Person. individ.O ff .loV ,12 .oN ,1 .pp ,8433 6991 nomagreP thgirypoC 0 6991 reiveslE ecneicS dtL detnirP ni taerG .niatirB llA sthgir devreser 1-95000)%(9688-191OS 0191-8869/96 $15.00+0.00 LAUXES ,ECNAIVED ,YTILAICOSITNA GNITAM EFFORT, AND EHT USE OF YLLAUXES EVICREOC SROIVAHEB Martin .L *ertimulaL and nonreV .L yesniuQ stnemtrapeD fo yrtaihcysP dna ,ygolohcysP s’neeuQ ,ytisrevinU ,notsgniK Canada L7K 3N6 (Received 6 December 1995) eerhT-yrammuS redro-hgih ksir srotcaf evah neeb detaicossa htiw a yllauxes evicreoc yrotsih ni :selam lauxes ,ecnaived ,ytilaicositna dna gnitam .troffe enin-yteniN gnuoy nem erew deretsinimda seriannoitseuq ot ssessa ,ytilaicositna dna gnitam troffe dna 30 fo meht tnewrednu a cirtemollahp tnemssessa fo lauxes .ecnaived selbairaV gnixedni ,ytilaicositna ni ralucitrap ,yhtapohcysp erew detaler ot gnitam troffe dna detroper-fles lauxes .noicreoc selbairaV gnixedni gnitam troffe erew osla detaler ot lauxes noicreoc tub esoht gnirusaem lauxes ecnaived erew .ton ehT tsegnorts ksir srotacidni rof lauxes noicreoc erew yhtapohcysp sa( dessessa yb na ylrae yrotsih fo roivaheb ,)smelborp ,gnikees-noitasnes deviecrep-fles gnitam ,sseccus dna na evisnetxe yrotsih fo dettimmocnu lauxes .spihsnoitaler thgirypoC 0 1996 reiveslE ecneicS .dtL NOITCUDORTNI hcraeseR has deifitnedi eerht main srotcaf ot nialpxe lauxes noicreoc gnoma yllaiciffo deifitnedi and deifitnedi-fles evicreoc .selam ,tsriF a substantial noitroporp fo dezilatipsoh ro detarecracni rapists wohs tnaived lauxes secnereferp ni eht .yrotarobal lauxeS secnereferp gnivlovni noicreoc era -aem derus ni eht yrotarobal yb segnahc ni elinep ecnecsemut deticile yb depatoidua soiranecs gnibircsed lauxes-non assault, gnitnesnoc ,xes and .epar tneceR sesylana-atem evah nwohs that lanoitutitsni samples fo rapists, as a ,puorg tibihxe tnaived snrettap fo lauxes secnereferp ni cirtemollahp assessment ,llaH( kcirdnohS & ,namhcsriH ;3991 ereimulaL & ,yesniuQ 1993, .)4991 oN rehto elbairav has nwohs a elbarapmoc eerged fo tnanimircsid .ytidilav secidnI fo tnaived lauxes -ferp secnere evah osla neeb dnuof ot tciderp erutuf lauxes gnidneffo gnoma rapists ,yesniuQ( ,ertimulaL eciR & ,sirraH 1995a; ,yesniuQ eciR & ,sirraH ;b5991 ,eciR sirraH & ,yesniuQ .)0991 nI tsartnoc ot lanoitutitsni samples, eht lauxes secnereferp fo deifitnedi-fles yllauxes evicreoc nem evah ylerar neeb .detagitsevni nI eno ,yduts egelloc nem ohw dettimda past esu fo lacisyhp-non ro lacisyhp lauxes noicreoc dewohs regral evitaler elinep sesnopser nehw gnidaer dezidradnats soiranecs fo epar than rieht evicreoc-non sreep (Malamuth, .)6891 ehT dnoces rotcaf snrecnoc laicositna and elitsoh .seicnednet detarecracnI rapists, derapmoc ot ,sredneffo-non evah neeb dnuof ot eb erom laicositna and elitsoh tuortnemrA( & ,reuaH ;8791 ,nivegnaL hcitiaP & Russon, ;5891 ,yesniuQ dlonrA & ,esseurP ;0891 ,rediaR ,)7791 and less cihtapme ,eciR( Chaplin, sirraH & ,sttuoC ;4991 oteS & ,eerabraB ;)3991 yeht evah erom elbaruovaf snoitpecrep fo epar ,dleiF( )8791 and erom evitavresnoc sedutitta sdrawot nemow and ytilauxes ttocS( & ,tluaerteT .)7891 ,revewoH eseht secnereffid yllausu raeppasid nehw rapists era derapmoc htiw rehto .sredneffo ’ytilaicositnA‘ ni this txetnoc tsom ylekil sevlovni a lareneg laicositna ycnednet rehtar than a cificeps ycnednet ni eht lauxes .niamod ,ylihtrowetoN ,yhtapohcysp as derusaem yb s’eraH yhtapohcysP desiveR-tsilkcehC ;R-LCP( ,eraH )2991 stciderp lauxes gnidneffoer gnoma dezilanoitutitsni rapists yesniuQ( et al., 1995a; yesniuQ et al., .)b5991 laicositnA risk srotcaf evah neeb ylevisnetxe deiduts gnoma deifitnedi-fles evicreoc nem detiurcer morf gnoma .setaudargrednu evicreoC ,selam derapmoc htiw rieht evicreoc-non ,sreep evah neeb dnuof ot evah a regnorts evissergga evird regnildneerG( & ,enryB ;7891 muK-oS ,gnaT illetirC & ,retroP ,)3991 ot eb erom nairatirohtua ,reklaW( ewoR & ,yesniuQ )3991 and less cihtapme kasiL( & ,navI ,)5991 ot wohs erom elitsoh ytinilucsam ssoK( & ,oreniD ;8891 drahnelheuM & ,notniL ;7891 Malamuth, yvaeH & ,zniL ;3991 ,ecnepS ffosoL & ,snibboR ;1991 reklaW et al., ,)3991 ot eb * stseuqeR rof stnirper dluohs eb desserdda :ot nitraM ,erbimulaL hcraeseR ,tnemtrapeD enehsiugnateneP latneM htlaeH ,ertneC 500 hcruhC ,teertS ,oiratnO ,adanaC L9M lG3. 