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NDF WORKSHOP CASE STUDIES WG 1 – Trees CASE STUDY 8 Prunus africana MEXICO 2008 Original language – English SETTING EXPORT QUOTAS OF PRUNUS AFRICANA: GUIDELINES FOR A NDF PLAN AUTHORS Dr. Rafael Mª Navarro-Cerrillo Dra. Margarita Clemente-Muñoz Dr. Alfonso García-Ferrer-Porras Universidad de Córdoba (Spain), Campus de Rabanales, Spain. BACKGROUND At its 16th meeting (PC16, Lima, July 2006), the Plants Committee categorized Prunus africanafrom Burundi, Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Madagascar and the United Republic of Tanzania as ‘of urgent con- cern’. In consultation with the Secretariat, it formulated recommendations with dea- dlines for their implementation. These were transmitted to the range States concer- ned by the Secretariat in August 2006. At that same meeting, the Plants Committee established an intersessional wor- king group on Prunus africanawith the task of providing guidance to relevant range States on the implementation of the Plants Committee's recommendations for this species. The Terms of Reference of the working group are described in the PC16 sum- mary record. A workshop involving the Scientific Authority and Management Authority from the relevant range States is planned for September 2008 to assist with implementation of the recommendations. The workshop is being held thanks to financial support from France, Germany, Italy and Spain. Based on the responses received, and in consultation with the PC Chairman, the Secretariat has made a determination regarding compliance with the PC recommen- dations by the range States concerned. This determination is summarized as follows and includes recommendations to the Standing Committee. WG 1 – CASE STUDY 8–p.1 Prunus africana Burundi (BI) The MA of BI reported to the Secretariat on 20 November 2006 that only one company Within 3 months (November 2006) exports P. africana bark but that investiga- a) In consultation with the CITES Secretariat tions had found that the bark had been and the Chairman of the Plants illegally entering the country from the Committee, establish a conservative Democratic Republic of the Congo. quota for export of P. africana bark and Consequently, the MA of BI has advised other parts and derivatives exported. that they have temporarily stopped all b) Clarify reported exports of extract which exports and that a zero export quota has are likely to be powder, and inform the been imposed. The quota is to remain in Secretariat of any facilities to produce place until inventories of P. africana are extract within the country. completed within BI. Within 1 year (August 2007) c) Carry out a preliminary inventory of standing stock, establish estimates of sustainable off-take, taking into account the need to conserve large seed-produ- cing trees, and establish a scientific monitoring system of the harvested and unharvested P. africana populations. Conclusion d) Establish a revised conservative export Some action towards the full implementa- quota based on the inventory of stan- tion of these recommendations has been ding stock and the estimates of sustaina- undertaken but further updates on pro- ble off-take. gress are required. The zero quota is as an e) Provide a timetable to carry out peer- interim measure pending a preliminary reviewed ecological studies and appro- inventory, but the remaining recommen- priate population modelling of P.africa- dations are to be implemented. na in order to establish a long-term management plan for the sustainable use of this species. Recommended action If BI seeks to recommence exports of pro- Within 2 years (August 2008) ducts of this species, it should first provide f) The Management and Scientific Authorities information to the Secretariat on how the should report to the Secretariat the final Plants Committee recommendations have version of the long-term management plan been implemented. and progress made against that plan. WG 1 – CASE STUDY 8–p.2 Cameroon (CM) The MA of CM reported to the Secretariat on 17 November 2006, 11 September 2007 Within 3 months (November 2006) and 3 January 2008. a) In consultation with the CITES Export quotas of 2,000 tonnes establis- Secretariat and the Chairman of the hed for 2005, 2006 and 2007 were conser- Plants Committee, review their current vative in their view and were in the event export quota and establish a conservati- far from fully utilized. The export quota for ve reduced quota for export of P. africa- 2008 was reduced to 1,000 tons pending na parts and derivatives. the results