WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION SEVENTH SESSION OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE GENEVA, 13th - 17th ~IAY, 1955 ABRIDGED REPORT WITH RESOLUTIONS PRICE: Sw. fro 3.50 I I WMO - N° 46. Re. 8 Secretariat of the World Meteorological Organization • Geneva - Switzerland 1955 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of persons attending the session 4 2. Final agenda with relevant documents 6 3. General summary of the work of the session 8 Annex : Method of carrying out WMQ projects within the United Nations Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance 18 4. List of resolutions adopted by the seventh session of the Executive Committee Final Session No. No. 1 P.5 International Geophysical Year 22 2 P.3 Participation of the World Meteor ological Organization in the water resource development programme 23 3 P.2 Humid tropics research 24 4 P.4 Climatological atlases 25 5 P.l Report of the first session of Regional Association II 26 6 P.6 Modification in P()MR code 28 7 A.l Disposition of surplus for the first financial period 28 8 A.2 Annual budget 1956 29 9 A.3 Contributions to the General Fund 29 10 A.4 International Meteorological Organization prize 30 5. Annex to Resolution 5 (EC-VII) 30 6. Annex to Resolution 8 (EC-VII) 37 7. Annexes I List of documents 43 II List of all resolutions adopted since the first session of the Executive Committee 46 8. Subj ect index 59 4 LIST OF PERSONS ATTENDING THE SESSION 1. ~~~~~:~_e~~~~~~ A. Viaut President WMO M.A.F. Barnett First Vice-President WMO H.A. Ferreira Second Vice-President WMO D.A. Davies Pres ident RA I S. Basu Pres ident RA II F.X.H. de Souza President RA III A. Thomson President RA IV C. del Rosario Vice-President RA V J. LUgeoo Pres ident RA VI J. Durward (representing Sir Graham Sutton) A. Nyberg F.W. Reichelderfer Elected members A.A. Solotoukhine M.F. raha L. de Villegas (representing Azcarraga) 2. g~!~~!~!_~~p~~~~~~~!!~~ A.J. Dilloway Representative of UN 3. Advisers P.R.K. Rao Adviser to Mr. Basu S.N. Sen Adviser to Mr. Basu A.Silva de Sousa Adviser to Mr. Ferreira A.W. Johnson Adviser to Mr. Reichelderfer N.A. Matson Adviser to Mr. Reichelderfer V.P. Zigun Adviser to Mr. Solotoukhine P.G.F. Caton Adviser to Sir Graham Sutton R.S. Mikhail Adviser to Mr. Taha P. de Martin de Vivies Adviser to Mr. Viaut P.R. Franco Adviser to Mr. de Villegas 4. Secretariat G. ·Swoboda Acting Secretary-General J.R. Rivet Deputy Secretary-General K. Langl0 Chief, Technical Division V.J. Bahr Chief, Administrative Division J .L. Galloway Chief, Technical Assistance Unit O.M. Ashford Chief, Technical Section N.L. Veranneman Chief, Technical Section LIST OF PERSONS ATTENDING THE SESSION 5 J.M. Rubiato Technical Officer A.A. Megenine Technical Officer A.M. Alaka Technical Officer Miss E. van der Linde Chief, Publications Section R.L. Munteanu External Relations Officer E.H. Cook Chief, Finance Section 6 AGENDA Ag. Item Relevant Resolutions No documents adopted 1.. Organization of the session 1.1 Approval of the agenda 1.2 Establishment of committees for the session 2;. Approval of the minutes of the sixth session ;J. Report of the first session of 6, 29 5 RA II 1. Technical programme matters 4.1 Programme for 1956 9, Add. 1, Doc. 37 4.2 Definition of "gust" 10 4.3 Definition of "visibility" 14 4.4 Humid tropics research 4, 35 3 4.5 WMO participation in the water 3, 30 2 resource development programme 4.6 Climatological atlases 1, 31 4 4.7 Structure and terms of reference 5 of Technical Commissions 4.8 Technical Regulations 15, 33 6 4.9 International Geophysical Year 2, 12, 32 1 4.10 World meteorological bibliography 7 4.11 Operational and technical develop 8 ment fund 4.12 International Meteorological Tables 2· Administrative and financial matters 5.1 Budget for 1956 27, Add. 1, B Doc. 36 5.2 Contributions to the General Fund 24 9 AGENDA 7 Ag. Item Relevant Resolutions No documents adopted 5.3 Working Capital Fund 23 5.4 Supplementary appropriations for 26 1955 5.5 Disposition of surplus for first 21 7 financial period 5.6 Headquarters building 13, 22 5.7 Staff matters 16 5.8 Sale of pUblications and supple 17 ments 5.9 Assessment of contributions of 25 prospective Members 5.10 Publication of working documents 18 5.11 Directives of Congress to the Exe 28, 34 cutive Committee concerning General Regulations 5.12 Date of termination of the contact 19 of the Acting Secretary-General Examination of past resolutions of 11 the Executive Committee 1· Standing committees and working 20, Add. 1, groups of the Executive Committee Add. 2 ~. Date and place of the eighth session of the Executive Committee .2. Other matters 8 GENERAL SUMMARY OF THE WORK OF THE SESSION 1. The seventh session of the Executive Committee of the World Meteoro- logical Organization was held in the Palais des Nations, Geneva, from 13 May to 17 May 1955 inclusive., under the chairmanship of the President of the Org90ization, Mr. A. Viaut. Ag. Item 1 - ORGANIZATION OF THE SESSION 1.1 - Approval of the agenda 2. The agenda, as finally adopted by the Committee, is given on page 6. 1.2 - Establishment of committees for the session 3. The Committee agreed that all agenda items CQuid be dealt with in ple nary meetings. Ag. Item 2 - APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE SIXTH SESSION 4. The Committee decided that the Secretariat should forward the minutes in question to all members of the Executive Committee for comments and that if these comments did not give rise to any major difficulty, the outgoing President would be authorized to approve the minutes on behalf of the pre ceding Executive Committee. Ag. Item 3 - REPORT OF THE FIRST SESSION OF RA II 5. During the consideration of this report there was some discussion on whether _certain of the decisions of the Associations should be called re_ II solutions" or "recommendations". 6. The Committee decided that the Secretary-General should draw up, on the basis of the definitions given in the General Regulations, an explana tory paper for the presidents of the constituent bodies. 