33 43 Martin .L eQimulaL and nonreV .L yesniuQ erom gnireenimod ni yrotarobal snoitcaretni htiw nemow (Malamuth & ,llihnrohT ,)4991 and ot eb erom laicositna and erom devlovni ni ycneuqniled ytteP( & ,noswaD ;9891 tropapaR & ,trahkruB ;4891 ,rewraS ,namhcilaK ,noshnoJ ylraE & markA ,ilA ;3991 tub ees ,ssoK ,dranoeL yelzeeB & Oris, .)5891 ehT driht ,rotcaf gnitam ,troffe has ylno yltcerid neeb detagitsevni ni ruo yrotarobal ,ereimulaL( ,sremlahC yesniuQ & ,oteS dettimbus .))a( Mating troffe srefer ot ygrene erutidnepxe detacolla ot ,gnitacol ,gnitruoc and yllauxes gnitcaretni htiw slaudividni fo eht derreferp xes and .ega tI nac eb dehsiugnitsid morf latnerap tnemtsevni erehw ygrene is detacolla ot eht erac and noitcetorp fo gnirpsffo and .setam erehweslE ew evah deugra that eht elam lauxes ygolohcysp has neeb dengised yb larutan noitceles ot“ ezimixam evitcudorper sseccus yb gniyrav eht noitroporp fo gnitam troffe and latnerap tnemtsevni dednepxe gnidrocca ot ”secnatsmucric yesniuQ( & ,erbitlaL .)5991 nI ruo suoiverp krow ew dnuof that gnuoy adult nem evah a ycnednet ot adjust gnitam troffe gnidrocca ot rieht sseccus ni gnitcartta xes-etisoppo :srentrap eroM lufsseccus gnuoy nem era erom ylekil ot eusrup a ,mret-trohs dettimmocnu hcaorppa ot gnitam and esoht less lufsseccus era erom ylekil ot eusrup a ,mret-gnol dettimmoc ,hcaorppa elihw eht esrever smees ot eb eurt gnoma nemow ereimulaL( fe al., dettimbus ;)a( ,ereimulaL oteS & ,yesniuQ dettimbus ;)b( ,tlodnaL ereimulaL & ,yesniuQ .)5991 yreV elttil is nwonk tuoba selbairav gnixedni gnitam troffe gnoma yllaiciffo deifitnedi rapists. nI ,tsartnoc deifitnedi-fles yllauxes evicreoc nem evah neeb derapmoc ot evicreoc-non nem no a rebmun fo gnitam troffe .selbairav deifitnedi-fleS yllauxes evicreoc nem evah neeb dnuof ot evah had erom lauxes ecneirepxe sreyB( & ,onE ;1991 dloG & ,ggelC ;0991 ,ninaK ;5891 ssoK cd ,oreniD ;8891 ssoK et al., ;5891 ereimulaL et al., dettimbus ;)a( ,yenohaM ylevihS & ,warT ,)6891 ot evah a retaerg ecnereferp rof rentrap ,yteirav dettimmocnu ,xes and less etamitni spihsnoitaler ttenroC( & ,hcitnuhS ;1991 ereimulaL et al., dettimbus ;)a( rewraS et al., ,)3991 ot erised a retaerg tnuoma fo lauxes ytivitca ,ninaK( ;3891 ;5891 tub ees muK-oS gnaT et al., ,)3991 and ot eb erom ylekil ot weiv dating ni smret fo lauxes seitilibissop ,giarC( namhcilaK & ,datsgnilloF .)9891 detroper-fleS yllauxes evicreoc nem evah thus detpoda an dettimmocnu hcaorppa ot .gnitam riehT evissergga hcaorppa smees ot eb detroppus yb lautpecrep and evitingoc biases: dettimmocnu and evissergga nem era erom ylekil ot refni lauxes tseretni ni nemow giarC( ,aehS ;)3991 era erom ylekil ot terpretni elitsoh noitcejer as gniniatnoc stnemele fo noitcudes (Malamuth & ,nworB ,)4991 evah erom ytluciffid gnidaer elamef evitagen seuc ,notpiL( lenoDcM & ,llaFcM ;7891 lenoDcM & ,llaFcM ,)1991 and era erom ylekil ot etubirtta lauxes erised ot a epar mitciv and less ylekil ot eviecrep evissergga lauxes soiranecs as epar snikneJ( & ,torbmaD .)7891 yllauxeS evicreoc nem evah osla neeb dnuof ot esu tnereffid scitcat ot tcartta setam and ot eb erom ’ohcam‘ ,dloG( ,ztluF ,ekruB ocsirP & ,ttelliW ;2991 ,ereimulaL et al., dettimbus ,))a( ot ezisatnaf erom tuoba evicreoc xes ro xes ni lareneg dloG( & ,ggelC ;0991 regnildneerG & ,enryB ,)7891 and ot troper retaerg doohilekil fo using lauxes noicreoc ni eht erutuf ereimulaL( et al., dettimbus ;)a( Malamuth, ;1891 tub ees regnildneerG & ,enryB .)7891 erehT era snoitacidni that eseht eerht lauxes-srotcaf ,ecnaived ytilaicositna and gnitam -troffe era yltnednepedni detaler ot lauxes ,noicreoc hguohtla emos seiduts troper tnacifingis -retni snoitalerroc and :snoitcaretni ,oteS ,rattahK ereimulaL and yesniuQ )dettimbus( and ,oteS -laL ertimu and yesniuQ )5991( dnuof that nem htiw an dettimmocnu hcaorppa ot gnitam derocs rehgih no yhtapohcysp (as assessed yb an ylrae yrotsih fo roivaheb )smelborp and noitasnes .gnikees Malamuth et al. )3991( detroper that rieht srotcaf lauxes‘ ’ytiucsimorp and elitsoh‘ ’ytinilucsam yltnednepedni detubirtnoc ot detroper-fles lauxes noicreoc gnoma gnuoy .selam Using eht emas ,elpmas Malamuth )6891( detroper that lauxes lasuora ot epar was yltnacifingis detalerroc htiw ytilitsoh sdrawot nemow tub ton htiw ecnatpecca fo lanosrepretni ecneloiv against nemow ro lauxes .ecneirepxe yenohaM et al. )6891( dnuof that rebmun fo lauxes srentrap and a ohcam ytilanosrep erew yltnednepedni detaicossa htiw detroper-fles lauxes .noicreoc eciR and sirraH )4991( detroper that eht noitcaretni fo lauxes ecnaived and yhtapohcysp detciderp lauxes msividicer gnoma -racni detarec rapists. ,nireS ,mloclaM annahK and eerabraB )4991( and yesniuQ et al., dettimbus( )b deniatbo snoitalerroc fo 0.28 and 0.20, ,ylevitcepser neewteb yhtapohcysp )R-LCP( and lauxes ecnaived using dexim samples fo rapists and dlihc .sretselom Malamuth and kcehC ,0891( )3891 detroper evitisop tub tnacifingis-non snoitalerroc neewteb lauxes lasuora ot epar and detroper-fles doohilekil ot egagne ni lauxes noicreoc ni eht ,erutuf ehT snoitalerrocretni fo lauxes ,ecnaived ytilaicositna and gnitam troffe erew rehtruf detagitsevni ni this .yduts lauxeS ,ecnaived ,ytilaicositna and gnitam troffe 35 ehT esab etar fo detroper-fles noicreoc is yllausu hgih hguone ot timrep etairavitlum sesylana htiw a etaredom elpmas .ezis At tsael %5 fo egelloc nem troper gnivah desu evicreoc scitcat that dluow eb deredisnoc epar ni tsom .snoitcidsiruj rehtonA %52 troper evicreoc scitcat gniyrav morf tnetsisrep labrev gnirusserp ot staerht fo lacisyhp .mrah