1950 YEARBOOK OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST DENOMINATION Comprising a Directory of the General Con- ference, Union and Local Conferences, Mission Fields, Educational Institutions, Publishing Houses, Periodicals, and Medical Institutions. PREPARED BY CLAUDE CONARD, Statistical Secretary of the General Conference PUBLISHED BY REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION WASHINGTON, D.C. PRINTED IN THE U.S.A. CONTENTS General Conference and Departments 5 Review of 1949 4 Divisions : North America (cid:9) 24 Australasian (cid:9) 75 Central European (cid:9) 87 China (cid:9) 95 Far Eastern (cid:9) 112 Inter-American (cid:9) 127 , Northern European (cid:9) 145 South American (cid:9) 155 Southern African (cid:9) 171 Southern Asia (cid:9) 195 Southern European (cid:9) 210 Union Territories Not Attached to Divisions (cid:9) 230 Union of 'Socialist Soviet Republics (cid:9) 240 Institutions: Educational (cid:9) 241 Food Companies (cid:9) 300 Medical (cid:9) 302 Dispensaries and Treatment Rooms (cid:9) 320 Publishing Houses (cid:9) 323 Periodicals Issued (cid:9) 336 Statistical Tables (cid:9) 352 Countries Where Work Is Established (cid:9) 363 Languages in Which Publications Are Issued (cid:9) 368 Constitution and By-Laws (cid:9) 370 Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists (cid:9) 376 Workers Directory (cid:9) 379 Necrology (cid:9) 486 Institutional Workers Index (cid:9) 488 Preface A directory of the conferences, mission fields, and institutions connected with the Seventh-day Adventist denomination is given in the., following pages. Adminis- trative and workers' lists have been furnished by the organizations concerned. In cases where current reports were not received, previous official and personnel rolls have been retained or adjusted to the best information available. Below appears data summarized largely from the 1948 Statistical Report, the one Tast issued at this date. The number of churches and the church membership in each of the conferences in North America are those reported at the close of the third quarter, 1949. In fields outside of North America the church and membership statistics at the close of 1948 have been, used except in instances where the organizations themselves have reported later figures. Populations of conferences in North America are based on the 1940 census reports; and population figures for other fields have been fur- nished largely from the different Division or Union offices. Following the. classification order of workers in the General Conference Working Policy, those persons who carry missionary credentials are placed im- mediately following the ordained minister groups in the conference and mission sections of the Yearbook. The Workers Directory lists the names and addresses of ordained and licensed ministers and workers holding missionary credentials and Bible instructors credentials. A separate list of principal workers employed in educational, publishing and medical institutions is also given. The Seventh-day Adventist denomination was organized May 21, 1863, with a constituency of 125 churches and 3,500 members. The work was largely con- fined to North America until the year 1874, when the first missionary, Elder J. N. Andrews, was sent to Switzerland. Gradually other countries were entered. In 1886 a minister went to Russia, the first non-Protestant country in which this work was started. The schooner "Pitcairn" was launched in San Francisco Bay on July 28, 1890, and was soon prepared to carry groups of missionaries to various Pacific islands. In, 1894 Seventh-day Adventist workers first entered a heathen land, opening a mission in Matabeleland, South Africa. South America was entered the same year, and Japan in 1896. Although publishing and the distribution of literature had been a major factor- in