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Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook for 1917 PDF

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Preview Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook for 1917

rvia7re-A90112111ITH11111111111!11111.111MIN11:1!!iiiiNiKil:(cid:9) „,.11.21IT!!!!!7: • , • n •(cid:9) • .0.42e2W.geta.ri.",'1,751.11WraaMit• (cid:9) e,A1i5V.LMIESK of the Severith-dat Adventist Denomlination The 0115dal Directories --'ublrilmcei by the ;?E'V1,1‘; V.! ANL), ASSOCIATION PARK, WASTINGIV, V. t3. C, POUCK. 2.i C.:VI's II ,111 Illil 111111111111111i 11(cid:9) 111111 II II (cid:9) I I I(cid:9) n 1111,(cid:9) 1,1li "The Present Truth" First printe,', in f.R.:1. Nc,i,tu!d i.n TanuarY. 1017 A four-page. illustrated, single-topic mission- ary publication, issued semimonthly at the fol- lowing low prices:— Single subscription, one yeat (twen- ty-four numbers) (cid:9) $ .25 z to 20 copies, each (cid:9) .01 25 copies in bulk, postpaid .,(cid:9) .20 50 "(cid:9) 44(cid:9) if(cid:9) "(cid:9) -35 too(cid:9) 44(cid:9) 44 44 .6o "(cid:9) i.octo(cid:9) 41.(cid:9) If (cid:9) •L(cid:9) 5.00 " Postage extra to foreign countries Send " Present Truth" one year (24 numbers) to a friend. It will cost only 25 cents. Instructor Temperance Annual The Al-.knowlederl Leader of All Temperance Periodical- — an ,'.du,ator, a Dry Ballot Pro- ducer, a City. County, State, and National Pro- hibitionist. PRICES Single copy (cid:9) .to to 40 copies(cid:9) .(cid:9) .o5 so or more c ipies(cid:9) .04 THE ANTI-TOBACCO ANNUAL The "Instructor " will issue in'August a strong Anti-Tobacco Annual for 1917. It will be printed in colors, with covers and illustrations equal to the " Instructor Temperance Annual" in every reirec', and v,';71 be furnished at the Tem- perance Annual prices. Order of REVIEW & HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. 11111001H (cid:9) 111111111MINIIIIII4111111 (RID 1LD AND RARE NOT TO BE TAKEN FROM THE • A 1.11 i11 31. = w TN UT SPECIAL °F"0"InN I ROM THE LIBRARIAN 1917 YEAR BOOK OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST DENOMINATION Comprising a Complete Directory of the General Conference, all Division, Union. and Local Conferences, Mission Fields, Educational Institutions, Publishing Houses,(cid:9) Periodicals,(cid:9) and(cid:9) Sanitariums Also a survey of the field for 1916. ANU(cid:9) __. — (cid:9) s LLEGE mtssioN A r v-(cid:9) . IBRARY , / Reconsitutec 1r PREPARED BY H. E. ROGERS, Statistical Secretary of failAti(cid:9) e.(cid:9) . MISSiON , :4(cid:9) COLLEGE IBRA PUBLISHED BY REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION WASHINGTON, D. C. His Promise and Our Pledge By C. P. BOLLMAN " I am with you, ever with you," This the Master's promise true; And we daily prove his promise As our covenant we renew. He has promised grace and blessing; We have pledged to him our all,— Pledged to him our best endeavor, Answering glad his every call. And he gives us for our hire Souls of men for whom,4died, Stars to shine for our rejoicing, When th9seg4tes he opens wide, Then we'll labor On, .nor .f alter, For he's with us every ay, Giving grace and light and gladness As we tread the upward way. We would hasten, Lord, thy coming, , Hasten on.thy work of grace; For we fain would see thy glory, Meet and greet the face to face. PREFACE. In the present issue of the Year Book will be found many changes over former issues. These changes are so numerous, cover such an ex- tent of territory, and are made so quickly, that it is difficult to secure information as to all, and even when secured, some of the directory matter is effective for only a short time. At the time of closing these pages for printing this issue, the num- ber of conferences, missions, and institutions throughout the various portions of the field is indicated by the following table: — Union Confs. and Local • Pub.(cid:9) Sanita- Divisions Missions(cid:9) Confs. Missions Schools Houses(cid:9) riums North American 12 . (cid:9) 68 3 44 18 19 European 9 46 50 6 12 6 Asiatic 6 10 19 21 7 4 South American 3 4 12 3 2 1 Union South. African 1. 3 14 1 1 3 West Indian Miscellaneous N. Latin American 1. 