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Seventh-day Adventist Yearbook for 1914 PDF

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1914 YEAR BOOK OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST DENOMINATION Comprising a Complete Directory of the General Conference, Union and Local Conferences, and Mission Fields, Educa- tional Institutions, Publishing Houses, Periodicals, Sanitariums, together with a Statement of Fundamental Principles, and the Constitution of the General Con- ference. Also a Historical Summary giving a brief account of the Rise and Progress of the Denomination, with Statistical Tables PREPARED BY H. E. ROGERS, Statistical Secretary of the General Conference.(cid:9) • • • C (cid:9) (Rocori:-...,L,LcJ PUBLISHED BY REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION WASHINGTON, D. C. (cid:9) 4.14=r0.”14•MPIMINNO.041M.0.=.0 4111•M•MMINIM4INMOMNEPIM=NINIANIN.E. i 1(cid:9) THE NEW YEAR.(cid:9) / Before me lies a land all unexplored; 1(cid:9) iNo foot of man has left its impress there. IMy path across this plain God bids • me choose, And make it straight or crooked as I will. I(cid:9) I But right must be the path of those who win I(cid:9) The approbation of their inmost hearts, / IAnd smile of an approving, all-wise God. A goal, then, I must have — a purpose firm.(cid:9) i A chart and compass, too, I'll surely need(cid:9) / i(cid:9) To guide my steps across this trackless plain. Oh, then I'll make my goal a perfect life! My chart shall be God's Word; my star, his Son! 1 And if, perchance, I stumble here or there, If sometimes darksome clouds obscure my view, When clears my sky, I'll press my journey on, Nor willing turn aside from the bright Star That points me ever toward my chosen goal — A perfect moral likeness to my God. C. P. BOLLMAN. PREFACE. NEARLY fifty-one years have elapsed since the organization of this work, and the progress made during the past half century has been truly remarkable. The following pages indicate that the organization of this cause at the present time is arranged as follows: — Division Conferences (cid:9) 2 Division Mission (cid:9) 1 Union Conferences (cid:9) 26 Union Missions (cid:9) 2 Conferences (cid:9) 129 Missions (cid:9) 108 Educational Institutions (cid:9) 79 Publishing Houses and Branches (cid:9) 37 Periodicals (cid:9) 125 Languages in which Publications are issued (cid:9) 75 Sanitariums (cid:9) 38 Treatment Rooms (cid:9) 7 Food Factories and Cafes (cid:9) 18 Changes are made so frequently that it seems difficult to issue a directory some portion of which is not out of date by the time the publication comes from the press. This is necessarily true in a growing work of this kind covering such a wide extent of territory. It would be impossible to select a time for issuing this publication when changes would not occur in conference and institutional directories, for this cause is continually growing, and growth means change. The difficulty ex- perienced in collating such material will be understood when it is stated that after the " copy " for one section of this issue was in hand, and the type had even been made into pages, further revisions were received by which one union mission, the Siberian, was eliminated, and its territory and workers arranged principally under the Russian Union, which was in turn divided into eastern and western divisions. Other portions of the Siberian Union were grouped with the European Division Missions. The historical and statistical tables appear again in this issue, by reference to which one can obtain an idea of the more important events and data regarding this movement since its inception. Directories will be found on the following pages: — Conferences (cid:9) 5-157 Institutions (cid:9) 158-206 Ministerial Directory (cid:9) 207-234 Historical and Statistical Summaries (cid:9) 235-292 Fundamental Principles and Constitutions (cid:9) 293-309 For reference to any particular division, see the index, page •310. +namonorffonmaramonnotunatummonnuninannumninnunnemumannininuannotmonunnunumnummtranniormonmomunnurnmummonnototumninnumnimnrimommiummumnommoonnummtrommng " GENERAL CONFERANCE OFFICE BUILDING. olennorteninarnommominmftnammortmemmonmenonmozanmsnonatmunneirmumnnumrrornommmanmsnummourtmommrtmonmemrtmmammrtimmtommmontEnsmoRmwmcasamoommitn Directory o f the S eve n t h-d ay Adventist Denomination. GENERAL CONFERENCE. Organized May 21, 1863. Territory: The North American APPOINTED ASSISTANTS. and European Division Confer- Assistant Secretary: T. E. Bowen, ences; the Asiatic Division Mis- .Takoma Park Station, Washing- sion; the following-named Un- ton, D. C. ion Conferences: Australasian, Statistical Secretary: H. E. Rog- South African, South American, ers, Takoma Park Station. Brazilian, West Indian; the In- Washington, D. C. dia Union Mission, and the mis- sions of Bahamas, Bermuda, Hawaii, and Mexico. GENERAL CONFERENCE COM- Cable Address: Adventist, Wash- MITTEE. ington. (A B C Code, fifth edition.)(cid:9) General. • A. G. Daniells, Takoma Park Sta- Telegraphic Address: General Con- tion, Washington, D. C. ference, Washington, D. C. I. H. Evans, Takoma Park Sta- (NOT Takoma Park.) tion, Washington, D. C. Express and Freight Address: L.• H. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, General Conference, Takoma Hamburg, Germany. Park, D. C. (NOT Washing- R. C. Porter,Box 523, U. S. Postal ton.) Consign freight via B. & Agency, Snaghai, China. 0. Ry. W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Post-office Address: Takoma Park W. T. Knox, Takoma Park Sta- Station, Washington, District of tion, Washington, D. C. Columbia, U. S. A. PRESIDENTS OF UNION CONFER- OFFICERS. ENCES. President: A. G. Daniells, Takoma In North America. Park Station, Washington, D. C. Vice-President for North American Atlantic: R. D. Quinn, South Lan- Division: I. H. Evans, Takoma caster, Mass. Park Station, Washington. D. C. Central: R. A. Underwood, College Vice-President for European Divi- View, Nebr. sion: L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. Columbia: B. G. Wilkinson, Ta- Vice-President for Asiatic Divi- koma Park Station, Washington, sion: R. C. Porter, Box 523, U. D. C. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, Eastern Canadian: M. N. Camp- China. bell, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. Secretary: W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Lake: Allen Moon, 215 Dean Bldg., Treasurer: W. T. Knox, Takoma South Bend, Ind. Park Station, Washington, D. C. Northern: Chas. Thompson, 2718 Auditor: J. J. Ireland, Mountain Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, View, Cal. Minn. 5 6(cid:9) GENERAL ORGANIZATIONS. North Pacific: C. W. Flaiz, Col- West Indies: A. J. Haysmer, Riv- lege Place, Wash. ersdale, Jamaica, British West Pacific: E. E. Anuross, Mountain Indies. View, Cal. SUPERINTENDENT OF UNION • Southeastern: 0. Montgomery, 169 MISSION. Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. India: H. R. Salisbury, 17 Abbott Southern: S. E. Wight, 511 Cole Road, Lucknow, India. Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. SECRETARIES OF DEPARTMENTS. Southwestern: G. F. Watson, Sabbath-school: Mrs. L. Flora Keene, Tex. Plummer, Takoma Park Station, Western Canadian: H. S. Shaw, Washington, D. C. Box 244, Regina, Saskatchewan, Publishing: N. Z. Town, Takoma Canada. Park Station, Washington, D. C. In Other Countries. Educational: J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. British: W. J. Fitzgerald, 8 Lan- caster Road, Stroud Green, Lon- Medical: Dr. W. A. Ruble, Loma don, N., England. • Linda, Cal. Central European: G. W. Schubert, Missionary Volunteer: M. E. Kern, Bauerstr. 38, Munich, Germany. 'Takoma Park Station, Wash- Danube: J. F. Huenergardt, V., ington, D. C. Katona Jeizsef-utca 28. I. 5, OTHER MEMBERS. Budapest, Hungary. G. I. Butler, Bowling Green, Fa. East German: H. F. Schuberth, 0. A. Olsen, 3645 Ogden Ave., Chi- Uhlandstrasse 189, Berlin-Charl., cago, Ill. Germany. W. C. White, Sanitarium, Cal. Latin: L. P. Tieche, 7 rue Broca, Paris, France. S. N. Haskell, South Lancaster, Mass. Russian: 0. E. Reinke, St. Peters- burg III, poste restante, Russia. W. C. Sisley, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. Scandinavian: J. C. Raft, Mar- grethevej 5, Copenhagen, V., C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. Denmark. F. Griggs, College View, Nebr. West German: J. G. ()blander, E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta- Ringelstr. 