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Preview Semistability of Rational Principal $GL_n$-Bundles in Positive Characteristic

SEMISTABILITY OF RATIONAL PRINCIPAL GL -BUNDLES IN n POSITIVE CHARACTERISTIC 7 1 LINGGUANGLI 0 2 Abstract. Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 0, X n a smooth projective variety over k with afixed ampledivisor H. Let E be a a rationalGLn(k)-bundleonX,andρ:GLn(k)→GLm(k)arationalGLn(k)- J representation at most degree d such that ρ maps the radical R(GLn(k)) of 1 GLn(k)into the radical R(GLm(k)) of GLm(k). We show that ifFXN∗(E)is semistableforsomeintegerN ≥ max Cr ·log (dr),thentheinducedrational ] 0<r<m m p G GLm(k)-bundle E(GLm(k)) is semistable. As an application, if dimX = n, we get a sufficient condition for the semistability of Frobenius direct image A FX∗(ρ∗(ΩX1)), where ρ∗(ΩX1 ) is the locally free sheaf obtained from ΩX1 via . therationalrepresentationρ. h t a m [ 1. Introduction 1 Let k be an algebraically closed field of arbitrary characteristic, X a smooth v projective variety over k with a fixed ample divisor H. Let G and G′ be reductive 2 algebraic groups over k, ρ : G →G′ a homomorphism of algebraic groups. One of 5 the important and essential problem in the studying of G-bundles is to study the 2 0 behaviorof the semistability of G′-bundles under the extension of structure group. 0 Inprecise,letE be asemistablerationalG-bundleonX,doesthe inducedrational 1. G′-bundle E(G′) is also semistable? 0 Suppose that ρ maps the radical of R(G) into the radical R(G′) of G′ (Unless 7 stated otherwise, we always require this condition for any homomorphisms of al- 1 gebraic groups and all representations are rational representations in this paper), : v and E is a semistable rational G-bundle on X. If char(k)=0, S. Ramanan and A. i Ramanathan [9, Theorem 3.18] showedthat the induced rational G′-bundle E(G′) X is also semistable on X. If char(k)= p > 0, the induced rational G′-bundle E(G′) r a may be not semistable in general. However, S. Ramanan and A. Ramanathan [9, Theorem 3.23]provedthat strong semistability of rational G-bundle E implies the strong semistability of rational G′-bundle E(G′). In addition, S. Ilangovan, V. B. Mehta and A. J. Parameswaran [4] showed that if G′ = GL (k) for some integer m m > 0 and p > ht(ρ), then the induced rational GL (k)-bundle E(GL (k)) is m m semistable. F. Coiai and Y. I. Holla [2] generalized some results of [9] and showed that given a representation ρ : G → GL (k), there exists a non-negative inte- m ger N, depending only on G and ρ, such that for any rational G-bundle E whose N-thFrobeniuspullbackFN∗(E)issemistable,thentheinducedrationalGL (k)- X m bundle E(GL (k)) is again semistable. S. Gurjar and V. Mehta [3] improved the m result of [2] and obtain a explicit bound for N in terms of certain numerical data attached to ρ. The main ingredient of the proof in [2] and [3] is to give a uniform bound for the field of definition of the instability parabolics (Kempf’ parabolic) associated to non-semistable points in related representing space. 1 2 LINGGUANGLI We now briefly describe the main idea of their proof. Fix a representation G → GL (k). Let E be rational G-bundle on X, E(G) the group scheme over m X associated to E, and E(GL (k)) the induced rational GL (k)-bundle under m m the extension of structure group via ρ. Let k(X) be the function field of X, the generic fiber E(G) of E(G) is a groupscheme overSpec(k(X)). Let P be a maxi- 0 malparabolicsubgroupofGL (k), E(GL (k)/P)theassociatedGL (k)/P-fiber m m m space over X, and E(GL (k)/P) the generic fiber of E(GL (k)/P). Then there m 0 m is an E(G) -action on the smooth projective variety E(GL (k)/P) over k(X) 0 m 0 which is linearized by a suitable very ample line bundle. If E(GL (k)) adimts a m reduction of structure group to this maximal parabolic subgroup P, then we get a rational section σ : U → E(GL (k)/P), where U is an open subscheme