the development of the Advent cause from its beginning,' the first regular pub- lishing house was incorporated in 1861 at Battle Creek, Mich., under the name of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association. The Advent Review and Sabbath Herald was first published in 1860 at Paris, Maine; the Youth's Instructor at Rochester, N.Y., in 1852; and the Signs of the Times at Oakland, Calif., in 1874. . In 1866 the Health Reform Institute, later the Battle Creek Sanitarium, was established. The first denominational school was opened in 1872. Tract and mis- sionary society work was organized on a state-wide basis in 1870, and state Sabbath school associations in 1877. The name, "Seventh-day Adventists," was chosen in 1860, and in 1903 the denominational headquarters ,were moved from Battle Creek, Mich., to Washington, D.C. Since 1900 to the close of 1948, 6,211 missionaries have been sent out for mission service in various lands comprising all of the larger countries of the world and many of the islands of the sea. Thirty-seven thousand three hundred thirty-three evangelistic and institutional workers were using 705 languages and modes of speech in their gospel service. The membership of the 9,749 Seventh-day Adventist churches throughout the world in 1948 was 672,658. There were 74 union conferences and missions, 139 local conferences, 213 regularly organized mission fields, and 534 institutions. Of the 37,333 laborers, 13,880 were in North America, and 23,453 in other countries. The funds in tithes and offerings contributed in 1948 by Seventh-day Adventists were the largest ever raised by the denomination during any one year. The amount of $42,034,536.78 was a per capita contribution of $62.49 for every member in the world field. In North America alone the per capita giving in tithes and offerings was $135.70. In addition to the above, $267,951.71 was given in North America in 1948 for mission rehabilitation and famine relief. The Statistical Report showed that there were 52 Seventh-day Adventist pub- lishing houses and branches, whose book and periodical retail sales in 1948 were $11,730,590.22. These publishing houses employed 1,747 workers in producing this 3 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST -YEARBOOK, 1950 literature, and 3,461 more were engaged in its distribution. Seventh-day Adventist literature has been printed in 195 languages, and there were 294 periodicals issued. The enrollment in the 16,587 Sabbath schools was 833,628, and the annual Sabbath school contributions were $4,643,939.29. Sanitariums, hospitals, and treat- ment rooms, to the number of 160 engaged in the care of the sick, with 7,605 physicians, nurses and other attendants, caring for 138,135 patients in the institu- tions and furnishing 1,681,782 additional treatments and medical services during 1948. There were 3,650 elementary schools, and 292 secondary and advanced schools with 9,177 teachers employed, and an enrollment of 180,121 pupils. At the close of the 1947-48 school year 1,246 students entered some branch of denominational work. The property value of all organizations and institutions connected with the Seventh-day Adventist denomination, including churches, at the beginning of 1948 was $151,246,974.05. The total amount of funds in tithes and offerings contributed since the organi- zation of the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference in 1863 to the close of 1948 was $533,071,470.28. Literature sales for the same period were registered as $195,288,795.76. Review of 1949 The record of the past year reveals many significant and interesting items: North America and General: The first national convention of the American TemperthIce Society met in Takoma Park, January 2-6.