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^ i ± mh:^. vmi ^ \ CIRCA University Student Commons: 2009 Celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2OO9, the 162,182-square-footUniversityStudent Commons servesasthe centerfordailyactivities, meetings and events onthe Monroe ParkCampusatVirginia CommonwealthUniversity. Outsidethe classroom, an ever-growing student population gathers in the facility's indoor and atdoorareasto meet friends, studyandgrab abite to eat. Contents [FEATURES] 8 > Presidential perspective Eugene P. Trani. Ph.D., shares histhoughtson Virginia CommonwealthUniversity'sgrowth and its impact on the region. 12 > Familyties FamilieswithmultipleVCUgraduatesreveal how theiruniquelinkstrengthenstheirconnection to one another. 22 -^ Scholarlypursuits Endowedgifts contribute to studentsuccess and \-rry-~ t-vri"^ ensure thatVCU'stradition ofexcellenceand accessible educationcontinues. [DEPARTMENTS] > Circa 'm UniversityStudent Commons: 2009. 5 ^ Universitynews NoteworthynewsandresearchatVCU. 18 > Face to face KarenVidetic talksabout usingfashion asaservice-learningopportunity forstudents. 19 -* My college town James River Film Festival catersto Richmond-area cinemalovers. 20 * The bigpicture ClassroomlessonsattheVCU Rice Centerexpand to thewater's edge. 26 ^ Alumni connections Thelatest news from thealumniassociation. 31 ^ Class notes Updatesfromalumni, faculty, staffand friends. 37 "* Then and now Barnes & Noble offersanewtextbookdefinition ofcampusbookstores. 38 > Datebook Upcominguniversityandalumnievents. 39 > Circa UniversityStudent Commons: 1984- Spring2009 i 1 VCUs Building legacy through alumni engagement With the retirement of President Eugene P. Trani, Ph.D., your universityis assessingitspast, present and future, inpreparationforwritingthenextchapterofits Spring 2009 • Volume 14, Number 2 history. In igyears, Dr. Trani'sleadership hasbrought www.vcu-mcvalumni.org growth and change to campus and the community, and his accomphshments and contributionsare featured in AssistantVicePresident, this issue. Wewish himtheverybest and thankhim for UniversityAlumniRelations hisstellarservice. GordonA. McDougall Beckoning to all of us is the opportunity to build ExecutiveDirector, on the legacy ofDr. Trani and other faculty, students, VCUAlumniAssociation alumniandstaffwho'vecomebefore,aswewelcomeanew DianeStout-Brown(B.S.W, '80/SW) presidentandrefreshourdedicationtoandsupportfor Editorial Virginia CommonwealthUniversity, KristenCaldwell(B,S, '94/MC) Howmightwebestbuildonthatlegacy?1believethe path requires us to work together to enhance alumni Design TrinaLambert engagement. WTiat is alumni engagement? It's establishing the Photography alumni associationasaprimaryconnectionforalumni Linda George with the university, so that you can capitalize on the Production university's role as a lifelong educational and social JessicaFoster resource. It's also advancing the university by building active support, commitment and involvement Contributors amongalumni, students, facultyandbusinessandcommunitypartners. Editorial: KelliAnderson.JenniferCarmean Howwillwebuildalumniengagement?Thefirststep isto inviteyouandallalumnitojointhealumni (B,S, '98/H&S), TeriDunnivant, ErinEgan, association and actively engage in setting our goals and objectives. We're creating several opportunities PollyRoberts, MelanieIrvinSolaimani to allowalumnito interactwiththeassociationandtheuniversity. (B,S. 'ge/MC), KimWitt We're improving ourWeb site, www.vcu-mcvalumni,org, and expanding the networking and services Design:PamelaArnold(B.F.A. '87/A),Nathan availableforallalumni,particularlyactive, dues-payingmemberswhoprovideessentialfinancialresources Hanger(B.S. 'oi/MC), HaleyHollenbach tofundstudentandalumnioutreachandsupport. (B,F,A. 'Ol/A), KatieMcBride(B,F,A. 'oVA), We're also increasing our presence on social networks such as Facebook and Linkedin, as well as MatthewPhillips(M,F.A. 