‘joust jostle’ as stet saids. No error & no default other than the default which I am inking now deeply with ethic heavenly ink in deep darkness all around me, when no one a single I could find any commander in the world, who could have till now understood this ‘Gallant garland ouzel puzzle’ of ‘hap happenings’ alike. So no more delay, which till I was involving them by inkling they & you all for their safety sake of them. So that out of total lot few of they be saved. I thus command no more delay now & orders you to blow the afire to its maximum in all inside & on their borders of each constituents country of the World alive alike. 2. I ‘Man of sins’ declares to the world at large in specific the Commander in-chief’s of the armies of all countries that I am ordering to afire ‘the fie’ of heaven inside & on the borders of all the constituent countries of the world. This which my devils in the skin of sheep’s like human shall be now perfectly animating the haps to happen one after the other. Nothing to your understanding rather all the toasted deity heavenly stringed operational serves, which you barfly & palfrey needs to ensure the safety of your subjects to maximum of your calibers. Them which I am declaring that both way you shall be needed, inside the country & on the borders too. In fact I must clear hear the class of happenings which shall be toasted mainly by my compliers who are expert to confuse their opponents, whom I have give the command to only let it happen. Either way that too to be a success to their names. 4 3. So listen as I have consorted the ‘Command’ of mine to be toasted, the toasts inside the countries & on their borders. Thus you as Commanders In-commands & Commanders In-chief’s shall be stretched all over & your attention shall be needed in entire country. Since it will be a total ‘chaotic mass’, which you shall not be able to understand to defuse ether fire ‘ethnically’ or ‘ethically’. Since that shall be all immingled & smuggled for smashing for you to be egged either way politically, economically & religiously. These happenings which shall effect you all socially largely by the unrest weal walled all over etched world countries. All allay before me in ‘War Zones’ & ‘Warren Zone’. Thought all over in their countries & on the border estate countries due to you & some due the hap happening toasting by the devils of heaven in form of storms, hurricanes, earth quakes like natural desertions destructions. All these as per the need, these which shall be invading your much of the time. Hence the armies which were ideally sitting largely in all the countries slamming mostly, needs to contribute much in this time of need by the country their services. Thus I declare that all the countries continents armies shall need to be alerted & their Commander In-chief’s needs to cancel the leaves of their entire boots, since they need to be alert & vigilant now. Rather they shall be exhausted of the time & hence required to work overtime hours. They needs to contribute much in this need of hour to their nations, which they mostly all in barracks till now were enjoying the flavors. But now they needs to come in field to safe guard their countrymen, I declare imminently inside the country & on their borders. 4. I thus on one hand give ‘Command’ to my command to blow the blowers & thus spate the storms eddies & flooding to connive the move towards their goal, which I have given you to clean the fields. That too to make them barren in minimum time & that much to extent could thus be made to animated the tester to them, whose tongue tensile strength I need to test in this ‘last resurrection time’, worldly. So do what I have commanded you to do & thus I now come to them who shall be mostly affected by these galled eddies burr blaring breeze blazes. So listen now they the countries Commanders In-chief’s of array armies that they shall be ready for all the eventualities as per their log books in the practice, which they have been engaged till now. These happenings, which they shall be at once be effective, all over altogether differently on their native countries inside the countries & on their border states. They need to deploy their boots which largely they sneer till now, but now onwards needed to craft your public to safe places. They who are defected & they who could be affected further by unforeseen happenings on one count & on other counts by the ‘ethnic violence’ by mass native constituents of the ‘ethnic groups’ against each other. These which they shall now be openly on valuated vindication of settling their sores against each other, loudly defying the country law of the land & daunting any calm to their government largely. 