—First radio workshop in North America was held on the campus of Washington Missionary College, Takoma Park, in March. The Voice of Prophecy added the American Broad- casting Company network in June, and the total number of stations broadcasting the message reached 796.—A Special Day of Prayer, May 14, was devoted to intercession in behalf of the world-wide work.—A special council of medical leaders met in Bouldei in April.—The Review and Herald celebrated in July the 100th anniversary of the launching of the denomination's organized publishing work.—This year also marked another anniversary: the 75th of the beginning of Seventh-day Adventist higher education and the founding of Battle Creek College.—Pastor Robert Salau, accompanied by Pastor and 'Mrs. A. G. Stewart, visited the British Union and North America. They were warmly welcomed and widely acclaimed in churches, campmeetings, and by press, radio, and television.— A new book, the Bible Instructor, gives new and significant leadership to the preparation of lay and full time Bible instructors.—Seven million pieces of Ingathering literature were used in the 1949 campaign • and the total amount gathered till November 1 came to $2,721,520.21.—The Sabbath School Department enlarged The Sabbath School Worker to forty-eight pages and pushed its circula- tion to 35,000 a month.—The 1949 Autumn Council appropriations for the 1950 world-wide work amounted to $15,935,955.73, the largest budget ever voted. Africa: Three Youths' Congresses were held in South Africa, bringing_ to over 50 the total number of union-wide congresses held since the North American Congress in 1947. Over 25,000 new believers joined baptismal classes in Southern Africa in 1949, and the Sabbath school enrollment reached 143,000 members. Asia: A number of missionaries were evacuated from Communist-held ter- ritories, and late in 1949 some were transferred from China to nearby fields of the Southern Asia and the Far Eastern divisions. The China Division was reorganized under national leadership to become effective after December 31, 1949.—The first overseas workshop for nurses was held in Baguio, Philippine Islands. The first nursing degree outside North America, was granted in Nursing Education in March by the Philippine Union College.—Cornerstone was laid August 3 for the new Bangkok Mission Hospital.—The Autumn Council appointed special funds for a greatly strengthened evangelistic program in Japan during 1950. Australia: The new Australasian Inter-Union Conference made up of four union organizations, took effect on January 1. Europe: In February the Danish Voice of Prophecy program was inaugurated, and in May, the new, well-equipped Paris radio studio was dedicated where radio programs are prepared in Danish, Dutch, French, German, and Spanish. Latin America: The Andrews Memorial Hospital in Kingston, Jamaica, was opened to the public., -The S.D.A. Theological Seminary of Takoma Park, Wash- ington, D.C., held an extension school session in South. America. Directory of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination GENERAL CONFERENCE Organized May 21, 1863 Territory: The following-named sec- H. H. Cobban, J. F. Cummins...E. J. tional areas of the General Conference Johanson, (cid:9) — — world field: North America, Austra- 'General Field Secretaries: M. L. An- lasia, Central Europe, China, Far dreasen, H. M. Blunden, W. P. El- East, Inter-America, Northern Eur- liott, Frederick Griggs, W. K. •Ising, ope, South America, Southern Africa, M. E. Kern, Meade MacGuire, W. E. Southern Asia, Southern Europe, Un- Read, R. Ruhling, J. J. Stfahle. attached Union territories (Baltic, British, Middle East, West Africa), Statistical Secretary: Claude Conard. Union of Socialist Republics. Auditor: W. E. Phillips; Associates, H. W. Barrows, H. P. Bloum, F. Cable Address: Adventist, Washington. Brennwald. (A B C Code, fifth edition.) Where •- the above