'Sy/A). Shannon expandingouractivitiesandprograms,bothon- andoff-campus, toengagemorealumniinthefullrange Williams ofintellectual, service, networkingand Ramspiritopportunitiesavailable. Photograph)':VCU Libraries—Special Please reviewthe reunion information and other programming featured in this issue and come back CollectionsandArchives,AllenJones to campusto renewfriendshipswith fellowalumni andmeet andgreet the faculty members and students (B,F,A, '82/A; M,F,A, 'g2/A),TomKojcsich who arekeepingtheRamspiritaliveandwell! ShaferCourtConnectionsispublished VCUisachievingrecognitionforitshigh-qualityprogramsandfacilitiesandhasalottoofferalumni. semiannuallybytheOfficeofAlumniRelations Yourcontinuinginvolvementwiththeuniversityiscriticaltobuildingandmaintainingthetypeofeduca- andVCU CreativeServicesforVirginia tionalenvironmentthatleadsto sustainedexcellence. CommonwealthUniversity'salumni, faculty, Youralumniassociationisyourprimaryconnectiontoalifetimeoflearningandengagement.Weneed smtaagffazainndefdrioenndost.nOepceisnsiaorinlsyerxepprreessseendtitnhotsheis youtobeanactive memberofthe team! oftheuniversityormagazinestaff. YoursforVCU, Sendaddresschangestothe OfficeofAlumni Relations,VirginiaCommonwealthUniversity, g24.W. FranklinSt., P,0. Box84304.4, Richmond,VA23284-3044.; telephone GordonA. McDougall (804) 828-25861 vcu-alum@vcu,edu AssistantVice President, UniversityAlumniRelations orwww,vcu-mcvalumni,org. gamcdougall(5Vcu,edu LetterstotheeditorshouldbesenttoShafer CourtConnections,VirginiaCommonwealth University, 827W, FranklinSt,. P,0, Box P.S. Help us keep our communications streamlined and green. Register your e-mail address 842041. Richmond,VA23284-2041, or www.vcu-mcvalumni.org. e-mailshafercourt@vcu,edu. Pleaseinclude yourname, addressandadaytimephone number; anonymousletterswillnotbe published. Lettersmaybeeditedforclarity orspace. Onthe cover aCrotnwtorrikbuatrieowneslcofomaert,ichloesw,evpehro,toSshaafnedrCourt VirginiaCommonwealthUniversityPresident Connectionsacceptsnoresponsibilityfor EugeneP.Trani.Ph.D..andthePauleyPavilion, unsoliciteditems, hometothedaVinciCenterforInnovation inProductDesignandDevelopment. A©n2e0q0u9a,loVpiprogritnuinaitCyo,mamfofinrwmaetailvethactUinoinveurnsiivteyni.ity. 080923-02 4 VCUShaferCourtConnections i Virginia Commonwealth University news University news and research. For the latest updates, visit VCU online atwww.news.vcu.edu VC "I ^es Central Michigan hea-^ >-^:-i--"i n-.„ „ ;.-. auu „,„.;,!„„i The VCU Board ofVisitors announced in late Februai'y that Michael Rao. Ph.D., president of Electric trucks roll across carmous CentralMichiganUniversity,willbeVCU'snextpresidentandpresidentoftheVCUHealthSystem. Aspartofapilotprogramtotestemissions HealsowillbeatenuredprofessorintheSchoolofEducation. andcost-effectiveness, VCUpurchasedtwo Rao, 42. comes to VCU with a broad range of educational experience, including sei'ving electric trucks that reduce greenhouse gas as a president ofa large doctoral research university, university chancellor, president ofa two-year emissions by 99 percent when compared collegeandacollegedean. with the diesel-powered Bobcat Toolcats "Michael Rao's accomplishments are remarkable," saysVCU RectorTom Rosenthal. "Members alreadyinuseoncampus. oftheboard, thepresidentialsearchcommitteeand others representinguniversitygroupswhohave The trucks — used for collecting trash, met Mike are excited about the energy, recycling and maintaining the grounds on enthusiasmandintelligence hewillbringto VCU's campuses — place VCU among the VCU asitsfifthpresident." 66 percent of universities nationwide that The board's unanimous decision came reportedusinghybridoralternative-energy alter an extensive process that sought input vehicles in 2008. according to the College fromtheentireuniversitycommunityabout SustainabilityReport Card. VCU's future and the type of person who The trucks support VCU's sustainability shouldbe itsnextpresident.A17-niember, initiatives as a signatory of the American universitywide committee used that infor- College and University Presidents Climate mationasitconductedanationalsearchand Commitment.TTiecommitment, whichVCU toi-warded recommendations to the VCU signed in April 2008, is an effort among BoardofVisitors. universities to address global warming by "1 am truly honored to be appointed conducting a greenhouse gas inventory and VCU's next president. This is the onlyposi- establishingatimeline