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7 SETS OF APPROXIMATION AND INTERPOLATION IN C FOR 0 0 MANIFOLD-VALUED MAPS 2 n DEBRAJCHAKRABARTI a J 4 2 ] 1. Introduction V C 1.1. Notation. This article is devoted to the study of approximation and interpolation of maps . fromacompactK ⊂CintoacomplexmanifoldM,andinparticulartogivingexamplesofsetsK h t for which certaintypes of approximationand interpolationare possible. For brevity, we introduce a m three properties A1, A2 and A3 that compact subsets of the plane may possess. We first define property A . [ 2 ForacompactK ⊂C, letK◦ be the interiorofK. We willletA(K,M)denotethe continuous 1 v maps from K into the complex manifold M which are holomorphic on K◦. Let O(K,M) ⊂ 5 A(K,M) denote the subspace of those maps f which extend to a holomorphic map from some 6 6 neighborhood Uf of K to M. We endow M with an arbitrary metric, which makes A(K,M) 1 and O(K,M) into metric spaces with the uniform metric on maps. We will say that a compact 0 K ⊂C has the property A , if, for every complex manifold M, every finite set P ⊂M, and every 7 2 0 ǫ>0, we can approximate any f ∈A(K,M) by a map f ∈O(K,M) such that dist (f,f )<ǫ, ǫ M ǫ / h and for each p ∈ P, we have fǫ(p) = f(p). That is, fǫ is an uniform approximation to f which t a interpolates the values of f on P. m We now define the property A , which will be the special case of A with M = C. More 1 2 : precisely, we will say that K ⊂ C has the property A , if, for any finite P ⊂ K, any function v 2 i in A(K) := A(K,C) can be uniformly approximated by functions in O(K) := O(K,C) which X interpolate the values of f on P. Obviously for a set K, A ⇒A . r 2 1 a It is easy to see that a set K has property A iff O(K) is dense in A(K). Note the trivial 1 fact that there is a constant C > 0 such that for g ∈ C(K), if L (g) is the Lagrange polynomial P which interpolates the values of g on P, we have kL (g)k < Ckgk . If f˜∈O(K) be such that P K K f −f˜ < ǫ , then |f −f |<ǫ, and f(p)=f (p) for p∈P, where f =f˜+L (f −f˜). C+1 ǫ ǫ ǫ P (cid:12) The(cid:12)compact sets K ⊂C such that O(K) is dense in A(K) can be characterized by Vituˇskin’s (cid:12) (cid:12) t(cid:12)heorem(cid:12) ( [15]). A sufficient condition is that C\K has finitely many connected components. Also,suchapproximationcanbe localized,inthesensethatO(K)isdenseinA(K)iffeverypoint z ∈K has a neighborhood U in C such that O(K∩U ) is dense in A(K∩U ). z z z WenowdefinepropertyA . Letφ:M→Cbeaholomorphicsubmersionsuchthatφ(K)⊃M. 3 Let A (K,M) (resp. O (K,M) ) be the subspace of A(K,M) (resp. O(K,M)) consisting of φ φ sections of φ over K, i.e. maps s : K → M such that φ◦s = I . We will say that a compact K 1 2 DEBRAJCHAKRABARTI K ⊂ C has property A if for every complex manifold M and every holomorphic submersion φ 3 such that φ(M)⊃K, and every finite set P ⊂K, every section σ ∈A (K,M) can be uniformly φ approximated by sections in O (K,M) which interpolate the values of σ on P. φ We also note the following elementary fact: Lemma 1. For a compact K ⊂C, A ⇒A . 