Weedy Setaria Seed Life History Jack Dekker Weed Biology Laboratory Agronomy Department Iowa State University Ames, Iowa 50010 USA Email: [email protected] KEYWORDS: biological algorithms; bristly foxtail; communication theory; community assembly; complex adaptive systems; complexity; emergent behavior; giant foxtail; green foxtail; information theory; knotroot foxtail; phenotypic plasticity; plant model system; seed biology; seed dormancy; seed germinability; seed germination; seed heteroblasty; seed polymorphism; seedling emergence; seedling recruitment; self-organization; self-similarity; Setaria faberi; Setaria geniculata; Setaria italica; Setaria pumila; Setaria verticillata; Setaria viridis; Shannon communication system; somatic polymorphism; weed biology; weed model system; yellow foxtail Summary. The nature of weeds is a complex adaptive, soil-seed communication system. The nature of weedy Setaria life history is an adaptable, changeable system in which complex behaviors emerge when self-similar plant components self-organize into functional traits possessing biological information about spatial structure and temporal behavior. The nature of the weedy Setaria is revealed in the physical (morphological and genetic spatial structures) and the phenomenal (life history behavior instigated by functional traits). Structural self-similarity in morphology is revealed in seed envelope compartmentalization and individual plant tillering; in genetics by local populations and Setaria species-associations forming the global metapopulation. Behavioral self-organization is revealed in the self-pollenating mating system controlling genetic novelty, seed heteroblasty blueprinting seedling recruitment, and phenotypic plasticity and somatic polymorphism optimizing seed fecundity. The weedy Setaria phenotype can be described in terms of the spatial structure of its seed and plant morphology, and by its genotypes and population genetic structure. This spatial structure extends from the cells and tissues of the embryo axes, the surrounding seed envelopes, the individual seed and then plant, the local deme, and ending with the aggregation of local populations forming the global metapopulation. Setaria plant spatial structure is the foundation for emergent life history behavior: self-similar timing of life history processes regulated by functional traits expressed via environment-plant communication. Temporal life history behavior begins in anthesis, fertilization and embryogenesis; development continues with inflorescence tillering, seed dispersal in space and time, and resumption of embryo growth with seedling emergence. Setaria life history behavior is a Markov chain of irreversible (dormancy induction; seed dispersal, 1 germination, seedling emergence, neighbor interactions) and reversible (seed after-ripening, dormancy re-induction) processes of seed-plant state changes (flowering plants, dormant seed, seed germination candidate, germinated seed, seedling) regulated by morpho-physiological traits acting through environment-plant communication systems (environment-plant-seed, soil-seed). Heritable functional traits are the physical reservoirs of information guiding life history development, emergent behavior. Information contained in structural and behavioral traits is communicated directly between soil environment and seed during development. Functional traits controlling seed-seedling behavior are physical information that has evolved in ongoing communication between organism and environment leading to local adaption. The consequence of structural self-similarity and behavioral self-organization has been the evolution of a complex adaptive seed-soil communication system. Weedy Setaria life history is represented in algorithmic form as FoxPatch, a model to forecast seed behavior. The environment-biological informational system with which weedy Setaria life history unfolds is represented in the soil- seed communication system. CONTENTS 1. The nature of weed seeds and seedlings 1.1 Weed complexity 1.2 Biological communication 1.3 The general nature of weeds, the specific nature of weedy Setaria 2. The nature of weedy Setaria seed-seedling life history 2.1 Seed-seedling life history 2.2 The nature of Setaria: spatial structure and temporal behavior 2.3 Setaria model system of exemplar species 3. Setaria spatial structure 3.1 Plant morphological structure 3.2 Plant genetic structure 4. Setaria seed-seedling life history behavior 4.1 Life history behaviors: functions, traits and information 4.2 Seed formation and dormancy induction 4.3 Seed rain dispersal 4.4 Seed behavior in the soil 4.5 Seedling recruitment 5. Setaria seed life history as complex adaptive soil-seed communication system 5.1 Forecasting Setaria seed behavior: FoxPatch 5.2 Setaria soil-seed communication system 5.3 Seed memory and adaptive evolution 6. References Cited 2 1. THE NATURE OF WEED SEEDS AND SEEDLINGS “Present knowledge of the behavior of invading species, both