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Serotonin 2A Receptors, Citalopram and Tryptophan-Depletion: a Multimodal Imaging Study of their Interactions During Response Inhibition. PDF

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Preview Serotonin 2A Receptors, Citalopram and Tryptophan-Depletion: a Multimodal Imaging Study of their Interactions During Response Inhibition.

Neuropsychopharmacology(2013)38,996–1005 OPEN &2013AmericanCollegeofNeuropsychopharmacology. Allrightsreserved0893-133X/13 www.neuropsychopharmacology.org Serotonin 2A Receptors, Citalopram and Tryptophan- Depletion: a Multimodal Imaging Study of their Interactions During Response Inhibition (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) Julian Macoveanu1,2, Bettina Hornboll1,2, Rebecca Elliott3, David Erritzoe2,4, Olaf B Paulson1,2,4, (cid:2) (cid:2) Hartwig Siebner1,2, Gitte M Knudsen2,4 and James B Rowe*,2,5 (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) 1DanishResearch Centrefor MR,Copenhagen University Hospital, Hvidovre, Denmark; 2Center for Integrated Molecular Brain Imaging, (cid:2) (cid:2) Copenhagen,Denmark; 3Neuroscience andPsychiatry Unit,University ofManchester, Manchester,UK;4Neurobiology Research Unit, (cid:2) (cid:2) RigshospitaletandUniversity ofCopenhagen, Copenhagen,Denmark; 5Cambridge UniversityDepartment ofClinicalNeurosciences, (cid:2) (cid:2) Cambridge,UK (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) Poorbehavioralinhibitionisacommonfeatureofneurologicalandpsychiatricdisorders.Successfulinhibitionofaprepotentresponsein (cid:2) (cid:2) ‘NoGo’paradigmsrequirestheintegrityofboththeinferiorfrontalgyrus(IFG)andtheserotonergicsystem.Weinvestigatedindividual (cid:2) (cid:2) differencesinserotonergicregulationofresponseinhibition.In24healthyadults,weused18F-altanserinpositronemissiontomographyto (cid:2) (cid:2) assesscerebral5-HT receptors,whichhavebeenrelatedtoimpulsivity.Wetheninvestigatedtheimpactoftwoacutemanipulationsof (cid:2) 2A (cid:2) brain serotonin levels on behavioral and neural correlates of inhibition using intravenous citalopram and acute tryptophan depletion (cid:2) (cid:2) during functional magnetic resonance imaging. We adapted the NoGo paradigm to isolate effects on inhibition per se as opposed to (cid:2) (cid:2)(cid:2) otheraspectsoftheNoGoparadigm.SuccessfulNoGoinhibitionwasassociatedwithgreateractivationoftherightIFGcomparedto (cid:2) (cid:2) control trials with alternative responses, indicating that the IFG is activated with inhibition in NoGo trials rather than other aspects of (cid:2) (cid:2) invoked cognitive control. Activation of the left IFG during NoGo trials was greater with citalopram than acute tryptophan depletion. (cid:2) (cid:2) Moreover,withtheNoGo-typeofresponseinhibition,therightIFGdisplayedaninteractionbetweenthetypeofserotonergicchallenge (cid:2) (cid:2) andneocortical5-HT receptorbinding.Specifically,acutetryptophandepletion(ATD)producedarelativelylargerNoGoresponsein (cid:2) 2A (cid:2) the right IFGin subjects with low5-HT BP but reduced theNoGo response in those withhigh 5-HT BP . Theselinks between (cid:2) 2A P 2A P (cid:2)(cid:2) serotonergicfunctionandresponseinhibitioninhealthysubjectsmayhelptointerpretserotonergicabnormalitiesunderlyingimpulsivity (cid:2) (cid:2) in neuropsychiatricdisorders. (cid:2) (cid:2) Neuropsychopharmacology (2013)38, 996–1005;doi:10.1038/npp.2012.264;publishedonline 30January2013 (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) Keywords: inhibition; serotonin; citalopram;5-HT receptor;altanserin; fMRI 2A INTRODUCTION Chikazoe et al, 2007; Langenecker et al, 2007; Simmonds et al, 2008; Zheng et al, 2008; Chikazoe et al, 2009), and Impaired response inhibition is common in neuropsychia- electrophysiology (Swann et al, 2009). Many studies tric and neurodegenerative disorders. One of the most emphasize right IFG, but left IFG is also involved (Rubia studied forms of inhibition is restraint of a prepotent et al, 2001; Swick et al, 2008). responseexemplifiedby‘NoGo’tasks(IversenandMishkin, Responseinhibitionalsoshowsneurochemicalspecificity. 1970;Konishietal,1999).Specificanatomicalstructuresare NoGo inhibition is strongly associated with integrity of implicated in response inhibition including inferior frontal serotonergic system in humans and animals (Eagle et al, gyrus (IFG) (Wager et al, 2005; Levy and Wagner, 2011), 2008). This contrasts with noradrenergic modulation of the evidenced by IFG lesions (Aron et al, 2003; Swick et al, stop response required by stop-signal tasks (Chamberlain 2008), neuroimaging (Konishi et al, 1998; Konishi et al, et al, 2009). Global depletion of serotonin (5-HT) leads to 1999;Asahietal,2004;Del-Benetal,2005;Rubiaetal,2005; impulsivityinrats(Harrisonetal,1999;Masakietal,2006) andhumans(Walderhaugetal,2002).Althoughbehavioral *Correspondence:DrJBRowe,CambridgeUniversityDepartmentof NoGo effects of serotonergic interventions are often mild Clinical Neurosciences, Herchel-Smith Building for Brain and Mind or absent in humans, neuroimaging has revealed altered Sciences, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK. Tel: activity