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Sepher Sephiroth (revised) By Allan Bennett and Aleister Crowley Revised by Ian Rons Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. This numerical dictionary has been revised and updated, including much new material. It has also been stripped of much extraneous material such as planetary spirits, etc., to make it a more “purist” production, since much of the material of that type is rather unreliable. All the numerations have been checked, and the Latin originally given from Kabbalah Denudata has been translated and checked against the Hebrew (using Brown-Driver-Briggs and Megiddo). The references to Zoharic texts, etc., have been checked, and are now given with verse numbers (rather than page numbers) wherever possible. Furthermore, new Zoharic and other references have been inserted. Biblical references have been checked, and given KJV (rather than Vulgate) verse numbers, and many new Biblical references have been found. Hebrew words and phrases without a translation have been translated, and many of the other Hebrew translations have been checked also. Words and phrases with a possible “final letters” value have all been enumerated. Love is the law, love under will. I.R. The Hebrew Alphabet Name Figure Value Transliteration (M) Aleph ) 1 A (D) Beth b 2 B (D) Gimel g 3 G (D) Daleth d 4 D (S) Heh h 5 H (S) Vau w 6 V (S) Zayin z 7 Z (S) Cheth x 8 Ch (S) Teth + 9 T (S) Yod y 10 I (D) Kaph k K 20 500 K (S) Lamed l 30 L (M) Mem m M 40 600 M (S) Nun n N 50 700 N (S) Samekh s 60 S (S) Ayin ( 70 O (D) Peh p P 80 800 P (S) Tzaddi c C 90 900 Tz (S) Qoph q 100 Q (D) Resh r 200 R (M) Shin # 300 Sh (D) Tau t 400 Th When written large, the value of a Hebrew letter is increased by a factor of one thousand. A large Aleph is counted 1000, a large Beth 2000, etc. Note that there are no vowels in Hebrew, only semi-vowels (A, H, V, I). Diacritical marks are sometimes used to indicate vowels, but generally the correct pronunciation of a word therefore relies on memory. In any case, this has no importance in Gematria, except that it must be noted that any given word may have many different meanings, according as it is pronounced. M, D and S before the names of the letters shows their division into Mothers, Double and Single letters; referred respectively to active Elements (Air, Water, Fire), Planets and Zodiacal Signs. But Shin and Tau also serve to signify the Elements of Spirit and of Earth (see Liber 777). Abbreviations: K.D. Kabbalah Denudata Ch. Chaldee Ar. Aramaic S.B. Sepher Bahir S.D. Siphra Dtzenioutha S.S. Sepher Sephiroth I.R.Q. Idra Rabba Qadisha I.Z.Q. Idra Zuta Qadisha M.H. Modern Hebrew. * All final values counted : In Hebrew, indicates a letter spelt in full (e.g. ): = Pl)) 1 The Mystic Number of Kether 15 The Mystic Number of Geburah 2 (Notariqon of Arik Anpin, 422) )) Hod: splendour dwh 3 The Mystic Number of Chokmah The Monogram of the Eternal: the divine name of Chokmah hy Father b) Spring byb) To come, go )b Steam, vapour dy) 4 Father )b) Pride; a carrying out; exaltation hw)g Hollow; a vein bb Overflowing, abounding bwz Proud )g He who impels; to force xz 5 Mist, vapour d) To hide hbx Back; food gb Lamentation yh Elevation, top; pit, water-hole bg 16 Hyssop bwz) 6 The Mystic Number of Binah He seized, cleaved to zx) To gather, collect )bg Elevated, exalted, high hwbg Flat roof; cover of an altar gg Injury, war, lust; fell hwh A bear bd She )yh A window; lo! )h Alas! – Woe yw Father, a title of Chokmah )bb) Like, equal to gwz Separation; white linen; idle talk; liar db Hook, brooch, ring xx 7 Lost, ruined db) 17 Capricorn: a kid, young goat ydg A name of God attributed to Venus (initials of Adonai ha-Aretz) )h) Nuts zwg) Desire; either, or w) Ah! – Alas! yw) Good fortune dg Nerve, sinew (Gn. 32:25, 32) dyg Was weary b)d Narrative, subtle discourse hdgh Riches, power )bd That [one] (ref. to )wh) )whh Fish gd To dream, rave hzh 8 To will, intend hb) A fly bwbz Love; desired, beloved bh) Sacrificed xbz Then z) To seethe, boil dwz The entrance, threshold h)b To brighten, make joyful hdx To be anxious, grieve g)d A circle, orbit gwx Breast; love; beloved; pleasures of love dd Good bw+ (Notariqon of Zauir Anpin, 478) )z To give, place bhy In itself; in the ... is, that in it wb 18 My favourite, my beloved ybh) 9 Ventriloquist, necromancer; the special “fire” of black magic, bw) Hatred hby) whence Obi, Obeah (cf. 11 & 207) The Antique Serpent )+x He kindled )z) Living yx Brother x) (Notariqon of Yehi Aur, 232) )w)y A garment dgb 19 An enemy byw) Became powerful, grew high h)g Was black hyd Middle, midst; back (n.) wg Eve: to manifest, show forth hwx Splendour (cf. 15); shout of joy dh Nation; gentile ywg Booty; prey zb 20 Yod: a hand dwy Come )wb A name of God yy 10 The Mystic Number of Chesed Fraternity hwx) Heh: a window; alas hh Black liquid wyd The God HAD d)h It was hyh Mutterer, enchanter; whisper (n.) +) The breast; a vision; a prophet; to gaze hzx Elevated, exalted, high hbg Sin h)+h Flew, soared h)d