of inventories, which still requi- b) Clarify whether they have a working re funding. The MA notes that, in addition facility to process and export extract, in to this 1,000 ton quota, there are accumu- addition to bark and powder and lated stocks that will have to be taken into inform the Secretariat of what parts and account. The current harvest and export derivatives they plan to export (bark, quotas of P. africanaare based on only two powder, extract). production sites. Regarding recommendation b), the MA Within 1 year (August 2007) explained that CM does not have facilities c) To complement work already carried out to produce extract from the bark of P. afri- on Mount Cameroon, in other areas sub- cana. CM only exports bark or powder. ject to harvest, carry out a inventory of Inventories have been carried out at two standing stock, establish estimates of sites: Mont Cameroon and in one part of sustainable off-take, taking into account Adamaoua province. Lack of funding has the need to conserve large seed-produ- prevented inventories being undertaken in cing trees, and establish a scientific other areas. The MA recognized the need monitoring system of the harvested and to undertake inventories at other sites and unharvested P. africana populations. explained that available data from these d) Establish a revised conservative export do not differ much from the established quota based on the inventory of stan- export quota and that the export quota ding stock and the estimates of sustaina- would certainly increase if inventories ble off-take. were done at all production sites. e) The MA of CM should collaborate with The MA explained that currently it was the MA of Nigeria to enhance the moni- not in a position to establish a rigorous toring of trade in P. africana between harvest and export quota but it called for CM and Nigeria. international cooperation in this regard. f) Provide a timetable to carry out peer- No information has been received con- reviewed ecological studies and appro- cerning collaboration with Nigeria. priate population modelling of P. africa- na in order to establish a long-term CM submitted a package of information management plan for the sustainable which was reported on orally at the mee- use of this species. ting. Within 2 years (August 2008) Conclusion g) The Management and Scientific Some action towards the implementation Authorities should report to the of these recommendations has been Secretariat the final version of the long- undertaken but further progress is requi- term management plan and progress red. Efforts have been made to set a con- made against that plan. servative quota based on two production areas only and, more recently, a 50 % WG 1 – CASE STUDY 8–p.3 reduction in the past quota has been applied as per recommendation a). However, preliminary inventories are required for all production sites for the quota to be more reliably set as per recom- mendations c) and d). At the time of prepa- ring this document, no information on recommendations e), f) or g) had been pro- vided. Recommended action The deadline for full implementation of all the Plants Committee’s recommendations should be extended until 31 December 2008. If these are not implemented to the satisfaction of the Secretariat and Chairman of the Plants Committee, the Standing Committee should recommend that all Parties suspend trade in all speci- mens of Prunus africanafrom CM until that country demonstrates compliance with Article IV, paragraphs 2 (a) and 3, for this species, and provides full and detailed information to the Secretariat regarding the compliance with the recommendations of the Plants Committee. Democratic Republic of the Congo(CD) The MA of CD reported to the Secretariat on 24 September 2007 that P. africana was Within 3 months (November 2006) a rather common species in five of the 11 a) In consultation with the CITES Secretariat provinces of CD. Nevertheless, no invento- and the Chairman of the Plants ries have been done by the SA because Committee, review their current export there are no funds to do so and the area of quota and establish a conservative redu- distribution of the species is located in war ced export quota for export of P. africa- zones. The SA set the export quota on P. naparts and derivatives exported. africana based on information provided by b) Clarify reported exports of extract which users and confirmed by the environmental are likely to be powder, and inform the services in the provinces. Considering the Secretariat of any facilities to produce recommendations by the