of underlying fronto-striatal circuits (Rubia et al, +44 1223273630,Fax:+44 1223359062, E-mail: [email protected] 2005; Evers et al, 2006). For example, acute tryptophan Received 27 March 2012; revised 1 November 2012; accepted 5 depletion (ATD) reduces frontal cortical activations (Rubia November2012;acceptedarticlepreviewonline19December2012 et al, 2005; Lamar et al, 2009), whereas the selective Serotoninmodulationandinhibition JMacoveanuetal 997 serotonin uptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram enhances MATERIALS AND METHODS them (Del-Ben et al, 2005). Participants, Task, and Pharmacological Challenges There are marked individual differences in both im- pulsivityandserotonin.Impulsiveclinicalpopulationswith Twenty-four right-handed adults (age 20–40 years) were serotonergic deficits include ADHD (Zepf et al, 2008), recruited from a cohort of volunteers with 18F-altanserin borderline personality disorder (Leyton et al, 2001), and PET brain imaging. Subjects were part of the Center for frontotemporal dementia (Huey et al, 2006), whereas 5- Integrated Molecular Brain Imaging (CIMBI) database that HT2AreceptorabnormalitieshavebeenlinkedtoTourette’s includes extensive enquiries into the participants’ past and syndrome (Haugbol et al, 2007) and obsessive–compulsive present diagnosis or treatment of psychiatric illness. Based disorder (Adams et al, 2005). Within the healthy popula- on these entry records, which were reconfirmed at study tion,variationincerebral5-HT receptorbindingispartly 2A recruitment, we excluded subjects with a history of genetically determined (Pinborg et al, 2008) with an stimulant abuse, neurological disorder, or a psychiatric influence on behavioral impulsivity (Nomura and disorder requiring specialist referral or treatment. Written Nomura, 2006) if not self-report impulsivity (Frokjaer informed consent was obtained and the study approved by et al, 2008). Individual differences may not be marked the Copenhagen Ethics Committee (KF01-2006–20). One under normal testing conditions, but chronic serotonergic subject was excluded due to an outlier 5-HT BPp value status (whether a genetically determined trait or a result of 2A (42.5SD)identifiedonre-estimationofPETdatafollowing chronic environmental influences) may influence the recruitment. This subject also had outlying error rates on change of impulsivity in response to acute challenges, such the behavioral task (2.5–4SD from the group mean). A as stress, depression, or medication. This requires analysis secondsubject withdrew fromthestudybeforecompletion. of interactions between acute and chronic serotonergic Thus complete data sets from 22 participants (eight female states (including state–trait interactions) that we investi- participants, mean age±SD of 31.5±6.2) were included in gated in this study. further analyses. This study addressed two issues. The first aim was to Participants performed a modified NoGo task with three better understand the functional, anatomical, and pharma- trial types: (a) ‘Go’ trials, pressing a button to a visual cue cological basis of response inhibition. Our principal (yellow square); (b) AltGo, pressing a different button to a hypothesis was that chronic 5-HT receptor availability, 2A inferred from 18F-altanserin steady-state binding measure- different visualcue(yellow circle); (c)‘NoGo’, requiring no ments (BP ), influences the effect of acute state manipula- response (yellow triangle). Trial frequencies were 70, 15, P tions on response inhibition. Such an interaction would and 15%, respectively. Stimuli were presented for 1000ms explain some of the behavioral and imaging differences with 500ms intervals in a pseudorandom order during two between healthy individuals (Del-Ben et al, 2005; Rubia blocks of 5min. etal,2005;Eversetal,2006;Lamaretal,2009)andpatients Errorratesandreactiontimeswereenteredintorepeated (LeMarquand et al, 1998; Zepf et al, 2008). We studied measures analyses of variance (PASW-SPSS17 software, healthy subjects with 18F-altanserin positron emission Chicago). Drug session and trial-type were within-subjects tomography (PET) and functional MRI sessions that factors with three and two levels, respectively. 5-HT BPp 2A differed only in 5-HT levels by (a) increased 5-HT was a between-subjects covariate. Huynh–Feldt correction neurotransmission by intravenous administration of the fornon-sphericity wasused whereappropriate andpo0.05 SSRIcitalopram;(b)reducedbrain5-HTsynthesisviaacute considered significant. dietary depletion of the 5-HT precursor tryptophan (ATD); Subjects underwent three sessions of pharmacological (c) a control state without drug intervention. We were fMRI, at least 1 week apart, and a fully counterbalanced primarily interested in interactions between acute changes orderbypseudorandompermutation.Thepharmacological in serotonergic transmission, 5-HT BPp, and functional conditions were: (a) Control session, without intervention; 2A magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) correlates of response (b) SSRI session; and (c) ATD session. For SSRI sessions, inhibition. citalopram was administered intravenously