Golden bwhz Two wd 21 The Mystic Number of Tiphareth A wolf b)z Existence, being: the divine name of Kether hyh) A hidden place; bosom bx But, howbeit; certainly K) Fleece zg Deep meditation gygh To sweep away )+ Ah! – Alas! ywh Skin of grapes gz Purity, innocence wxz 11 Ahah hh) Part of hwhy (see Sepher Yetzirah) why FMiraegbicra onfd ,L vigohlct,a nLiicf ef,i raen:d t hLeo Svpe;e chieanl c“ef i“reO”d oicr “Floigrchet”” ,o &f cth. e( cSf.a c9r e&d dw) 22 With his hand wdyb 207) By Yodh dwyb Where?; island y) Hearer in secret hy))h When )wbb The state of puberty gwwz To tear, cut, attack ddg A magical vision (Ch.) )wzx Gold, golden (Ch.) bhd Wheat h+x Proud, haughty, arrogant dz Good hbw+ To conceal )bx (Notariqon of “Yehovah Elohim Yehovah Achad”, 151) )y)y A circularity of form or motion; a feast gx Unity dxy 12 Vau: a hook, nail ww 23 Parted, removed, separated xxz HE, the most holy name of God in Kether (Heh is referred to Mater; )wh Joy hwdx Vau to Pater; Aleph to Corona) A thread +wx He longed for, missed hw) Life; Chiah: the Soul in Chokmah hyx He departed, went forth dz) Lesser (Ar.) )+wz A little book, pamphlet, letter; tools +g 24 The number of Enochian Seniors, and of Elders in Revelation To multiply hgd He whom I love ybwh) This, that; who, which; here, there hz He who loves me ybhw) To penetrate, be sharp; one (Ch.); sleep dx A Mercurial God (whose essence is z), 8) hgwbz) Please, pray yb Substance; a body hywg 13 A small bundle, bunch; legend, tale hdg) A pauper; oppressed Kd Beloved; love hbh) Abundance zyz Unity dx) Bucket, pail, vessel dk Hated by) 25 To break )kd Emptiness whb Beast )wyx Raised up hhg Let there be yhy Anxiety hg)d Will be separated xzy A fisher gwd Thus, so; here, there hk Thunder; to meditate; he remembers hgh 26 The number of the Sephiroth of the Middle Pillar: 1 + 6 + 9 + 10. Here; this; glory, splendour wz The Pillar of Mercy: the paths Vau and Kaph (cf. 48 & 463) k w A locust bgx Seeing, looking at hzwx He shall come (cf. 345 & 358) )by Sight, vision hwzx 14 A thorn, spine (as of Christ’s crown of thorns, Matt. 27:29) d+) TETRAGRAMMATON: “Yehovah”: the Unutterable Name: the hwhy Sacrifice; altar (Ar.) xbd Lost Word. Love, beloved; David dwd Kebad, husband of the impure Lilith; to honour; heavy; liver dbk Give, give! (see 17, bhy) bh bh 27 Wept, mourned hkb To grind, direct, stretch out hdh Pure, clear, transparent, innocent Kz Gold bhz A parable, enigma, riddle hdyx Hand (cf. 20) dy 28 The Mystic Number of Netzach Sufficiency, plenty yd The God HADIT (cf. 419) +ydh Valley )yg Mire, clay +y+ Union, unity dwxy Magus gm Power, strength xk One beloved by God hydydy Palate Kx 44 Aries: a ram, lamb hl+ One beloved dydy Aquarius: a bucket yld 29 Is broken, crushed; he croucheth (Ps. 10:10) hkd Drops ylg) To break down, overturn Kdh A pool, pond; sorrow Mg) 30 A party to an action at law; defendant, plaintiff (note Lamed = 30 = byyx Captive, captivity hlwg Libra = VIII, “Justice”) Blood Md It will be hyhy Sand; horror (see the Scorpion Pentacle in the Key of Solomon; see lwx 31 How? Ky) also Liber 418 10th Ayre) To; divine name of Chesed l) Flame +hl To go Kwh Garment dm A beating, striking, collision h)kh 45 The Mystic Number of Yesod And there was (Gn 1:3; see S.D. 1:31) yhyw Adam: Man; red Md) Not, no )l The Fool dm) 32 (Coalescence of hyh) and hwhy: Macroprosopus and hwhyh) Redemption, liberation hlw)g Microprosopus. This is symbolised by the Hexagram. Suppose the 3 To grow warm; they (masc.) Mh Hehs conceal the 3 Mothers: Aleph, Mem and Shin; and we get 358 Hesitated (see 405) lxz qL.ovr.d); not lb She who ruins hlbx TZWihgae-s z bpaougnr,d ef oorfk m-liagtrhitmnionngy gzhwywkzyxzz hGWNwarhehtuaayttr ,lei ynw”, hY(sstieercotehzn ,Si grw.alDyhh,.y v1, e:h3roy8w-3; 9a)nything, something; Yetzitah’s “Secret )h w)w )hd d)hwmmy Unity dyxy 46 A name of God yhl) Glory dwbk A female slave; an ell, cubit hm) Mind, heart, centre bl Tin, the metal of Jupiter lydb 33 Sorrow; wept, mourned lb) A dividing, sundering, separation hldbh Spring, fountain; ruins; wave; dung; oil vessel lg A ruiner lbwx 34 God the Father: divine name attributed to Jupiter b) l) 47 Foolish, silly, stupid lyw) To ransom, avenge, pollute l)g A weeping hyykb To reveal )lg Cloud; high place; waves; fortress hmb Wretched; a pauper ld To clutch, hold +lx A common person; uneducated, ignorant +wydh That it was good bw+ yk 35 Agla, a name of God (notariqon of Ateh Gibor Le-Olahm Adonai, )lg) AUM (cf. 111) Mw) 36 T8BH5hoe8eu w) nMidlaly rsgytoi,c l iNmuimtber of Hod lKbhgy 48 TPGlhraeena ePtnti;le lssatsra, r om:f t ahSgeen vSiefprihciteeynr:e ct eho,ef g Mploaetrhrycs:u aCr ythietlteh oafn Cd hMeseemd (cf. 26 & 463) hblkmwdw kxg 37 GAHTTCPTBPTSTBeteooooeero ooaterrnh nwdenihcrsgauosfen eduart?