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Preview Sequential Neural Processes in Abacus Mental Addition: An EEG and fMRI Case Study

Sequential Neural Processes in Abacus Mental Addition: An EEG and fMRI Case Study Yixuan Ku1,2*, Bo Hong2, Wenjing Zhou2, Mark Bodner3, Yong-Di Zhou4* 1TheKeyLabofBrainFunctionalGenomics(MOE),InstituteofCognitiveNeuroscience,SchoolofPsychologyandCognitiveScience,EastChinaNormalUniversity, Shanghai,China,2DepartmentofBiomedicalEngineering,SchoolofMedicine,TsinghuaUniversity,Beijing,China,3MINDResearchInstitute,SantaAna,California,United StatesofAmerica,4DepartmentofNeurosurgery,JohnsHopkinsUniversity,Baltimore,Maryland,UnitedStatesofAmerica Abstract Abacusexpertsareabletomentallycalculatemulti-digitnumbersrapidly.Somebehavioralandneuroimagingstudieshave suggested a visuospatial and visuomotor strategy during abacus mental calculation. However, no study up to now has attempted to dissociate temporally the visuospatial neural process from the visuomotor neural process during abacus mentalcalculation.Inthepresentstudy,anabacusexpertperformedthementaladditiontasks(8-digitand4-digitaddends presentedinvisualorauditorymodes)swiftlyandaccurately.The100%correctratesinthisexpert’staskperformancewere significantly higher than those of ordinary subjects performing 1-digit and 2-digit addition tasks. ERPs, EEG source localizations,andfMRIresultstakentogethersuggestedvisuospatialandvisuomotorprocessesweresequentiallyarranged during the abacus mental addition with visual addends and could be dissociated from each other temporally. The visuospatialtransformationofthenumbers,inwhichthesuperiorparietallobulewasmostlikelyinvolved,mightoccurfirst (around380 ms)aftertheonsetofthestimuli.Thevisuomotorprocessing,inwhichthesuperior/middlefrontalgyriwere mostlikelyinvolved,mightoccurlater(around440ms).Meanwhile,fMRIresultssuggestedthatneuralnetworksinvolvedin the abacus mental addition with auditory stimuli were similar to those in the visual abacus mental addition. The most prominently activated brain areas in both conditions included the bilateral superior parietal lobules (BA 7) and bilateral middlefrontalgyri(BA6).Theseresultssuggestasupra-modalbrainnetworkinabacusmentaladdition,whichmaydevelop from normalmental calculationnetworks. Citation:KuY,HongB,ZhouW,BodnerM,ZhouY-D(2012)SequentialNeuralProcessesinAbacusMentalAddition:AnEEGandfMRICaseStudy.PLoSONE7(5): e36410.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036410 Editor:Yu-FengZang,HangzhouNormalUniversity,China ReceivedJanuary3,2012;AcceptedApril9,2012;PublishedMay4,2012 Copyright:(cid:1)2012Kuetal.Thisisanopen-accessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense,whichpermitsunrestricted use,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalauthorandsourcearecredited. Funding:ThisworkwassupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(31100742)andChinaPostdoctoralScienceFoundation(20100480615 and201104246).Thefundershadnoroleinstudydesign,datacollectionandanalysis,decisiontopublish,orpreparationofthemanuscript. CompetingInterests:Theauthorshavedeclaredthatnocompetinginterestsexist. *E-mail:[email protected](YK);[email protected](YDZ) Introduction abacususers(butnotabacusexperts)movedtheirfingersasifthey had been manipulating a real abacus, and prohibition of this The abacus has been used in Asia since 1200 A.D. for rapid movement or interfering with finger-tapping impaired their precisecalculation[1].Thedesignationof‘‘Abacusexperts’’refers performance[2].Itseemedthattherewasalsoa‘‘mentalabacus’’ to those who have an unusual capability of operating a physical in those trained-abacus users’ minds. In addition, Hatano and abacus for calculation, as well as calculating mentally with an Osawa demonstrated that inperformance of adelayed match-to- abacus in mind through long-time training [2]. They can swiftly sample task, abacus experts could remember a sequence of 16- and accuratelyperformmental addition with largenumbers. digitsforwardor14digitsbackward,whichwereusedasstimuliin There are substantial studies on the neural mechanisms of thetask[14].Thedigitmemoryoftheexpertswasmoreinterfered