at 20mg/h The second issue was to dissect cognitive components of starting 2h before scanning, with maintenance dose during the NoGo task and identify whether 5-HT specifically the fMRI session at 8mg/h (B50mg in total). For the ATD modulates the response inhibition component separable session,participantswereaskedtofollowalow-proteindiet from other aspects of the task. For example, NoGo trials on the day before scanning. On the test day, they ingested includelow frequency events thattriggerreflexivereorient- 75g tryptophan-free powdered mixture of amino acids ing to task relevant stimuli, require greater cognitive dissolved in water (XLYS, TRY Glutaridon, SHS Interna- control, and lead to response adjustment (Ridderinkhof tional) and performed the fMRI session 5h later. Blood etal,2004;Kenneretal,2010;LevyandWagner,2011).The samples were taken upon arrival and immediately before response adjustment in classical NoGo trials is to withhold the fMRI to determine plasma amino acids and prolactin. action,butthesubjectsmightalternativelybeaskedtoshift The blood sample acted both as a control on our to a different response (Mostofsky and Simmonds, 2008). pharmacological treatments, and as a biochemical index We therefore included a low frequency of trials in which oftheserotonergicbasisofimagingeffectsintheabsenceof subjects update to a different motor response (‘alternative marked behavioral change. Prolactin levels may be in- go’, AltGo). We predicted that serotonergic manipulations creased by acute tryptophan depletion in susceptible would mainly influence the inhibitory component of the individuals(Wingroveetal,1999)astheycanbycitalopram NoGo paradigm, revealed by differential activations (Attenburrow et al, 2001; Del-Ben et al, 2005; McKie et al, between NoGo and AltGo trials. 2005). In many previous studies, the behavioral and Neuropsychopharmacology Serotoninmodulationandinhibition JMacoveanuetal 998 cognitive changes induced by ATD have been attributed to were realigned to the first volume and co-registered to the specific effects on the serotonergic system (Ardis et al, structural MPRAGE brain scan. The MPRAGE scan was 2009). This view has been challenged recently (van normalized to a T1 template in standard space (MNI Donkelaar et al, 2011), but we correlated the changes in template) using linear and non-linear transformations. tryptophanandprolactinwith5-HT BPpinsupportofthe Normalization parameters were applied to functional 2A hypothesis that the ATD effect is at least partly due to volumes before smoothing with an isometric Gaussian effects on the serotonergic systems. On each of the fMRI kernel with full width half maximum 8mm. sessions, participantscompleted amodifiedDanish version Subject-specific first-level general linear models of fMRI of the Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaire included four separate regressors for ‘Go’, ‘AltGo’, ‘NoGo’, (McNair et al, 1971) thrice to assess current mood and ‘NoGo commission errors’, and 40 nuisance regressors uponarrivalimmediatelybeforefMRIandaftercompletion to correct for physiological noise related to pulse ((cid:2)10), of the tests. respiration((cid:2)6),andmovement((cid:2)24)(Lundetal,2005). Contrasts of interest were entered into group level random 18F-altanserin PET effects analyses using repeated measures ANOVA. Two second-level flexible factorial models were used to 18F-altanserinPETwasusedtoestimatethesubject-specific examine main effects of trial-type and drug as well as neocortical 5-HT receptor binding relative to plasma interactions between individual differences and experimen- 2A (BP ) using standardized published protocols (Pinborg tal conditions. The first model included regressors expres- p et al, 2003; Adams et al, 2004; Svarer et al, 2005) and a sing ‘NoGo vs Go’ and ‘AltGo vs Go’ contrasts in each of maximum dose of 3.7MBq/kg bodyweight. Reconstruction, three drug session (six total). This model also included attenuation, and scatter correction procedures were con- mean corrected linear and quadratic functions of the ducted according to this published protocol using cerebel- average neocortical 5-HT BP (12 total). These functions 2A P lum as a reference region (Pinborg et al, 2003). The were separate for each drug condition (enabling the outcome parameter for regional 5-HT receptor binding exploration of interactions between acute and chronic 2A was the binding potential relative to plasma (BP ). To serotonergic functions). This model explains individual p estimate regional BP , PET images and structural T1- differences in terms of prior 5-HT BPp. p 2A weightedMRimageswereco-registered(Adamsetal,2004) Asecondmodel included ‘subject’ asanadditionalfactor and normalized. We applied automatic parcelation of PET with 22 subject-specifying regressors. This adjusts for images using standardized volumes of interest delineated individual subject differences that may or may not be on transaxial MRI slices (Svarer et al, 2005) and derived related to trait serotonergic function, but prevents inter- neocortical estimatesusing the volume-weightedaverageof pretation of the main effects of