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Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual for 1951 PDF

291 Pages·2013·3.08 MB·English
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CHURCH MANUAL Geneva! Cc] r.r.4 of Sventhdc, kcJksts Issued by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists 1 9 5 1 Printed in U.S.A. (cid:9)(cid:9) Table of Contents Preface 19 CHAPTER 1 The Church of the Living God (cid:9) 23 The Supreme Object of Christ's Regard (cid:9) 24 The Opposition of the Enemy 25 The Church Complete in Christ (cid:9) 27 CHAPTER 2 Fundamental Beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists (cid:9) 29 CHAPTER 3 Organization Founded on Divine Principles(cid:9) 37 The Biblical Basis (cid:9) 37 The Vital Importance 39 The Divine Purpose (cid:9) 40 CHAPTER 4 The Form of Organization in the Seventh-day Advent- ist Church (cid:9) 42 Forms of Church Government (cid:9) 43 Five Steps in Our Organization (cid:9) 43 Relationship Between Organizations (cid:9) 45 General Conference the Highest Authority (cid:9) 45 5 (cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) 6(cid:9) CHURCH MANUAL CHAPTER 5 Church Membership (cid:9) 46 Membership on a Spiritual Basis(cid:9) ________ _ _____ (cid:9) 46 Baptism a Gospel Requirement (cid:9) 47 Baptism a Prerequisite to Church Membership 47 Mode of Baptism (cid:9) 48 Ministers Thoroughly to Instruct Candidates Previous to Baptism (cid:9) 48 Public Examination (cid:9) 49 Baptismal Covenant (cid:9) 49 Doctrinal Instruction for Baptismal Candidates(cid:9) 50 Baptismal Vow and Baptism (cid:9) 56 Baptismal Vow (cid:9) 56 Welcoming Candidates 58 Baptismal Ceremony(cid:9) ________ 58 Transferring Members 58 Receiving Members Who Are Not Known(cid:9) 58 Transferring Church Members (cid:9) 58 Method of Granting Church Letters (cid:9) 59 Clerk to Make Out Letter (cid:9) 60 Membership During Interval of Transfer (cid:9) 60 The Receiving of Members Disturbed by World Conditions 61 Counted in Statistical Reports (cid:9) 61 If Member Is Not Accepted 62 No Letters to Members Under Discipline (cid:9) 62 Church Letters Granted Only to Those in Good and Regular Standing (cid:9) 62 Not to Vote Letter Without Member's Approval 62 Church Boards Cannot Grant Letters (cid:9) 63 Conference Church (cid:9) 63 Organized Companies (cid:9) 64 queries Concerning Receiving and Dropping Mem- bers (cid:9) 65 Receiving Members on Profession of Faith (cid:9) 65 (cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) TABLE OF CONTENTS(cid:9) 7 Dropping Names (cid:9) 66 No Retired Membership List (cid:9) 67 Rebaptism 67 Of Converts From Other Religious Communions 67 Of Church Members and Former Seventh-day Adventists (cid:9) 67 CHAPTER 6 Church Officers and Their Duties 69 Their Qualifications (cid:9) 69 Moral Fitness (cid:9) 69 Religious Fitness (cid:9) 69 The Church Must Be Guarded and Fed (cid:9) 71 Respect and Deference Due to Ministers and Of- ficers of the Church 72 Men Not to Be Hurried Into Office (cid:9) 73 Those Opposed to Unity Not Suitable for Office 74 Unsafe to Choose Men Who Refuse to Cooper- ate With Others (cid:9) 75 "Fhe Church Elder (cid:9) 75 The Office an Important One _ (cid:9) 75 A Religious Leader of the Church (cid:9) 76 Capable of Ministering the Word (cid:9) 76 Elected for One Year (cid:9) 76 Ordination of Local Elder 77 Work of Church Elder Is Local 77 To Foster All Lines of Missionary Work (cid:9) 78 Relationship to the Ordained Minister (cid:9) 78 Conduct of Church Services 79 The Baptismal Service(cid:9) 79 The Marriage Ceremony 80 To Cooperate With the Conference (cid:9) 80 To Foster Foreign Mission Work (cid:9) 81 To Foster Tithe Paying (cid:9) 81 To Distribute Responsibility(cid:9) 82 Seniority of Elders 82 Elder Not a Delegate Ex Oficio (cid:9) 82 Limitation of Authority 83 (cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) 8(cid:9) CHURCH