(heilmhoptaprCtd s,eys(ewar ss!odthLed,rr,ia v s,;a.o,abpg b) ”tegGn.brroee) ,ree1a r,soeca ann:sddwa1ttianhidbs,cv e ,toel2 l iryvesald:d;s1wae ;wn a&aioyt ynu4;al: dm1in -te 2hv )aoatfi!n ;G; n oAodbt ,ea nlt to(rIib.Zu.tQed.: t“oT Mhee rScuupreyrnal )hyhlh)lhlwwllkdllhlldlbdwgyy))))hbbh)dlgw 49 TATJFTFRDSHAATurathhooe er robmbwtoees ae;gdmire ontloemRiLri,mepng s oamfeitosiagtsvhwubnhodauriiarlgrn nln erytwovo,ig ;dg ntw ef(b ai;s fCg,Gm Aret omr;mmih oereanaet.ned;,rg)h d omlgoh ,tisn t:fetbehi a a“coia;trtsk esl,taod udhnfl r;,i(v erassneeeria”;lme teb inPvylatistc.y k93:2, & Prov. 8:22) yh)hxlh)hlzlld gb)lmmdM+xwywyyw)dxxxlmxxmmmmy Profession lz 50 The Number of Gates of Understanding (the number of permutations 3389 HTDYFTITTMnloooheeenao ew cmoasmid hstbpceretiaeia,pad dknlyfaaaeert,rhte, te at:esdu htdhwrh,no eeg l aleSrlse,o iehdunoel lilno wK;e ttoh evriolate; bulwark, wall, rampart; profane hydb)llKyhllxkxbzzyl+)xxllzyz oCAGTPUTTW“mfaoholrnl ohilet e ecn;fhtsoa hrlesseeet?ecre,e vd a umfleaWse,inor osresy,whyr hhn”ir eimut()oc;rJtw h po tsuh?usnep;erva eywhe n’(hsm o sWeeavpshceha.ri),rl eoe)tvhe wryiothn ee;a wcha toetrhse (rs, epel uI.sR o.Qne. 9fo9r6 u,nity) lwdylMh)g b+mmlKMygx)h+kldmy The Eternal is One dx) hwhy Red earth, the soil hmd) He cursed; laudanum +l 51 Edom Mwd) 40 Liberator: a title of Yesod l)wg Ate; devoured lk) To cut off lzg Where?; pain; Heliopolis (cf. 57) N) A rope; ruin; to bind lbx Tumultuously; to harass, perturb Mwh Milk blx Failure; please, I pray thee; raw; now; Thebes (Na 3:8; for “NA”, )n The Hand of the Eternal hwhy dy see Dr. Dee’s Mysteriorum Liber Primus) To me, to mine yl 52 Father and Mother )m)w )b) 41 Fecundity blx) Supernal Mother, a title of Binah (cf. 42) )my) Ram; force (hence “a hero”); hart, a title of Malkuth ly) Elihu (Eli Hua, “He is my God”, who is the Holy Guardian Angel of whyl) MMTDTTTToeooeioyvrr fgb rmtiGhaonouieire orlnrr,n do uMcuseanajdsee sitny a circle ll)lylllwwl+Mb)xwgb))hxggg JPBABFMTorlher eoebdoaeadm ets ishSistnte ,eioaa ,rtrc tlnah-Iilab:i o,etb n ltnA aeea-lm el sls(aol,ecso ewnbiefgna.ecr ohgu8;h r’ t2 tayseyo7 l) o“ la)dSu;ne eiismmcirraaeeglt iNnaattiuorne;” s (isnee S.D. 1:38-39) hmdl)hMhmkmbNnbxb)bzy 42 TAh nea nmuem obfe Gr oofd l (esteteer sI .oRf. Qa .g 7re7a8t &na nmoe. 8o6f )God terrible and strong, hwhy hy hAw dhoyg in Assiah hh ww hhb dlwky and of the Assessors of the Dead 53 A stone, rock Nb) Eloah, a name of God hwl) Elihu (see 52) )whyl) The Supernal Mother, unfertilized (cf. 52) )m) Garden Ng Terror, calamity hhlb To defend, hide; a wall; the sun; fury hmx Loss, destruction ylb The spleen lwx+ To cease ldx A lover hbh)m My glory ydwbk 54 A basin, bowl, vessel (Ex. 24:6) Ng) The Earth (our world) dlx Rest ymd The greater ldgh To judge, rule Nd 43 Great lwdg Pertaining to summer Mwx To rejoice lyg My flame; enchantments y+hl To make faint hlx Tribe; branch, rod, staff, stick, sceptre, spear; a bed h+m Lion (cf. 340) )ybl To remove; a heap, wall dn Hazel, almond zwl 55 Σ1-10. The Sum of the Sephiroth; the Mystic Number of Malkuth. Together, also Mg Thief; stole bng Robbery, pillage hlyzg To embalm +nx Silence hmwd 68 Wise (“he will understand that?”) Nbyw A footstool Mwdh To be wise Mkx To swell, heave (see 51) Myh Emptiness llx To walk Klh To pity sx Knuckle; member, limb )ylwx Lulav: a palm branch blwl Bride: a title of Malkuth hlk Life Myyx Noon; midday bgn 69 A manger, stable; an enclosure swb) Ornament; splendour, eminence hn Myrtle sdh Lo!; whether, if; they (fem.) Nh Nations; gentiles Myywg 56 Dread, terror hmy) Transgression, error, sin +s He suffered hn) 70 Hush, be silent hsh Day Mwy Wine Nyy Beautiful h)n Night lyl Food hlk) The Secret (Ps. 25:14; see 353) dws The Goddess NU wn Adam and Eve hwxw Md) 57 Pisces: fishes Mygd Honest; so, thus, just so, such, so much Nk Rim Ndb) 71 Thy terror Kmy) Consuming lkw) Nothing; an apparition, image; idol lyl) Formidable, terrible Mwy) Silence; silent Ml) We wn) Lead, the metal of Saturn; a plummet-line, level, water-level Kn) A breaking down, subversion, destruction lw+yb Vision Nwzx To build; built hnb A dove, pigeon hnwy Altar xbzm A dove hwny Laying-by, making secret )wbxm Plentitude, fulness; to fill )lm Strength; wealth; trouble, sorrow; Heliopolis (cf. 51) Nw) 72 The number of triliteral names in the Shem ha-Mephorasch (72 × 3 Better b+wm = 216); which, by the addition of -YH or -AL, give 72 angels Species, kind Nz Chesed: mercy, kindness dsx 58 Loves, amours (see 499) Mybh) Adonai, as transliterated in the Lemegeton, etc. (cf. 65) y)nwd) An ear Nz) In, so, thus, then Nkb My strength, power, might ylyx In the secret dwsb Grace, love, kindness, charm (notariqon of Chokmah Nesethrah: the Nx And they are excellent, finished wlkyw Secret Wisdom, 788) hwhy in Atziluth yh wyw yh dwy Resting, at rest (grammatical: silent, mute) xn Atziluth’s “Secret Nature” (see S.D. 1:38-39): thickness, cloud; Aub b( Battering ram yxm Revolving; transmigration lwglg 59 Brethren (referred to Lilith & Samael) Myx) 73 Chokmah: wisdom hmkx A wall hmwx Gimel: a camel lmg Menstruation (lit. “impurity”) hdn To trust in, shelter in hsx 60 Tried by fire; a watch-tower Nxb A day of feast bw+ Mwy Excellence, sublimity, glory, pride Nw)g A title of Chokmah hmxk Constitution, tradition; practice hklh 74 Lamed: an ox-goad dml Behold!; they (fem.) hnh A leader, chief, judge Nyyd A basket )n+ Worn-out; beggars Mykd Vision hzxm A circuit; roundabout bybs The Southern district hbgn All the way, duration; eternity; booty; witness, proof; ruler d( Utensil, instrument, tool ylk Knowledge (cf. 474) (d Lament yn 75 NUIT, THE STAR GODDESS (cf. 466) +ywn 61 Adon: master, lord Nwd) Hues, colours, complexions ynwwg Nothing; not Ny) Brightness; Lucifer, the Herald Star llyh Towards, to thee Kyl) A lamenting, wailing hlly I, myself; a ship, fleet yn) The Pleiades hmyk The belly N+b Night; by night hlyl Wealth Nwh Priest Nhk Dwelling, habitation (as body is of soul) hwn Unto them Mhl 62 Healing )s) 76 Secret, put away; a hiding-place Nwybx The sons ynb Rest, peace xxyn To commit; healing hnz Slave, servant db( Between Nyb Goddess hlyl) 63 Abaddon: destruction, ruin (hell, as development of lw)#, 337; cf. Nwdb) 77 Prayed h(b 451) Overflowing (Ps. 124:5) Nwdyz Dregs, roll; faeces (globular); dung llg Towers, citadels ldgm Fed Nwz The Influence through the Paths (cf. 78); destiny, fate, luck; lzm The nose M+wx constellation, planet (cf. 483 & 536); soul-root Fervour hmyx Goat; strength; violence; glory z( hwhy in Briah yh w)w yh dwy 78 Σ1-12. The Mystic Number of Kether as Hua; the number of Tarot 64 SBBPJuhrerosiiaatnpviheche’,eer s:g,t “alboS utweiitlc:ld ertee horte fN SGapethuberuerre”a ho(sfe Ve eSn.Dus. (1s:e3e8 -S3.9B). 75) h)hNyngbgywwsdbnn cATTTahooirwe dpi nsabi;tisr tysetih:aa ettkeh eseru ;Am dn roegfae mlt ho e(f n KR. ea&y-H -vNo.)uomr-Kbehrus iot f( “thinec Sorurpeecrtn” a–l cBfe. a9r3d) s)MlKwlmnyxxx) 65 AWATPSSrtehd ooesreoeciap gnnkgshheaisoet,lilcy s:dg y Maeronnyad w n Lo,a otdthreederers p( tr( eeIbr.frRreeir.baQrlteeh.d 9a tn9oi6 mM; acalfls.k 9u7th); cf. 155 & 361) bMhhhy)yhznxxw ddnbwnyw)))smng 79 JBTSTPBNaaahhreecellfeettahoaz cinIdarnneeac , (f mh oPl(tu)ihfsen ee.L no f7Porcf8o vieal:ne l2 taG th0( rorr) ieooa f()fnfu=,e t gMr oMhrvee letdrhrcx e tyao, Pg (bCaCayithhn hmeossst kee(tmcdaf)ta.h h7e-7sC)ish)esed-Netzach; situate in hbh) N)lyMxx)xlkxl)kzyzhlmm(yn Palace, temple, mansion lkyh Boaz, the Pillar of Severity (Binah-Geburah-Hod; situate in Hod) z(b Shone, gloried, praised llh Die (wg Silence! sh Conjunction, meeting, union hd( Defective Nzx Writing instrument +( A door post hzwzm 80 Yesod: the foundation dwsy A beating, striking hkm Water (alternative spelling of Mem, 90) Mm A lament, wailing yhn Union; an assembling d(w Silence, quietness hymwd To make perfect; general, universal, collective llk 66 The Mystic Number of the Qliphoth, and of the Great Work Throne (Ex. 17:16, i.e. there “because a hand is on the throne of sk Food, victuals hlyk) Yah”) Thy God (Deut. 4:24, 28:58) Kyhl) Ruins y( A ship hyn) Crowd Ks A trial, an experiment Nwxb Shovel (y A wheel (the cognomen of Shekinah) lglg 81 Gods Myl) Miry Nwy I (Ex. 23:20) ykn) 67 Binah: understanding hnyb Also, yea; anger; nose P) Zayin: a sword Nyz Throne )sk A ship, fleet ynw) Here, hither )p Debased llz 82 A prayer (Ch.) y(b Kindly, righteous, holy dysx Selah, “Lift up!” (Ps. 32:5, 7, etc.) hls White Nbl 96 A name of God ynd) l) The beloved thing xwxyn (Chaldee form of Myhl)) Nyhl) 83 (Notariqon of the four worlds: Atziluth, Briah, Yetzirah, Assiah) (yb) By day Mmwy The drops of dew (Job. 38:28) l+ ylg) Occupation, [mundane] work (cf. 415 & 420) hk)lm (cf. Gimel, 73) lmyg The secret [counsel] of the Lord (Ps. 25:14; see 353) hwhy dws A flowing, wave Mylg Statute wc Person, self; back, top; wing (Ch.) Pg 97 Changeless, constant; the God Amon (Na. 3:8) Nwm) Consecration; dedicated hknx The Son of Man Md) Nb To flee, put one’s things in safety (Jer. 6:1) (wz Archangel of Netzach l)yn)h Mournings, laments Mylb) The appointed time Nmz Unripe fig gp To seize suddenly P+x 84 (The Hebrew guttural letters – see I.Z.Q. 694 et seq., & cf. 133) (xh) A hand-breadth, palm (I Kings 7:26 &. Ex. 25:25) xp+ A wing (army), squadron; a chosen troop Pg) A brick, tile hnybl Was silent Mmd A building; an architect hnbm A dream Mwlx The good waters of EL: Quicksilver (I.R.Q. 995; cf. 64 & 100) b+h l) ym Enoch Kwnx Yellow bhc Knew (dy 98 A name of God Myhl) )wh Amethyst hmlx) Temporary dwelling, camp (Ex. 33:11) )nmz 85 Peh: the mouth hp Image; hid, concealed (pertains to Sol and the Lingam-Yoni) Nmx A flower, cup (ybg To consume, eat lsx Put in motion, routed Mmh Bright, clear; white xc Circumcision hlym Arrow; lightning; punishment; wound; Out! Avaunt! Go away! Cx 86 A name of God, asserting the identity of Kether and Malkuth ynd) hyh) 99 The pangs of childbirth hdyl ylbx Elohim (a name of God, meaning “Gods” – masc. pl. of fem. sing.): Myhl) The Vault of Heaven; an inner chamber; wedlock, nuptial hpwx the Angelic Choir of Netzach Cognition, knowledge h(ydy Hallelu-Yah: Praise the Lord hywllh 100 Kaph: the palm [of the hand] (fig. notariqon of Kteis-Phallus) Pk A rustling of wings hlwmh A day; the seas; the times Mymy (See I.R.Q. 778 & no. 41) Md) hwhy hy Vases, vessels Mylk Cup; vagina swk An effort, exertion Nwdm Blemish, spot, stain Mwm Mitigation of