BP (a between subjects P eight regions (orbitofrontal, medial inferior frontal, super- factor). Both of the second-level ANOVAs were corrected ior frontal, superior temporal, medial inferior temporal, for non-sphericity using pooled estimates of non-indepen- sensorymotor,parietal,andoccipitalcortex).Asinalarger dent unequal variance over suprathreshold voxels. sample(Erritzoeetal,2010),therewerehighcorrelationsof For whole-brain comparisons, we applied family-wise BP among cortical regions of interest (ROIs) (all r40.8). errorcorrectionpo0.05.ForhypothesesregardingtheIFG, P We therefore used an average neocortical gray matter BP wedefinedabilateralROIthatincludedtheoperculumand P for subsequent correlations with the functional MRI data pars triangularis of the IFG (Automatic Anatomical Label- (this correlated with BP in the IFG, r40.95). ing and WFU-Pickatlas (Lancaster et al, 2000), and used P ‘small volume correction’ family-wise error po0.05. Owing tolikelyfunctionalandanatomicalheterogeneitywithinthis MRI Acquisition and Analysis IFGregion,wereportvoxel-wiseresultsanddonotaverage WeusedaSiemens3TTrioscannerwitheight-channelhead responses across this region. array coil for functional MRI with whole-brain coverage, high-resolution structural MRI, and arterial spin labeling (ASL) perfusion-weighted images. fMRI used BOLD-sensi- tiveT2*-weightedecho-planarimages(repetitiontime2.5s, RESULTS echotime 26ms, flipangle 901) with41(cid:2)3mm slices (25% Behavior, Biochemistry, and Perfusion gaps), 192(cid:2)192mm field-of-view. High-resolution 3D structural T1-weighted spin-echo images used an Magneti- CommissionerrorsdifferedbetweenNoGoandAltGotrials zation-Prepared Rapid Acquisition Gradient Echo (Figure 1a; effect of trial-type F1,20¼5.0, po0.05), but (MPRAGE) sequence (TI/TE/TR¼800/3.93/1540ms, flip errors were similar across all three acute drug states (effect angle 91, 256(cid:2)256(cid:2)192 isotropic voxels). ASL perfusion- of drug F2,40¼2.5, ns). There was neither an interaction weighted images (TR¼3.4s, TE¼19.3ms, TI¼200–3000, between trial-type and drug effects on error rates 200ms intervals, 26 slices, voxel size¼5.0(cid:2)5.0(cid:2)4.0mm, (F2,40¼2.3, ns) nor a higher order interaction between 320(cid:2)160(cid:2)104mm field-of-view) used vessel suppression drug,trial-type,and5-HT BP (F2,40¼2.0,ns).Although 2A P with bipolar gradients (b¼6s/mm2). ASL images were therewasnomaineffectof5-HT BP onerrorrate(Fo1), 2A P calculated using FABBER with spatial priors (www.fmrib. therewasaninteractionbetweentrial-typeand5-HT BP 2A P ox.ac.uk/fsl/fabber)andpermutationstestingfordifferences (F1,20¼5.2, po0.05) in their effect on error rates: 5-HT 2A between drug conditions. BP correlatedweaklypositivewitherrorratesintheNoGo P Preprocessing and statistical analysis used SPM5 (www. trials (r(22)¼0.26, ns) without a significant correlation on fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/software/spm5). Functional images the AltGo trials (r(22)¼ (cid:3)0.1, ns). Neuropsychopharmacology Serotoninmodulationandinhibition JMacoveanuetal 999 Figure 1 (a) Commission error rates (group mean and SD) on the Figure 2 (a) The difference in prolactin levels between baseline (T0) NoGo and AltGo trials, under control condition (no drug) and after beforeadministrationofcitalopram(Cit)orATDandimmediatelypriorto citalopram or ATD. (b) Reaction times (group mean and SD) for AltGo MRIscanning(T1).GroupmeanvalueswithSEM.(b)ATDreducedserum andGotrials,inthethreedrugsessions(Statisticalanalysisinresultssection: tryptophan by 75%, comparable with previous studies of this method. Behavior,biochemistry,andperfusion). Group mean values with SEM (Statistical analysis in results section: Behavior,biochemistry,andperfusion). The reaction time was longer for AltGo than Go trials (F1,20¼6.7, po0.05, Figure 1b). There was no main effect AnrmANOVAofthePOMSquestionnairewasconducted of drug (Fo1, Figure 1b) or 5-HT BP (Fo1). There with two factors: 5-HT intervention (ATD, citalopram, and 2A P were no interactions between 5-HT BP and trial-type or control) and time (at session baseline and after fMRI 2A P drug,andnohighorderinteractionbetweenallthreefactors session).Therewasaneffectoftimeforanger/hostilitywith (all Fo1). lower scores after scanning compared to pre-scanning Baseline prolactin levels correlated highly between baseline (F(12)¼6.98, p¼0.02). There was no significant sessions (r¼0.80, n¼19, po0.001). ANOVA of prolactin interaction between intervention and time in any of the levelsrevealednomaineffectofdrug(Fo1)ortimewithin reported mood states. session from baseline to scanning (F1,17¼2.86, ns). There was however a trend of interaction between drug session and the change in prolactin from session baseline to onset fMRI Results of scanning (F1,17¼3.0, po0.1, Figure 2a), such that prolactin only increased following citalopram. The 5-HT Inhibiting vs updating a motor response. We first 2A BP did not correlate with prolactin levels (Fo1) but did examined the low frequency events in which visual cues P tend to influence the effect of drug on the change in trigger reorientation to task relevant stimuli, invoke prolactin between baseline and pre-scanning (F1,17¼3.3, cognitive control, and a response adjustment, including po0.1). Post hoc tests confirmed that higher 5-HT BP (on NoGo trials) the inhibition of the prepotent response. 