3 2 Proof. Assume that K satisfies A , and let P and M have the same meaning as above, and let 3 f ∈A(K,M). ConsiderthecomplexmanifoldN =M×Candletφandπbetheprojectionsonto C and M respectively. If F : K → N is defined by F(z) = (f(z),z), then clearly F ∈A (K,N) φ and since K has the property A , we can approximate F by maps G ∈ O (K,N) such that 3 φ G(p)=F(p)=(f(p),p) for each p∈P. Then g =π◦G is in O(K,M) and an approximation to f with g(p)=f(p) for each p∈P, which shows that K has property A . (cid:3) 2 (We may remark here that while holomorphic submersions φ : M → C always exist if M is Stein ([7]), in general such M may be highly nontrivial, see e.g. [3].) It is natural to ask the question: which are the compact sets in the plane which satisfy property A or property A ? Given that approximation is local in nature, one can conjecture that using 2 3 patching arguments in the manifold M we may be able to show that every set with property A 1 has property A , or even A . We do not know if this program can be carried out. In this article, 2 3 we confine ourselves to to the much more modest goal of giving examples of sets K for which properties A and A hold (see Theorems 1,2 and 3 below.) 2 3 1.2. Known results. Some resultshavebeen obtainedrecently regardingthe approximationand interpolation of manifold-valued maps. The following was proved in [2]. Define a Jordan domain to be an open set Ω ⋐ C, such that the boundary ∂Ω has finitely many connected components, each of which is homeomorphic to a circle. (We explicitly allow Ω to be multiply connected.) Proposition 1. Let K =Ω, where Ω⋐C is a Jordan domain. For any complex manifold M, the subspace O(K,M) is dense in A(K,M). Thisispurelyastatementaboutapproximation,nointerpolationbeinginvolved. Thefollowing result is contained in what was proved by Drinovec-Drnovˇsekand Forstneriˇc in [6], Theorem 5.1: Proposition 2. Let Ω⋐C have C2 boundary, M be a complex manifold, and let f :Ω→M be a map of class Cr (r ≥2) which is holomorphic in Ω. Given finitely many points z ,...,z ∈Ω, and 1 l an integer k ∈N, there is a sequence of maps f ∈O(K,M) such that f agrees with f to order ν ν k at z for j =1,...,l and ν ∈N, and the sequence f converges to f in Cr(Ω) as ν →∞. j ν ThiscaninfactbeprovedwhenΩ⋐S,whereS isanon-compactRiemannsurface,andMisa complexspace. Observethatthereisastrongerassumptiononthe smoothnessofthe mapthanin property A , and also a stronger conclusion regardingapproximationand interpolation. However, 2 thesetofpointsofinterpolationisrestrictedtotheinteriorofΩ. Theauthorssubsequentlyproved the following: SETS OF APPROXIMATION AND INTERPOLATION 3 Proposition 3. If Ω⋐C is a domain with C2 boundary, M a complex manifold, and φ:M→C a holomorphic submersion such that φ(M)⊃Ω, then O Ω,M is dense in A Ω,M . φ φ This is a (very) special case of [5], Theorem 5.1 rega(cid:0)rding(cid:1)the approximatio(cid:0)n of s(cid:1)ections of submersions over strongly pseudoconvex sets in Stein manifolds, which may be thought of as a far-reaching generalization of the Henkin-Ram´ırez-Kerzman approximation theorem for functions on such domains ([9], Theorem 2.9.2. ) 1.3. Sets with property A or A . We recallsome definitions from elementary point-set topol- 2 3 ogy. Let X be a topological space. For an integer n≥0, we say that dim(X)≤n if the following holds : given any open cover A of X, there is a refinement B of A such that any point of X is contained in at most n+1 of the sets in the cover B. If dim(X) ≤ n holds, but dim(X) ≤ n−1 does not, we say that the dimension dim(X) of X is n. The dimension is clearly a topological invariantofX. Also,if dim(X)=n,then eachconnectedcomponentofX (ormoregenerally,any closed subset) has dimension less than or equal to n. Wesaythatatopologicalspaceislocally contractibleifthereisabasisofthetopologyconsisting of contractible open sets. We can now state the following: Theorem 1. Let K ⊂ C be a connected compact set, such that dim(K)=1, and suppose that K is locally contractible. Then K has property A . 