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1905 YEAR BOOK Of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination THE OFFICIAL DIRECTORIES L Published by Review and Herald Publishing Association PRICE, 25 CENTS THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR. Established in 1852 An illustrated weekly paper of eight large pages devoted to educating and encouraging the youth in a hig conception of life. While its contents are always lively and entertaining, it is entirely free from the cheap, exciting stories so common in journals designed for the youth. Its general tone is well calculated to strengthen the understand- ing, to supply the mind with proper information, to invigorate the moral nature, to increase reverence, devotion, and a becoming love for God and humanity. The INSTRUCTOR is not filled with advertisements; but each issue is replete with much helpful mental food, well calculated to pre- pare the youth for future noble service. It contains the Sabbath- school lessons prepared for the young people of the denomination, and should be used in every Sabbath-school. See club rates below for such use. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Yearly subscription, 75 cents; six months, 40 cents; three months, 20 cents. To foreign countries, 1 year, $1.25. CLUB RATES Five to 9 copies to one address, each, 55 cents; 10 to 100 copies to one address, each, 50 cents. Address — THE YOUTH'S INSTRUCTOR 222 N. Capitol St.. Washington, D. C. THE SABBATH-SCHOOL WORKER A 16-page journal published monthly by the Review and Herald Publishing Association for the General Conference Sabbath-school Department of the Seventh-day Adventists. Devoted to the Sabbath-school work and its general interests, containing — An Editorial Department, filled with practical information on the various phases of Sabbath-school work, and words of encourage- ment for all readers. General Articles from regular contributors who are authority on all lines of Sabbath-school work. Illustrated Missionary Exercises for the school, prepared by those engaged in active work with missions at home and abroad. Practical Helps on current Sabbath-school Lessons for the Senior, Intermediate, Primary, and Kindergarten Departments, and much valuable information for Sabbath-school officers, teachers, parents, and pupils, rendering the journal an invaluable aid to all engaged in this important work. Full year subscriptions only. Single copies, 35 cents. Two or more copies to one address, 25 cents each. Address — SABBATH-SCHOOL WORKER. 222 N. Capitol St.. Washington, D. C. (cid:9) SPA YEARBOOK -- 1905 RH, Feb. 23, 1905 -(cid:9) Dec. 7, 1905 "1905 Year-Book" (cid:9) RH, Feb. 23, 1905, p.2 * "The Year-Book for 1905 -- In Many Re- spects Superior to Any Heretofore Published" (cid:9) RH, March 2,1905, p.2 * "The New Year-Book for 1905" RP, March 9, 1905, p.2 * "The Year-Book for 1905" (cid:9) RH, March 30,1905, p.2 * "A Valuable Collection of Facts Re- garding Our Denominational History," by A. G. Daniells ....... .....(cid:9) ...... RH, April 6, 1905, p.7 "The Year-Book for 1905" ................ RH, May 18, 1905, p.2 * "The Year-Book" ........ ........(cid:9) ...... RH, May 25, 1905, p.2 * In "With the Publications and the Workers," RH, Sep. 7, 1905, p.2 * In "The Seed and the Sowers" (cid:9) RH, Oct. 19, 1905, p.2 * In "Our Publishing Work" ....... (cid:9) RH, Nov. 23, 1905, p.2 * In "Our Publishing Work" ............. (cid:9) RH, Dec. 7, 1905,. p.2 * * Publishers' page. 1905 YEAR BOO K Of the Seventh-day Adventist Denomination COMPRISING A Complete Directory of the General Conference, Union and Local Conferences and Mission Fields, Educational Institutions, Publishing' Houses, Periodicals,. Sanitariums, and Benevolent Institutions TOGETHER WITH Statistical Reports, the Constitution of the General Conference, Articles of Incorpora- tion of the Review and Herald Publishing Association, General Confer- ence Corporation, Washington Training College, and the Washington (D. C.) Sanitarium Association ALSO A HISTORICAL SUMMARY Giving a brief account of the Rise and Progress of the Denomination ReconF'6 uted in 1961 Published by Review and Herald Publishing Association 222 N. Capitol St., Washington, D. C. " The every-day cares and duties, which men call drudgery, are the