mental calculation for average people [3,4,5,6,7,8]. Some of the with concurrent visual-spatial tasks than with aural-verbal tasks studieshavesupportedacognitivemodelinwhichthenumbersin [14].Performanceinmentalarithmetictasksoftheexpertswasalso mental arithmetichave tworepresentational systems: a language- more affected by presentation of abacus images than by human based system to store tables of exact arithmetic knowledge, and facesordigitnumbers[15].Allthosebehavioralstudies,together a language-independent system for quantity manipulation and with several neuroimaging studies [16,17,18], suggested a visuos- approximation, which relies on visuospatial networks [5]. Others patial representation of numbers, which had been developed have however suggested that the basic numerical calculation throughabacuspracticethatinvolvedvisuomotorprocessingunder strategy is finger-counting based representation [8]. In addition, certain rules. It might be more efficient to mentally manipulate anumberofneuroimagingstudiesonneuralnetworkshaveshown multi-digit numbers using a visuospatial representation than thatparietalandfrontalareasarethemaincorticalareasinvolved asequentiallyorganizedphonologicalrepresentation[18]. in mental calculation for average people [5,8,9,10,11,12]. However, none of the above studies had attempted to Nevertheless, none of those studies is able to explain the dissociate the sequential neural processes, one from another, extraordinary capabilityof mental calculation forabacus experts. during abacus mental calculation. We thus designed mental Early behavioral studies suggested that a ‘‘mental abacus’’ was addition experiments (see figure 1A and 1B), in which we used by abacus experts [13]. During mental calculation, trained- recorded electroencephalographic (EEG) signals from an abacus PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 1 May2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 5 | e36410 EEGandfMRICaseStudyonAbacusMentalAddition expert performing mental addition tasks, in an attempt to and her parents gave written informed consents before the examine the temporally sequential processes for mental addition. experiment. Furthermore, we measured the subject’s brain activities with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) when the subject Behavioral Tasks for EEG Recording was performing the same tasks, in order to explore the neural The EEG experiment was conducted in a dark, sound-proof network underlying those processes. We hypothesized that there room, free of ambient electromagnetic interference. The subject would be sequential visuospatial and visuomotor processes was placed in a comfortable chair facing an LED screen at eye during abacus mental addition, in which both parietal and level with two speakers, one on each side of the screen, while frontal cortical areas would be involved. performingthetasks.Sixdifferenttasks(labeledV-8,V-4,V-C,A- 8, A-4, and A-C, see descriptions later) were used in this study. Methods Three of them (V-8, V-4, and V-C) were visual tasks, while the other three (A-8, A-4, and A-C) were auditory tasks. The The protocol of the experiment was approved by the experiment is illustrated in figure 1A and 1B. In the visual tasks, institutionalethicscommitteeintheSchoolofMedicine,Tsinghua 10numbers(formentaladdition)or10pseudo-words(forcontrol) University. One abacus expert (female, age 16), who was one of weredisplayedonebyonesequentiallyinthecenterofthescreen the top performers in the World Mental Calculation Competi- in each experimental run. In the auditory tasks, 10 numbers (or tions, participated in the experiment as the subject. The subject pseudo-words) were pronounced also one by one sequentially Figure1.Demonstrationofexperimentalrunsinvisualandauditorytasks.Invisualtasks,thevisualstimulicouldbe8-digitnumbers,4- digitnumbersor4-letterpseudo-words.Likewise,inauditorytasks,theauditorystimulicouldalsobe8-digitnumbers,4-digitnumbersor4-letter pseudo-words. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036410.g001 PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 2 May2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 5 | e36410 EEGandfMRICaseStudyonAbacusMentalAddition Figure2.ERPresultsoftheEEGexperiments.(A)GrandaverageofERPsinvisualtasks.Themostprominentpeaksarenamed.(B)EEGelectrode arrangements.Nineregionsofinterest(ROI)aredisplayedwiththenineframes.Theresultsofpost-hocTukeyHSDtestontheamplitudesofP2(C), LPC-1(D,E),andLPC-2(F). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036410.g002 PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 3 May2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 5 | e36410 EEGandfMRICaseStudyonAbacusMentalAddition Table1. Behavioralresults from theabacus expert Table2.Statistical results ofthethree ERP components performing the mentaladditiontasks (8-digit and4-digit (*p,0.05; **p,0.01;*** p,0.001). addition),aswell astheaverage subjects performing the mentaladditiontasks (2-digit and1-digit addition). LPC1 LPC2 P2(170,210ms) (360,400ms) (420,460ms) Average Amplitude subjects Task V-2 V-1 A-2 A-1 TASK F(2,513)=20.97*** F(2,513)=20.03*** F(2,513)=39.19*** AR(%) 77.062.5 98.060.6 66.363.8 96.360.9 AP F(2,513)=46.45*** F(2,513)=416.06*** F(2,513)=510.03*** RT(s) 1.9560.14 1.1260.07 2.3060.18 1.3260.14 LR F(2,513)=9.20*** F(2,513)=10.08*** F(2,513)=4.64* Abacusexpert Task V-8 V-4 A-8 A-4 TASK*AP F(4,513)=2.64* F(4,513)=4.24** NS AR(%) 100 100 100 100 TASK*LR NS F(4,513)=2.56* F(4,513)=3.20* RT(s) 1.8660.69 1.6560.81 2.4160.91 1.7660.73 AP*LR NS F(4,513)=13.61*** F(4,513)=8.75*** doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036410.t001 TASK*AP*LR NS NS NS Latency throughspeakers.Thedurationofeachstimuluswasonesecond, TASK F(2,513)=5.80** F(2,513)=3.90* NS andtheintervalbetweenstimulusonsetswastwoseconds.Invisual AP F(2,513)=27.00*** NS NS tasks, 8-digit numbers (V-8), 4-digit numbers (V-4) and 4-letter LR F(2,513)=23.60*** NS F(2,513)=4.20* pseudo-words (V-C) were presented. In the A-8 task, the 1-s duration of the stimulus was equally divided into eight segments TASK*AP NS NS NS (125 msforeach).Eachsegmentstartedwithanoralpresentation TASK*LR NS F(4,513)=3.80** NS ofadigit(inChinese).Thisdigitwasrandomlyselectedfromnine AP*LR F(4,513)=8.00*** NS NS digits (1to 9)recorded by a male andits duration was artificially TASK*AP*LR NS NS NS compressedinto100ms.InA-4andA-Ctasks,the1-sdurationof the stimulus was equally divided into four segments (250 ms for doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036410.t002 each). Eachsegment started withan orally presented digitlasting for230msinA-4,andaletterlastingfor230msinA-C.Inboth (Compumedics, US). Afterwards, the 60 channel EEG data tasks, the digits and letters were also recorded by a male and were analyzed using Matlab 7.0 (Math Works, US) and artificiallycompressedinto230ms.Thesubjectwasinstructedto EEGLAB 6.0 toolbox (Swartz Center for Computational maintainfocusonthecenterofthescreeninthevisualtasks.Inthe Neurosciences, US) [19]. Event-related potentials (ERPs) were auditory tasks, a cross was presented in the center of the screen calculated by averaging the trials. The baseline was established duringtheentireperiodofarun.Thesubjectwasrequiredtofix by averaging voltages from the 50ms preceding the onset of the her sights on the cross. In the mental addition tasks, the subject stimulus and was subtracted from the ERPs. ERP components wasrequiredtoaddthetennumberspresentedinsuccessionand were defined as peaks and troughs, and named as routines (P2, thenselectthecorrectanswer(sum)fromthreeoptionspresented LPC-1, and LPC-2 as in figure 2A). The amplitude of an ERP on the screen one second after the off-set of the last of those ten component was measured from its peak to the baseline (peak- numbers, by pressing one of the corresponding buttons on value minus the baseline-value). The latency was measured from a keyboard. In the control tasks, the subject was instructed to the stimulus onset to the peak. randomlypressoneofthethreebuttonsonesecondaftertheoff- setofthelastpseudo-word.Twentyrunswerecarriedoutforeach Statistical Analyses task and were grouped into two blocks. The blocks of different Three-wayanalysisofvariance(ANOVA)wasusedtocompare