3 Examples of sets that satisfy the hypotheses are (1) arcsinC,whereByanarcαinatopologicalspaceX wemeanacontinuousinjectivemap α : [0,1] → X from the unit interval. The injectivity avoids pathologies like space filling curves. By standard abuse of language, we will refer to the image α([0,1]) as the arc α. (2) planar realizations of connected graphs i.e. finite simplicial complexes having only 0- simplices (“vertices”) and 1-simplices (“edges”.) We can think of these as unions of arcs in the plane, any two of which meet at at most one endpoint of each. Let K ⊂C, then dim(K)≤1 iff K◦ =∅ ([1], p.133,Theorem 20.) However, it is possible for a set K with K◦ = ∅, to be not locally contractible, and yet to satisfy A (recall that A is equivalent 1 1 to O(K) being dense in A(K).) An example is the “bouquet of circles” K = ∞ C , where C n=1 n n is the circle in the plane with center at 1 +i0, and radius 1. It can be shown that this K has n n S property A , yet Theorem 1 does not apply to it. (We don’t know if K has property A or A .) 1 3 2 For completeness, we record the following easy fact: Lemma 2. Let K be a compact subset of C with dim(K)=0. Then K has property A . 3 We now go on to give examples of two-dimensional sets which have properties A or A . Let 2 3 k ≥ 0 be an integer, ∞ or ω. We introduce a class of sets in the plane denoted by C . We will k let C denote the class of compact sets K ⊂ C such that there is an integer N and domains Ω , k j where j =1,...,N with the following properties: • For k 6= 0, each Ω is a domain with Ck boundary, and for k = 0, each Ω is a Jordan j j domain. 4 DEBRAJCHAKRABARTI • The Ω ’s are pairwise disjoint : Ω ∩Ω =∅ if i6=j. j i j • K =∪N Ω . We will refer to each Ω as a summand of K. i=1 j j • whenever i6=j, the set P :=Ω ∩Ω =∂Ω ∩∂Ω ij i j i j is finite. • If k 6=0, at each point of P , the boundaries ∂Ω and ∂Ω are tangent to each other. ij i j We can now provide a supply of sets which have property A : 2 Theorem 2. Each compact set K of class C has property A . 0 2 This can be thought of as a generalization of Proposition 1. The second result gives examples of sets with property A : 3 Theorem 3. Each compact set K of class C has property A . 2 3 This again can be thought of as a generalizationof Proposition 2. 1.4. In §2 below, we prove a general result (Theorem 4 ) regarding approximation of sections of submersionsoverasetK whichadmitsadecompositionK =K ∪K intoa“goodpair”(K ,K ) 1 2 1 2 of compact sets. This is a direct generalization of the results in [2], §4.1 for maps into manifolds. Proofsofallnew statements aregivenindetail,althoughthey aresimilartothe proofsinthe case of maps. This is the tool for patching maps which is used to prove Theorems 1 and 3. In §3, we give proofs of Lemma 2, Theorem 1, and Theorem 3. For the last two, the crucial ingredientis three successiveapplicationsofTheorem4 to producea sectionwhichis holomorphic in a neighborhood of the given compact K. For Theorem 3 we also require a result from [2] (Theorem 5). In §4 we deduce Theorem 2 from Theorem 3. This requires a result from [11] regarding conformal mappings continuous to the boundary. Itshouldbe notedthatthe resultsprovedherehaveanalogsfortheapproximationandinterpo- lationofAk maps,i.e., mapswhichareCk andholomorphicintheinterior. The proofsareexactly the same. For notational simplicity we stick to the case of maps which are only continuous to the boundary. Also,thisarticleislargelyselfcontained,withtheexceptionoftheproofsofTheorem5 and Proposition 5. 