esehT esab setar evah neeb deniatbo at ruo ytisrevinu erbimulaL( te ,.la dettimbus ;)a( reklaW et al., )3991 at tnereffid htroN naciremA ytisrevinu sesupmac .g.e( ,ssoK zcydiG & Wisniewski, )7891 and ni naciremA-non seirtnuoc .g.e( ,yevaG ;1991 muK-oS gnaT .)3991 et al., eW detciderp that srotacidni fo eht eerht level-hgih srotcaf era detaler ot detroper-fles lauxes .noicreoc eW osla detagitsevni eht noitubirtnoc fo eerht selbairav yllaciripme detaicossa htiw gnitam :troffe noitasnes gnikees oteS( te ,.la ;)5991 deviecrep-fles gnitam ;sseccus and meetse-fles ertimulaL( dettimbus .))b( eW detciderp that gnitam ,troffe esuaceb ti sevlovni a kcal fo esimorpmoc et al., htiw eht derreferp elamef ygetarts fo ,mret-gnol dettimmoc spihsnoitaler ereimulaL( dettimbus et al., ;)b( tlodnaL ,)5991 is detalerroc htiw laicositna and elitsoh .seicnednet oN snoitciderp erew et al., edam gninrecnoc eht snoitalerroc neewteb lauxes ecnaived and eht rehto owt main .srotcaf eW osla detagitsevni rehtehw lacigoloisyhp noitautibah ot lauxes ilumits is detaicossa htiw -fles detroper gnitam .troffe elineP noitautibah is ylnommoc deniatbo nehw nem era yldetaeper desopxe ot eht emas lauxes ilumits ni eht yrotarobal euhonoD’O( & ,reeG ;5891 euhonoD’O & ,dualP 199 )1 tub ton nehw eht ilumits yrav revo snoisses neiluJ( & ,revO ;4891 euhonoD’O & ,reeG ;5891 ,nesoR .)3791 laudividnI secnereffid ni noitautibah as a noitcnuf fo lauxes yrotsih evah ,ton ot ruo ,egdelwonk neeb detagitsevni .erofeb eW detciderp that nem htiw a yrotsih fo ,mret-trohs -mocnu dettim lauxes sretnuocne dluow wohs a regnorts noitautibah ot a stimulus detneserp yldetaeper than nem tuohtiw hcus a .yrotsih DOHTEM TRAP ENO Participants enin-yteniN adult lauxesoreteh nem gnignar morf 18 ot 32 sraey fo ega X( = 23.0, Md = 22, s.d. = erew detiurcer morf eht s’neeuQ tneduts ytinummoc and eht tneduts-non ytinummoc 2.6) using stnemesitrevda decalp ni lacol srepapswen and tnemyolpme .sertnec stnapicitraP erew paid $10 rof rieht .noitapicitrap cimonoceoicoS status was assessed using eht nehsilB ,xednI an rotacidni fo cimonoceoicos status desab no eht naidem emocni and noitacude fo tnereffid snoitapucco ni eht 1981 Canadian Census ,nehsilB( llorraC & ,erooM .)7891 ehT egareva mumixam erocs fo eht stnapicitrap ro rehtie fo rieht stnerap was 60.32 61.80, s.d. = ;)43.51 eseht seulav dnopserroc (Md = ot snoitapucco hcus as cilbup loohcs rehcaet ro level-dim .reganam owt-ythgiE rep tnec fo stnapicitrap had reven neeb deirram and %07 detroper emos ytisrevinu .noitacude llA stnapicitrap tub owt detroper sevlesmeht ot eb yltnanimoderp lauxesoreteh no a deifidom yesniK elacs ,yesniK( yoremoP & Martin, )8491 and enon detroper sevlesmeht ot eb yltnanimoderp .lauxesomoh Measures ehT lauxeS ecneirepxE elacs ertimulaL( dettimbus ))a( sniatnoc evif smeti Muting effort. et al., ega( at tsrif ,esruocretni rebmun fo srentrap ecnis ,ytrebup rebmun fo srentrap ni eht last ,raey egatnecrep fo lauxes spihsnoitaler that erew casual, and rebmun fo thgin-eno stands). metI serocs erew dezidradnats nihtiw stcejbus tsrif( meti )dedoc-desrever and degareva (alpha = .)77.0 ehT ecnereferP rof rentraP yteiraV and Casual xeS elacs ereimulaL( dettimbus ))a( sniatnoc et al., 11 smeti gnirusaem an tseretni rof dettimmoc sv dettimmocnu ytilauxes .g.e( I“ referp mret-trohs lauxes ;”spihsnoitaler I“ referp a mret-gnol pihsnoitaler htiw eno .)”rentrap smetI erew dedoc ni eht emas noitcerid retaerg( ecnereferp rof rentrap )yteirav and meti serocs erew dezidradnats nihtiw stcejbus and degareva (alpha = .)88.0 An detpada noisrev fo Buss’s )8891( list fo scitcat fo etam noitcartta was desu ot assess -rap ’stnapicit esu fo gnitam .scitcat ehT eriannoitseuq sniatnoc 10 scitcat dnuof ot eb yltneuqerf desu and detar yb htob sexes as tsom evitceffe ni gnitcartta a elamef etam .g.e( wohS“ yhtapmys ot a s’elamef ,)”selbuort and 10 scitcat dnuof ot eb yltneuqerf desu and detar as less evitceffe .g.e( “Flash 36 Martin .L ereimulaL and nonreV .L yesniuQ a tol fo yenom ot sserpmi a .)”elamef naeM serocs erew detaerc nihtiw stcejbus rof htob sepyt fo citcat (alphas = .)76.0 ehT ytilauxesoicoS yrotnevnI sniatnoc neves smeti nospmiS( & ,datsegnaG )1991 gnirusaem a ,ytisneporp htob ni smret fo stseretni and past ,sroivaheb rof detcirtser sv detcirtsernu ytilauxes eerged( fo evol and tnemtimmoc yrassecen rof gnigagne ni ;xes .g.e I“ nac enigami flesym gnieb elbatrofmoc and gniyojne casual xes htiw tnereffid .)”srentrap tI sniatnoc owt smeti morf eht lauxeS ecneirepxE elacs and evif smeti morf eht ecnereferP rof rentraP yteiraV and Casual xeS .elacs A latot erocs using eht neves smeti was detupmoc gniyolpme nospmiS and Gangstad’s )1991( gnithgiew alumrof and rieht desoporp mumixam erocs snoitcirtser (alpha = .)17.0 sihT yrotnevni has doog ,ytilibailer and doog tnegrevnoc and tnanimircsid .ytidilav rehgiH serocs etacidni less detcirtser .ytilauxes laicositnA andhostile