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S e t t l e m e n t a n d C e m e t e r y a t G i z Ancient Egypt Research Associates a 26 Lincoln Street, Suite 5 Boston, MA 02135 USA S a d a r a n Settlement and Cemetery at Giza: g a n i a Papers from the 2010 AERA-ARCE Field School n d W edited by Freya Sadarangani and Alexandra Witsell i t s e l l 2015 Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc. aeraweb.org Settlement and Cemetery at Giza: Papers from the 2010 AERA-ARCE Field School aeraweb.org aeraweb.org Settlement and Cemetery at Giza: Papers from the 2010 AERA-ARCE Field School edited by Freya Sadarangani and Alexandra Witsell Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc. aeraweb.org Published by Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc. 26 Lincoln Street, Suite 5, Boston, MA 02135 USA Ancient Egypt Research Associates (AERA) is a 501(c) (3), tax-exempt, nonprofit organization dedicated to research on ancient Egypt at the Giza Plateau. © 2015 by Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc. Layout by Alexandra Witsell Printed in North Manchester, IN, by HF Group. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior consent of the publisher. ISBN: 978-0-9825544-8-7 Cover photo: Susan Sobhi Azeer and James Taylor draw fieldstone walls in the bakery rooms of Area AA at the Heit el-Ghurab site during the 2007 season. Photo by Mark Lehner. 3 aeraweb.org Contents Acknowledgements 5 Bibliographic Abbreviations 6 List of Abbreviations Used in this Volume 7 Preface 11 Ana Tavares and Mohsen Kamel Excavations 1 Bread and Bakeries at the Heit el-Ghurab Site: Preliminary Reports on the AA and EOG-D Bakeries Bakeries at the Heit el-Ghurab Site: An Introduction 15 Hanan Mahmoud and Rabee Eissa A Preliminary Report on the AA Bakery 33 Hanan Mahmoud and James Taylor, with Mohamed Abd el-Aziz Gabr, Mohamed Ahmed Abd el-Rahman, and Momeen Saad A Preliminary Report on the EOG-D Bakery 55 Rabee Eissa, with Mansour el-Badri Mustafa Ali, Shaima Montasser Abu el-Hagag, Ahmed Omar Shoukri, and Hussein Rikaby Hamed 2 Prolific Pedestals: A Preliminary Report on Area Main Street East (MSE) 69 Ashraf Abd el-Aziz, with Ayman Ashmawy Ali, Mohamed Hatem Ali, and Osama Mostafa Mohamed Specialist Reports 3 A Study on the Ceramics from the Main Street East Area 101 Mahmoud el-Shafey, Mohamed Naguib, and Sherif Abd el-Monaem, with Ilham Ahmed M. el-Tawil, Mohamed Ali Abd el-Hakiem Ismail, Shaima Rasheed Salem, and Nermeen Shabaan Abayazeed 4 A Report on the 2009 Burials from the Chute Area 169 Scott D. Haddow and Afaf Wahba Abd el-Salam Wahba, with Sara Sabri Abdallah, Maha Siah Abd el-Tawb, and Mahmoud Ali Abd el-Rahman 5 A Report on the Faunal Remains from the AA Bakery 229 Rasha Nasr Abd el-Mageed 6 A Report on the Khentkawes Town-House E Archaeobotanical Remains 237 Mary Anne Murray and Rebab el-Gendy The Analysis and Publication Field School 7 The AERA-ARCE Field School in Context 253 Ana Tavares Bibliography 277 Arabic Abstracts 301 3 aeraweb.org 5 aeraweb.org Acknowledgements* For the 2010 Analysis and Publication Field School (APFS) session we would like to thank Dr. Zahi Hawass, Undersecre- tary of State and Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) at the time of the field school. We also thank Dr. Sabry Abd el-Aziz, General Director of Pharaonic and Coptic Monuments; Mr. Atef Abu el-Dahab, General Director of the Central Department for Pharaonic and Coptic Monuments; Dr. Mahmoud Afifi, General Director of Giza; Mr. Kamal Waheed, General Director, Giza Pyramids; as well as Mr. Mohammed Shiha, Chief Inspector of Giza Pyra- mids. For helping to coordinate the field school interviews and for communications with inspectorates throughout Egypt, we thank Shabaan Abd el-Gawad of the SCA administrative office. We thank Hanan Mahmoud, Mohamed Helal, and Ahmed Eiz for serving as SCA inspectors for the excavations, field school sessions, and work in the Giza field laboratory. We thank Dr. Isolde Lehnert, chief librarian at the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Abteilung Kairo (DAIK), and Mr. Fakhry el-Kady for their help during APFS research visits. We are very grateful to officials in the new Ministry of State for Antiquities (MSA), in the Giza, Saqqara, Luxor, and Zamalek offices, who have facilitated the creation of the field school ceramics comparative collection. We also thank Peter French and the Egypt Exploration Society for the donation of their study material. The Analysis and Publication Field School was funded by the Egyptian Antiquities Conservation Project (EAC) of the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE), via a US Agency for International Development (USAID) grant. ARCE Agree- ment No. EAC-16-2007 was awarded under the Egyptian Antiquities Conservation Project (EAC) USAID Cooperative Agreement No. 263-A-00-04-00018-00. For financial support and advice we thank Dr. Gerry Scott, ARCE Director; Michael Jones, EAC Project