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JOURNALOFTHE AMERICANMATHEMATICALSOCIETY Volume24,Number1,January2011,Pages133–181 S0894-0347(2010)00679-0 ArticleelectronicallypublishedonSeptember23,2010 SHEAVES ON AFFINE SCHUBERT VARIETIES, MODULAR REPRESENTATIONS, AND LUSZTIG’S CONJECTURE PETERFIEBIG 1. Introduction One of the fundamental problems in representation theory is the calculation of the simple charactersof agiven group. This problem oftenturns out tobedifficult and there is an abundance of situations in which a solution is out of reach. In the case of algebraic groups over fields of positive characteristic we have a partial, but not yet a full answer. In 1979, George Lusztig conjectured a formula for the simple characters of a reductive algebraic group defined over a field of characteristic greater than the associated Coxeter number; cf. [Lus80b]. Lusztig outlined in 1990 a program that led, in a combined effort of several authors, to a proof of the conjecture for almost allcharacteristics. ThismeansthatforagivenrootsystemRthereexistsanumber N =N(R) such that the conjecture holds for all algebraic groups associated tothe root system R if the underlying field is of characteristic greater than N. This number, however, is unknown in all but low rank cases. One of the essential steps in Lusztig’s program was the construction of a func- tor between the category of intersection cohomology sheaves with complex coeffi- cients on an affine flag manifold and the category of representations of a quantum group(thiscombinesresultsofKashiwara–Tanisaki,[KT95],andKazhdan–Lusztig, [KL93]). This led to a proof of the quantum (i.e. characteristic 0) analog of the conjecture. Andersen,JantzenandSoergelthenshowedthatthecharacteristiczero case implies the characteristic p case for almost all p (cf. [AJS94]). OneoftheprincipalfunctorsutilizedinLusztig’sprogramwastheaffineversion of the Beilinson–Bernstein localization functor. It amounts to realizing an affine Kac–Moody algebra inside the space of global differential operators on an affine flagmanifold. Acharacteristicpversionofthisfunctorisafundamental ingredient in Bezrukavnikov’s program for modular representation theory (cf. [BMR08]), and recently Frenkel and Gaitsgory used the Beilinson–Bernstein localization idea in order to study the critical level representations of an affine Kac–Moody algebra (cf. [FG06]). There is, however, an alternative approach that links the geometry of an al- gebraic variety to representation theory. It was originally developed in the case of finite-dimensional complex simple Lie algebras by Soergel (cf. [Soe90]). The idea was to give a “combinatorial description” of both the topological and the Receivedby theeditorsJune 24,2008and,inrevisedform,November26,2009,andJuly16, 2010. 2010 MathematicsSubjectClassification. Primary20C20;Secondary55N30. (cid:2)c2010AmericanMathematicalSociety Reverts to public domain 28 years from publication 133 134 PETERFIEBIG representation-theoretic categories in terms of the underlying root system using Jantzen’s translation functors. This approach gives a new proof of the Kazhdan– Lusztig conjecture, but it is also important in its own right: when taken together with the Beilinson–Bernstein localizationit establishes the celebratedKoszul dual- ity for simple finite-dimensional complex Lie algebras (cf. [Soe90, BGS96]). In this paper we develop the combinatorial approach for quantum and modular representations. We relate a certain category of sheaves of k-vector spaces on an affine flag manifold to representations of the k-Lie algebra or the quantum group associated to Langlands’ dual root datum (the occurrence of Langlands’ duality is typicalforthistypeofapproach). AsacorollaryweobtainLusztig’sconjecturefor quantum groups and for modular representations for large enough characteristics. The main tool that we use is the theory of sheaves on moment graphs, which originally appeared in the work on the localizationtheorem for equivariant sheaves on topological spaces by Goresky, Kottwitz and MacPherson (cf. [GKM98]) and BradenandMacPherson(cf.