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FIRANCIAL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT (or ese by Publis Offeers and Cantatas ofthe Sele oF Pino Dar DeGES Nae a he Offeror Candidate - stress Cine etb oy Pabile fsa Held or Sought ivsticia_} check ane: KA tama pablc oticar tr thes statemers sovming te +2 avons of celenelar year 20_1 TL] Leva candidate tor a public office, and are ting ths Financial Dinslonure Steer covering the 12 noms prazadeg the date ofthis slaremenl, trae te rom of 20 nthe mon ef i. 20, 1 Lheive beam anpeintes fo oH a vacancy ine ouble offes and are ing 1s Financial O:xclemure Statemert covering ‘he 12 roils period ending sh the last ul month prior fe fre Wate | ook offer. VERIFICATION yroar hal tes enciel Disclogere Statement Aled hermit i nb alas tuo und come "cin never et me aR fe y i Ra Signsaure of Pui 1 6e solemaly snd fly shows ccoursyor Muntsega, Sharman are en hs EE aoe Jena oH Tors Fra sane, A, GARCIA Saco Ste ‘Septenter 2003 SECTION A: SERSONAL DiSCLCSURE 4. Maries: Whst we disclose: Your and yuurspeuse's nantes und the narvez ol miaprenillyen of shorn you ame legal toy, [ocuroe. “ADAM petees _ _ 3 aE DALES _ | Emin DEG Ss . _ Hid TRAAGES . __.. . PRES DeiESs | WwAuree. beiges nun S20 REN ‘oe soc RES denn 2. Sources of Personal Gomp: Who! to disclose: he eaing and ailleess af each employer wha paid ys, Your spouse, cr pny merbot of Wibet Susehold neve chan £1 00 fe sale, wages, crniosons tps a ther forms of compursotin ting Seer ovale’ by tis tepurl, Savarie each crruloyers business an6 the sordcas (ur which you oF # ef of your hnusdrald ee COmaeNsa:ed. ‘Ata. it onstting of velue “het ny aher presi, aulside your hobseho'd. oorived for you ws ot benntt 3° eer tary menor oryacrFouschold Prt oxaraple, 4a person was paid by you wplayer te be your Peistkespon lal het pereon's wages ard fre name ofthe arcoioer jou reed nat disclose: fny money you af any mamber 9" your Rousetalt receives that wae gross Income paid 3 2 bosfness yal o yeurhousetol! member ated, = [aE le Om eusiersh ome mecha ier: | es boseenearencore arcs oF V2, pers SHES ANU BER phowee S90 uv Orree san EH Hee" HO Bien Duet Laer Bore pees HE member 2. 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Offices ¢* Fiduciary Reistlonahige in Sustneeees, Nonzrofit Organizations o* Trusts Uthat to digcloen: ie navoe ard adéiess af each business, organization, ust o¢ woxprofl i [esmaatan i atieh you orany menber of year household held a Surin she pedo covered by Ps Staten. ation oF ry afive OR nad seta relebonship ive te offs of realionshi. ark ur ORGAN . | {- I Abas. Deices 8. Ownerstia or Financi What to disclose: 2 nave and advoes sec hunivess, ust rooitage of vraiship or eres, and esiennize fhe value 2° the eq gore.) Bia manta yar neusetois hac an oxnerahip of beneficial ites of over $1,000. aoe er out wernltos, soe promelorshire. avats, ruiua funds end odremerd wezauns. ithe teal gage for value ity Bee enent fad in WE yOu, This iankuces sks, purnasson | Tunic OHcER ow MEER Deemer onc een | a Abo Dacess ‘ __.. | | - I a —_ : seen fe coc Reti Ser 508 8. Bonds thai to disclose: Bones wsueel by a single syency westh mare than & ousthold hel, or Held ding the palied covert by ths uring fe porte, report the dae that cored. 