2A P wasassociatedwithasmallerchangeinprolactinafterATD Averaging ‘NoGo and AltGo vs Go’ trials across the three (r¼ (cid:3)0.39, n¼21, po0.05) but not after citalopram pharmacological sessions (Figure 3a) identified transient (r¼0.0, ns). The ATD protocol reduced serum tryptophan activations of prefrontal, premotor, parietal, and inferior levels by 75% (paired t-test, t¼11.2, df¼21, po0.001, occipitotemporalcortex,andextensiveactivationintheIFG Figure 2b), suggesting reductions in central tryptophan bilaterally (Table 1, Figure 3a). bioavailability (Williams et al, 1999; Blokland et al, 2002). Next, to identify activations related to inhibition, we ASL showed no significant differences in cerebral compared regional activity between the NoGo and AltGo perfusion during drug vs no-drug sessions, either with trials (‘NoGo vs AltGo’, averaging across all drug sessions, whole-brainanalysis(FWEpo0.05corrected)orwithinthe ROI analysis, Table 2, Figure 3b). There was differential IFG-ROI (FWE po0.05 corrected or uncorrected threshold activation of the right IFG (activations for each drug po0.001). condition are shown in Figure 3c and for each trial-type in Neuropsychopharmacology Serotoninmodulationandinhibition JMacoveanuetal 1000 Figure3 (a)SPM(t)mapthresholdedatFWEpo0.05forthecontrastof(NoGoandAltGo)trialsvsGotrials.FurtheractivationsinIFGwereseen within the predefined ROI (see text). Activations are rendered onto a representative brain in MNI space, in lateral views, and confirm the widespread differentialactivationfollowinglowfrequencystimuliandresultingcognitiveprocessesofcontrol,updating,orinhibitingaresponse.(b)ActivationsoftheIFG relatedtoresponseinhibition,especiallyontheright,arerevealedbythecontrastofNoGovsAltGotrials,hereillustratedatpo0.001(peaksarepo0.05 FWEcorrectedwithin theIFGregion ofinterest).TheinsetsliceshowsrightIFGaty¼26.(c)Parameterestimates forvoxel40,26,4intherightIFG (contrastofNoGovsAltGobydrugsession)undercontrol(nodrug),citalopram(cit)andATD.(d)Parameterestimatesforvoxel40,26,4inrightIFGfor NoGoandAltGotrials(averagingoverdrugsession).(e)Parameterestimatesforvoxel40,26,4inrightIFGshownseparatelyforeachcombinationofdrug and trial-type (NG¼NoGo, Alt¼AltGo, N¼no drug,C¼citalopram, A¼ATD). Relativeactivation wasgreater forNoGo trials vsAltGo trialsunder control and citalopram sessions. Parameter estimates shown in C–E sum to zero across the group, from the flexible factorial design, and are scaled in arbitraryunits.Pinkerrorbarsindicate90%confidenceintervalsofthemeans. Figure 3d). In the right IFG, ATD abolished the differences Serotonergic challenges. Based on previous studies between NoGo and AltGo trials (see below and Figure 3e). (Del-Ben et al, 2005; Rubia et al, 2005), we predicted that The reverse contrast between AltGo and NoGo trials citalopram and ATD would have differential effects on revealedactivationsassociatedwithupdatingorswitchinga activations associated with response inhibition. For the response in a broad ‘motor network’ of left motor and NoGo (vs Go) trials, there was greater activation in left IFG premotor cortex, right cerebellum, putamen, thalamus, and withcitalopramthanATD((cid:3)48,10,12,t¼3.97,33voxels, smaller clusters of activation in the left cingulate cortex, FWE p¼0.05). For AltGo trials (vs Go), there were no bilateral insula, and left cerebellum. Bilateral activations significant interactions between response updating and were also seen posterolaterally in the IFG bilaterally at the citalopram vs ATD. However, the difference between NoGo junctions between areas 6 and 44 (Table 3). andAltGotrialsdidnotitselfdifferbetweencitalopramand We looked for regions in which the effects of response ATD sessions. In other words, for the inhibition of a inhibition and response updating were modulated by response, but not the updating of a response, there were 5-HT BP .ForNoGo(vsGo)andforAltGo(vsGo)trials; voxels in the left IFG that were differentially sensitive to 2A P no significant interactions were found. When examined citalopram and ATD. This was corroborated by an separatelyforNoGoandAltGotrials(vsGo);therewereno F-contrast testing the effect ofeither serotonergic challenge linear or quadratic effects of 5-HT BP . The difference (vs no-drug or the other challenge) within either AltGo–Go 2A P between NoGo and AltGo trials did not depend on 5-HT or NoGo–Go contrast: identifying the left IFG at—48, 8, 12 2A BP when averaged across drug sessions. (trend po0.1 corrected, F4,114¼6.8). P Neuropsychopharmacology Serotoninmodulationandinhibition JMacoveanuetal 1001 Table1 SignificantClusterPeaksfromtheContrastof‘NoGoand Table 3 Significant Cluster Peaks from the Contrast of ‘AltGo vs AltGo vs Go Trials’ (See Also Figure 3), Thresholded at po0.05 NoGo’, Thresholded at po0.05 (Corrected for Whole-Brain (t45.0, Corrected for Whole-Brain Comparisons, Cluster Multiple Comparisons or Where Marked by **, Corrected