[BM01]). Inparticular, westateaconjectureinterms of moment graphs that implies Lusztig’s quantum and modular conjectures for all relevant characteristics. Although there is no general proof of this moment graph conjecture yet, some importantinstancesareknown: Thesmoothlocusofamomentgraphisdetermined in [Fie06], which yields the multiplicity-one case of Lusztig’s conjecture in full generality. Moreover, by developing a Lefschetz theory on a moment graph we obtain in [Fie08c] an upper bound on the exceptional primes, i.e. an upper bound for the number N referred to above. Although this bound is huge (in particular, muchgreaterthantheCoxeternumber),itcanbecalculatedbyanexplicitformula in terms of the underlying root system. In theremainder ofthis introductionwe explainour approach andthe resultsin more detail. 1.1. The basic data. Let G = GC be a connected, simply connected complex algebraic group. We fix a Borel subgroup B ⊂ G and a maximal torus T ⊂ B. Let X = Hom(T,C×) be the character lattice of T and R+ ⊂ R ⊂ X the sets of roots of B and of G. We denote by X∨ = Hom(C×,T) the cocharacter lattice, and by R∨ ⊂ X∨ the dual root system. We let W ⊂ GL(X∨) be the Weyl group, W(cid:2)=W(cid:2)ZR∨ ⊂Aff(X∨) the affine Weyl group and h the Coxeter number of our data, i.e. the height of the highest root +1. By S(cid:3)⊂W(cid:2)we denote the set of simple affine reflections. We fix an algebraically closed fieldk of characteristic p>h andlet G∨ =G∨ be k the connnected simple algebraic group over k that is the Langlands dual of G. We let T∨ ⊂ G∨ be a maximal torus and identify Hom(T∨,C×) with the cocharacter lattice X∨. We let g∨ and h∨ be the Lie algebras of G∨ and T∨. 1.2. Multiplicities of modular representations. It is known how to calcu- late the characters of the simple rational representations of the reductive algebraic groupswithrootsystemR∨ fromthecharactersofsimpleobjectsinacertaincate- goryC ofrestrictedrepresentationsofg∨ thatcarryanadditionalactionofT∨ (i.e., an X∨-grading), such that h∨ ⊂g∨ acts via the differential of the T∨-action. The simple objects in C are parametrized by their highest weights, so for λ ∈ X∨ de- note by L(λ) the corresponding simple object. It can be constructed as the unique SHEAVES ON AFFINE SCHUBERT VARIETIES AND LUSZTIG’S CONJECTURE 135 simple quotient of the standard (or baby Verma) module Z(λ) with highest weight λ. Thecharactersofthestandardmodulesareeasytocompute,andinordertoget thecharactersofthesimplemodulesitisenoughtoknowthenumber[Z(λ):L(μ)] ofoccurrencesofL(μ)asasubquotientinaJordan-H¨older filtrationofZ(λ)forall λ,μ∈X∨. Fromthelinkageandtranslationprinciplesitfollowsthatitissufficient to consider the simple and standard modules in the principal block of C, i.e. those objects which correspond to weights of the form λ = x · 0 and μ = y · 0 for p p x,y ∈W(cid:2)(here “· ” denotes a shifted and elongated action of W(cid:2)on X∨). p We identify the set W(cid:2) with the set A of alcoves for the affine action of W(cid:2) on X∨⊗ZR by fixing a base alcove Ae (so that w corresponds to the alcove w.Ae). In [Soe97]apolynomialp isassociatedtoeachpairofalcoves(following[Lus80a]). A,B For x,y ∈ W(cid:2) we write p for p . Let us denote by w ∈ W the longest x,y x.Ae,y.Ae 0 element in the finite Weyl group. Conjecture. Suppose that chark >h. For x,y ∈W(cid:2) we have [Z(x· 0):L(y· 0)]=p (1). p p w0x,w0y The above conjecture is known as the generic Lusztig conjecture. In [Fie07] we prove the (well-known) fact that it is equivalent to Lusztig’s original conjecture on the characters of simple rational representations (cf. [Lus80b]). Usinganinherentsymmetryonecanshowthatitisenoughtoverifythisconjec- ture in the case that y is an element in the “anti-fundamental box”, i.e. in the case that y satisfies −p<(cid:5)α,y· 0(cid:6)<0 for each simple root α. Denote by W(cid:2)res,− ⊂W(cid:2) p the set of such elements. 