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Sexual Rapport Modeling. Situational Opener Technology PDF

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Situational Opener Technology Page 1 of 57 Sexual Rapport Modeling Situational Opener Technology First Edition By Keanu J. Jagger Table of Contents Table of Contents Situational Opener Technology Introduction Modeling The Best Getting The Skills Chapter 1: Eight Beliefs For Opening Introduction Belief #1. Women Are Friendly Belief #2. No One Is Looking At You Belief #3. Women Like Sex Belief #4. You Are Not Your Past Belief #5. Women Are Not A Task Belief #6. Expertise Comes With Experience Belief #7. Expertise Comes With Experimentation Belief #8. You Place Importance On The Process file://C:\WIN98\TEMP\~~~92A3\index.html 25.08.04 Situational Opener Technology Page 2 of 57 The Eight Belief Affirmations Chapter 2: State Control Introduction Playfulness Playful Exercise #1 Playful Exercise #2 Situational Comfort Situational Comfort Exercise #1 Situational Comfort Exercise #2 Outward Focus Versus Inward Focus Flipping the Switch Throwaway Opener You Start the Day Back at Zero State Control Rules To Remember Chapter 3: Where To Find Women Introduction Bookstores Grocery Stores Target And Walmart The Gym Coffee Shops Lectures Malls Subways Downtown The Beach Clubs and bars Campuses Chapter 4: Informational Openers Introduction Five Approaches a Day Get In And Get Out Keep a Journal Approach From The Front Propulsion Notes Informational Opener Rules to Remember Chapter 5: Observation Question Openers Introduction Building Up The Suspense What About Your Intentions? Exercise #1: Brainstorm Exercise #2: Three Openers a Day Observation Question Openers Rules to Remember Chapter 6: Compliment Openers Introduction The Delivery Element One: Give Specific Compliments Element Two: How She Affected You Some Examples Element Three: Pacing Taking It Away Exercise #1: Brainstorm Exercise #2: Three Openers a Day Using Visualization Rehearsal file://C:\WIN98\TEMP\~~~92A3\index.html 25.08.04 Situational Opener Technology Page 3 of 57 Don’t Wait For a Sign Compliment Openers Rules to Remember Chapter 7: Opinion Openers Introduction “Apples or Oranges” Structure Hooking Them In “What’s your opinion?” Structure Exercise: Three Openers Opinion Openers Rules to Remember Chapter 8: Opening Groups Introduction Opening Groups of Girls Opening a Girl With a Guy Opening a Girl With a Group of Guys Chapter 9: Tease Openers Introduction Some Examples of Tease Openers The Three Rules Opinion-Tease Combination Exercise #1: Brainstorm Exercise #2: Open Tease Opener Rules to Remember Chapter 10: Opening Beautiful Women Introduction Women’s Sociability Your Sociability Perceiving Women’s Value Chapter 11: Handling “Rejection” Introduction The Rare Situation Turning Around Rejection Chapter 12: Common Questions Answered Introduction What If I’m Caught Off Guard? Should I Play Aloof? Should I Go Alone Or With Friends? What About Women Who Are Walking? What Will Others Think? Signing Off Situational Opener Technology Introduction I’m excited to introduce to you my new Sexual Rapport Modeling series Situational Opener Technology. file://C:\WIN98\TEMP\~~~92A3\index.html 25.08.04 Situational Opener Technology Page 4 of 57 What Sexual Rapport Modeling does is look beyond the normal surface social dynamics in human interaction. For example, you’ve probably heard all kinds of contradictory advice on how to interact with women. There’s the sloppy school of thought to “just be yourself,” which tells you nothing. Then you have a whole market of books on “flirting” but they don’t explain the psychological principles behind how flirting works. You have simplistic sociobiology models that explain men are after young women with wide hips and women are after successful men with good paying jobs… even though we all know financially successful men who have trouble meeting women while another guy living in their Mom’s basement has no trouble getting girlfriends. You have the traditional dating model that explains men should beg and buy their way into a woman’s favor. So you have all these very primitive models and none of them go beyond surface level, basic observations. All of these models are theories that try to describe the world but do so poorly and imperfectly. None of these models are going to show you how to be a happy, healthy individual with lots of women friends. In fact, given how important communication is in today’s world, little research has been done into how to move people into sexual rapport. Today we have new breakthroughs and technologies in almost every scientific field, but there’s been little progress recently in the field of human development and the way in which we change our behaviors. You can’t find a single school