for Minimum 10 Voxels) Multiple Comparisons Within the IFG ROI) Region x y z t Inferiorfrontalgyrus (cid:3)58 8 20 7.94 60 10 20 5.42** Inferiorfrontalgyrus 42 6 31 9.51 Precentralgyrus/IFG (cid:3)58 2 29 9.61 54 6 35 9.47 Sensorimotorcortex (cid:3)38 (cid:3)28 59 16.5 38 24 29 6.9 Supramarginalgyrus (cid:3)58 (cid:3)26 47 13.4 36 20 13 6.63 Rolandicoperculum (cid:3)42 (cid:3)8 21 13.2 (cid:3)46 0 29 10.7 60 20 21 8.86 (cid:3)32 24 3 8.08 SMA (cid:3)2 (cid:3)14 57 7.38 Frontaloperculum 32 22 0 11.41 Putamen (cid:3)28 (cid:3)17 3 7.10 (cid:3)30 22 4 11.03 Cerebellum 20 (cid:3)54 (cid:3)13 14.8 Middlefrontalgyrus 42 30 22 7.42 (cid:3)26 (cid:3)60 (cid:3)15 6.74 Precentralgyrus (cid:3)28 (cid:3)16 63 23.4 (cid:3)52 (cid:3)4 41 13.3 30 (cid:3)1 59 15.6 significant voxels were identified by these contrasts using either whole-brain correction or just within the IFG ROI. SMA (cid:3)6 4 51 16.2 However, a higher order interaction was observed: the 4 (cid:3)2 55 14.1 effect of ATD (ATD vs no-drug or ATD vs citalopram) on Sensorycortex (cid:3)46 (cid:3)38 51 22.0 activations related to specific response inhibition (NoGo vs Superiorparietallobule (cid:3)26 (cid:3)62 57 21.2 AltGo)dependedonthe5-HT receptorBP (Figure4a)in 2A P 38 (cid:3)52 63 15.6 the right IFG at 38, 14, 28 (F2,114¼13.18, po0.05 FWE Inferiorparietallobule (cid:3)34 (cid:3)44 47 20.8 corrected within the ROI). Figure 4b shows parameter 34 (cid:3)48 51 15.0 estimates for the relationship between 5-HT2A BPP and IFG activation as function of drug and trial-type. This means Middleoccipitalgyrus (cid:3)42 (cid:3)82 3 16.4 that the BP level determined the effect of ATD on 44 (cid:3)80 1 18.5 P activations associated with inhibition in the NoGo trials Superiortemporalgyrus 64 (cid:3)44 25 11.4 (Figure 4c). Inferiortemporalgyrus 44 (cid:3)60 (cid:3)5 14.0 Thalamus (cid:3)12 (cid:3)18 23 7.16 10 (cid:3)18 21 6.94 DISCUSSION Clustersubpeaksareseparatedby420mm,exceptforpeakswithintheROI We have shown that individual differences in neocortical definedbytheinferiorfrontalgyriandfrontalopercula,separation48mm. 5-HT receptorbindingarerelatedtothesubsequenteffect Coordinatex,y,zvaluesinstandardspaceusingtheMNItemplate,with 2A accompanyingt-statistics. ofacute5-HTmanipulationsontheneuralcorrelatesofthe successfulresponseinhibitioninhumanIFG.Weconfirmed Table 2 SignificantCluster Peaksfromthe Contrast of‘NoGovs the association of NoGo inhibitionwiththe IFG, and found AltGo’ (See Also Figure 3b), Thresholded at po0.05 (Corrected that citalopram and ATD differentially modulated IFG for Muliple Comparisons within an ROI Defined by the Inferior activation for NoGo inhibition. In relation to our principal Frontal Gyri and Frontal Opercula, Peaks 48mm Apart) hypothesis,thenovelfindingwasthattheNoGoresponsein IFG under the different pharmacological challenges was Region x y z t differentially related to the neocortical 5-HT receptor 2A binding.Critically,theinteractionbetween5-HT receptor 2A Inferiorfrontalgyrus 40 26 4 4.81 binding and drug effects was confined to the difference in 52 20 34 3.70 regional activity between the NoGo and AltGo trials, (cid:3)46 25 26 3.67 providing evidence for serotonergic modulation of the Inferiorfrontalsulcus 42 18 30 4.28 inhibitory component within the NoGo trials. Response inhibition and switching to an alternative 32 34 28 4.36 response did not elicit activations that correlated with (cid:3)40 16 28 3.20 5-HT receptor binding. However, when contrasting these 2A two trial types, the difference in error rates and the drug interaction with NoGo-specific activations both correlated We tested for interactions between the effects of with 5-HT receptor binding. Why were the effects of 2A serotonergic challenges and the 5-HT BP , on activations 5-HT BP not more prominent, given the previous 2A P 2A P associated with response inhibition and updating. SPM(t) evidence for serotonergic modulation of inhibition? We contrasts were used to identify voxels in which BP suggest that long-term autoregulation of post-synaptic P modulated the differential effect of citalopram or ATD (vs efficacy may reduce the baseline effects of 5-HT BPp on 2A no-drug), for NoGo (vs Go), and for AltGo (vs Go). No inhibitory control, at least within the normal range, and in Neuropsychopharmacology Serotoninmodulationandinhibition JMacoveanuetal 1002 Figure 4 The inhibition of responses (NoGo vs AltGo) was associated with a variable degree of activation in the right IFG (peak voxel 38, 14, 28) accordingtotheserotonergicchallengeandthe5-HT BP .Althoughcitalopramdidnotdifferfromcontrolsessions,theeffectofATDwasreducedwith 2A P increasing 5-HT2A BPP. (a) Surface rendered SPM(t) map (thresholded po0.05 FWE within IFG) indicating the significant cluster in right IFG. (b) The parameterestimatesforthetwotrialtypesatthepeakrightIFGvoxel:NG¼NoGoandAlt¼AltGo,foreachofthethreedrugsessions,N¼Nodrug, C¼citalopram, A¼ATD. (c) The difference in bold response at the peak IFG voxel according to 5-HT BP (normalized volume weighted mean 2A P neocortical5-HT BP fromaltanserinPETdata)foreachdrugsession.Linearregressionlinesareshownseparatelyforeachdrugsession,withposthoc 