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Preview Senate gives Clover Awards to Faust, Hurley, Linhart - Archives

--------- - -~~~--- Nazz- page 7 VOL. XX, NO. 120 MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1986 an independent student newspaper serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's Three students believed responsible for assault of ND Security officer By MARK PANKOWSKI the parking lot, the reckless car News Editor parked and three men appearing in toxicated walked out. They spoke Three NOtre Dame students who briefly with one of the Security of allegedly assaulted a Security of ficers and then left, Gray said. ficer and rammed a car into eight The students walked toward parked cars early yesterday morn Grace Hall and stopped at a tree, ing have been identified by Security Gray said. According to Rakow, and will be referred to Student Af two of the students allegedly climb fairs, said Security Director Rex ed the tree, while the other stood at Rakow. its base. An assault on a student and two One of the officers approached acts of vandalism also reportedly the student and apprehended him, occurred this weekend. Rakow said. The other two No criminal charges have been students then reportedly assaulted filed against the three students the officer and all three fled, allegedly involved in the officer Rakow said. assault, although charges of assault Security later found the students and battery and malicious by using the vehicle registration of destruction of property could the reckless car and identified them poetentially be filed, Rakow said. by their clothing, Rakow said. The officer allegedly assaulted by Although Security and the the students was take by Security to University might not file criminal St. Joseph's Medical Center after charges against the students, the of the incident, Rakow said. 1-Je was ficer assaulted still has that right, released later int he day after being Rakow said. "But generally we let treated for bruises, abrasions and the University (disciplinary) pro an injured knee. cess take its course," he said. Approximately eight cars parked Several other crime-related in in the D-2 parking lot were damag cidents also occurred over the ed in the incident, Rakow said. weekend. The names of the three students, In an incident occurring ealy which Rakow would not release, Saturday morning, a male student will be given to the Office of Stu was assaulted on the first floor of dent Affairs today, Rakow said. LaFortune Student Center, accor Senior Mike Hofman assesses the damage done toppled the 400-pound sculpture located in front of The students, all male ding to Dave Anzaroot, the LaFor to his fishhead sculpture. Friday night, vandals tlie art building. Story at right. undergraduates, have denied in tune student manager working at the volvement in the incident, Rakow time. Weinberger makes Philippine visit said, but ''we think we have enough The student suffered a cut elbow facts to prove otherwise." in the attack, said Anzaroot, who According to Rakow, another of helped bandage the student's arm. ficer was assaulted one month ago The student's wallet was stolen, but U.S. embassy spokesman Allan the retirement of many top military at the Engineering auditorium. The was left behind apparently because Croghan declined to say whether officer~. Some U.S. officials said a individual was caught and referred it contained no money, Anzaroot MANILA, Philippines Weinberger will discuss a defense shakeup in the 250,000-member to the University, he said. said. Defense Secretary Casper aid package for the Philippines or a military would help Manila combat Rakow would not say what, if Anzaroot said he believed the Weinberger, yesterday, became the recent strike in which Filipion a communist insurgency. any, punishment the student receiv student was attacked by two in first U.S. cabinet official to visit workers barricaded the gates of the ed. However, he: said, "the Univer dividuals at approximately 12:15 the Philippines since President Cor largest U.S. military outposts Since Marcos' ouster the Reagan sity looks on assault on any Univer a.m. azon Aquino and rebellious overseas. administration has appealed to sity official, and that includes In an incident believed to have military officers ousted Ferdinand However, Croghan said the em Congress for an increase in the Security officers, as being serious, occurred late Saturday night, a Marcos. bassy has welcomed Aquino's ef $100 million in military assistance and is dealt with very seriously." 1983 red BMW parked next to Defense Minister Juan Ponce forts ·to reform the Philippine and $228.5 million in economic The incident yesterday began at Washington Hall was vandalized. Enrile and armed forces chief Gen. military into a "force that is profes assistance approved for the Philip approximately 3:30 a.m. when The car's windshield was smashed, Fidel Ramos welcomed Weinberger sional - with professional ethics, pines in 1987. Security received a call about a car the hood was scratched and the air at the Old Manila International good leadership and properly sup running into other parked cars in was let out of three of the tires, said Airport at the start of his two-day plied and trained." Assistant Defense Secretary the D-2 parking lot, Rakow said. Will Neuert, a communications and visit. Last Tuesday, Aquino dismissed Richard Armitage said in The student who made the call, theater assistand professor and Enrile and Ramos led a military 39 generals and colonels in her first Washington last week, "There is a freshman Andy Gray, said he owner of the car. revolt that helped drive Marcos major move to reform a defense very high likelihood that we would witnessed the car from his 11th According to Neuert, Security from the presidential palace and force allegedly guilty of widespread be increasing in an appropriate way floor Grace Hall room "doing has found fingerprints, partial end his 20 years in power on Feb. corruption and human rights the amount of security assistance" doughnuts . . . and pushing cars handprints, and shoe prints on the 25. Marcos left the Philippines the abuses during Marcos' 20-year rule. to Manila. around" in the parking lot. car. Security believes that several next day to begin his exile in During Marcos' final years, the Weinberger's IS-member delega Gray said after two Security see CRIMES, page 5 Honolulu, Hawaii. United States repeatedly demanded tion flew from Tokyo. guards in separate cars arrived at Senate gives Clover Awards to Faust, Hurley, Linhart Notre Dame fighting spirit," said "If you ever want a statement on for your kindness and this great This year marks the second time By JOHN M. COONEY Bill Healy, former student body the power of prayer, just look at honor." Linhart has been nominated for the News Staff president. Kevin Hurley," she said. Linhart received the award award in the two years the senate Hurley won the student's award, Hurley, who has been conscious because of her dedication to her job has awarded the Irish Clover while Linhart and Faust both since December, has been "trying and her love for the students, said Awards. Former head football coach received administrator's awards. hard to be a fighting Irishman," Healy. "She goes beyond the call of Gerry Faust, injured student Kevin Hurley, who was injured when said his mother. duty," Healy said. Last year, William Hickey, Hurley and student government struck by a car early last semester, tinhart has worked as student Director of Food Services and stu secretary Margaret Linhart have was given the student award Faust was selected co-winner of government secretary for five dent Doug Wurth won the awards. been selected winners of the Stu because of the great strides he is the administrator's award, because years. This years' winners were chosen dent Senate's annual Irish Clover making in his recovery, said Healy. of "the type of character he form amon 20 people nominated awards. Hurley's mother said,'' Kevin was displayed while he was at Notre Linhart said she was honored to by both the senate and cabinet. "The award goes to the people very excited at receiving the Dame," said Healy. receive the award. whom most exemplify the qualities award. " She said she attributes "Sometimes you are not aware of The winners will receive a plaque at the University of Notre Dame much of her son's remarkable In a letter tn Healy, ·Faust wrote, how much you are appreciated," and their names will be placed upon which are so admired: strength, recovery to the support of the "This (award) really mans a lot to she said. "1. do my best for them a permanent plaque in the student dedication, love and the traditional Notre Dame community. me and I can't thank you enough (the student~)." government offices. The Observer Monday, April 7, 1986 - page 2 Salt-shaker gag, burnt toast In Brief . mar dining hall experience Nai-Yuan Huang, a Notre Dame junior chemical engineering major was killed March 27 in a single-car accident on Interstate 80 in Lock Haven, Penn. Huang, 31, of 704 Corby Blvd. There are a lot of things I like about Notre Dame. was the son of Oi-Din You and Yao-Zeng Huang, both of China. Mary None of them spring to mind at the moment, but I'm He is survived by three brothers, including Dr. Ai-Zhong Huang sure they exist. This is understandable, however, con of South Bend. Huang was cremated and burial will take place in Heilmann sidering that I've just returned from one of the two China The Observer fine dining establishments of this University - North "Cheese and macaroni" will be the way that food it Dining Hall. Assistant News Editor I hate the dining halls. em will appear on future menus issued by University Food Ser Now Mr. Hickey, don't get hysterical and start vices, according to Don Montanaro, student body vice president. flashing your Ivy Award at me. Amazingly enough, it Montanaro said he persuaded Food Services Director William is not the food about which I am complaining. (That Hickey to change the dish's title from its more traditional was last year's article anyway.) It is instead the ill macaroni and cheese to begin student government's campaign to mannered boors with whom I share spanikopita. alter the name nationwide. -The Observer Everyone knows the scenario. You calmly walk toward the dining hall, to all outward appearances a Of Interest rational, level-headed individual. However, lurking somewhere deep inside is an animal just waiting to be aroused by the aromatic scents of Italian night. You enter the dining hall, still assuming the polite "The Emergent South African facade. Your outward cool begins to break down Trade Union somewhat when the checkers inform you that your ID Movement: A Critical Assessment of Its Collision with the Apar needs to be re-magnetized. They are completely un theid State and Business" will be the topic of a lecture today at 4 in moved by the various bribes you offer them. R.oom 105 of the Law School. The lecture will be given by Ruti Having gone to the basement of South Dining Hall Tlhagale, associate director of the Educational Opportunities to get your ID, to once again attest that you do in fact Council for Black South Africans, and guest scholar at Notre exist, you re-enter the lobby just in time to encounter in search of. cream cheese, and stack five trays on top Dame's Kellogg Institute for International Studies. -The Observer the 12:15 lunch "line," (a term inaccurately applied to of each other when the conveyor belt is temporarily the crushes of humanity which push and elbow their