Draft version January 18, 2017 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleAASTeX6v.1.0 SETIBURST: A ROBOTIC, COMMENSAL, REALTIME MULTI-SCIENCE BACKEND FOR THE ARECIBO TELESCOPE Jayanth Chennamangalam Astrophysics,UniversityofOxford,DenysWilkinsonBuilding,KebleRoad,OxfordOX13RH,UK 7 David MacMahon 1 DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofCaliforniaBerkeley,Berkeley,CA94720,USA 0 2 n Jeff Cobb a J DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofCaliforniaBerkeley,Berkeley,CA94720,USA 7 1 Aris Karastergiou1,2 ] M Astrophysics,UniversityofOxford,DenysWilkinsonBuilding,KebleRoad,OxfordOX13RH,UK I . h Andrew P. V. Siemion3,4 p - DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofCaliforniaBerkeley,Berkeley,CA94720,USA o r t s a Kaustubh Rajwade [ DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,WestVirginiaUniversity,POBox6315,Morgantown,WV26506,USA 1 v 8 Wes Armour 3 5 Oxforde-ResearchCentre,UniversityofOxford,KebleRoad,OxfordOX13QG,UK 4 0 . 1 Vishal Gajjar 0 DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofCaliforniaBerkeley,Berkeley,CA94720,USA 7 1 : v Duncan R. Lorimer5 i X DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,WestVirginiaUniversity,POBox6315,Morgantown,WV26506,USA r a Maura A. McLaughlin DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,WestVirginiaUniversity,POBox6315,Morgantown,WV26506,USA Dan Werthimer DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofCaliforniaBerkeley,Berkeley,CA94720,USA Christopher Williams Astrophysics,UniversityofOxford,DenysWilkinsonBuilding,KebleRoad,OxfordOX13RH,UK 2 Chennamangalam et al. 1DepartmentofPhysicsandElectronics,RhodesUniversity,POBox94,Grahamstown6140,SouthAfrica 2PhysicsDepartment,UniversityoftheWesternCape,CapeTown7535,SouthAfrica 3ASTRON,POBox2,7990AADwingeloo,TheNetherlands 4DepartmentofAstrophysics,RadboudUniversity,POBox9010,6500GLNijmegen,TheNetherlands 5NationalRadioAstronomyObservatory,POBox2,GreenBank,WV24944,USA ABSTRACT Radioastronomyhastraditionallydependedonobservatoriesallocatingtimetoobserversforexclusive use of their telescopes. The disadvantage of this scheme is that the data thus collected is rarely used for other astronomy applications, and in many cases, is unsuitable. For example, properly calibrated pulsarsearchdatacan,withsomereduction,beusedforspectrallinesurveys. Abackendthatsupports plugginginmultipleapplicationstoatelescopetoperformcommensaldataanalysiswillvastlyincrease thesciencethroughputofthefacility. Inthispaper, wepresent‘SETIBURST’,arobotic,commensal, realtimemulti-sciencebackendforthe305-mAreciboTelescope. Thesystemusesthe1.4GHz,seven- beam Arecibo L-band Feed Array (ALFA) receiver whenever it is operated. SETIBURST currently supports two applications: SERENDIP VI, a SETI spectrometer that is conducting a search for signs of technological life, and ALFABURST, a fast transient search system that is conducting a survey of fast radio bursts (FRBs). Based on the FRB event rate and the expected usage of ALFA, we expect 0–5 FRB detections over the coming year. SETIBURST also provides the option of plugging in more applications. We outline the motivation for our instrumentation scheme and the scientific motivation of the two surveys, along with their descriptions and related discussions. Keywords: instrumentation: miscellaneous — extraterrestrial intelligence — pulsars: general 1. INTRODUCTION have access to data, vastly increasing the available sky coverage. Radioastronomyreliesonobservationsforwhichtele- Commensal observing was pioneered by the early scope time was obtained following a competitive pro- searches for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) at the posal review. This process is critical because telescope HatCreekRadioObservatory(Bowyeretal.1983),and timeislimited: Onlyonekindofobservationcanusually later, at the Arecibo Observatory, home to the 305-m be done at a given time. In addition to this exclusivity, diameter Arecibo telescope. The original need for com- the utility of the collected data is usually restricted to mensalobservingwasduetothefactthatSETIrequires the specific kind of experiment that it was obtained for. searching a large parameter space for which a signifi- Data reuse within a given field is standard practice – cant amount of telescope time is required, and the in- e.g., the original fast radio burst (FRB; see §1.2) was ability of allocating dedicated time to such a large sur- discovered in a reprocessing of data from a fast radio vey that is speculative in nature. The Search for Radio transient survey of the Magellanic Clouds using the 64- Emissions from Nearby Developed Intelligent Popula- m Parkes Radio Telescope (Lorimer et al. 2007) – but tions (SERENDIP) project at the Arecibo Observatory cross-disciplinary data reuse is a rarity. For example, – of which the instrument described in this paper is spectral line surveys, due to long integration times used a part – has, throughout its existence, relied on com- in its observations, result