of X m with codim (X −U) ≥ 2. Restricting to the generic fiber gives a k(X)-rational X point σ of E(GL (k)/P) . In [9], it is shown that if σ is a semistable point 0 m 0 0 in E(GL (k)/P) for the above E(G) -action, then the rational reduction σ does m 0 0 not violate the semistability of rational GL (k)-bundle E(GL (k)). Also, if σ m m 0 is not semistable for the above E(G) -action and its instability parabolic P(σ ), 0 0 which is defined over k(X), is actually defined over k(X), then again σ does not contradictthe semistability of rational GL (k)-bundle E(GL (k)). In the case of m m characteristic0, by the uniqueness of instability parabolicand it is invariantunder the action of Galois group, then P(σ ) is actually defined over k(X). This proves 0 that E(GL (k)) is a semistable rational GL (k)-bundle. However, in the case of m m characteristic p >0, P(σ ) may be not defined over k(X), and it is defined over a 0 finite extension of k(X). By the uniqueness of instability parabolic, the Galois de- scentargumentimplies thatP(σ )isactuallydefinedoverfinite purelyinseparable 0 field extension Kp−N of K for some non-negative integer N. In[2]and[3],theauthorsshowedthatthereexistsauniformboundN,depending onlyonG andρ, suchthatfor allpossible rationalreductionsto allmaximalpara- bolic subgroups the instability parabolics of points corresponding to these rational reductionsareactuallydefinedoverKp−N viadifferentmethods. Thiscanbeshown toimplythatifE isasemistablerationalG-bundlesuchthatFN∗(E)issemistable, X thentheinducedrationalGL (k)-bundleE(GL (k))isalsosemistable. Themajor m m differences between the methods of [2] and that of [3] lie in the approach of esti- mating the field extension L of K such that a given K-scheme M has a L-rational point. F. Coiai and Y. I. Holla [2] proved the existence of the uniform bound by bounding the non-separability of the group action and the non-reducedness of the stabilizers of various unstable rational points. However, the above estimation does notseen quantifiable. Onthe other hand, S. Gurjar and V. Mehta [3] directly esti- mated the field of definition of the instability parabolics which is probably weaker than the method of [2], but it is quantifiable. The paper is organizedas follows. Insection2,werecallsomedefinitionsandresultsaboutgeometricinvariantthe- oryandrationalprincipalbundles,suchastheinstability1-PS,instabilityparabol- ics of non-semistable points, etc. These results can be found in [6] and [9]. Insection3,wemainlystudy the rationalityofthe instability parabolicsofnon- semistable points in GL (k)-representation spaces, and apply these results to the n studyofsemistabilityofrationalprincipalbundlesundertheextensionofstructure groups via a GL (k)-representation ρ:GL (k)→GL (k). n n m SEMISTABILITY OF RATIONAL PRINCIPAL GLn-BUNDLES IN POSITIVE CHARACTERISTIC3 Theorem1.1(Theorem3.2). Letk beanalgebraically closedfieldofcharacteristic p > 0, X a smooth projective variety over k with a fixed ample divisor H, ρ : GL (k) → GL (k) a GL (k)-representation over k at most degree d. Let E be a n m n rational GL (k)-bundle on X such that FN∗(E) is semistable for some integer n X N ≥ max Cr ·log (dr). m p 0<r<m Then the induced rational GL (k)-bundle E(GL (k)) is also semistable. m m In section 4, we study the semistability of truncated symmetric powers Tl(E) whichisobtainedfromatorsionfreesheafE underaspecialgrouprepresentations. The main result is to give a sufficient condition for the semistability of Tl(E). Theorem1.2(Theorem4.4). Letk beanalgebraically closedfieldofcharacteristic p > 0, X a smooth projective variety over k with a fixed ample divisor H, integer 0 ≤ l ≤ (p−1)·dimX. Let E be a torsion free sheaf of rank n on X such that FN∗(E) is semistable for some integer X N ≥ max Cr ·log (lr), N(p,n,l) p 1≤r≤N(p,n,l) l(p) where N(p,n,l)= (−1)q·Cq·Cl−pq , and l(p) is the unique integer such that P n n+l−q−1 q=0 0≤l−l(p)·p<p. Then the torsion