Plants Committee extract within the country. and the exports of the last three years, the SA recommended the reduction of the Within 1 year (August 2007) export quota to 600 tons per year, but the c) Carry out a preliminary inventory of export quota notified to the Secretariat standing stock, establish estimates of and published on the CITES website sustainable off-take, taking into account remains at 1,000 tons. The MA reported the need to conserve large seed produ- that exports were of bark since there were WG 1 – CASE STUDY 8–p.4 cing trees, and establish a scientific no facilities to produce powder speci- monitoring system of the harvested and mens.The MA had some data provided by unharvested P. africana populations. users of the species who reported on their d) Establish a revised conservative export inventory of exploitation. These data were quota based on the inventory of stan- to be verified by both the SA and the MA ding stock and the estimates of sustaina- before being communicated to the CITES ble off-take. Secretariat. e) Provide a timetable to carry out peer- reviewed ecological studies and appro- Conclusion priate population modelling of P. africa- Little progress has been made in complying na in order to establish a long-term with the recommendations. management plan for the sustainable use of this species. Recommended action Within 2 years (August 2008) The deadline for full implementation of all f) The Management and Scientific the Plants Committee’s recommendations Authorities should report to the should be extended until 31 December Secretariat the final version of the long- 2008. If these are not implemented to the term management plan and progress satisfaction of the Secretariat and made against that plan. Chairman of the Plants Committee, the Standing Committee should recommend that all Parties suspend trade in all speci- mens of Prunus africana from DRC until that country demonstrates compliance with Article IV, paragraphs 2 (a) and 3, for this species, and provides full and detailed information to the Secretariat regarding compliance with the recommendations of the Plants Committee. Equatorial Guinea (Bioko Island) [GQ] The MA of GQ reported to the Secretariat on 30 August 2006 that once other produc- Within 3 months (November 2006) tion areas were opened and a non-detri- a) In consultation with the CITES ment finding had been completed, they Secretariat and the Chairman of the proposed to establish an annual export Plants Committee, establish a conservati- quota of 197 tons of bark and derivatives. ve quota for export of P. africana bark and other parts and derivatives expor- Conclusion ted. This quota should be based on Little progress has been made in complying results of studies conducted in the new with the recommendations. harvesting areas. b) Clarify reported exports of extract which Recommended action are likely to be powder, and inform the The deadline for full implementation of all Secretariat of any facilities to produce the Plants Committee’s recommendations extract within the country. should be extended until 31 December 2008. If these are not implemented to the WG 1 – CASE STUDY 8–p.5 Within 1 year (August 2007) satisfaction of the Secretariat and c) Carry out a preliminary inventory of Chairman of the Plants Committee, the standing stock, establish estimates of Standing Committee should recommend sustainable off-take, taking into account that all Parties suspend trade in all speci- the need to conserve large seed-produ- mens of Prunus africanafrom GQ until that cing trees, and establish a scientific country demonstrates compliance with monitoring system of the harvested and Article IV, paragraphs 2 (a) and 3, for this unharvested P. africana populations. species, and provides full and detailed d) Establish a revised conservative export information to the Secretariat regarding quota based on the inventory of stan- compliance with the recommendations of ding stock and the estimates of sustaina- the Plants Committee. ble off-take. e) Provide a timetable to carry out peer- reviewed ecological studies and appro- priate population modelling of P. africa- na in order to establish a long-term management plan for the sustainable use of this species. Within 2 years (August 2008) f) The Management and Scientific Authorities should report to the Secretariat the final version of the long- term management plan and progress made against that plan. Kenya (KE) On 18 November 2006, KE advised the Secretariat that concerns about increased Within 3 months (November 2006) exports of Prunus