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Set Theory and Hierarchy Theory V PDF

352 Pages·1977·8.465 MB·English-French
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Lecture Notes ni Mathematics Edited by .A Dold and .B Eckmann 619 Set Theory dna yhcrareiH V Theory Bierutowice, Poland 1976 Edited yb .A Lachlan, .M Srebrny, dna .A Zarach galreV-regnirpS Berlin Heidelberg NewYork 1977 Editors Alistair Lachlan Department of Mathematics Simon Fraser University Burnaby 2, B.C. V5A 1S6/Canada Marian Srebrny Mathematical Institute Polish Academy of Sciences P.O. Box 137 00-950 Warszawa/Poland Andrzej Zarach Institute of Mathematics Technical University ul. VVybrze~'e Wyspiar~skiego 27 50-3?0 Wroclaw/Poland AMS Subject Classifications (1970): 02 20, B 02 25, B 02 29, F 02 H ,02 02 J05, 02K 05, 02 K10, 01 N15, 54J05 ISBN 3-540-08521-1 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg NewYork ISBN 0-387-08521-1 Springer-Verlag NewYork Heidelberg Berlin This work to is copyright. subject llA rights era ,devreser whether eht whole of or part eht lairetam si ,denrecnoc of those specifically ,noitalsnart -er ,gnitnirp of re-use ,snoitartsulli ,gnitsacdaorb reproduction yb gniypocotohp enihcam or similar ,snaem dna storage ni data .sknab rednU § 45 fo eht namreG Copyright waL where copies era edam rof rehto naht etavirp ,esu a eef si elbayap ot eht ,rehsilbup eht tnuoma fo e eefht ot eb denimreted yb tnemeerga with eht .rehsilbup © yb galreV-regnirpS Berlin grebledieH 7791 detnirP ni ynamreG gnitnirP dna Beltz binding: ,kcurdtesffO .rtsgreB/hcabsmeH 012345-0413/1412 FOREWORD This volume represents the proceedings of the Third Conference on Set Theory and Hierarchy Theory held at Bierutowice a mountain resort south-west of Poland, September 17-24, 1976. It was organized by the Mathematical Institute of the Wroc~aw Technical University. There were 62 registered participants representing 8 countries. The programme committee was: Alistair Lachlan /Canada/, Wiktor Marek /Warsaw/, Janusz Onyszkiewicz /Warsaw/, Leszek Pacholski /Wroclaw/, Marian Srebrn~ /Warsaw/, Bogdan W~glorz /Wroc~aw/, J~drzej Wierzejewski /Wroc~aw/- secretary, Andrzej Zarach /wroc~aw/ - chairman. We would like to express our appreciation to all those whose help contributed to the success of the conference. We are also grateful to all those who assisted us in giving these proceedings their present form. In particular: Gert H.~ller, Wiktor Marek, John Truss, Peter Hinman, Petr H~jek and many colleagues from Warsow and Wroc~aw who helped us considerably in the editorial task. A listair Lachlan April 1977 Marian Srebrn~ Andrze j Zarach CONTRIBUTED PAPERS : Z~Adamowicz, Constructible semi - lattices of degrees of constructibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q B.Balcar and P.Vojta~s, Refining systems on Boolean algebras .45 A. Baudisch and H. Weese, The Lindenbaum algebras of the theories of well-orderings and Abelian groups with the quantifier Q~ ....... 59 K. Bieli~ski, Extendability of structures as an infinitary property ......... • . . ........ 75 M.Boffa, A reduction of the theory of types ......... 95 L.Bukovsky', Random forcing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 J . C- nuaacek, ..v Topological problems in Alternative Set Theory..119 J.Cicho~, On the Baire propert-y of Boolean algebras ..... 135 K.~uda, The relation between ~ I procedures and the infinitely small in nonstandard methoda ....... 143 M.Diekman, Structures ~-satur@s ............. 153 R.Frankiewicz, On the inhomogenity of the set of P(m)- points of oc .......... . .169 W.Guzicki, On the projective class of the continuum hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 P.Hinman, A survey of finite-type recursion ....... . .187 L.Kirby and J.Paris, Initial segments of models of Peano's axioms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 A.Krawczyk and W.~arek, On the rules of proof generated by hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227 A.Petry, On cardinal numbers in Qu~ne's New Foundations...2~1 S.Roguski, The theory of the class HOD ............ 251 D.Seese and P.Tuschik, Construction ~f nice trees ...... 257 A.Sochor, Differential calculus in the Alternative Set Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Z.Szozepaniak, The consistency of the theory ZF 1 + L ~ HOD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 P.Tuschik, On the decidability of the theory of linear orderimgs in the Language L(Qq) .......... 