the one by the other (I.R.Q. 995; cf. 97) l)b+yxm Plenitude ywlm Yoke; upper part; on, upon, above, over; to, towards; after; because l( To divide lydbm Throat (l 87 Frankincense; whiteness: the Sphere of Luna hnbl A suffering, discouraged one; tax sm Oak; oak-wood Nwl) Species, kind Nym A cup Kws) Flask, bottle Kp Blasphemed Pdg Spice; drug; poison Ms Standards, military ensigns Mylgd Dryness; ship yc Determined Mmz 101 Swallowed, destroyed (l) White storks hdysx A storehouse Ms) Pure gold (lit. “refined”) zp Michael: Archangel of Fire (lit. “Like God”) l)kym 88 Redness; sparkling llkx Kingdom; a virgin princess (esp. THE Virgin Princess, i.e. the hkwlm To be hot Mmx Church) Darkness Ksx Gut; gut-string )myn Roaring, seething; burning lxn Vomit )q Pure, innocent Px And it was so Nk yhyw Snare, danger xp 102 A white goose Nbl zww) 89 Shut up; body Pwg Trust; truth; faith hnwm) Silence, whisper hmmd Desirable, worthy of desire dmxn Children P+ Grace; pride; fame, glory; a wild goat ybc 90 Mem: water Mym Lord, owner; to possess; lands, government l(b Very silent Mmwd Unit of measure bq King: a title ofTiphareth Klm Vilon, veil: the veil between Yesod and Malkuth Nwlyw Basket ls 103 Dust qb) General, universal, collective yllk To guard, protect Nng Manna; portion Nm Loathed l(g 91 Σ1-13. The Mystic Number of Kether as Achad; the sum of the Food, meat (Ch.) Nwzm letters of the Supernal Beard if K = 11, etc. (see 145) Oblation hxnm A tree Nly) Prophets My)bn Firm, faithful; Amen: So be it!: a title of Kether Nm) A calf lg( The Ephod dwp) 104 Tzaddi: a fish-hook; trade ydc ynd) hwhy interlaced yhnwdh)y Father of the mob, or of the multitude Nwmh b) Archangel of Geburah l)mk Quarrel, dispute Nydm Food, fare lk)m Personal [belongings], small private property hlwgs Angel K)lm Giving up, presenting, remitting xlws Queen (Ar.) )klm Out! Avaunt! Go away! Cwx Manna )nm Crushed, fine, thin qd A hut, tent hkws King David dwd Klm Pekht: “extension” hh)p 105 To subvert, ruin, change Kph 92 Terror: a title of Geburah dxp Skullcap, yarmulka hpk T28h:e5 8L)ord thy God [is a consuming fire] (Deut. 4:24 – see 182; Deut. Kyhl) hwhy 106 Nun: a fish Nwn Mud Cb Attained qbd Litter bc Stibium (a type of kohl) Kwp 93 Aiwass: the Minister of Hoor-paar-kraat (“correct” – cf. 78) zwy( Line, string, linen thread; norm wq The sons of [the merciful] God l) ynb Your God Mkyhl) Incense hnwbl 107 An egg hcyb A disc, round shield; a defender Ngm Chain; flaming arrow qz Possession hlxn The Shield (or Star) of David (the Hexagram) dwd Ngm Arduous, busy; host, army )bc 108 2soxm2 e× s3exc3tsx3: hence used as the number of beads on a rosary by 94 Corpse hpwg The ears Mynz) The valley of vision Nwyzxyg The fruit of a deep valley lxnh yb)b To extinguish K(d A wall Cyx A fault (Ps. 50:20, i.e. there “allege a fault”) ypd To force, do wrong to smx A shore Pwx To love very much Nnx A window Nwlx To shut up, obstruct Msx A drop hp+ The middle ycx Children Mydly To measure out, share; a decree, statute; tall (masc.); task; boundary qx Congratulations, good luck bw+ lzm (cf. 113) Prickly dnm Builders Mynwb Side dc Leader gyhnm 95 The Sphere of Mars Myd)m 109 Lightning zqb The great stone hldg Nb) Quiet hxwnm The waters Mymh Music Nwgn Multitude, abundance Nmh Circle; sphere lwg( Journey Klhm Small +q Queen hklm 110 Father of Faith hnwm)h b) The roof of a [bridal] canopy (“The artificial roof of heaven, under hpwxh gg God the Eternal One wnyhl) hwhy which the promises of marriage are delivered”) 129 Pleasure (Gn. 18:12) hnd( Resemblance, likeness, image Nwymd Delight, pleasure gnw( To embrace qbx The standing prayer (from vb. to stand) hdym( At the end of the days; the right hand Nymy Palace of Serenity (referred to Hod) hnwg lkyh A sign, flag, standard sn 130 Ayin: an eye Ny( Kinsmen, nation, populace; with, by, near M( Deliverance hlch Fool lsk The Angel of Redemption l)gh K)lm 111 Aleph: an ox; a thousand Pl) Decrees, prophetic sayings Nylm Pele: the [Hidden] Wonder: a title of Kether )lp The Pillars (cf. 164) ydwm( Red (Gn. 25:25) ynwmd) Destitute yn( He is One God: a name of God Myhl) )wh dx) A staircase, ladder Mls Ruin, destruction, sudden death Ns) Chaff Cm AUM (thus in S.S.; cf. 47) M() Lest Np Thick darkness lp) Swift lq Passwords of ...... ynd) hwhy dwy 131 He was angry Pn) Mad llwhm Nose Myp) A holocaust, whole burnt offering; an ascent hlw( Turn, roll Np) Precious stone Nx Nb) A title of Kether hswkm Vomit )yq Humility hwn( 112 A structure; mode of building Nynb Pluto (referred to Daath) w+wlp Was angry snb 132 To make waste qlb Sharpness qdx To receive lbq The Lord God: the divine name of Binah Myhl) hwhy 133 (The Hebrew palatal letters; see I.Z.Q. 694 et seq., & cf. 84) qkyg (Notariqon of Ha-Qadosh Barukh Hua, 655) hbqh Vine Npg 113 Likewise; the same (fem.) (cf. 108) hqx The salt sea xlmh My A giving away, remitting hxyls Plague Pgn A stream, brook glp 134 Burning qld 114 Tear (weeping) (md 135 A destitute female hyn( Gracious, obliging, indulgent Nwnx The congregation (see 161) lhq Science (dm