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Severance Diamond Charolais & Angus PDF

28 Pages·2015·4.54 MB·English
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OOUURR FFAAMMIILLYY Sally Jo and Jan Grandkids – Back Row: Sierra and Aliyah Front Row: Carter, Matthew and Sawyer Rod, Randy and Ryan Rod and Carrie Ryan, Marlys, Carter and Sabrina Robyn and Shane SSAALLEE IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN Severance Diamond Charolais and Angus Annual Bull Sale Saturday, January 23, 2016 • 1:30 p.m. CST Kist Livestock Auction, Mandan, N.D. SSAALLEE HHOOSSTT:: TTEERRMMSS AANNDD CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSS:: Jan L. & Sally Jo Severance The terms of the sale are cash or check payable to the 28200 254th St. SW (cid:129) Ryder, ND 58779 clerks following the sale, unless satisfactory credit ar- (701) 758-2478 (cid:129) Jan’s Cell: (701) 720-2893 rangements have been made with Jan Severance prior to the sale. SSAALLEE DDAAYY PPHHOONNEE:: Kist Livestock ............1-800-732-1163 or (701) 663-9573 BBRREEEEDDIINNGG GGUUAARRAANNTTEEEE:: Bulls are guaranteed breeders through the fi rst breeding MMOOTTEELL AACCCCOOMMOODDAATTIIOONNSS:: season. If a breeding problem occurs that is confi rmed by Headquarters – a veterinarian, the buyer must return the bull to the seller Expressway Suites, Bismarck ..................1-888-774-5566 in good health and have a minimum of at least 1# ADG One block west of Kirkwood Mall. Ask for the Severance since purchase for guarantee to apply for an exchange for Diamond Charolais room rate. an equal-quality bull, or for credit towards the purchase in the next sale. In no case will the seller be responsible SSAALLEE DDAAYY LLUUNNCCHH:: for more than the purchase price. Severance Diamond A complimentary sale day lunch will be served in the Kist Charolais will make every effort to make sure that you, Café starting at 11:30 a.m. our customer, is fully satisfi ed with the bull(s). This is not OONNLLIINNEE BBIIDDDDIINNGG:: a life insurance policy. We will not replace a dead animal The sale will be broadcast live through DVAuction.com. if it dies for any reason. Full mortality insurance can be See page 3 for bidder registration information. purchased sale day. AAUUCCTTIIOONNEEEERR:: HHEEAALLTTHH:: Roger Jacobs ...........................................(406) 698-7686 Bulls have been treated with Bova Shield Gold, One Shot, 7-Way and Dectomax. Health certifi cates will be provided PPUUBBLLIICCAATTIIOONN RREEPPRREESSEENNTTAATTIIVVEESS:: for each sale lot. Donnie Leddy, Cattle Business Weekly ....(605) 695-0113 Colt Keffer, Charolais Journal ..................(765) 376-8784 TTRRUUCCKKIINNGG:: Rod Geppert, American Angus Assn. .......(605) 295-3673 Severance Diamond Charolais will assist in making Lynn Kongslie, Kongslie & Severance Auction Service economical trucking arrangements. We can take the bulls ............................................................