successful and unsuccessful, suggests that it is in phases of germination and seedling establishment that their success or failure is most critically determined and it would seem reasonable therefore, to look particularly closely at seeds and seedlings of invading species. The considerations set out in this paper lead one to expect that it is in properties such as seed number, seed size, seed polymorphisms, and precise germination requirements that the most sensitive reactions of a species to an alien environment are likely to occur.” (Harper, 1964) The nature of weeds is a complex adaptive system. Weed life history is an adaptable, changeable system in which complex behaviors emerge as a consequence of structural self- similarity and behavioral self-organization. The nature of weeds is an environment-biology communication system. Biology is information. Information comes via evolution, an ongoing exchange between organism and environment. Information is physical. Biology is physical information with quantifiable complexity. 1.1 WEED COMPLEXITY "The plant population that is found growing at a point in space and time is the consequence of a catena of past events. The climate and the substrate provide the scenery and the stage for the cast of plant and animal players that come and go. The cast is large and many members play no part, remaining dormant. The remainder act out a tragedy dominated by hazard, struggle and death in which there are few survivors. The appearance of the stage at any moment can only be understood in relation to previous scenes and acts, though it can be described and, like a photograph of a point in the performance of a play, can be compared with points in other plays. Such comparisons are dominated by the scenery, the relative unchanging backcloth of the action. It is not possible to make much sense of the plot or the action as it is seen at such a point in time. Most of our knowledge of the structure and diversity of plant communities comes from describing areas of vegetation at points in time and imposing for the purpose a human value of scale on a system to which this may be irrelevant." (Harper, 1977) A complex adaptative system (CAS) is a dynamic network of many interacting adaptive agents acting in parallel (Axelrod and Cohen, 1999). The overall system behavior is a result of a huge number of decisions, made every moment, by many individual agents acting and reacting in competition and cooperation to what other agents are doing, in which control is highly dispersed and decentralized. A CAS is a complex, self-similar collectivity of interacting adaptive agents with emergent and macroscopic properties. Complex adaptive systems are open, defining system boundaries is difficult or impossible. CASs operate far from equilibrium conditions, a constant flow of energy is needed to maintain the organization of the system. CASs are living, adaptable, changeable systems in which complexity, self-similarity and self-organization occur. 3 1.1.1 Complexity Complexity arises in a system composed of many elements in an intricate arrangement. The numerous elements interact with each other by which numerous relationships are formed among the elements. The relationship among system parts is differentiated from other parts outside of system. A key principle of CAS behavior and evolution is that the basic system units are agents (e.g phenotypes, strategic traits, cells) which scan/sense/perceive their environment (opportunity spacetime, Dekker, 2011b) and develop schema/plans/traits representing interpretive and action rules (e.g. seed heteroblasty). These schema/plans/traits are subject to change and evolution. Agents are a collection of properties, strategies and capabilities for interacting with local opportunity and other agents. Agents and the complex system are adaptable, with a high degree of adaptive capacity providing resilience to disturbance. The number of elements in a CAS is large such that a conventional description is impractical, and does not assist in understanding the system (e.g. Colbach et al., 2001a, b). A second key principle of CAS behavior and evolution is that system order is emergent, not predetermined. Emergence is the way complex systems and patterns arise out of a multiplicity of relatively simple interactions. Interactions are non-linear: small causes can have large effects (e.g. pleiotropy in triazine resistant plants; Dekker, 1992, 1993). Interaction is physical or involves exchange of information. Systems emerge from the moment-to-moment decisions made by many players choosing among very many options at each time (Waldrop, 1994). Emergence is the arising of novel (even radical) and coherent structures, patterns, properties during process of self-organization in complex systems. A third key principle of CAS behavior and evolution is that system history is irreversible; the system future is unpredictable. All CASs have a history, they evolve, and their past is co-responsible for their present behavior, a Markov process. 