forachievingcarbon tionIhavepursued, anditisbecauseVCU is neutrality. acitdyy.n"aRmaioc asanyds.di"IvterissevuenriyvecrlseiatrytihnataVviCbUranits an"iInttiesgmraylhcopoemptohantesnutstaoifnabtihleitaycbaedceommiec,s an institution of opportunity with great administrative, clinical, operational and momentum. I am excited toworkwdthall its research activity VCU engages in every stakeholderstocarrythatmomentumforward day," saysJacek Ghosh, who joined VCU VreCsUearPcrehsilidbernatr-iealnecatttMhiechTaoemlpfktaion,sP-h.MDc.,CgarweeLtisbrIarrye,neanLudbkheerr, ausrwbeanfurlfeislelaarnchimunpiovretrsaintty,miwsistihohniagsh-aqluealaidtiyn,g aibnilSietyp.te'mIbweoru2ld00l8ikeastdoirseecetosrusotfaisnuasbtialiint-y colleagues(fromleft)ShannonJones,headofOutreach well-integrated academic programs and a becomeingrainedinVCU'sDNAasamatter Services,andBarbaraWright,referenceserviceslibrarian, pre-eminentacademic medicalcenter. " ofcourse." ataMarch5campusforum. Rao vdll officially take the helm of the TheVantageElectricTruckAll university onJuly I when Eugene P. Trani, trucksupportsVCU'spursuit Ph.D., retires from the positions ofVCU president and president and chair ofthe VCU Health ofasustainablecampus. System. TraniwillremainatVCUasuniversitydistinguished professor. Rao has served as president and professor at Central Michigan University since 2000. CMU, located in Mount Pleasant, Mich., is a public doctoral research institution wit 28.000 studentsandanoperatingbudget of morethan $400 million. Acclaimed debut novelist speaks about his literaryjourney In November, Travis Holland accepted the VCU Cabell First Novelist Award andparticipatedinaforumdiscussionaboutthejourneyofhiscriticallyacclaimed debutnovel, "TheArchivist'sStory," publishedin 2007- Inspired by Isaac Babel, one ofRussia's greatest short-storywriters, who was executed by the Stalinist regime, Holland captures the atmosphere ofMoscowat theendofthe1930s.Thenovelfollowstheethicalandmoraldilemmasofthemain character, anarchivist at the Lubyanka Prisonwho is chargedwith cataloging (and ultimatelyincinerating) theworksofwriterswhohavebeendenouncedandarrested. The VCU Cabell First Novelist Award celebrates the VCU M.F.A. in Creative — Writing Program's yearlong novel workshop the first in the nation and still one ofthe fewinexistence. Spring2009 5 I (I m..--m^^^^ [university news] ^^^ ^^KfK^^^BmmSS^^ms^mam Bill Cosbv kick"^ off lecfure series Designed with input from more than 600 doctors, nurses, staffmembers andpatients, the Entertainer Bill Cosby spoke to an enthusi- 15-level, 367,000-square-foot Critical Care astic VCU audience in December at the Alltel Hospital increases the medical center's capac- Pavilion of the Stuart C. Siegel Center. The ity fortreatingseriouslyill and injured patients event culminated a series of celebrations this and includes intensive care units for surgical past fall recognizing VCU's 40'^ anniversary trauma, neonatal, cardiac, neuroscience and andwasthefirstpresentationinthenewlyestab- oncology, as well as the Evans-Haynes Burn '% ?>> lishedL. DouglasWilderLectureshipSeries. Center.Thelargestcapitalconstructionproject 41 Named for the former Richmond mayor in the history ofthe VCU Medical Center, the ^ and formerVirginia governor, and made pos* $184 million Critical Care Hospital houses 232 . sible by a gift from Dominion Resources, the adult patient beds, increasing the medical cen- romMylarsheetsandglue,"Untitled WadiinsldtdiensrgpurLiiesnchgetdusreepmreowsfitelelsrs.obreWiipnlrdeetshree,ntVwedChoUevaeClrseyontfisaelrla tpeerr'csernattitooo7f0prpievracteentto.semiprivatebedsfrom37 (ctaMhlyellsafrTi)ae,lrda2s0Do0ofn8co"ov,ianlntl'eussmtpr"adotarezaszrlwiyhnagstcbuotlhdpeytuMorafecwAaornrtdkhiutnhrsattFaolwilulanltdieaonntriifoconhr for Public Policy, was instrumental in bring- Art alumna receives 'genius grant' yearstocome." ingCosbytoVCU, andhewillcontinueto help identifyspeakersforfutureserieslectures. SculptorandVCUSchooloftheArtsgradu- bring wonder to the most common objects of ate Tara Donovan (M.F.A. '99/A) won the everydaylife. Donovan's site-specific, sculptural Hospital fills a critical need in