2. Approximation on Good Pairs 2.1. Some definitions. We will call a set K ⊂ C nicely contractible if there is a homotopy c:[0,1]×K →K with the following properties: (1) for each t, the map z 7→c(t,z) is in A(K,C), (2) z 7→c(1,z) is the identity map on K. (3) there is a z ∈K such that c(0,z)≡z . 0 0 (4) for t6=0, z 7→c(t,z) maps K◦ into K◦. SETS OF APPROXIMATION AND INTERPOLATION 5 Of course, convex sets are nicely contractible, as are strongly star-shaped sets (these are sets K such that the maps c(t,z) may be taken as dilations with stretch factor t and center z ∈ K.) 0 Another important class of nicely contractible sets are arcs. The property of nicely contractible setswhichisusedintheproofofLemma3(andthereforeTheorem4isthefollowing: ifK isnicely contractible and M is a connected complex manifold, then A(K,M) is in fact contractible. We can take the contraction to be the map φ from A(K,M) to itself given by φ (f)(z)=f(c(t,z)). t t LetK andK becompactsubsetsofC. Wewillsaythat(K ,K )isagood pairifthefollowing 1 2 1 2 hold: (1) K \K ∩K \K =∅. 1 2 2 1 (2) K := K ∩K has finitely many connected components, each of which is nicely con- 1,2 1 2 tractible. Let M be a complex manifold of complex-dimension n, and φ : M → C be a submersion. We will say that an open set U ⊂ M is φ-adapted, if U is biholomorphic to an open set in Cn, and there are holomorphic coordinates (z ,··· ,z ) on U such that with respect to these coordinates 1 n (and the standard coordinate on C), the map φ takes the form (z ,··· ,z ) 7→ z . (This is of 1 n n course the same as saying z =φ| .) n U 2.2. The main result. We introduce the following notation and definitions: (1) Let K =K ∪K , where (K ,K ) is a good pair. 1 2 1 2 (2) Let M be a complex manifold and φ : M → C be a holomorphic submersion such that φ(M)⊃K. (3) Let B ⊂ C be compact and such that B∩K = ∅, and each function g ∈ A(K ) can be 1 2 approximated uniformly on K by functions in A(K ∪B) ;i.e., if g ∈ A(K ) and ǫ > 0, 2 2 2 then there is a g ∈A(K ∪B) such that |g−g |<η on K . η 2 η 2 (4) Let P be a finite subset of K. We now state the following result regarding the approximation of sections of φ over K: Theorem 4. With K ,K ,M,φ, B, and P as above, let s ∈ A (K,M) be a section of φ such 1 2 φ that each s(K ) has a φ-adapted neighborhood in M for j = 1,2. Then, given η > 0, there is an j s ∈ A (K,M) such that dist(s,s ) < η on K, s extends as a holomorphic section of φ to a η φ η η neighborhood B of K ∩B, and for each p∈P, we have s (p)=s(p). Moreover, s (K ∪B ) has η 2 η η 2 η a φ-adapted neighborhood in M. Theproofof4willbereducedtothesolutionofanon-linearpatchingprobleminEuclideanspace bytheuseofcoordinateinneighborhoodsofs(K ). Wenowdescribetheingredientsrequiredinthe j proof. Themostimportantisthe followingversion(resemblingthatA.Douadyin[4],pp.47-48)of H. Cartan’s lemma on holomorphic matrices. Lemma 3. Let G be a complex connected Lie Group, and let (K ,K ) be a good pair, and let 1 2 g ∈A(K ,G). Then, for j =1,2 there are g ∈A(K ,G) such that g =g ·g on K . 