8 Bahamas 1 Hawaiian 1 Totals 33 134 108 75 40 33 'The above figures show that the number of missions has been reduced by two for the year. This reduction is caused by the union of twelve former missions in the Pacific Islands into three conference and mission. groups. Taking into consideration this change of territory, the actual. net gain in the number of mission fields during the year has been seven. The year 1916 witnessed a large number of outgoing missionaries to strengthen fields already entered. The number of missionaries sent out during 1916 was 147; the number of outgoing workers sent to foreign fields during the past five years has been 580, an average of 116 per year. It has been thought advisable to Omit the statistical tables from these pages. These figures have already been given general circulation throughout the field, and during the greater portion of the year dining Nvhich this book is used, the returns for the following year will be avail- able. 4(cid:9) PREFACE. An interesting feature will be found in the survey of the field pre- pared by those in charge of each field. The reader will find in this survey a very interesting and authentic account of the work in various parts of the field as it has been conducted during the past year. The number of periodicals now issued is 130, and publications of all kinds are issued in 91 languages and dialects. A list of these languages will be found on page 215. Directory of the Seventh-day Ad- ventist Denomination. .GENERAL CONFERENCE.- Organized Ma y 21, 1863. • Territory: The North American, Treasurer: W. T. Knox, Takoma European, Asiatic, and South Park Station, Washington . American Division Conferences; D. C. the following-named Union Con- Auditor: J. J. Ireland, Takoma ferences: South African, West Park Station, Washington, D. C . Indian, and the missions of Bahamas, Hawaii, Mexico, Gua- APPOINTED ASSISTANTS. temala, Salvador, North Hon- Field Secretary: W. W. Prescott, duras, South Honduras, Porto Takoma Park Station, Wash- Rico, Haiti, and Cuba. ington, D. C. Cable Address: Adventist, Wash- Assistant Secretary: J. L. Shaw, ington. (A B C Code, fifth Takoma Park Station, Wash- edition.) ington, D. C. Telegraphic Address: General Con- Office Secretary: T. E. Bowen, ference, Washington, D. C. Takoma Park Station, Wash- (NOT Takoma Park.) ington, D. C. Express and Freight Address: Assistant Auditor: S. E. McNeill, General Conference, Takoma Takoma Park Station, Wash- Park, D. C. (NOT Washing- ington, D. C. ton.) Consign freight via B. & Statistical Secretary: H. E. Rog- 0. Ry. ers, Takoma Park Station, Postal Address: Takoma Park Washington, D. C. Station, Washington, District of Columbia, U. S. A. OFFICERS. President:(cid:9) Daniells, Takoma GENERAL CONFERENCE COM- Park Station, Washington, D. C. MITTEE. Vice-President for North Ameri- can Division: I. H. Evans, Ta- GENERAL. koma Park Station, Washington, D. C. A. G. Daniells, Takoma Park Vice-President for European Divi- Station, Washington, D. C. sion: L. R. Conradi, Grindel- I. H. Evans, Takoma Park, Sta- berg ]5a, Hamburg, Germany. tion, Washington, D. C. Vice-President for Asiatic Divi- L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, sion: R. C. Porter, Box 523, U. Hamburg, Germany. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, R. C. Porter, Box 523, U, S. China. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Vice-President for South Ameri- 0. Montgomery, Florida, F. C. C. can Division: 0. Montgomery, A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos South America. Aires, Argentina, South Ameri- W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta- ca. tion, Washington, D. C. Secretary: W. A. Spicer, Takoma IV. T. Knox, Takoma Park Sta- Park Station, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C 5 6(cid:9) GENERAL CONFERENCE. PRESIDENTS OF I7NION CON- Asiatic Division. FERENCES. Australasian: C. H. Watson, North American Division. "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. \V., Atlantic: R. D. Quinn, South Lan- Australia. caster, Mass. India: W. W. Fletcher, 17 Abbott Central: R. A. Underwood, College Road, Lucknow, View, Nebr. North China: R.. F. Cottrell, Columbia: B. G. Wilkinson, 411 Wang Gia Dun, Hankow, Hupeh, Cedar St., Takoma Park Sta- China. tion, Washington, D. C. South American Division. Eastern Canadian: A. V. Olson, Austral: J. W. Westphal, Florida, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Ar- Lake: L. H. Christian, 3145 Lyn- gentina,, South America. dale St., Chicago, Ill. Brazilian: F. W. Spies, Estagao Northern: Chas. Thompson, 2718 Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Paulo, Brazil, South America. Minn. Inca Union Mission: , E. L. Max- North Pacific: C. W. Flaiz, Col- well, Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, lege Place, Wash. South America. Pacific: E. E. Andross, Box 146, Glendale, Cal. Miscellaneous Union Conferences. Southeastern: W.