000 that you or a meaner of yout vatorert, Ifthe bonds Wt fe acculted ordsvesied Puss oF een, ‘een 9 value Hovseroir_ | cxeeane ‘Tissoneed iste Deze wl pies 12. Real Proporty Owaersnip Whatia dlectase: arizona raal oper ‘ar hald tle during te pesiod uovered by’ Using che enue catega:is ivested eur the porod covered by fh ‘You need net disclose: Your platy residence oF ppt endl imprevarients tw whick yau oF a member Fis Sluzaront, Bosctbe the piomers's locaton sd appreximaty site. "coe el page) repr the vals of your agus. ft prop ve Statement st the date ard what occurred = use for pereovalreeraaio. 4 of yur kawsehald nok ny was aCe | docor on see meno se oF RapanaeaL | Croaiteoleet [reninee!p verted SECTION: BUSINESS I 44, Business Nemes: Wihatto disclose, The marie ofan businaes ui which you oF amy member of your sbusehell dl businoss Fant eon yered bye Statin nclesszoiporan, bred bly comaaties, ener a3 Ane ee erate defntions provide aetute,siclees i hw business naira is cortralod or seeondent ite esis i noth oontollet and copandant, mark boi Boxes, I - - — 9 Punts Ornces os RICE | oreo? Bapnses Me guess ALOR 3 Teco &. MSF” Stomrace | Dozoenden Ebates Eapent Eeonratea Cbepesint peices CY DAK dehes | Avser dalies Bx PRERS ame | zore 9. SUES TMPCRTANT: IF A EUSINTSS LIST#9 AROVE DID NOT GROSS MORE THAN $4.00 92 PROVE: ae RN 108, OF YOUR PERSONAL COMPENSATION SURING THE PERION COVERED FY THIS SPRTEWENT, YOU DO NOT NEED TS COMPLETE THE REST OF THIS STATEMENT [LJtonrotet peasonl 42, Contriled Business mformation What fo digcloso: The nante of zach santo business yoo Esta dove, uci tha goods or sarees paid Pent eee eile exens or custome (person o1 bysinats) asceums for nore than 620.70 al 26% PENS fe ngarme, deserts whats yr Pusmese provides To thaucusiorsr ar cfen). hen. ncolemn So ore Stabe cienticusiaer's sabres does (Vf yout mejor dient iva person leavy te ts: eoluran Fen i you do nos have 2 magar clr’, tea the last twa columns blank. jet who tor fie acts nf ary os Yow neat rot digulose: The nate of ny customs ofc comet a a an ndvidual aber ber # hesivess, f las ous avant | rescorynes seomeaneresies ) prennota th er alts oben sane Syeente caer een vf | 43, Dependent Susinees InFet what ie disclose: V business the yoods OF servos provid tots melo ch Bustomer or lent ia busingss V-he depande bu foxponee 9 #12, above. 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Pus mOsrorRURSMRLN oF aye van EarcaomY pe (EAR AOA TCALTS hpuschior Bust Sic Shahn Soterber 7029 ian | i — Lees mins | | | po . ao Lee | — i __| Fhesineal Jovested 45, Businose! Groditors ‘what i disclose: The hans and address of enc crestor Lz athich yur ovemess ovat more thar 8:0,020% Hoan ee io more han 30% of yur fotak business indebleiness s: any tmz duti tne peor covered Pan ee Che deb avsa nourTed or elscserged ducing the Paviod soversd by thie Staterwens report the! andthe Sale ‘You need not dleclose: bis resuling ‘ram a business nther ‘han a contro or dependent acsinese fu NESS DEPTS GVER sy0ce 97 sue on vn Anakcne 3 CRCECOR (OR PRA Toon Mma 2 aasmourboreemece | AIIM 20 Despont [mace sed | 16, Busine ‘what to digclone: The nate af he eblor or each Ucbt exoseding £10,008 avi to = coreg rick was also mora thay S04 of he iota indcblednars lo the kusiness which was oer oer fang tin preceding colendatyror the dro: beurre 0: Aacanped dir Ere yoo, Be has ‘nd tie date, List valve catagory _ BuLTS OVEsESI9 on AND 5M OHEDTC YOURBUBINED Mater SonTace, mo hese et rete Slamens To iene Seca Nene op 1, Ta ET OED [Gime j2eeseaee Value catagorles: (from ARS § 28-542(B}) Gategary 4 ~ $1,000 to $25,000 Eaiegory 2— Rote than $25,000 to $100,000 Category 2 - Move than $490,009 (og Rovian Soper rar 209

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