(701) 537-5594 back home if it is more convenient to pick them up at the ranch, or bring your own trailer and receive a $25-per-bull PPRREE--SSAALLEE VVIIEEWWIINNGG:: discount. Bulls may be viewed at the ranch until Tuesday, Jan. 19. FFIINNAANNCCIINNGG:: VVOOLLUUMMEE PPUURRCCHHAASSEE DDIISSCCOOUUNNTT:: You have the option of paying 50% of purchase price on A volume discount is $250. It will be given on the fi fth bull the sale day and the balance when you pick up your bulls, purchased by one family ranching operation, and a $50 interest free. Insurance or a waiver of liability will be avail- discount for every bull purchased thereafter on sale day. able at the settlement desk. We will be feeding the bulls at AADDDDIITTIIOONNAALL PPEERRFFOORRMMAANNCCEE DDAATTAA:: your risk. Adjusted 365-day weights and ratios, average daily gain CCAATTAALLOOGG:: and scrotal measurements will be available on sale day. Catalog designed by Cow Camp Promotions. Check our website, www.severanceranch.com, after Jan. 8 Printed by Livestock Direct. for additional performance information. 1 WWEELLCCOOMMEE Dear Cattle Friends, As I look back on the year of 2015, it was really a good year! The one thing that comes into my mind over and over, and maybe it was just more of the life lessons I seem to learn on this journey, is that this year I have learned to “expect the unexpect- ed.” For me it all started at our bull sale last January 24, it was really a warm day, the warmest we have ever had for a bull sale day. We have had many sale days where it didn’t get above zero all day. This one was different, and by 10 a.m. it was starting to rain and it rained most of the afternoon, like a summer time rain, with a tempera- ture approaching 50 degrees. Things went good and everyone hurried to get home afterwards as we all worried about ice. I said to myself that was not something I ever expected! The next lesson came to me in a phone call about the end of May. Son Rod (#4) called me from Washington state, up near the Canadian border where he worked for many years as a U.S. Border Patrol agent. He told me he thought he would retire from this job, but now hated his work as they (current administration) were letting 97% of the illegals go after he had risked his life to catch them. He said that he and his wife wanted to come home and farm and ranch. This was a huge “expect the unexpected.” Rod and Carrie arrived home late July after selling their new home in Washington and are now living in a mobile home on the ranch. We are glad to have the much-needed help. Later, in June 2015, I was driving down the road and my phone rings. It was Ian Glassman from Missouri, and he tells me that he has an offer on his ranch he can’t walk away from. So that means he has decided to disperse his herd of purebred Charolais cows, including the ones he bought from us in the fall of 2013. He tells me the sale will happen on Labor Day weekend. My heart had a hollow spot in it from when those cows left our ranch. I sat out on a hill in the pasture one day thinking about this totally unexpected call. I thought how the good Lord was putting things together for us. I thought here is another very big “expect the unexpected” lesson in life. I knew I had to make a trip to Missouri to buy some of our cows back! Sally and I took off in our semi, pulling a 53’ pot borrowed from a good friend. Eleven hundred miles later we were in southern Missouri. Long story short, we bought a number of great pairs, loaded the truck in 90-degree heat and 90% humidity, and headed north. We made it up the road an hour, and the truck dash lit up with error codes. Turbo sensor was out, exhaust fi lter was plugging, and the truck was going to shut us down on the road soon. We made it to a truck stop and got on the phone calling friends. Everyone we called was great and wanted to help. We knew we had to get these cattle moving somewhere by the next morning as it was dark out and still almost 90 degrees. A good friend from Minnesota drove all