tasks were presented randomly. The interval between runs was ERP components (amplitude and latency). Since the offset of an 3,5seconds,andbetweenblocks,5,10minutes.Thesubjectwas auditory stimulus (an aurally-presented number, or word) could instructed toavoidunnecessaryeyemovementsduringthewhole not be defined as accurately as the visual one, only visual ERP task. components were included in statistical analysis. The electrodes were grouped into 9 regions of interest (ROI) as indicated in EEG Recording and Processing figure2B,andERPsfromelectrodesofeachregionwereaveraged EEG signals were recorded by an EEG recording system across electrodes to improve signal-to-noise-ratio. The ANOVA (SynAmps2, Compumedics, Ltd Corp, US). Sixty Ag-AgCl scalp factors were TASK (V-8, V-4 and V-C), AP (frontal-central, electrodes (Quick-Caps, Neuroscan) were arranged in a standard central-parietal and parietal-occipital), and LR (left, medial and 10–20 system (figure 2B). EEG signals from each electrode were right). All ERP statistical analyses were performed with Statistica referenced to linked earlobes. Two linked electrodes were placed (StatSoft, US). ontheearlobes(oneoneachearlobe).Thesignalfromthelinked earlobeelectrodesservedasthereference.Theimpedanceofeach sLORETA Analyses electrode was kept below 5 kV during the experiment. Addition- Brain generators associated with modulation of ERPs were ally, the electro-oculogram (EOG) signal was recorded to detect estimated by standardized low resolution brain electromagnetic horizontal and vertical eye movements. EEG (60 electrodes) and tomographic analysis (sLORETA). The current density was EOG (2 bipolar electrodes) signals were filtered (0.1–100Hz represented in 3-D Tailarach space of the scalp-recorded band-pass),amplified,digitized(1000Hzsamplerate),andstored electrical activity using the sLORETA software package [20]. for off-lineanalysis. sLORETA was used to provide an approximate three-di- EOG contamination in EEG was excluded by means of mensional solution of the EEG inverse problem, aiming to linear regression implemented in Neuroscan EDIT software determine the most active brain regions in a given instant of PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 4 May2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 5 | e36410 EEGandfMRICaseStudyonAbacusMentalAddition Figure3.SourcelocalizationofP2component.(A)sLORETAresultsofthesubtractionofP2tracesbetweenV-CandV-4.(B)sLORETAresultsof thesubtractionofP2tracesbetweenV-CandV-8. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036410.g003 PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 5 May2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 5 | e36410 EEGandfMRICaseStudyonAbacusMentalAddition Figure4.SourcelocalizationofLPC-1component.(A)sLORETAresultsofthesubtractionofLPC-1tracesbetweenV-4andV-C.(B)sLORETA resultsofthesubtractionofLPC-1tracesbetweenV-8andV-C. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036410.g004 PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 6 May2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 5 | e36410 EEGandfMRICaseStudyonAbacusMentalAddition Figure5.SourcelocalizationofLPC-2component.(A)sLORETAresultsofthesubtractionofLPC-2tracesbetweenV-4andV-C.(B)sLORETA resultsofthesubtractionofLPC-2tracesbetweenV-8andV-C. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036410.g005 PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 7 May2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 5 | e36410 EEGandfMRICaseStudyonAbacusMentalAddition Table3. Thebrainareas activated in4-digitvisual mental addition,incontrast to thevisual controltask (family-wise-error correctedp,0.001). AnatomicalLocalization Coordinates Cluster(Voxels) Z-Value X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) SuperiorParietalLobule BA7 222 270 60 577 11.34 BA7 232 252 56 11.17 SuperiorParietalLobule BA7 18 264 52 676 9.46 BA7 34 246 48 8.89 BA7 36 254 52 7.98 MiddleFrontalGyrus BA6 26 24 50 135 8.45 MiddleFrontalGyrus BA6 222 214 54 147 8.11 InferiorParietalLobule BA40 42 228 40 86 7.87 InferiorParietalLobule BA40 250 240 50 60 6.98 