1,2 j j 2 1 1,2 6 DEBRAJCHAKRABARTI For a proof, see [2], Lemma 4.4, where it is assumed that G=GL (C), and eachcomponent of n the intersection is star shaped, but the proof is valid in general. If P ⊂ C is a finite set, we will let AP(K,Cn) denote the closed subspace of the Banach space A(K,Cn) consisting of those functions which vanish at each p ∈ K ∩P. We will require the following version of the solution of the additive Cousin problem continuous to the boundary (the case with P =∅ is in fact used in the proof of Lemma 3 ): Lemma 4. Let K ,K be a compact subsets of the plane such that K \K ∩K \K =∅, and let 1 2 1 2 2 1 P be a finite subset of the plane. There exist bounded linear maps T :AP(K ,C)→AP(K ,C) j 1,2 j such that for any function f in AP(K ,C) we have on K , 1,2 1,2 (1) T f +T f =f, 1 2 Proof. We reduce the problem to a ∂ equation in the standard way. Let χ be a smooth cutoff which is 1 near K \K and 0 near K \K . Let λ:=f.∂χ, so that λ∈A(K ,C). Let 1 2 2 1 ∂z 1,2 1 λ(ζ) Λ (z)= dζ∧dζ f 2πi ζ−z ZK1,2 Let q be the Lagrange interpolation polynomial with the property that q (p)=Λ (p) for p∈P. f f f Observe that both Λ and q are linear in f and continuous in the sup norm when restricted to f f compact sets. We can now define (assuming (1−χ).f =0 where χ=1 even if f is not defined): (T f)(z)=(1−χ(z)).f(z)+Λ (z)−q (z) 1 f f and (assuming χ.f =0 where χ=0 even if f is not defined): (T f)(z)=χ(z).f(z)−Λ (z)+q (z), 2 f f Since T f is clearly holomorphic (resp. continuous) where f is, the result follows. (cid:3) j We will use the following standard result regarding Banach spaces, which can be proved by iteration (see [10] pp. 397-98): Lemma 5. In a metric space X, let B (p,r) denote the open ball in X of radius r centered at p. X Let E and F be Banach Spaces and let Φ:B (p,r)→F be a C1 map. Suppose there is a constant E C >0 such that: • for each h ∈ B (p,r), the linear operator Φ′(h) : E → F is surjective and the equation E Φ′(h)u=g can be solved for u in E for all g in F with the estimate kuk ≤Ckgk . E F • for any h and h in B (p,r) we have kΦ′(h )−Φ′(h )k≤ 1 . 1 2 E 1 2 2C Then, r Φ(B (p,r))⊃B Φ(p), . E F 2C (cid:16) (cid:17) We willusethe threelemmas aboveto giveaproofofthe followingresult(the maincomponent ofwhichis due to Rosay,[12], andcomments in[13]) regardingthe solutionofa non-linearCousin problem (see Lemma 4.5 of [2].) It is simply a translation of Theorem 4 to coordinates. SETS OF APPROXIMATION AND INTERPOLATION 7 Lemma6. Letω beanopensubsetofCn andletF:ω →Cn beaholomorphic immersion. Assume that F preserves the last coordinate, i.e., F is of the form F(z ,··· ,z ) = (F(z ,··· ,z ),z ) for 1 n 1 n n some map F :ω →Cn−1. Let(K ,K )denoteagood pairof compact subsetsofC, let P beafinitesubsetof K =K ∪K , 1 2 1 2 and suppose for each p∈K \K we are given a point q(p)∈Cn−1. Let u ∈A(K ,Cn) be such 2 1 1 1 that • u (K )⊂ω, and 1 1,2 • u is of the form u (z)=(t (z),z) where t :K →Cn−1 1 1 1 1 1 Given any ǫ>0, there exists δ >0 such that if u ∈A(K ,Cn) be such that 2 2 • ku −F◦u k<δ on K ∩K , 2 1 2 2 • for p∈P ∩(K ), we have u (p)=F(u (p)), 1,2 2 1 • for p∈K \K we have u (p)=(q(p),p)∈Cn, and 2 1 2 • u (z)=(t (z),z), where t :K →Cn−1 2 2 2 2 then for j =1,2 there exist v ∈AP(K ,Cn) such that j j • kv k<ǫ, j • u +v =F(u +v ), and 2 2 1 1 • the last coordinate function of each of v and v is 0. 