291 A.Wilkie, On the theories of end-extensions of models of arithmetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 B.W@glorz, Some properties of filters ............ 311 A. Zarach, Constructibility done more constructively . . • • 329 LIST OF REGISTERED PARTICIPANTS Zofia Adamowicz Warszawa Bohuslav Balcar Praha Andreas Baudisch Berlin Konrad Bieli~ski Kielce Haurioe Boffa Mons Jan Brzuchowski Wroclaw Lev Bukovsky l Kosxce Jaroslav Chuda~ek Praha Jacek Cicho~ Wroclaw Marcel Crabbe Bruxelles Karel ~uda Praha Bern~ Dahn Berlin Max Dickmau Paris Na~gorzata Dubiel Warszawa Arleta Dylu~ Wroe ]:aw Anna Fedyszak Warszawa Ulrich Fe igner T~bimgen Adam Figura Wroc law R~szard Frankiewicz Katowice Andrzej Gutek Ka~owioe WoJciech Guzicki Warszawa Pet~ Ha~ek t . l~aha Peter ~H nman Ann Arbor Czeslawa Jakubowicz Wroclaw Andrzej Jankowski Warszawa Laurence Kirby Nanohester Stanislaw Krajewski Warszawa Adam Krawczyk Warszawa M~chal Krynick~ Warszawa Wieslaw Ku~aga Wroc taw Anna Lema~ska W~szawa ~raucis Lowenthal Brussel Wiktor Marek Warszawa Roman Murawski Pozna~ Gert .H M~ller Heidelberg Jeff Paris Manchester Bogdan Pawlik Wroc;~aw Andre Perry Lxege vlll Leszek Paoholski rW oo~.aw Zygmunt Ratajczyk Warszawa Stanislaw Roguski Wroolaw Detlef Seese Berlin El~bieta Sepko Warszawa Kostas Skandalis Wroclaw Anion Sochor ~Taha Marian Srebrny awa Warsz Yoshindo Suzuki Zbigniew Szczepaniak Wroc~aw Leslaw Szczerba Warszawa Rastislav Telgars~ Wroc~aw Jerzy Tomasik Wroclaw Peter Tuschik Berlin Anita Wasilewska Warszawa Jan Waszkiewicz Wr oc law Martin Weese Berlin Philip Welch Oxford Bogdan W~glorz Wroc~aw J~drzej Wierzejeweki Wr oc law Alex Wilkie London George Wilmers Manchester Wlodzimierz Zadroiny Wroolaw Pawel Zbierski Warszawa Andrzej Zarach Wr oc law CONSTRUCTIBLE SEi~-LATTICES OF DEGREES OF CONSTRUCTIBILITY by ZOFIA ADA~OWICZ We shall prove owt theorems : T ~ Iv~E .1 If [~ is a countable standamd model of ZFC + V = L and ~ is an upper semi-lattice in i, countable and well- founded in ,~i and ~ sa~l a greatest element ~ , then there is a model of ZFC, N, such that ~I~ N, On~ = On N and the ordering of the degrees of constructibili%y of sets of ordinals of N is isomorphic in N with ~ enlarged by a lowest element 0 • TH~ORE~I 2. If ~l is a countable standard model of ZFC + V = L and L is an upper semi-lattice in ,M well-founded in I~ and such that every initial segment of ~ of the form { ~I~I : ~ <~ ~ ) for a given ~ in I(cid:127) ~ is countable in M, then there is a model of ZF, N such that MC_ N, On M = On N and the ordering of the degress of constructibili%y of sets of ordinals of N is isomorphic in N with ~ enlarged by a lowest element 0. Evidently Theorem 2 implies Theorem .I Theorem I is formulated separately because the methods of its proof are slightly different from the derivation of Theorem 2 from Theorem .I The paper has two parts : the first devoted to the fi2st pumpose and the second ot the second. Introducti on. Let us describe briefly the idea of the proofs. The basic technique is forcing and taking symmetric submodels of generic models. In the case of Theorem 1 the top degree is represented in N by a real. Let us first describe the methods of ]lf[ used ot obtain such a real. These m~thods are refined here. In the case ef a countable lattice ~ (not necessarily finite) the refinement is inessential. In what follows we discuss not the present paper but [I] and a straightforward generalization of ]I[ for a countable lattice° The top real can eb regarded as a generic of certain perfect ,secart i.e. trees of finite sequence ramifying infinitely many times (see [I]) - this idea goes back ot Sacks [5]. Still further, one can refer ot Spector's work on a minimal Turing degree. A dif- ferent development of Spector's idea- in recursion theory- is Lachlan, Lerman [4], Lachlan- Lebeuf [3]. Other degrees are supposed ot eb represented in N by "sections" of the real representing the top degree, and thus it is more convenient ot take trees included in ( U [~I) n ( ) m instead of trees included in n m (as in Sacks [5]). The sections of a generic real C~ G 6 (m,~i) are then defined as tG~ (n) = tG(n)(~) for ~ ~ I~ • The real tG~ (by ~ we denote the ~o being the ~ ~ of ~ has the same degree as ~G" For the sake of the case where ~ has no ~ it is simpler ot dis~e~rd the function G t and ot speak only about reals t%6 m • m as they are supposed ot represent the degrees we want the forcing conditions to ensure the following (q) is ensured by the fact that the