1.3. The quantum analog. Letusjustquicklystate,withoutgivingdetails,that there is a characteristic 0 analog of the representation theory described above (cf. the overview articles [And95] and [Soe95]). Lusztig associated to the root system R, its set of positive roots R+ ⊂R, an integer l prime to all entries of the Cartan matrix, and a primitive l-th root of unity ζ the restricted quantum group u, which is a finite-dimensional ZR-graded algebra over k =Q(ζ). For each λ∈X one constructs a standard object Z (λ) and a simple object L (λ) in the category q q of ZR-graded u-modules and one can state a conjecture in complete analogy to the conjecture above. Let us refer to these two conjectures as Lusztig’s modular conjecture and Lusztig’s quantum conjecture. 1.4. Results. The main application of the relations that we construct between sheaves on affine Schubert varieties, sheaves on the underlying moment graph and representation theory is a proof of the following theorem. Theorem 1.1. (1) Lusztig’s quantum conjecture holds. (2) The multiplicity-one case of Lusztig’s modular conjecture holds, i.e. for all fields k with chark =p>h we have [Z(x· 0):L(y· 0)]=1 if and only if p p p (1)=1. w0x,w0y (3) ThereisanexplicitnumberU(w(cid:3) ),definedintermsoftherootsystem,such 0 that Lusztig’s modular conjecture holds for all fields k with chark >U(w(cid:3) ). 0 Part (1) of the above theorem has already been proven by combining results of Kashiwara–TanisakiandKazhdan–LusztigwhichformmajorstepsinLusztig’spro- gram. Our proof is independent and uses only the combinatorial description of the 136 PETERFIEBIG quantum category given by Andersen, Jantzen and Soergel. Part (2) is an applica- tion of the result on the “smooth locus” of a moment graph given in [Fie06]. Part (3) finally uses the main result in [Fie08c], where we develop a Lefschetz theory on a moment graph in order to calculate the number U(w(cid:3) ). 0 In the remainder of the introduction we want to describe the main ideas in the proofs of the above results. 1.5. Deformed representation theory. Each simple object L(μ) admits a pro- jectivecoverP(μ)inC. Moreover,eachP(μ)hasafinitefiltrationwithsubquotients that are isomorphic to various Z(λ). The corresponding multiplicity, denoted by (P(μ):Z(λ)), is independent of the particular filtration, andthe following Brauer- type reciprocity formula was shown by Humphreys (cf. [Hum71]): [Z(λ):L(μ)]=(P(μ):Z(λ)). Let S = S(h∨) be the symmetric algebra of h∨, and denote by S˜ the comple- tion of S at the maximal ideal generated by h∨. In order to compute the above multiplicities, Andersen, Jantzen and Soergel construct in [AJS94] deformed ver- sions P(cid:4)(μ) and Z(cid:4)(λ) of P(μ) and Z(λ), which appear in a deformed version C(cid:4)of C. Again, each P(cid:4)(μ) has a finite filtration with subquotients isomorphic to various (cid:4) Z(λ), and for the multiplicities we have (cid:4) (cid:4) (P(μ):Z(λ))=(P(μ):Z(λ)). TheobjectsP(cid:4)(y· 0)canbeconstructedusingtranslationfunctors: toeachsimple p affine reflections∈S(cid:3)one associates atranslation functor θs on the principal block of C(cid:4). We show that for each y ∈ W(cid:2)res,− the object P(cid:4)(y· 0) appears as a direct p summand in θt ◦···◦θsZ(cid:4)(0) for a suitable sequence s,...,t ∈ S(cid:3). This serves as a motivation to define R as the smallest full subcategory of C(cid:4)that is stable under (cid:4) taking direct sums and direct summands, contains Z(0) and with each object M and each s∈S(cid:3)the object θsM. Let us just mention that in the quantum case we find analogous structures and resultsand,inparticular,wehaveacategoryRoverthefieldk =Q(ζ)thatencodes the structure of the quantum category. In the following we relate the category R to equivariant sheaves of k-vector spaces on a complex affine flag variety. 