stalled. (Note their astonishment when the aforemen way toward the .slop ... er, the foo4.). tioned trays crash to the floor). Peace with Justice Week, which runs until Saturday, Once you have actually managed to assemble silver But I really shouldn't exclude myself from the list of will hold a brown bag luncheon today at noon at the Center for ware, napkins, and whichever of the three entrees you etiquette offenders. Even though I am not guilty of find least repulsive, you steal yourself for the next bat any of these crimes, I engage in an ongoing battle with Social Concerns Coffeehouse. Shelley Douglass of the Fellowship tle-the pop machines. the mechanical devices in the dining hall, which I'm of Reconciliation will speak. -The Observer I have often fantasized about what it would be like sure causes untold grief to the people unlucky enough to be Tim Kempton or Ken Barlow, who must regard to be behind me in line. "Be Not Afraid," the scuttling crowds jockeying for position below The pyromaniac in me emerges as I approach the a Soujourner's film on civil disobe them with a mild sense of co ntempt as they casually toaster and casually throw in a hapless piece of bread, dience, will be shown tomorrow at 12:15 in the Center for Social stride through the throng with six easily-filled glasses. which soon becomes an inferno, billowing smoke Concerns Multi-Purpose Room. Peace with Justice Week is spon As I am one of that throng, however, and since my through the dining hall and defying my frantic efforts soring the movie. -The Observer five-foot frame is not exactly a strategic advantag~ I to dislodge it from the slot. At this point, I generally generally emerge from the tangle of arms splashed slime away, leaving the person behind me to battle the Professor John Gilligan, former governor of Ohio, with Coke and cursing my peers. flames unassisted. will discuss combining faith and politics tonight at 7:30 in Pas My disgruntlement continues through the ''meal" Other evidence of my mechanical incompetence is (use your imagination) as all sorts of surprises and ir my cluelessness at the cereal dispensers in South Din querilla East's Chapel Lounge. The talk is part of the Peace with ritations await. My personal favorite is the old "1-bet ing Hall, which require a PhD in physics to operate, Justice Week. -The Observer you-thought-that-salt-was-going-to-come-out-of-this and the hot chocolate machines in North Dining Hall, salt-shaker" gag, whose effect is enhanced by the which spontaneously continue to spew forth steaming Jane Butler Kahle, professor of biological sciences and hysterical laughter of my friends as milk tumbles onto liquid oblivious to the fact that my cup, tray, and all education at Purude University, and recently selected Speaker of my french fries. (I of course, naively expected salt). surrounding individuals are covered in it. the Year by the Indiana Academy of Science, will present the lec Other pet peeves of mine include people who put the Perhaps one day I will master the microwave and ture "Science Literacy: The Missing Link" tomorrow night at 7 in peanut butter scoops into the jelly, throw butter pats control my impatience with the lines and the hassles. Saint Mary's Carroll Hall. The lecture is sponsored by the depart onto walls from 15 feet away just to see if they stick But until then I will continue to battle it out three (they do), steal my bagels from the toaster while I am times a day. ment of biology and the department of Chemistry/Physics at Saint Mary's and is open to the public. -The Observer "Getting Things Done," CAREERS IN a seminar on time manage ment, will take place at the South Bend Public Library tonight at 7. The free program will focus on an effective system to prioritize responsibilities, improve morale, and upgrade social relationships. MANAGEMENT -The Observer Nobel laureate Marshall Nirenberg of the Na tional Heart, Lung and Blood Institute will give the John A. Lynch THAT START IN Lectures tonight and tomorrow. Tonight at 7 in the Library Auditorium, he will give a lecture entitled "From Genes to Neurons." Tomorrow, Nirenberg will speak on "Positive and Negative Re~ulatiqn of Neuroblstoma mRNA by cAMP" at 4 in MANAGEMENT room 127 ofNieuwlandHall. -The Observer Class of '87 sitting times are still open for senior portraits being taken this week. Students should see the secretary in the New Orleans Room of LaFortune today from 9:30 to 5. The Dome re The U. S. Navy Supply Corps quests that students do not call its office because its phones are out has OPenings in training pro of order. -The Observer grams offering early managerial Weather and technical responsibilities. Qualified applicants receive Bookstore players be thankful. 10 months Paid training leading Qualifications are: Mostly sunny today. High in the mid 60s. Partly cloudy and a little cooler tonight. Low to immediate positions in one BA/BS Degree (or within 12 near 40. Partly cloudy, breezy and cool tomor of the following: months of graduation> row, high in the mid 50s.-AP - B average preferred - Systems Inventory Management - U. S. Citizen -Acquisition Contracting -Age limit of 29 - Computer Systems The Observer is c:ontinuina to ex - Financial Management A Navy representative will be perience typesettiq 4ifficu1tics in the daily operation of the on campus APril 9th & lOth. Make The nfoerw sapnayp edre. lays ors tpafrof daupcotiloong izeers A ~tarting salary of $19,000 an bppointment at the Placement rors. The situation will be amended Per year, and up to $32,000 in Office- or call for additional as soon as possible. 4 years with regular promotions information, toll-free, at: and increases. lbe Observer (I ISPS ~99 Z·4()()()) is published Monday through Friday except durin!( exam and vacation periods.lbe Observer is published by the studenrsoflhe I 'niversity 1-800-382-940 4 of Notr<: Dam<: and Saini Mary's College. Subscriptions may be purchased for JW per year ( JZO per s<om<:ster) by writing The Observer, P.O. Box Q. Notre Dame. Indiana Navy Officer Programs ~6~%. lbe Observer is a member of lbr Associated Pr<:ss. All reproduction right• are TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR CAREER. r~St"~·ed. The Observer Monday, April 7, 1986 - page 3 Terrorism transforming world Arab extremists focus into free-fire zone, say experts of Berlin bomb probe Associated Prell8 nocent civilians massacred by when traditional warfare is too Associated Press sidered authentic." He did not Palestinians at Rome and Vienna costly. And instant communica go into detail. LONDON - A wanton war with airports last December. tions, advances in the news media, BERLIN Police in- The Berliner Morgenpost dai no rules and little pity is turning the Terrorists will probably escalate give their actions a "multiplier ef vestigating a nightclub bombing ly newspaper said investigators world, bit by bit, into a free-fire to attacks on computer systems, fect." that killed a U.S. army sergeant were focusing on anti-Western zone. power grids and other key links of and a Turkish woman and Arab militants in West Berlin. International terrorism is strik industrial societies. Terrorists' goals can be complex. wounded 191 other people are It quoted unidentified West ing in numbing waves. It left at Terrorist groups often maintain West European groups, for exam focusing on Arab extremists Berlin security officials as say least 926 people dead worldwide in practical ties with each other, but ple, are believed intent on provok who may have entered West ing the Libyan Embassy in East 1985, hundreds more than in any are not joined together in a "grand ing a police repression that will an Berlin from Communist East Berlin, the capital of East Ger year since the U.S. State Depart conspiracy" against the West. tagonize the public and pave the Germany, news reports said many, could have served as ment began compiling statistics in As for defensive strategies, the way for revolution. But, first and Sunday. headquarters for the bombers. 1968. security experts spoke most often foremost, the experts say, terrorists U.S. diplomats said Libyan The Morgenpost quoted So far this year, at least 43 more of a need for better intelligence crave attention for their cause. leader Col. Moammar Khadafy Ganschow as saying intelligence have died, including five gathering, particularly from within And the causes are proliferating. was suspected of complicity in reports indicated "fanatical Americans killed in last week's terror groups, and for closer The "traditional" groups are Saturday's bomb blast that Arabs operating independently bombings of a TWA jetliner and a cooperation among governments. well-known: Palestinian militants, destroyed the La Belle discothe of one another" had slipped into West Berlin nightclub. But many spoke, too, of the need Irish Republican Army Provi que, which was popular with West Berlin recently. to address the problems that spawn sionals, Basque separatists, anti American soldiers stationed in Ganschow told a news con But terrorism has left another terrorism. Turkish Armenians, Colombia's Berlin. ference that investigators con casualty as well: the system of International terrorist incidents, M-19 guerrillas, Italy's right-wing Of the 191 injured, 63 were tinued to zero in on leftist and global order, which has been those involving citizens or territory railway bombers, Lebanon's multi Americans. foreign terrorist groups, but "no shaken by terrorism assaults that of more than one country, have striped car-bombers. U.S. military and West Berlin concrete clues" surfaced to iden exposed weak spots in international doubled in number since 1975, authorities identified the two tify the bombers. law and the Western alliance, led to slightly over 800 last year, the But now, ominously, more people killed as Sgt. Kenneth Of the three claims of respon the United States into military con State Department reports. Risks obscure causes are exploding into Ford, 21, of Detroit, and Ner sibility dismissed by Ganschow flict, and made vigilantes out of International, a U.S. consulting the headlines as well - the cause of min Haney, 28, a Turk. on Sunday: governments. firm that tracks single-country ter Tamil separatism, for one, in "The Libyan angle is being ex An anonymous caller In Lon A recent series of interviews in rorism as well, counted more than whose name 150 bystanders were plored very vigorously. don claimed a West German lef the United States, Europe and the 3000 major incidents in 1985. massacred by gunmen at a holy Khadafy is a very active tist terrorist faction, the Holger Middle East, with security officials Last year's TWA hijacking and place in Sri Lanka last year. suspect," said a U.S. diplomatic Meins Commando, committed and diplomats, scholars and politi Achille Lauro "seajacking" were In the United States, too, new source, who spoke on condition the bombing. cians, alleged terrorists and their more visible, but 1985's deadliest style terrorists strike: "right-to of anonymity. A caller in Berlin said a defenders, found disagreement event was the downing of an Air life" militants who firebomb abor Khadafy called for Arab previously unknown radical over how to combat terrorism and India jetliner over the Atlantic, tion clinics, for example, and ter assaults on American interests Arab group, the Anti-American even how to define it. But almost believed to have been the work of rorist bombers, possibly Jewish ex worldwide after a U.S.