Va. bpreecsotmigiinogustheMatchAirrdthfuorrmeFrelVlCowUshsitpudiennt2t0o0w8i,n winotroksinttrraingsufiongrmviosrudalinaanrdypahcycsuimcaullaitnestdalmlaatteiroinasl.s" Virginia's only hospital devoted solely the award inthe past fiveyears. tatotchreitVicCalUcaMreediwcasaldCeednictaetre.d in October 2008 namDeodnoivnanSewpatsemobneer.ofE2a5chMgarcaAnrtthwuirnnFeerllwoiwlsl VCU, W&M partner on life sciences receive $500,000 over the course offive years InJanuary, The College ofWilliam &. Mary with no obligations on howthe money isspent, and VCU announced a partnership that pools providing honorees with a large measure of the researchandexpertiseoftheirenvironmen- freedom toadvance theirwork. talscienceprograms. TheJohn D. and Catherine T. MacAi^thur Under the agreement. William &. Mary's FoundationFellowshipsareawardedannuallyto Center for Conservation Biology, best known individuals from a variety offields throughout for its workwith bald eagles and ensuring sus- the U.S. Fellows are selected for their "creativ- tainability ofbird populations, wdll draw on its ity, originality and potential." The award is extensive academic programs in biology, bio- often referredto asthe "geniusgrant. " science and computational modeling, while Donovanwasthesubjectofasoloexhibitatthe providingacloseconnectionwiththeconsider- Metropolitan Museum ofArt in NewYork City able expertisewithintheVCU IngerandWalter lastyear and recentlycompleted a major exhibit Rice CenterforEnvironmentalLifeSciences. attheInstituteofContemporaryArtinBoston. The collaborationwillbe namedthe College In awarding a fellowship to Donovan, the of William &. MaryA^irginia Commonwealth MacArthur Foundation noted that she ""is an University Center for Conservation Biology _.nticiji '^fjn.: HospitalattheVCU MedicalCenter inventive young sculptor whose installations at theVCURice Center. Faculty honors M.NjeriJackson,Ph.D.,special assistantfordiversity intheOffice The Institute of Medicine of the National Academies elected ofthe Provost and associate professor in the Department of African Joseph Ornato, M.D., professor and chair of the Department American Studies and the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government of Emergency Medicine, to its member ranks. and Public Affairs, received the 2008 Women of Color Professional Achie.ernent Recognition Award from the Women's Caucus for TheAmerican Association fortheAdvancementofScience named Political Science. two VCU professors as Fellows: Audrey Smedley, Ph.D., profes- sor emeritus of anthropology with a joint appointment in African The American Physical Society elected Alenka Luzar, Ph.D., American Studies, and Sarah Spiegel, Ph.D., professor and chair professor in the Department ofChemistry,to the status of Fellow. ofthe Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. June Nicholson, associate director and associate professor in the David Wojahn, director of the creative writing program in the School of Mass Communications, received the 2008 Robert P. Knight Department of English, received a 2009 Outstanding Faculty Award Multicultural Reciuii.ment Award from the Association for Education from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia and the in Journalism and Mass Communication. Dominion Foundation. 6 VCUShaferCourtConnections i "One ofthe priorities ofmy administration Research repor: hasbeentoworkcollaborativelywithTheCollege ofWilliam & Mary and this agreement brings togethertwoverystrongareasofexpertise," says VCUPresidentEugene P. Trani, Ph.D. neai-i Irogen Lastyear, VCU andWilliam &. Mary created Scientists at Penn State University and VCU have discov- the VCU-William & Mary Health Policy and eredawaytoproducehydrogenbyexposingselectedclusters Law Initiative, which draws on faculty from the of aluminum atoms to water. The findings demonstrate that two institutions to conduct research, provide public service and offerjoint degree programs it is the geometries of these aluminum clusters, rather than that focuson solvingtopicalproblems inhealth solelytheirelectronicproperties,thatgovernthe proximityof policy, lawandbioethics. the clusters' exposed active sites. Supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, theteam, which