or classroom for advice, training, or education in this area for getting sexual rapport with others. Modeling The Best I came up with Situational Opener Technology because I wanted to make changes in my own life. I wondered why you can have two people who seem pretty similar on the surface – same looks, same money – and yet one seems to have a terrible time approaching women and the other seems like women are just magnetically attracted to him. I ended up reading 2 or 3 books a month on how to become better with women and tried to dump as much knowledge as I could into my mind but I found little that was really helpful. In fact, some of the things I read only held me BACK. It really clicked for me when I began MODELING the top guys “in the field” and combining together everything what worked for them. I realized that when people succeed it’s because they’re doing the same things over and over again. So instead of trying to file://C:\WIN98\TEMP\~~~92A3\index.html 25.08.04 Situational Opener Technology Page 5 of 57 reinvent the wheel, I went out and modeled only the people who were already getting results. I found people who were good in meeting women and guys who seemed to have the woman of their dreams. That way I was able to take what they were doing, apply the same behaviors and actions to my own life, and get the same results. As a result of taking some simple, easily learnable actions I met more women than I had thought was possible. Sexual Rapport Modeling is a sweeping model based on a collection of other peoples’ models, and modeled only on what works. That way it’s always changing, always developing, always improving. Situational Opener Technology is an extension of this model. And I call it “Situational” because I’ll show you exactly how to open women for different situations, meaning you open based on the surrounding context of the situation. Getting The Skills Now, you want to be able to meet women anytime, anywhere. Progress comes from consistent focus and concentrating your power to make little breakthroughs daily and through that gradual method of learning you can completely transform your life. Because anything you focus on on a consistent, daily basis, you’ll find yourself improving 1000% and whatever you put your focus on you’ll find you manifest in your life. And by making small steps every day you’ll be able to open women without fear and hesitation and get good responses on a consistent, ongoing basis. And I’ll show you the skills of how to get those responses more quickly than you ever imagined you could before. Chapter 1: Eight Beliefs For Opening Introduction Now, in order to approach and open women effectively, you need to have certain beliefs about how the world is and about how women are. The fact is we’re raised with all sorts of beliefs that short-circuit us from being able to approach and open women. What I’ve done is broken down the beliefs you want to have that will help allow you to approach women without hesitation or fear. Belief #1. Women Are Friendly Belief number one. Human beings are friendly creatures, and that goes for attractive file://C:\WIN98\TEMP\~~~92A3\index.html 25.08.04 Situational Opener Technology Page 6 of 57 women as well. I’m always surprised by the friendliness of responses I get from women when I approach them. Even if you approach a woman with a scowl across her face, as long as you come across as a genuinely warm, friendly, and playful person, a woman will take your lead and follow you into that state. Don’t underestimate how hypnotizable people in general are. If you approach a woman who is upbeat and happy, and you come across as being down and sad, you’ll tend to drag her into that negative state with you. But if you come across as upbeat and fun, she’ll get a small high just from meeting you. I’ve found that 97% of the time, women are friendly when you approach and open them. They won’t turn their backs on you or insult you for no reason. Human beings are not like that. None of us, men or women, want to come across as total jerks. One of the self-sabotaging beliefs a lot of guys have is this idea that beautiful women have their heads up their butts, that beautiful women are “bitches”. A lot of guys have this us- versus-them attitude, like approaching a beautiful woman is asking for a fight with someone with a bad attitude. The fact is, this belief is just pure baloney, your imagination run amuck. Women are from the same planet you’re from. They need love and acceptance just like everybody else. Belief #2. No One Is Looking At You Belief number two. When you approach a woman, NO ONE IS LOOKING AT YOU! No one cares. It’s all in your head! Get over it! Reality flash: the world does not revolve around you. People are not watching your every move. Other people are too busy thinking about their