-Libyan Arab Liberation Front, was all agreed that such "free-form" Sikh extremist bombers. It killed tremeists, who killed an Arab naval clash in the Mediterranean responsible. political violence will spread in the all 329 aboard. American activist last year. two weeks ago. A second caller in Berlin said years to come. Terrorism is not new. The Terrorists are also becoming U.S. officials in West Berlin it was the work of the Red Army French dubbed the 1890s, when deadlier. Lebanon's anti-Western refused further comment on the Faction, a West German leftist "Terrorism is with us now, anarchists tossed bombs into Pari Shiite Moslem extremists are work investigation launched by a terrorist grop that has waged a whether you like it or not. You've sian cafes, the "Dynamic Decade." ing with bombs of unparalleled special, 100-member commis bombing and arson campai&n got to adjust your way of life to What is new today is terrorism power for a non-military organiza sion of West Berlin and against NATO interests. that," said Scotland Yard's anti- practiced on an international scale, tion. American military police. terrorist chief, George Churchill- a kind of global guerrilla war that Manfred Ganschow, director In Bonn, the West German Coleman. has developed with developing "The ferocity is escalating," a of West Berlin security police, capital, Foreign Minister Hans Those interviewed also generally technology. U.S. Air Force security officer in said Sunday that three separate Dietrich Genscher established a agreed on these other points: Jet travel and open borders, par- West Germany said of anti claims of responsibility working group of experts to see -As governments strengthen ticularly in West Europe, enable American terrorists there. They are telephoned the day of the explo if foreign governments, not defenses of embassies and other of- terrorists to reach far-off targets. not getting the kind of attention sion to news agencies in London identified, could have been in ficial installations, terrorists will A booming arms trade offers them they used to get, and they apparent and Berlin "cannot be con- volved in the disco bombing. become more indiscriminate, at- the latest in compact, relatively ly feel they have to find new ways tacking "softer" targets like the in- cheap weapons in a nuclear age to get it. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1. N.D. 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Greater still, after three vears Office of Student Activities your loan's repaid in full. You'll also like the sat is· faction and pride vou'll feel as 1st Floor LaFortune vou learn a \'alL.ablc skill One you use to ~erve yourself as well as vour countrv. )t's ali' a parr of the Loan Repayment Program Tt' qualify, youust have taken out a ~ational Direct. Guar· anteed or Federallv Insured Student Loan after Octohcr I, 197;. And your loan can't he in default So if youtllike Unde Sam APPLICATION DEADLINE APRIL 10, 1986 to pay off your college loan, pay your local ArmY Recruiter a visit todav Or call ARMY. BE AU YOU CAM 8£. The Observer Monday, April 7, 1986 - page 4 U.S. should stick to arms treaty, says House chairman Associated Press Armed Services Committee, asked but the administration says the His is position taken previously Aspin and other supporters of the Air Force to formally support American program is needea partly by other critics of the administra Midgetman believe it would con WASHINGTON - The Reagan the single-warhead nuclear missile to offset a similar Soviet effort. · tion's build-up of nuclear weapons. tribute to stability because they administration should reaffirm its known as "Midgetman." Administration officials, in argue it is better to have a large commitment to the 1972 treaty cluding Secretary of State George Aspin's letter to Air Force number of missiles with single limiting missile defenses instead of Fascell's statement was the latest Shultz, said last fall that in their Secretary Russell Rourke noted warheads rather than a smaller viewing the pact in a way that per round in a six-mont•l old fight over view the administration was legally that the single-warhead missile has number of missiles with larger mits "Star Wars" research, the whether the 1972 Anti-Ballistic justified in a loose interpretation of been endorsed by a presidential warheads, such as the triple chairman of the House Foreign Af Missile treaty limits research and the pact. But they promised to stick commission, which said it would warhead Minuteman or 10- fairs Committee said yesterday. development into high-tech by a more strict definition they said increase stability in the superpower warheadMX. defenses against nuclear attack. would still permit SDI to go ahead. arms stand-off. They argue that the MX would Rep. Dante Fascell, D-Fla., The Reagan administration con Aspin noted that "there is a small make a more inviting target to termed the administration's view of tends that the pact does not ban Both superpowers should reaf minority" in the Defense Depart Soviet war planners considering a the treaty "defective and counter such research and is going ahead firm their commitment to the ABM ment that wants to cut spending on first strike because hitting on MX productive" and said it would lead with the Star Wars plan, known treaty, said Fascell, who is out of the Midgetman project and use that with one missile would knock out to a new arms race in space. formally as the Strategic Defense the country and made his views money for SDI, while other Pen 10 warheads while it would take 10 Also yesterday, Rep. Les As pin, Initiative. known in a statement issued by is tagon opponents of the missile Soviet missiles to destory the same D-Wis., chairman of the House The Soviets want SDI halted, office here. want to increase its size. number of Midgetman weapons. CUT ~**********************************t i ® Frank Pinn £ t Happy 19th Birthday!! £ THE COST OF 1**********************************' lOOKING GOOD. Finance Club Meeting DURING Tuesday, April 8 NWISION'S SPRING SALE. 7:00PM Room 220 Hayes Healy F ES Anyone interested in running for ·Office must attend II SAVE~6s40 WHEN YOU BUY PRESCRIPTION LENSES. CONTACTS SAVE 540 SAVE 520 PRE-LAW SOCIETY SPRING MEETING ON EXTENDED- ON CLEAR DAILY- WEAR CONTACTS.t WEAR CONTACTS.t Mandatory for All Juniors Eye examination extra. Available by independent licensed optometrist. OWer good at participating offices only. Some restrictions apply. tOW regular price at replacement lenses. · Information and Packecs necessary .for applyin to Law School will be distributed Tuesday April 8 7:30p.m. Engineering Aud. ___1 5 _THEBE UE.E.___ Af_JE13.._(QMMHJCEMEOIT ___ directed by ___________ BE~u18~--2~0~------------------­ where __ --~- CBOlliE'S HOUSE-ffil contact THE SCIENCE OF BETTER VISION. THE ART OF LOOKING GOOD. __ UOL\LE.R.SiiL.MI n1 STL.J...JBLL.Y __ sign-up deaaTine APRIL 14, 1986 LaSalle Square 234·3123 University Park Mall277·8682 a McKinley Town & Country 256·1864 Elkhart Maii·Eikhart 295·2496 OFG UNMRSITY MINISW 1m1 Plymouth Center·Piymouth 936·5012 Niles, 1012 Main Street, 684·8008 The Observer Monday, April 7, 1986 - page 5 Jordanian arms deal embarrassing; Saudi proposal will pass, Bush says Associated Press to Saudi Arabia improved recently "kind of broke off discussions with when a major pro-Israel lobby in us. We understand it in a sense DHAHRAN, Saudi Arabia - Washington, the American-Israel because we said we were going to Vice President George Bush said Public Affairs Committee, signaled do something as the United States, yesterday the Reagan administra it would not actively oppose the we meant to do it, we wanted to do tion was "somewhat embarrassed" deal. it, we felt it was in the interest of when Congress blocked a big sale "I believe that this arms sale will peace, and we weren't able to of U.S. arms to Jordan, but he go through. In my view it must go deliver because the U.S. Congress predicted that a $354 million pur through," Bush told American did not see it our way." chase of advanced weapons by businessmen at a breakfast meeting At his meeting with businessmen Saudi Arabia would win approval. in Riyadh. "I think this one is in in Riyadh, Bush reaffirmed the Bush arrived in this eastern pro better shape than some of the other U.S. commitment to keep oil flow vincial city on the Persian Gulf deals that have been aborted by the ing through the gulf. earlier in the evening from Riyadh United States Congress." Alluding to the U.S. military for an official dinner with King "We frankly were somewhat em strike against Libya, Bush said the Fahd. barrassed," he said, when Congress United States "is fundamentally, ir A business meeting, restricted to forced the administration to revocably committed" to maintain male guests and excluding Bush's withdraw a $1.9 billion arms pur the free flow of oil through the gulf wife, Barbara, was arranged to chase by Jordan's King Hussein region. "After this past month, no follow the dinner. because of lack of progress toward one should doubt the importance Prospects for congressional ap Middle East peace talks. we attach to freedom of passage in proval of the sale of 2,566 missiles Since then, Bush said, Hussein international waters." Ordination ceremonies The Observer/Todd P. Taylor Inflation worse in poor countries Francis Murphy C.S.C. is ordained into the priesthood by Father Mark McGrath, archbiship of Panama. Thomas Streit C.S.C. and Mark Thesing C.S.C. were ordained along with Mur phy Saturday during the ceremonies at Sacred Heart Church. Associated Press crease of prices to consumers in January of this year, but it is poor countries at 49.3 percent for reported to have dropped sharply WASHINGTON - Inflation 1985, compared with 46.3 percent since then. Crimes one occurring Friday night, an art rose in poor countries while dropp in 1984. The rate was especially Decreases were noted in Hong student's sculpture was toppled. ing in the United States and other high in Latin America: 164.2 per Kong, Indonesia, Pakistan, the The 400-pound sculpture, made by rich countries last year, the Interna cent, up from 145.3 the year Philippines, Singapore and Sri continued from page 1 senior art design major Mike Hof tional Monetary Fund reported before. There was a small decline in Lanka, while sizable increases were man, was shaped in the form of a yesterday on the eve of a semi Asia to 6.8· percent and a larger one shown for Burma, Nepal and on-lookers were involved because fishhead and located in front of hte annual week of joint sessions with in the Middle East, to 12.5 percent Thailand. of other show prints found in the art building. the World Bank. from 16.3 percent. area, Neuertsaid. Hofman said he had worked Financial officials and bankers In the United States and 20 other Among the industrial countries, Shoe prints across the car's hood periodically since last semester on from 149 member countries will be industrial countries the average rate the lowest inflation rates were in indicate the windshield was smash the sculpture, which was made of attending the meetings, which will of inflation came to 4.2 percent, a Japan, 2 percent, and West Ger ed when someone ran across the clay and decorated with ceramic be held behind closed doors. steady drop from the 7.5 percent of many, 2.2 percent. Inflation in the car, stepping on its windshield, he tiles. One session will bring together 1982. U.S. dropped to 3.6 percent from said. Insurance investigators will An employee at the Security of U.S. Treasury Secretary James The IMF memorandum, an of 4.3 percent in 1984. estimate the extent of the monetary fice declined comment on