December 2006 Setting Alternative Standards Ontario Regulation 419/05 – Air Pollution – Local Air Quality The Ontario Government continues to develop and •Application form – which summarizes legal update air quality standards to protect Ontario information including name and location of communities from the impacts of air pollution. In applicant, contaminant name, etc. November, 2005, the Ministry’s Ontario Regulation 419/05: Air Pollution – Local Air •Summary Table from an Emission Summary and Quality, took effect. It was the biggest move on air Dispersion Modelling (ESDM) Report – which toxics in more than 25 years. must include the results from a modelling/ monitoring study, and an assessment of the Through Regulation 419, the province sets air magnitude and frequency of exceedence of the quality standards based on values that protect standard(s), etc. against health and environmental effects – as opposed to setting provincial standards that •Technology Benchmarking Report – which must consider technical or economic issues. assess and rank technical methods for reductions in contaminant concentrations and provide an The Ministry expects that companies will meet the assessment of feasible technologies. newer or more stringent standards. Regulation 419 also includes updated air dispersion models to give •Public Consultation Report – which must a better picture of industrial emissions. However, summarize the results of the mandatory public sometimes it will take time for facilities to make meeting with the local community. the significant adjustments and investments needed to have a positive impact on their air emissions. •Action Plan with schedule of dates/timelines. The alternative standard process was developed to A company submitting a request for an alternative establish interim site specific standards with the standard must consider a number of issues: goal of continuous improvement toward achieving the effects-based standard over time. •Companies must demonstrate that they are doing the best they can reasonably do today to reduce The Ministry of the Environment is committed to their concentrations. working with companies to ensure continuous improvement because we know that clean, safe air •Stakeholders must be given an opportunity to be is essential in protecting the health and made aware of the compliance issue. environment of our people and our communities. •The local community must be given an The following information must be submitted to opportunity to understand the options that were the Ministry to support the facility’s request. A considered including the nature of the technical copy of the information can be provided by the (the economic, if that is the barrier) challenges. company upon request: •The company must develop and implement an •Economic Feasibility Analysis (Optional). action plan (subject to Ministry of the Environment approval) to implement the measures to achieve the expected to respond to questions raised by the alternative standard. meeting participants. The company must also offer to provide a complete written copy of the proposed •The request can be approved for a period of up to package to request an alternative standard. five years (10 years in extenuating circumstances). This ensures continual improvement and a re- 5. Summary of Comments: The facility must evaluation of technical (or economic) provide a written summary of the public meeting considerations which evolve over time. which must be submitted as part of the request for an alternative standard. •Approval cannot be granted (and risk reduction must be pursued in a timely manner) if emissions 6. The Environmental Registry (EBR) Comment result in a concentration of a contaminant that not Period: The facility’s request for an alternative only exceeds a standard, but also exceeds a standard will also be posted on the Environmental predetermined level (i.e. an Upper Risk Threshold) Bill of Right (EBR) Registry for a minimum 30 at places such as a school, daycare, retirement day comment period. During this review period, all home, hospital or resident. stakeholder comments received will be shared with other stakeholders upon request. What must a facility do to keep the public For more information and to comment on an EBR informed? posting, please visit: An important component of Regulation 419 is the glish/index.htm provisions for public communication. In a request for an alternative standard, a facility must: 7. Outcome: The Ministry will consider the summary of comments from the local community 1. Identify key stakeholders: Identify key as well as input from other interested stakeholders stakeholders (community groups, existing local submitted via the EBR in making a final decision environmental groups, the Ministry, Public Health on the approval for an alternative standard Units, municipalities, First Nations or other levels proposed by the facility. of government, etc.). The “Guideline for the Implementation of Air 2. Public Meeting: Before the request for an Standards in Ontario” provides more information alternative standard is submitted to the Ministry, on the alternative standards process. Copies of this the facility must, as a minimum, host one public document are available on the Ministry website at: meeting and notify all key stakeholders and the Ministry at least 15 days before the meeting. A notice of the meeting must also be published in a For further information, please visit the Ministry of newspaper that has general circulation in the area. the Environment’s web site at 3. Seek Input: Before the application is submitted, andards.htm or contact: the document(s) that will be used to support a Public Information Centre request for an alternative standard must be made Ministry of the Environment available to the public. These include: the 135 St. Clair Avenue West Emission Summary and Dispersion Modelling Toronto, ON M4V 1P5 (ESDM) Report Executive Summary, Technology Tel: (416) 325-4000 or 1-800-565-4923 Benchmarking Report; and Economic Feasibility Analysis (if the facility opted to consider economics) and the action plan. 4. Community Forum: The community Please note: This fact sheet is a brief summary informational meeting will be organized by the of the requirements as set out in Ontario company. The meeting will be chaired by the Regulation 419/05 (Section 32). Interested facility. At the meeting, the facility must provide a parties are advised to refer to the regulation for plain language information package to the the precise legal requirements. interested stakeholders including an outline of the proposed action plan. The company will be PIBS6034e