MANUAL Church Leader 83 The Deacon 83 Importance of the Office 84 Training Younger Men as Deacons (cid:9) 85 Board of Deacons 85 Deacons Must Be Ordained 85 The Duties of Deacons (cid:9) 85 To Assist in Church Ordinances(cid:9) 86 The Care of the Sick and the Poor (cid:9) 87 The Deaconess 87 The Duties of Deaconesses (cid:9) 88 Board of Deaconesses (cid:9) 89 The Church Clerk (cid:9) 89 An Important Office(cid:9) 89 No Names Added or Dropped Without Vote of the Church(cid:9) ____ (cid:9) ______________ (cid:9) 90 Transferring Members 90 Corresponding With Members 90 Delegates' Credentials for Conference Session (cid:9) 91 Reports to Be Furnished Promptly 91 Church Records 92 The Church Treasurer 92 A Sacred Work 92 Church Treasurer the Custodian of All Church Funds 93 Funds to Be Sent to the Conference 94 Sabbath School Funds 94 Missionary Volunteer Society Funds (cid:9) 95 Church Missionary Funds (cid:9) 95 Dorcas Welfare Society Funds 96 Church School Funds 96 Funds of Other Auxiliary Organizations(cid:9) 96 Proper Method for Payment of Money by Mem- bers 96 Receipts to Church Members (cid:9) 97 Proper Method of Remitting Funds to the Con- ference (cid:9) 97 Preserving Vouchers (cid:9) 97 (cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) TABLE OF CONTENTS(cid:9) 9 Books Should Be Audited (cid:9) 98 Relations With Members Confidential (cid:9) 98 The Church Board _ (cid:9) 99 CHAPTER 7 The Services and Meetings of the Church (cid:9) 100 Spiritual Worship 100 Reverence for the House of Worship 100 Children to Be Taught Reverence(cid:9) 101 Decorum and Quietness in the Place of Worship 102 Arrangements for Church Meetings(cid:9) 103 Hospitality 103 Unauthorized Speakers in Our Churches (cid:9) 103 The Sabbath Worship Service (cid:9) 104 The Form of Service 104 Longer Order of Worship (cid:9) 105 Shorter Order of Worship (cid:9) 105 Announcements 105 Sacredness of the Sabbath Worship Hour (cid:9) 106 The Sabbath Morning Service (cid:9) 107 Public Prayer (cid:9) _________(cid:9) 109 The Communion Service (cid:9) 110 Announcing the Communion Service(cid:9) 110 Conducting the Communion Service 111 Who May Participate 113 Every Member Should Attend 114 Unfermented Bread and Wine 114 A Memorial of the Crucifixion (cid:9) 114 Ordinance of Foot Washing 115 Suggestive Order for the Communion Service _ 115 Who May Conduct Communion Service (cid:9) 116 Communion for the Sick 116 The Prayer Meeting (cid:9) 117 The Sabbath School 118 The Sabbath School Teachers' Meeting _ (cid:9) 118 (cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) 10(cid:9) CHURCH MANUAL Senior Missionary Volunteer Society (cid:9) 119 Junior Missionary Volunteer Society (cid:9) 120 Church Missionary Meeting (cid:9) 120 Times of Meetings (cid:9) 121 Supplying Literature on the Sabbath (cid:9) 122 Church Board Meetings (cid:9) 122 Work of the Church Board 123 Quorum of the Church Board _ (cid:9) 123 School Board Meetings 123 Parents' Meetings (cid:9) 124 Business Meetings 125 Music (cid:9) 126 Place of Music in Divine Service 126 Sing With the Spirit and the Understanding (cid:9) 127 Selecting Choir Leaders (cid:9) _ __ 127 Membership of Church Choirs(cid:9) _ ______________ (cid:9) 128 CHAPTER 8 Auxiliary Organizations of the Church and Their Officers 129 The Church Missionary Organization (cid:9) 129 Church Missionary Committee (cid:9) 129 Church Missionary Leader (cid:9) 129 Missionary Secretary 130 Dorcas Welfare Society(cid:9) ______ (cid:9) _____ (cid:9) ______ 133 The Sabbath School 133 The(cid:9) Sabbath School Council _ _____ __________ (cid:9) 134 The Superintendent (cid:9) 135 The Assistant Superintendent (cid:9) 136 The Secretary 137 The Assistant Secretary 138 The Chorister or Song Leader (cid:9) 138 The Organist 139 (cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) TABLE OF CONTENTS(cid:9) 11 Sabbath School Offerings 139 Expense Money 139 The