1.1.2 Self-Similarity, Self-Affinity Complex adaptive systems exhibit self-similarity when a component, or an object of the system is exactly or approximately similar to a part of itself. In complex adaptive weed systems self-similarity is revealed in several ways. Self-similarity is expressed in phenotypic plasticity within an individual plant in response to local opportunity. Plastic responses to local opportunity includes variation in the numbers and architecture of the plant body. Similar modular plant units are repeated at several levels of spatial organization: modular shoot branching or tillering, leaves and photosynthesizing cells; modular root branches, roots, root hairs and absorptive cells. Self- similar phenotypes are expressed in the temporal population structure of a species in a local deme, as well as in the continuous interacting local-to-global populations of the species’ metapopulations. Phenotypic traits in the individual are self-similar in variants produced by parent plants to achieve slightly different strategic roles in local adaptation (e.g. seed heteroblasty). These strategic traits in turn are self-similar as preadaptations, exaptations, when those phenotypic traits confront new evolutionary situations in which function can change. 1.1.3 Self-Organization, Self-Assembly “… (there exists a) distinction between planned architecture and self-assembly.” “The key point is that there is no choreographer and no leader. Order, organization, structure – these all emerge as by-products of rules which are obeyed locally and many times over, not globally. And that is how embryology works. It is done by local rules, at various levels but especially the level of the single cell. No choreographer. No conductor of the orchestra. No central planning. No architect. In the field of 4 development, or manufacture, the equivalent of this kind of programming is self- assembly.” (Dawkins, 2009) Self-organization in complex adaptive systems is the process wherein a structure or global pattern emerges in a system solely from numerous local parallel interactions among lower level components. Self-organization is achieved by elements distributed throughout the system, without planning imposed by a central authority or external coordinator. The rules specifying interactions among components are executed using only local information (without reference to global patterns). It relies on multiple interactions exhibiting strong dynamical non-linearity; it may involve positive and negative feedback, and a balance of exploitation and exploration. Self- organization is observed in coherence or correlation of the integrated wholes within the system that maintain themselves over some period of time. There exists a global or macro property of “wholeness” (Corning, 2002). 1.2 BIOLOGICAL COMMUNICATION "What lies at the heart of every living thing is not a fire, not a warm breath, not a 'spark of life'. It is information, words, instructions ... If you want to understand life, don't think about vibrant, throbbing gels and oozes, think about information technology." (Dawkins, 1986). The nature of weeds is an environment-biology communication system. Biology is information. Evolution itself embodies an ongoing exchange of information between organism and environment. For biology, information comes via evolution; what evolves is information in all its forms and transforms. Information is physical. Biology is physical information with quantifiable (Kolmogorov) complexity. The gene is not the information-carrying molecule, the gene is the information. Information in biological systems can be studied. An important problem in science is to discover another language of biology, the language of information in biological systems. "The information circle becomes the unit of life. It connotes a cosmic principle of organization and order, and it provides an exact measure of that." (Loewenstein, 1999). This information circle for weedy plants is the predictable developmental events of the annual life history. Information theory was developed by Claude E. Shannon (Shannon and Weaver, 1949) to find fundamental limits on signal processing operations such as compressing data and on reliably storing and communicating data. Since its inception it has broadened to find applications in statistical inference, networks (e.g. evolution and function of molecular codes, model selection in ecology) and other forms of data analysis. A communication system of any type (e.g. language, music, arts, human behavior, machine) must contain the following five elements (E) (figure 1): A Shannon communication system includes these elements, as well as the concepts of message and signal. A message is the object of communication; a vessel which provides information, it can also be this information; its meaning is dependent upon the context in which it is used. A signal is a function that conveys information about the behavior or attributes of some phenomenon