Roast, parch; burn; to be lightly esteemed, dishonoured hlq Brains Nyxwm 136 The Avenging Angel l)wgh K)lm We wnxn Fines, penalties Nwmm 115 Here am I ynnh A voice lwq The heat of the day Mwyh Mwx 137 A wheel; one of the Auphanim Npw) To make strong; vehement, eager qzx The belly, gullet )kmw+s) We wnxn) A pillar, monument (Gn. 28:22) hbcm 116 Doves Mynwy A receiving, tradition; the Qabalah hlbq The munificent ones Mybydn 138 The Son of God Myhl) Nb Primordial h)ly( To smoothe, divide qlx Artificial (counted only with Mem final in S.S.) Mylglg To leaven, ferment Cmx 117 Fog, darkness lpw) To pollute Pnx Chief, duke; guide Pwl) He shall smite Cxm 118 To pass, renew, change Plx Forehead xcm To ferment (mx 140 Melakim, Kings: the Angelic Choir of Tiphareth Myklm The High Priest lwdg Nhk Rottenness qm The Goddess NU (spelt in full) :w:n Above l(m 119 Lydian-stone Nxwb Nb) Flower; hawk Cn Beelzebub: the Fly-God bwbzl(b Extremity sp Weeping (subst.) h(md Face ynp Abominable lwgp Threshold, entrance Ps 120 Samekh: a prop, support Kms Thorn Nc Master l(k 141 Robust; oaken Cym) Foundation, basis ydswm Gathered, collected Ps) Season; the time of the decree d(wm Precept, commandment hwcm Strengthening Nykm Faithful, loyal, steady Nm)n PMroelpihne”t)ic sayings, or decrees: “His days shall be” (hence “Abra- Mylm First )mq A veil, covering, screen Ksm Angels, messengers Myk)lm A name of God N( 142 Wickedness, destruction l(ylb Imaginary, fanciful ynwymd A stranger; Balaam M(lb Vermin Mynk Delights (Fire & Water) Mydmxm Mocker Cl 143 The unshoeing hcylx Moth ss Running waters (Ct. 4:15) Mylzwn Shadow; shelter lc 144 A sandal ldns 121 Vain idols Mylyl) Before; the East; ancient things Mdq An end, extremity Mp) 145 The thirteen Paths of the Beard of Macroprosopus (see 91 & 1350) l k y + x z w h d g b ) Emanated from lc) m Of whirling motions Mylglgh The Staff of God (Ex. 17:9) Myhl)h h+m Nocturnal vision )ylyl yd hwzx Inscrutable hl(m It is filled )lmn A feast hdw(s Coin (b+m Treasure; hidden or secret thing Nwm+m ?Termination of Abr-amelim? Mlym) 146 The First Gate )mq )bb 122 Compelled by force hswn) Limit, end; boundless Pws Revolutions [of souls] Mylwglg Eternity; world; an adult Mlw( Evil possessing spirit qwbyd 147 The four Names in the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram )lg) hyh) ynd) hwhy 123 A name of God implying Kether, Chokmah and Binah (3, 4 & 5 Myhl) hwhy hh) 148 Netzach: victory xcn letters) Libra: the scales Mynz)m War hmxlm Beni Elohim, Sons of the Gods: the Angelic Choir of Hod Myhl) ynb A blow; plague (gn A name of God Myhl) hwhy hy hyh) Pleasure, delight gn( Glutton and drunkard (Deut. 21:20) )bwsw llwz An attack upon others, a violation, injury Mgp To withdraw, retire qmx High Priest lwdgh Nhk Flour, meal xmq 124 An oak; hardness Nswx 149 The living Gods (cf. 154) Myyx Myl) Pleasure, delight: Eden Nd( A beating of the breast; a noisy striking dpsh 125 (?) Thine hand (Ps. 139:5; see S.D. 5:16) hkpk To make wrinkled +mq 126 A window hnml) 150 Soothsayer (lit. “one who knows”) ynw(dy Darkness hlyp) A walking shoe l(n A name of God )lg) ynd) hwhy Thine eye (“is” written – see 160 & I.R.Q. 652) Kny( Hospitality Nwlm Nest Nq Horse sws To darken, dim Mm( On: a name of God (cf. 120); penalty of iniquity: “being taken Nw( Wing, skirt; winged Pnk away” 151 hyh) spelt in full hh dwy hh Pl) Humble, afflicted wn( hwhy of the Gods is One hwhy dx) hwhy Myhl) hwhy 127 Material, natural (Ar.) (b+wm The Fountain [of Living Waters] (Jer. 17:13) hwqm 128 To withdraw, rescue, deliver; to equip for war Clx A standing upright, stature hmwq Goodly strength; proof Nysx Jealous )nq 152 The Bringing-forth One )ycwmh 179 A binding hdq( Residence, station bycn 180 A spring, fountain (Ct. 4:15; see 143) Nyy(m 154 Elohim of Lives (cf. 149) Myyx Myhl) 181 Vicious; faulty hlwsp 155 Adonai the King: a divine name of Malkuth (cf. 65 & 361) Klm ynd) 182 A jealous (or, zealous) God (Deut. 4:24) )nq l) The faithful friend Nm)n dwd Outcry, clamour hq(z The beard (“correct”) (S.D. 2:1 et seq.) )nqd Layer of snares; supplanter; Jacob bq(y Letters of the Cherubic signs c n + w Angel of the Gods Myhl)h K)lm A seed hnq Passive (as opposed to lbqxm = active) lybqm 156 The number of letters in each Tablet of Enoch: 12 × 13 184 Ancient time; eastward ldqn BABALON: THE VICTORIOUS QUEEN (lit. “Gate of the Gods”; N(l)b)b To number; to visit; to inspect dqp see Liber 418) 186 Qoph: the back of the head; an ape Pwq The Tabernacle of the congregation (Lev. 1:1) d(wm lh) A stone of stumbling, a rock to fall over (Is. 8:14) Pgn Nb) A viper h(p) An increase Pswm Locked [door]; shod, wearing shoes lw(n A [civil] officer Mynwmm Fowl Pw( A place Mwqm Zion Nwyc Experimental, tentative ynwysn Limpid blood lwlc 187 Auphanim, Wheels: the Angelic Choir of Chokmah Mynpw) CI.Rry.iQn.g 9 a9l4o;u dcf (. tSh.eD c.i t4y: 1o9f) Hadar (see 209), referred to Binah in w(p Lifted up Pqz 157 The setting of the Sun hmx ymwdmd 188 The Master of the Nose M+wxh l(k Was angry, enraged; anger P(z Midnight (cf. 579) hlylh ycx The