OWN problems than thinking about yours. In fact, even if someone is looking at you, how do they know that you don’t already know this woman you’re approaching, how do they know that this woman you’re approaching isn’t already your friend. The only reason they would suspect anything is if you approach her nervously and awkwardly. As long as you approach women comfortably, in a relaxed manner, no one looking at you file://C:\WIN98\TEMP\~~~92A3\index.html 25.08.04 Situational Opener Technology Page 7 of 57 would know what you’re doing or what your relationship with the woman is. Ever approach a woman where your physiological signs tell other people that she’s just you’re little sister. Because you’re so relaxed about it, so natural about it. And that kind of approach, where you’re that relaxed, is VERY sexy to women. Belief #3. Women Like Sex Belief number three. Women LIKE sex. Women WANT to meet men that turn them on and make them feel sexy. In fact, women’s capacity for sexual pleasure is much greater than a man’s. Women have an organ, the clitoris, whose only purpose is that of sexual pleasure. And concentrated in that little spot the size of a pea, are packed as many pleasure-feeling nerve endings than on the entire male penis. Behind closed doors, women LIKE to talk about sex as much as men do. Behind closed doors, women like dirty talk in bed as much as men do. Behind closed doors, women are more open to bisexuality and sexual experimentation than men are. However, women are taught by society to hide their sexual desires from public view. They feel pressure from their friends and family not to be a “slut”. Women are taught to look sexy and yet not to be openly sexual beings in public. As a result, on the surface, women may seem prudish, may seem like sex is not on their minds. But the fact is, when you get a girl into the bedroom, they’re usually much, much wilder than you may have expected at first as long as you make them comfortable with expressing their sexuality. The fact is women want sex, they want to meet a man who is not bound by the normal social rules, and they want to meet a man who will give her permission to be sexually open in bed. Belief #4. You Are Not Your Past Belief number four. You are not your past. The past does not equal the future. I don’t care if in the past you’ve had trouble approaching women. I don’t care if in the past, file://C:\WIN98\TEMP\~~~92A3\index.html 25.08.04 Situational Opener Technology Page 8 of 57 you were nervous around women. Look the past is over. It doesn’t exist anymore. The past is a hallucination, a movie inside your head. Yes, the past can be reference to help you make good decisions in the here, the right now, but the past doesn’t need to control you. Today you can be a totally new person. Today you can do things or act in new ways that aren’t normally “you”. I mean what’s holding you back from today saying, “The past is over. Today I’m going to be a new man. Today I’m going to be a new person. Today I’m going to be the kind of person who approaches and opens beautiful women successfully.” Yeah, your friends, your family they have expectations about the kind of person you’re supposed to be… about certain ways you’re supposed to act. But you don’t exist simply to please them, to fit a confining role of what they’re comfortable with. All through our lives we’re changing, growing, maturing, expanding our possibilities of who we are. You can use your past as a guide to help you navigate through the world, but it’s not healthy to let it control you, or let what others think how you should be or act control you. That’s living in a self-imposed prison. So if you want to be able to approach women, you have to have this belief that you can grow, learn, and change, and that just because you acted one way yesterday, doesn’t mean you have to act that way today or tomorrow or next week or next year. Today, tomorrow, next week, and next year, you can become a new person, a new person who has abundance in his life. And just because you failed yesterday or the 10 days before that, or the 100 days before that, what happened in the past does not equal what is going to happen today. All that matters is what you’re going to do right now. Belief #5. Women Are Not A Task Belief number five. Do not view approaching women as a task. Meeting women is a chore for most men. They feel pressure or feel they need to achieve something or have their egos boosted. Instead, approaching women should be fun, playful, something that you like to do, because you want to get to know this person in front of you and find out who this person really is and what they’re really like. If you view the woman in front of you as a task, as a goal to be achieved, you only serve in objectifying them which file://C:\WIN98\TEMP\~~~92A3\index.html 