5. Shall know all the Worldly In-commodes & mainly the ‘Commander In-chief’s of armies of all the countries that this is test time for all of you & your boots, what veer the frame it may looks to be ‘ethnical’ or the ‘natural mishaps’. But all shall largely be toasting the toast differently in multiple forms, all of which with a single goal given by none other than my compliers. They the devils of heaven to fame by defame of letting unfurl the flag of my ‘ethic being’, the truest of the lot, who is the son of mighty & who have come now on the earth to settle all claims of my claimants frames. All ethnically taken shape in forms of the religions ‘Hindu’, ‘Muslim’ & ‘Christian’ mainly apart few side line others joined rite out of them. But mostly these three engrafted at time by me in format of ‘Geeta’, ‘bible’ & ‘Quran’. No more preaches but now if ‘mass subtler slitter sputter’ could be better helpful & hence is thus tsar denounced defame I am here to prove me the truest in frame of ‘Man of Sins’. 5 6. Shall know all the Worldly In-commodes & the Commanders In-chief’s of armies in specific of the world countries entire regions that no one a single country, I am leaving now. Rather have asked my compliers to take care of the Sam sand countries too, which largely are far away from the mainland ‘War zones’ & worsen ‘Warren zone’. But they shall be taken care by eddies & the afire of heaven fires along their shore, their forest, deserts & offshore in their cities by similar mix & match unrests. These which shall be enough for them to they too be part of this mashing, smashing & mingling of my armigers with your civilians to invade your boots to help them in achieving my goal to its ultimate aim. The mean is that the army in full blown expo be part of thesis feast. Why they be wasted in uniform & be defamed by lost unnecessary without showing their armigers skills, which they mostly had learn in the mock drills. Them whom I need to see their preparations; altogether of ala oeuvre over the world & need to enjoy their drills in actual animated form of ‘nuzzle puzzles’. They needed to solve the problems, for theca mainly purpose for which they have been getting training since long. Rather I shall advice the commanders In-chief’s & their master commanders In-commands that seeing the vast wasteful exercise, which they are now has to rush unnecessary to safe guard their bran’s & barns from burring& burning, they need to call their retire boots also to contribute to the nation in time of its need. I hope they all who had retired shall also need to oblige their countrymen Commanders & In-chief’s which these ‘barfly lot’ needs to contribute too is ‘call of time’ & they too need to offer their serves. Why they too waste their much learned skills, which they instead be dead shore to be part of this hap happenings, the lot of daring one. But need to at least contribute to nation in this dicey need without fails. I do also expect their serve to let they offer voluntary. 7. I am thinking what more I emend to tell you though much I have told you & that too repetitively much. Since all are dead & deaden like. Neither you are referring your ‘Shaman favors’ written cycloid encyclopedia ‘Geeta’, ‘Bible’ & ‘Quran’. Nor you till now have paid any attention to this dicey rep ‘Shaman servo service’ of the servant son of mighty. So why I shall be hovering for few bits of my priestly nonage serves, which is eat too I am letting suffix one way or other in evening you stupidest like, who even could not stand to my welcome till now in spite of these lengthy serving. That too on my servicing the game on ‘tyro trey tables’ in your countries mostly them the twin beasts & their laired laded countries‘EU’ in specific. Whom I served the deity cake vide my declaration dated 20.09.2008 ‘Declaration of War of Armageddon’ & as notion I order the ‘Ordeal’ of dismantling by a single blow of ‘financial meltdown’ of their entire encore to damn their ‘dome of capitalism’. But who can help them who are dead & deaden. So why I shall complain or expect any welcome under the protocol to me. Rather they who are duffer not even able to serve properly their native constituents in these confusing charters, which they are now drafting in the factories of their think tanks. But not a single one has concluded these ‘Occulted haps’, based on anything substantial analysis in ‘deity illuminators lighter’. ‘The God books, which they & their countrymen read & murmur every morning. But failed all to recon & trace them in actual happenings. Rather than adding more chaos to the already existing chaotic situation worldwide in peaking by their shear peek, peck in pieces to the worsen war zone countries further. They ‘American’, ‘European Union’ & their laired partners entire set of ‘don dean dangers’. 