43, Frankfurt a M., tion, Washington, D. C. Germany. G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park Australasian: J. E. Fulton, " Miz- Station, Washington, D. C. pah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. Dr. H. W. Miller, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. South African: W. B. White, 56 Roeland St., Cape Town, South C. S. Longacre, Takoma Park Sta- Africa. ' tion, Washington, D. C. South American: J. W. Westphal, W. W. Prescott, Takoma. Park Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Station, Washington, D. C. Aires, Argentina, South Amer- L. H. Christian, 1315 East Twen- ica. t y- e i g h t h St., Minneapolis, Brazilian: F. W. Spies, Estacao Minn. Sao Bernardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. 50 members. GENERAL ORGANIZATIONS.(cid:9) 7 PUBLISHING DEPARTMENT. L. E. Borle, Gland, Switzerland. J. M. Johanson, Warburton, Vic- Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- toria, Australia. tion, Washington, D. C. T. D. Gibson, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. OFFICERS. W. D. Burden, 826 Sendagaya- Secretary: N. Z. Town. machi, Tokyo, Japan. C. L. Butterfield, Seoul, Korea. GENERAL MEMBERS. A. Pages, Estacao Sao Bernardo, W. W. Eastman, Takoma Park S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, Station, Washington, D. C. South America. W. C. White, Sanitarium, Napa G. E. Hartman, Florida, F. C. C. Co., Cal. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, R. C. Porter, Box 523, U. S. Postal South America. Agency, Shanghai, China. W. E. Perrin, 17 Abbott Road, L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, Lucknow, India. Hamburg, Germany. W. E. Gillis, Box 523, U. S. Postal W. B. White, 56 Roeland St., Cape Agency, Shanghai, China. Town, South Africa. J. C. Raft, Margrethevej 5, Copen- MANAGERS CIRCULATING DE- hagen, V., Denmark. PARTMENTS AND BRANCHES, J. T. Boettcher, Postfach 982, H. H. Hall, Mountain View, Cal. Riga, Russia. J. R. Ferren, Mountain View, Cal. G. C. Hoskin, Mountain View, Cal. E. F. Forga, Apartado 492, Bar- L. W. Graham, 32 Union Square, celona, Spain. New York, N. Y. 0. E. Reinke, St. Petersburg III, J. W. Mace, Melville Bldg., South poste restante, Russia. Bend, Ind. F. W. Spies, Estacao Sao Ber- I. A. Ford, Takoma Park Station, nardo, S. . R., sao Paulo, Bra- Washington, D. C. zil, South America. D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta- J. W. Westphal, Florida, F. C. C. tion, Washington, D. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, A. J. S. Bourdeau, Takoma Park South America. Station, Washington, D. C. G. W. Caviness, 1599 Avenida 22, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. S. N. Curtiss, 1224 Euclid Ave., A. J. Haysmer, Riversdale, Jamai- Kansas City, Mo. ca, British West Indies. J. F. Beatty, 719 East Flanders H. R. Salisbury, 17 Abbott Road, St., Portland, Oregon. Lucknow, India. J. M. Rowse, 1109 Fourteenth St., West, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. PUBLISHING HOUSE MANAGERS. L. D. Randall, 169 Bryan St., At- E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta- lanta, Ga. tion, Washington, D. C. C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. GENERAL MISSIONARY AGENTS. R. L. Pierce, 2123 Twenty-fourth C. J. Tolf, South Lancaster, Mass. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. I. D. Richardson, Route 3, Silver F. F. Byington, College View, Spring, Md. Nebr. J. B. Blosser, Berrien Springs, W. C. Sisley, Stanborough Park, Mich. Watford, Herts, England. J. W. Davis, Room 511, Cole Bldg., H. Hartkop, Grindelberg 15a, Nashville, Tenn. Hamburg, Germany. A. F. Harrison, Keene, Tex. E. Lind, Gamla Kungsholmsbro- V. 0. Cole, 169 Bryan St., Atlanta, gatan 38, Stockholm, Sweden. Ga. 8(cid:9) GENERAL ORGANIZATIONS. F. E. Painter, 2718 Third Ave., L. M. Bowen, Takoma Park Sta- South, Minneapolis, Minn. tion, Washington, D. C. W. R. Beatty, 719 East Flanders J. A. Burden, Loma Linda, Cal. St., Portland, Oregon. G. H. Heald, M. D., Takoma Park W. L. Manful, Lacombe, Alberta, Station, Washington, D. C. Canada. A. B. Olsen, M. D., Surrey Hills L. D. A. Lemke, Warburton, Vic- Hydro, Caterham Valley, Eng- toria, Australia. land. Samuel Joyce, Stanborough Park, R. H. Habenicht, M. D., Diamante, Watford, Herts, England. Entre Rios, Argentina, South Maximo Trummer, Florida. F. C. America. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, Riley Russell, M. D., Soonan, South America. Korea. G. H. Clark, 56 Roeland St., Cape V. L. Mann,M. D., 17 Abbott Town, South Africa. Road, Luocnw, India. J. A. P. Green, No. 1420 Avenida 20, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. J. L. Brown, Apartado 492, Bar- celona, Spain. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCA- H: Boex, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- TION. burg, Germany. Office: Takoma Park Station, R. N. Carter, Estacao Sao Ber- Washington, D. C. nardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Bra- zil, South America. MEMBERS. Home Missionary Secretary. Secretary: J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Station, Washington, Miss E. M. Graham, Takoma Park D. C. Station, Washington, D. C. F. Griggs, College View, Nebr. C. C. Lewis, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. 0. J. Graf, Berrien Springs, Mich. MEDICAL MISSIONARY DE- B. F. Machlan, South Lancaster, PARTMENT. Mass. C. W. Irwin, Pacific Union Col- OFFICERS. lege, St. Helena, Cal. Secretary: W. A. Ruble, M. D., E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta- Loma Linda, Cal. tion, Washington, D. C. H. R. Salisbury, 17 Abbott Road, Assistant Secretary: L. A. Han- Lucknow, India. sen, Takoma Park Station, Otto Luepke, Friedensau, Post Washington, D. C. Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Ger- many. OTHER MEMBERS. Paul Steiner, Gland, Switzerland. H. W. Miller, M. D., Takoma M. E. Kern, Takoma Park Sta- Park Station, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C. Erik Arnesen, Skodsborg, Den- W. B. Holden, M. D., East Six- mark. tieth St., Portland, Oregon. H. U. Stevens, Diamante, Argen- A. C. Selmon, M. D., Box 523, tina, South America. U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, C. P. Crager, Kenilworth, Cape, China. South Africa. H. J. Williams, M. D., Plumstead, W. E. Howell, Takoma Park, D. C. Cape, South Africa. H. M. Lee, Soonan, Korea. W. H. James, M. D., Warburton, H. F. Benson, 291 Sanya, Yoyogi, Victoria, Australia. Tokyo, Japan. GENERAL ORGANIZATIONS.(cid:9) 9 R. B. Thurber, Meiktila, Burma. Meade MacGuire, Box 381, Love- Geo. Teasdale, Cooranbong, N. S. land, Colo. W., Australia. E. Arnesen, Margrethevej 5, C. L. Benson, Takoma Park Sta: Copenhagen, V., Denmark. tion, Washington, D. C. Guy Dail, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- E. C. Kellogg, College Place, Wash. burg, Germany. W. T. Bartlett, Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts, England. F. A. Allum, Yen Cheng, Honan, China. Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, Takcupa— SABBATH-SCHOOL DEPART- Park Station, Washington, D. C. MENT. Mrs. Fannie D. Chase, 'Takoma OFFICERS. Park Station, Washington, D. C. Secretary: Mrs. L. Flora Plum- Miss E. M. Graham, Takoma mer, Takoma Park Station, Park Station, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C.; Asst. Sec., J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Station, Rosamond D. Ginther. Washington, D. C. OTHER MEMBERS. Mrs. Anna L. Hindson, " Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Maximo Trummer, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina, W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park South America. Station, Washington, D. C. H. S. Beckner, Claremont, Cape, M. C. Wilcox, Mountain View, Cal. South Africa. W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. G. W. Pettit, Batliboi Bldg., Ja- cob's Circle, Bombay, India. Mrs. Vesta J. Farnsworth, 6210 Racine St., Oakland, Cal. A. E. Armstrong, 8 Lancaster Road, Stroud Green, London, N., F. M. Wilcox, Takoma Park Sta- England. tion, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Fannie Dickerson Chase, Ta- Howard Lee, Soonan, Korea. koma Park Station, Washing- H. Kuniya, 291 Sanya, Yoyogi, ton, D. C. Tokyo, Japan. T. E. Bowen, Takoma Park Sta- G. W. Caviness, 1599 Avenida 22, tion, Washington, D. C. Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. W. E. Howell, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. C. C. Lewis, Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. GENERAL CONFERENCE COR- PORATION. YOUNG PEOPLE'S MISSION- Incorporated 1904. ARY VOLUNTEER Legal Title: " General Conference DEPARTMENT. Corporation of Seventh day Ad- OFFICERS. ventists." Secretary: M. E. Kern, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. Constituency: The General Confer- ence delegates. Assistant Secretary: C. L. Benson, Takoma Park Station, Wash- Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- ington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C. OTHER MEMBERS. Officers: Pres., I. H. Evans; Sec., Miss Matilda Erickson, Takoma H. E. Rogers; Treas., W. T. Park Station, Washington, D. C. Knox. 10(cid:9) GENERAL ORGANIZATIONS. Board of Trustees: I. H. Evans, W. B. White, G. B. Thompson, W. T. Knox, W. W. Prescott, W. W. Prescott. F. M. Wilcox, E. R. Palmer, B. Officers: Pres., A. G. Daniells; G. Wilkinson, H. E. Rogers. Sec., W. A. Spicer; Treas., W. T. Knox. GENERAL CONFERENCE ASSO- TRANSPORTATION AGENTS. CIATION. W. T. Knox, Takoma Park Sta- Incorporated 1887. tion, Washington, D. C. (Also Legal Title: " General Conference general agent for transatlantic Association of the Seventh-day steamship lines.) Adventists." C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal. (Also general agent for trans- Constituency:. The General Con- pacific steamship, lines.) ference delegates. Review and Herald Publishing As- Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- sociation, Room 903, 32 Union tion, Washington, D. C. Square, New York, N. Y. OFFICERS. A. Bacon, 84 Upper Tollington President: A. G. Daniells, Takoma Park, London, N., England. Park Station, Washington, D. C. Geo. E. Langdon, 3645 Ogden Ave., Chicago, Ill. Vice-President: W. A. Spicer, Ta- W. H. Williams, 169 Bryan St., koma. Park Station, Washing- Atlanta, Ga. ton, D. C, J. F. Beatty, 719 East Flanders Treasurer: W. T. Knox, Takoma St., Portland, Oregon. Park Station, Washington, D. C. Secretary: H. E. Rogers, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C. GENERAL LABORERS HOLD- OTHER MEMBERS. ING CREDENTIALS FROM W. W. Prescott, K. C. Russell, THE GENERAL CON- 0. A. Olsen, F. M. Wilcox, S. E. FERENCE. McNeill, H. R. Salisbury, Allen Moon, Wm. Covert, A. G. MINISTERS. Haughey, R. A. Underwood, H. W. Cottrell, S. N. Curtiss, D. W. Butler, G. I., Bowling Green, Fla. Reavis, G. B. Thompson, I. II. Daniells, A. G., Takoma Park Evans, T. E. Bowen. Station, Washington, D. C. Executive Committee: A. G. Dan- Haskell, S. N., South Lancaster, iells, W. A. Spicer, W. 1. Knox, Mass. F. M. Wilcox, H. E. Rogers. Kern, M. E., Takoma, Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. FOREIGN MISSION BOARD. Knox, W. T., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Incorporated 1899. Lewis, C. C., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C. Legal Title: " Foreign Mission Board of Seventh-day Advent- Loughborough, J. N., Lodi, Cal. ists." Shaw, J. L., Takoma Park Sta- Trustees: A. G. Daniells, W. A. tion, Washington, D. C. Spicer, W. T. Knox, 0. A. Olsen, Spicer, W. A., Takomh. Park Sta- H. R. Salisbury, I. H. Evans, tion, Washington, D. C.

OF THE. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST. DENOMINATION Cable Address: Adventist, Wash- ington. Maximo Trummer, Florida, F. C.. C. A., Buenos
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