Quarterly Report (cid:9) 140 The Senior Missionary Volunteer Society (cid:9) 140 Objective 141 Membership in the Senior Missionary Volunteer Society (cid:9) 142 Senior Membership Pledge 142 The Officers of the Senior Society (cid:9) 143 The Missionary Volunteer Society Executive Committee (cid:9) 144 Leader and Assistant Leader (cid:9) 145 Secretary-Treasurer and Assistant (cid:9) 146 The Missionary Volunteer Sponsor (cid:9) 147 Missionary Volunteer Features (cid:9) 148 Missionary Volunteer Bands (cid:9) 148 The Junior Missionary Volunteer Society (cid:9) 148 Object 148 The Work of the Junior Missionary Volunteer Society 148 Missionary Volunteer Pathfinder Clubs (cid:9) 149 Board of Counselors 149 Membership (cid:9) 150 The Junior Missionary Volunteer Pledge (cid:9) 150 The Junior Missionary Volunteer Law (cid:9) 151 Units 151 Missionary Volunteer Classes _ 151 Missionary Volunteer Honors (cid:9) 151 Leadership 151 The Executive Committee . 152 Parents' Societies (cid:9) 153 Home and School Association or Christian Home Council 154 Purpose _____ __ ____ _ ___________ — (cid:9) ______ (cid:9) 154 Officers ___ (cid:9) ______ - (cid:9) 155 Leader and Assistant Leader (cid:9) 155 Secretary and Assistant Secretary _________ ____---- _ 155 (cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) 12(cid:9) CHURCH MANUAL The Church School Board (cid:9) 156 Membership (cid:9) _ 156 Officers _(cid:9) 157 Relation of Union School Boards to the Local Churches ------------------(cid:9) _____________ __________ 157 Term of Office(cid:9) _____ ________ __________ (cid:9) __________ _ 157 Meetings 158 Qualifications 158 Duties of the Officers 158 Functions 159 CHAPTER 9 Ministers and Workers in Relation to the Church (cid:9) 160 A Divinely Appointed Ministry (cid:9) 160 The Conference President (cid:9) 160 Pastors and District Leaders Not Executives (cid:9) 161 President and Committee Direct Departmental Sec- retaries 161 Relation of Ordained Minister to Church Work(cid:9) 162 Work of Departmental Secretaries Not Administra- tive (cid:9) 162 Churches Do Not Elect Pastor (cid:9) 163 Licensed Ministers (cid:9) 163 Bible Instructors 165 Book and Bible House Secretaries 165 The Pastor Should Assist the Evangelist (cid:9) 165 President and Committee Direct Conference Work- ers (cid:9) 166 Credentials and Licenses (cid:9) 167 Expired Credentials (cid:9) 168 Relieving a Minister of His Office (cid:9) 168 (cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) TABLE OF CONTENTS(cid:9) 13 Sustentation Workers (cid:9) 169 Ministers Without Credentials Serving in Our Churches (cid:9) 169 CHAPTER 10 The Church Election 170 Nominating Committee 170 How Nominating Committee Is Appointed (cid:9) 170 Who Should Be Members of the Nominating Committee(cid:9) 171 Work of the Nominating Committee (cid:9) 172 Nominating Committee to Interview Prospec- tive Officers (cid:9) 174 Appearing Before the Nominating Committee _ 174 Nominating Committee Discussions Are Confi- dential (cid:9) 174 Reporting to the Church (cid:9) 175 Objecting to the Report of the Nominating Committee (cid:9) 176 Vacancies 176 Self-appointed Organizations (cid:9) 177 Election of Delegates to Local Conference Session (cid:9) 177 Choosing Delegates (cid:9) 178 Duty of Delegates 179 Responsibility of Conference Officers (cid:9) 179 Conference Committee Members to Represent the Entire Conference (cid:9) 180 CHAPTER 11 Gospel Finance (cid:9) 181 Stewardship(cid:9) _______ (cid:9) --------------------------- 182 The(cid:9) Tithe _ ______ (cid:9) ___________(cid:9) _______ . ____________(cid:9) 183 Systematic Benevolence and Unity (cid:9) 184

CHAPTER 1. The Church of the Living CHAPTER 2. Fundamental Baptism a Prerequisite to Church Membership 47. Mode of Baptism. 48 .. tents in step to a large degree with the developments .. (Luke 21:25-27; 17:26-30;.
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