tendencies. ehT doohdlihC and tnecselodA yhtapohcysP noxaT elacs ,sirraH( eciR & ,yesniuQ ;4991 oteS et ,.la )dettimbus sniatnoc thgie smeti detaler ot ylrae roivaheb smelborp tserra( erofeb ega 16, ton gnivah devil htiw larutan stnerap litnu ega 16, ,gnithgif III-MSD tcudnoc ,redrosid yratnemele loohcs ,melborp loohcs ,snoisnepsus eganeet lohocla ,esuba latnerap lohocla .)esuba Using a tneduts-non ,elpmas this troper-fles erusaem was dnuof ot etalerroc 0.87 htiw an weivretni erusaem fo eseht emas ,srotciderp and 0.72 htiw an weivretni erusaem fo adult ytilanosrep srotacidni fo yhtapohcysp oteS( et ,.la .)dettimbus smetI era dedoc as 0, 1, ro 2 htiw elbissop latot serocs morf 0 ot 16 (alpha = .)26.0 rehgiH serocs etacidni a erom citamelborp .yrotsih ehT ,nosneveL lheiK and kcirtapztiF )5991( yhtapohcysP elacs is a meti-62 elacs depoleved using a cisnerof-non .noitalupop tI sniatnoc owt srotcaf yramirp( and yradnoces )yhtapohcysp and setalerroc htiw troper-fles fo laicositna ,stca ,noitibihnisid and moderob ytilibitpecsus .g.e( roF“ ,em what’s thgir is revetahw I nac teg yawa with”; “ gnitaehC is ton deifitsuj esuaceb ti is riafnu ot .)”srehto smetI erew dedoc ni eht emas noitcerid gnitacidni( erom )yhtapohcysp and egareva serocs erew detupmoc nihtiw stcejbus rof hcae elacsbus (alpha = 0.88 and 0.71, )ylevitcepser and rof eht elohw elacs .)78.0( ehT lairasrevdA lauxeS ,sfeileB ecnatpeccA fo lanosrepretnI ,ecneloiV epaR htyM ecnatpeccA ,truB( ,)3891 and eht ytilitsoH drawoT nemoW kcehC( & Malamuth, )3891 selacs niatnoc smeti detaler ot sedutitta drawot nemow and .xes smetI erew dedoc ni eht emas noitcerid and egareva serocs erew deniatbo rof hcae elacs (alphas gnignar morf 0.55 ot .)28.0 A latot erocs )’ytilitsoH‘( using elacs serocs was osla deniatbo yb gnizidradnats and summing hcae elacs erocs nihtiw ;stnapicitrap a esab 10 mhtiragol noitamrofsnart was neht desu ot ezilamron eht noitubirtsid fo .serocs rehgiH serocs etacidni erom evitagen and elitsoh .sedutitta Variables empirically related ot gnitum effort. ehT noitasneS gnikeeS elacS ,namrekcuZ( )9791 is a ,meti-04 decrof eciohc eriannoitseuq htiw ruof :selacsbus llirhT and erutnevdA ,gnikeeS ecneirepxE ,gnikeeS ,noitibihnisiD and moderoB .ytilibitpecsuS namrekcuZ )9791( dezirammus data morf a seires fo seiduts gniwohs that eht lanretni ytilibailer fo eht latot elacs is ,doog gnignar morf 0.83 ot 0.86. ehT tseter-tset ytilibailer is 0.89 revo eerht skeew and 0.75 revo xis ot thgie .shtnom ehT tcurtsnoc ytidilav osla sraeppa ot eb ,doog desab no eht spihsnoitaler neewteb noitasnes gnikees and seitivitca hcus as sselkcer gnivird and lohocla ro gurd .esuba smetI erew dedoc ni eht emas noitcerid and demmus rof hcae elacsbus and eht elohw elacs (alpha = .)08.0 rehgiH serocs etacidni rehgih noitasnes .gnikees ehT deifidom deviecreP-fleS Mating sseccuS elacs ertimulaL( et ,.la dettimbus ))b( has 10 smeti derewsna no a tniop-neves elacs gnignar morf 1 )eergasid( ot 7 .)eerga( tI sebircsed dessessa-fles sseccus ni gnitcartta laitnetop ,srentrap and lacisyhp and lanosrep ssenevitcartta .g.e( srebmeM“ fo eht etisoppo xes eciton ;”em “ evitaleR ot ym reep puorg I redisnoc flesym erom .)”evitcartta smetI erew dedoc ni eht emas noitcerid rehgih( deviecrep )sseccus and serocs erew demmus (alpha = .)78.0 ehT meetsE-fleS elacs ,grebnesoR( )9791 sesirpmoc smeti-OI derewsna no a tniop-ruof ,elacs gnignar morf ylgnorts eergasid ot ylgnorts eerga .g.e( “On eht ,elohw I am deifsitas htiw ;”flesym I“ leef I od ton evah hcum ot eb duorp .)”fo tI has yrotcafsitas ytilibailer and ytidilav and is ylevitisop detaler ot lauxes yrotsih smeti hcus as rebmun fo lauxes srentrap ecnis ytrebup gnoma .selam smetI erew dedoc ni eht emas noitcerid rehgih( )meetse-fles and serocs erew degareva nihtiw stcejbus (alpha = .)78.0 Sexual coercion. A deifidom noisrev fo eht lauxeS secneirepxE yevruS yllanigiro( morf ssoK & ,sorO )2891 stsisnoc fo 12 snoitseuq erehw stnapicitrap era deksa woH“ ynam semit evah uoy . . . ” lauxeS ,ecnaived ,ytilaicositna and gnitam troffe 37 morF( 0 ot 5 ro )erom denibmoc htiw a noitpircsed fo a noitautis gnivlovni tnereffid slevel fo -non lacisyhp .g.e( “had lauxes esruocretni htiw a namow neve hguoht ehs t’ndid yllaer want ot esuaceb ehs tlef derusserp yb ruoy launitnoc )”stnemugra and lacisyhp .g.e( “had lauxes esruocretni htiw a namow nehw ehs t’ndid want ot esuaceb uoy desu emos eerged fo lacisyhp )”ecrof lauxes .noicreoc ssoK and zcydiG )5891( detroper a hcabnorC alpha fo 0.89 and a keew-eno tseter-tset meti tnemeerga fo %39 no eht lanigiro on/sey .noisrev metI 2 was ton desu ot yfissalc stnapicitrap esuaceb ti was demeed oot .suougibma An noitatpada fo Malamuth’s doohilekiL fo decroF xeS elacS )1891( denimreted ’stnapicitrap detroper-fles ytisneporp ot egagne ni lauxes .noicreoc sihT elacs stsisnoc fo evif snoitautis detpada morf eht deifidom lauxeS ecneirepxE yevruS erehw stnapicitrap detacidni