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Sexual behaviour in Loxosceles gaucho Gertsch (Araneae, Sicariidae) PDF

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by  RinaldiI M P
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Preview Sexual behaviour in Loxosceles gaucho Gertsch (Araneae, Sicariidae)

Bull.Br.arachnol.Soc.(1998)11(2),57–61 57 Sexual behaviour in Loxosceles gaucho Gertsch Thespiderlingswerefed,firstwithDrosophilasp.,and (Araneae, Sicariidae) then Musca domestica, Gryllus sp. and other insects collected by sweeping. Isabela M. P. Rinaldi and André A. Stropa Random pairs of adult females and males of L. InstitutodeBiociênciasdaUniversidadeEstadualPaulista, gaucho, from different mothers, were used in trials. In DepartamentodeZoologia,UNESP/Botucatu, each case, the male was placed on the female’s web, 18618-000RubiãoJunior,Botucatu,SP,Brazil always keeping a certain distance from her. Two experiments were developed: (1) 28 trials, by placing the male on the female’s web, and recording 41 copu- Summary lationsoncassettetapes.Thebehavioursweregrouped Sexualbehaviourinthebrownspider,Loxoscelesgaucho, and quantified by analysing the playback of each is described by a flow diagram on the basis of laboratory copulation and transforming them into percentages observationsof28monogamouscouplesperformingatotal (Fig.5).Thisallowedustoassessthereceptivityofthe of 41 copulations. In courtship, both males and females pairs for copulation, since they were left to mate until showedforelegvibration,palpaldrummingandabdominal pulsation,inaccordancewiththegeneralpatterninhaplo- receptiveness ceased. (2) To quantify the time spent in gynespiders.However,theyusedthewebinthecopulatory each sexual behaviour phase and analyse their more processandhadasimilarmatingposturetothatshownby conspicuous behaviours, we used a VHS video re- someotherweb-spinningspiders.Thesexualbehavioursof corder during 19 copulations carried out by 19 virgin another 19 virgin pairs in 19 copulations were quantified, pairs, different from those used in the first test. Males andshowedthatthefemaleswereasactiveasthemales.The frequenciesofthesebehavioursincourtshipandprecopula- and females were separated just after the first copula- tion were estimated, revealing a remarkable increase in tion.Toquantifythesexualphases,itwasnecessaryto sexualbehavioursduringprecopulation.Thesexualbehav- define the limits of each phase. Courtship was defined iourinL.gauchofollowsthesamegeneralpatternasthat as beginning when the male emitted its first sexual describedforLoxosceleslaetaandL.reclusa,butwithsome differences in both courtship and copulation, suggesting signal, e.g. palpal drumming or foreleg vibration. The thatreproductiveisolationinthesespeciesdependsonthe end of courtship and start of precopulation was when vibratory pattern of palpal drumming and abdominal the male palps became hidden under the female’s pulsation. cephalothorax.Similarly,thestartofthemale’spalpal insertion into the female’s genital pores was set as the limit between the precopulation and copulation Introduction phases. Palpal drumming could not be recorded in the Little is known about the biology, ecology and precopulation phase. behaviour of Loxosceles spp. The spiders of this genus In order to compare behavioural patterns between constitute an important group in veterinary and human males and females and between both phases (courtship medicine, therefore the study of their reproductive and precopulation) we used the t-test for dependent behaviour contributes to the understanding of the samples on the square roots of data. factors that may influence their population growth. Comparison with other species is relevant to discover the behaviour mechanisms which are general to all the Results group. Galiano (1967) described courtship and mating behaviour for L. laeta (Nicolet) using five phases: Preliminary observations indicated that both male precourtship, courtship, precopulation, copulation and and female L. gaucho perform three main sexual behav- postcopulation. iours: foreleg vibration (Fig. 1), palpal drumming (Fig. Despite being abundant in south-eastern Brazil, L. 2)andabdominalpulsation(Fig.3).Forelegvibrationis gauchoGertschisoneoftheleaststudiedspecies.Itcan the simultaneous vertical movement of the forelegs, be found in house yards, being sedentary in irregular whose tarsi touch the female’s web. Rhythmical vi- webs which cover the substrate like a sheet (Gertsch, bration of the male’s forelegs is very impulsive, while in 1967). the female it is more constant and slower. In palpal In the current study, the frequency of the sexual drumming, the spiders move their palpi alternately and behaviours of pairs of L. gaucho was recorded and vertically, this being most frequent in males and rare in described in a flow diagram, and its sexual behaviour females. The abdominal pulsation is a quick vertical iscomparedwiththatofL.laetaandL.reclusaGertsch and horizontal abdominal movement in the male, & Mulaik, according to the data available in the whereas in females it is a slower vertical movement. literature. In the copulation, the L. gaucho male, in a single quick striking movement, lifts the female upside-down