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Sepp Holzer's Permaculture: A Practical Guide to Small-Scale, Integrative Farming and Gardening--With information on mushroom cultivation, sowing a ... ways to keep livestock, and more... PDF

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Preview Sepp Holzer's Permaculture: A Practical Guide to Small-Scale, Integrative Farming and Gardening--With information on mushroom cultivation, sowing a ... ways to keep livestock, and more...

c- sld dH0lZlU dVIUlD )\ifHlllllll0 1or .or't,ot pq{r PRAISEF OR S"ppH olzer'sP ermaculture 'A fascinating bookwritten by a man who has devoted a lifetime to working with nature and creating extraordinari\ diverse polycul- tures. His work is breathtaking." -MeoPY HAnlRNn, editor of PermacultureM agazine ,At an altitude that everyone else has abandoned to low-value for- estry [SeppH olzer's] is probably the best exampleo f a permacul- turefarm in Europe [and] standso ut like a beacon'" -PanRIc< Wulruttrlo, author and teacher Permaculture 'As the era of cheap energy, stable climates, and surplus fertilizer stocksc omest o a close,t he principleso f permaculturew ill become increasingly attractive as one way to design our future food and ag- riculture ryrt"-r. This book provides important insights for apply- ing thesef rinciples, for both rural farming and emergingf orms of urban agriculture." -FRuornIcK KIRscHENMANNp,r esidento f Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture "SeppH olzer is a SuperstarF armerw ho turns out an absolutelyr e- markable volume and variety of food products without one smid- gen of chemical fertilizer, and on land in Austria that an Illinois corn farmerwould pronouncet oo marginal for agriculture." -GrNn LocsooN, author of HoIy Shit:M anagingM anure to SaveM ankind andThe ContraryF armer "Here's great news for fluit-loving gardeners everywhere! Most of the work of establishing,p runing, and tending fruit treesb y'mod- ern' methods is unnecessary and even counterproductive. This book is The One-Straw Revolutionf or tree crops." -Cenol DErrE, author of The ResilientG qrdener: Food Production and Self-Reliancein UncertainTimes SeppH olzer's Permocullure A Practical Guide to SmaII-ScaIeI,n tegrative Farming and Gardening ChelseoG reenP ublishing WhiteR iverJ unction,V ermont gneen Copydght O zoo4 by Leopold Stocker Verlag pness First published in German as Sepp Holzers INITIATIVE Permakultur by Leopold Stocker Verlag, Hofgasse 5, PO Box 438, A-8orr Graz, Austria Chelsea Green Publishing is comitted to proserving mcient forestsa nd natual resources We electedt o print All rights reserued this title on FSC@-certifiedp aper containingatleastl0Vo No part of this book may be transmitted or postconsumer recycled fiber, processed chlorine-free reproduced in any form by any means without As a result, for this printing, we have saved: permission in writing from the publisher. E Tlees (40' tall and 6-E" dimeter) First English language edition @ zoro by Permanent 3,708 Gallons of Wastewater Publications w.permaculture co uk 3 million BTUs Total Energy The right of Sepp Holzer to be identified as the 225 Pounds of Solid Waste author of this work has been asserted by him in 770 Pounds of Greenhouse Gases accordance with the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1998 Chelsea Green Publishing made this paper choice be- cause we are a member of the Green Press Initiative, The first English language edition of Sepp a nonprofit progrm dedicated to supporting authors, Holzerb Permaculfure was published in zon publishers, and suppliers in their efforts to reduce their in the United Kingdom by Permanent Publications, use offiber obtained from endangeredf orests.F or more The Sustainability Centre, East Meon, Hampshire infomation. visit www greenpressinitiativoerg GU3z rHR, UK w.permaculture.co.uk. Translated from the German Environmental impact estimates were made using the Environmen- tal Defense Paper Calculator For more infomation visitr www by Anna Sapsford-Francis papercalculatororg Indexer: Linda Hallinger Designer:Two Plus George Limited, m.TwoPlusGeorge co uk Printed in the United Stateso fAmerica First Chelsea Green printing March, zou ro 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 z t 11\ 2 13t 4 15 Our Commitment to Green Publishing Chelsea Green sees publishing as a tool for cultural change and ecological stewardship We strive to align our book manufacturing practices with our editorial mission and to reduce the impact ofour business enterprise in the environment. We print our books and catalogs on chlorine-free recycled paper, using vegetable-based inks whenever