night to get to us by daylight, and hooked his truck to the loaded pot. Then we sent our truck to the dealership on the tow hook, and headed north! We drove all day Sunday and backed up to our unloading chute at 3:30 a.m. Monday morning. The cattle were wore out and glad to get their feet back on the ground and their noses in some water. We were glad to be home! The other thing I never would have expected is a beautiful long fall like we had this past year. It was great! We got a lot of work done and even built new four-wire barb fence on December 9, 2015. A good “expect the unexpected” for sure. One more unexpected turn of events is the cattle market. When I talked to Rod on the phone in May, we had good cattle and grain markets in comparison to where we are today. I won’t preach to you that we are going to get healed up price wise in a year. But I do know from 40 years of breeding cattle, that you want to turn out the best bulls you can next spring. We will be bringing an outstanding set of bulls to town – they are very uniform with lots of performance. Breed and build for the future. We are … it might turn out better than we expected! Thanks for being our friends, Jan, Sally Jo, Randy & Rod Severance 2 CCEELLBBRRAATTIINNGG 4400 YYEEAARRSS!! Sally Jo and Jan – Wedding Day Sally Jo and Jan – 40th Anniversary 3 CCHHAARROOLLAAIISS YYEEAARRLLIINNGG BBUULLLLSS Lot 1 11 JJLLSS UUGG MMRR ZZEETTHHUUSS 55009999 Lot 1 is an outstanding herd sire prospect. This bull displays an eye appealing smoothness and thick- ness that I have found diffi cult to fi nd. His Grand Sire BHD Zeus X3041 has been a standout performer BIRTH DATE: 1/25/15 TATTOO: 5099 H/P/S:P OLLED the DeBruycker herd in Montana. In 2015 DeBruyckers sold 76, X3041 sons in their sale to average |JDJ TRUE MARK T39 P $6,401 on the 76 sons. And again in 2014 the X3041 sons were the largest selling group. In the AICA BHD ZEUS X3041 sire summary, X3041 is currently a trait leader for weaning and yearling weight. The dam of this lot is MD MS SILVERBOE J576 JDJ ZETHUS A75 |JDF SITTING BULL 632 once again back home at our ranch to stay, after a 23 month stay in Missouri. She is an attractive cow JDJ MS SITTINGB Y623 MD MS SMOOTHMARK J372 with an excellent udder. Lot 1’s maternal grand dam was a top selling cow in our 2010 female sale selling |WCR PRIME CUT 764 PLD to Sandmeier Charolais. The bull calf that she was carrying sold for $10,000 in the Sandmeier production JLS KATE 0A7C6E6 P PRILMDE UP 981 ET |JECCA N AOL DI OETU BT 2022 P sBa Cleh tahreo lnaeisx.t Tyehaart. bTuhlel i7s6 c6u crroewn talyls lois pterdo dausc ae dw eaa tnoipn gs ealnlidn gy ebaurllli nfogr wuesi ginh to turar i2t 0le1a0d esra.l eI sgeoei nthgi sto l oRt L1a bzuy ll JLS NO DOUBT 766 PLD JLS SILVER QUEEN 516 PLD as an excellent choice for the LT Ledger females. Ledger is the most widely used Charolais bull in history BW WW WR YW ADG SC CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC and justly so, but now we must fi nd an outcross bull that will maintain and keep the qualities that we 81 792 NA 2.9 0.5 31 62 0 2.9 15 1.0 have gained. Lot 1 is an excellent answer! Selling 1/2 interest and full possession. Lot 1 – Backed by breed greats CJC Trademark H45 EC No Doubt 2022 P WCR Prime Cut 764 PLD 4 CCHHAARROOLLAAIISS YYEEAARRLLIINNGG BBUULLLLSS R E F E R E N C E S I R E M6 Grid Maker 104 PET Lot 2 2 JJLLSS UUGG MMRR GGRRIIDD MMAAKKEERR 55009977 BIRTH DATE: 1/21/15 TATTOO: 5097 H/P/S:POLLED |WCR SIR TRADITION 4402 WCR