6 8. Well as I said that Lord could help them who could help themselves first. Rather same rue rule is for the lord servant son like me, I could help them whom, I find is worth of even understanding the mean of help. Rather than super imposing the helps by his ‘lagan algal believe’ & super imposing éclairs blear for think tanks, who till now lardy lives still in their glass house. In spite of the fanatical financial economy falls, because of which the regional countries’ economies classified as twin beasts & their alien partners are now in complete dismay demur snippily & that which requires a reshuffles. This which they are denying the privilege to themselves. Rather which is truths that already mostly are ‘bankrupt’, they one way or other are trying to stop the breach by ‘austerity’ like measures or by the state sponsored ‘finical bailouts’ entraps enrapt packages helps. Through the ‘bailout packages’ to their dying hopes in entire segments of their economy largely producing nothing less than ‘losses’ all over. No way out I guarantee they could barge them to sail out of mass mess, expect to sip more time, more loan & more austerity like forms. But that too till time I bang the hammer on ground finally to let they be gutted forever from the face of earth. Since not a single one out of this lot I need to see their face ever on this earth again. Thus in their last time the best only emulation due. The ‘Shaman favor’ in their end time by the respective departure putting a ‘wreath’ finally on them. I could not bear them anymore but still intend to put on their dead beings bode & bodies the required a few meter ounce of cloth finally. That too as my ‘onus commission’ under my mission for them, for whom I am to descend from my heaven, they who daring to break my heavenly sip sleep. Presently the President of USA ‘Barrack Hussein Obama’ is surpassing the congress in abetting him to allow to increase the debt borrowing cap, which they direly in need to borrow more to safe guard their prestige . No lesson learned till now. Well why I shall caution them, whom I myself am tragically forcing them to suffocating, to let they die in end. But before that they are needed to be projected as ‘batch baggers’ ‘beggars’ first. Well my shaman in my heart never die & in spite of they my operant, I still one way or other is letting them helped knowing that no help of mine will help them finally at last. Since they are cursed to die starving, which this ‘nonage serves’ of this spirited Shaman, he who could not save them & is curse too to see them starving & dying. All these are their own earned ‘deity mints’ & as I say they are one who could die but could not realize their mistakes. Even after the much damage & devastation by the ‘haps happenings’, no lesson learned in line with the notion of their false failing self believes. 9. I must clarify here & declare that this war like drama worldly worldwide, which none other than I am its sole mate cord to let it enacted for my satisfaction & all to be my dobby, derby horse like. Hence I declare they who so ever are ‘cowards’ & they the lame horse like, I shall order them to be killed in between the war before time. And for this me & my compliers tolerance level shall be ‘zero’. They who so ever shall prove ‘Impotents’ & ‘Cowards’, they either way be lost in these hassle, galled by the eddied wind burrs furs or they be smoked by fire of heaven. So be caution & ensure that you do not fall in this class, otherwise they shall be smoked for their faults, which is the default irrespective of their no such botching. They shall be thus be in line of fire of devils of heaven, directly & one way or other. They shall be provoked & smoked finally to let they die, without servings any purpose as fame to their names or the fame to their countries name. 10. Well as I have declared in the attached ‘final testimonial rejoinder’ the ‘White Paper’ poker like that the whole world hassle be toasted as specific pastries & cakes. That too all altogether to let they be given a last ‘fare chance’ to prove their potency by toasting the challenge to safe guard their woman in their native places from demons like devils. And the notion is that they who could not save their own woman in time of need, in spite of you all having big armies to safe guard you from outside attacked by the enemy like, then that lot need be given reliever from the earth for ever & needed to die thus. Since of you all no one have till now any ‘Social army’ to safe guard your kins & your woman from the wolfs & foxes in human skins. They who are cannibal to perform the ill of raping your woman before you in your societies. 