includes VCU physics professorShiv Khanna, Ph.D.,andpostdoctoralassociateArthurReber,foundthatthe aluminum clusters react differently when exposed to water depending on their sizes and their unique geometric struc- tures. Three of the aluminum clusters produced hydrogen ShivKInanna,Ph.D. from waterat room temperature. "Traditional techniques forsplittingwaterto produce hydrogen generally require a lot of energy at the time the hydrogen is generated. But our method allows us to produce hydrogen without supplying heat, connectingto a battery or addingelectricity. Oncethe aluminum clusters are synthesized, they can generate hydrogen on demand without the need to store it," Khanna says. Gene discovery could lead to new cancer therapies SARI, a new anti-tumor gene identified by VCU researchers, suppresses the growth and survival of tumor cells by interfering with the action of cancer cell molecules that drivecell division and promotesurvival. SupportedbygrantsfromtheNational InstitutesofHealth,theSamuelWaxmanCancer Research Foundationandthe National FoundationforCancerResearch,theinvestigators delivered SARI to cancer cells using a virus, and the infected cancer cells subsequently VCUandWilliam&Marybeginapartnershipin stopped dividing and died. As 90 percent ofall cancertypes rely on a similar mechanism conservationbiology.Picturedclockwisefromtop to proliferate and evade destruction, researchers noted that SARI could be an effective left:LeonardSmock,Ph.D..director,VCURiceCenter, anti-cancertreatmentfor manytumors. BryanWatts.Ph.D..director.William& MaryCenter "We have uncovered a new way by which interferon can induce anti-tumor activity. forConservation Biology;Mitchell Byrd,Ph.D., The identification of SARI also provides a new potential reagent for the selective killing chancellorprofessoremeritusofbiologyatWilliam of tumor cells," says lead investigator Paul B. Fisher, M.Ph., Ph.D., professor and chair &&MMaarryy;;aTnaydloErugReenveeleP.y,TrJa.nDi.,,Pphr.eD.s,idpernets,idWeinltl,iVamCU. oofftMhoeleDceuplaarrtMmeednitcionfeHiunmtahenVaCndUMSoclheocoullaorf GMeedniectiinces.aSnudbtdriarcetcitoonrhoyfbtrihdeizVaCtiUon,Inastpitouwt-e Heart center uses new imagingtoo erful technique pioneered in Fisher's laboratory, uncovered SARI. Next, the team plans to develop improved approaches to more effectively target the The VCU Pauley Heart Center is the first deliveryofSARI. in the U.S. to use theVivid i system, a new type of intracardiac uhrasound machine that pro- contirms power scan as an imaginj duces enhanced imaging ofthe heart, allowing cardiac electrophysiologists to better diagnose A nationwide study involving VCU researchers confirmed the effectiveness of positron andtreat atrialfibrillation. emissiontomography(PET)scansin monitoringtumoractivityacrossarangeofcancers.Thi Affecting more than 2 million Americans, resultscould lead toexpanded Medicare coveragefor PET scans in diagnosing, stagingand atrial fibrillation interferes with the heart's abilitytoefficientlypumpblood,whichcanlead restagingall cancers. Researchersreported resultsbycancertypefortwoyearsofdatacollectedfromnearly toclotsandpossiblyastroke. 41,000 PETstudies conducted at more than 1,300 cancercenters nationwide and found "It gives us spectacular images of the heart, our catheters in the heart and the structures the impactof PETdid notvary significantly amongcancers. in the heart and helps us do an even betterjob "As a result, we believe that coverage for PET in the staging, restaging and detec- of ablating atrial fibrillation more safely and tion of recurrence of cancer should be handled the same across the board," says Bruce more effectively." says Kenneth Ellenbogen, E. Hillner, M.D., professor of medicine at the VCU Massey Cancer Center and lead M.D., professor of cardiology and director author of the article, published in the December issue ofThe Journal of Nuclear Medi- of the cardiac electrophysiology lab at the cine. Hillnerservesaschairofthe National Oncologic PETRegistry,which ensuresaccess VCUMedicalCenter. to Medicare reimbursementforcertaintypes of PETscans. ; wmm. .mm^^S^ %,^"^.