weights and counterpoises of the clock of time, giving its pendulum a true vibration, and its hands a regular motion; and when they cease to hang upon the wheels, the pendulum no longer swings, the hands no longer move, the clock stands still." " Threefold the stride of Time, from first to last! Loitering slow, the Future creepeth — Arrow-swift, the Present sweepeth — And motionless forever stands the Past." PREFACE. The present Year Book of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination is the fourteenth of the series in which the denominational directories have been issued in this form. Beginning with the year 1883, a Year Book was issued annually until 1894. From that year until 1903, the directories of the denomination were issued in the " General Confer- ence Bulletin." A Year Book is considered to be a necessary feature in connection with the work of the denomination, and its pages are intended to convey accurate information regarding all the organizations, institu- tions, and enterprises in any way connected with the cause. The rapidity with which changes are constantly made in the force and location of workers, and in the members of boards and committees, as well as of officers, makes it absolutely impossible to present a directory that will remain strictly accurate in every respect for a great length of time. Changes occur so frequently that a daily revision would be necessary to indicate all the modifications that are made. This fact, hOwever, should furnish a source of gratification., indicating, as it does, the rapid advancement of the work which the cause represents. The information which the following pages contain is brought down to February 10, 1905, when th.e pages were closed for the .press. The closing of-the matter for this book. just before the end of the year 1904, makes it impossible to give statistical returns brought down to a recent date, from the fact that these returns are not re- ceived until a number of weeks later. The statistics given, therefore, are in most cases those reported for December 31, 1903, except where otherwise stated. NOTES REGARDING THE DIRECTORY. Those who are not familiar with the arrangement of the matter contained in these pages would do well to note the following sugges- tions regarding the best method of finding names and addresses. In the Table of Contents will be found the names of all Conferences, organizations, and institutions connected with the denomination. If one desires to secure the address of a laborer in a certain • Conference, turn to the Table of Contents, which gives the page on which the directory of that Conference is found. By reference to the page cited,, the Conference directory will be found, as well as the names of all officers and laborers connected with the organization, with the addreSs 3 (cid:9) 4 PREFACE. of each given. Or if the person is a minister, turn to the Ministerial Directory, and there find his name in alphabetical order, with address given. The customary Summary of Officers is omitted in this issue. In- stead of this, the address of each officer is given in connection with the directory of the Conference, thus making the Summary unneces- sary, and at the same time making the directory of each organization more complete. An effort has also been made to include under the Conference direct- ory all work being carried forward under its auspices. This again tends to make each Conference directory more nearly complete than any former arrangement. Particular reference is here made to the direct- ory of treatment-rooms, church-schools, restaurants, etc. As will be seen, this comprises all the work in a conference under one head, with the exception of educational institutions, publishing houses, and sani- tariums, which have special' boards for their supervision, and direct- ories of which will be found in separate lists, in later pages. Cable addresses are given in connection with each organization reporting such information, instead of one general list of Cable Ad- dresses as heretofore. It is strongly urged that all mission fields and institutions select the word Adventist as their code, and report this for future editions. It may be said to be a universal practise for all offices having cable addresses to use the A B C Code. The Western Union Telegraphic