Director; and Janie Abd el-Aziz and Laura Shawky of ARCE. Our field school would not be possible without the support of our regular Ancient Egypt Research Association (AERA) archaeological programs. For major support of AERA we thank the Ann and Robert H. Lurie Family Foundation, the Charles Simonyi Fund for Arts and Sciences, the David H. Koch Foundation, the Waitt Foundation, the Peter Norton Family Foundation, and our other dedicated donors. For the 2013 APFS session we would like to thank Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim, Minster of State for Affairs of Antiquities (MSA). We thank Dr. Mohamed el-Biali, General Director of Pharaonic and Coptic Monuments; Dr. Mahmoud Afifi, General Director of Cairo and Giza; Mr. Ali el-Asfar, General Director, Giza Pyramids; Mr. Mohammed Shiha, Director, Giza Pyramids; Mr. Abd el-Kader Karamani, Chief Inspector of Giza Pyramids; as well as Mr. Shabaan Abd el-Gawad of the MSA administrative office. We thank Ahmed Eiz, Hazem Zaki, and Ashraf Mohie for serving as MSA inspectors for work in the Giza field laboratory. The AERA Publications office would also like to thank the Glen R. Dash Charitable Foundation for the generous under- writing of the computer equipment used in the production of this volume. * All Ministry titles are those from the time this manuscript was written. 5 aeraweb.org Bibliographic Abbreviations ASAE Annales du Service des Antiquités de l’Égypte (Cairo) Avdaik Archäologische Veröffentlichungen, Deutschen Archäologisches Institut, Abteilung Kairo (Berlin) BAR British Archaeological Reports (Oxford) BARCE Bulletin of the Amercian Research Center in Egypt BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research (Ann Arbor and New Haven) BIFAO Bulletin Institut français d’archéologie orientale (Cairo) BCE Bulletin de la céramique égyptienne (IFAO, Cairo) CCE Cahiers de la céramique égyptienne (Cairo) EES Egypt Exploration Society FIFAO Fouilles de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale (Cairo) GOP1 Giza Plateau Mapping Project, Season 2004: Preliminary Report, ed. by M. Lehner, M. Kamel, and A. Tavares. Boston: Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc. 2009. GOP2 Giza Plateau Mapping Project, Season 2005: Preliminary Report, ed. by M. Lehner, M. Kamel, and A. Tavares. Boston: Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc. 2006. GOP3 Giza Plateau Mapping Project, Season 2006–2007: Preliminary Report, ed. by M. Lehner, M. Kamel, and A. Tavares. Boston: Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc. 2009. GOP4 Giza Plateau Mapping Project, Season 2008: Preliminary Report, ed. by M. Lehner, M. Kamel, and A. Tavares. Boston: Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc. 2009. GOP5 Giza Plateau Mapping Project, Season 2009: Preliminary Report, ed. by M. Lehner. Boston: Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc. 2011. GR1 Giza Reports, The Giza Plateau Mapping Project, Vol. 1: Project History and Survey, Main Street, Gallery III.4, and Ceramics, ed. by M. Lehner and W. Wetterstrom. Boston: Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc. 2007. ifao Institut français d’archéologie orientale (Cairo) JARCE Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt (Boston and New York) JEA Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. Egypt Exploration Society (London) MDAIK Mitteilungen des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo (Wiesbaden) OIR Oriental Institute, Annual Reports. Univ. of Chicago (Chicago) SAK Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur (Hamburg) SDAIK Sonderschriften des deutschen archäologischen Instituts, Abteilung Kairo (Cairo) 6 7 aeraweb.org List of Abbreviations Used in this Volume AERA Ancient Egypt Research Associates Arce American Research Center in Egypt asl above sea level cm centimeters DSR Data Structure Report EOG East of Galleries ESA Egyptian Survey Authority ETH Eastern Town House GI Khufu Pyramid GII Khafre Pyramid GII.VT Khafre Valley Temple GIII Menkaure Pyramid GIII.VT Menkaure Valley Temple GIS Geographical Information System GoP Giza Occasional Papers GPMP Giza Plateau Mapping Project HeG Heit el-Ghurab KKT Khentkawes Town KKT-N Khentkawes Town - North LOE limit of excavation m meters MoLA Museum of London Archaeology MSA Ministry of State for Antiquities MVT Menkaure Valley Temple NSGH North Street Gate House RAB Royal Administrative Building SFW Soccer Field West SFW.H1 Soccer Field West House Unit 1 SoE Survey of Egypt WoC Wall of the Crow WD Western Dump In AERA literature, feature numbers are indicated in square brackets, for example, [29,904]. 6 7

Hanan Mahmoud and James Taylor, with Mohamed Abd el-Aziz Gabr, Mohamed Ahmed Abd .. tanks, ovens, and silos) extending south towards the by hand. Archaeological units—be they built, deposi- tional, or cut—are designated as features for baking, as well as areas for mixing and storage.
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