possible This book maycost slightly more because we use recycled paper, and we hopeyou'll agree that it's worth it Chelsea Green is a member of the Green Press Initiative (ww.green- pressinitiative.org), a nonprofit coalition of publishers, manufacturers, and authors working to protect the world's endangered forests and conserve natural resources Sepp Holzerh Permaculture was printed on FSC'-certified paper supplied by RR Donnelley that contains at least ro-percent postconsumer recycled fiber Libraryof Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Holzer, Sepp. [Sepp Holzers Permakultur English] Sepp Holzer's permaculture : a practical guide to small-scale, integrative farming and gardening / [Sepp Holzer] - rst Englishl anguagee d p cm. First publishedi n Germana s SeppH olzersP ermakulturb y LeopoldS tockerV erlag ISBN9 78r-6o358-37or r. Permaculture.I . Title II Title: Pernaculture 5494.5P47H689z oot 67t.5'8-dczz zottoo6356 ChelseaG reenP ublishingC ompany PostO f6ce Box4 28 white River] unction, VT o5oor (8oz) 295-63oo w.chelseagreen.com Foreword lx Preface Introduction r LandscapeD esign EarlyC hildhoodE xperiences 1 PastM istakes The PermacultureL andscape 5 General 5 Reshapingt he Land with an Excavator 8 Dealingw ith the Authorities 9 Setting up a PermacultureS ystem to GeneraQl uestions 10 Assessingth e Land l1 Aspecta nd Climate ll Soil Conditions L3 Assessingth e SoiI L3 'Light' Chqracteristicso f and'Heavy' SoiI L4 Indicq.torP lants r4 Experiencewsi th Dffirent Typeso f SoiI r8 DesignI deas 19 TestA reas L9 Microclimates 2l Terracesa nd Paths 24 Building a TerraceS ystem 25 width 25 Gradient 25 Risersa nd SeparatingM aterial z6 Workingw ithWater 27 Stabilisingt he System z8 Managinga TerraceC ulture 30 HumusS torageD itches 3r RaisedB eds 33 DesignI deas 33 Designinga RaisedB edS ystem 37 ManagingR aisedB eds 40 Pick-your-own 42 terscapes 4+ Building Water Gardensa nd Ponds 47 DesignI deas 5o PossibleU ses 51 z Alternat Agriculture BasicI deas 53 Soil Fertiliry 54 GreenM anure 56 GreenM anureC rops 57 My Method 58 Mistakes 6z PlantL ist 6z s to RegulateP roblemP lants 65 Old Varietiesa nd Plant Diversity 68 Cereals 7o Growinga nd ProcessinBg randrogge n n) Tips for Polycultures 7+ Alpine Plants 77 Alternative s to KeepL ivestock 8o Pigsi n a PermacultureS ystem 8r Characteristicso f a FewO ld Pig Breeds 8z Mangalitza 8z Swabian-HalSl wine 8z Duroc 8z Turopolje 83 Pigsa s Helpers 83 KeepingP igsU sing a PaddockS ystem 85 Wild Cattlea nd Old DomesticC attleB reeds 87 KeepingB ovineS pecies 89 Feed 89 Poultry 9L Bird Conservation 9r KeepingP oultry Humanely 92 Earth Cellarsa nd Open Shelters 95 Earth Sheltersa s Pigsties 95 RoundwoodS heltersa nd Cellars 96 Usea sa StorageR oom 99 StoneC ellars 101 Fruit Trees 3 PossibleU ses ro4 The Wrong Way to Cultivate Fruit Trees ro8 My Method llo ProtectionA gainstB rowsing Lr4 Fruit Varieties rr5 RecommendedO ld AppleV arieties rr6 RecommendedO ld PearVarieties L20 RecommendedO ld Damsona nd PIumV arieties r2L Wild and SourC herries tz2 Apricot and PeachV arieties r23 Propagatinga nd Grafting rz4 Rootstock 124 Scion L25 Grafting rz6 Whip and TongueG rafting rz7 Cleft Grafting r27 Bud Grafting 130 BridgeG rafting 130 Sowinga Fruit Forest 13r The'ShockM ethod' 83 ProcessingM, arketing and Selling r35 4 CultivatingM ushrooms General r37 Health Benefits 138 The Basicso f Mushroom Cultivation 140 Growing Mushroomso n Wood r40 Mushroomsf or Growing on Wood r4r Substrate L42 Mushroom Spawn 143 Pr opa ga ting Spa wn Yousr e lf 144 Creatinga nd Maintaining the Culture 144 Tips 48 Growing Mushroomso n Straw L49 Mushroomsf or Growing on Straw r49 Substrate r49 MushroomS pawn 15r Creatinga nd Maintaining the Culture 15r Tips 154 Cultivating Wild Mushrooms 154 Gardens 5 Kitchen Gardens r59 Memories of our Gachtl 16r The Pharmacy on the Doorstep ;163 Calendula Salve 168 Lemon Thyme and Thyme Oil L6g Chicory Tea for Diabetics 169 Tormentil t6g Vegetable Patch 169 The Most Important Work in O\fi Gachtl r7o Natural Fertiliser r74 Alternative Composting Methods r74 Mulch 176 Liquid Fertiliser r77 My Method 178 Helpers in the Garden and Regulating Fellow Creatures r8o Voles r8z Slugs and Snails r83 Earthworm-s Nature'sP loughs r85 BreedingE arthworms 186 Characteristicso f Town Gardens r87 How Children ExperienceN ature 187 DesignC haracteristics 189 Terracesa nd BalconyG ardens r92 BlpassT echnique r97 Plant List 199 Vegetables r99 Medicinal and Culinary Plants 2ol 6 Projects Scotland 205 Thailand 2lo Berta:a Projectf or Lebenshilfe sseerland 214 ConcludingT houghts 2r7 The Author zr8 The Co thors 2L9 Index 220

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