in communication systems; any physical quantity exhibiting variation in time or variation in space is potentially a signal if it provides information from the source to the 5 destination on the status of a physical system, or conveys a message between observers, among other possibilities. Figure 1. Schematic diagram of Shannon information communication system (Shannon and Weaver, 1949). Communication Element Description 1 Information source entity, person or machine generating the message (characters, math function) 2 Transmitter operates on the message in some way: it converts (encodes) the message to produce a suitable signal 3 Channel the medium used to transmit the signal 4 Receiver inverts the transmitter operation: decodes message, or reconstructs it from the signal 5 Destination the person or thing at the other end CHANNEL Information Source Transmitter Receiver Destination Message Signal Received Message Signal Noise Source 1.3 THE GENERAL NATURE OF WEEDS, THE SPECIFIC NATURE OF WEEDY Setaria The nature of communities is revealed with a complete phenotype life history description of each plant species in a local community. Local plant community structure and behavior is an emergent property of its component species. Community dynamics emerges from the interacting life histories of these self-similar, self-organizing, specific components. Understanding an individual weed species in detail can provide the basis of comparison among and within weed species of a local plant community. The challenge is to discover the qualities of each member of the weed-crop community, the nature and variation of species traits used to exploit local opportunity. These insights provide a deeper, specific, understanding of biodiversity responsible for community assembly, structure and (in)stability. It is in the nature of weedy Setaria to process ambient environmental information as a communication system in the process of life history seizure and exploitation of local opportunity. The setting of weed evolution, the stage upon which diversifying evolution takes place, is a local 6 population of variable phenotypes of a weed species in a particular locality. The nature of a particular locality is defined by the opportunity spacetime available to the weed population to seize and exploit, to survive and reproduce. Opportunity spacetime for a population is the locally habitable space for an organism at a particular time. It is defined by its available resources (e.g. light, water, nutrients, gases), pervasive conditions (e.g. heat, terroir), disturbance history (e.g. tillage, herbicides, frozen winter soil), and neighboring organisms (e.g. crops, other weed species) with which it interacts (Dekker, 2011B). It is the local niche, the niche hypervolume (Hutchison, 1957). The weedy Setaria species-group provides an exemplar of widely distributed species whose complex life history behavior arises from multiple interacting traits. The specific nature of Setaria seed-seedling biology provides strong inferences of the nature of all weeds, elucidating the range of adaptations used by individual species to seize and exploit opportunity in agro-communities. 2. THE NATURE OF WEEDY Setaria SEED-SEEDLING LIFE HISTORY The nature of weedy Setaria seed-seedling life history can be described as a complex adaptive, soil-seed communication, system arising from its component functional traits. Complex seed structures and behaviors emerge as a consequence of self-organization of self- similar parts forming this adaptive soil-seed communication system. Functional traits controlling seed-seedling behavior are physical information that have evolved in ongoing communication between organism and environment leading to local adaption. The nature of weedy Setaria life history emerges when self-similar plant components self-organize into functional traits possessing biological information about spatial structure and temporal behavior. Spatial plant structure extends through the morphological (embryo to plant) and genetic (plant to metapopulation). Temporal life history behavior begins in anthesis/fertilization and embryogenesis; development continues with inflorescence tillering, seed dispersal in space and time, and resumption of embryo growth with seedling emergence. The interaction of self-similar plant components leads to functionally adapted traits, self- organization. These heritable functional traits are the physical reservoirs of information guiding life history development, emergent behavior. Information contained in structural and behavioral traits is communicated directly between seed and soil environment during development. The specific nature of Setaria is elucidated in table 1. 2.1 SEED-SEEDLING LIFE HISTORY 2.1.1 Threshold Events Several discrete, threshold events characterize Setaria summer annual life history. These threshold events provide time points allowing individual comparison in the elucidation of development. The threshold life history events begin and end with successful fertilization, continues with seed abscission, germination, and seedling emergence when the new vegetative plant develops to fertilization of new progeny. 