7. The decisions of the Committee on the various recommendations in the report of the first session of RA II are contained in Resolution 5(EC-VII). Ag. Item 4 - TECHNICAL PROGRAMME MATTERS 4.1 - Programme for 1956 8. The Committee considered the technical programme for 1956 and agreed that special attention should be drawn to certain questions, a list of which was included in the minutes of the session. 9. With regard to specific points not covered by separate agenda items, the Committee made the following decisions : GENERAL SUMMARY 9 (a) A telecommunications technologist should be recruited in the Se cretariat from 1 January 1956; (b) WMO should be ready to collaborate actively with UNESCO in ar ranging for a symposium on "arid zone climatology with special reference to micro-climatology". The Commission for Climatology and the Arid Zone Panel should be consulted; (c) Provision was made in the budget for 1956 to meet some of the ex penses in relation to the second world-wide comparison of radio sondes; (d) The question of participation of the WMO Secretariat in the com parison of barometers was referred back to the President of elMO for further study and for a report to be submitted to the eighth session of the Executive Committee. 4.2 - Definition of "gust" 10. The Committee decided that the President of CAeM shall consult the other Presidents of Technical Commissions concerned and communicate to the President of the Organization by 1 October 1955 the definition proposed; that the Secretariat shall inform the President of CAeM and shall communi cate the definition proposed by the President of CAeM to the members of the Executive Committee; that if the latter have no objections to the adoption of the definition proposed, it may come into force immediately.; that in such case the Secretariat shall inform lCAQ and that, on the contrary, the matter shall be added to the agenda for the eighth session of the Committee. 4.3 - Definition of "visibility" 11. The Committee decided that the President of CAeM shall continue to study the question and requests him kindly to make a report, after consult ation with the other Presidents of Technical Commissions concerned, and at the latest three months before the next session of the Executive Committee, to enable memPerS to study the question; that in the meantime Resolution 17 (EC-V) shall remain in force. 4.4 - Humid tropics research 12. In view of Resolution 25 (Cg-II), the Executive Committee decided to establish a panel of meteorological experts on the humid tropics. 13. The terms of reference of the panel and further directives to the Se cretary-General on this matter are contained in Resolution 3 (EC-VII). 14. The Corrmittee also agreed that the Secretary-General should inform UNESCO as soon as possible of the of WND in this field and of Con gress and Executive Committee action, so as to ensure that UNESCO is acquaint ed with the desire of WMO to take an active part in the work on the humid tropical zone. 4.5 - WMO participation in the water resource development programme 15. This iRportant subject was considered in some detail by the Executive Committee. 10 GENERAL SUMMARY 16. As Second Congress decided not to establish a Technical Commission for hydrology, the Executive Committee agreed that the most appropriate line of a_ction would be to establish a panel of experts which would be available for consultation by the Secretary-General as required. 17. The decision of the Executive Committee is given in Resolution 2(EC-VII) from which it will be noted that the International Association for Hydrology has been invited to designate a representative to serve on the panel. 4.6 - Climatological atlases 18. It was noted that Second -Congress in Resolution 26 (Gg-II) had directed the Executive Committee to take the necessary measures, as a matter of ur gency, for the preparation of specifications of requirements to be met by na tional, sub-regional and regional climatological atlases. 19. The Executive Committee therefore, in Resolution 4 (EC-VII) decided to establish a working group to take care of this matter and instructed the Se cretary-General to assist the group. 4.7 - Structure and terms of reference of Technical Commissions 20. Following up Resolution 15 (Cg-II), the Executive Comndttee decided that the Secretariat shall assemble all proposals and all remarks submitted to Congress concerning the structure and the terms of reference of the Tech nical Commissions; that it shall unite in a single document all elements ne~ cessary for discussion during the eighth session of the Executive Committee and that this document shall be sent to the members of the Committee as soon as possible, so that they have adequate time to study it before the session. 4.8 - Technical Regulations 21. The Committee decided that Chapter XII of the Technical RegUlations should be published as a separate vol-ume. Both Volume I (Chapters I - XI) and Volume II (Chapter XII) should be bound in fixed covers. • 22. Furthermore, the Committee decided that the WMO aeronautical figure codes should not be included in Part- I of Chapter XII, but that a suitable reference should be made to WMO Publication No.9, Volume B, where these codes are included. 23. Noting that Chapter XII of the Technical Regulations (including a POMAR code form in which the specifications of certain symbolic letters have been modified) shall come into force on 1 January 1956, the Executive Com u mittee cancelled, in Resolution 6 (EG-VII), paragraph (2) of "DEClDES of Resolution 21 (EC-IV). 24. With reference to Resolution 21 (Cg-II) of Second Congress, the Com mittee agreed on a certain procedure for the final disposal of the lMO re solutions, whereby the recommendations from the Technical Commissions and the Regional Associations on this matter should reach the Secretary-General not later than four months before the eighth session of the Executive Com mittee.