woh ylekil yeht dluow eb ot egagne ni eseht sroivaheb fi ereht erew on ecnahc fo gnitteg thguac and on evitagen secneuqesnoc ton“( ”ylekil ot yrev“ ”ylekil no a tniop-neves .)elacs naeM serocs erew detaerc rof doohilekil fo lacisyhp-non noicreoc eerht( ;smeti alpha = )67.0 and doohilekil fo lacisyhp noicreoc owt( ;smeti alpha = .)59.0 rehgiH serocs etacidni rehgih .doohilekil ehT decnalaB yrotnevnI fo elbariseD gnidnopseR (Paulhus, 1991, p. )73 Social desirability. sniatnoc owt selacsbus assessing evitisop noitpeced-fles ro evitpeced-fles tnemecnahne na( tsenoh“ tub ylevitisop biased” )ycnednet and noisserpmi tnemeganam (“a etarebiled noitatneserp-fles ot an .)”ecneidua Paulhus stroper a tneiciffeoc alpha fo 0.83 and a noitalerroc fo 0.71 fo eht latot elacs htiw eht enworC-ewolraM laicoS ytilibariseD .elacS ehT noisserpmi tnemeganam elacs is eht erom etairporppa erusaem fo yllaicos elbarised gnidnopser ot esu as a .etairavoc Procedure stnapicitraP erew detset ni spuorg fo owt ot .evif nopU lavirra at eht yrotarobal yeht erew nevig a feirb laro noitpircsed fo eht erudecorp and deksa ot daer and sign a tnesnoc .mrof yehT neht detelpmoc a cihpargomed eriannoitseuq asking tuoba rieht ,ega ,xes latiram status, ,noitacude nwo ro/dna latnerap noitapucco and lauxes .noitatneiro stnapicitraP neht detelpmoc eht seriannoitseuq ni eno fo evif modnar .sredro A eriannoitseuq noitacifitnedi rebmun was detnirp no eht tsrif and last .egap ehT last egap fo eht egakcap demrofni meht that ew dedeen stnapicitrap rof a yduts fo lacigoloisyhp lauxes ;lasuora yeht erew detcurtsni ot raet ffo that egap fi detseretni and ot tcatnoc ruo yrotarobal using eht eriannoitseuq noitacifitnedi rebmun tub ton rieht .eman ehT eriannoitseuq koot neewteb 30 and 60 setunim ot .etelpmoc stnapicitraP erew neht deknaht and .defeirbed TRAP OWT Participants ytrihT stnapicitrap erew detiurcer rof eht dnoces trap fo eht .yduts riehT egareva ega was 24.3 egnar( morf 18 ot ;23 ;5.32 s.d. = .)2.4 ehT egareva mumixam nehsilB erocs fo eht stnapicitrap Md = ro rehtie fo rieht stnerap was 60.80 s.d. = .)04.71 ytneveS rep tnec fo eht stnapicitrap (Md = 63.26, had reven neeb deirram and %06 detroper emos ytisrevinu .noitacude llA stnapicitrap detroper sevlesmeht ot eb yltnanimoderp lauxesoreteh no eht deifidom yesniK .elacs esehT 30 stnapicitrap did ton reffid morf eht 69 ohw did ton reetnulov no yna fo eht selbairav tpecxe that yeht erew ylthgils redlo using lauqenu ecnairav )etamitse and erom ylekil ot eb .deirram stnapicitraP (P < 0.06, erew paid $10 rof rieht .noitapicitrap Material and stimuli ehT tnemirepxe was detcudnoc ni a yrotarobal gnitsisnoc fo owt etarapes .smoor ehT tcejbus moor deniatnoc a elbatrofmoc ysae ,riahc a kadoK edils ,rotcejorp a 1 2m gniweiv ,neercs a 30 x 40 mc Quasar noisivelet ,rotinom and a cinosanaP ledoM 0025-GA oediv ettessac .redrocer ehT retnemirepxe moor deniatnoc a drakcaP lleB 486 .retupmoc noitacinummoC neewteb eht owt smoor was detcudnoc using a yaw-owt .mocretni noitatneserP fo ilumits and gnidrocer fo sesnopser erew deirrac tuo yllacitamotua using eht TSETFERP 4.0 wodahS( )erawtfoS erawtfos .margorp elineP ecnerefmucric segnahc erew derusaem using rebbur-ni-yrucrem strain seguag skraP( -celE scinort .)seirotarobaL lacirtcelE ecnatcudnoc segnahc ni eseht ,seguag gnidnopserroc ot segnahc ni 38 nitraM L. eQimulaL dna nonreV L. yesniuQ elinep ,ecnecsemut erew detalsnart ot segnahc ni egatlov using a Parks hpargomsyhtelP ledoM( )042 and erew deretsiger and delipmoc yb .TSETFERP hcaE eguag was detarbilac using an muinimula enoc deppets( ni etercsid stnemercni fo 10 mm )ecnerefmucric erofeb hcae latnemirepxe noisses ot erusni egatlov egnahc ytiraenil slraE( & ,noskcaJ .)1891 nikS ecnatcudnoc segnahc erew osla deniatbo using detangerpmi-revlis orclev regnif sedortcele denetsaf ot eht xedni and elddim sregnif fo eht tnanimod hand tub erew ton .desylana ehT ilumits detsisnoc fo sedils fo yllaitrap dekan adult nemow deredisnoc yrev and yllauqe evitcartta yb a suoiverp tneduts elpmas ereimulaL( & ,yesniuQ ni ,)noitaraperp a tnemges fo a yllaicremmoc elbaliava lauxesoreteh citore ,mlif and eerht seirogetac fo depatoidua ilumits gnivlovni eno adult elam and eno adult .elamef ehT eerht seirogetac erew lartuen )lauxes-non( ,snoitcaretni gnitnesnoc xes and gnitnesnoc-non .xes ehT gnitnesnoc xes yrogetac dedulcni ruof ilumits gnitciped gnitnesnoc xes tuohtiw noissergga and owt ilumits gnitciped gnitnesnoc egadnob and spanking. ehT gnitnesnoc-non xes yrogetac dedulcni ruof ilumits gnitciped a epar fo a elamef yb a .elam owT fo eht gnitnesnoc-non ilumits detciped elamef gnireffus and owt detciped elamef tnemyojne ni eht rettal trap fo eht .soiranecs flaH fo eht ilumits erew debircsed morf eht elamef tniop fo weiv and flah morf eht elam tniop fo weiv eht( owt egadnob ilumits erew debircsed morf eht elam tniop fo weiv and devlovni rehtie a namow gnieb deknaps yb a man ro a