7 Table 1. Plant structure (spatial, temporal) and emergent behavior examples of self-similar components, self-organization functional traits, and communication-information in the life history of weedy Setaria. Self-Organization: Biological Emergent Self-Similar Components Functional Traits Information Behavior SPATIAL STRUCTURE embryo induction of aleurone differential layer dormancy- seed caryopsis somatic polymorphism germinability envelopes coat capacity in hull environment- individual seeds of glumes plant-seed inflorescence Morphological seed communication spikelet system Plant inflorescence fascicle somatic polymorphism Structure panicle light capture primary phenotypic plasticity architecture tiller 2 3 individual plant local population (deme) control of genetic self-pollination mating system gene flow Genetic intra-specific variants novelty communication species associations polyploidization speciation trait dispersal for system meta-populations trait reservoir local adaptation TEMPORAL STRUCTURE time of embryogenesis of seed germination heteroblasty: environment- individual seeds on heterogeneous Seed differential development: hull, plant-seed inflorescence seed germinability formation placental pore, TACL membrane; communication time of tillering inflorescence capacity oxygen scavenger protein system branching time of abscission of invasion and colonization seed dispersal in Seed dispersal individual seeds space Life hull topography: water film seed dispersal in History oxygenation time Behavior Seed pool behavior in placental pore: water film soil-seed annual individual seeds from several soil channel oxygen dormancy- inflorescences, plants, years communication germination TACL membrane: O transport system cycling in soil 2 locally adapted Seedling oxygen scavenger: embryo O emergence emergence 2 regulation patterns Self-Similar Components Self-Organization: Functional Biological Emergent Traits Information Behavior 2.1.2 Germination and Seedling Emergence One of the most important events in a plant's life history is the time of seed germination and seedling emergence, the resumption of embryo growth and plant development. Emergence timing is crucial, it is when the individual plant assembles in the local community and begins its struggle for existence with neighbors. Resumption of growth at the right time in the community allows the plant to seize and exploit local opportunity at the expense of neighbors, allowing development to reproduction and replenishment of the local soil seed pool at abscission. Soil seed pools are the source of all future local annual weed infestations, and the source of enduring occupation of a locality. Community assembly of crops and weeds in agroecosystems, and its consequences, is a complex set of phenomena (Dekker et al., 2003). Accurate predictions of the time of weed interference, weed control tactic timing, crop yield losses due to weeds, and replenishment of 8 weed seed to the soil seed pool, require information about how agricultural communities assemble and interact. Despite attempts at description (e.g. Booth and Swanton, 2002), little is known about the rules of community assembly. Their elucidation may remain an empirically intractable problem. Despite this, there exist two opportunities to understand agroecosystem community assembly during the recruitment phase (e.g. seedling emergence) that predicate future interactions with other plants. The first advantage derives from the annual disturbance regime in agricultural fields that eliminates above ground vegetation (e.g. winter kill, tillage including seedbed preparation, early season herbicide use). Understanding community assembly is most tractable when starting each growing year with a field barren of above-ground vegetation and possessing only dormant underground propagules (e.g soil seed and bud pools), a typical situation in much of world agriculture. The second advantage derives from the observation that the time of emergence of a particular plant from the soil relative to its neighbors (i.e. crops, other weeds) is the single most important determinate of subsequent weed control tactic use, competition, crop yield losses and weed seed fecundity. Seedling recruitment is the first assembly step in these disturbed agricultural communities, and is therefore the foundation upon which all that follows is based. Information predicting recruitment therefore may be the single most important life history behavior in weed management. 