InferiorFrontalGyrus BA9 258 14 28 54 6.79 PrecentralGyrus BA4 254 214 26 47 6.67 InferiorFrontalGyrus BA45 54 14 20 38 5.82 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036410.t003 time. This analysis was based on the measurements of a dense Functional volumes were analyzed by using Statistical Para- grid of electrodes, which were placed on the entire scalp surface metric Mapping 5 (SPM5; www.fil.ion.ucl.ac.uk/spm/software/ covering the brain [20]. spm5) implemented in MATLAB. Motion correction to the first sLORETA was used to estimate the current source density functional scan was performed using a six-parameter rigid-body distributionforepochsofbrainelectricalactivityonadensegridof transformation [22]. The motion corrected images were 6239voxelsat5 mmspatialresolution.Threeperiodsweretaken normalized to the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) for analysis according to the three prominent ERP components: coordinate system, and spatially smoothed with a 6-mm full- P2, 170–210ms; LPC-1, 360–400 ms; LPC-2, 420–460ms. The width-at-half-maximum-isotropic Gaussian kernel. Statistical difference in ERP waveform between the addition task and the fMRI analysis was performed using the general linear model control taskwere submitted forsLORETA[21]. (GLM), as implemented in SPM5. Next, we created contrast images for each stimulus between the mental addition task and fMRI Experiments and Data Analyses the control task. Family-wise-error (FWE) was corrected for multiple spatial comparisons. Clusters with more than 10 ThefMRIexperimentwascarriedoutinsideathree-TeslaMR contiguous supra-threshold (FWE p,0.05) voxels were shown scanner (Siemens Trio) in the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese in activation tables. Academy of Science. A high resolution T1-weighted multi-sliced anatomicalimagewasacquiredinthesagitalorientation,usinga3D Results gradient echo sequence (pulse repetition=2530ms; echo time=3.37 ms; inversion time=1100; number of signals aver- Behavioral Results aged=1; matrix size=25662566190), for the reference of func- Behavioralresultsoftheabacusexpertwasrecordedandlisted tional images. Multi-sliced T2*-weighted fMRI images were (table1)togetherwiththeresultsofourpreviousstudy[23]from obtained with a gradient echo-planar sequence using axial slice averagesubjectswhoperformedadditiontaskswithfewerdigits(1- orientation (25 slices; voxel size=3.44 mm63.44mm65mm; digit and 2-digit). In all addition tasks, the expert made 100 matrix size=64664625; TR=2000ms; TE=30ms; flip an- percent correct choices. The 100% accuracy of the expert was gle=90u).Thesubjectwasscannedwhileperformingthetask,lying overthreestandarddeviationsawayfromthemeancorrectrateof in the scanner and faced with an LED screen where task images theaverage subjects ineach taskasgivenin table1. (numbers,pseudo-words,andinstructions)wereprojectedwithan opticalfiber.Thevisualanglewas0.6degreeforeachdigitorletterin ERP Results thestimulus.Auditorystimuliwerepresentedthroughanair-driven Averaged event related potentials (ERPs) along the midline earphonesystem.Thesubjectselectedthecorrectanswerbypressing electrodes were shown in figure 2A. The three separated ERP oneofthethreebuttonsinabuttoncase.ThetasksusedinthefMRI components were P2 (peaked around 190ms), LPC1 (peaked experimentwereidenticaltothoseintheEEGexperiment.ThefMRI around 380ms), and LPC2 (peaked around 440ms). ANOVA experiment for the subject included four sessions, each of them results of these ERPs are shown in table 2. Task conditions containingsixtaskblocks(correspondingtosixtasksrespectively:V-8, (TASK:V-8,V-4,V-C)exertedsignificanteffectsonamplitudesof V-4, V-C, A-8, A-4, and A-C) that were arranged in a random all the three ERP components, as well as AP (frontal-central, sequence.Eachofthoseblocksincludedtwoexperimentalruns,and central-parietal and parietal-occipital) and LR (left, middle, and eachrunconsistedof10stimuli,correspondingto10MRIscans. right) factors. The TASK*AP interaction was significant for the Therefore,eachofthesixtaskscontained80scansintotal.Thesubject amplitudes of P2 and LPC-1. The