man gnieb deit up and desaet yb a .)namow llA ilumits tpecxe gnitnesnoc egadnob and spanking and lartuen ,yesniuQ( Chaplin & ,dlofpU )4891 erew nekat morf eciR te .la .)4991( Procedure stnapicitraP erew detset .yllaudividni yehT erew tsrif detcatnoc yb enohp and demrofni tuoba eht 1areneg sliated fo eht tnemirepxe .e.i( eht epyt fo ilumits and eht owt lacigoloisyhp serusaem .)deyolpme At rieht lavirra at eht yrotarobal yeht erew deksa ot llif tuo a tnesnoc mrof and a trohs .eriannoitseuq ehT gninoitcnuf fo eht strain eguag and eht skin ecnatcudnoc sedortcele was neht ,denialpxe as llew as eht lareneg esoprup fo eht tnemirepxe ot“( etagitsevni s’nem esnopser ot suoirav lauxes .)”ilumits stnapicitraP erew neht nwohs eht moor-tcejbus and assured fo rieht etelpmoc .ycavirp ehT sedortcele gnivres ot drocer skin ecnatcudnoc segnahc erew neht dellatsni yb eht .rehcraeser ehT rehcraeser neht tfel eht moor and stnapicitrap dellatsni eht .eguag-niarts yehT deniamer enola gnirud eht tnemirepxe and noitacinummoc was deirrac tuo hguorht eht .mocretni A lartuen edils dewollof yb eerht sedils gnitciped yllaitrap dekan adult nemow erew .detneserp ehT tsrif lauxes edils was desu as a pu-mraw stimulus. ehT dnoces was detneserp evif semit rof 45 tes ot edivorp a erusaem fo noitautibah and eht driht was detneserp ecno ot edivorp a erusaem fo .yrevocer enO fo owt modnar-isauq sredro fo eht depatoidua ilumits was neht .detneserp gniruD eht noitatneserp fo eht ,sepatoidua stnapicitrap erew detcurtsni ot sserp a nottub no rieht tfel nehw yeht deviecrep yna lauxes seitivitca and a nottub no rieht thgir nehw yeht deviecrep that eno fo eht srentrap was ton gnitnesnoc ot eht lauxes ytivitca enon( fo eht stnapicitrap desserp eht thgir nottub gnirud eht noitatneserp fo eht egadnob .)ilumits sihT erudecorp has neeb dnuof ot tsomla yletelpmoc etanimile stpmetta at gnikaf yesniuQ( & Chaplin, .)8891 gniwolloF this, eht citore epat was detneserp rof 5 nim ot niatbo an etamitse fo eht ’stnapicitrap 1amixam .esnopser A muminim 30 tes lavretni was dewolla neewteb stimulus snoitatneserp and ilumits erew detneserp retfa etelpmoc .ecnecsemuted ehT tnemirepxe detsal tuoba eno .ruoh stnapicitraP erew neht deknaht and .defeirbed ehT gnifeirbed dedulcni a dezidradnats laro noitatneserp fo eht ,laicositna lagelli and larommi erutan fo lauxes .noicreoc Treatment fo eht atad edilS presentation. ehT kaep elinep esnopser neewteb stimulus tesno and 30 tes retfa stimulus tesffo was .dedrocer sesnopseR erew dezidradnats nihtiw .stcejbus owT stnapicitrap did ton wohs a elinep esnopser ot a lauxes stimulus retaerg than eht ’esnopser‘ ot eht lartuen stimulus; sesylana erew detcudnoc htiw and tuohtiw eseht stnapicitrap tub on secnereffid erew .devresbo Data erew ton detcelloc rof eno tnapicitrap esuaceb fo emit .noitcirtser Audiotaped presentation. ehT kaep elinep esnopser gnirud stimulus noitatneserp and gnidulcni eht txen 30 tes was .dedrocer esehT sesnopser erew dezidradnats nihtiw .stcejbus llA stnapicitrap dewohs a elinep esnopser ot a lauxes stimulus retaerg than ot eht lartuen .ilumits dezidradnatS lauxeS ,ecnaived ,ytilaicositna and gnitam troffe 39 sesnopser erew degareva revo seirogetac ,lartuen( ,gnitnesnoc ,egadnob ,yojne-epar )reffus-epar rof hcae fo eht s’rotarran stniop fo .weiv ecnaiveD secidni erew detaluclac yb gnitcartbus eht naem esnopser rof eht gnitnesnoc yrogetac morf eht naem esnopser rof eht tnaived .yrogetac evitisoP serocs erofereht detacidni lauxes ecnereferp rof eht tnaived yrogetac and, ni thgil fo eriimulaL and s’yesniuQ )3991( ,stluser lauxes ecnaived as .llew eerhT secidni erew :detaluclac a epar ,xedni using all epar ;seirogetac a egadnob ,xedni using eht owt egadnob ilumits and a reffus-epar .xedni ehT last xedni was detaluclac esuaceb eht mitciv gnireffus yrogetac decudorp eht tseb noitanimircsid neewteb xes sredneffo and xes-non sredneffo ni eciR te al. .)4991( STLUSER ehT selbairav lauxes ecneirepxe and ytilauxesoicos erew ylevitisop deweks a( wef stnapicitrap detroper an evisnetxe yrotsih fo lauxes .)seitivitca Missing data erew .erar emoS sreiltuo and emertxe serocs erew deifitnedi using eht daerps-htruof dohtem ,nilgaoH( relletsoM & ,yekuT .)3891 snoituacerP against snoitaloiv fo lacitsitats assumptions, nehw ,yrassecen era detacidni .woleb Intercorrelations egA detalerroc yltnacifingis lla( s’P < )50.0 htiw eht etisopmoc Demographics and study variables. elbairav lauxes ecneirepxe (+ )42.0 and cimonoceoicos status .)53.0-( cimonoceoicoS status -roc detaler yltnacifingis htiw meetse-fles ,)12.0+( ecnatpecca fo lanosrepretni ecneloiv -( )52.0 ytilitsoh sdrawot nemow ,)92.0-( eht ytilitsoh etisopmoc -( ,)52.0 s’nosneveL yradnoces yhtapohcysp ,)92.0-( s’nosneveL yhtapohcysp ,)22.0-( lauxes ecneirepxe ,)91.0-( ytilauxesoicos )12.0-( and yhtapohcysp noxat ( - .)03.0 cirtemarap-noN snoitalerroc decudorp ralimis .stluser stnapicitraP htiw at tsael emos ytisrevinu