SIR TRADITION 066 IDEAL 809 45 OF 25 M6 GRID MAKER 104 PET |WCR SIR FA MAC 2244 VCR MISS MAC IV 317 VCR MISS DUCHESS 113 PLD |LT UNLIMITED EASE 9108 LT EASY BLEND 5125 PLD JLS POWER BLEND 1603 PLD |LLTT BARSSENERDTAI O1N01 142 P7L7D P JLS ASSERTION 603 PLD JLS LAREDA 403 PLD BW WW WR YW ADG SC CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC 73 746 NA 6.7 0.1 30 58 4 6.2 19 0.7 Lot 2 is an own son of the great M6 Grid Maker 104, who still sires some of the top calves in the breed each year. Dam of this bull is an attractive, perfect uddered cow as was her dam Assertion 603. This is a true calving ease bull with natural thickness one has come to expect from the popular Grid Makers. R E F E R E N C E S I R E LT Stagecoach 8068 Pld Dam of Lot 3 – 5J Cigarro 925 3 JJLLSS UUGG MMRR SSTTAAGGEECCOOAACCHH 55003300 EETT BIRTH DATE: 1/18/15 TATTOO: 5030 H/P/S:POLLED |LT WESTERN SPUR 2061 PLD LT WESTERN EDGE 4057 PLD LT DUCHESS OF MAC 7076 P LT STAGECOACH 8068 PLD |LT WYOMING WIND 4020 PLD LT LADY MACBETH 2131 PLD LT LADY MACBETH 8413 ETP |LT ASSERTION 1277 P OBG ASSERTION 4906 P ET 5J CIGARRO 925 |ALHCDE MCISG ANRA NEC4Y6 1935 PET CREEK CUT CIGARRO 382PET VCR MISS DUCHESS 641 PLD BW WW WR YW ADG SC CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC 80 709 NA 0.9 0.8 30 62 10 5.2 25 1.1 Lot 3 is a top-notch LT Stagecoach son with exceptional length and a powerful thickness to him. His Donor dam by Assertion and Cigar sold for $9000, and had proven herself to be one of the top donors in the Utopia Genetics ET program. Lot 3 5 CCHHAARROOLLAAIISS YYEEAARRLLIINNGG BBUULLLLSS Dam of Lot 4 – JLS Wind Power 993 Pld Lot 4 4 JJLLSS UUGG MMRR PPAACCEERR 55110055 BIRTH DATE: 2/13/15 TATTOO: 5105 H/P/S:POLLED |TR MR PACE SETTER 6558S TR MR PACER 815 C&S MISS IMI SPORT 622 SCC PACER 79A PLD |SCC IMPRESSIVE 44M PLD SCC 44M 49P PLD SCC MISS ELLY 20L PLD |LT WYOMING WIND 4020 PLD LT THUNDERING WIND 5200P JLS WIND POWER 993 PLD |LHTC ELAASREE’SD OP E1A1R0LL 9034 PLD JLS LAREDO 493 PLD JLS PRIME UP 192 PLD BW WW WR YW ADG SC CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC 91 834 NA -0.7 2.5 34 70 2 0.3 19 0.9 The sire of this exciting lot was the high selling bull in the Randy Schmidt Charolais production sale in 2014. The dam of this lot was one of the best Thundering Wind daughters we had, and I tried to buy her back, but she sold for $10,000 in the Utopia Genetics dispersion sale. I am lucky to have two of her daughters at our ranch. I think you will like the massive power this bull has in him, he will produce top gaining well-muscled calves! R E F E R E N C E S I R E LT Ledger 0332 P Lot 5 5 JJLLSS UUGG MMRR LLEEDDGGEERR 55006611 BIRTH DATE: 1/27/15 TATTOO: 5061 H/P/S:POLLED |LT ASSERTION 1277 P LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P LT PEARL’S BREEZE 2236 P LT LEDGER 0332 P |LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT BRENDA 6120 PLD LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD |RIVERWOOD ELEVATION 44 DF GRATITUDE 2007 JLS GRATITUDE 845 PLD |RLTA IWNYBOOMWI NCGYR W 3I2NDD M40IS2S0 P21LGD JLS WIND 145 PLD JLS VEGAS GIRL 945 PLD BW WW WR YW ADG SC CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC 76 771 NA 6.8 -0.6 27 54 3 6.4 17 1.2 This Ledger son is the real deal! Low birth weight, top end performance, eye appeal and natural thick- ness! Dam is an excellent cow, the kind one would want their herd sire to be out of. Last year we looked long and hard for Ledger sons to use in our herd, and we