cable address cannot be Secretaries of Departments used, please address as follows, "Gen- eral Conference, Washington. D. C.." American Temperance Society: W. A. or "Adventist Headquarters, Wash- Scharffenberg. ington, D. C." Educational: E. E. Cossentine; Asso- •ciates, G. M. Mathews, L. It. Rasmus- Telegraphic Address: General Confer. sen, K. J. Reynolds. ence, Washington, D. C. (NOT Ta- koma Park.) Home-Foreign Bureau: L. Halswick ; Associate, E. J. Lorntz. Express and Freight Address: General Home Missionary: T. L. Oswald; As- Conference, Takoma Park, D. C. (Not sociates, Henry F. Brown, W. A. But- Washington.) Consign freight via ler, J. E. Edwards. Baltimore & Ohio Railway. Medical: T. R. Flaiz ; Associates, D. Postal Address: Takoma Park, Wash- Lois Burnett, J. W. McFarland, G. A. ington 12, District of Columbia, Roberts. U. S. A. Ministerial Association: Chairman, J. L. Telephone: GEorgia 0800. McElhany ; Secretary, L. E. Froom ; Associates, R. A. Anderson, M. K. Eckenroth, Louise C. Kleuser, G. E. Executive Officers Vandeman. President: J. L. McElhanY. ' North American Colored: G. E. Peters. Vice-Presidents: V. T. Armstrong, W. Publishing: G. A. Huse, Acting; Asso- R. Beach, W. H. Branson, C. W. Bo- ciates, E. E. Franklin, D. A. Mc- zarth, L. K. Dickson, R. R. Figuhr, E. Adams. F. Hackman, A. L. Ham, G. A. Lind- Radio: Paul Wickman. say, A. Minck, Jay J. Nethgry, W. B. Religious Liberty: H. H. Votaw ; Asso- Ochs, A. V. Olson, N. C. Wilson. ciates, C. S. Longacre, F. H.. Yost. Secretary: E. D, Dick. Sabbath School: J. A. Stevens; Asso- Associate Secretaries: W. P. Bradley, ciates, E. B. Hare, H. W. Lowe, L. L. A. W. Cormack, N. W. Dunn, H. T. Moffitt. Elliott, J. I. Robison, E. E. Roenfelt. Seventh-day Adventist Theological Sem• Treasuier: W. E. Nelson. inary: D. E. Rebok. Young People's Missionary Volunteer: Undertreasurer: W. H. Williams. Eldine W. Dunbar ; Associates, T. E. Assistant Treasurers: Roger Altman. Lucas, L. A. Skinner. 5 General Conference Committee Members President: J. L. McElhany. OTHER MEMBERS BY DIVISIONS General Vice-Presidents: L. K. Dickson, North America Jay J. Nethery, W. B. Ochs, A. V. Olson. Vice-President. (cid:9) Union Conference Presidents: Secretary: E. D. Dick. Atlantic: M. L. Rice. Associate Secretaries: W. P. Bradley, Canadian: H. L. Rudy. A. W. Cormack, N. W. Dunn, H. T. Central: M. V. Campbell. Elliott, J. I. Robison, E. E. Roenfelt. Columbia: D. A. Ochs. Treasurer: W. E. Nelson. Lake: L. E. Lenheim. Northern: Jere D. Smith. Undertneasurer: W. H. Williams. North Pacific: C. A. Striven. Assistant Treasurers: Roger Altman, .Pacific: C. L. Bauer. H. H. Cobban, J. F. Cummins, E. J. Southern: V. G. Anderson. Johanson. Southwestern: J. W. Turner. Ex-Presidents of General Conference: Australasian W. A. Spicer, C. H. Watson. (Inter-Union Conference) General Field Secretaries: M. L. An- President: N. C. Wilson. dreasen, H. M. Blunden, W. P. El- Secretary: F. A. Mote. liott, Frederick Griggs, W. K. Ising, Treasurer: W. L. Pascoe. M. E. Kern, Meade MacGuire, W. E. Read, R. Ruhling, J. J. Strahle. Field Secretary: W. G. Turner. Statistical Secretary: Claude Conard. Departmental Secretaries Educational and Y.P.M.V.: A. W. Auditor: W. E. Phillips; Associates, Peterson. H. W. Barrows, H. P. Bloum, F. Home Missionary and Sabbath School: Brennwald. George Butler. Medical: T. A. Sherwin. Secretaries of General Departments Publishing: H. G. Moulds. American Temperance Society: W. A. Religious Liberty: R. E. Hare. Scharffenberg. Union Presidents: Educational: E. E. Cossentine; Asso- Central Pacific: G. Branster. ciates, G. M. Mathews, L. R. Rasmus- Coral Sea: H. White. sen, K. J. Reynolds. Trans-Commonwealth: W. T. Hooper. Home Foreign Bureau: L. Halswick ; Trans-Tasman: W. E. Battye. Associate, E. J. Lorntz. Home Missionary: T. L. Oswald; As- Central European sociates, Henry F. Brown, W. A. But- (Provisional Organization) ler, J. E. Edwards. President: Adolf Minck. Medical: T. R. Flaiz; Associates, D. Secretary: Otto Schildhauer. Lois Burnett, J. W. McFarland, G. A. Treasurer: Max Voigt. Roberts. Departmental Secretaries: Ministerial Association: Secretary. L. E. Froom; Associates, R. A. Ander- Educational and Field Secretary, W. son, M. K. Eckenroth, Louise C. Mueller. Kleuser, G. E. Vandeman. Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Y.P.M.V.: M. Busch. North American Colored: G. E. Peters. Publishing: (cid:9) Publishing:, G. A. Huse, Acting ; Asso- Medical: L. E. Conradi. ciates, E. E. Franklin, D. A. Mc- Union Presidents: Adams. East German: M. Budnick. Radio: Paul Wickman. South German: G. Seng. Religious Liberty: H. H. Votaw; Asso- West German: 0. Gmehling. ciates, C. S. Longacre, F. H. Yost. China Sabbath School: J. A. Stevens; Asso- ciates, E. B. Hare, H. W. Lowe, L. President: Hsu Hwa. L. Moffitt. Secretary: David Lin. Seventh-day Adventist Theological Sem- Treasurer: S. J. Lee. inary: D. E. Rebok. Departmental Secretaries: Young People's Missionary Volunteer: Educational: H. C. Shen. Eldine W. Dunbar; Associates, T. E. Home Missionary and Publishing: H. Lucas, L. A. Skinner. H. Tan. 6 GENERAL CONFERENCE(cid:9) 7 Medical: Herbert Liu. Northern European Sabbath School: Chen Ming. (Provisional Organization) Y.P.M.V.: David Lin. President: G. A. Lindsay. Union Presidents: Secretary-Treasurer: Alf Karlman. Central China: T. R. Shen. Home Missionary: Axel Varmer. East China: Wu Ming Seng. Medical: A. Andersen. North China: Chang Po Ching. Northeast China: Liu Chang Lee. RPueblilgisiohuinsg L: iCb.e Arty. :E 0d.w Ja. rOdlss. en. SNoourtthhw Cehsti nCah:i nTa.: MW.a Lnge iF. u Yuen. Young People's Missionary Volunteer South China Island: C. H. Davis. and Sabbath School: Alf Lohne. Southeast China: Leung Noito. Union Presidents: West China: Gob Djao Oh. East Nordic: A. Y. Rintala. Ethiopian: N. B. Nielsen. (Hong Kong Provisional Division) Netherland: K. Tilstra. Polish: J. Kulak. SPerecsriedtaernyt:: WN.. FH. .B Brerawnesro. n. West Nordic: P. G. Nelson. Treasurer: R. H. Adair. Departmental Secretaries: South American Educational: T. S. Geraty. President: R. R. Figuhr. Home Missionary: G. J. Appel. Secretary-Treasurer: 0. A. Blake. Publishing: E. L. Longway. Departmental Secretaries: Far Eastern Educational and Young People's Mis- sionary Volunteer: L. M. Stump. President: V. T. Armstrong. Home Missionary and Sabbath School: Secretary: C. P. Sorensen. Santiago Schmidt. Treasurer: P. L. Williams. Publishing: W. A. Bergherm. Field Secretary: R. S. Watts. Union Presidents: Departmental Secretaries: Austral: Alfredo Aeschlimann. Educational: W. 0. Baldwin. East Brazil: R. A. Wilcox. Home Missionary and Sabbath School: Inca: L. H. Olson. F. A. Pratt. North Brazil: L. B. Halliwell. Medical: R. F. Waddell. South Brazil: Rodolpho Belz. Publishing: G. A. Campbell. Young People's Missionary Volunteer: C. P. Sorensen. Southern African Union Presidents: President: C. W. Bozarth. Indonesia: D. S. Kime. Secretary: F. G. Clifford. Japan: F. R. Millard. Treasurer: E. A. Moon. Korean: E. W. Bahr. Field Secretary: Milton Robison. Malayan: J. M. Nerness. Philippine: E. M. Adams, Acting. Departmental Secretaries: Inter-American Educational: E. W. Tarr. Home Missionary and Young People's President: E. F. Hackman. Missionary Volunteer: J. M. Hnaty- Secretary: W. E. Murray. shyn. Treasurer: L. F. Bohner. Medical: C. Paul Bringle. Publishing: W. A. Higgins. Departmental Secretaries: Sabbath School and Religious Liberty: Educational and Young People's Mis- A. W. Staples. sionary Volunteer: A. H. Roth. Home Missionary and Sabbath School: Union Presidents: Wesley Amundsen. Medical: (cid:9) Angola: P. Stevenson. Publishing: J. C. Culpepper. Congo: K. F. Ambs. Religious Liberty: L. H. Lindbeck. East Africa: H. M. Sparrow. South Africa: E. D. Hanson. Union Presidents: Southeast Africa: S. G. Maxwell. Antillian: H. B. Lundquist. Zambesi: W. R. Vail. British West Indies: R. W. Numbers. Caribbean: R. H. Pierson. Central America: A. V. Larson. Southern Asia Colombia-Venezuela: G. C. Nickle. Mexican: H. J. Westphal, Division Ad- President: A. L. Ham. ministrative Adviser. Secretary-Treasurer: A. F. Tarr. 8(cid:9) SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST YEARBOOK, 1950 Departmental Secretaries: Czechoslovakian: J. Doubraysky. Educational: C. A. Schutt. FFrraennccoh- BWeelgsti aann: dJ .E Cq.u Gatuoerniainl .A frican: Young People's Missionary Volunteer: J. A. de Caenel. HoCm. eA M. Siscshiountat.r y, Sabbath School, and Hungarian: L. Michnay. Field Secretary: E. D. Thomas. Indian Ocean: H. Pichot. Italian: L. Beer. Medical: (cid:9) Jugoslavian: A. Lorencin. Publishing: A. J. Johanson. North African: P. Girard. Religious Liberty: L. G. Mookeriee. Portuguese: A. D. Comes. Union Presidents: Rumanian: D. Flores. Swiss: A. Meyer. Burma: M. 0. Manley. Northeast India: 0. A. Skau. Northwest India: R. L. Kimble. Unattached Unions South India: 0. 0. Mattison. Baltic Union Conference: (cid:9) Western India: F. E. Spiess. British Union Conference: E. B. Rudge. West Pakistan: Duane S. Johnson. Middle East Union Mission: E. L. Bran- Southern European son. West African Union Mission: William President: W. R. Beach. McClements. Secretary: M. Fridlin. Treasurer: R. Gerber. Union of Socialist Soviet Republics Field . Secretary: A. Meyer. No reports have been received regard. Departmental Secretaries: ing officers. Educational and Sabbath School: 0. Schuberth. Home Missionary and Field Secretary: Elective Members F. Charpiot. Medical: H. Muller. E. E. Andross, G. W._ Bowers, H. G. Publishing: G. C. Cross. Childs, "J. R. Ferren, G. T. 'Harding, Religious Liberty: J. Nussbaum. • C.-B. Haynes, J. J. Ireland, G. Eric Young People's Missionary Volunteer: Jones, H. C. Kephart, W. E. Mac- J. J. Aitken. pherson, H. A. Morrison, F. D. Nichol, F. L. Peterson, F. H. Robbins, J. J. Union Presidents: Strahle, E. A. Sutherland, M. C. Austrian: L. Schneebauer. Taft, W. H. Teesdale, F. M. Wilcox. GENERAL DEPARTMENTS The Departments of the General Conference named below, while doing work, some of them prior to the time the General Conference was organ- ized, and some at a much later date, were organized under the terms of the General Conference Constitution at the dates mentioned in each case. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Far Eastern: W. 0. Baldwin, P.O. Box Organized 1902 226, Singapore, Colony of Singapore. Inter-American: A. H. Roth, Box 228, Office Address: Takoma Park. Wash- Coconut Grove, Miami, Florida. ington 12, D. C. Northern European: G. A. Lindsay, Officers Bergstigen 25, Stocksund, Sweden. Secretary: E. E. Cossentine. South American: L. M. Stump, Virrey Associate SecretarieS: G. M. Mathews, del Pino- 8801, Suc. 27. R. 4, Buenos L. R. Rasmussen, K. J. Reynolds. Aires, Argentina, South America. Assistant Secretary for Parent and Southern African: E. W. Tarr. Grove Home Education: Mrs. Arabella Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, Moore Williams. South Africa. Southern Asia: C. A. Schutt, Box 15, Division Secretaries Poona 1, India. Australasian: A. W. Peterson, 148 Fox Southern European: 0. Schuberth, Valley Road, Wahroonga, New South Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Wales, Australia. Central European: W. Mueller, Nik- Advisory Committee lasstrasse 19, (1) Berlin-Zehlendorf, American Sector, Germany. Union Secretaries China: T. S. Geraty, 2 Duke Street, Atlantic: R. A. Nesmith, South Lanca- Kowloon, Hong Kong. ster, Mass. GENERAL CONFERENCE(cid:9) 9 Canadian: (cid:9) , Box 396, Oshawa, I, D. Higgins, Spicer