7 They incline to sin your woman in forms of you mothers, sisters, accomplices & most loved one, they the daughters & daughters like. But you are showing much like ‘impotency’ since you are busy in your daily chaotic life style still, with ample excuses to your safety. I declare that the order ‘ordeal ode’ is that they who so ever are speculators, conveners & doers, all shall be engaged in this worsen warfare. They all ‘shills’ be needed to either stand to give fight back in line with the document ‘White paper’ or they shall be ready to be smoked, that too alive by my armigers. They the devils of heaven, who expo show just in pacific Sam sand countries ‘Australian forest afire’ florist by my devils of heaven. That is enough to explain you, what they could do the best to make prudent my words, which no power in the world have power to stop those fires. Except my nipple nag, thearchy angels, who could only stops them through the rains. Your spray shots like not even enough a drop like to let that snooker smokes to be stooped ever. So shall know the world that I am on move now & they all ‘Coward’ & ‘Impotents’ within the society largely shall be vigilant, lest they be smoked in vain in this time of need. They shall themselves offer them to serve the countries rather than being smoke alive unnecessarily. Rest what shall ‘ox’ is the will of mighty, who could only help you. Then if you are adamant still, it is no better for your self opted ‘mass suicidal’ in spite of I in spirit of your saver ‘Shaman’ trying to intimate you, which hardly is going to help you now in this last stage. 11. Shall know the world at large that this is last & final countdown call to all the world arraigner – the entire ‘World In-commands & their Commander In-chief’s of the armies to take notice of this theist ‘dead warrant’ like string operation. This which I intuited once when I came ‘Krishna last time & written the foreplay in ‘Geeta’. And that too I repeated the discloser as per norm & protocol before my coming ‘Krishna again, which I recalled through my appetence appearances in ‘Christ’ & ‘Mohammad’ to compel the compliers to take all caption cautions to let they be intimated in full blown form of my last coming. That too in same name as before which is clearly a indicated induction, insertion that “he shall declare himself as the ‘man of sins’ & that in the some godly name from east of the continent’. And same reference insertions are in ‘Bible’ &‘Quran’ too. Thought in clear terms I loudly classed in ‘Geeta’. All notions of my coming again in darkness of night like a intruder in dark night, when all over nothing shall be less that extreme ‘hopelessness’. That is the worldly climate temperature & their temperaments ditto same now. Though with little difference that in that I declared of the complete fall before my discloser of my being in world again. That because which I intend to avoid as such, thus is trying to let you know me in between the final blow. But I feel it is difficult to avoid, since the curse is too strong to overpowered you that I in person your spirited shaman being bless by mighty could not let you know me still. Though I have send you the lengthy letters detailing my divine incretions, which I have written in my spare time to showcase you a little skill of my initially regaining my conscience since year 2004. But I am now finally coming to the point that in spite of coming point blank before you & so close to you, you are unable to observe me & my art of writing. Well who could help you now, rather I least need the fame in letting you knows this all but never the less all what shall happen now is the will of Lord. If still he will wish that before complete fall of you I shall not be disclosed, which though I intend. Rather in that case your curse shall be overpowering me & overshadow your reckoning me before the final ‘Show day’. I still wish you good luck & till then shall be doing my duty to do both of the job side by side of ordering the ‘Ordeal ode’ as ordinance & enticement ordeal order in my capacity of – ‘man of sins’. Though on other hand I shall be showing some favor salvaged by your ‘Shaman’s spirit’. I clew chef a being, the ‘Shalom maker’ servant son who is here on earth to help the sons of mighty, they prudent humans by letting them part all botched Sinners. They be gutted & then to establish the new kingdom for truest lot finally. 