2A P correlationsshownseparatelyforeachpharmacologicalchallengeasR2.ATDdifferedsignificantlyinslopefromcitalopram(po0.05,correctedstatistical inferencefromtheSPMcontrast). contrast to the neuropsychiatric populations (Leyton et al, effects, we identified the neural processes that are 2001; Huey et al, 2006; Zepf et al, 2008). specifically related to withholding a prepotent response by Although ATD did not result in a change in response comparing NoGo and AltGo trials. The restraint from a times or accuracy, ATD produced a relatively larger prepotent response (NoGo) was associated with activation response in the right IFG of subjects with low 5-HT of the right IFG, even after controlling for other factors 2A BP . Conversely, ATD reduced activation in right IFG in including the presentation of low-frequency stimuli, pro- P those with high 5-HT BP . This differential response to cessing of these task relevant stimulus attributes, engage- 2A P ATDsuggestsanon-linearrelationshipbetweenneocortical mentofadditionalcognitivecontrol,andachange(update) 5-HT andtheefficiencyofrightIFG inresponseinhibition, of response. with opposite effects of ATD in subjects with low vs high The right IFG has been previously associated with levels of 5-HT BP One implication is that drug effects switching to alternative responses and withholding re- 2A P. maybeexaggeratedinsomepatients.ForATD,thisappears sponses (Kenner et al, 2010; Dodds et al, 2011). One to be the case for disorders of impulsivity (Leyton et al, interpretation is that updating to an alternate response 2001; Huey et al, 2006; Zepf et al, 2008) and mood (Ruhe utilizes the same neural systems as inhibition, but the et al, 2007). A corollary is that for subjects with very high critical process may instead be detection of behaviorally 5-HT BP , ATD might actually enhance the inhibition relevantcues(Hampshireetal,2010)orincreasedresponse 2A P efficiency (LeMarquand et al, 1998). control demands (Dodds et al, 2011; Levy and Wagner, Howmightsuchanon-linearresponsearise?Inprinciple, 2011). However, the IFG areas which were reported in it requires opposing downstream mechanisms driven by previous studies include sites in the lateral prefrontal differential rates of 5-HT neurotransmission, for example, convexity and frontal operculum extending onto anterior from two receptor subtypes with different affinity for an insula.Inthisextendedregionweobserved anatomicaland inhibitory autoreceptor. If the 5-HT BP reflects the pharmacological differences between AltGo and NoGo, 2A P average serotonin level as determined by the raphe nucleus although both trial-types require detection of salient cues. output (Erritzoe et al, 2010) then other receptor subtypes, Interestingly, there were no main effects of drug on most notably the inhibitory 5-HT receptor, may con- performance, but 5-HT levels affected error rates 1A 2A tribute to the interaction between ATD, IFG, and 5-HT differentially between NoGo and AltGo trials. Although 2A BP (Hannon and Hoyer, 2008). there was no effect of 5-HT on the AltGo condition, P 2A Theinteractionsbetweentheacuteserotonergicstatus(as individuals with higher 5-HT levels showed increased 2A induced by the drug interventions) and chronic serotoner- error rates during NoGo trials. gic status (as indexed by neocortical 5-HT BP ) were AltGo cues prompted a switch of behavioral response. In 2A P localizedtotheIFG.Tofacilitatetheinterpretationofthese prefrontal cortex, 5-HT is central to switching responses Neuropsychopharmacology Serotoninmodulationandinhibition JMacoveanuetal 1003 withfeedback(Clarkeetal,2004)andresponsesetshifting. interventions. We also focus our interpretation on the However, an important distinction is that the NoGo/AltGo contrast between the two interventions. The behavioral paradigm did not require a shift between attentional set or differences were found to be minimal and there were no task set between trials. Both AltGo and NoGo trials were differences in side effects (eg, nausea), and no differences associated with activations in parietal, occipitotemporal, between drug conditions in terms of self-rated mood. It is andsupplementarymotorarea(SMA).AltGowasassociated unlikely, therefore, that placebo effects can account for the with greater activation in the motor network: motor, functionally specific and anatomically specific effects premotor, parietal cortex, striatum, and cerebellum. This observed. The correlations with serotonergic markers also is not simply due to the execution of movement in AltGo confirmtheserotonergicroleinNoGo-typeinhibition,over trials, as this network was more active for AltGo than Go and above potential placebo effects. These factors together trials. We suggest instead that late updating of a motor suggestthatobservedeffectsofATDandcitalopramareless response is associated with either increased attention to likely to be due to differences in anxiety, discomfort, or action (Rowe et al, 2002) or co-activation of both standard nausea, even where these might theoretically be 5-HT- andalternativemotorprograms.Thislatterinterpretationis mediated. Although 5-HT receptor