in data products that cannot mensal data processing (see, for example, Bowyer et al. be reused in a search for pulsars. On the other hand, 1993). Technologically, in recent times, relatively in- properly calibrated pulsar search data can be used for expensive networking hardware and high-performance spectral line surveys as well, but it is rarely done. This computing (HPC) machines have made it possible to severely restricts the science throughput of a facility. build multiple HPC-based backends that can easily dis- Tooptimizedatacollectionandanalysis,commensalob- tribute and process radio telescope data, enabling com- servingisincreasinglybeingemployed,whereinmultiple mensaldataprocessing. TheAllenTelescopeArraywas data processing/recording processes run simultaneously built with commensal observing as a design goal, such on data from the telescope during observations. In such that SETI and non-SETI observations could be done a scheme, telescope pointing remains under the control in parallel (Welch et al. 2009). In high time resolution of the primary observer, but secondary observers also astronomy, the need for commensal observing has been madeapparentbythediscoveryofnewclassesoffastra- diotransient,suchasrotatingradiotransients(RRATs; [email protected] McLaughlinetal.2006)andFRBs(Lorimeretal.2007; SETIBURST 3 Thornton et al. 2013). The V-FASTR experiment at known, but setting up such beacons is the best possi- the Very Large Baseline Array (Wayth et al. 2012) is ble way to advertise our presence in the Universe. Ra- a commensal search for fast transients. VLITE1 is a dio emission is energetically, and hence, economically ten-antenna system at the Very Large Array that per- inexpensive to generate. Radio waves can travel vast forms ionospheric observations, transient searches, and distances with relatively less attenuation due to the in- imaging in parallel with regular observations. Among terstellar medium (ISM) compared to electromagnetic new facilties, the Australian Square Kilometre Array radiation at other wavelengths, ensuring a better like- Pathfinder (ASKAP) is used for the Commensal Real- lihood of signal reception. Cleverly-designed beacons, time ASKAP Fast Transients survey (Macquart et al. such as extremely narrow band signals near a natural 2010). In this paper, we describe a new instrument emission line commonly used in studying the Galaxy, at the Arecibo Observatory that is centered around the such as that proposed by Cocconi & Morrison (1959), idea of commensal observing, with a SETI experiment will increase the likelihood of the signal being noticed andafasttransientsurveyasconsumersofthecollected by radio astronomers elsewhere. The rationale behind data. searching for extremely narrow-band signals is that the Theoutlineofthispaperisasfollows: Inthefollowing narrowest astrophysical lines are of the order of hun- subsections,weintroducethetwosciencemotivationsof dreds of Hz wide. The narrowest line detected has a the project, namely, SETI and fast radio transients. In width of 550 Hz (Cohen et al. 1987). Even if a civiliza- §2, we describe the technical details of the system: the tiondoesnotsetupabeacon,radioemissioncreatedby SERENDIP VI SETI backend and the ALFABURST their technology could leak out into space, at least dur- fast transient backend. In §3, we describe the two com- ing the early stages of their technological development, mensal surveys we are undertaking, and conclude in §4. in much the same way as coherent radio emission pro- duced quite commonly by human technology routinely leaksouttospace. Giventhathumanshavebeentrans- 1.1. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence mittingintheradioformorethanacentury,theearliest The quest for life in the Universe has seen much radio transmissions have traversed a distance > 30 pc progress in recent years, with the exploration of the awayfromus. Itisconceivablethatleakagesignalsfrom Solar System and the detection of a large number of othercivilizationsmaybepickeduponEarth, although extrasolar planets. A whole new field – astrobiology – giventhefactthattheyarenotintentionaltransmissions has emerged to tackle the problem of whether life exists to us, it is unlikely that they would be easy to detect elsewhereintheGalaxy. SETIaimsonestepfurther,to amid the noise background. answer the more challenging question of the existence of technological intelligent life. One of the first SETI 1.2. Fast Radio Bursts attempts followed the suggestion by Cocconi & Mor- Fast radio transients have been a staple of radio as- rison (1959) that ETI may transmit narrow-band bea- tronomy research for decades, starting with the discov- consneartheradioemissionlineofneutralhydrogen,at ery of the first pulsars (Hewish et al. 1968). In re- 1420 MHz, enabling radio astronomers in other civiliza- cent years, new classes of such transient have emerged, tions to detect them. Radio SETI observations started namely, RRATs, which are thought to be highly inter- with Drake (1961) who searched for narrow-band lines, mittent pulsars (McLaughlin et al. 2006), and FRBs and have continued to the present day with increasing (Lorimeretal.2007;Thorntonetal.2013). However,in levels of sophistication. For instance, Siemion et al. spite of the long history and recent discoveries, robotic (2013)recentlysearchedforinterplanetaryradarsignals surveys in the radio are only beginning to be employed. in multi-planet systems during conjunctions2, and es- For example, the Survey for Pulsars and Extragalac- tablishedthat(cid:46)1%oftransitingexoplanetsystemshost tic Radio Bursts3 (SUPERB) at the Parkes telescope civilizations that emit narrow-band radiation in the 1– usesthe‘Heimdall’realtimedataprocessingpipeline. A 2 GHz band with an equivalent isotropically radiated robotic system in the radio, that operates as long as power (EIRP) of ∼1.5×1013 W. a supported receiver is available, can radically increase Whether ETI would set up beacons for the benefit of the time available on the sky and lead to discoveries of curious radio astronomers in other civilizations is un- fast transients such as RRATs and FRBs. Realtime de- tection has the advantage of being able to trigger other telescopes that are geographically separated and oper- 1 http://vlite.nrao.edu/ ate at other frequencies, as exemplified by Keane et al. 2 NotetheerrorinthesensitivitycalculationinSiemionetal. (2013), and the values reported in their Table 3: Their charac- teristic sensitivity should be ∼2×10−22 erg s−1 cm−2, and the exponentinfootnote(d)intheirTable3shouldbe−22. 3 https://sites.google.com/site/publicsuperb/ 4 Chennamangalam et al. (2016), whereas offline analysis of data usually results sui et al. 2015). Since FRBs are non-repeating/highly in a latency of days to months. The ability to follow up intermittent, increasing the amount of observing time detected events within hours or days is critical to the availablewillallowmoretobedetected, enablingabet- identification of potential afterglows or other indicators ter understanding of these events. of the same event at different wavelengths, helping shed 1.3. SETIBURST light on the location of, and the physics behind these exotic sources. Keeping in mind the aforementioned scientific mo- FRBs are broadband radio pulses with observed tivations, we have designed, developed, and de- widthsoftheorderofafewmilliseconds. Duetothena- ployed SETIBURST, an automated, commensal, re- ture of the dispersion caused by the ionized ISM, lower altime multi-science backend for the Arecibo tele- frequency components of the pulse are delayed much cope. SETIBURST has two plug-in applications: morethanthehigherfrequencycomponents. Thisdelay SERENDIP VI (referred to as ‘S6’ henceforth), the is quantified in terms of the dispersion measure (DM), latest in the SERENDIP series of SETI spectrome- which, for FRBs, is greater than that contributed by ters,andALFABURST,afasttransientsearchpipeline. the ISM of the Galaxy, indicating an extragalactic ori- SETIBURST performs commensal processing of signals gin. The millisecond time scale of the pulse implies a from the 1.4 GHz seven-beam Arecibo L-band Feed Ar- compact object progenitor. Due to the fact that all re- ray6(ALFA)receiver. ALFAisArecibo’sworkhorsesur- ported FRBs have been detected using single-dish ra- vey receiver, being used for such large-scale surveys as dio telescopes that have wide beams, localization, and the Pulsar ALFA (PALFA) survey (Cordes et al. 2006), hence, association with sources at other wavelengths, which has so far resulted in the discovery of 145 pul- has proven to be a challenge. Therefore, a conclusive sars and one FRB (Cordes et al. 2006; Lazarus et al. explanation of what FRBs are has remained elusive, 2015;Spitleretal.2014);theGalacticALFAContinuum with various theories being proposed. Extragalactic- TransitSurvey(GALFACTS;see,forexample,Taylor& origintheoriesthatpositcataclysmicexplosionsinclude Salter2010);andtheAreciboGalaxyEnvironmentSur- the gravitational collapse of supramassive neutron stars vey(AGES;see,forexample,Auldetal.2006). ALFAis (Falcke&Rezzolla2014)andbinaryneutronstarmerg- well-suited for an FRB survey at Arecibo given that all ers (Totani 2013). Extragalactic-origin theories that except the Green Bank FRB were detected at 1.4 GHz. predict repetition include giant-pulse-emitting pulsars Being a survey receiver with multiple beams, ALFA is (see, for example, Lyutikov et al. 2016), flaring magne- suited for SETI surveys as well. tars (Popov & Postnov 2013, for instance), and Alfv´en 2. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION wings around planetary companions to pulsars (Mottez &Zarka2014). ThereisatleastoneGalactic-originthe- SETIBURST is a heterogeneous instrument, i.e., ory (that also predicts pulse repetition) wherein these it uses Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) bursts originate in flare stars, and are dispersed by the and HPC machines equipped with Graphics Process- stellar corona (Loeb et al. 2014). A resolution of the ing Units (GPUs). Heterogeneous instruments have in- mystery has been made complicated by two recent dis- creased in popularity in astronomical signal processing coveries, namely, that of FRB 150418 which has been applications in recent years (see, for example, DuPlain claimed to be associated with a slow radio transient in etal.2008;Woods2010),astheycombinethehighband- an elliptical galaxy interpreted to be an afterglow of a width capabilities of FPGAs with the features, flexibil- cataclysmic, non-repeating event (Keane et al. 2016), ity, and ease of programming of GPUs. The network and that of FRB 121102 which has been shown to re- switch has the potential to act as a datahubinto which peat (Spitler et al. 2014, 2016)4. HPC backends may be plugged in, enabling multiple si- Eighteen FRBs have been reported in published liter- multaneous experiments. ature5 (Petroff et al. 2016). All reported FRBs except Figure 1 shows the high-level architecture of the sys- two were discovered using the Parkes telescope. The tem. The digital system processes signals from the exceptions were discovered using the Arecibo telescope ALFAreceiver. ALFAisaseven-beamsystemthatoper- (Spitleretal.2014)andtheGreenBankTelescope(Ma- atesinthe1225–1525MHzrange,withthesevenbeams arranged in a hexagonal pattern. Each beam is approx- imately 3.5(cid:48) wide. The receiver has a cold sky system 4Indevelopmentspublishedduringthelatestagesofthereview temperature of ∼30 K. The central beam has a gain of processofthismanuscript,therepeatingsourceFRB121102has ∼11KJy−1,withtheperipheralbeamshavingaslightly been shown to be associated with an extragalactic source (Chat- terjeeetal.2017). 5 http://www.astronomy.swin.edu.au/pulsar/frbcat/ 6 http://www.naic.edu/alfa/ SETIBURST 5 lowergain. SomeofthesidelobesoftheALFAbeamsare and to reduce the output data rate, we pare the band sensitiveaswell,withthepeakofthesesidelobeshaving down to 2560 channels (corresponding to a bandwidth alossofonly−8.5dB,i.e.,thegainatthesidelobepeak of 280 MHz) and these are packetized. The complex is only (1/7)th of that at boresight of the central beam. samples at the output of the PFB are packetized into Theadvantageofthisisthatithastheeffectofincreas- 1296-byte-long User Datagram Protocol (UDP) pack- ing the area on the sky, and the disadvantages include ets. Fig. 2 shows the S6 packet format. Each packet increased uncertainty in localization and poor fidelity contains an 8-byte header that contains a 48-bit spec- inthemeasurementofthespectralindicesofFRBsthat trum counter, a 12-bit field indicating the first channel mayhavebeenpickedupinthesesidelobes(Spitleretal. inthepacket(denotedbyP inFig.2),anda4-bitbeam 2014). S6uses280MHzofALFA’s300MHzbandwidth, identifierthattakesonvaluesintherange0–6(denoted while ALFABURST, in its current version, supports a by B in Fig. 2). The spectrum count is used at the re- bandwidth of 56 MHz. ceiver (HPC) for packet loss checking. Each packet also consistsofa64-bitfooterthatcontainsa32-bitcyclicre- 2.1. FPGA Gateware dundancy check (CRC) for error detection on the HPC. The 14 intermediate frequency (IF) signals from The bytes that make up these packets are transmitted ALFA (one per polarization per beam) are split be- in network byte order. fore being distributed to various backends at the ob- For ALFABURST, polyphase channelization is fol- servatory. SETIBURST hardware taps into these split lowed by computation of pseudo-Stokes values XX∗, signals, and digitizes them. The hardware consists YY∗,Re(XY∗)andIm(XY∗)(each16bitswide),where of two ROACH27 FPGA boards, each equipped with X and Y are the Fourier representations of the two po- two 1 Gsps ADC16x250-88 Analog-to-Digital Convert- larizations,andX∗ andY∗ aretheirrespectivecomplex ers (ADCs). The first board (denoted by ‘ROACH2 conjugates. Note that full-Stokes values can be com- A’ in Figure 1) processes beams 0 through 3, while puted from these values. The spectra are then time- the second ROACH2 board (‘ROACH2 B’) processes integrated by a factor of 14, with a resulting time reso- beams 4 through 6. The ADCs first sample the data lution of 128 µs. The spectra are then packetized into at 896 MHz and digitizes it to 8 bits. The FPGA UDPpackets,andtransmittedover10GbE.Toconform gateware uses a polyphase filter bank (PFB) to chan- to the Ethernet ‘jumbo frame’ standard, each packet nelize the data to 4096 channels, with a resulting time needs to be not more than 9000 bytes long. Therefore, resolution of 9.143 µs. The PFB is implemented us- for each beam, the 4096-channel spectrum is split into ing the standard CASPER9 blocks pfb fir real10 and foursub-bands,eachcontaining1024channels,withone fft wideband real11. The prefiltering uses 4taps, and sub-band per packet. Fig. 3 shows the ALFABURST theco-efficientsaretheproductofasincfunctionanda packet format. In addition to the data, the UDP pay- Hamming window. load also contains a 64-bit header that includes a 48-bit The