trees which we use have the following property : (~) any two branches with the same ~'th section have the same ~'th section ; thus knowing any tree in G and tG~ we knc~ G t (~) requires that in every ramification of a tree p the values of elements of p lying in ~ 'l~fI ~ should have the erty prop (i) s(~) = t(~) > s(~) = (t 0 (2) is ensured by the fact that our trees have the following property : (m~) if we fix the ~° th section of a branch, there si still freedom for the ~'th section at infin~y many arguments. Then (2) is shown by an analogue of the usual forcing argument showing that a generic real is not constructible. (~) requires than in infinitely many ramifications of a tree p there are values of elements of p lying in ~'~|~ I with the pro perry (ii) s(~) = t(~) & s(~) ~ t (~) Similarly we ensure that any G t is non-constructible. Properties (i) and (ii) lead to the idea of allowing the trees ot have, in consecutive ramifications, increasing finite subsets of ~I containing more and more pairs with the property (ii) and all having the property (i). This idea is due to Lerman (L~]). Also other properties of these finite sets are required ot ensure the being no more degrees in ~ than those of the reals t@~. They lead to a definition of an increasing sequence of finite sets (Ui)i E ~ which is to be put in ramilications of trees. Such a sequence was called by Lerman a sequential representation of~ . Lerman's notion was modified in [q] for the sake of forcing and to permit considerations of other degrees than these of reals. Hg~e we simplify Lerman's definition by requiring the sequence (Ui)iE ~ ot have a universality (embedding) property (Def.4, point (3)) which generalizes all previously required detailed properties° In addition to simplifying the definition the embedding property (3) of Def. 4 allows us to combine representations of different parts of ~ together. This idea is due to Lachlan-Lebeuf ([3]), who introduced eht notion of an embedding property. However, their formulation of an embedding property is different from ours and does net generalize otha~ properties of the sequence (Ui)iE ~ . Our reguirem~nts imposed on a sequential representation seem ot be the weakest possible. Our modification of the Lachlan-Lebeuf definition of a sequential re~esentation aims solving two new difficulties: one concerns representing a countable ~ instead of l inite and the other consists in combining together uncountably many representatiomsof p~rts of ~ in Part 2, instead of countably many representations as in Lachlan-Lebeuf [3]. ~ortunately ~e can ensure all the required properties of the sets i U in the case oi a countable ~ in conntably many steps and thus we can define a Sequence (Ui)iE~ - there is on deep dll ference from the case of a finite,C. We have thus closed the discussion fo sequential re~esentations. The trees that we have bee~ men~io~ing are aezined in this paper as "pre-conditions" Des. 5 and in [I] as conditions. Row forget that they are not conditions aere a~d regard them as conditions. Also regard ~/ as .)G(~: tsoi~i of the properties of pre-conditions that are needed are i~idden in the properties of the representation of ~ • (i) follows i rom (2) 2 Def. and also froi~ (3) Dez. .5 In contra- distinction ~o Sacks [5] the trees ramify at even levels (property (2) De2.5) for the sake o± more symmetry and thus less complication. ]~zoperty (4) ~el.5 is formulated for a "iusion iemma" formulat- ed as Lemma .4 The cumbersome technique o± the paper si bound with the proper- ties of pre-conditions. What we want o~ show is the following : ii ~ x ~/ is a set of ordinals and ~ is the least element of~ suah that x6L[t G ] then tG~ ~ L[x]; moreover ilcus a least ~ exists. % The existence of such a least ~ follows from the fact that is well-founded, from the fact ~hat theze is a ~op degree whence 6 x L[tGI ] and from the following facts: fi C_on 6 [t r]oL[tG ], ~en (~) x~ T[t~ ~'] i~ ~ ~ ^ ~" exi~s or x e,[~£~,] (see Def. b, 11,18) ~^ otherwise and (~x) ifx@ L[G ~,]_ then there is an ~ in ~ such The well-foundedness of~ is absolute with respect to the standard models ,~ .~d However, we use in the proof only the wali-f~undedness of~ in lVi ot make the argument easy ot translate ot the case of non-standard models if anyone wa~ted ot consider non-standard models. The fact (~) easily folzows from an appropriate property of the representation of~ (Lemma 15). The idea o± this property is

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