purchased two of them. Lot 5 would fi t right in with those two bulls for sure! 6 CCHHAARROOLLAAIISS YYEEAARRLLIINNGG BBUULLLLSS 6 JJLLSS UUGG MMRR LLEEDDGGEERR 55006655 BIRTH DATE: 1/27/15 TATTOO: 5065 H/P/S:POLLED |LT ASSERTION 1277 P LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P LT PEARL’S BREEZE 2236 P LT LEDGER 0332 P |LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT BRENDA 6120 PLD LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD |SVY FREEDOM PLD 307N GERRARD MONTEZUMA 6T JLS ZUMA 1557 PLD |GJLESR RCOARNDTI NREONXTAANLN KEI D18 0P4 7 L OR JO W MS PRIMER57PLD L OR JO W MS CASH N30 PD BW WW WR YW ADG SC CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC 72 753 NA 7.1 -0.3 31 63 8 7 23 1.6 This long-bodied, well-made Ledger son will add a lot to the herd! Lot 6 77 8 JJLLSS UUGG MMRR LLEEDDGGEERR 55007700 JJLLSS LLEEDDGGEERR 662288 PPLLDD BIRTH DATE: 1/22/15 TATTOO: 5070 H/P/S:POLLED BIRTH DATE: 2/18/15 TATTOO: 628 H/P/S:POLLED |LT ASSERTION 1277 P |LT ASSERTION 1277 P LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P LT PEARL’S BREEZE 2236 P LT PEARL’S BREEZE 2236 P LT LEDGER 0332 P |LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT LEDGER 0332 P |LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT BRENDA 6120 PLD LT BRENDA 6120 PLD LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD |LT EASY BLEND 5125 PLD |WCR PRIME CUT 764 PLD LT BRIDGER 9191 PLD ACE PRIME UP 981 ET JLS GOLDEN GATE 2845 PLD |LDTF CGARRAOTLIT 4U1D0E5 2P0L0D7 JLS PRIME BABE 628 PLD TW |JLTC AE AASLEI E0T4 05 PLD JLS GRATITUDE 845 PLD JLS EASE 229 POLLED JLS WIND 145 PLD JLS PROFILE 029 POLLED BW WW WR YW ADG SC CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC BW WW WR YW ADG SC CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC 69 701 NA 9.5 -1.5 27 58 8 7.4 21 1.3 91 729 101 4.4 1.4 30 64 7 2.9 22 1.2 This Ledger son is a calving-ease specialist with good performance and eye appeal. Dam is a daugh- Lot 8 is a powerful Ledger son. His dam is one of the most powerful producers on the ranch. This bull ter of the dam of Lot 5. will add pounds of profi t to his calves. 9 JJLLSS UUGG MMRR LLEEDDGGEERR 55007722 BIRTH DATE: 3/8/15 TATTOO: 5072 H/P/S:POLLED |LT ASSERTION 1277 P LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P LT PEARL’S BREEZE 2236 P LT LEDGER 0332 P |LT RIO BRAVO 3181 P LT BRENDA 6120 PLD LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD |MXS VERMILLION 527R SVY KABOOM PLD 7113T JLS KABOOM 0742 PLD |SAVCYE PFIRRISMTE D UAPT E9 8510 6ERT JLS ROBYN 742 PLD JLS SALLYJO 842 POLLED BW WW WR YW ADG SC CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC 96 764 NA 8.0 1.8 27 58 9 6.9 23 1.1 Lot 9 is an attractive, smooth made Ledger with extra length to really give a power boost to his calves. Lot 9 1100 JJLLSS LLEEDDGGEERR 33990022 PPLLDD TTHHAANNKKSS TTOO BIRTH DATE: 2/18/15 TATTOO: 3902 H/P/S:POLLED FFEEEEDD MMIIXX |LT ASSERTION 1277 P LT BLUEGRASS 4017 P FFOORR HHEELLPPIINNGG LT LEDGER 0332 P |LLTT PREIOA RBLR’SA VBOR E3E1Z8E1 2P2 36 P SSPPOONNSSOORR TTHHEE LT BRENDA 6120 PLD LT BRENDA’S EASE 3055PLD NNOOOONN MMEEAALL!! |CMF 192 WRANGLER 256 WR WRANGLER W601 JLS WRANGLER 3902 PLD |WLTR B MLUISES V PARLUINEC 7E9S0S3 TE6T2 9 JLS BLUE VALUE 1901 PLD For all your feed or pellet needs call Kenya. JLS FIRST EDITION 901 PLD They deliver high quality feed and service! BW WW WR YW ADG SC CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC 79 743 103 11.2 -1.3 37 66 7 9.4 25 1.5 Feed Mix (cid:129) 