bark without scientific a) The MA should report to the Secretariat undertaking resulted in the MA declaring a the result of its actions to implement the moratorium on the issuance of export per- provisions of Article IV, and how the SA mits in 2002. However, permits to export determines that levels of export are not two shipments of Prunus bark were issued detrimental to the populations concerned. in 2003. b) Clarify reported exports of extract which All exports of P. africana authorized by are likely to be powder, and inform the KE have been of bark. The MA strongly Secretariat of any facilities to produce feels that the data in the CITES trade data- extract within the country. base showing exports of extracts from KE is c) Clarify whether wood or plywood of P. erroneous. africana is or is likely to be exported KE is in the process of undertaking non- from Kenya. detriment finding studies on P. africanaand d) In consultation with the CITES Secretariat establishing sustainable harvesting levels. and the Chairman of the Plants The Scientific authorities will be supporting Committee, establish a conservative a PhD student to undertake detailed stu- quota for export of P. africana bark and dies on the species. The findings will guide other parts and derivatives exported. the MA and the Scientific Authorities in WG 1 – CASE STUDY 8–p.6 Within 1 year (August 2007) making scientifically informed decisions e) Carry out an inventory of standing stock, regarding setting of harvesting and export establish estimates of sustainable off- quotas on the species. The moratorium on take, taking into account the need to harvesting from the wild for export purpo- conserve large seed-producing trees, ses will continue to be in force until the and establish a scientific monitoring non-detriment finding studies are comple- system of the harvested and unharves- ted and recommendations made. ted P. africana populations. f) Establish a revised conservative export Conclusion quota based on the inventory of stan- Some action towards the full implementa- ding stock and the estimates of sustaina- tion of these recommendations has been ble off-take. undertaken but further progress is required g) Provide a timetable to carry out peer- if exports are to recommence. reviewed ecological studies and appro- priate population modelling of P. africa- Recommended action na in order to establish a long-term If KE seeks to recommence exports of pro- management plan for the sustainable ducts of this species, it should first provide use of this species. information to the Secretariat on how the h) The Management and Scientific Plants Committee recommendations have Authorities should report to the been implemented. Secretariat the final version of the long- term management plan and progress made against that plan. Madagascar (MG) The MA of MG reported to the Secretariat on 16 November 2006 and 19 March 2008. Within 3 months (November 2006) The MA explained that there was a mora- a) Report to the Secretariat on the imple- torium currently in place until inventories mentation of the National Action Plan were completed and an export quota could for sustainable production of P. africana be set. It reported work done in recent and how this contributes to its SA's years, including the establishment by determination that levels of export are Ministerial decree of a coordination com- not detrimental to the populations con- mittee chaired by the Director General at cerned. the National Forestry Commission; a b) In consultation with the CITES Secretariat National Plan of Action for the Sustainable and the Chairman of the Plants Management of P.africana;the creation of Committee, establish a conservative communication products; and regulations quota for export of P. africana bark and for P. africana. After a public tender pro- other parts and derivatives exported. cess, two inventoried lots in the Sofia region had been allocated to a company Within 1 year (August 2007) for exploitation. The company completed c) Update their inventory of standing an Environmental Impact Assessment, stock, establish estimates of sustainable which was approved, and an environmen- off-take, taking into account the need tal licence was granted subject to condi- to conserve large seed-producing trees, tions. The process for issuing an exploita- and establish a scientific monitoring tion licence under the new regulations is WG 1 – CASE STUDY 8–p.7 system of the harvested and unharves- being finalized.The new licence will also be ted P. africana populations. the subject of a test for