College, Aundh Ontario, Canada. Road, Kirkee, Poona, India. Central: G. R. Fattic, 4547 Calvert Alfred Vaucher, Collonges-sous-Saleve, Street, Lincoln 6, Neb. Haute-Savoie, France. Columbia: J. M. Howell, 900 Carroll Other Members Ave., Takoma Park 12, D.C. W. C. Hannah, New Market, Va. Lake: W. A. Nelson,- Box C, Berrien E. F. Heim, Box 580, San Jose 4, Calif. Springs, Mich. A. J. Olson, Walla Walla College, Northern: E. A: Robertson, 501 FOrest College Place, Washington. Ave., Minneapolis 4, Minn.. J. R. Shull, Mount Vernon, Ohio. North Pacific: J. T. Porter, 1544 S. E. The following to be addressed at Ta- Hawthorne Blvd., Portland 14, Ore. koma Park, D. C.: D. Lois Burnett, Claude Conard, E. Pacific: A. C. Nelson, Box 146, Glen- D. Dick, L. E. Froom, C. S. Longacre, dale, Calif. Eldine W. Dunbar." Southern: H. S. Hanson, Box 449, Decatur, Ga. Board of Regents Southwestern: W. A. Howe, 2829 W. Secretary and Associate Secretaries of Cantey St., Fort Worth 4, Texas. the Department of Education and the following elected members: (Term ex- College Presidents—North America piring 1950) G. W. Bowers, W. C. Hannah, George T. Harding ; (Term G. T. Anderson, Arlington, Calif. expiring 1951) J. T. Porter, D. Lois G. W. Bowers, College Place, Wash. Burnett; (Term expiring 1952) W. A. P. W. Christian, Angwin, Calif. Howe, A. W. Johnson, V. W. Becker. George T. Harding, 312 North Boyle Ave., Los Angeles 33, Calif. L. N. Holm, South Lancaster, Mass. A. W. Johnson, Berrien Springs, Mich. HOME FOREIGN BUREAU F. L. Peterson, Huntsville, Ala. D. E. Rebok, Takoma Park, Washing- Organized 1933 ton 12, D. C. W. H. Shephard, Takoma Park, Wash- Office: General Conference, Takoma ington 12, D.C. Park, Washington 12, D. C. W. H. Teesdale, Takoma Park, Wash- Secretary: L. Halswick. ington 12, D. C. Associate Secretary: E. J. Lorntz. R. W. Woods, College View Station, Lincoln 6, Neb. Home Foreign Bureau Committee: L. K. A. Wright, Collegedale, Tenn. Halswick, Chairman ; W. A. Butler, H. T. Elliott, E. J. Lorntz, W. E. Junior College Presidents— Nelson, W. B. Ochs, R. Ruhling, W. H. Williams. North America E. E. Bietz, College Heights, Alberta, Canada. HOME MISSIONARY DEPARTMENT J. V. Peters, Keene, Texas. Organized 1918 C. L. Smith, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.. Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- Foreign School Directors ington 12, D. C. (Colleges and Junior Colleges) Officers B. G. Butherus, Mandeville, Jamaica, British West Indies. Secretary: T. L. Oswald. Walton J. Brown, Puiggari, F.N.G.U., Associate Secretaries: Henry F. Brown, Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer- W. A. Butler, J. E. Edwards. ica. Assistant Secretaries: Mrs. Cora F. Dario Garcia, Brazil College, Caixa Thurber, Grace Fields. Postal 258-A, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Division Secretaries America. T. S. Geraty, Chiaotoutseng, Kiangsu, Australasian: George Butler, 148 Fox China. Valley Road, Wahroonga, N.S.W., W. W. Konzack, Showa-machi, Kimitsu- Australia. gun, Chiba-ken, Japan. Central European: M. Busch, Niklasstr. W. C. Mackett, Mussoorie, U. P., India. 19, (1) Berlin-Zehlendorf, American W. R. A. Madgwick, Bracknell, Berks., Sector, Germany. England. China:(cid:9) H. Tan, 526 Ningkuo Road, W. E. McClure, P. 0. Box 22, Somerset Shanghai 19, China ; G. J. Appel, 2 West, C. P., South Africa. Duke Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong. W. G. C. Murdoch, Cooranbong, N. S. Far Eastern: F. A. Pratt, Box 226, W.. Australia. Singapore, Colony of Singapore. A. N. Nelson, Box 1772, Manila, Inter-American: Wesley Amundsen, Philippines. Box 228, Coconut Grove, Miami, Fla. 10(cid:9) SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST YEARBOOK, 1950 Northern European: Axel Varmer, Departmental Committee Bergetigen 25, Stocksund, Sweden. South American: Santiago Schmidt, Sectional Counselors Virrey del Pino 3801, Suc. 27. R. 4, Medical Education: W. E. Macpherson, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South 312 N. Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. America. Southern African: J. M. Hnatyshyn, Institutions in Western United States: Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South HCa. lWif. . Vollmer, Box 146, Glendale, Africa. Southern Asia: E. D. Thomas, Box 16, Institutions in Eastern United States: Poona 1, India. R. A. Hare, Washington Sanitarium, Southern European: F. Charpiot, Hohe- Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C. weg 17, Berne, Switzerland. (All union conference medical secreta- ries are members ex-officio, and should Advisory Committee be addressed at the union offices.) • (All Home Missionary Secretaries of Other Members organized Union Conferences and Un- Claude Conard, E. E. Cossentine, L. K. ion Missions are members ex-officio.) Dickson, E. W. Dunbar, H. T. Elliott, L. E. Froom, G. A. Huse, J. L. Other Members McElhany, F. D. Nichol, W. B. Ochs, (All of whom may be addressed at T. L. Oswald, all of whom may Takoma Park, Washington 12, D. C.) be addressed at Takoma Park, Wash- Roger Altman, E. W. Dunbar, W. P. ington 12, D. C. Elliott, L. K. Dickson, F. D. Nichol, D. H. Kress, 405 Niblick Ave., Orlando, W. B. Ochs, G. E. Peters, J. I. Robi- Fla. son, J. L. Shuler, J. D. Snider, J. A. The President and Deans of the College Stevens, W. H. Williams. of Medical Evangelists. The medical director, business man- ager, and director of nurses in de- nominationally recognized medical in- stitutions. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Editor of the denominational health Organized 1902 journal. Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- Medical Advisory Board ington 12, D. C. Secretary and associate secretaries of the Medical Department, medical sec- Officers retaries of overseas divisions and the Secretary: T. R. Flaiz. following elected-.members: (Term Associate Secretary for Heajth Educa- expiring 1950) A. D. Butterfield, tion: Wayne McFarland. Metta Hudson, Edward Ilippey : (Term Associate Secretary for Nursing Educa- expiring 1951) George T. Harding, tion: D. Lois Burnett. C. E. Parrish, H. M. Walton (Term Associate Secretary for Medical Exten- expiring 1952) A. C. Larson, Fred sion: G. A. Roberts, 312 N. Boyle Norwood, Ethel Welder (Term Ave., Los Angeles, California. expiring 1953) E. E. Cossentine, W. Office Secretary: Emma E. Howell. E. Macpherson, E. L. Place. Division Secretaries Australasian: T. A. Sherwin, Wah- MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION roonga, New South Wales, Australia. Central European: L. E. Conradi, Kran- Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- kenhaus Waldfriede, Fischerhutten- ington 12, D. C. strasse 99/109, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Official Organ: The Ministry (48-page Germany. monthly). China: Herbert Liu, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China. Officers Far Eastern: Ralph Waddell, .56 Mait- Secretary: LeRoy E. Froom. Inntreiucrt-h AiGtmrr oRevroieac,da Mn, :B iaa(cid:9) mngik, oFk,l a,B .S,o ixUa m2.S2. .8A, C. oco- AsMso. cKia.t eE cSkeecnrerotathri,e Ls:o Rui.s Ae .C A. nKdleerussoenr,, Northern European: A. Andersen, Sani- G. E. Vandeman. tarium, Skodsborg, Denmark. Division Association Secretaries South American. (cid:9) Southern African: C. Paul Bringle, Australasian: J. B. Conley, 148 Fox Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Valley Road, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Africa. Australia. Southern Asia: (cid:9) Central European: Adolf Minck, Nik- Southern European: H. Muller, Hohe- lasstr. 19, (1) Berlin-Zehlendorf, weg 17, Berne, Switzerland. American Sector, Germany.