bandpass is split into eight sub-bands, which integration count, a one-byte sub-band identifier that are packetized separately, each addressed to a differ- takesonvaluesintherange0–3(denotedbySinFig.3), ent HPC pipeline, and transmitted over 10-Gigabit and a one-byte beam identifier that takes on values in Ethernet (10GbE). The packetization mechanism as- therange0–6(denotedbyB inFig.3). Theintegration signs a different IP address to packets sent to different count, along with the sub-band identifier allows us to HPC nodes, using IP addresses stored in software regis- check for missing packets on the receiving (HPC) side. ters on the ROACH2 boards, that are programmable The integration count, along with a timestamp of when at run-time. Each HPC node runs two software in- that count was reset to zero – which is read from else- stances/pipelines for all beams and polarizations (see wherebytheHPCsoftware–allowsustogetthetimes- §2.2). Even though our digitization scheme results in tamp of each packet. Each packet also consists of a a bandwidth of 448 MHz, ALFA has a bandwidth of footer similar to the one in S6. As in the case of S6, only300MHz. Toremovechannelswithnoinformation bytes are transmitted in network byte order. 2.2. SERENDIP VI Software 7 ‘Reconfigurable Open Architecture Computing Hardware 2’; The UDP packets that are transmitted by the FPGA http://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/ROACH2 are forwarded to appropriate nodes in the HPC clus- 8 http://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/ADC16x250-8 ter by a Juniper Networks EX4500-LB 10GbE switch. 9 CollaborationforAstronomySignalProcessingandElectron- The S6 HPC cluster consists of five server-class com- icsResearch: https://casper.berkeley.edu puters – one ‘head node’, and four ‘compute nodes’, as 10 https://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/Pfb fir real showninFigure1. Eachcomputenodeisequippedwith 11 https://casper.berkeley.edu/wiki/Fft wideband real two Mellanox MCX312A-XCBT 10GbE network inter- 6 Chennamangalam et al. Telescope status Redis DB Head Node AONET Switch s e d No BB22--XY ADCs B0-6 ute BB11--YX B0-6 Comp B3-X B0-6 B3-Y 2 B0-X B0-6 1 3 B0-Y ROACH2 A S6 Cluster 0 6 4 5 BB44--XY 10GbE Switch BB66--YX B0,B1 Head Node ALFA Receiver B2,B3 B5-X B5-Y B4,B5 Cs B6 AD des No e ut mp ROACH2 B Co AB Cluster Figure 1. Simplifiedhigh-levelarchitectureoftheSETIBURSTsystem. Bothpolarizations(denotedbyX andY)ofallALFA beams(denotedbyB0−B6)areprocessedbytwoROACH2FPGAboardsanddistributedtocomputenodesthrougha10GbE swith. ‘AB’ stands for ALFABURST in this diagram. The setup is described in detail in §2. Figure 2. TheSERENDIPVIpacketformat,asdescribedin§2.1. EachUDPpayloadis1296byteslong,withan8-byteheader and an 8-byte footer. The 12-bit field denoted by P indicates the first channel of this packet, and the 4-bit field denoted by B contains the beam identifier. Bytes are transmitted in left-to-right, top-to-bottom order, i.e., in network byte order. face cards (NICs) that receive data from the 10GbE and processing. HASHPIPE is a multi-threaded data switch. Each compute node is a dual-socket, dual-GPU transport framework that moves high-bandwidth input machine equipped with RAID data disks. We use com- data from the 10GbE NICs through a series of shared mercial gaming GPUs, namely NVIDIA GeForce GTX memory ring buffers and signal-processing threads, all 780 Ti cards. the way to writing the output to disk. HASHPIPE S6usestheHASHPIPE12softwarefordataacquisition is designed with a modular architecture so that user- 12 High Availability Shared Pipeline Engine; Available upon request. SETIBURST 7 Figure 3. TheALFABURSTpacketformat,asdescribedin§2.1. EachUDPpayloadis8208byteslong,withan8-byteheader and an 8-byte footer. The integration count and the sub-band identifier, denoted by S, together make it possible to check for missing packets. B is the beam identifier. Bytes are transmitted in left-to-right, top-to-bottom order, i.e., in network byte order. supplied modules may be plugged in to perform certain events, where n is the number of channels in our range ν tasks. The first module that interfaces with the NIC of interest, n is the number of time samples, n is the t b is the ‘network thread’. The network thread reads data number of beams, and n is the number of polariza- p fromtheNIC,checksformissingpackets,andwritesthe tions, foraS/N of20, weexpecttodetect∼0.01events data to the first shared memory ring buffer. The next in each block used in the coincidence rejection compar- thread,the‘GPUthread’,readsthatdataandperforms ison. In reality, however, the statistics are dominated fine channelization. Each of the 4096 channels that ar- by RFI, and the actual number of detected events is rive from the FPGA are channelized into 131072 chan- much larger. Figure 4 shows the performance of this nels by the GPU, with a resulting frequency resolution RFI rejection technique, applied to one polarization in of ∼0.8 Hz and time resolution