1.6. Equivariant sheaves. DenotebyG((t))theloopgroupassociatedtoG, and by I ⊂ G((t)) the Iwahori subgroup corresponding to B. The quotient F(cid:2)l = G((t))/I carriesanaturalcomplexind-varietystructureandiscalledtheaffineflag variety. Denote by T(cid:3) = T ×C× the extended torus and let it act on G((t)) such thatthefirstfactoractsbyleftmultiplicationandthesecondbyrotatingtheloops. Then T(cid:3) also acts on F(cid:2)l. Now let k be a field of characteristic (cid:8)= 2 and let D(cid:2)(F(cid:2)l,k) be the bounded T equivariant derived category of sheaves of k-vector spaces on F(cid:2)l. We define the category I of special equivariant sheaves on F(cid:2)l following [Soe00]. It is the smallest full subcategory of D(cid:2)(F(cid:2)l,k) that is stable under taking direct sums and direct T summands and under shifting, contains the constant equivariant sheaf F of rank e one on the base point of F(cid:2)l, and with each F and each s ∈ S(cid:3) the sheaf πs∗πs∗F in DT(cid:2)(F(cid:2)l,k) (here πs: F(cid:2)l → F(cid:2)ls is the canonical map onto the partial affine flag SHEAVES ON AFFINE SCHUBERT VARIETIES AND LUSZTIG’S CONJECTURE 137 variety corresponding to s). In [FW] we give another, more intrinsic definition of the category I as the category of certain equivariant parity sheaves on F(cid:2)l. The set of T(cid:3)-fixed points in F(cid:2)l is discrete and can canonically be identified with the set W(cid:2). So for x∈W(cid:2)we denote by i : {pt}→F(cid:2)l the corresponding inclusion. x The following result is the most important step in the proof of Theorem 1.1. Theorem 1.2. Suppose k =Q(ζ) or that k is of characteristic p>h. (1) There exists an additive functor Φ: I →R such that Φ(Fe) ∼= Z(cid:4)(0) and such that Φ(πs∗πs∗F) ∼= θsΦ(F) for all s ∈ S(cid:3) and F ∈I. (2) Each Φ(F) has a filtration by deformed standard modules, and the ranks of (cid:3) the local equivariant hypercohomologies of F on T-fixed points yield multi- plicities for Φ(F); i.e., we have (cid:5) (cid:6) rkH∗(i∗F)= Φ(F):Z(cid:4)(x· 0) T(cid:2) x p for all x∈W(cid:2). (Here, “rk” refers to the rank of a free H∗(pt,k)-module.) Now we explain how (cid:2) T to derive part (1) of Theorem 1.1 from the statement above. 1.7. Intersection cohomology sheaves. We identify the set of I-orbits in F(cid:2)l with the affine Weyl group, so we denote by O ⊂ F(cid:2)l the orbit corresponding to y y ∈ W(cid:2) and let IC(cid:2) ∈ D(cid:2)(F(cid:2)l,k) be the T(cid:3)-equivariant intersection cohomology T,y T complex on the Schubert variety O with coefficients in k. y Ifkisafieldofcharacteristiczero,thenthedecompositiontheoremandsomeor- bitcombinatoricsshowthatI isthecategoryofdirectsumsofshiftedT(cid:3)-equivariant intersection cohomology sheaves on Schubert varieties in F(cid:2)l. The equivariant ana- logueofaresultofKazhdanandLusztigin[KL79]isthatwehaverkH∗T(cid:2)(i∗xICT(cid:2),y)= h (1) for all x,y ∈ W(cid:2), where h is an affine Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial x,y x,y (cf. Theorem 4.4). Now fix an arbitrary sequence s,...,t ∈ S(cid:3). The object πt∗πt∗···πs∗πs∗Fe can be defined over Z and it decomposes in almost all characteristics as it does in characteristic zero. We deduce that πt∗πt∗···πs∗πs∗Fe is a direct sum of shifted intersection cohomology sheaves on Schubert varieties for all fields k of big enough characteristic (the notion of big enough now depends on the chosen sequence). Denotebyw(cid:3) ∈W(cid:2)thelargestelementinW(cid:2)res,− (withrespecttotheBruhator- 0 der), and set W(cid:2)◦ ={w ∈W(cid:2)|w ≤w(cid:3) }. Define I◦ ⊂I as the full subcategory that 0 consists of direct sums of shifteddirectsummands ofthe objectsπt∗πt∗···πs∗πs∗Fe, wheres···tisareducedexpressionofanelementinW(cid:2)◦. Sincefortheconstruction ofI◦ wehavetoconsideronlyfinitelymanysequences,wecandeducethefollowing: Theorem 1.3. Suppose that k is a field of characteristic 0 or p(cid:12)0. (1) I◦ is the full subcategory of D(cid:2)(F(cid:2)l,k) that consists of objects isomorphic to T a direct sum of shifted intersection cohomology sheaves IC(cid:2) with y ∈W(cid:2)◦. T,y 138 PETERFIEBIG (2) If y ∈W(cid:2)◦ and y =s···t is a reduced expression, then IC(cid:2) occurs as the T,y unique indecomposable direct summand in πt∗πt∗···πs∗πs∗Fe that is sup- ported on O . y (3) For y ∈W(cid:2)◦ and x∈W(cid:2) we have rkH∗T(cid:2)(i∗xICT(cid:2),y)=hx,y(1). Again one hopes that each prime above the Coxeter number is big enough for the statements of the theorem to hold. InSection8weshow thatwehaveΦ(ICT(cid:2),y)∼=P(cid:4)(y·p0)undertheassumptionof Theorem 1.3. Moreover, the following mysterious relation between the Kazhdan– Lusztig polynomials h and the periodic polynomial p holds. Although h (cid:8)= x,y p ingeneral,wehaveh (1)=p (1)forally ∈W(cid:2)res,− andallx∈W(cid:2) w0x,w0y x,y w0x,w0y (this phenomenon is explained by the fact that the functor Ψ defined below does notpreservegradings). Sopart(1)ofTheorem1.1isaconsequenceofTheorem1.2 andTheorem1.3. Inaddition, wecanalreadydeduceLusztig’smodularconjecture for almost all primes. Let us now discuss the main steps of the definition Φ. 1.8. Categorifications of combinatorial data. Let H be the affine Hecke alge- bra associated to R and let M be its periodic module (cf. [Soe97]). Denote by A e the basis element in M corresponding to the fundamental alcove, and consider the map ψ: H→M that is obtained by letting H act on A . e Foreachfieldk withcharacteristicdifferentfrom2anddifferentfrom3ifRisof typeG weconstructcategoriesHandMandafunctorΨ: H→Mtogetherwith 2 character maps hH: H (cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:3) H and hM: M (cid:2)(cid:2)(cid:3) M (i.e. maps to the Grothendieck groups), such that the diagram H(cid:2) Ψ (cid:3)(cid:3)M(cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) hH (cid:2) (cid:2)hM (cid:2)(cid:2) (cid:2)(cid:2) ψ (cid:3)(cid:3) H M commutes. The category H is a full subcategory of the category of modules over the equi- variant cohomology of F(cid:2)l (with coefficients in k), and hypercohomology H∗ yields (cid:2) T a functor from I to H. The category M appears in the work of Andersen, Jantzen and Soergel. There an equivalence V between R and an S˜-linear version M(cid:7) of M is constructed in the case that k is an algebraically closed field of characteristic p>h. Our functor is then the composition Φ: I −H→∗T(cid:2) H−Ψ→M−·⊗−−S→S˜ M(cid:7)−V−→1 R. We now relate H to yet another category. 1.9. Sheaves on moment graphs. In the papers [Fie06] and [Fie08c] we study the theory of sheaves on moment graphs, which gives the following alternative description of the indecomposable objects in H (cf. [Fie08b]). To the action of T(cid:3) on F(cid:2)l one can associate a moment graph over the lattice X(cid:3) = Hom(T(cid:3),C×) that plays a prominent role in equivariant algebraic topology (cf.[GKM98,BM01]). Recall thatan(ordered)moment graphover alatticeY isa graph together with a partial order on its set of vertices and a map that associates to each edge a nonzero element in Y. SHEAVES ON AFFINE SCHUBERT VARIETIES AND LUSZTIG’S CONJECTURE 139 In our situation such a moment graph G(cid:3)is obtained as follows. Its vertices are theT(cid:3)-fixedpointinF(cid:2)landitsedgesaretheone-dimensionalT(cid:3)-orbits(theclosureof aone-dimensionalorbitcontainsexactlytwofixedpoints). Eachedgeislabelledby (cid:3) the positive affine root associated to the rotation action of T on the corresponding orbit. The partial order is induced by the closure relation on the Iwahori-orbits in F(cid:2)l (each such orbit contains a unique T(cid:3)-fixed point). For the applications in this article, only thefullsubgraph G(cid:3)◦ ⊂G(cid:3)thatconsists oftheverticescorrespondingto