the in Baker and the finance ministers of ficial monthly publication, said the The biggest rise was in New damages to the car today. cidents last night, referring all Japan, West Germany, France and top rate of inflation was in Argen Zealand, to 15.4 percent from 6.2 Neuert said he is distributing questions to Rakow. Rakow, Britain. This group took the in tina, 672.1 percent for the year, percent. Iceland continued to have notices asking that the individual however, said he could not com .. itiative in driving down the price of followed by Brazil with 227 percent the largest inflation rate among the responsible or those with any infor ment on the student assault nor on the dollar and lowering interest and Peru with 163.4 percent. industrial countries, 32 percent, mation about the incident contact the two act·s of vandalism because rates. Israel's inflation was running at an compared with 30.6 percent in him. he had not read the reports Fund officials calculated the in- annual rate of nearly 172 percent in 1984. In another act of vandalism, this yet. Are you or someone you know ... ? Juniors sad troubled sleep and pessimistic loss of appetite fatigued poor concentration poor motivation loss of enjoyment If two or more of these describes you or ln Engineering, PhYsics, a friend, this workshop may be for you. ChemistrY and Math, THE COLOR BLUE Earn Over $1000 A Month (overcoming depression) While Still In School! All interested are welcome Tuesday, April 8 at 6:30-8:00 in room 316 of the Student Health Center. Sponsored by It's oart of the Navy's Nuclear Prooulsion Officer Candidate Counseline and Psych. Services Ctr .. Program. And the money you can earn while still in school is (soon to be renamed. Watch for details) Just the beginning! After graduation, you will receive graduate level training valued at $30,000 and begin work as a technical manager with immediate authoritY and responsibilitY. This is the onlY orogram of its Notre Dame Avenue kind in the world. Apartments To qualifY you must be between the ages of nineteen and twentY-six, be in good health and meet stringent academic reauirements. NOW RENTING FOR FALL Completely furnished. balconies, laundry, A Navy·Engineering Programs Specialist and off-street parking. will be on campus April 9 R 10, 1986 On site management & maintenence, all deluxe features ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL SUMMER RATES For more information call toll-free (good deals for Summer Sealon) 1-800-382-9404, Mon-Wed, 8:30am-2om. Office at 120 ND Ave ~7/156-5716 Call Aaytlme -------Lead the Adventure------- __i __I_t t__ _________________ ~i~~~_() M_on-da-y,_Ap-ril-7,_19-86--p-~e-6 People, spirit make Notre Dame special place How many times have you heard someone Calculus or Core class. And they will continue tion, but rather it is the people and the spirit countries through personal experiences rat complain about the Notre Dame administra to be in your classes until both of you that make Notre Dame special. Most students her than textbooks. Even closer to home, one tion or the grounds crew or the weather? We graduate. Of course, there arc exceptions, but could have gone, academically, to a com learns about the different cultures and hear complaints about the new fountain, Apar these are few and far between. parable school. I had the opportunity to at heritages in other states or even in one's own theid divestment, parietals and du Lac. The What special intangible attracts people to tend Cornell University in New York. But home state. dining halls are never perfect and The Ratio is Notre Dame and what magnetism keeps those Cornell lacked that special something; the stu Notre Dame's blend of people and spirit is always unsatisfactory. More often than not, people here for the span of their .college dents walked by without so much as a glance what makes Notre Dame the unique, special these people wish they were somewhere else; career? Is is that Notre Dame has a rich history ora smile. place that it is. It is true that probletns do exist they would rather be at Stanford or Princeton or is it the mystique of the Golden Dome? The special feeling is a sense of belonging, here and that people have the right to voice or Duke. Some go so far as to apply for trans Some may claim that it is the post-college op the friendly atmosphere, the helpful students their opinions about the school's policies and fers. portunities that bring potential students here. who care. People across the country see it at other assorted decisions among other things. Other students fall in love with the campus -it the football and basketball games on televi Yet through all of the complaining and the William J. Curran becomes the deciding flctor for many. While sion: the comradery and spirit of the student problems, Notre Dame hasn't lost its glory or Notre Dame certainly has a beautiful campus, sections. That feeling is not specific to the its prestige. Notre Dame is still a special place it is not the only campus in the country with United States alone. Many students come here despite its problems. But you probably knew guest column ivy or lakes. from abroad which in turn leads to a diverse that to begin with. Anybody who is presently attending or has student population comparable to none. This But it never seetns to materialize. These graduated from Notre Dame knows that it is diversity allows for a more complete and William]. Curran is a sophomore mathe "transfers" appear the following year in your not the materialistic things that are the attrac- rounded education. One can learn of foreign matics and philosophy major at Notre Dame. P.O. BoxQ South Africa 'harmless' of divestiture about which the cranks have this issue any further. My understanding ofthe prayer, mandatory contributions toward the bleated on and on. But that idea has finally Quran is that it supports the concept of a jus support of the poor, respect for other compared to Soviets found a home and settled for a season in the tified war, specifically a defensive war to religions and a great emphasis upon a fair and porous minds of exuberant youths. protect territory or personal rights. Someth rational system of justice. The Sufis, a mystical In a world of palpable and pervasive evils ing which is very important to note is that Is branch of Islam, are particularly committed to Dear Editor: purveyed Soviet-style, in the real world of lam was intended to guide a whole society, peace and spiritual growth. The practice of in A charming story came across the wire last major league evils perpetrated by one of the including the government. It therefore takes dividuals and government can sometimes week, and local papers picked it up. It seems most lurid and menacing policies which has positions on issues which Christianity "leaves leave much to be desired, obviously. The cur our comrades in Russia are growing ill been fabricated in a while, it is strange how so to Caesar." rent rise of intolerant fundamentalism, for ex humored these days with their pesky Mghan much fire can be misdirected at friendly and Many courses of action have been taken ample, is not attractive in its Islamic or in its neighbors. And so they have done the only relatively harmless nations. So much passion throughout history by Islamic governments Christian manifestations. natural thing that they could do. and protest is brought to bear on the wrong or groups which may seem appalling, but I do The situation in some Islamic countries Last year they systematically brutalized and people. And the thought behind this feverish not think any more so than son1e actions of looks deplorable to us, but I think it is im dispatched off to eternity 35,000 Mghan passion and protest must be likewise strange, misguided Christian ones; the Crusades, the perative to remember that there are many civilians by means of an imaginative variety of to be sure. Inquisition, and Colonialism readily come to political and cultural factors operating. There antics. These included pitching old folks out In fact, it is simply ludicrous to think that mind. Does the religion oflslam especially en are potentials existing within Islamic religious of helicopters and strewing the countrysides life in South Africa, and even less our par courage or allow terrorism? I really do not ideals which could provide a positive force. with booby-trapped children's toys which ticipation in that life, is the premiere object think so. Lebanese Christians are behaving in We should be careful that our attitudes, par blow off faces and fingers and generally ruin a presently deserving our indignation, or to much the same fashion as are Lebanese Mus ticularly as expressed in the media, do not kid's day. think that located there we find somehow the lims. The situation itself seetns to produce the contribute to a polarization of differences, to Just lovely. Now mind you, this is from the main moral axis about which our obligations violence, as a not too dissimilar situation is an entrenchment of defensiveness and hos documented findings of a disinterested U.N. now turn. producing violence in Ireland. tility. commission. Somewhere in the bewildering logic of this, There are many Muslims on campus (more Also last week, on a (onege campus fixe<;! though, something large and obvious has I would like to mention some aspects of Is than the 20 estimated by Lobdell); I hope to mid-west in the cosmos, a student body of passed unperceived -something like balance lam which particulary appeal to me. First of see some responses to the issues raised by him overall unreflective young people, donning or proportion or breadth of judgement. all,there are the Muslitns themselves whom I and by myself. The Observer is an available their political garb for a day and displaying the Robert Anderson have known; they shared with me their per forum to demonstrate the range of thought biceps of the democratic method, voted up a Notre Dame graduate student sonal questionings about the proper response within the Islamic community. measure that would have the movers and the Islam does not condone to oppression. Many do argue to meet force Nancy Hansen shakers of their college let loose their money with force; some tolerate terrorism as a Notre Dame graduate student muscled grip on life in South Africa. After all, terrorism, violence means; and some argue vehemenently against South Africa is a place where a travesty of any tactic which knowingly takes innocent Viewpoint justice goes by the name oflaw, a place where Dear Editor: lives. Just as Christians are currently debating the modicum of peace, order and prosperity I am writing to comment upon the article whether or not there is ever a justified war, so that they enjoy is but the trappings concealing about Islam included in the special feature there is debate in Muslim circles about non P.O. Box Q poverty, corruption, racism and oppression, about non-Catholics at Notre Dame. My own violent courses of action. I do not see this as a and a place where things are not nice. background is American Baptist (a non major trend right now, but it could be Notre Dame, IN Student backing of that proposal un fundamentalist branch not to be confused nurtured by open-mindedness, and could doubtedly has brought some joy to some of with Southern Baptist). I have a great interest conversely be stifled by continued expres the otherwise discomfited and malcontent in other religions, particularly Islam. sions of stereotyping and contempt toward all 46556 professors at the same college. Up to then no Charles Lobdell's article began by noting Islamic society. one, not the administration, not the Board, the widespread equation of Islam with ter There is much to be admired in traditional had really been brought round to the fine idea rorism in the media. but then did not address Islamic ideals. The Quran advises regular Doonesbury Garry Trudeau II.NYII/AY, tuHCN 16(JT NOIJ/ Plc'VC JUST 60T /A/CU.., I roo M£95Y. we cww 5UREl Jl5T 54Y Quote of the Day HOME, IT FINAfd-.'1 106CT HIM HOME! 51./PFfJSCI BE 77&0 UP IN COU!tT YOU Y()I)'RC UXJI<JNG A CAMe WM£. "t£6UM&" ANY SUG6E5T/ON5, C(J(jtp CCW- RJI? ~-HOIAIAIKJJT MeAN FORA NANNY. ZOMBIE Tl) Be Y()(Jf? UN C.OUNSC/..0~ ~ TACT lH/3 IF YOU NC6QTIATE BUY I \ NANNYr CLE ()1)1<£! FRENCH IJI/?ECTZ..Y HIIM ? \ / \ POUC& .. FOR(IIM. I "Show me a thoroughly satisfied man - and I will show you a failure." Thomas Alva Edison Ihe lbserver l General Board Editor-in-Chief ................... Joe Murphy Business Manager ......... Eric Scheuermann Managing Editor ................ Kevin Becker Controller .................. Alex VonderHaar P.O. Box Q, Notre Dame, IN 46556 (219) 239-5303 Viewpoint Editor ................ Scott Bearby Production Manager ............. Chris Bowler Sports Editor ................ Dennis Corrigan Photography Manager .......... James Carroll The Observer is the independent newspaper published by the students of the Univer Accent Editor. .................. Mary Jacoby Advertising Manager ......... Anne M.Culligan sity of Notre Dame du Lac and Saint Mary's College. It does not necessarily reflect the Saint Mary's Editor ............ Margie Kersten Photography Manager. .......... Drew Sandier policies of the administration of either institution. The news is reported as accurately Executive News Editor ............. Frank Lipo Systems Manager ............. David Thornton and objectively as possible. Unsigned editorials represent the opinion of a majority of News Editor ..................... Tripp Baltz Graphic Arts Manager ......... Mark Weimholt the Editorial Board. Commentaries, letters and the Inside Coiu.mn present the views of News Editor ................. Mark Pankowski their authors. Column space is available to all members of the community and the free expression of varying opinions on campus, through letters, is encouraged. Founded November 3, 1966 ·-- -------------~ Accent Monday, April 7, 1986 - page 7 Bronze art under the Dome Dave Dvorak Out of the lunch box • I love spring at Notre Dame. After a long winter of hiberna tion, students flock to the quads to frolic and bask in the Indiana sunshine. There are those who play Frisbee, those who practice lacrosse, those who play catch, and, of course, those who sunbathe. While enjoying the beauty of yesterday afternoon, I came across ' --- a notoriously appearance-conscious girl that many call Glamourous Pam. She was lying on a blanket in a two-piece bathing suit, reading Cosmopolitan magazine. Her heavily-oiled body glistened in the sunlight. · As I approached, Pam looked up from her magazine and squinted in my direction. "Hey, how was your break?" she asked me. A very original ques tion. "Mine was great!" she said, before I had a chance to answer. Word of Mouth performs "I went to Fort Lauderdale - the weather was fabulous. I caught at the North Dining Hall Friday night. some serious rays." I'd imagine there are more serious things you can catch in Fort Lauderdale. Nazz alive and kickin' "I'm not kidding," she said. "The sun was absolutely brutal all week." I'm sorry to hear that you suffered. "No, it was great," Pam said. "I really made a lot of progress on MARY JACOBY The Pat Giblin Band, which has The last prize awarded was $25 my tan." features editor been playing together in local bars, to T. Cross and the Trappers of What kind of progress? "Well, let me put it this way," she said. "I started spring break at consists of Mike Toner, lead Success, an eight-member pop band SPF-12 and since then, I've dropped down to SPF-2." Despite the less-than-crazy at vocals; Bill Leonard, guitarist; which performed original songs That's funny - it doesn't look like you've lost weight. mosphere of the North Dining Scott Johnston, bass; and Chris written by Terry Cross, the lead "No, SPF stands for sun protection factor," said Pam. "It tells Hall, the annual Nazz Music Com Smolen, saxophone. vocalist. Other members of the you the strength of suntan lotion. The higher the SPF of the lotion, petition was a success Friday night Tom Barry, rhythm guitar; and a band are Joe Brady, drums; Chris the more of the sun's ultraviolet rays it blocks out. I'm using SPF- as 14 acts played to a crowded South Bend drummer known as Barnabo, keyboards; Ed Sheckler, 2, which lets almost all of the sun's rays to pass through." house. Johnny. tenor sax; Mike Myers, trumpet; Sort of like cooking oil. Mike Peeney, bass; Andy Schlitz, "Well, it allows me to obtain the deepest, darkest tan possible so Second place and $150 went to guitar; and Mike Schrimpf, alto I can look my very best." "It was great; there was standing the Bill, Bob and Biff Band, which sax. Sounds like you've been watching too many Coppertone com room only," Liz Keys, SAB musical played a mixture of folk and soft mercials, Pam. entertainment committee assistant rock with covers by Crow by, Stills I glanced oyer the array of bottles and tubes lying near chairperson and the competition's and Nash, and America. The band The competition lasted until 2 Glamourous Pam's blanket. It looked like she was preparing to do director, said. consists of Zahm Hall residents a.m., much longer than the pro a chem lab experiment. There were three different bottles of sun Mike McDermott, Jeff Sayre, and jected 12 a.m. ending time. Judges tan lotion, a jar of Blistex lip cream, a tube of nose block-out, and Five winners were picked from Noble Levasque. The Bill, Bob and were Jim Dolan, a member of the a bottle of baby oil. the competition, and Saturday Biff Band began last year when the I picked up a tube of something called For Faces Only. "That's for your face," she said. night was supposed to have been an members started singing in their Notre Dame basketball team; Lee thanks, Pam, i would've never guessed. Why do you need special encore performance for the win hall bathrooms. When their music Broussard, SAB manager; Mike suntan lotion for your face? ners. Two of the winners, however, began sounding good, they decided Switek, Notre Dame's new student "Where have you been?" she said. "Everyone who has ever spent had previous engagements, causing to make the band public. body president; and John Van, a time in the sun knows that your face tans differently than the rest the encore to be postponed to a Winning third place and $75 was published songwriter and Notre of your body - that's why you need For Faces Only." Then she later date. Word of Mouth, a seven-member Dame graduate student. Dennis showed me a green bottle. Also, six students were selected dance band formed in October, Tillman served as emcee and Mike "Do you know what this is?" she asked. at the competition to play with Max 1985. Word of Mouth is Chuck Varlotta and Mike Vore were in Let me guess -For Kneecaps Only. Weinberg, the drummer for Bruce Amata, alto saxophone, Bill charge of sound. "Don't be silly," she said. "It's lemon juice." Springsteen's band, the following Merkel, bass; Mike Sharkey, Selected to play with Weinberg Are you making mixed drinks out here? weekend when he will make an ap guitar; Jim Tyler, vocals; John were Ryan from Monarch, Smolen, "No, you put lemon juice in your hair so it'll get lighter in the sun. I think lighter, blonder hair is more attractive." pearance at Stepan Center. Berets ka, keyboards; Paul Leonard and Toner from the Pat Well, if you're not careful where you rest your lemon juice Loughridge, drums; and Kelly Har Giblin Band; Fred Cassel from the drenched head, a colony of ants just might find your hair attrac Taking the first-place prize of rington, vocals. band Wicked Shed; Brian Burke tive, too. $200 was the Pat Giblin Band, six The judges awarded the fourth and O'Keefe from Four Guys and Pam's eyes widened as she sat up nervously, ran her fingers seniors who play a mixture of place prize of $50 to Monarch, a Pete; and Mike Speranza, a solo through her hair, and said, "Don't even say that in jest." original songs and late-60s rock. band playing '70s rock and roll. act. Judges for the Weinberg com Hey Pam, since when did sunbathing become so scientific, The audience repsonded en Monarch consists of Peter Grenier, petition were Ron Mileti, former anyway? I mean, the earliest American settlers probably didn't thusiastically during the band's set, lead guitar; Tom Conforti, bass; SAB music entertainment commis worry about sun protection factors. I bet Davy Crockett never put clearing away the tables to make Shawn Ryan, drums; and Ryan sioner; J.A. Lacy, current music lemon juice in his hair. room for dancing. Powell, vocals and guitar. ~ommissioner; and Don Seymour, "Well, I like to thing of tanning as an art," she said. "The sun is the artist and my body is the artwork." WVFI music director. I suppose even Michelangelo had his bad days. Listen, why are Although the competition did you so obsessed with keeping that spring break tan? Don't you not take place in the Nazz this year, realize that you're in South Bend and it's only April? Inevitably, Keys decided to keep the original we're going to get hit with another giant snowstorm, the sun will be name because "upperclassmen will absent from the skies for weeks, and your beautiful tan will peel know what it is, even though it's off like a snake's skin. not in the same place." The com "Well, I was watching Channel 16 Live at Five news," Pam said, petition began later than usual this "and Dick Addis assured us that we're going to have a beautiful year, because organizers were spring." Like I was saying ... waiting for Chautauqua to be finished. When no completion date Promotions Gillespie i~ a junior English and was in sight, it was decided to hold writing major at Saint Mary's the event in the North Dining Hall. from Pittsburgh. Gillespie was a The original Nazz, which has been The Observer Accent depart features writer before becoming ment announces the following a copy editor. Reynolds, who remodeled in the LaFortune Center promotions: Kathy Martin, a served previously as a features renovations, now contains no stage junior English major from In writer and a member of the and is no longer being used for dianapolis, is an assistant layout staff, is a junior English musical entertainment. features editor. Martin was major from Edina, Minn. "We tried to assimilate as much formerly a features staff writer. Young is an engineering major as possible," Keys said. And it was Caroline Gillespie, Mary from Rochester, Mich., who has The a success. "71/e really captured the Reynolds and Lisa Young have been a features writer and a Bill, Bob and Biff sing to the crowd at the relocated Nazz. spirit of the Nazz," Keys said. been promoted to copy editors. features senior staff writer. The Observer Monday, April 7, 1986 - page 8 Practice Sports Briefs continued from page 12 "Beuerlein showed good leadership and moved the ball well, and Terry threw very well today. Steve Belles The Notre Dame men's tennis team split its A 5-K Run for the Arts. sponsored by the Saint had an awfully good day. He was a weekend matches. On Saturday, the squad downed W. Michigan, Mary's Art Department, will be held April 19 at 9 a.m. Registra pleasant surprise." 