1 2 We now give a proof of Lemma 6. Proof. In order to apply Lemma 5 we choose the Banach spaces E, F and the map Φ as follows: • For j = 1,2, let B be the closed subspace of the Banach space AP(K ,Cn) consisting of j j thosemapswhoselastcoordinatefunctionis0,i.e.,B =AP(K ,Cn)⊕0. WenowletE the j j BanachspaceB ⊕B ,whichweendowwiththenormk·k :=max k·k ,k·k . 1 2 E A(K1,Cn) A(K2,Cn) • Let F be the Banach space AP(K ,Cn−1). (cid:16) (cid:17) 1,2 • Let π : Cn → Cn−1 denote the projection on the first n − 1 coordinates, and let the open subset U of E be given by {(w ,w ) : (u + w )(K ) ⊂ ω}. (Observe that 1 2 1 1 1,2 {0}× B(K ,Cn) ⊂ U.) Let P = (P ,...,P ) be an n-tuple of polynomials such that 2 1 n P (z) ≡ z, for p ∈ K ∩P, we have P(p) = F(u (p)), and for p ∈ K \K we have n 1,2 1 2 1 (P (p),...,P (p))=q(p). 1 n−1 Let the map Φ:U →F be given by Φ(w ,w ):=π◦ (P +w )| −F◦((u +w )| ) . 1 2 2 K1,2 1 1 K1,2 (Observe that, since F preserv(cid:2)es the last coordinate, the last coord(cid:3)inate function of (P + w )| −F◦((u +w )| ) is actually 0. So the precomposition with π simply drops a 2 K1,2 1 1 K1,2 coordinate which is identically 0.) A computation shows that Φ′(w ,w ) is the bounded linear map from E to F given by 1 2 (v ,v )7→π◦ v | −F′((u +w )| )(v | ) . 1 2 2 K1,2 1 1 K1,2 1 K1,2 (cid:2) (cid:3) 8 DEBRAJCHAKRABARTI Observethat w plays no role whatsoeverin this expression,and therefore Φ′(w ,w )∈BL(E,F) 2 1 2 is in fact a smooth function of w alone, and we will henceforth denote it by Φ′(w ,∗). 1 1 Let G⊂GL (C) be the complex Lie subgroup of matrices of the form n A b , 0 1 ! where A ∈ GL (C), b is an 1×(n−1) column vector, and 0 is the zero row vector of size n−1 (n−1)×1. It is easy to see that G is connected. We construct a right inverse to Φ′(u ,∗) . Let γ = F′ ◦ u | . Since F preserves the last 1 1 K1,2 coordinate, γ ∈ A(K ,G), and thanks to Lemma 3 above, we may write γ = γ ·γ , where 1,2 (cid:0) (cid:1) 2 1 γ ∈ A(K ,G). (We henceforth suppress the restriction signs.) Let j : F → A(K ,Cn) be the j j 1,2 continuous inclusion induced by the map Cn−1 →Cn given by (z ,··· ,z )7→(z ,··· ,z ,0). 1 n−1 1 n−1 For g ∈F, let S(g)=(−γ−1T (γ−1j(g)),γ T (γ−1j(g))), 1 1 2 2 2 2 where the T are as in equation 1 above (and extended to Cn componentwise). Observe that j −γ−1T (γ−1j(g)) and γ T (γ−1j(g)) vanish at each p ∈ P and they belong to B and B respec- 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 tively. It is easy to see that S : F → E is a bounded linear operator, and a computation shows that Φ′(u ,∗)◦S =I . Choose θ >0 so small so that if w ∈B (u ,θ), 1 F 1 F 1 (1) kΦ′(w ,∗)−Φ′(u ,∗)k < 1 (possible by continuity), and 1 1 op 8kSk (2) the equation Φ′(w ,∗)u = g can be solved with the estimate kuk ≤ 2kSkkgk, (possible 1 from the fact that small perturbations of a surjective linear operator is still surjective.) Consequently, if ǫ < θ and u˜ ∈ B(K ,Cn), for the ball B ((0,u˜ ),ǫ) the hypothesis of Lemma 5 2 2 E 2 are verified with C =2kSk. We have therefore, ǫ Φ(B ((0,u˜ ),ǫ)) ⊃ B Φ(0,u˜ ), E 2 F 2 2C (cid:16) (cid:17) ǫ = B P +u˜ −F(u ), . F 2 1 2C (cid:16) (cid:17) So, if kP +u˜ −F(u )k < ǫ , we have 0 ∈ Φ(B ((0,u˜ ),ǫ)). This is exactly the conclusion 2 1 4C E 2 required, since any u such that u (p)=P(p) for