elements in W(cid:2)◦ plays a role. It has the advantage of being finite. Suppose that k is a field of characteristic (cid:8)=2 and set V(cid:3)k :=X(cid:3) ⊗Zk. To G(cid:3)◦ one can associate a category of k-sheaves on G(cid:3)◦, and to each vertex y one assigns the intersection (or canonical) sheaf B . Denote by Bx its stalk at the vertex x. It is y y (cid:3) (cid:3) a graded free module over the symmetric algebra S :=S(V ). k Now the restriction on the characteristic of k is as follows. A large part of the theory of k-sheaves on a moment graph G behaves well only in the case that the pair(G,k)satisfiestheGKM-property,whichmeansthatthelabelsontwodifferent edges meeting at a common vertex are linearly independent over k (cf. [Fie08a]). We will show that for G(cid:3)◦ this is the case if chark is at least the Coxeter number. We define a certain subcategory H◦ of H that contains all relevant objects. From the results in [Fie08b] we deduce that for chark ≥ h the category H◦ can be interpreted as the category of direct sums of the spaces of global sections of the intersection sheaves B on G(cid:3)◦. This, together with the functor Ψ and the y Andersen–Jantzen–Soergel equivalence, gives us a way to link the moment graph theory to modular representation theory, and in Section 9.3 we state a conjecture that implies Lusztig’s conjecture. The main results in [Fie06] and [Fie08c] prove certain instances of this conjecture and yield part (2) and part (3) of Theorem 1.1. 1.10. Contents. InSection2wediscusstheaffinizationofarootsystemanddefine an algebra Z(cid:3) over the subring Z(cid:6) = Z[1/2] of Q. For each simple affine reflection we construct a translation functor on the category of Z(cid:3)-modules, and we define the category H of special Z(cid:3)-modules as the full subcategory generated from a unit object by repeatedly applying translation functors. In Section 3 we discuss various localizations of special modules. This is used in Section 4 to define a functorial filtration on the category H for each partial order on the set W(cid:2) that is compatible with the involutions given by the simple affine reflections. To such a filtration corresponds a character map from H to the free Z[v,v−1]-module withbasis W(cid:2). It turnsout thatthe Bruhatorder naturally yields characters in the affine Hecke algebra, whereas the generic Bruhat order yields characters in its periodic module. In Section 5 we recall the definition of the category M introduced by Andersen, Jantzen and Soergel. In analogy to the definition of H, also M is generated inside a certain category K by repeatedly applying translation functors to a unit object. ThisallowsustodefinethefunctorΨ: H→M. Althoughthefunctoritselfiseasy to define, it is quite tedious to check that it intertwines the translation functors. The definition of translation functors on K that we use is different from the definition of Andersen, Jantzen and Soergel (it is a version “without constants”). In Section 6 we show that both definitions lead to equivalent categories. 140 PETERFIEBIG In Section 7we define the category I of special sheaves onthe affine flag variety and show that the hypercohomology functor can be considered as a functor from I to H. We use the decomposition theorem to deduce multiplicity formulas for the objects in H for almost all characteristics. In Section 8 we recall the main result of [AJS94], which relates the category M to the category R of representations of a Lie algebra or a quantum group. The multiplicity formulas that we gained in Section 7 for H, together with the functor Ψ: H→M, give multiplicity formulas for objects in R. WeinterpretourmaincategoryHasacategoryofsheavesonmomentgraphsin Section 9, and state a conjecture on the multiplicities of stalks of the intersection sheaves on the graph. In [Fie06] and [Fie08c] two instances of this conjecture are proven. In a last step we apply this to Lusztig’s conjecture. 