414 7th St. West (cid:129) Harvey, ND 58341 Lot 10 was born unassisted from a fi rst-calf heifer. He is a thick-made, calving-ease bull with proven 701-324-2201 (cid:129) [email protected] track record of calving ease, meat and milk from his dam’s family. Owner: Alden Hollenbeck Manager: Kenya Duchsherer (cid:129) 701-721-3451 7 CCHHAARROOLLAAIISS YYEEAARRLLIINNGG BBUULLLLSS REFERENCE SIRES M6 Cool Rep 8108 ET CJC Trademark H45 LT Rio Blanco 1234 P 1111 JJLLSS UUGG MMRR CCOOOOLL RREEPP 55009900 BIRTH DATE: 1/21/15 TATTOO: 5090 H/P/S:POLLED |M6 FUNCTION 169 PET M6 COOL DUDE 6463 P ET MISS LPF 630 MAC M6 COOL REP 8108 ET |VCR SIR DUKE 914 PLD SR LADY EASE 914 ET CCF LADY GERMAINE 718PET |EC IRON MAN 2027 PLD JLS CATTLE BUSINESS 598W PLD JLS BUSINESS LADY 2993 PLD |JLTL ST HPURNIMDEE RBIANBGE W59IN8 DP L5D2 00P JLS WIND POWER 993 PLD JLS LAREDO 493 PLD BW WW WR YW ADG SC CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC 73 799 NA 6.3 -0.7 47 85 5 3.4 28 1.6 This is an outstanding herd sire prospect! Lot 11’s sire is a very popular bull with 482 progeny registered at AICA. M6 Cool Rep is also a weaning weight and yearling weight trait leader. Dam is an own daughter out of our performance sire JLS Cattle Business 598. Maternal Grand Dam is the dam of lot 4 bull. I really admire this bull from his quiet disposition, to his top end performance off a beautiful 3 year old Lot 11 cow. This bull has the phenotype to breed many bloodlines in the Charolais breed. Selling 1/2 interest and full possession. 1122 JJLLSS UUGG MMRR TTRRAADDEEMMAARRKK 55005566 BIRTH DATE: 1/26/15 TATTOO: 5056 H/P/S:SCURRED |ABC ALI HERCULES LHD ALI MARK T214 LHD MS DAR 6196-N251 CJC TRADEMARK H45 |LHD MR PERFECT Y416 CJC MS PERFECT F57 LHD MS FERNANDO D595 |LT WYOMING WIND 4020 PLD LT THUNDERING WIND 5200P JLS WIND POWER 807 PLD |LJTL SE ADSAEY’TSO PNEAA R45L4 9 P0O34L LPELDDE T JLS TROPHY GIRL 903 PLD MISS HCR SENSATION 2093 BW WW WR YW ADG SC CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC 97 734 NA 1.2 4.0 29 49 7 -0.2 22 0.7 Lot 12 is sired by the 1998 model herd sire for DeBruycker Charolais, Dutton Montana. Trademark is still being widely used today with 3,359 progeny registered at AICA. Dam is an outstanding Thundering Wind daughter. This bull is wide topped, good butted, good haired and will sire the top selling feeding cattle! Lot 12 1133 JJLLSS UUGG MMRR RRIIOO BBLLAANNCCOO 55008800 BIRTH DATE: 2/27/15 TATTOO: 5080 H/P/S:POLLED |JWK IMPRESSIVE D040 ET WCR PRIME CUT 764 PLD WCR MISS EASE 4314 LT RIO BLANCO 1234 P |HCR SENATOR 9052 POLLED LT PRAIRIE MAID 4054 LT PRAIRIE MAIDEN 8016 |FINKS 2250 OF 3575D040ET RAILE 2250 U044 JLS RIGHT CHOICE 1874 PLD |REACT DOUNXSE LLELAEDSE 0R2 5222 33 P JLS LEADER 874 PLD JLS MIGHTY ADONIS 674 PLD BW WW WR YW ADG SC CE BW WW YW M MCE MTL SC 71 735 NA 7.0 -1.2 25 52 9 7.9 22 0.9 Lot 13 is sired by the legendary LT Rio Blanco 1234, who has held his place in the Charolais sire summary as a trait leader many times, is currently a yearling trait leader. Lot 13 is a smooth made calving ease bull with a lot to offer, including a dam from our proven cow maker bull Raile 2250 U044, whose daughters are excellent for udder quality and milk volume. Lot 13 8

PRE-SALE VIEWING: Bulls may be viewed at discount for every bull purchased thereafter on sale day. ranch, or bring your own trailer and receive a $25-per-bull I won't preach to you that we are going to get healed up price.
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