in relation to the substrate while the palps are inserted Methods (Fig. 4). Pairs of L. gaucho were reared individually in the Duringcourtship,themales,whentheyfirstcontacted laboratory from the moment of hatching onwards. The the female’s web, always vibrated their forelegs (Fig. 5). spiderswerekeptindiettubesuntiltheirsubadultphase On dense webs, the males often cut some of the threads (4th instar), and then transferred to acrylic boxes with their chelicerae while they approached the females. (17(cid:1)8(cid:1)7cm). The females, which were beside or behind the males, 58 SexualbehaviourinLoxoscelesgaucho movedslowlyintoaface-to-facepositioninresponseto spiders that mated successfully had an average of the male’s foreleg vibration. For palpal drumming, the 2.41(cid:3)1.42 copulations per couple. malesverticallytwistedtheirleftpalpsclockwiseandthe The sequence and frequency of the sexual behaviours rightpalpsintheoppositedirection,makinga90(cid:2)angle performed in 41 copulations by the 17 receptive pairs, in relation to the substrate. In the precopulation phase, and by the other 11 non-receptive pairs, are shown in when the males advanced under the female’s cephalo- Fig. 5. The observed frequency of their behaviours is thorax, their palps gradually came to rest (horizontal, represented by the thickness of the arrows. The palpal parallel to the substrate). In the copulation, at the drumming of females did not reach the minimum momentofpalpalinsertion,themalestwistedtheirpalps frequency needed to include it in Fig. 5. in an inverse direction from the courtship, reaching an angle of 180(cid:2). Duration of the sexual behaviour phases Inthecopulation,L.gauchobehavesliketheprimitive spiders: the male faces towards the female, the female In the total period of courtship and mating, 19 pairs lifts her own cephalothorax and the male inserts his spent an average of 17.35(cid:3)8.35min. The courtship palps into the female’s gonopores. However, the male phase lasted for 9.85(cid:3)6.38min, the precopulation occupies a parallel position, like other web-spinners phase occupied 5.02(cid:3)3.02min, and the copulation (Fig. 4). During the male’s strike, the weight of the phase 2.48(cid:3)2.55min. femaleandthemaleissupportedonlybythemale’s4th legs and abdomen (Fig. 4). The male’s striking move- Total numbers of sexual behaviours in males and females ment was always quick, followed by palpal insertion. Therewasnoinsertionwithoutthestrike.Sometimesthe There was a significant difference between the sexes femalesappearednon-receptive(Fig.5),i.e.theyresisted concerning their total numbers of sexual behaviours the male’s stroking. During courtship, the females (Table 2). During courtship, the total number of palpal stretched their legs sideways (Fig. 5), ceasing their body drummings was higher in males than in females. movements. On the other hand, foreleg vibration and abdominal pulsation occurred more frequently in females than in males during both courtship and precopulation (Table Receptivity of the pairs for mating 2). Without taking into consideration the duration of In 28 trials with 28 males and 28 females, 17 pairs each phase, for both sexes, the number of foreleg (60.7%) copulated at least once, while 11 pairs (39.3%) and abdominal movements was slightly higher in the did not perform any copulation. Table 1 shows the courtship than in the precopulation phase, but not distributionofnumbersofcopulationsbythepairs.The significantly different (Table 2). Figs.1–4: SexualbehaviourofL.gaucho.1Forelegvibration(simultaneousverticalmovementofthepairsoflegswhosetarsitouchthefemale’s web); 2 Male palpal drumming (alternate vertical palp movements); 3 Abdominal pulsation (vertical and horizontal abdomen movements);4Pairinmatingposition(maleshaded). IsabelaM.P.Rinaldi&A.A.Stropa 59 Fig.5. FlowdiagramofsexualbehaviourinL.gauchobasedon41copulationsby17pairsandon11otherpairswhichdidnotcopulate.Arrows a,bandcindicatefrequencybetween8.3–35.3%,35.4–43.8%,and93.8–100%.Dashedlinesdelimitsexualbehaviour. 60 SexualbehaviourinLoxoscelesgaucho Copulations Number Palpaldrummingwasmorefrequentinmales,butthis percouple ofcouples maysimplybebecausemalesarebetterequippedforthis 1 4 behaviour.Theforelegvibration,palpaldrumming,and 2 8 abdominalpulsationshownbythemaleweresequential, 3 2 never simultaneous, and usually led to the female’s 4 1 5 1 response and, finally, copulation. However, these three 6 1 behaviours are not all essential for a successful copu- Total 41 17 lation, suggesting that they may occur according to the degree of acceptance by the female. With less receptive Table 1: Distribution of numbers of copulations by pairs of L. females, the males may have to use all three. Horner & gaucho. Stewart (1967) described in L. reclusa two of the same behavioursthatweobservedinL.gaucho,i.e.