each p∈K ∩P can be written as u =P +u˜ 2 2 2 2 2 for some u˜ ∈B(K ,Cn). (cid:3) 2 2 We will now prove Theorem 4. Proof. We omit the restriction signs on maps for notational clarity. For j = 1,2 let V be a φ- j adapted neighborhood of s(K ), and let F : V → Cn be a coordinate system such that F (z) = j j j j (F (z),φ(z)). Let F=F ◦F−1 be the associated transition function.Then F is a biholomorphism j 2 1 fromtheopensetω =F (V ∩V )ontotheopensetF (V ∩V ),andFpreservesthelastcoordinate, 1 1 2 2 2 1 i.e., F is of the form F(z ,··· ,z )=(F(z ,··· ,z ),z ) for some map F :ω →Cn−1. Any section 1 n 1 n n ofφ overK is representedinthe coordinatesystemF by a mapofthe formt :K →Cn, where j j j j t (z)=(t˜(z),z), with t˜ a map from K to Cn−1. Also, for j =1,2, given maps t :K →Cn of j j j j j j SETS OF APPROXIMATION AND INTERPOLATION 9 the form t = (t˜,z), they glue together to form a section over K ∪K (i.e. there is a section λ j j 1 2 of φ over K ∪K such that t =F ◦λ) iff t =F◦t . 1 2 j j 2 1 Since B ∩K = ∅ by hypothesis, the pair of compact sets (K ,K ∪B) is good. Let ǫ > 0, 1 1 2 and let u = F ◦s. Observe that u (K ) ⊂ ω, and u is of the form u (z) = (t (z),z), where 1 1 1 1,2 1 1 1 t :K →Cn−1. Then Lemma 6 gives a δ >0 correspondingto u , the good pair (K ,K ∪B), ω 1 1 1 1 2 and F. Let w = F ◦(s| ), then w ∈ A(K ,Cn), and is of the form w (z) = (w˜ (z),z). Thanks 2 2 K2 2 2 2 2 to the hypothesis regarding uniform approximation of functions in A(K ,C) by functions in 2 A(K ∪B,C),wecanfindau ∈A(K ∪B,Cn)ofthesameformasw suchthatku −F(u )k< 2 2 2 2 2 1 δ on K (Since F(u ) = w on K .) Further we may assume that for p ∈ P ∩K , we have 1,2 1 2 1,2 2 u (p)=w (p) and that the last coordinate function of u is z. 2 2 2 Then, by Proposition 6, there is a v ∈ AP(K ,Cn) and a v ∈ AP(K ∪B,Cn), such that 1 1 2 2 kv k<ǫ and u +v =F(u +v ), and the last coordinate functions of the v are 0’s. Hence the j 2 2 1 1 j maps u +v and u +v glue together to form a section of φ (which we call s˜ given by 1 1 2 2 ǫ F−1(u +v ) on K s˜ := 1 1 1 1 ǫ ( F−21(u2+v2) on K2and nearK2∩B Clearly, s˜ is in A (K ∪K ,M), and extends to a holomorphic map near K ∩B. Moreover, ǫ φ 1 2 2 dist(s˜ ,s) = O(ǫ). By construction, we have s (p) = s(p). Therefore, given η > 0, we can find s ǫ ǫ η with required properties. (cid:3) 3. Sets with property A 3 In this section we prove Lemma 2, and Theorems 1 and 3. In each we show that a certain set K has property A . We will let M be a complex manifold, φ:M→C a holomorphic submersion 3 such that φ(M) ⊃ K, P a finite subset of K, and s a section of φ, s ∈ A (K,M). We let ǫ > 0, φ and want to show that there is an s ∈ O (K,M) such that dist(s,s ) < ǫ and s (p) = s(p) for ǫ φ ǫ ǫ each p∈P. 3.1. Proof of Lemma 2. If K is not finite, it can be written as a disjoint union of finitely many singletons and a closed subset C homeomorphic to the Cantor middle-third set. (See e.g., [1], pp. 108-109.) In particular, C\K is connected, and K has property A . 