9-0, but dropped a 7-2 decision to Wisconsin yesterday. Full details tion forms may by picked up at Angela Athletic Facility, Haggar Belles, a freshman, moved his will appear in tomorrow's Observer. - The Observer College Center or LaFortune. The deadline for entries is Aprill4. troops upfield in his first drive on - The Observer passes to freshman tight end Andy Heck and sophomore split end Tony Eason. The drive was capped The Notre Dame women's tennis team off with the final touchdown of the swept three matches this weekend. The team beat Toledo 6-3 on NV A fencing and team tennis entries are due day on a 14-yard completion over Friday, Michigan St. 5-3 on Saturday and E. Michigan 6-3 yester April 11. The fencing tournament will be held April 14 and 15 the middle to Heck. Belles com- day. Full details will appear in tomorrow's Observer. - The from 6 to 8 p.m. in the ACC fencing gym and is for novice fencers. pleted seven of his nine passes on Observer The team tennis tournament is a single-elimiation event to be held the day, as did Andrysiak. Aprill9. Both tournaments will include men's and women's divi Beuerlein connected on eight-of-12. sions. For more information call NVA at 239-6100. - The Holtz contends that the offensive Observer line will be one of the main areas to The Notre Dame golf team be looked at in the upcoming spring finished t4th at the practices. Purdue Invitational this weekend with a score of 923. Miami (Ohio) finished on top with a score of 878. John O'Donovan was Irish Spring Run entries will be accepted at both din "Our offensive line is going to hold the key to our success offen the top Irish finisher, shooting rounds of 75, 80, and 79. More ing halls on April 9 and 10 during dinner. Two races will be held sively," he said. "The amount of details will appear in tomorrow's Observer. - The Observer Saturday, April 19, beginning at 10 and 11 a.m. For more infor pride and discipline they show will mation call NV A. - The Observer tell the story. That's what we're trying to bring out in them. Keith Robinson an Irish basketball recruit, was named "Our quarterbacks are going to In the NHL last night, to the McDonald's High School All-America Team. The 6-9 for Philadelphia defeated play well and our receivers will ward from Grover Cleveland H.S. in Buffalo, N.Y., averaged 27.2 Washington, 5-3, Chicago knocked off St. Louis, 3-1, New Jersey definitely do the job. Tim Brown points and 16.0 rebounds in his junior year. - The Observer downed the N.Y. Islanders, 9-7, Calgary beat Winnepeg, 6-4, and Milt Jackson did some good Hartford edged Boston, 4-3, Detroit bested Toronto, 4-2, and Pitt things today. We know what a Tim sburgh squeaked by the N.Y. Rangers in overtime, 5-4. - The Brown can do. We have a young, Observer inexperienced backfield that is Tom Davis was named head basketball coach at Iowa making some progress, but the line yesterday. Davis, who previously was the head coach at Stanford is the key to our offensive success." replaces George Raveling who left Iowa to coach at USC. - AP ' One bright spot for the Irish in the scrimmage was the kicking Dwight Gooden, the New York Mets, Cy Young game. While there were no The ND-Saint Mary's women's golf team Award-winning pitcher, was involved in a minor traffic accident kickoffs or punts, junior field-goal will be holding a mandatory meeting tonight at 6:30 in Walsh this weekend but was uninjured. Gooden will start as scheduled in kicker John Carney was perfect on Hall's TV room. For more information call Laura ~Gleason at the Mets' season opener against Pittsburgh on Tuesday. New York the day. He connected on three ex 3351. - The Observer manager Davey Johnson fined Gooden for providing incomplete tra points, added a 25-yard field information about the incident. - The Observer goal, and booted a 46-yarder to end the scrimmage. Holding the ball on all five occasions was junior punter The ND rowing club will hold a meeting concerning Dan Sorensen. John Grieb handled the election of officers tomorrow at 7 p.m. in Nieuwland room Pat Bradley shot a one-under-par 71 yesterday to capture the snaps. 127. All rowers are expected to attend. - The Observer the Nabisco Dinah Shore LPGA golf tournament. Bradley's eight Rushing yardage was evenly under-par 280 put her two shots ahead of Val Skinner. - AP split, as quarterback Belles picked up 36 yards to lead the team. Taylor collected 22 yards, while Bookstore Basketball freshmen Corny Southall and Mark will be featured tomorrow on Observer Sports Briefs Green ran for 21 and 14 respective "Speaking of Sports" beginning at 10 p.m. on WVFI, AM-64. are accepted Sunday ly. As has been the case throughout Bookstore commissioner Steve Wenc will join hosts Rudy Brandl through Friday until 4 p.m. at the Observer office on the third the spring, Holtz used a number of and Kevin Herbert to answer questions and comments at 239-6400. floor of LaFortune. Briefs should be submitted on the forms offensive formations, including the WVFI will have results of Bookstore Basketball games every night available at the office, and every brief must include the phone wishbone. Receivers Brown and at 11 :45 and previews at noon. - The Observer number of the person submitting it. - The Observer Reggie Ward each had the oppor tunity to carry the ball out of the wishbone set. 7ht• fJhst•rr·t·r 'otrt: l>.tnll· ot1h.l· luc..Jicd on thl· IIHHI 1ltu1r 111 l.J.Itlrtunc: Classifieds ~tudt•nt ( l'lllt'r. Jtu,:phc..l.l'-.~ltit·d .Jlhc:rtl,lll);tlrom l) .1111 until trIll \1ondJ.\ throuRh hid.l\ Tht• Uhserr·er ~Jonl \IJn 'offiu· lo<Jtl'd on till' tlurd floor ol IIJ!o(RJt ( .olklo(l' ( l'lltl'r. J<< l'J'll' <IJ,'IIinl' from I 2 ~II p m until ~ p 111 \I on dJ\ thoulo(h fnda\ I kJdlorw lor m·" dJ\ <l·""lil'd, '' ~ p 111 \II <IJ"tlkd' mu"'t he prt·p.tld t'lt ht:r 111 pc.·r-.. t 111 tIT In m,ul ( h.trgt: 1' I i lc.nll' pt:r fl\ c.· c. lur.tc. lt:r.., t·r da~ NOTICES PLOreSeTc:r:i:p tionR Sacpqoru1eat bGelllu aeRaa nqeuaert Lyoann'ds WANTED TICKETS 8888 S FUIIEIARJOIIU 11 $,1111,12141 3 SENMIoOvRinSg • t.o• .a. n.•. wSE cNitIyO?R S Hall parl<ing lot. If found call1528 or come 88 GRAND-AIISI,IIIIII Need a roommate? by 1105 Flanner. yyyyyyyREWARDyyyyr. 881UNIIRD 118,111111 Carear & Placement Sar-.lcaa can INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: 88 F1RUIRD 110,515 help. Typ2in8g7 -A4v0a8i2la ble AELWONVITDSEHTN D : GMEWRTYEHE IDXEIT NAAE NT,PS DLMHA RIOTID.R 'SD TS 'NS CWO 3ATI/RN1 EF9TV. ET EIRWTN 'SO CR NOIEDOAA'TTSL RFPreruefoubcmelnicn dFadllt/ybiJo lP/enH us b,V lPi$s.1ihO -e..Bd ,oF( PxGo &r5u HF1idr5)ee:9 eT9 1odI,a m GDtamraiellaielga,n rssac,et aTinorXddn YTI HONEUEM EOD. R P2D LGEERRAAESDDEU ECAXTATILORLNA SM T,I IKCI EKW EIALTTLS !B!2!!U7 7IYF· 8881818 8OE8A8 RlCH DECCOI8U CRA CRDIPZYARRO LLITNLYN $ 1N11I58X 81T,, 81$.H0,75 I0,I 8II8I 8 SSEtoNpIO bRyS o r. .c.a.l.l S23E9N-5IO20R0S. TYPING CALL CARRIE X3221 75251. 1067. I AM DESPARATE!!!!I Moving to a naw city? CALL CHAtS Need a roommate? 234-81117. FOUND: Middle-sized black umbrella at NO SPANISH INSTRUCTOR NEEDS Career & Placement Sar-.lces can the Grotto. Call Mark at 1146. REASONABLE ROOM/BOARD NEAR help. NYU FOR YEAR 86-87.CALL KEVIN PERSONALS ATTENTION SAINT MARY'S STU Stop by or ca11239-5200. Wordproceasing· Typing MISSING: LARGE ROUND ROTARY 291·2878. DENTS: If you are intereated in being a 272-8827 SIGN FROM THE LOWER LEVEL OF day editor for The Observer and have THE SAINT MARY'S DINING HALL. HAVE FUN THIS SUMMERI Reaidental Wednesday and Friday afternoons free PLEASE RETURN-NO QUESTIONS Camp in Southwestern Michigan needs OAR HOUlE: COLD BEER & UQUOR. lrom 12:30 lo 3:00 pleue contact Margie TYPING • Fut, High·Ouallty. Cafl 287· WILL BE ASKED! THIS SIGN IS RE· counselors, instruct0111, unit leaders and CARRY OUT TO 3 A.M. U.S. 31 N., 1 Kersten at 284-4425 or 239-5303. This is CONGRATULATION & THIS & THAT 9257 OMUEIERTEINDG SF.O R THE ROTARY CLUB parnoda arapmpl icdaitrieocntao.r sM. usCta blle f1o8r yirnaf. oorrm oaldtieorn. ILOCK SOUTH OF HOLIDAY INN. a paid poeition at the SMC office at HCC. Yale boundJ I.M.M.YY aJlAeM bEoSu nd ...Y ale Typing/Wordpr<X*81ng Camp Chief MakiU!bee. 8800 Blacl< Lake ATTENTION EDUARDO! Sheri R. bound 277-8131 OFO'SUhNaDu: gn-Lya diTeah ursdwaya,t ch3 -20o. utsCidaell R(6o1a6d),4 24E·5a2u 72C. laire. Michigan 49111 Hungry? Call YELLOW SUBMARINE ccohmanpgUesdh ehde! r image at Vail. Million Ac· from that certain Yale m!ln. Kevin at 277-o920 to identify. at 272-HIKE. Delivery Hours tonight: tiT SOURCE NEW CAJI SALE NEED TICKETS TO N.D. COMMENCE· 5pm-12am. 1NA8DP1,10 RA40 IPC0LO C M1R 8AILTSPEHCRS,H I NL$EO1 118 11A,4T1C40H C0. TCFSOAHSAOTRAFTE.C JUVOL IIITANIAPUP NJDINTEIUIMJA.ODD CIUCH N WHLTGHYAO.HA HA rlSAlErTE TTCG WLHI HAR'U1AAS 4EISL IIN1IAIL L2PN T.T.A LI H IERAPCSCEUEUKELl aFNWNE 1A AD1ITMAUa'N1RILSMJID£YTL YIE ID W GDLCNIOIOENOTIDIELAMGIIRTDFKL , bCRBMshiooEAtEE auLSFNrswLdOPeTi .tOhRR ho eNEElBfdXS1ceR h0ErIeBeEi.lRll ndLoNCcrEreTeeI Sn,eNe .E O aIS( nvoJ2 .aUr rin elNaW-thub(Io)OIrlLe4nuR.L1 a f 2,7oa f8r),Pe , 3 rAmo-2Ypoa7Ee mle6rV(f ,2$o Eaw.$rn Sm)idl..l TFtthhhReeaE mncEka t ComYcOpolUluuly Pal SO TtN. aSJl uIandp elh hafo- yr Dealll.lol. .way oo1ur1ry ..h .Ue-loNp!f H4MotKtihmw6Eeae.aneNr 2yr. M ! tb'!a sT ocBn hhotdAoiuzs Mer Stch h.A.hca.e s hRsiahro Y toboJ ueul(1 Glen2dan eo nm bo dawehi nd yest n)hdtA iugedcpd hoirnpatirl.gadn FritBaataoyrl lli oy nooSl fgsfi n a Savlcyr iarootleeiiumfndeart FNOERW , SA134L0KED, AOwYfoSfimcTieIaLnlL 's NT OHp Eec tCliatPes,As srpininga l- EXPERT TYPING SERVICE. CALL VALUE, PLEASE HELPI! Please continue to help me! blue slone. A good deal. Linda V. 277- MRS. COKER, 233-7009. GOT TICKETS FOR COMMENCEMENT 6856. ?? Need 2 tix. Will pay$$$. Call MARK at \ LOST/FOUND I ~...-I _F_O_R_RE_NT_____J 2W2O87R. K WANTED. HARD WORKING dT..H..-.A..lN..t.K.. w. Y..i.Ot.h.U..o. .uS..tT. .y.. .o.J.uU..r.D. .h.E.e...l .pI. ..c. .o..u..l.d...n..'.t. .h..a..v..e. T(avhneedryr Fe fi eealwrde TlOe-fSftf)hi.c lriPtaslle aaNnsodet rShewu Dreraaytm ateon pdTs r paleucrfk t ST.qCu. ircta mtrupeckr, ochraansgeer, kPoohll-l aliodv geur zNzl.eDr,. THOEOYIK!I f O8F0F I 'lWl IATLHL MWEYT IU11_ S,O.EMLELOAN E• EXTRA LARGE 4 BEDROOM HOUSE MLSRACEANHFNDEO SRONCELEAN. EPCEDIENXSSGT .EC. MRAIOIO.LNR E DYP OANIFN OTRI(N6 1GG6G -OAR6O9NA5DDD- LSYipot,auAn,,SCiath.hJe,uAmd·a,isP!t!sr!y!y!,!c7 h ..,.9 T8h,aCnokm p & T$cfo1h·Sr5am.hs Claertt aosioln ln aeT r o.oe.m r.$ a 8atsh \ 2mais3na 9dIns- 7y St 6aow3spe4 wa qfetou raTh lmaoitvpyoes r me lea eIfrnrte . ffDliarnioneer,no dttth ouy ra tKlnHeiy naogcmnr eamJ vaeecmlr o,e suspGld,i nr a-aanhnldaidk v eeR,t! h afepiTr isdhbtlaa etnsI'sn,t TUU.IIAJIJ. 11 ·AFTER UO CLAaSIN NEAR CAMPUS. LOTS OF EXTRAS! 2369). chandise. "Whatlllke about you!" 220 O'SHAO. IT'S aUE CLOTH, NEAR BRIDGET'S. $400 A MONTH UN· ................................................................ Happy Birthday Missy! AIIOUT A YARD LONG, A WOODEN FURNISHED. WILL FURNISH IF tiT SOURCE NEW CAR SALE Love, Laura HANDU AND ITS GOT A CARIIY1NQ DESIRED. CALL272-8185 FOR SALE APIIIL 18TH, NO ACC ST. PATRICK'S DAY RUNT-SHIRTS STRAP. A FRIEND IIIOUGHT TT UCK SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE, t FROM LONDON 80 ITS KINDA IIIPO... 