Code is also used by the General Conference. APPOINTMENTS FOR 1905. The thirty-sixth session (nintn biennial session) of the General Con- ference of Seventh-day Adventists, at Washington, D. C., May 11-30, 1905. ALPHABETICAL TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE Alabama Conference (cid:9) '29 Alaska MiSsion (cid:9) 63 Alberta Mission (cid:9) 46 American Medical Missionary College (cid:9) 87 Appropriations to Mission fields for 1905 (cid:9) 11 Argentina, South America, Conference in (cid:9) 83 Arizona(cid:9) Conference (cid:9) 56 Arizona Sanitarium (cid:9) 106 Arkansas Conference (cid:9) 54 Atlanta Sanitarium (cid:9) 106 Atlantic Union Conference (cid:9) Australasian Union Conference (cid:9) 63 Austrian Mission (cid:9) 72 Avondale School for Christian Workers (cid:9) 91 Avondale Press (cid:9) 96 Balkan Mission (cid:9) 72 Basutoland Mission (cid:9) 81 Battle Creek Sanitarium (cid:9) 106 Belfast Sanitarium (cid:9) 112 Benevolent(cid:9) Institutions (cid:9) 114 Bermuda Mission(cid:9) • (cid:9) 83 Blind, paper for (cid:9) 103 Brazilian Conference (cid:9) 82 British Columbia Conference (cid:9) 57 British Union Conference (cid:9) 75 Buffalo Sanitarium (cid:9) 106 Calcutta Sanitarium (cid:9) 114 California-Nevada(cid:9) Conference (cid:9) 57 Canadian Union Conference (cid:9) 26 Cape Colony Conference (cid:9) 80 Caterham Sanitarium (cid:9) 112 Central American Mission (cid:9) 83 Central New England Conference (cid:9) 20, 21 Central Union Conference (cid:9) 46 Chesapeake(cid:9) Conference (cid:9) 21 Chicago Sanitarium (cid:9) (cid:9) 107 China Mission (cid:9) 84 Christchurch Sanitarium (cid:9) 114 Christiania Publishing House (cid:9) 97 Claremont Union College (cid:9) 91 Colorado Conference (cid:9) 47 Colorado Sanitarium 107 Conference papers (cid:9) 104, 105 Constitution of the General Conference (cid:9) 135 Cook Islands Mission (cid:9) 67 Cuban Mission (cid:9) 84 Cumberland Conference (cid:9) 30 (cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) CONTENTS. Danish-Norwegian papers (cid:9) 102 Denmark Conference 73 Denmark Publishing House (cid:9) 98 Denomination, growth of (cid:9) 14 Directory of Ministers (cid:9) 115-129 Directory of Physicians (cid:9) 131-134 District of Columbia and Takoma Park (cid:9) 19 Duncombe Hall Training College (cid:9) 91 East Caribbean Conference (cid:9) 84 East German Conference (cid:9) 70 East Michigan Conference (cid:9) 35 Eastern Pennsylvania Conference (cid:9) 21 Echo Publishing Company (cid:9) • •(cid:9) 96 Educational Department of the General Conference (cid:9) 16 Educational Institutions, directories of (cid:9) 87-95 Egyptian Mission (cid:9) 79 Emmanuel Missionary College (cid:9) 87 English Papers (cid:9) 100-105 Eureka Branch Sanitarium (cid:9) 110 Fernando College (cid:9) 88 Fijian Mission 68 ,Fijian paper (cid:9) 103 Finland MisSion (cid:9) 74 Finnish paper s(cid:9) 103 Florida Conference (cid:9) 30 Foreign Mission Board, legal trustees (cid:9) 16 French Mission (cid:9) 77 French-Belgian Mission 78 French papers (cid:9) 102 Friedensau Industrial School (cid:9) 91 Friedensau Sanitarium (cid:9) 113 Friendly Islands Mission (cid:9) 68 Frydenstrands Sanatorium (cid:9) 113 Fundamental Principles of Seventh-day Adventists (cid:9) 188-192 Genera] Conference, directory of (cid:9) 15 Laborers engaged under (cid:9) 17-19 General Conference Executive Committee (cid:9) 15 General Conference sessions, list of (cid:9) 186 Presidents of, list of (cid:9) 187 Secretaries of, list of (cid:9) 187 General Conference Association (cid:9) 16 General Conference Constitution (cid:9) -(cid:9) 125 General Conference Corporation (cid:9) 17 Articles of Incorporation (cid:9) 142 General European Conference (cid:9) 69 Georgia Conference 31 German East African Mission (cid:9) 72 German papers (cid:9) 101, 102 German-Swiss Conference 70 German Union Conference (cid:9) 69 Glendale Sanitarium (cid:9) 111 Gold Coast Mission, West Africa (cid:9) 85 Good Health Publishing Co. (cid:9) 96

months, 20 cents. To foreign countries, 1 year, $1.25. CLUB RATES. Five to 9 copies to one address, each, 55 cents; 10 to 100 copies to one address, each, 50 cents. Grand total enrolment of students in denominational schools in 1903. 11,145 Financial Agent: Smith Sharp,. Graysville, Tenn.
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