8 12. Nipple envier eeriest to be save them to safety, they from the afire of heaven, whom I have lordly ordered my angels to marked to be saved as ‘seeds’ & ‘seeders’. Rest of the lot I advice rather than wasting themselves as misfire & scrap air fire, they shall use them to suffix their ‘eats’ & shall make that connive ere connivance by toasting yourselves as food of these haps all around you as harpoons. They the ‘scorpion shoes’ like, flammable poisonous snakes leering lots in your countries, which I shall be happy without wasting you yourselves as shells, use yourselves to shell others. Though to be than pasted in ‘time walls’ finally. You need all to be used as fuel in fire as ‘torpedoes’. In spite of you like scarp to be extruded finally, you need to experience tinted torts of my devils flavor favors. Thus is time for you to come forward to safeguard your interests in this decay life time in your last end time. So finally I consort thus before closing the letter as such:- A) Well all to my advantage they the caucus of twin beasts whom I have to eradicate from the face of the earth altogether & them whom I need not to see again ever on the earth in future. The resent appointment of newly appointed advocate of drones attacks like personalities on the post of chief of CIA shall serve my purpose to the best in my interest. l largely thanks father mighty to supersede personally the operation of handling me, my ‘operands’ & them they my operant’s too. All altogether all over the earth. Hence this shall be lardy helping me in my voyage in Middle East & other countries who are under attach now. I need to say few words for the native of these Samson brotherhood & the alien partners ‘EU’ estates. And other few black sheep’s in Middle East like ‘Saudi Arabia’ & few others along with others few in Asia, their scavenging partners along with them. Whom I have already put on notice & I am still waiting to see their response in letting they make true my words. They ‘China’ & ‘Japan’ who still have not dared to part completely from this caucus. I say thus that you all are under direct line of fire of my armigers, they the devils of heaven & angels of lords. Hence in spite of all your smart moves you shall be ultimately shelved in ‘time walls’, along with your entire live stock & deaden dead stock. They too your barn’s & barns, I least have any doubt. But I am more speculative to your least using your deity, least it let you enjoy this ‘Shaman favor’ in spirit of Christ. They who believe in my frame of ‘Christ being they Christian. And they in spirit of ‘Mohammad’, they who believe in my frame of ‘Mohammad; being they namely Muslims. That they irrespective of all olds shall not leave the opportunity, which I am gladly letting them the time still to take the purgation perigee of the ‘prejudice deity’, in which they are granted the wreath on their last by letting them all choose their ‘last chuck’, the ‘staple maple’ like themselves. And thus enjoy the prestige of the privy I am letting them enjoy the ‘eternity mint’, which shall be my earning too to let you make you agree, to take your eternity hampers at last. That too by my hands. This which in your last I prefer you sissies shall be obedient enough to even not defy your ‘Shaman touch’, which this servant is here to grand you. & letting you again and again recall nothing but your ancestral lien ‘prelate levee’ as a ‘deity levy’, which you the belier of Christ daily enchant in your ‘Cathedral’ of my coming again. That too a human. & you the believe of ‘Allah’ the son of ‘Mohammad’, all belting the sect Muslim recall in your ‘azans’ my coming too. Hence why you are afraid of me a human, who priestly is leering you all to let you take your piety of being your shaman serves by my - ‘Shaman hands’, who is representing them only. Which nothing I am asking for me, except that I need to service my father almighty by letting deliver, the hampers delivery to their ultimate entitled claimants, the rightist one. So realize the truth & stand like a bold son of your Shaman in his spirit & face me face to face. Rather than searching your lame safe heavens, which you least could find now. Since all this man in sprit of your shaman who have come to sin on sinners, has closed the doors which none in the world could dare to open now, them which I have closed? & the one which I am opening, no one could close. I shall take them to my save heavens in all the three worlds of my choice as per the rightist ennoblement. The parses purge the ‘White paper’ poker enactments their dower entitlements alike. 