noitacude n( = ,)96 derapmoc htiw esoht tuohtiw yna ,)92 had rewol serocs no eht eerht nosneveL yhtapohcysp selacs ot (n = t(96) = 2.11 2.70, P < 0.05, and no eht yhtapohcysp noxat ,elacs 3.74, 0.001. t(96) = P < tnacifingiS etairavib snoitalerroc nosraeP( )r era detneserp ni elbaT 1 eht( lluf Study variables. noitalerroc xirtam is elbaliava morf eht tsrif .)rohtua ehT ytilitsoh etisopmoc was ylevitisop -icossa deta htiw eht yhtapohcysp selbairav and htiw doohilekil fo lacisyhp-non and lacisyhp .noicreoc ehT yhtapohcysp selbairav erew ylevitisop detaicossa htiw selbairav gnixedni gnitam ,troffe htiw erutuf doohilekil fo lauxes ,noicreoc and htiw noitasnes .gnikees toN nwohs ni elbaT 1, eht gnitam troffe selbairav erew ylgnorts detalerrocretni degnar morf 0.31 ot 0.75, gnidulcxe esu fo erom evitceffe (rs gnitam ,)scitcat noitasnes gnikees was detaicossa htiw erutuf doohilekil fo lacisyhp-non noicreoc .g.e( htiw latot erocs = ,)92.0 and deviecrep-fles gnitam sseccus was ylevitisop detaicossa htiw -fles r meetse r( = .)03.0 erehT was ylno eno tnacifingis noitalerroc neewteb lauxes ecnaived and eht rehto yduts :selbairav reffus-epar and ecnatpecca fo lanosrepretni ecneloiv .)44.0-( erehT was osla a evitagen epar xedni noitalerroc neewteb ecnatpecca fo lanosrepretni ecneloiv and eht llarevo epar xedni using a -non cirtemarap tset .)64.0-( ehT llarevo epar xedni and eht egadnob xedni erew ylgnorts detalerroc .)35.0+( A lapicnirp tnenopmoc rotcaf sisylana htiw xamirav noitator was desu ot rehtruf Factor analysis. etagitsevni eht spihsnoitalerretni fo 12 srotacidni fo gnitam troffe and .ytilaicositna lauxeS ecnaived was ton dedulcni ni this sesylana esuaceb ylno 30 stnapicitrap tnewrednu cirtemollahp assessment. ehT noitulos deniatnoc eerht srotcaf htiw seulavnegie retaerg than .eno ehT rotcaf sgnidaol 03.0( and )retaerg era detroper ni elbaT 2. ehT tsrif rotcaf detnuocca rof %3.23 fo eht ecnairav and smees ot ebircsed a lufsseccus mret-trohs hcaorppa ot ,gnitam laicositna scitsiretcarahc and hgih noitasnes .gnikees ehT dnoces rotcaf detnuocca rof fo eht ecnairav and sebircsed laicositna and elitsoh 15.1% .seicnednet ehT driht rotcaf detnuocca rof %8.11 fo eht ecnairav and sebircsed a lufsseccus hcaorppa ot gnitam htiw a evitisop .noitaulave-fles ehT noitalerroc xirtam and eht rotcaf sisylana thus suggest that gnitam troffe is ylesolc detaler ot noitasnes gnikees and laicositna ,scitsiretcarahc and that elitsoh seicnednet era ylesolc detaler ot detroper-fles doohilekil fo gnigagne ni lacisyhp-non and lacisyhp lauxes noicreoc ni eht .erutuf ecnaiveD secidni erew ton yltnacifingis detalerroc htiw yna fo eht .srotcaf 40 nitraM L. ertimulaL dna nonreV L. yesniuQ elbaT I etairaviB snoitalerroc ytilaicositnA truB nosneveL VIA BSA SRS WTH ytilitsoH yramirP yradnoceS latoT noxaT BSA 95.0 - W STRSH 24 .303.0 06.00.44 33.0 - - - - - yramirP 72.0 04.0 04.0 43.0 84.0 yradnoceS ”81.0 **71.0 03.0 23.0 34.0 - latoT 82.0 73.0 83.0 83.0 94.0 - noxaT 32.0 92.0 22.0 92.0 73.0 83.0 Likelihood lacisyhp-noN 93.0 63.0 92.0 62.0 14.0 63.0 43.0 14.0 lacisyhP 73.0 92.0 92.0 62.0 43.0 32.0 02.0 Sensation seeking moderoB ”41.0 83.0 63.0 34.0 ”91.0 noitibihnisiD 53.0 13.0 93.0 92.0 ecneirepxE 62.0- 04.0- 13.0- 22.0 32.0 llirhT 92.0 latoT 72.0 63.0 53.0 63.0 deviecreP-fleS gnitaM sseccus 23.0 52.0 meetse-fleS 42.0- 72.0- gnitaM troffe gnitaM citcat eroM sseL /rentraP lauxeS ecnereferP rof tceffe tceffe evitcA ”raeY becneirepxe ’ytilauxesoicoS rentrap yteirav VIA 93.0 BSA 93.0 ’12.0 ’32.0 SRS 42.0 15.0 WTH 63.0 **61.0 ytilitsoH 25.0 yramirP 54.0 ’42.0 3.0 I 14.0 94.0 yradnoceS 92.0- 52.0 **30.0 ’.71.0 53.0 latoT 44.0 ”91.0 03.0 93.0 15.0 noxaT 13.0 83.0 23.0 03.0 Likelihood lacisyhp-noN 45.0 12.0 04.0 lacisyhP 23.0 **41.0 Sensation seeking moderoB 43.0 ”91.0 82.0 05.0 noitibihnisiD 02.0- 84.0 03.0 3.0 I 63.0 15.0 ecneirepxE 13.0- ”81.0 ”81.0 ”61.0 llirhT ’02.0 ’12.0 ’02.0 ’12.0 latoT 42.0- 93.0 42.0 33.0 83.0 05.0 deviecrep-fleS gnitam sseccus 72.0 04.0 84.0 24.0 ;32.0 meetse-fleS .32.0 Notes: n‘ = ;19 %I = ;89 n‘ = .79 *P > 50.0 gnisu a cirtemarap-non .tset **P < 50.0 gnisu a cirtemarap-non .tset VIA ecnatpeccA fo lanosrepretnI .ecneloiV BSA lairasrevdA lauxeS .feileB SRS xeS eloR .gnipytoeretS WTH ytilitsoH sdrawoT .nemoW Group differences neveS stnapicitrap detacidni ton gnivah decneirepxe ,esruocretni 38 detacidni a evicreoc-non lauxes ,yrotsih 43 detacidni emos yllacisyhp-non evicreoc ecneirepxe tub on yllacisyhp evicreoc ,ecneirepxe and 11 detacidni emos yllacisyhp evicreoc .ecneirepxe Means and standard rorre bars fo rojam yduts selbairav era detneserp ni .giF 1. tI nac eb nees that yllauxes evicreoc slaudividni erew erom laicositna and detroper erom evisnetxe gnitam .stroffe lauxeS ,ecnaived ,ytilaicositna dna gnitam effort 41 elbaT .2 rotcaF sgnidaol fo eht eerht srotcaf selbairaV rotcaF I rotcaF 2 rotcaF 3 noitasneS gnikees )latot( 08.0 ecnereferP rof rentrap yteirav 