of 1.198 s. This data one pipeline instance. We note that these plots reflect is then written to the next shared memory ring buffer a work in progress, and additional techniques necessary where it is read by the next thread, the ‘CPU thread’. to identify bona fide candidates are discussed elsewhere The CPU thread performs thresholding as follows: To (Gajjar et al., in preparation). estimate the mean power level of spectra, this thread Inadditiontothesignalprocessingsoftwarethatruns boxcar averages each spectrum with a window of length on the compute nodes, the S6 HPC system maintains 1024channels, andcomputesthemeanofthesmoothed a Redis key-value store on the head node. This is a spectrum. Channelsthathavevalues20timesthemean database that is constantly updated with the status are considered events of interest, which we term ‘hits’. of the telescope, read from the Arecibo observatory’s We note that the power spectra follow a χ2 distribu- network, through a separate network switch (termed tion with 2 degrees of freedom, such that the mean and ‘AONET switch’ in Figure 1). The information main- rootmeansquare(RMS)areequal. Therefore,theratio tained in the database includes the receiver in use, of the detected power in a given channel to the mean IF frequencies, and pointing and timing information, power level is a measure of S/N in that channel. The among others. hits are stored as a function of time, frequency, and sky As part of deployment and commissioning, we con- coordinates in a FITS file on disk. ductedvariousteststoverifythefunctioningofthesys- S6 alsoutilizes multi-beamcoincidence RFIrejection. tem. The primary end-to-end test involved injecting a Individual hits from one beam are checked for coinci- testsignalwithbandwidth<0.8HzintotheIF,andre- dence hits in the other beams. If hits are found within covering that signal at the expected level in the output 25000frequencychannels(correspondingto∼20.9kHz) data. on either side of the event’s channel, and five samples (corresponding to 5.99 s) on either side in time, across 2.3. ALFABURST Software two or more beams, they are flagged as RFI. These fre- TheALFABURSTHPCclusterisverysimilartothat quency and time spans, and our S/N of 20, are chosen ofS6. Itismadeupofoneheadnodeandfourcompute empirically based on the prevailing average RFI condi- nodes. Themaindifferencesarethateachcomputenode tionsonsiteandourneedtoensurethatpotentialastro- is equipped with a single Mellanox MCX312A-XCBT physicalsignalsareretainedashits. Assuminganexpo- 10GbENICthatreceivesUDPpacketsfromthe10GbE nential distribution of hit S/N giving us n n n n e−20 ν t b p switch, and uses NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN GPU 8 Chennamangalam et al. 104 102 Beam 1 Beam 1 Beam 2 Beam 2 Beam 3 Beam 3 Beam 4 Beam 4 103 Beam 5 Beam 5 Beam 6 Beam 6 Beam 7 Beam 7 s s Hit Hit er of 102 er of 101 b b m m u u N N 101 100 100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 20 25 30 35 40 Relative Power (DETPOW/MEANPOW) Relative Power (DETPOW/MEANPOW) Figure 4. Histograms of the ratio of detected power (‘DETPOW’) and mean power (‘MEANPOW’) in a coincidence rejection comparison block (see §2.2) of a typical SERENDIP VI multi-beam data. This particular data comes from one of the system’s 34 MHz sub-bands processed by a single pipeline instance, centred at 1252 MHz, spanning ∼800 seconds. The left panel shows thepowerdistributionbeforeRFIrejection,andtherightpanelshowsthepowerdistributionaftertheapplicationofmulti-beam RFI rejection that removes events that are found in two or more beams that are similar in frequency and time. cards that have a larger memory than those used in S6, thesoftwareservestheKarastergiouetal.(2015)survey necessitatedbyALFABURSTsignalprocessingrequire- sufficiently,thespecificationsofALFABURSTaremuch ments. more stringent, with a larger number of channels and a The ALFABURST head node queries the S6 Redis muchlargerbandwidth. Thesoftwareinitscurrentform database at a cadence of once per minute, checking isnotdesignedtoprocesstheentireALFAbandwidthat which receiver is at the focus. When an observer selects the native time resolution provided by the FPGA gate- the ALFA receiver, the corresponding value is updated ware. Wethereforeprocessonlyabandwidthof56MHz, intheRedisdatabase. ThisisdetectedbyALFABURST andintegratetheincomingspectrawitharesultingtime anddataacquisitionisinitiated. Whileobservationisin resolutionof256µs. Wenotethatthenarrowestknown progress,theheadnodecontinuestoquerythedatabase FRB has a width of 350 µs (Petroff et al. 2016), so the for changes to telescope state. Data acquisition is ter- choice of time resolution is reasonable in this regard. minated when ALFA stops being the selected receiver. The first stage in the signal processing pipeline is The compute nodes run the ALFABURST software the computation of full-Stokes values from the pseudo- data acquisition pipeline instances. Three of the com- Stokes values in the packets following pute nodes process data