^^^y^-^ " k-^ Eugene Trani P. reflects on his 19-year tenure as the university's visionary leader enucL eciwe /-^e^Lcii ii // a noted hidtiora 6cnotar and autnor woiiict mahe nistori IumSe With the nation's college and university presidents serving on average 8.5 years, according to the American Education Council, the 19-year presidency of Eugene P. Irani, Ph.D., represents one of the longest tenures of any university system president in modern times. Virginia Commonwealth University benefited VCU from Dr. Trani's longevity as he led through a strategic transformation, building the university into a major urban research institution and the largest university in Virginia. As he prepares to retire as president of VCU and president and chair of the VCU Health System, Dr. Irani shares his thoughts on the university's growth and its impact throughout the region since he arrived on campus in 1990. (Firstrow,fromleft)FrancisL.Macrina, Ph.D.,VCUvicepresidentforresearch,Dr.Irani andSheldon Retchin,M.D.,M.S.P.M.,VCU HealthSystemCEOandVCU HealthSciences vicepresident•Virginia General Assemblyresolution commending Dr. Trani's leadership •Hibbs Hall • Campaign for VCU celebration (Second row,from left) VCU School ofthe Arts in Qatar • Monroe Park Campus Addition • VCU Commencement • Robert T. Skunda, presidentandCEO,VirginiaBioTechnologyResearchPark,andDr.Irani(Thirdrow,fromleft) Dr.IranionC-SPAN2'sBookIV-NovelistloniMorrisonandDr.Irani•Dr.Irani's"retired"jersey in the Alltel Pavilion at the Siegel Center • VCU Critical Care Hospital (Fourth row, from left) Dr.Irani'sinaugural address• Linden Court•VCU IngerandWalter RiceCenterfor Environmental LifeSciences• Dr.Iraniand hiswife, Lois,withformer President Bill Clinton Dr.IraniatVCU's40thAnniversaryinfall2008(center)celebratesthegrowthoftheuniversity,v^hichincludesmorethan$2.2 billionincapitalconstructionandrenovationprojectsontheMonroe ParkCampus(farleft)and MCVCampussince1990- 44 When met Dr. Trani in 1999, he ignited my passion to I become involved with my alma mater. Gene has trans- formed VCU ... to the world-class healing, teaching, research and residential university that we are today. During your presidency, VCU set When I think about all the positive change that has taken many enrollment records, and VCU place, realize that Dr Trani not only has reinvented VCU, I became Virginia's largest public uni- but he has also had a material impact on changingthe face versity. How has a growing student population beenanassettoVCU,and of the city of Richmond. -RichardJ."Dick"Robertson(B.S.'67/MC) 9kWi has a larger student body changed the VCU experience? It clearly has given us a critical mass to do Raisinginstitutional pridehasbeena pri- ifyou were atthe VCU-George Mason game, differentthings — for example, a critical mass ority for your administration. What do which was on ESPN2, you really got a sense of life science students and a critical mass of you think it meansto bea Ram today? for what it meansto bea Ram.They're proud. engineering students. I think it has helped They're boisterous, but they're respectful. our prestige within the commonwealth since I think it's much more meaningful. Certainly, There's just a great feeling. Our students so many of our students are from Virginia. the only identification is not athletics, but have clearly rallied around our athletic teams We have almost 600 freshmen from Fairfax County this year and, therefore, can go into I theofficeofalmostany legislatorfrom Fairfax County and they know all about VCU. They didn't used to knowabout VCU. Ifyouwereadvisingparentsofa17-year- old student weighing college choices, whatwould you tell them aboutVCU? I would tell them it would be a real-world experience. It's not isolated physically or psychologically. We are in a great metro- politan area with a diverse student body that reflects what the United States looks like — what the world looks like. And we prepare our students for the world of work — and we're very good at that. This is no ivy-covered isolated place. VCU represents the real world, and think our students are I ready to go out into that world when they graduate. 10 VCUShaferCourtConnections 1

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