37.0 lauxeS ecneirepxe 96.0 53.0 s’nosneveL yhtapohcysp )latot( 45.0 94.0 yhtapohcysP noxat 55.0 ytilitsoH etisopmoc 08.0 doohilekiL fo lacisyhp-non noicreoc 3.0 I 37.0 doohilekiL fo lacisyhp noicreoc 07.0 esU fo ssel evitceffe gnitam scitcat 54.0 46.0 meetse-fleS 13.0- 27.0 esU fo erom evitceffe gnitam scitcat 33.0- 17.0 deviecrep-fleS gnitam sseccus 35.0 65.0 esuaceB fo lauqenu elpmas sezis and small elpmas sezis ni eht tsrif and htruof ,spuorg owt spuorg erew :demrof yllauxes-non evicreoc n( = )54 and yllauxes evicreoc n( = )45 .stnapicitrap esehT owt spuorg erew derapmoc using stset-t and eht stluser era detneserp ni elbaT 3. yllauxeS evicreoc ,stnapicitrap derapmoc htiw evicreoc-non ,stnapicitrap erew ,redlo had rewol cimonoceoicos status, and had rehgih serocs no selbairav gnixedni gnitam ,troffe yhtapohcysp and noitasnes .gnikees erehT erew on secnereffid no selbairav gnixedni ytilitsoh and lauxes .ecnaived yllauxeS evicreoc stnapicitrap detroper rehgih deviecrep-fles gnitam sseccus and rehgih doohilekil fo gnigagne ni -non lacisyhp lauxes noicreoc ni eht .erutuf ehT esu fo ega and noisserpmi tnemeganam as setairavoc detluser ni eht selbairav ecnereferp rof rentrap yteirav and casual ,xes yramirp ,yhtapohcysp yradnoces ,yhtapohcysp and doohilekil fo lacisyhp-non noicreoc gnimoceb yllanigram tnacifingis P( < )90.0 and eht elbairav meetse-fles gnimoceb tnacifingis P( < ;50.0 evicreoc stnapicitrap gnivah rehgih .)serocs ehT lauxes ecnereferp seliforp fo htob spuorg era detneserp ni .giF 2. yllauxes-noN evicreoc and yllauxes evicreoc stnapicitrap dewohs ralimis .secnereferp ehT egadnob ilumits and eht epar ilumits decudorp ralimis slevel fo .lasuora ruoF stnapicitrap )%3.31( dluow eb deifissalc as yllauxes tnaived using ertimulaL and s’yesniuQ )3991( noisiced .elur ehT eerht sets fo rotcaf serocs erew deifidom using a Group differences using factor scores. cimhtiragol noitamrofsnart rotcaf( 2 deniamer ylthgils ylevitisop deweks and .)citrukytalp yllauxeS evicreoc ,stnapicitrap derapmoc htiw evicreoc-non ,stnapicitrap had rehgih serocs no all eerht srotcaf tub ylno rotcaf 1 was ,tnacifingis ,31.4- 0.001. ehT eerht sets fo serocs erew t(96) = P < deretne ni a suoenatlumis elpitlum noisserger ot tciderp detroper-fles lauxes .noicreoc ehT elpitlum noitalerroc was 0.44, )49,3(F = 7.39, 0.0005, and all eerht noisserger sthgiew erew .evitisop P < rotcaF 1 )5000.0 was yllacitsitats tnacifingis and rotcaf 3 dehcaorppa ecnacifingis .)3550.0 (P < (P = sihT sisylana setacidni that ylno rotcaf 1 is ylbailer detaicossa htiw lauxes .noicreoc Subsidiary analysis ereimulaL dettimbus( ))a( detroper a elpitlum noitalerroc fo 0.44 neewteb eht owt selbairav et al. ecnereferp rof rentrap yteirav and doohilekil fo lacisyhp-non lauxes ,noicreoc and eht elbairav -fles detroper lauxes noicreoc ni a elpmas fo 156 gnuoy ytisrevinu .selam ehT noisserger sthgiew deniatbo ni ereimulaL erew desu ni eht tneserp elpmas ot tciderp lauxes noicreoc using eht emas owt et al. .srotciderp ehT noitalerroc fo eht rotciderp erocs and detroper-fles lauxes noicreoc was 0.57 using nosraeP r )100.0 and 0.69 using namraepS .)100.0 (P c rs (P < Habituation A owt gnitam( :troffe ,wol )hgih yb thgie (stimulus :yrogetac ,lartuen ,pu-mraw noitautibah eno ot ,evif levon stimulus) dexim sisylana fo ecnairav was detcudnoc ot enimreted rehtehw stnapicitrap dewohs elinep noitautibah ni eht yrotarobal and rehtehw this noitautibah was detaredom yb gnitam .troffe ehT assignment fo stnapicitrap ot slevel fo gnitam troffe was edam no eht basis fo eht ytilauxesoicos yrotnevni serocs naidem( .)tilps erugiF 3 shows that eht naem esnopser desaerced revo detaeper noitatneserp fo eht emas stimulus and derevocer htiw eht noitatneserp fo a wen 42 Martin .L ertimulaL and nonreV .L yesniuQ Non-Coercive (n=14) Coercive (n=16) 8.0 7 0.7 - 0.6 - 0.5 - 0.4 - 0.3 - 0.2 - -l.O -o.o -l.O- -2.0- +I 3.0- - E -4.0- 5.0- - -6.0- 7.0- - -8.0- 9.0- - -O.l- -1.1- -2.1- II 3.1- ’ : I I I I ,, I I I I I lartneN gnitnesnoC egadnoB eDaR maR Neutral gnitnesnoC ega&oD epaR epaR yojnE reifuS yojnE reffuS sulumitS yrogetaC 1.0 0.9 + woL (n=13) 0.8 + hgiH (n=14) 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 1.0- 2.0- 3.0- 4.0- 5.0- 6.0- 7.0- 8.0- ’ , 1 1 I I ! I I Neutral pmmaw lbaH Hab2 Hab3 Hab4 Hab5 levoN stimulus yrogetaC .giF 1. tnemssessA of lauxes deviance: naem dezidradnats elinep esnopser sa a noitcnuf fo sulumits yrogetac dna puorg .pihsrebmem stimulus. ehT main tceffe fo stimulus was ,tnacifingis )571,7(F = 7.7 ,1 P < ,100.0 tub eht noitcaretni stimulus yb gnitam troffe was ton )571,7(F = 1.05, P > 0.35. lanogohtrO naem snosirapmoc delaever that eht last owt detaeper snoitatneserp decudorp rewol sesnopser than eht tsrif ,owt )571,1(t = ,67.2- P < 0.01, and that eht levon stimulus noitatneserp decudorp rehgih sesnopser than eht noitanibmoc fo all rehto lauxes stimulus ,snoitatneserp (t )571,1 = 4.82, P < 0.001.