TASK*LR interaction was tookarestof10secondsbetweenblocksandarestof3–5minutes significantfortheamplitudesofLPC-1andLPC-2.Resultsofthe betweensessions. post-hoc TukeyHSDtest ontheamplitudes ofERP components PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 8 May2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 5 | e36410 EEGandfMRICaseStudyonAbacusMentalAddition sLORETA Results sLORETA was applied to subtractions of ERP traces [21] betweentheadditiontaskandthecontroltask.Timewindowsfor the analysis were the periods of the three ERP components (P2, LPC-1 and LPC-2). The sLORETA results of these components were shown in figures 3, 4, and 5 respectively. Cortical areas showing maximal activity were observed as follows: around 190ms (P2), the most active area was located in the left middle temporalgyrus(BA21)forsubtractionsbetweenV-CandV-8/V- 4 (figure 3); around 380ms (LPC-1), the most active areas were locatedinbilateralsuperiorparietallobules(BA7)andprecuneus (BA 7) for subtractions between V-8/V-4 and V-C (figure 4); around440ms(LPC-2),forasubtractionbetweenV-4andV-C, themostactiveareawaslocatedintheleftmiddletemporalgyrus (BA 21), and for a subtraction between V-8 and V-C, the most active areas were located in bilateral superior frontal gyri (BA 8) andbilateral middle frontalgyri (BA6) (figure 5). fMRI Results Brain activation of V-4 in contrast to V-C (abbreviation, V4/ VC) is shown in table 3 and figure 6A. The most active areas include bilateral superior parietal lobules (BA 7) (cluster size: left 577 volumes, right 676 volumes; FWE p,0.001) and bilateral middle frontal gyri (BA 6) (cluster size: left 147 volumes, right 135 volumes;FWEp,0.001).BrainactivationofV-8incontrasttoV- C (abbreviation, V8/VC) isshown intable 4 and figure 6B. The most active areas also include bilateral superior parietal lobules (BA 7) (cluster size: left 835 volumes, right 916 volumes; FWE p,0.001)andbilateralmiddlefrontalgyri(BA6)(clustersize:left 362 volumes, right 278 volumes; FWE p,0.001), and the corresponding active cluster sizes are larger than those in table 3 andfigure 6A. Brain activation of A-4 in contrast to A-C (abbreviation, A4/ AC) is shown in table 5 and figure 7A. The most active areas include bilateral superior parietal lobules (BA 7) (cluster size: left 398 volumes, right 421 volumes; FWE p,0.001) and bilateral middle frontal gyri (BA 6) (cluster size: left 100 volumes, right 77 volumes;FWEp,0.001).BrainactivationofA-8incontrasttoA- C (abbreviation, A8/AC) is shown in table 6 and figure 7B. The most active areas also include bilateral superior parietal lobules (BA 7) (cluster size: left 1308 volumes, right 1763 volumes; FWE p,0.001)andbilateralmiddlefrontalgyri(BA6)(clustersize:left 513 volumes, right 422 volumes; FWE p,0.001), and the corresponding active cluster sizes are larger than those in table 5 andfigure 7A. Figure 6. fMRI results in visual mental addition. (A) Glass-brain Brain activation of V-8 in contrast to V-4 yields no significant viewsoffMRIactivatedareasofV-4vs.V-C(p,0.05,family-wise-error (FWEp,0.05)results.BrainactivationofA-8incontrasttoA-4is corrected). Talairach coordinates of the activated points are listed in shownintable7andfigure8A.Themostprominentactivationis table 3. (B) Glass-brain views of fMRI activated areas of V-8 vs. V-C observed in left inferior frontal gyrus (BA 44) (cluster size=137 (p,0.05, family-wise-error corrected). Talairach coordinates of the volumes, FWE p,0.001). activatedpointsarelistedintable4. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036410.g006 TheconjunctionofbrainactivationsbetweenV4/VCandA4/ ACisshowninfigure8B,whichisasubsetoftheconjunctionof brain activations between V8/VC and A8/AC (figure 8C). The (P2, LPC-1, LPC-2) are shown in figures 2C–2F. The P2 mostprominentconjunctionactivationsbetweenV4/VCandA4/ amplitude was significantly larger in V-C than that in V-8 and AC are observed in bilateral superior parietal lobules (BA 7) V-4 at parietal-occipital recording sites (figure 2C). The LPC-1 (cluster size: left 388 volumes, right 403 volumes; FWE p,0.001) amplitudeinV-8wassignificantlylargerthanthoseinV-4andV- and