6 BDRM HOME. NEAR CAMPUS.272· BUT THE T·SHIRTS CAN BE PICKED TANT. C'IION GIIIIIE A MEAKII 6306 SELL YOUR CLASS BOOKS FOR $$$ 114 POMCHE 1144 UP AT THE SAB OFFICE ON MON DROP rr OFF AT THE LOST AND AND CREDIT! Cliff notea available. PAN· 16,000 ltiLU Sti,IOO DAY, APRIL 7, FROM 3:00 ·5:00P.M. Sorry Manute. FOUND OR 110 UDIN HALL THANKI FURNISHED HOUSES CLOSE TO NO DORA'S BOOKS 937 South Bend Ave. ND ACC APRIL 11TH ANY QUESTIONS CALL THE SAB OF· It was a rough day. ALOT. . T. FOR NEXT SCHOOL YEAR 2876389 233-2342 FICE AT 239-7757. The Observer Monday, April 7, 1986 - page 9 Into the 1st round Today'o Gamoe Lyona 11 Tri-State lnduetrill Lubricantl overWhat the Fyyy We're 5 Guyo That Smell the Glove over Acid Rain, The P.B.S.R. & T. over 4 Fruetrated Olphallioe with 1 lt-n1 4:00-A Streetcar Named Deeire Goong Nowhere. Senioro by 10 Pharmaciet ... by 11 Bowling Ball by 4 4:00 -5 Scuz Ballo All Covered In Sin v. 5 Pudl A· v. 4 PuNy-Whipped. , , Bigg•t Molda On Campus over Freudian Kamlkaz• Grandmuter Flaah & the Furtoue 4 over Ch-y Lyona 11 Orlbblin 4:45 - Or. Ruth & the Fighting Embreyoee v. by 12 Fluid Running ... by 17 I Don'tUeeYourBonzover5Guyo With F-Movoe 4:45 - 4 Fogo & a Zahmbie v. 5 Packagoe The Hlawatha'a Boys 5 White Boys Who Wish To Be Admitted ... over 4 Lyona 12 Than the ... by 7 Poatman Can't Delover It 5:30-The 5 Spitting Shaboinkins v. The Peckeronota Frosh & a Huck Cheg by 9 Klinghoffer'a Swim lnatructoro over Romancing the The Ghurka 8lago over Marauder by 14 5:30-She Can't Wroe»e But You Should See Her Bo• 6:15-The Return of Red, Red Winev. Nightmare Chaotic Otlcilatlona over The JIIIVik-5 by 20 Bone by 5 We Hang Lett over 5 Gophero Who can Find a Hole v. Magoc Dick & the 4 Sklna Lyona12 Corby's Worot Thuroday Night Club over Sally & the The lncompretica over Slippery When Wet by 10 by7 6:15-Scott Skltea' Dealer, A Dude From M1nneaota .. 4:00-Teacherain Space v. Ulydown, I Think I Love Backdoor Boyo by 3 5 Ethiopians Hungry to Win over Gerber: A Leading Staff Infection Plus a Vlrua over 5 StamMe lnmatoe of v. The Big Blue Vein You 8t-n5 Diatributor of Fine Glauware by 12 a Sexual Prieon by 19 81-"2 4:45-Bud'a Boya v. It's the Firat Time For Ua The Bungholoe over 4CFC by 12 What the F over 5 Guyo Who Wear Body Paint by 13 Lyona 12 4:00 - Tranlj)Ofl Phenomenon v. Only OC Guyo 5:30-Minions ol Gozar v. Kegela & Cutoffa Let'a Go Crazy over John Quincy Adami & His Sycamore Robbie & the Gonadl of Soul over 5 Ath· JFK, . over Bun Naked & the Moon Sholl by 11 Would Play With RAI 6:15-The Embarllling Stains v. Too Much Futch Cabinet by 16 tetic I mpoootero by 12 Dick Proaen & the Get Freeh Crew over Bink by 14 4:45-High On Ulev. We're Not Going to Make It PMI Doug E Fr•h & the Get Freeh Crew over The Love A Team without a Coz over 5 Blind Guyo with Hairy She can't WroeUe But You Should See Her Box over the Firat Round Sunday'a Reaulta Machine & the Loyal Legion by 12 Palmeby 13 Wedge by 11 5:30 • Aherblrth ot the Carnlvotouo Bunerflieo v. 5 81-n1 Poddle Chell With Cholnaky Over Chowder over Tex The Lee'a BBQ Roundhouee over The Executivoe by Revenge Factot Turna a Cool Breeze over We Come White Guyo Who Never The Plebes over Seek D•troy AKA Kn-And E~ Toomey & the Hooaier Hater by 13 15 In Colora by 11 6:15 -Hotno bunch v. Nol1h Hall Cooka bowa Ted Ganley by 4 Where'e the Juetice over The Un-tucked Oxfotda by We Can't Jam But We'll Slam Your Mama over Living 11-"3 Captain Timbo & the Fantuy overBod 5 by 9 12 In Sin by 17 Frtdlly'a.....,lta 4:00-Will Po-v. The Geoff Penero Leon Kllnghoffer & the 4 Aaauins over Ain't Too 5 Purple-headed Shoote re over Blsta Blsta Delta by 10 ''-n1 4:45 -Challenger Go With Full Throttle v. Kaddaly, Proud To Beg by 10 Mulllpte Orgum Addicta over Nice Body, Shame Satur'd'a-y"'a 1R• ulta Panic State over Why? Why? Why? by 9 Quaddaly, Gaddall. Bodily Fluida over Randall'a Revenge by 18 A/bout the Face by 7 The Manhattan Jaaper Tranafero over 5 Guyo Who 5:30-F11r Game v. The Bearero ol the Holy Hand Drunka Againat Mad Mothero over P.P. and the Nldo ''-ntl Sometimoe The Be8t Thlnga In Ufe . over Peter Couldn't Win the . by12 Orenede or Antioch byB Oily Buthawka over Staff Infection Plua a Virue by 10 Dragon & the ... by 13 AllauH and Bllttery with the Intent over Oozing 6:15-While Dudel v. 5Guyo Who Uke Hot Pioe Johnny Wad & the 4 Other Lesaer Known Porn Stare Gay Bllahera over Alrfotce ROTC by 7 Doobiea & RA-Holoe over 5 Guya Who Play with the Puatuala by 19 11-"4 over Bearded Clam Clan by 10 Balance & the Blsatbox Boys over Pangl011 Wu Rock' a Balla by 8 The Morning StiHioe Reach New HeighI I over That' a 4:00 -Revenge of the Bun-laced Sea Pigo v. Bo Team Cheeoe over We Eat Meat on Fndayo by 5 Wrong by 14 Emotionally Exhaueted & MotaMy Blankrupt over M~ I mmotal by 11 Leonardo'o Rambling Pro'o 81-nZ Red Heada Have Brown ... over We Hang Leh by 13 ten Ulva & the 4 Hot Rocka by 12 ''-"2 4:45 - we Seated o' the Goofaman v. Onentan Hinkley's Tallgunnera over Throttle My Puppy With a Look at Cutlge over Auatin Cair & the B.C. by 10 We Love the Smell of Tuna In the Morning over Juat We Hate the World over South Dining Hal Ra\11, 22- E•prell Wooden Wallet by 3 Blstter Than Hot Patch over Aeroplops by 9 Plain White by forfeit 20 5:30. Feotertng Sot• v. Obv1oualy We Have a Major Emotionally Exhauated & Morally Bllnkrupt by Walter Eagl• over Dlociploe of Bilby Doc by 3 11-nZ We Would Have Called You Bilek But You Didn't .. Malfunction There's a Fly In My Aherbirth by 14 lookalorat Sorry JR over The Nobodiea by 19 over Penla Envy, 24·22 6:15 . Pelle Lindbergh & 4 Other Guyo Dying . . v. Doobl• & RA-Hol• over Bun Hole Surfero by 17 We Shoot Bener Than Bllaketball over Otter 5 by 14 Catherine the Great Meell over Dr. Nightmare & Nightmare on Wayne St. over He Can't Do That, 11'1 Open Loop Shootero Frank Wew. Girt'a Underwear over Stow Chilcren At Numeggera X over Weal Virginia, There le a Santa Nothing DMPair by 18 Illegal! by 13 ''-"5 Play by 11 Clauaby9 Scum Bu-over Slamma Tappa K-. 22·20 The Underdoga over Quit Pulling My Pljote 16 4:00-Anal Vaporo v. The Velvet Buzz11wa Michael Ray & the Snowflak• over Stan Notoe by Cellfornia Cohnection over We're The World B. Free P.P. & the Nada over Drop Dead ... by 5 ''-"' 4:45-5 Sullo Genlly Ribbed Fot the True . v. Ftam forfeit by6 11-"3 Revenge of the Bun-faced Sea P1go over Uquld mmgBunr-• Ben1 Lou over Bilby Let Go of My Eara I Know What 4 Great Tragedioe & Rambo over Rod & the Dribbling Alrt>orn Expr-over Buell Docloro by 12 Pleaaure by 6 5:30· D1c1<Proaen &theGetFreeh Crewv. TheBoyo I'm Doingby2 Seamen by4 The Double Stuffa over Richard & the 4 Skina by 15 Fair Game over Knighll of the Rountl;)all by 5 6:15 . The Snackero v "Ch-1a"f B·ig Head & the 8loala Miahawaka Expre11 over We Love the Smell of Tuna Snaffu over Eaay Woman, Tha\'1 Attached On One LarTy Bird & Friendl Salute Jeff Petera over Uoa Tylenol, Chalenger & 3 Other over Faceleu Ec- In the Motning by 11 Side by 17 Martjuanao by 14 toplaama From Blsyond by 13 4:00 . Soep Oloh Johnny & the Fr•hman Pokoe v. ''-"' llookatora 10 Desmond Tutu over Hinkley Had a Vloion by 5 5 Guya With Good Mcvea But No Penetration over Dulac Flenner Vice over Buddha Fay & the Sky Lordi by 14 Our Beat Team Ever But We Still ... over TloJuan & 11-"4 The Pat Greene Team by 5 4:45-T J & the Flbulouo 4 v. Gnom• From Hell Too White To Win over We Loot Twice Ulat Year by the Border Patrol by 10 Team Many Martooni• over 4 Geeka & a Buaine11 5:30 -Sorry JR v. Emil T & the E mpiricalo 12 Merty & 4 Other Guya Who Smell of Tuna over The Majotby 15 Observer 6:15. Keen Inmate II v K1ng Ortega & the 4 Seuona S1nk the Pink over Lobatero by 13 Jumping J-Heada by 2 The 5 Athletic lmpoootero over Grace Gunnero by 17 llooketore I MBA XL's over Philadelphians Who Uke Nikki Hoi Spudl over Woody & the Peckero by 6 G & the Spots over Team No. 352 by6 44::0405.. FHaotnlleilrc iT<h va. nJ uAo Wt Fhoott Feuhno uoe on Nickel Night v. TWhiteh 2T-hMerern H •o Tohteer Uo nbpy u1b7ll cized On• over The 3-Eut D12a ncing lrioh Dingle Bern• over lnnabruck lrilh by Nice Body, Shame Al/lboooutk tehteo Frea ct e over The Jim Seith completes Albino Tadpoloe Prieatby13 Terr-Bulax over Tuna-Flue by 2 Travelling Team by forfeit 5:30 • Hannelll'a Illegitimate Wet Brunen• v. We Ferdinand Marcoa, Bilby Doc, Gerry Fauat & 4 Other. Lyona 11 5 Packagea the Poatman can't ... over You Can't LOll 1n Length over 5 Goda of Nerl by 8 Spoodheadl over 4 Do' a & a Dead Head by 13 Live with Them ... by 16 sports staff 6:15. Fun Bunch Finalev. Good No Go Revenge Factor Returns Aa A Cool Breeze over The Morning Stiffl• Reach New Heigh II over 5 Good Slippery When Wet over Sure She Wu 12 But She llookalore 10 Goop in a Bucket by 6 Reaaone to Be PrCH:Ihoice by 16 WuAaGoodAaA ... by4 4:00 · Cluefell v Kella Ia Hung Uke A Hotae Katie & the Merry Pnankatero over Canine EmiAionl Skywalker & the 4 Coachmen over Michael Walker & The Fouroome over 5 Screaming Demone by 13 4:45. The Muleo v. Ricky Nelaon. Chnata McAullll & 3 by 11 4 Other Soviet Splea by 10 llooketore 10 The Observer sports department Other RaMOna ll-n4 Hi Gina, I'm Rod, Rod Hairpiece over Paul Bunyon & Prime Bisel over Armpill by 10 5:30 . Get 011 the Rug v Doetinat1on Stepan Nebbtah over Mot1y ANESI & the Platdlterl by 10 the Woodl• by 8 Penguina in Bondage over Oui Belong by 2 has completed its staff for the 1986- 6:15 -If We Loae lt'a Tlm'a Fault v. South Dining Hall Green w-n• over Paul' a Team by 19 Zoota Roota Zoot over Manute Bol & the 4 Dunking What the F over Short Stow White Guye Who Cen't 87 publishing year. Hot Shyotero over Scum Bubblea by 11 Dinkuby 15 Jump by 15 Marty Burns, a sophomore from Chicago, Ill., will continue in his position as assistant sports editor. Burns, who is enrolled in "I compared Paralegal P.rograms the College of Arts & Letters, has and chose Roosevelt" written for the Observer since his freshman year and has been a • Largest ABA-approved program in the Midwest sports copy editor before being • Effective employment assistance-over )00 named an assistant in Oct., 1985. employers have hired Roosevelt graduates • Choice of time and location-Day and evening Marty Strasen has also been classes in the Loop, Arlington Heights named an assistant sports editor. • Dive1sified graduate level curriculum-specialize in A freshman from Sault Ste. Marie, Litigation; Corporations; Estates, Trusts and Wills; Ontario, Canada, Strasen has held Real Estate; Employee Benefits or Generalist •STATEGUARII.NTEEDSTUDENTLOANS the positions of sports writer and • R.ECRUITiiRONCAMPUSON 4-10-86 sports copy editor. • Contact your placement office for details The third assistant sports editor For your ropy of the Lawyer's Assistant Catalogue is Mike Szymanski, a sophomre and an invitation to the next Information session in from Soloq, Ohio. Szymanski, who Lop! Assistant your area, write or CALL COu.ECf: Santa Fe Southern l'llcifoc !\12-341-3882 is majoring in accounting, has previously been a sports writer as -----------I-IH----wi-lh- Thr-: No-t-'O-:n-l<•-"" l-'ual~rpl- Tl'aU-lJDI!- -- well as a sports copy editor. ~-------------------------­ The new Saint Mary's sports ~--------------------------- editor is Andrea LaFreniere. A Caty --------Sta1< Z1p ---- junior with a double major in 1-hDt Phont Buunn.\ Phonr -------- English writing and English ICELANDAIR TO EUROPl literature, LaFreniere has previous ly been an Observer sports writer. These four will assist the sports :·······················. ....................... I EVERYTHING editor in a variety of tasks, in l12' cluding story developm\!nt and assignment, staff management, Medium PIZZA (any topping) THAT ISN'T AB ARGAIN training of new personnel, filing ! and formulation of sports depart with extra cheese : ment policies. • • IIFREl • • All appointments are effective i PLUS ! immediately. • • Bookstore • • To Luxembourg: Roundtrip Fare ! i Garlic Bread with cheese continuedfrompoge 12 $458* $499t • New York • : DeUvery Orders Only : galloped to victory. Doug Ander $518* $559t Chicago •• •I sen shot 5-for-31 to lead Team ·.. $5.25 $488* $529t : Cheese. Balt.!Wash. In other major games, two seed (plua delivery and tax) =·.