from two ALFA beams each, I=XX∗+YY∗, and therefore, run two instances of the software. The Q=XX∗−YY∗, remaining node processes the seventh ALFA beam, and runs a single instance of the pipeline. The software ar- U=2Re(XY∗), and chitecturefollowsaclient-servermodel,wheretheserver V =−2Im(XY∗). receives incoming data from the 10GbE NIC, fills data Thesearchprocessrequiresonlythetotalpower(Stokes corresponding to missing packets with zeros, and for- I), but it is worth saving the other Stokes parameters wards the data to the client. The client is modular by forpolarizationstudiesofanydetectedFRB.Inourcur- design,witheachmodulehandlingonelogicalsignalpro- rent implementation, we do not store the other Stokes cessing stage. The ALFABURST data transport frame- work and signal processing system13 are based on the parameters, but this will be supported in future ver- sions of the software. Stokes computation is followed ARTEMIS fast transient search software developed for by the signal processing stages involved in searching for arecently-concludedsurveyattheUKstationoftheLO- FRBs. The following discussion briefly describes these FAR telescope (Karastergiou et al. 2015). Even though signal processing steps; for details, we refer the reader to Karastergiou et al. (2015). 13 Thesoftwareisavailableuponrequest. Since searching for FRBs involves correcting for the unknown dispersion delay introduced by the ISM, the SETIBURST 9 major signal processing operation involves dedispersing center frequency in MHz, and ∆ν is the bandwidth in the data over a range of trial DMs. We call this process MHz (Lorimer & Kramer 2005). For a nominal center the dedispersion transform, converting dynamic spec- frequency of 1375 MHz, our experimental setup yields tra (frequency versus time versus power) to a set of δDM ≈ 1.4 cm−3 pc. As our fixed step size, we have dedispersed time series (DM versus time versus power). chosen1cm−3 pc,whichresultsinnolossinsensitivity. Dedispersion involves summing the data over all fre- The dedispersion transform step is followed by quencychannels,soitisimportanttoremovethedataof smoothing of the dedispersed time series. Each time strongRFIthatwouldotherwiseresultinalargenumber series is decimated by factors of 2 to 16, in powers of 2. of false positives. Accordingly, the data goes through This is a matched filtering operation meant to increase the RFI clipper module. The RFI clipper implements the sensitivity of the search to pulses of varying widths. an adaptive thresholding algorithm (Karastergiou et al. We note that the decimation is performed block-wise 2015) that takes into account the non-flat nature of the in the current implementation, as opposed to using a bandpassandthetime-varyingbaseline,andnormalizes running window. Compared to doing true matched fil- theoutputtohaveameanof0andastandarddeviation tering, i.e., using a running window, this has the effect √ of 1. of reducing the net sensitivity by a factor of 2 (Keane Following RFI removal and spectrum normalizaton, & Petroff 2015). All time series are then subject to a the data undergoes the dedispersion transform. Being sensitivity threshold of 10 times the noise RMS. We do the most compute-intensive operation, this is run on notexplicitlycomputetheRMSofthedata. Bydesign, the GPU, and is implemented in Compute Unified De- the RFI clipper outputs spectra with a standard devia- vice Architecture (CUDA)14. The dedispersion module tion of 1, so we take the RMS to be the square root of is based on the Astro-Accelerate code developed by Ar- the number of channels that are summed during dedis- mour et al. (2012). The dedispersion transform is per- persion. Events that cross the threshold are saved to formed on data resident in buffers 32768 samples long. a candidates list that is written to disk, along with the Atthecurrently-usedtimeresolutionof256µs,thiscor- RFI-removed filterbank data corresponding to the data responds to a duration of ∼8.4 s. Temporal continuity buffer the event was found in. Fig. 5 is a schematic of acrossbuffersismaintainedbyreusingthelastn the aforementioned operations. maxshift time samples from the previous buffer, where n Observations are followed by the generation of diag- maxshift is the number of time samples in the lowest frequency nostic plots of threshold-crossing event S/N as a func- channel to be ‘shifted’, corresponding to the maximum tion of time and DM. In the current scheme, plots are DM. If downstream processing results in a detection, automatically generated once a day, around noon local data from the buffer which contains the pulse is saved time. This makes plots available within a few hours of to disk for later inspection. recordingofthesignal. Webpagescontainingtheseplots We perform an incoherent dedispersion search over a are automatically generated and made available using a DM range of [0, 2560] cm−3 pc. The maximum DM webserver15. Beyondthisstage,dataanalysisismanual among all known FRBs is ∼1629 cm−3 pc (Champion in nature. Plots