bilateral middle frontal gyri (BA 6) (cluster size: left 90 C at middle frontal-central and central-parietal recording sites volumes, right76volumes; FWE p,0.001). (figures2Dand2E).ThedifferencebetweenV-8andV-CinLPC- Brain activation of V4/VC in contrast to A4/AC yields no 1intherightrecordingsiteswasnearsignificance(p=0.058).The significant (FWE p,0.05) results. Brain activation of A8/AC in LPC-2amplitudeinV-8andV-4wassignificantlylargerthanthat contrast to V8/VC is shown in table 8 and figure 8D. The most in V-C at middle recording sites. Meanwhile, the LPC-2 prominent activations are observed in left superior frontal gyrus amplitudeinV-8waslargerthanthatinV-4atmiddleandright (BA6)(clustersize=151volumes,FWEp,0.001),leftsupramar- recording sites (figure 2F). ginal gyrus (BA40) (cluster size=221 volumes, FWE p,0.001), PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 9 May2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 5 | e36410 EEGandfMRICaseStudyonAbacusMentalAddition Table4. Thebrainareas activated in8-digitvisual mental addition,incontrast to thevisual controltask (family-wise-error correctedp,0.001). AnatomicalLocalization Coordinates Cluster(Voxels) Z-Value X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) SuperiorParietalLobule BA7 222 270 60 835 13.95 BA7 230 252 56 12.38 BA7 224 262 58 11.1 SuperiorParietalLobule BA7 16 264 54 916 13.1 BA7 32 246 48 10.15 BA7 26 252 52 9.5 Sub-Gyral BA6 26 24 52 278 12.34 InferiorParietalLobule BA40 42 228 40 253 9.57 BA2 52 226 50 7.02 MiddleFrontalGyrus BA6 222 214 56 362 9.19 BA6 224 22 64 8.16 BA6 216 22 56 6.93 MiddleFrontalGyrus BA9 256 16 30 74 7.93 InferiorParietalLobule BA40 252 238 50 81 7.22 BA40 256 232 44 5.74 PostcentralGyrus BA2 254 218 30 21 5.65 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036410.t004 and left inferior frontal gyrus (BA44) (cluster size=187 volumes, is because of years of training in abacus calculation that the FWE p,0.001). expert can perform those tasks quickly and accurately, which are very difficult for average people. Discussion Sequential Processes During Abacus Mental Addition Behavioral Results The most significant difference observed between the mental In the current study, the abacus expert performed the additiontaskandthecontroltaskwasintheERPcomponents(P2, addition tasks with multi-digit (8-digit and 4-digit) numbers LPC-1andLPC-2).P2hasbeenconsideredtobeanERPindexof swiftly and accurately. Her accuracy rates (100%) were taskrelevanceevaluationofvisualstimuli[25].Fromthispointof significantly higher than those of the average subjects perform- view, theP2 in the addition task should be different from that in ing analogous 1-digit and 2-digit addition tasks. The accuracy of the control task. Indeed, the P2 amplitude in the addition the average people performing addition tasks dropped as the condition was significantly lower than that in the control addends got larger (more digits in the tasks), which dropped to condition. The source of the difference was located most almost zero as the addends reached 4-digits [24]. Apparently, it Table5.Thebrainareasactivatedin4-digitauditorymentaladdition,incontrasttotheauditorycontroltask(family-wise-error correctedp,0.001). AnatomicalLocalization Coordinates Cluster(Voxels) Z-Value X(mm) Y(mm) Z(mm) SuperiorParietalLobule BA7 222 270 60 398 10.17 BA7 230 252 56 8.32 SuperiorParietalLobule BA7 18 262 50 421 9.48 BA7 34 246 48 6.94 BA7 34 254 54 6.43 MiddleFrontalGyrus BA6 26 24 50 77 7.09 PrecentralGyrus BA6 224 214 54 100 6.98 InferiorFrontalGyrus BA9 258 14 28 25 6.3 InferiorParietalLobule BA40 40 228 40 15 5.75 InferiorParietalLobule BA40 250 240 50 12 5.75 doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036410.t005 PLoSONE | www.plosone.org 10 May2012 | Volume 7 | Issue 5 | e36410

1 The Key Lab of Brain Functional Genomics (MOE), Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, School of Psychology and Cognitive Science, East China Normal University,. Shanghai, China, 2 Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 3 MIND Research
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