· ed teams, Let's Go Crazy and the Detroit • • Shysters, won easily. Tom Lange • • i :! shot 7-of-11 from the field for the Orlando $518* $559t Limited DeUvery Area Shysters, and Bob Comfort grabb ed eight rebounds. Wes Shorter Get in on our lowest fare to Europe in years. And with it, get a lot .=~ ~0· ~Plzz8 .; and Carlton West Jed Let's Go emmveoearrelys tt hhoairn nbg ja ugysogtua t gheeex. tprEeipvc eto rvfyreo rfm.a rB ea e ifcnuaclull-ussede,er vws ifhcreee nea yiwroliuinn feel y, w wlcitiehtlh a ynnodoua cri rhi,n ay-rfogluieg ghfoet rt :•• ~o O-0 f #l..~.l . ~o "~~· •• fCrroamzy t hseh foieoltdin rge sp7e-ocfti-v9e layn. d 4-of-5 dinner and free cognac after. •• c~v - •• Three major games are slated for Jcelandair Values Continue After You Land: Free deluxe, round • .,.....,_....,_____ • today. On Stepanm Court one, last trip motorcoach between Luxembourg and select cities in Germany, :• :• year's freshman sensation, 4 Fags Belgium and Holland. Special $15 train fares to Switzerland or France. : 52929 u.s. lll'bth : and a Zahmbie, will face 5 Super Saver Kemwel car rentals at just $59 per week in Luxembourg. Packages the Postman Can't And, if you choose, a day or two stopover in Europe's most beautifully i i Deliver II at 4:45. Last year's kept secret, Iceland. 277-5880 champs, Fun Bunch Finale, will 'Super Bargain Fare, 6-30 day stay. tSuper Grouper Fare, 1-365 ! i play Go No Go on Bookstore day stay. Valid 5/16-6/8/86, $3.00 departure tax applies. For .,_ GoodforSundaysandMondays mformation & reservations, call your travel agent or t-' court 9 at 6:15p.m. Also at 6:15, DAIR : only with coupon : the Embarassing Stains led by Tim • lcelandairiCiiAN •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Kempton will play Too Muck and Futch on Lyons court 12. ----..... -··~·.-.~ .. -- ,-. ...._........_~.- ·--·· --------..-.;;r.. .... Monday, April 7, 1986 - page 10 Irish blank the Irish into the seventh inn Noelke hit the Badgers' second SMC relay sets mark, ing. Outside of a fourth inning homer of the day from Irish starter walk, the Irish went down in order Kevin Chenail. After Chenail got continued from page 12 until the seventh. one out, Gallo played musical pit offsets team's finish and a third innings as it went to Watzke came in to pitch the fifth chers in the inning. Mike Harmon assault the 7-1 deficit. inning and served up three singles came in to give up the second run of The Irish battled back to a 7-5 to Badger hitters to load the bases. the inning, but Gallo trotted out Andrea LaFreniere determining factor in the Belles, score at the end of the six innings Gallo decided that Watzke had had againt to bring in Brad Cross, who last place finish. Saint Mary's Sports Editor with the help of some sloppy enough and signaled for righthand got the final out. "We didn't take everyone with Wisconsin play. But the sixth inn ed reliever John Gleeson. Gleeson's In the bottom of the same inning, The Saint Mary's 1600-meter us," she said. "A lot of the girls ing ended when Rich Vanthournout third pitch to Wisconsin's Scott the Irish exploded for five runs. relay team set a new school record have illnesses, and some weren't was caught stealing after he walked Cepicky was a fat fastball, and the Pesavento smacked a two-run dou for track on Saturday at the Man back yet from break. That could with two out. first baseman for the Badgers pro ble, followed quickly by Shields, chester College Invitational, a have made a difference for us." The Badgers would tack on two mptly responded by blasting the who hit a two-run single. Scott highly competitive meet in which Other strong finishers for the Belles more runs in the top of the seventh. pitch over the fence in center. Rogers picked up Loughran, who ten schools participated. include junior Mariclaire Driscoll, Sacchini entered the seventh and The Irish entered the seventh inn hit a triple down the right field line. The team of senior Mary Lu who ran the 10,000-meter race in surrendered a single, at which point ing facing a 9-6 score, but things Cross recorded the save, coming neen, sophomore Cathy Kennedy 45:33 to capture sixth place, and Gallo replaced him with Brad looked hopeful when Rich Van in to give up a run in the seventh and freshmen Lora Gill and Rice, who ran the 800-meter race in Cross. The Badgers strung together thournout and Tom Shields began but keeping the Badgers from tying Theresa Rice completed the race 2:28.8 to finish in fourth place. two well-hit doubles, and all of a the inning by reaching base. Ken the game, ending in an 8-7 Irish with a time of 4:32.6. The 400-meter relay team placed sudden it was 9-5. Soos, who would wind up with 5 win. The record finish by the four at the meet, as well. Sophomore Scott Rogers responded in the RBis on the game, knocked in Van The final game of the series was was the highlight of the meet for Stephanie Duke and freshmen bottom of the seventh inning with a tournout with a one-out base hit. perhaps the most tense of the four. the Belles, who finished in a diasp Missy Bailey, Kelly O'Brien and leadoff homerun, but that was all Rosplock again came in to get The lead changed hands four times pointing tenth place at the competi Gill finished in sixth place with a the Irish could muster as Badger the final two outs for the Badgers, in the game, and after starter Erik tion. time of 0:56.2. fireballer Jim Rosplock came in to taking the second game 9-7. Madsen was knocked out in the Several members of the team The Belles' next competition is shut down the Irish and record the In the first game yesterday, it ws third, the Irish relievers came in to were not able to attend the meet, on Tuesday at Goshen College with save. the Badgers who took the early shut down the Badgers. Once again. and, according to Head Coach Defiance College. The meet is Saturday's second game looked lead on Craig Brown's two-run it was Cross who came in to get the Jean Kerich, this may have been a scheduled to begin at 3:30p.m. much better for the Irish as they homer in the first inning. save, and the win went to Robert took a 6-0 lead after two innings. Chris Flynn cut the lead in half in Fitz, who hurled 4.1 innings, sur Centerfielder Ken Soos, who went the third with a solo shot to left, rendering one run and three hits. 5-for-6 on Saturday, provided the and after Vanthournout doubled, The hot bat of Ken Soos has sur Thanks to you ... • big blow with a three-run homer in Sheilds hit a ground ball that prised Gallo. the second. The Badgers responded Cepicky couldn't "Kenny Soos may be the most it works ... in the top of the third with two handle, and the game was tied. hurt of anybody. He's had an ankle forALLOFUS unearned runs off starter Mark Wisconsin came back with two problem since the beginning of the Watzke. Watzke would surrender more in the top of the fourth half season, but the last three weeks he's some of his early-inning control in to retake the lead, but a Mike been hitting the heck out of the the fourth, as the Badgers took ad Moshier single in the bottom half ball." vantage of two walks and cut the of the same inning cut the lead to 4- The Irish have a much-needed lead to 6-5. 3. day off tomorrow before playing a Meanwhile, Badger lefthander The Badgers padded their lead in doubleheader Tuesday at Michigan Lance Painter settled down to t.he sixth when shortstop Mike State. ND lacrosse edges Wooster, 11-7, with determined 2nd-half effort CITICORPOSERVICES INC By FRANK HUEMMER and two assists on the day, as he Despite having numerous oppor Sports Writer assisted junior Jim Shields on a tunities to score in the first half, the goal to break the tie. best Notre Dame could do was go The Notre Dame lacrosse team Wooster promptly tied the score in tied at the half. Coach O'Leary pushed its record to 3-2 with a at five on a goal by Frank Winsor, singled out the following key per hard-fought 11-7 victory over the but that is when the Irish came on formances. Fighting Scots of Wooster. strong. With Grote leading the way "Senior Mike Rice and junior Although the team controlled the by scoring the next two goals, the Wally Stack played well defensive Citicorp Services Inc., headquartered in action early, it was not until the Irish went up to 7-5 and were never ly," remarked O'Leary. "At mid Chicago, is the Citicorp subsidiary that sells third quarter that they really really challenged. The lead grew to field, junior Dave O'Neill and an array of innovative payment products to started rolling. 9-5 by the end of the quarter and sophomore John McNicholas "In the beginning of the game, ll-5 before Wooster finished out created a lot of openings. Attackers Individuals, corporations and financial we did everything but score," said the scoring. Jim Shields, three goals and one institutions around the world. Head Coach Rich O'Leary. "By the The game began with the Irish assist, Tom Grote and Joe third quarter we did the little things watching Wooster jump out to a 1- Franklin, one goal and three well and really came on strong." 0 lead on a goal by Christopher assists, really worked After coming out from a 4-4 Davis, who also contributed three "Overall, we felt we would be We are currently recruiting for Management halftime deadlock, the Irish took assists in the losing effort. Shields further along in our development," complete control of the game by tied the contest at 5:08 with a goal said O'Leary. "We need a lot more Associates with the skills, performance and outscoring the Scots 5-l. on an assist by Grote. The quarter work to build our confidence up motlvation for accelerated career growth Spearheading the attack was senior ended with Wooster holding a slim and we will try to do that this Tom Grote, who tallied four goals 2-1 advantage. weekend." within Citicorp. The Associate's past performance and perceived potential ••••••••••m .. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• suggest that he/she will be qualified to move _IISOC:.co' s Hair into a mid-level or senior management Styling The independent student newspaper serving Notre Dame and position within five years. Saint Mary's is accepting applications for the following Viewpoint Copy positions: The positions for which we are currently Editor recruiting are within the areas of New Questions about this position should be directed to Product Development, Marketing and Finane Scott Bearby. Personal statements and resumes and offer excellent career potential with the are due Monday, April 7 by 5:00PM. worldwide leader in the financial services Student Government-----. industry. ~~'0 .. ~,c&-'0 ASSIST ANT TREASURER If you are obtaining an MBA degree in 1986 t--<l~ available in Treasurer's Office with emphasis in Finance or Marketing and would like to discuss career opportunities 2nd Floor Lafortune with Citicorp, we will be on campus for inter- views on April15, 1986. Must presently be a Sophmore Accounting Major Applications due if you have any questions call Friday, April 11 , 4:00 PM 'Becca at 239-7417

Apr 7, 1986 end his 20 years in power on Feb. 25. Marcos left acts of vandalism also reportedly St. Joseph's Medical Center after . None of them spring to mind at the moment, but I'm Amazingly enough, it .. Francis Murphy C.S.C. is ordained into the priesthood by mid-west in the cosmos, a st
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