tracing the origin d) Establish a revised conservative export of products within the system. Research quota based on the inventory of stan- activities underway include acquisition of ding stock and the estimates of sustaina- knowledge of the biology and ecology of P. ble off-take. africana and also a study on the genetic e) The MA should report to the Secretariat and chemical diversity of the species. A the result of its actions to implement the small scale experiment on vegetative pro- provisions of Article IV, and the current pagation of P. africana is underway with means by which the SA determines that early positive results. levels of export are not detrimental to the populations concerned. Conclusion f) Provide a timetable to carry out peer- Action towards the implementation of reviewed ecological studies and appro- these recommendations has been underta- priate population modelling of P. africa- ken, but further progress is required befo- na in order to establish a long-term re a revised conservative export quota management plan for the sustainable based on the inventory of standing stock use of this species. and the estimates of sustainable off-take Within 2 years (August 2008) can be established. g) The Management and Scientific Authorities should report to the Recommended action Secretariat the final version of the long- If MG seeks to recommence exports of pro- term management plan and progress ducts of this species, it should first provide made against that plan. information to the Secretariat on how the Plants Committee recommendations have been implemented. United Republic of Tanzania (TZ) TZ responded to the recommendations in a Within 3 months (November 2006) letter of 24 April 2008. The letter indicates a) In consultation with the CITES Secretariat that some steps have been taken to imple- and the Chairman of the Plants ment the recommendations, including that Committee, establish a conservative only part of the bark of trees over 40 years quota for export of P. africana bark and old are harvested and no trees are felled in other parts and derivatives exported. the process of collecting bark. The letter b) Clarify reported exports of extract which reports that the United Republic of are likely to be powder, and inform the Tanzania is looking forward to implemen- Secretariat of any facilities to produce ting the Plants Committee recommenda- extract within the country. tions. The letter indicated that a stock assessment would be undertaken over the Within 1 year (August 2007) next 2 months. c) Carry out a preliminary inventory of standing stock, establish estimates of Conclusion sustainable off-take, taking into account It appears that little progress has been the need to conserve large seed-produ- made in implementing the recommenda- cing trees, and establish a scientific tions of the Plants Committee. WG 1 – CASE STUDY 8–p.8 monitoring system of the harvested and Recommended action unharvested P. africana populations. The deadline for full implementation of all d) Establish a revised conservative export the Plants Committee’s recommendations quota based on the inventory of stan- should be extended until 31 December ding stock and the estimates of sustaina- 2008. If these are not implemented to the ble off-take. satisfaction of the Secretariat and e) Provide a timetable to carry out peer- Chairman of the Plants Committee, the reviewed ecological studies and appro- Standing Committee should recommend priate population modelling of P. africa- that all Parties suspend trade in all speci- na in order to establish a long-term mens of Prunus africana from TZ until that management plan for the sustainable country demonstrates compliance with use of this species. Article IV, paragraphs 2 (a) and 3, for this species, and provides full and detailed Within 2 years (August 2008) information to the Secretariat regarding f) The Management and Scientific compliance with the recommendations of Authorities should report to the Secretariat the Plants Committee. the final version of the long-term manage- ment plan and progress made against that plan. The recommendations were supported by the Standing Committee (July, 2008). OBJECTIVE: ESTABLISHMENT OF THE LONG TERM NON-DETRIMENT FINDINGS PLAN A management model for Non-Timber Forestry Resources (NTFR) formed the basis for the proposed methodology,which was designed to prepare the necessary guidelines for imple- mentation of a Non-detriment Findings Plan for the species on Bioko (Equatorial Guinea). The guidelines provided are the culmination of a series of stages