binding estimated 2A compatible with the hypothesis that AltGo trials induced a from18F-altanserinPETisstableover2years(Marneretal, ‘race’ in the motor system between alternative responses 2009), the interval between PET and MRI in our subjects (Logan et al, 1984). introduces additional variance. Moreover, despite clear TheeffectsofcitalopramonIFGactivationwereminimal heritability of 5-HT receptor binding (Pinborg et al, 2A in contrast with two previous studies (Del-Ben et al, 2005; 2008), environmental factors may contribute to adult Langenecker et al, 2007) and the effects of the 5-HT variance, and we cannot infer that the interactions between 2A/2C receptor agonist, mCPP (Anderson et al, 2002). The acuteandchronicserotonergicfactorsarenecessarilystate– difference may be a type II error, despite a powerful trait interactions. In addition, it may also be that repeated measures design, or differences in study popula- citalopram’s behavioral effects are not mediated by 5- tions. However, differences in drug regime must also be HT receptors,andthereforedonotcorrelatewith5-HT 2A 2A considered. For example, Del-Ben et al (2005) used a receptor binding. As such, citalopram and ATD cannot be smallertotaldose(7.5mgduring7.5min)thanourinfusion considered as simple opposite interventions. Finally, one (B50mg during the entire session B3h). The effects of must consider the potential confounds in pharmacological high and low dose citalopram are not necessarily compar- fMRI studies. By seeking ‘trial-type by drug’ interactions able.Forexample,inhumans,lowdosecitalopram5–10mg and regionally specific effects together with quantitative increases prolactin levels from baseline and compared to arterial spin labeling perfusion studies to exclude non- placebo(Attenburrowetal,2001;Del-Benetal,2005;McKie specific perfusion effects, we aimed to minimize such et al, 2005). However, the effects of 20mg citalopram vary confounds. across studies (Henning and Netter, 2002; Pinborg et al, 2004) perhaps due to high variability of absolute increases andtimetopeak(Pinborgetal,2004).Prolactinlevelswere Conclusions only measured twice in our study, preventing us from The IFG was associated with response inhibition, and this capturing smaller or transient increases. The complex effect was not fully attributable to the engagement of pharmacology of 5-HT and acute SSRIs may also explain cognitive control and updating of a motor response the null result for citalopram: although acute citalopram following a low frequency stimulus. The activity of IFG increases cortical extracellular 5-HT at high doses (Moret that was associated with NoGo inhibition was itself and Briley, 1996), it may not translate into enhanced modulated by the interaction between acute and chronic cortical post-synaptic stimulation with intermediate or low serotonergic factors. Specifically, the neural response to doses.Thisuncertaintyispartlyduetoacutestimulationof ATDdependedonindividualdifferencesin5-HT receptor somatodendritic 5-HT inhibitory autoreceptors in the 2A 1A binding, with implications for studies of clinical popula- raphe nucleus. tions with abnormal 5-HT levels. Despite the lack of effect of citalopram (vs no-drug), citalopram and ATD exerted significantly different effects ontheinhibitionsignalexpressedinleftIFG,mirroringthe ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS IFGresponsereportedpreviously(Del-Benetal,2005).This apparent laterality difference in thresholded activations The Lundbeck Foundation is gratefully acknowledged for across studies should not be interpreted as evidence of their financial support of the study. Dr Fin S Larsen, significant laterality effects in cognitive or neuronal Department of Hepatology, Rigshospitalet, is thanked for functions (Henson, 2006). Indeed, lesion studies indicate providing measurements of serum tryptophan. SHS Inter- bilateral IFG contributions to inhibition (Aron et al, 2003; national Ltd, Liverpool, UK is acknowledged for providing Swick et al, 2008). the tryptophan-free amino acid mixture. JBR is supported There are some limitations to our study. We did not use by the Wellcome Trust (088324).Financial support was full placebo control of intravenous and oral challenges. provided primarily from the Lundbeck Foundation to the Placebo effects, differential expectations, and non-specific CenterforIntegratedMolecularBrainImaging(Cimbi).The drug induced changes in mood, nausea, or anxiety might John and Birthe Meyer Foundation donated funding for contributetotheeffectsseen.Inordertominimizethenon- PET-scanner and cyclotron. The Copenhagen University specific drug effects, we did not give subjects prior Hospitals Rigshospitalet and Hvidovre also supported the information about differences in side effects of the study.TheSpiesfoundationdonatedfundingtothe3TTrio Neuropsychopharmacology Serotoninmodulationandinhibition JMacoveanuetal 1004 MRI scanner. HRS was supported by a grant of excellence network using functional magnetic resonance imaging. Cereb by the Lundbeck Foundation on the Control of Action Cortex 21: 1155–1165. 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