2. A category associated to a root system Let V be a finite-dimensional Q-vector space, let V∗ =HomQ(V,Q) be its dual space and denote by (cid:5)·,·(cid:6): V ×V∗ → Q the canonical pairing. Let R ⊂ V be a reduced and irreducible root system. For a root α ∈ R denote by α∨ ∈ V∗ its coroot. Let R∨ ={α∨ |α∈R} be the coroot system. Denote by s ∈ GL(V∗) the reflection associated to α ∈ R, i.e. the linear map α given by s (v) = v − (cid:5)α,v(cid:6)α∨. Let W ⊂ GL(V∗) be the Weyl group, i.e. the α subgroup generated by the s with α∈R. α 2.1. The affine Weyl group. For α∈R and n∈Z define the affine hyperplane H :={v ∈V∗ |(cid:5)α,v(cid:6)=n}. α,n We denote by s the reflection at H , i.e. the affine transformation on V∗ that α,n α,n maps v ∈V∗ to s (v):=v−((cid:5)α,v(cid:6)−n)α∨. α,n The affine Weyl group W(cid:2)⊂ Aff(V∗) is the group of affine transformations on V∗ that is generated by the set T(cid:3) of all reflections s with α∈R and n∈Z. α,n Sinces =s ,thefiniteWeylgroupW appearsasasubgroupofW(cid:2). LetZR∨ ⊂ α α,0 V∗ be the coroot lattice. To x ∈ ZR∨ we associate the translation t : V∗ → V∗, x v (cid:14)→ v+x. For α∨ ∈ R∨ we have tα∨ = sα,1◦sα,0; hence W(cid:2) contains the abelian group ZR∨. We even have W(cid:2)= W (cid:2)ZR∨ and we denote by ·: W(cid:2)→ W, w (cid:14)→w, the corresponding quotient map. Then s =s . α,n α 2.2. A linearization. Set V(cid:3) :=V ⊕Q, so V(cid:3)∗ =V∗⊕Q, and define for α∈R and n∈Z a linear action of s on V(cid:3)∗ by α,n s (v,μ):=(v−((cid:5)α,v(cid:6)−μn)α∨,μ). α,n This extends to a linear action of W(cid:2) on V(cid:3)∗ which leaves the level spaces V∗ = {(v,κ) | v ∈ V∗} ∼= V∗ for κ ∈ Q stable. On V∗ we recover the affine actioκn of 1 W(cid:2) and on V∗ the affine Weyl group W(cid:2) acts via the ordinary action of its finite 0 quotient W. The hyperplane in V(cid:3)∗ fixed by s is α,n H(cid:3) :={(v,μ)∈V(cid:3)∗ |(cid:5)α,v(cid:6)=μn}. α,n SHEAVES ON AFFINE SCHUBERT VARIETIES AND LUSZTIG’S CONJECTURE 141 Set δ :=(0,1)∈V(cid:3) =V ⊕Q. Then α :=(α,0)−nδ ∈V(cid:3) n (cid:3) is an equation of H . We call α a (real) affine root, and we set α,n n R(cid:3) :={α |α∈R,n∈Z}=R×Zδ ⊂V(cid:3). n Let us choose a system R+ ⊂R of positive (finite) roots. The corresponding set of positive affine roots is R(cid:3)+ :={α+nδ |α∈R,n>0}∪{α|α∈R+}. Then R(cid:3) =R(cid:3)+∪˙ −R(cid:3)+ and for any reflection t∈T(cid:3) there is a unique positive affine root α =α−nδ such that t=s . t α,n Now consider the dual action of W(cid:2) on V(cid:3) that is given by w.φ = φ◦w−1 for w ∈W(cid:2)and φ∈V(cid:3). More explicitly, it is given by w(0,ν) = (0,ν), s (λ,0) = (s (λ),n(cid:5)λ,α∨(cid:6)). α,n α Denote by ·: V(cid:3) →V the map (λ,ν)(cid:14)→λ. Then the following is immediate. Lemma 2.1. For each w ∈W(cid:2) and x∈V(cid:3) we have w(x)=w(x). RecallthatthesetofpositiverootsR+ determinesasetofsimplerootsΔ⊂R+ and a set of simple reflections S ⊂ W. The corresponding set of simple affine reflections is S(cid:3):=S∪{s }⊂W(cid:2), γ,1 where γ ∈R+ is the highest root. Then (W(cid:2),S(cid:3)) is a Coxeter system and we denote by l: W(cid:2)→N the associated length function. 2.3. The associated moment graph. Let Y ∼=Zr be a lattice. An (unordered) moment graphG over Y isgivenby agraph(V,E)withverticesV andedgesE and a map α: E →Y \{0} which is called the labeling. Let X := {λ ∈ V | (cid:5)λ,α∨(cid:6) ∈ Z ∀α ∈ R} be the weight lattice and X(cid:3) := X⊕Zδ ⊂V(cid:3) theaffine weight lattice. ThelattercontainstheaffinerootlatticeZR(cid:3). The affine Bruhat graph G(cid:3)=G(cid:3) associated to R is given as follows. Its underlying R lattice is X(cid:3). The set of vertices is the affine Weyl group W(cid:2) and x,y ∈ W(cid:2) are connected by an edge if there is a reflection t ∈ T(cid:3) with tx = y. This edge is labelled by the positive affine root α ∈X(cid:3) corresponding to t. t For a parabolic subgroup W(cid:2) ⊂ W(cid:2) that is given by a subset I of S(cid:3) we obtain I another graph G(cid:3)I as follows. Its set of vertices is W(cid:2)I := W(cid:2)/W(cid:2) and x,y ∈ W(cid:2)I I are connected by an edge if there exists t∈T(cid:3) such that tx=y. This edge is then labelled by α . t 2.4. The structure algebra. We denote by Z(cid:6) the subring Z[2−1] of Q. Let S = SZ(cid:4) = S(X ⊗Z Z(cid:6)) and S(cid:3) = S(cid:3)Z(cid:4) = S(X(cid:3) ⊗Z Z(cid:6)) be the symmetric algebras over the free Z(cid:6)-modules associated to the lattices X and X(cid:3). Both S and S(cid:3) are Z-graded algebras. The grading we choose is determined by setting X ⊗Z Z(cid:6) and X(cid:3) ⊗Z Z(cid:6) in degree 2 (this will become important only when we consider graded multiplicities). In this article many objects are considered to be Z-graded. For 142 PETERFIEBIG n∈Zwe deno(cid:8)teby (·)(cid:5)n(cid:6)thefunctor thatshiftsgradings by n; i.e., for aZ-graded module M = M we have M(cid:5)n(cid:6) =M . i∈Z i i i+n The affine structure algebra associated to the root system R is ⎧ ⎫ (cid:13) Z(cid:3)=Z(cid:3)Z(cid:4) :=⎨⎩(zw)∈ (cid:12) S(cid:3)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13) for azwll α≡∈zsRα,n+w, nm∈oZd, αwn∈W(cid:2)⎬⎭. w∈W(cid:3) (cid:17) (cid:3) The infinite product w∈W(cid:3)S appearing in the definition above should be under- (cid:3) stoodastheproductinthecategoryofgradedS-modules; i.e.,theproductistaken degree-wise. As the defining relations are homogeneous, Z(cid:3) is a Z-graded algebra. It is an S(cid:3)-algebra via the diagonal inclusion S(cid:3)⊂Z(cid:3). Let k be a ring in which 2 is invertible. For any Z(cid:6)-module M we set M := k M ⊗Z(cid:4) k. In particular, we have Sk = S(X ⊗Z k) and S(cid:3)k = S(X(cid:3) ⊗Z k), and the structure algebra over k is Z(cid:3)k =Z(cid:3)⊗Z(cid:4) k. (cid:17) (cid:3) Notethatthisdoesnotnecessarilycoincidewiththesubalgebraof w∈W(cid:3)Skdefined in analogy with Z(cid:3) by congruence relations. Let us construct some elements in Z(cid:3). For λ ∈ X(cid:3) and x ∈ W(cid:2) define c(λ) := x x(λ). As sα,n(μ) ≡ μ mod αn for all α,n,μ, we have that c(λ) := (c(λ)x)x∈W(cid:3) is contained in Z(cid:3). This yields a homomorphism c: X(cid:3) →Z(cid:3) of abelian groups. Note that the image of c is contained in degree 2. For β ∈R+ let W(cid:2)β ⊂W(cid:2)be the subgroup generated by all reflections s with β,n n∈Z. The next lemma will be used in the proof of Theorem 5.4. Lemma 2.2. For each β ∈ R+ and w ∈W(cid:2) there is an element z = (zx)x∈W(cid:3) ∈ Z(cid:3) of degree 2 with the following properties: (1) z =0, w (2) for all x∈W(cid:2)β we have z ∈Z(cid:6)δ if l(x) is even, and z ∈β+Z(cid:6)δ if l(x) xw xw is odd. Proof. For all x ∈ W(cid:2) set z˜x := β −xw−1(β) ∈ X(cid:3) ⊂ S(cid:3). Then z˜ := (z˜x)x∈W(cid:3) = β ·1Z(cid:2) +c(w−1(β)) is an element in Z(cid:3). Obviously, z˜w = 0. For all x ∈ W(cid:2)β we calculate (using Lemma 2.1): z˜ = β−x(β) xw ≡ β−x(β) mod δ ≡ β−(−1)l(x)β mod δ, and hence 2−1z˜serves our purpose. (cid:4) 2.5. Invariants. Choose t ∈ T(cid:3) and consider (cid:17)the involution w (cid:14)→ wt on the set W(cid:2). We denote by σt the algebra involution on w∈W(cid:3)S(cid:3)that is given by s(cid:17)witching coordinates: σt(zw) = (zw(cid:6) ), where zw(cid:6) = zwt. Then the subalgebra Z(cid:3) ⊂ w∈W(cid:3)S(cid:3) is σ -stable. Denote by Z(cid:3)t ⊂ Z(cid:3) the subalgebra of σ -invariants. For the ring k we t t set Z(cid:3)t = (Z(cid:3)t) . We denote by Z(cid:3)−t ⊂ Z(cid:3) the Z(cid:3)t-module of σ -anti-invariants. As k k t we can divide by 2 in Z(cid:3) we have Z(cid:3)=Z(cid:3)t⊕Z(cid:3)−t. Consider the element c(α ) ∈Z(cid:3). t Then σ (c(α ))=−c(α ) as t(α )=−α . So c(α )∈Z(cid:3)−t. t t t t t t

Moreover, by developing a Lefschetz theory on a moment graph we . on affine Schubert varieties, sheaves on the underlying moment graph and.
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