in work oriented towards evaluating the forest resource: Prunus africana specimens and their current status following bark-harvesting activities. In recent years, great effort has gone into proposals of management plans for sustaina- ble use of Prunus africanain several Range States. However, integral methodology must be established to evaluate the current situation, to know whether bark harvest is suitable or whether it is affecting the conservation status of the species, and propose corrective mea- sures as needed to achieve sustainable use. The study was devised as a pilot project, cove- ring a pre-selected area under 150,000 ha in Equatorial Guinea; it could give rise to a sur- vey model and be applicable to other countries. The general goal of the project was to determine the potential and current range of Prunus africana on Bioko. Based on this range data, stocks could be assessed, bark harvest evaluated, and proposals made with necessary recommendations to consider in drawing up a management plan for sustainable use of the species. The following specific objectives were established to achieve the general goal (Figure 1): WG 1 – CASE STUDY 8–p.9 1 Survey of the distribution of dominant types of vegetation by means of remote sensing 2 Characterisation of the forests where Prunus africana occurs in current and poten- tial harvest areas, in terms of their structure, species composition and diversity of tree species 3 Estimate of bark yield, and 4 Establishment of silvicultural criteria for sustainable use of Prunus africana forests Figure 1 and 2 summarises a framework to establish national quota ofP. africana.This outli- neis synoptic of the main results and conclusions of Equatorial Guinea project to guide pos- sible improvements and final recommendations for consideration in designing a National Management Plan. This practical case has been organized as a questionnaire following a methodology pro- posed by ISSC-MAP: MMMMeeeetttthhhhooooddddoooollllooooggggyyyy ffffoooorrrr NNNNDDDDFFFF PPPPllllaaaannnn ooooffff PPrruunnuussaaffrriiccaannaa NNNNNNNNAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTIIIIIIIIOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNAAAAAAAALLLLLLLL AAAAAAAAFFFFFFFFRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNEEEEEEEE HHHHHHHHAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG FFFFFFFFOOOOOOOORRRRRRRREEEEEEEESSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTSSSSSSSS SSSSSSSSCCCCCCCCAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLEEEEEEEE SSSSSSSSCCCCCCCCAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLEEEEEEEE LLLLaaaannnnddddssssaaaatttt ((((33330000 mmmm----11115555 mmmm)))) MMMMOOOODDDDIIIISSSS ((((222255550000 mmmm)))) AAAASSSSTTTTEEEERRRR ((((33330000 mmmm ----11115555 mmmm)))) FFFFiiiieeeelllldddd ssssuuuurrrrvvvveeeeyyyy LLLLaaaannnnddddssssaaaatttt ((((33330000 mmmm)))) HHHHaaaarrrrvvvveeeessssttttiiiinnnngggg ffffeeeeaaaattttuuuurrrreeeessss CCffCCffooooaaaarrrrrrerreeettttssssoooottttggggssssrrrr aataatttyyyypppppppphhhheeeeyyyyssss ooooffff eePPPPee rrttccaaeeeennggrrttccaaeeggeenn()()%%(())%%051122305112230500050055≤≤33003300--44004400--55005500--66006600--77007700--8800DDDDiiii8800--9900aaaammmmeeeetttt9900--110000eeeerrrr 110000--111100cccc111100--112200llllaaaassss112200--113300eeeessssssss113300--114400 114400--115500((cc115500--116600mm)) 116600--117700117700--118800((NN==118800--119900226644))>>220000 PPiiccoo BBaassiilléé -- HHeeiigghh aarreeaaPPiiccoo ddee BBaassiilléé -- LLooww aarreeaaMMooccaa -- LLooww aarreeaaMMooccaa -- LLaakkee BBiiaaóóMMooccaa -- MMoonngguuiibbuuss EEEEccccoooossssyyyysssstttteeeemmmmssss SSSSppppeeeecccciiiieeeessss ccccoooommmmppppoooossssiiiittttiiiioooonnnn ----DDDDiissiissttttrrrriiiibbbbuuuuttttiiiioooonnnn VVVVaaaalllliiiiddddaaaattttiiiioooonnnn EEEEccccoooossssyyyysssstttteeeemmmmssss ----SSSSppppeeeecccciiiieeeessss ----DDDDeeeennnnssssiiiittttyyyy ----SSSSttttrrrruuuuccccttttuuuurrrreeee ----MMMMoooonnnniiiittttoooorrrriiiinnnngggg FFFFoooorrrreeeesssstttt SSSSuuuurrrrffffaaaacccceeeessss mmmmaaaannnnaaaaggggeeeemmmmeeeennnntttt MMMMoooonnnniiiittttoooorrrriiiinnnngggg NNNNDDDDFFFF PPPPllllaaaannnn BBBBaaaarrrrkkkk yyyyiiiieeeelllldddd----SSSSiiiillllvvvviiiiccccuuuullllttttuuuurrrreeee 88//5599 Figure 1. Framework to establish national quota ofP.africana WG 1 – CASE STUDY 8–p.10

king group on Prunus africana with the task of providing guidance to relevant range. States on the implementation of the Plants Committee's recommendations
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