•H. Branson, 169 South African: W. B. White, 5G Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. Roeland St., Cape Town, South Southern: S. E. Wight, 2006 Africa. Twenty-fourth Ave., North, West Indies: A. J. Haysmer, Riv- Nashville, Tenn. ersdale, Jamaica, British West Southwestern: J. W. Christian, Indies. 401 Scott Thompson Bldg., Okla- homa City, Okla. SECRETARIES OF DEPARTMENTS. Western Canadian: C. F. McVagh, Sabbath-school: Mrs. L. Flora Room 304, I. 0. 0. F. Bldg., Cal- Plummer, Takoma Park Sta- gary, Alberta, Canada. tion, Washington, D. C. Publishing: N. Z. Town, Takoma European Division. Park Station, Washington, D. C. Educational: F. Griggs, Takoma British: M. N. Campbell, 8 Lan- Park Station, Washington, D. C. caster Road, Stroud Green, Lon- Medical: W. A. Ruble, M. D., Mel- don, N., England. rose, Mass. Central European: G. W. Shu- Missionary Volunteer: M. E. bert, Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Ger- Kern, Takoma Park Station, many. Washington, D. C. Danube: J. F. Huenergardt, V., Katona Jozsef-utea 28. I. 5, ELECTIVE MEMBERS. Budapest, Hungary. G. I. Butler, Bowling Green, Fla. East German: H. F. Schuberth, W. C. White, R. F. D. 1, St. He- Ubtandstrasse 189, Berlin-Charl., lena, Cal. Germany. S. N. Haskell, South Lancaster, East Russian: 0. E. Reinke, Ta- Mass. koma Park, D. C. W. C. Sisley, Stanborough Park, Latin: L. P. Tieche, Gland, SwitZ- Watford, Herts, England. erland. C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. Scandinavian: J. C. Raft, Mar- J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Sta- grethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., tion, Washington, D. C. Denmark. E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta- West German: J. G. °blander, tion, Washington, D. C. Ringelstr. 43, Frankfurt a. M., G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park Germany. Station, Washington, D. C. West Russian: J. T. Boettcher, Dr. H: W. Miller, Takoma Park Takoma Park, D. C. Station, Washington, D. C. GENERAL CONFERENCE.(cid:9) 7 C. S. Longacre, Takoma, Park E. Lind, Gamla Kungsholmsbro- Station, Washington, D. C. gatan 38, Stockholm, Sweden. W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park L. ,E. Borle, Gland, Switzerland. Station, Washington, D. C. C. N. Woodward, 16 Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, via Manila, Phil- 52 Members. ippine Islands. J. Robert, Gland, Switzerland. W. H. B. Miller, Warburton, Vic- PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT. toria, Australia. A. Pages, Estaeao srto Bernardo, Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, tion, Washington, D. C. South America. OFFICERS. G. E. Hartman, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Secretary: N. Z. Town. South America. Assistant Secretary: W. W. East- W. E. Gillis, Nanchang, Kiangsi, man. China. GENERAL MEMBERS. B. R. Owen, Seoul, Korea. E. Parkinson, 17 Abbott Road, W. C. White, R. F. D. 1, St. He- lena, Cal. Lucknow, India.(cid:9) - R. C. Porter, Box 523, U. S. MANAGERS CIRCULATING DE- Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. PARTMENTS AND BRANCHES. L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, H. H. Hall, Mountain View, Cal. Hamburg, Germany. Jas. Cochran, Mountain View, Cal. W. B. White, 56 Roeland St., J. D. Snider, Room 314, 32 Union Cape Town, South Africa. Square, New York, N. Y. J. C. Raft, Margrethevej 5, Co- J. W. Mace, Takoma Park Station, penhagen, V., Denmark. Washington, D. C. J. T. Boettcher, Takoma Park I. A. Ford, Takoma Park Station, Station, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. 