9 B) Listen they the believers of the Allah the sons of Mohammad melee binge in sect ‘Muslim’ mostly living in middle east Arabic countries & their counties beside assorted where ever in world in parts. Them all this shaman in sprit of Mohammad is here to ensure the haps to be toasted to them all, who are ‘believers’, ‘none believers’ & ‘blears’ of mighty. Name whatever you recall, recall but do not defy that which fits in your frame of mirror of good god book ‘Quran’ . That which you recall ever & which is guide to you in all your holy harps haps. So be cool & thus take the notion that you are under attack by ‘Western world’, which is lardy open truth all over the world. And they had already insulted you & your live stocks, your children & woman by raping them bodily & by their means. Through direct assaults & some through proxy wars still underway now. Which include the ‘War of Iraq’ & ‘War of Afghanistan’, these they largely waged directly to eradicate few icons in you, who declared against them the ‘War of jihad’ directly. They ‘Osama Bin laden’. Or the one ‘Saddam Hussein’ who was against them & dare to challenge them on many counts. I am now opening the fact which is not less than only truest truth that they two were drones of mighty in human skin, spirited to give a ‘fare fight back’ to these ‘sinners caucus’. They could give that to their maximum, which was expected from them. But now the mentor of saving your children & woman lye solely on you all, collectively. I repeat collectively. They are cunning to take you at task one by one & hence letting you eradicated by ‘direct assaults’ or ‘proxy wars’ one by one. But you shall collect courage to give a last fare fight back, that too ‘collectively’. I repeat again ‘collectively’ you will win, which they too know this fact. Rather all you shall fail, if still you all dare not to come in open to support each other. The ‘Call of time’ for saving others in brotherhood, their children & woman, which ‘foreigner enemies’ are letting killed & insulting in front of you. That too by their cunning assorted invasions & interventions in name of numerous ‘subjugator frames’. And is this not a shame on them, they the black sheep’s in the lot who are letting connive & connivance to kill & ashamed their own so called brothers like. Alike you they too are ‘believers’ of same ‘Shaman’, whose you eraning too are sons. How come after doing these sins of deceiving your own brothers & their ‘life stocks’ – their children & woman. That too only because of your mere self shears ‘economical interests’. Than after how come you could be able to show your faces to your ‘Allah’ & his son your god father ‘shaman spirit’, ‘Mohammad’ in end time. Your due earns eternity one day & his ‘vow’ too to see you all & you to show your faces to them one day. You are promised by him to be before them face to face in spirit one day. Shall then thus how could be that day be not devastating for you black sheep’s in human skins. They all who are wolf’s like for their brothers & brothers like, they other sons of Allah. Shall not that day be less other than the ‘day of Dhojjak’ for you all who are shaming the spirit of your ‘shaman’. Though he was that son of Allah, who dare to sacrifice his own life stock for love & safety of others, who too were not his dear or nears. Except that he loved them because they were his father’s love one being ‘humans’. And for whom he dare to sacrifice his blood in relations. Rather what you are doing instead. You all are letting ashamed him before father ‘Allah’ by you calling yourselves to be his sons but all of you are making his other sons either raped, tortured or murdered mercilessly without food shelters & clothing. What more you could do sins against your father & his sons. Who came in spirit to you one day & gave you his teaching cascaded in frame ‘Quran’ which you are defying in for mere you eraning few more bucks. You the cunning black sheep’s, at least have some fear of your shaman in his spirit & the father mighty ‘Allah’ which he is giving you the ‘last fare chance’ to show your solidarity with your brotherhood & brothers like. They other sons of Allah which this son of mighty in the spirit of father ‘Mohammad’ is directly addressing you & is letting you priestly remind the same still. Lest not the ditto frame of ‘Day of Dhojjok’, shall be to your fame & frames when no one shall be left for you to even give you a ounce of cloth even, to cover your faces. What to say of the whole body. 10

War of justice' - 'War of Armageddon'- 'War of jihad'- 'verse 'Geeta', 'Bible' & 'Quran'. Ref : MY .. Armageddon' & as notion I order the 'Ordeal' of dismantling by a single blow of 'financial meltdown' of their entire encore . Sam sand countries 'Australian forest afire' florist by my devils of he
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