are inspected visually, and interesting et al. 2016), so our upper limit is a reasonable choice. events are followed up by examining the saved filter- Even though the optimal DM step size is non-uniform bank data. For pulses that are seen in the filterbank across the DM range of interest (Cordes & McLaugh- data, we compare the pointing information and DM to lin 2003), it is simpler to implement a fixed step size as the entries in the ATNF Pulsar Catalogue16 (Manch- is done in Armour et al. (2012), thereby oversampling ester et al. 2005) to check whether they correspond to the DM space at larger values, and, depending upon known pulsars. the step size, possibly undersampling the DM space at Commissioning tests of the system were conducted smaller values. Undersampling the DM space implies from March to August 2015. Fig. 6 shows the results the use of trial DMs that are offset from the true val- of one of our commissioning observations, wherein we ues, and this leads to pulse broadening, resulting in a observed the pulsar B0611+22 in beam 1. We obtained loss in sensitivity. The smallest step size in an incoher- detectionswhoseS/N peakedaround97cm−3 pc,asex- entdedispersionsearchrequiredtominimizethislossin pected for the test pulsar. To verify the functionality of sensitivity is the system further, we compared the number of events wedetectedtothatobtainedbyapplyingthesameS/N δDM=1.205×10−7 t ν3/∆ν cm−3 pc, (1) samp where t is the sampling interval in ms, ν is the samp 15 http://www.naic.edu/~alfafrb/ 16 http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/pulsar/psrcat/ 14 http://www.nvidia.com/object/cuda home new.html 10 Chennamangalam et al. Pseudo-Stokes ple fields spread in right ascension across the northern Data sky(Auldetal.2006). Mostfieldsareabout5×4sq.deg. in size. Each pointing in the survey has a dwell time of Stokes 300 s. AGES is expected to observe for about 350 hr. Computation over the coming year (R. Minchin, private communica- tion). AGESpointingsaremostlyawayfromtheGalac- tic plane, and therefore, are conducive to a search for extragalactic FRBs. RFI Excision 3.2. SERENDIP VI Sensitivity For a narrow band signal in a single polarization, the minimumdetectableflux,inWm−2,ofasignalthathas width less than the channel bandwidth ∆f Hz is given Dedispersion by Transform (cid:114) ∆f F =σS , (2) sys t where σ is the threshold S/N, S is the system equiv- sys alent flux density (SEFD) in Jy, and t is the integration Matched Filtering time in s. We use a detection threshold of 20-σ, which has been determined empirically, based on the RFI environment at the site. Given that the boresight SEFD of ALFA is 2.73Jy,forourthresholdS/N,foranintegrationtimeof Thresholding 1.198 s, with a channel bandwidth of ∼0.8 Hz, the min- imum detectable flux is ∼4.6×10−25 W m−2, or ∼55 Jy across a channel. Candidates As an example of a transmitter, we consider the case of the 2380 MHz transmitter of the Arecibo Planetary Figure 5. SignalprocessingstagesoftheALFABURSTsoft- Radar, which is frequently used to determine the orbits warepipeline. Thededispersiontransformisimplementedon ofnear-Earthasteroids. IthasanEIRPof∼2×1013 W. GPUs. Our sensitivity is high enough to detect similar trans- mitters up to a distance of ∼60 pc. However, this en- thresholdtoatimeseriesthatwasdedispersedusingthe ergetics comparison is strictly for illustrative purposes. SIGPROC17 software, which is a standard pulsar data The detectability and decoding of terrestrial analogs at processing package, yielding a match. interstellar distances is a complex topic (see Sullivan et al. 1978) and is not addressed here. 3. COMMENSAL SURVEYS 3.1. Sky Coverage 3.3. ALFABURST Sensitivity TheS6andALFABURSTsurveyspiggybackonongo- Following the radiometer equation (see, for example, ing Arecibo surveys, specifically the PALFA and AGES Lorimer & Kramer 2005), the threshold flux density of surveys. PALFA is a survey for pulsars and fast tran- a single pulse search, sients (Cordes et al. 2006), and has so far resulted in σS S = sys , (3) thediscoveryof145pulsarsandoneFRB(Lazarusetal. min (cid:112) n ∆fW p 2015;Spitleretal.2014). Beingapulsarsurvey,PALFA where σ is the threshold S/N, S is the SEFD, n is emphasizes coverage of the Galactic plane. PALFA sys p pointings are towards the inner Galaxy (32◦ (cid:46) l (cid:46) 77◦; the number of polarizations, ∆f is the bandwidth in |b| < 5◦) and the outer Galaxy (168◦ (cid:46) l (cid:46) 214◦; MHz, and W is the pulse width in ms. In the absence of RFI, the choice of S/N threshold for a single pulse |b| < 5◦), with dwell times of 268 s and 180 s, respec- search is rather straightforward. If we assume Gaussian tively. PALFAhasbeenallocated230hr. overthecom- statistics, thenumberofeventscrossingthethresholdσ ing year. is AGES is an extragalactic HI survey, observing multi- N(>σ)≈2n θn , (4) samp DM where n is the number of time samples, n is the samp DM 17 http://sigproc.sourceforge.net/ number of DM channels, and θ is the probability of