0. E. Reinke, Takoma Park Sta- D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C. F. W. Spies, Sao Bernardo, Sao G. C. Hoskin, 719 East- Flanders Paulo, S. P. R., Brazil, South St., Portland, Oreg. America. J. M. Rowse, 1109 Fourteenth St., J. W. Westphal, Florida, F. C. C. West, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, L. D. Randall, 169 Bryan St., South America. Atlanta, Ga. G. W. Caviness, Takoma Park J. L. McConaughey, 2123 Twenty- Station, Washington, D. C. fourth Ave., North, Nashville, A. J. Haysmer, Riversdale, Jamai- Tenn. ca, British West Indies. J. R. Ferren, Pacific Press Pub. A. W. Anderson, Warburton, Vic- Assn., Brookfield, Ill. toria, Australia. L. W. Graham, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. PUBLISHING HOUSE MANAGERS. S. N. Curtiss, Pacific Press Pub. E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta- Assn., Brookfield, Ill. tion, Washington, D. C. H. H. Rans, Melville Bldg., South C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. Bend, Ind. R. L. Pierce, 2123 Twenty-fourth S. J. Abegg,• 411 West Railroad Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. W. C. Sisley, Stanborough Park, GENERAL FIELD MISSIONARY Watford, Herts, England. SECRETARIES. H. Hartkop, Grindelberg 15a, V. 0. Cole, South Lancaster, Mass. Hamburg, Germany. C. V. Leach, 411 Cedar St., Tako- Jens Olsen, Akersgaten 74, Chris- ma Park Station, Washington, tiania, Norway. • D. C. (cid:9) 8 ()FERAL CONFERENCE. J. B. Blosser,Berrien Springs,Mich. OTHER MEMBERS. M. W. Shidler, 2006 Twenty-fourth H. W. Miller, M. D., Takoma Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Park Station, Washington, D. C. A. F. Harrison, 401 Scott-Thomp- W. B. Holden, M. D., East Six- son Bldg., Oklahoma City, Okla. tieth St., Portland, Oreg. D. W. Dillen, 169 Bryan St., A. C. Selmon, M. D., Box 523, Atlanta, Ga. U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, J. H. McEachern, College View, China. Nebr. W. C. Dunscombe, M. D., Wabash E. M. Oberg, 2718 Third Ave., Valley Sanitarium, La Fayette, South, Minneapolis, Minn. Ind. C. E. Weaks, Box 523, U. S. Pos- W. E. Bliss, M. D., New Eng- tal Agency, Shanghai, China. land Sanitarium, Melrose, F. E. Painter, Tropico, Mass. W. R. Beatty, 719 East Flanders L. M. Bowen, Loma Linda, Cal. St., Portland, Oreg. G. E. Klingerman, M. D., Sanita- W. L. Manfull, 304 I. 0. 0. F. rium, Cal. Bldg., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. J. A. Burden, Paradise Valley J. W. Davis, Oshawa, Ontario, Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Canada. G. H. Heald, Takoma Park Sta- G. S. Joseph, " Mizpah," Wahroon- tion, Washington, D. C. ga, N. S. W., Australia. A. B. Olsen, Surrey Hills Hydro, Samuel Joyce, Stanborough Park, Caterham Valley, England. Watford, Herts, England. R. H. Habenieht, M. D., Diamante, A. R. Sherman, Florida, F. C. Entre Rios, Argentina, South C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, America. South America. Riley Russell, M. D., Soonan, G. C. Jenks, 56 Roeland St., Cape Korea. (In U. S. on furlough.) Town, South Africa. V. L. Mann, M. D., 17 Abbott J. A. P. Green, Riversdale, Ja- Road, Lucknow, maica, British West Indies. Newton G. Evans, M. D., Loma H. A. Robinson, Apartado 492, Linda, Cal. Barcelona, Spain. Frederick Griggs, Takoma Park H. Box, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Station, Washington, D. C. burg, Germany. D. D. Comstock, M. D., Glendale, R. M. Carter, Estacao Sao Ber- Cal. nardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Julia A. White, M. D., Hunting- Brazil, South America. ton Beach, Cal. HOME MISSIONARY SECRE- T. A. Sherwin, M. D., Sanitarium, TARIES. Wahroonga, N. S. W., Aus- tralia. Miss E. M. Graham, Takoma Park A. W. Semmens, M. D., 108 Pon- Station, Washington, D. C. sonby Road, Ponsonby, Auck- F. W. Paap, Takoma Park Sta- land, New Zealand. tion, Washington, D. C. MEDICAL MISSIONARY DE- DEPARTMENT OF EDUCA- PARTMENT. TION. OFFICERS. OFFICERS. Secretary: W. A. Ruble, M. D., Secretary: F. Griggs, Takoma New England Sanitarium, Mel- Park Station, Washington, D C. rose. Mass. Assistant Secretary: L. A. Han- Assistant: W. E. Howell, Takoma sen, Takoma Park Station, Park Station, Washington, Washington, D. C. D. C.

equal to the " Instructor Temperance Annual" in every reirec', and v,';71 be South. African. 1. 3. 14. 1. 1. 3. West Indian. Miscellaneous. N. Latin American. 1. 8. Bahamas. 1. Hawaiian. 1 . L. D. Randall, 169 Bryan St.,. Atlanta, Ga.
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