25.08.04 Situational Opener Technology Page 9 of 57 breaks rapport. Imagine you meet a girl at a bar and she only sees you as a dollar sign. She only wants to know how much money you make. In her mind she’s talking to you simply to a fulfill a goal of finding a rich sugar-daddy and not there to get to know you. Women pick up on the same thing when you see them as a mere task. So, yes you can be determined in your goals, but be playful. Don’t view approaching women as seduction but rather, as Sexual Rapport Modeling suggests, as an opportunity to get sexual rapport with this person and create a genuine connection between you and her. Belief #6. Expertise Comes With Experience Belief number six. You must be in the field. You cannot become good at opening with women and expect to have certainty of outcome. You cannot have certainty of outcome in advance of experience. It is only in the field that we find the truth. Because theory is just that; theory… utopianism and idealism. We can talk theory all day until we’re blue in the face but it’s only with raw experience do you learn the nuances of approaching women, only with raw experience do you learn the relaxed confidence you need for having success. You cannot understand Situational Opener Technology without being in the field doing it. Your understanding can begin with this series. But there is little room for memorization. There is little room for being an intellectual about this. And the fact is, we’re trained all of our lives to be academics. Many of us tend to have the disease of intellectualism, and infatuation with ideas that conform to preconceptions and simplified categories at the expense of experience. The reality is you’re going to have to approach women to get good at this. And you can’t expect to be able to walk up to a beautiful woman whenever you want to unless you’re freshly practiced, unless walking up to people and engaging them is part of your everyday experience and what you do as a human being. Think of it as like exercising a muscle. You can’t expect to bench your own weight on the first day you hit the gym. You have to start out easy and build that muscle up over time. Fortunately, this program starts you out with simple exercises you can do to build that file://C:\WIN98\TEMP\~~~92A3\index.html 25.08.04 Situational Opener Technology Page 10 of 57 approach opening muscle. I don’t just make you approach a bunch of women on the very first day. Follow the exercises and you’ll be able to progress steadily. Follow the exercises and without book study or memorization the skills you need will become automatic. You’ve already made an investment in this program which means you’re ten times further along than 99% of the people out there. The fact that you were willing to take action tells me that you’re willing to take more actions to succeed. And it’s only by taking action and by doing the exercises that you’ll find success. Belief #7. Expertise Comes With Experimentation Belief number seven. Everything you do is an experiment. With approaching women, you HAVE to have a mentality of experimentation. You have to be open to feedback and willing to make mistakes. The whole point is to go out into the world and screw up everything I give you. After all, do you know someone who wants to change their life but doesn’t do it? The bottom line is knowledge is not enough. You have to be able to follow through. You have to be able to consistently take action. If you don’t have that mentality of experimentation you get stuck. You can’t just hope that everything will turn out okay. That’s what most people do – they don’t have what they want and just keep hoping everything will change for the better. No, you have to study success and you can only become success’ student by experimenting. I like to think of it as I’m practicing all the time. I like to think of it as I’m lucky there’s so many attractive women out there and the world is my big computer simulation that I can run all sorts of tests on. I’m learning all the time, I’m bettering my social skills all the time. Every day is an opportunity to learn, grow, and improve. Belief #8. You Place Importance On The Process Belief number eight. You do not place any particular importance to any one approach opener or to any one woman. Do NOT place attachment on a particular interaction or on a particular woman. When you do so, you’re only shutting down the process of becoming a social individual and of getting rapport. When you place importance in any one woman or approach you’re only short circuiting the learning process that requires repetition and experimentation. You’re throwing your energy and intent in one direction when it needs to be thrown in another. file://C:\WIN98\TEMP\~~~92A3\index.html 25.08.04

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