beard (S.D. Cap. 2); lingam (qnz?) Nqz 189 A spring shut up (Ct. 4:12. Note hlg = “to uncover”) lw(n lg Hidden; wonderful )lpwm The Ancient among the Ancient Nybsd )bs Female; yoni hbqn 190 Through which place the Angel guided +yw )byw (syw Demon; injurer qyzm Internal ymynp 158 Arrows Mycyx Crown of flowers, diadem, fillet Cyc To suffocate qnx The side or flank; rib (lc Balances (Ch.) Nynz)m The end, appointed time (Dan. 12:14; see 305) Cq Eternal, perpetual, enduring yxcn Pearl: a title of Malkuth Nynp 159 Surpassing Whiteness (see 934) )nycwb 191 Face, countenance Nypn) Point hdqn Cessations, futilities, nothings Mysp) 160 Thine eyes (pl.; “not” written; see 150 & I.R.Q. 652) Kyny( A box, chest; a repository hpwq Silver Psk 192 Poisonous wind: the “Samún”, or “Simoon” hp(lz Fell down lpn Ye shall cleave in hwhy (cf. 220) hwhyb Myqbdx A rock, stone (ls 194 Righteousness, equity, justice; the Sphere of Jupiter qdc A tree C( 195 A flock hnqm Thy face (Ez. 3:8) Kynp Visitation hdwqp Image Mlc Neptune (referred to Kether) Nw+pn Cain Nyq 196 The Sea of Wisdom (S.D. 1:28, etc.) Pws My To be lovely, pleasant M(n The crown, summit, point; thorn (cf. 140) Cwq Existing, stable Myyq Ages; worlds Mymlw( 161 The Heavenly Man (lit. the “primordial” or “exalted” man) h)ly( Md) Narrowness; oppression qwc The Congregation of the Eternal hwhy lhq 197 Most High God Nwyl( l) 162 The sum of the letters of the Lesser Beard, if N = 14, etc. (see 1350) 198 Victories Myxcn Son of the right Hand Nymynb 199 A giving freely; charity hqdc Colour (bc 200 Wings Mypnk 163 He, the Lord God ynd) Myhl) )wh A branch Pn( Woman, wife hbqwn Bone; substance, essence; body Mc( 164 The Pillars (see 79) Mydm( Archetypal Nwmdq Ye shall cleave Myqbdx Summer Cyq Outer; civil (as opposed to sacred) Nwcyx A sling; a casting-net (lq 165 Strength (Ez.3:8) Myqzx Divination; witchcraft Msq To make them know (Ps. 25:4) M(ydwhl 201 Light (Ch.) r) NEMO (name of Magister Templi) hymm( 202 To make empty qqb An assembly hc( Corn, grain; a field; son; pure, empty; chosen; purity, innocence rb Curse hllq A lifting up hpyqz 166 Under penalty of law (esp. a fine) Nwmm byyx Apertures Mybqn The Most High Nwyl( Many; much; great, mighty; multitude, abundance br 167 The Unnameable One (a demon) Nwmys) 203 Lead; initials of the Trinity, xwr Nb b); passed away, perished; rb) 111111667777983021 TTLWETFSTCCFHCTQTCTeoeihhhhmhohluuleagouataoeeeee e btptchanas,us e l a ahFGSoosnotftdddrleef;cevrsanaui;i oernis c vettcesps[g(clhti elierD;Jdnmeti;de n; oen ergg o atetpindbacnhr unvfdfraa lo e a(er io3iGplnsd “omt t6eeoeePns’emon:essatyroac8ded]dgertt): l” eesS l(ta n lhtr[tiateoeitsfo.a f fnn d“Naf )Ormeobremiu oo cntfhh aaedn cn haenizegzfe”al;r ]s c(Dil.a “nr.o 3o)t”) h)ly( ))bmhMM)yMldnlMyywlMyldlbyy y)()mcMbPll(byyccb(qNy bs()lqpqpqq)(nnwnly)k+mcmmxmsb(((pgnyz 222200007564 ASGPHLLTACETMMSTTfACeppeoihhooxror a saiogsweaelaree soigmtecslhudarlahke ytiheelnrottnie tmmee ;ilt eoceedor t(lg;ryrdi,p,raf, beAr,f nha; w oif ions l(twct notohuyhApubwhceoenrre;ierseoser; ne rar i ae dim u.(nioUagisw)rrcg,tsg g ;veeftnnt o:ehan.h(e i; rmaev, t3il d n d ep7otobwgire2frats; reel) tleecchalol elnevoioin cevfung ereMda d;tm; h taLmoeelik ugcgAurhoetrbtnnha rsioiatnifa-d Mloe mpreelenimn dbaeyr;; ccff.. 92 4&8 1&1 )447) MMllw(bw))( q)Nrrbr))rdrh wrryryddbdr)rbdrb)rrmbrwg)c)))bbr)bdr))dhygg 111117777747685 TLAITTITGQCDATTPTS lluaolohohohrono uueeismcrre e eno aipngecldcact ilsdliiGt lsrihdp ,kihttoeotyop cuaeivptsparnw mlfweinsidnoiirelt hlmsneLtdyeeiuvna,otagry e ottedypof rs e ,nprriof,t tuf xfhdao a ucoarpteysrreorilf tld ol , hu,eGei E nncnentnohdhlgiscptdeeeoiu nrlildlccoieleniisn,ng sdge hciimsion, will KyhMlby)ynyb wwhldswm) hMyhwhhMMxNlyhylhd dl(ly N CNlyycPpCqwh(wwyqkwww(yydplsb(lskpyg p(nswNwn)mllxpqkmx)nnyzngy 208 FMLAWTTTTDABTLAMHTeiohhhoooo teobmeuacaecaee wmlolmkglliteut tiltshmCE rie,toeistwa loletdedflltnreiukrdwsunorh,ssden esawis;f e c ergebsisnhnntrl ree (jcociuDafeufterd ,ete;t s uhmrcsteo.u nA2ltt1irepk:n1l;dy 9s)trange, foreign; border PMwhhMysqrbhrhy rqrrhg)bnNyrbrrbbrqdqhrrrywwz)))bhrbhrxmzgzggzz Cedar zr) To ride, drive; horseman, driver; vehicle bkr 209 Chief Seer or Prophet (hence Abra-Melin) h)rb) To be mixed, mingled Kbr Reward, profit, prize hrg) 224 Male (Ch.) rkd To delay, tarry; behind (prep.) rx) Walk, journey; THE Path Krd Way xr) [The beginnings of] emanations (cf. 264) yqqwx Dispersed rzb Representations, inscriptions (cf. 264) yqwqx Sojourned, dwelt; whelp rwg Union rwxy Oppressed brz Number; census; appointed place; commandment dqpm Ornament, splendour, honour; the supernal benignity; Hadar (the rdh The Tarot (cf. 216, 280 & 671) +wr+ Hebrew version of the Syriac Hadad, “the Sun”, from the Egyptian 226 Profound; hidden; the North Nwpc 210 ATHCPTTAANPGRAaoooohu dm.a isOjsai dosaonwcddsnuhmii.i otewXtctlonios;sencne ,nire.Ptis cngd ,pd,le(e r gl mLrefwie;i iml v, oiccy a1abedfikugt5r eeeswsci6rt,rc:l e oeV d&trs,hromq Id cetIIussi y,.Fn ;aRc1 reiil:.erneQ4sc;t0 .a g ;Mn9 eLt9naai4enbti)r eo(arsnt ie3soe;3n t36o 0 