1 Observe that s ∈ A (K,M) is simply a continuous section of φ over K. We can cover K by φ finitely many sets {U } such that eachs(U ) has a φ-adaptedneighborhoodin M. We can choose j j arefinement{V }ofthiscover,suchthattheV ’sarepairwisedisjoint. ObservethatK :=K∩V j j j j has property A . Now, with respect to the φ-adaptedcoordinate system arounds(K ), the map s 1 j has a representation on K of the form s(z)=(s˜(z),z), where s˜is continuous and takes values in j Cn−1. Approximating s˜by a holomorphic map in a neighborhood of K our result follows. j 3.2. Proof of Theorem 1. We first introduce some combinatorial preliminaries. Let vw be an edge in a graph Γ. We can construct a new graph Γ′ with one more vertex by “splitting the edge 10 DEBRAJCHAKRABARTI vw.” More formally, if V is the vertex set of Γ, and E its edge set, the vertex set of Γ′ is V ∪{u} (where u6∈V), and the edge set is (E\{vw})∪{vu,uw}. Recall that a graph is n-colorable, if there is an assignment of n colors to its vertices so that no two adjacent vertices have the same color. By a classical result of K¨onig (see [8], Theorem 12.1), the condition that a graph is 2-colorable is that it does not have a circuit (closed non-self intersecting path) of odd length. We now have the following: Lemma 7. Given any finite graph G, there are edges e ,...,e such that the graph G′ obtained 1 k after successively splitting these edges is 2-colorable. Proof. Let V be the vector space over the field Z/2Z with basis the set of edges of G. Given a circuit C in G, traversing the edges x ,x ,...,x , associate with it an element c of V given by 1 2 m c = x +x +···+x . Let Z be the subspace of V spanned by all c for each circuit C. Pick a 1 2 m basis c ,...,c . Since any circuit can be written as a linear combination of the c ’s it is sufficient 1 k j to split any edge of those c which have an odd number of summands. Moreover, from the fact j that the c are linearly independent over Z/2Z it follows that each c has an edge not contained j j in any c , k 6=j. The result follows. (cid:3) k Now we can prove Theorem 1. Note that as in the proof of Lemma 1 above, K◦ = ∅, so s is simply a continuous section of φ over K. Forz ∈K,there isaneighborhoodU ofz inK suchthats(U )hasaφ-adaptedneighborhood z z in M. Select a finite subcover F of {U } , and let G be a refinement of F which has only z z∈K double intersections (this is possible since dim(K) = 1, and K is connected.) We can write G ={V ,...,V }. 1 M We associate to G a graph N by taking the nerve: the vertices V and V are joined by an G i j edge in N iff V ∩V 6= ∅. Let V and W be open sets in G such that V ∩W 6= ∅. We define a G i j new open cover S (G) of K in the following way. Replace the sets V and W by V′, U and W′, VW where V′ ⊂V, W′ ⊂W, and U is a neighborhoodof V ∩W suchthat V′∪U∪W′ =V ∪W, and V ∩U 6=∅,U∩W 6=∅butV ∩W =∅. IfU ischosensmallenough,then(G\{V,W})∪{V′,U,W′} is againanopencoverof K with only double intersections. This is our G′ =S (G). At the level VW of nerves NG′ is obtained by splitting the edge VW in the graph NG, as in Lemma 7. Thanks to Lemma 7 we can obtain after finitely many rounds of edge-splitting a new cover H, with only double intersections such that the corresponding nerve N is 2-colorable. It also follows that for H each U ∈H, the set s(U) has a φ-adapted neighborhood in M. Further, by shrinking the U’s we can assume that whenever an intersection U ∩U′ of two sets in H is non-empty, it is contractible. Let us call the colors used in coloring N red and blue. We can now define H K = U, and K = U. 1 2 UU[∈rHed UU[∈blHue It is easy to verify that (K ,K ) is a good pair, and for j = 1,2 the set s(K ) has a φ-adapted 1 2 j neighborhood in M.

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