‘‘rhythmic pulsation of the male’s or female’s abdomen’’ and ‘‘intermittent palpal vibration’’ which was more Frequency of male and female sexual behaviours in each intensive in males than females. phase When the available data for L. laeta, according to Theaveragefrequencyofforelegvibrationwassignifi- Galiano (1967), are compared with L. gaucho, both cantly higher in the precopulation phase than during follow the same general pattern, differing specifically courtship, in both males and females (Fig. 6). For the in the courtship phase, the receptive L. gaucho females, t=(cid:4)2.02 (p<0.059) and for males, t=(cid:4)5.48; males being provoked into courtship by the web of (p<0.0001). the female and not only by direct contact between the In females, the average frequency of abdominal pairs as in L. laeta (Platnick, 1971). In the copulation pulsation was significantly higher in precopulation than of L. laeta and L. reclusa, the single, quick strike during courtship (t=(cid:4)3.22; p<0.001), but in males was not observed. We agree with Starr (1988), who there was no significant difference in frequency between interpreted that the stroking serves to overcome the courtship and precopulation (t=(cid:4)1.08; p<0.30) female’s resistance and is therefore another good (Fig. 7). indication of mate choice. In the copulation, the performance of L. gaucho differed from that of L. reclusa, where the female was tilted backwards by a thrust, until the tip of her abdomen touched the floor Discussion (Horner & Stewart, 1967). Sperm transference, in all these species, involves the In two of the three sexual behaviours studied, the simultaneousinsertionofbothpalps,asdescribedinthe females exceeded the males in number and frequency of haplogynes by Foelix (1982). The act of stretching their foreleg vibration and abdominal pulsation, indicating legssideways,whileceasingbodymovements,asseenin her active participation in mating. The cautious move- L. gaucho females, has also been observed in other ments of the male towards the female and his frequent haplogynes, as in Pholcus phalangioides (Fuesslin) by retreats (running, jumping) showed a tension, which is Uhl et al. (1995). probablyrelatedtoself-protection.However,aggressive In L. laeta, palpal insertion is very quick, taking not acts by the females occurred infrequently and the pairs morethanacoupleofseconds,whereasinL.gauchoitis tendedtobetolerant,remainingclosetoeachothereven much more variable, from a couple of seconds up to 11 when not in copulation. Only in a minority of trials did minutes. The number of copulations may reach four in the female attack the male. Our interpretation of the L. laeta and up to six in L. gaucho. results agrees with several studies (e.g. Jackson, 1979; The frequency of foreleg vibration increased in pre- Robinson&Robinson,1980;Starr,1988)whichsupport copulation in both males and females (Fig. 6). The the view that courtship is mainly a matter of female frequency of abdominal pulsation, which increased in choice rather than derived from a need to inhibit precopulationinfemales(Fig.7),maysignifythatother predation. non-sexual behaviours were inhibited. Maybe the Behaviour Matingphases Courtship Precopulation (cid:5) (cid:6) t (cid:5) (cid:6) t Palpaldrumming 6.07 1.80 6.18 – – – (cid:3)0.60 (cid:3)0.36 p<0.0001 – – – Forelegvibration 8.00 11.17 (cid:4)3.28 7.20 9.38 (cid:4)2.58 (cid:3)0.64 (cid:3)1.16 p<0.005 (cid:3)0.35 (cid:3)0.96 p<0.019 Abdominalpulsation 3.99 9.09 (cid:4)5.94 2.58 8.85 (cid:4)6.86 (cid:3)0.58 (cid:3)0.79 p<0.0001 (cid:3)0.25 (cid:3)0.83 p<0.0001 Table 2: Total numbers of sexual behaviours performed by males and females of L. gaucho during courtship and precopulation(means(cid:3)SDandt-tests). IsabelaM.P.Rinaldi&A.A.Stropa 61 male is allowed to explore the web, his first act is to communicatehispresencebyvibratinghislegs,thesame probably occurring in natural conditions. As both species followed the same general behaviour pattern in courtship and copulation, we suspect that the mech- anisms of reproductive isolation between them depend onthevariationsinpalpaland/orabdomenmovements, i.e. intensity, frequency, and duration. Acknowledgements WeshouldliketothankNedyA.S.AndrésandPedro R. Evangelista for field and laboratory assistance, Dra Luzia Aparecida Trinca for statistical assistance, Dr Gilson Luiz Volpato for his valuable suggestions, and José Mario Pisani for the illustrations. This study was supported by a fellowship to A. A. S. from the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP No. 96/09389-0). References FOELIX,R.F.1982:Biologyofspiders.1-306.Cambridge,Harvard UniversityPress. GALIANO, M. E. 1967: Ciclo biológico y desarrollo de Loxosceles laeta(Nicolet,1849)(Araneae,Scytodidae).Actazool.lilloana 23:431–464. GERTSCH, W. 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ROBINSON,M.H.&ROBINSON,B.1980:Comparativestudiesof The slight reduction in the male’s abdominal pulsation thecourtshipandmatingbehavioroftropicalaraneidspiders. during precopulation (Fig. 7) may be related to the Pacif.InsectsMonogr.36:1–218. positionofhisbody,incontactwiththesubstrate,while STARR,C.K.1988:SexualbehaviorinDictynavolucripes(Araneae, Dictynidae).J.Arachnol.16:321–330. under the female. These differences between the species may have been UHL, G., HUBER, B. A. & ROSE, W. 1995: Male pedipalp mor- phology and copulatory mechanism in Pholcus phalangioides partly influenced by the manner in which the pairs were (Fuesslin,1775)(Araneae,Pholcidae).Bull.Br.arachnol.Soc. introduced in the experiments. Obviously, when the 10(1):1–9.

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