2.2 THE NATURE OF Setaria: SPATIAL STRUCTURE AND TEMPORAL BEHAVIOR Any complete description of an organism includes the concept of phenotypic function, which consists of two universes: the physical (the quantitative, formal structure) and the phenomenal (qualities that constitute a 'world') (Sacks, 1998). The nature of Setaria weed seeds and seedlings is presented in this review as the story of plant spatial structure (genetic, morphological) and temporal life history behaviors, instigated by functional traits, and resulting in local adaptation and biogeography. The weedy phenotype can be described in terms of its morphological structure, the embryo and specialized structures forming the seed, and the self- similar shoot tiller architecture on which reproductive inflorescences arise. The individual, self- similar seeds, form local populations (the deme) which aggregate, self-organize, into the global metapopulation. The genetic and morphological structure provides an enduring foundation for the evolution of life history behavioral adaptation: plant functions, functional traits and regulation of function. The behavioral regulation of the Setaria phenotype is an emergent property arising from the interaction of several morpho-physiological seed compartments (embryo, caryopsis, hull, spikelet, fascicle, inflorescence tiller). The emergent property of these interacting, self-organizing, self-similar components is seed heteroblasty: the abscission of individual seeds from a panicle, each with different inherent dormancy-germination capacities. Seed heteroblasty is the physical information forming memory of successful past seedling emergence times appropriate to a locality. It is the hedge-bet for seizing and exploiting future opportunity spacetime. 2.3 Setaria MODEL SYSTEM OF EXEMPLAR SPECIES "One major biological question is how different species become unique organisms. To understand the origins of adaptation ... it is particularly useful to investigate multiple 9 species, especially when they have independently evolved an ability to prosper under similar environmental conditions. With the sequencing of the Setaria genome, evolutionary geneticists now have an annual, temperate, C , drought and cold tolerant 4 grass that they can comprehensively compare to other plants that have or have not evolved these adaptations ... particular traits were targeted ... for biotechnical improvement, namely drought tolerance, photosynthetic efficiency and flowering control. With a completed genome sequence, the door is now open for further development of Setaria as a model plant. This model can be applied to understanding such phenomena as cell wall composition, growth rate, plant architecture and input demand that are pertinent to the development of biofuel crops. In addition to its use as a panicoid model for switchgrass, pearl millet, maize and Miscanthus, Setaria has the model characteristics that will encourage its development as a study system for any biological process, with pertinence to the entire plant kingdom and beyond." (Bennetzen et al., 2012) The weedy Setaria species-group (green foxtail, S. viridis; bristly foxtail, S. verticillata; giant foxtail, S. faberi; yellow foxtail, S. pumila; knotroot foxtail, S. geniculata) (Rominger, 1962) is presented herein as a weed exemplar of a complex adaptive, soil-seed communication, system. The nature of the weedy Setaria species-group as a complex communication system is an exemplar in the sense of Kuhn (1962), "... concrete problem-solutions ...". Setaria provides a model system for seed germination, plant architecture, genome evolution, photosynthesis, and bioenergy grasses and crops. It is used "... as an experimental crop to investigate many aspects of plant architecture, genome evolution, and physiology in the bioenergy grasses ... whose genome is being sequenced by the Joint Genome Institute (JGI) of the Department of Energy.", "... it is closely related to the bioenergy grasses switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum), and pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), yet is a more tractable experimental model because of its small diploid genome ... and inbreeding nature." (Doust et al., 2009). Setaria provides a "... potentially powerful model system for dissecting C photosynthesis ..." (Brutnell et al., 2010) and "... provide novel 4 opportunities to study abiotic stress tolerance and as models for bioenergy feedstocks." (Li and Brutnell, 2011). A high-quality reference genome sequence has been generated for Setaria italica and Setaria viridis (Bennetzen et al., 2012). The weedy Setaria species-group (Darmency and Dekker, 2011; Dekker, 2003, 2004a; Dekker et al., 2012a, 2012b), S. glauca and S. verticillata (Steel et al., 1983), and S. viridis, (Douglas et al., 1985) have been reviewed. The author has collected a very large (more than 3000 accessions) Setaria spp.-gp. germplasm collection stored in the Weed Biology Laboratory, Agronomy Department, Iowa State University, Ames. It includes Japanese salt-tolerant germplasm (e.g Dekker and Gilbert, 2008), herbicide resistant biotypes (e.g. Thornhill and Dekker, 1993), systematic pre-transgenic crop era USA (notably Iowa) collections, and north temperate world populations (e.g. Wang et al., 1995a, b). 3. Setaria SPATIAL STRUCTURE 10