Cc7ao)pnsjo. i1n ;& a 2b9r)other MMrycdyhrxhrb( lrwr(dxrrbrmqpywz )bbhxxqdrnngn 222232321807 TFETADBTBTRSALiuohhothlae sareeprnnee metsmrssroit dgnopssTNh-ena,scebauaom gir,uitdlosrn eonea skmh!bFredksletnlmle ro,iebs,o inr u i,(pepef;on gc n rgenomfL,jf ds lu tno.eeti ;aarhdff5 nailbt ee;6emeGic io sb 7i(np(arncl)dscitef laeilo.lsni csafs2n grr io3gtesnshfd3 g( e )WE P (WPxhi.rsao od2lrlvo7lud.m:s 1:1 –00a( ,t :s ht21ieet21el )e n)S uo.mDf Y.b Ceersa oopdf. p2e)rmutations of MydMwlmMw(M(yhyyNhh dKrKPxy dkrqywrCwwwy wwCqrkrqrkyskcwz(()bbmbhlyznn Bloom, blossom; hawk (cn pairs of Hebrew letters disregarding order; i.e. Σ1-21) 211 (Worthy) rxb) Prolonged; grew long Kyr) A lion yr) Male )rwkd Strong rwbg 232 The sum of the Four Ways of spelling hwhy in the Four Worlds ryw) hy A flash; lightning hr)h Let there be Light! rw) yhy A girdle rgx 233 Remembering rwkz A flood r)y The Tree of Life (cf. 228) Myyxh C( The fear (i.e. wonderment) [of hwhy] (cf. 611) )ry 235 Archangel of Chesed l)yqdc 212 Great Voice rwbd 236 A handful Cmwq Splendour; to enlighten rhz The Northern One; Lilith ynwpc To spread out; harlot; golden hrz 237 Essence of Glory dwbkh Mc( To enclose; a secret chamber rdx 238 Lord of Wonders hw)lpnh Nwd) 213 Strong, powerful, mighty; the Almighty ryb) 239 Azrael: the Angel of Death l)rz) Limestone; chalk ryg Iron lzrb Slaughter hgrh The lot lrwg Loaded rzw 240 Myrrh; drop; bitter, sad; fierce rm To be strange; a stranger rwz The afflictions of the sons of Adam (i.e. Succubae) Md) ynb y(gn The Supernal Mercy of God l)d h)l( dsx First buds, sproutings Myncn A great cloud lwdg Nn( Cash; counted out, paid down Mydwqp 214 A girdle rwz) High, lofty Mr Whiteness rwx Rubies, gems Mynynp Came down dry 241 To say; word; command rm) Air; spirit; wind; mind xwr 242 Recollection hrykz 215 Eminent; a prince (Ps 8:1) ryd) 243 Created [they them] (Gn. 1:27) M)rb A path, narrow way xrw) Learned, complete; to finish, bring to pass (Ch.) rmg Posterior; the reversed part rwx) A bone; to destroy Mrg A rising; to rise “as the Sun”; to give light xrz 244 To be insensible; in deep sleep; in trance (cf. 649) Mdr To encompass rzx 245 Adam Qadmon: the Archetypal Man (lit. “Eastern Man”, scil. Nwmdq Md) 216 Geburah: strength; courage hrwbg ancient) Leo: a lion hyr) Gall, bile hrm The middle gate )(ycm )bb Spirit of God l) xwr Oracle (not from rbd, 206 q.v.); sanctuary rybd 246 Myrrh rwm TARO (cf. 224, 280 & 671) wr)+ Vision, aspect h)rm Blood of grapes Mybn( Md Height, altitude Mwr Dread, fear h)ry Gabriel: Archangel of Water (lit. “Mighty one of God”) l)yrbg Profound (Ps. 92:5) qmw( 247 To overwhelm (Ps. 77:17); a flood Mrz Anger, wrath zgwr Light, luminary rw)m Latitude bxwr The symbolic sense (i.e. of scripture, etc.; see 400 & 510) zmr 217 The air ryw) 248 The three that bear witness, above and beneath, respectively (Md) )rb Md) Temple, palace, castle, fortress, citadel hryb the Spirit, the Water, and the Blood: Aleph being Air (Spiritus), Food hyrb Daleth standing for Md Blood, and Mem being both Water and the A bee hrwbd initial of Mym, Water. cf. 203 & 447) The navel rwb+ U“Mrieyl loigrh At uisr iEelL: ”A)rchangel of Earth (lit. resp. “Flame of EL” and l)yrw) Strife, controversy [of the Lord] hbyr In vision h)rmb Bright, shining ryhb Wine; bitumen; an ass (from “to disturb”) rmx Leanness; secret yzr Mercy; womb; vulture Mxr 218 Ayre, aethyr )ryw) A lance xmr Briah: the Creative World h)yrb Archangel of Chokmah l)yzr The benignity of Time Mlw( dsx 249 Fear, terror rwgm The moon (cf. 276); a month (cf. 312) xry 250 The living God of the Worlds, or of the Ages Mymlw(h yxl) Multitude ywbr Midday (the South) Mwrd Arcana )yzr Habit; action (Ch.) rwdm Odour, a smell xyr Lamp; prosperity; instruction rn 219 Cleansing; cleansings hrh+ Shout, rejoicing Nr 220 TPahteh snumber of verses in The Book of the Law. The Sephiroth × the 251 Fir, cedar (cf. 208) Nr) The elect ryxb TRhace ea”n, gaenld U Ariberla: -“MVerilhin1’”s, fio.er.e hMeaadg iLcaalm Fionr)ce (see Lytton’s “Coming lhyrw Mistress; queen; demi-goddess hrybg 252 Serpent’s den hrw)m Ye shall cleave unto hwhy (“not” read; cf. 192) hwhyl Myqbdx 253 Proselytes Myrg Clean; elegant rwh+ Matred (I.R.Q. 996) dr+m A giant qn( 254 An ass rwmx Giants (fully written only in Num. 13:33) Mylypn A mark, aim hr+m Softness Kr A solemn promise, vow rdn Cups Mylps Spikenard (Ct. 4:14) drn 221 Long Kr) A spear xmwr 222 Unto the place (Ex. 23:20) Mwqmh l) Merciful, compassionate Mwxr Whiteness hrwwh 255 Burdensome; with difficulty )rmwx Goodly mountain (Deut. 3:25) bw+ rh The East xrzm I will chase hyw)r A river, stream (Gn. 2:10) rhn To kneel; bless; knee, lap Krb Song of joy hnr Young male camel rkb 256 Tidings (Ps. 68:11); saying, speech hrym) Talore madayke heavy; to make many, multiply; long; extent; long ago, rbk The Sons of the Righteous qdc ynb

16 Hyssop bwz) He seized, cleaved to zx fountain; ruins; wave; dung; oil vessel lg 34 God the Father: divine name attributed to 1070 Vapour, smoke *N#
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