free sheaf Tl(E) is also a semistable sheaf. In section 5, we study the semistability of the Frobenius direct image of ρ (Ω1 ) ∗ X which is obtained from Ω1 via the a GL (k)-representation ρ. X n Theorem1.3(Theorem5.4). Letk beanalgebraically closedfieldofcharacteristic p>0, X a smooth projective variety over k of dimension n with a fixed ample di- visor H such that deg (Ω1 )≥0, ρ:GL (k)→GL (k) a GL (k)-representation H X n m n at most degree d. Suppose that FN∗(Ω1 ) is semistable for some integer X X N ≥ max Cr log ((d+l)r). m·N(p,n,l) p 1≤l≤n(p−1) 0<r<m·N(p,n,l) Then the Frobenius direct image F (ρ (Ω1 )) is a semistable sheaf, where ρ (Ω1 ) X∗ ∗ X ∗ X is the locally free sheaf obtained from Ω1 via the representation ρ. Moreover, in X this case, F (ρ (Ω1 )⊗L) is semistable for any line bundle L ∈Pic(X). X∗ ∗ X 2. Geometric Invariant Theory and Rational Principal Bundles 2.1. Geometric Invariant Theory. Let K be a field, K the separable closure s of K, K the algebraically closure of K. Let G be a connected reductive algebraic group over K, Then G has a maximal torus T defined over K (See [1, Proposition 7.10]),andT splitsoverK . LetX (T)bethegroupofparametersubgroups(1-PS) s ∗ ofT,i.e.,grouphomomorphismsofthe multiplicativegroupG intoT. LetN be m T thenormalizerofT inG,thenWeylgroupW :=N /T ofGwithrespecttoT acts T T on X (T) by conjugation. Fix an inner product h,i on X (T) which is invariant ∗ ∗ under the action of Weyl group W as well as the Galois group Gal(K /K) (See T s Section4of[6]). Thenwecandefinenorm kλkof1-PSλ∈X (T)ashλ,λi. LetT′ ∗ be another maximal torus of G, T is conjugate to T′ by an element of G, and the isomorphism T → T′ is well defined up to Weyl group action on T. Therefore the innerproducth,i onX (T)determinesuniquely one inX (T′). Hence the normof ∗ ∗ any 1-PS in G is well defined. 4 LINGGUANGLI LetV beafinitedimensionalK-vectorspace,ρ:G(K)→GL (V)arepresenta- K tionofG. Avector06=v ∈V issemistable fortheG(K)-actionif0∈/ G(K)·v. One knows that this is equivalent to existence of a G(K)-invariant element φ∈Sm(V) for some m>0 such that φ(v)6=0. For a 1-PS λ of G(K), V has a decomposition V = V , where V ={v ∈V|λ(t)v =tiv}. Define L i i m(λ,v):=min{i|v has a non-zero component in V }, i m(λ,v) µ(λ,v):= . kλk For a 1-PS λ of G(K), the associated subgroup P(λ) of G(K) is defined by P(λ):{g ∈G(K)|limλ(t)·g·λ−1(t) exists in G(K)}, t→0 which is a parabolic subgroup of G(K). Foranon-semistablevectorv ∈V,definetheinstability 1-PSofvtobethe1-PS λ such that µ(λ ,v)=sup{µ(λ,v)|λ∈X (G(K))}, which is not unique. v v ∗ Wenowrecallsomebasicfactsingeometricinvarianttheory,whichcanbefound in [6] and [9]. Lemma 2.1. [6][9] Let K be a field, G a connected reductive algebraic group over K, ρ:G(K)→GL (V) a representation of G(K) on a K-vector space V of finite K dimension. Let v ∈V be a non-semistable point for the G(K)-action. Then (1) The function λ7→µ(λ,v) on thesetX (G(K)) attains themaximumvalue. ∗ (2) Thereis auniqueinstabilityparabolic P(v)ofv suchthatfor anyinstability 1-PS λ of v, we have P(v)=P(λ). (3) For any maximal torus T ⊆P(v), there is a unique instability 1-PS λ of T v such that λ ⊆T. T (4) For g ∈ G(K), λ is the instability 1-PS of v, then g · λ(t) · g−1 is the instability1-PSofg·v,µ(λ,v)=µ(gλ(t)g−1,g·v)andP(g·v)=g·P(v)·g−1. (5) For an instability 1-PS λ of v, if λ is defined over an extension field L/K, then the instability parabolic P(v) of v is also defined over L/K. 2.2. Rational Principal G-Bundles. Let K be a field, G a reductive algebraic groupoverK, X a smoothprojectivevariety overK with a fixed ample divisor H. A (principal) G-bundle on X is a X-scheme π : E → X with an G-action (acts on the right) and π is G-invariant and isotrivial, i.e., locally trivial in the ´etale topology. If Y is a quasi projective G-scheme over K (on the left), the associated fibre bundle E(Y) over X is the quotient E× F under the action of G given by K g(e,y)=(e·g,g−1·y),g ∈G,e∈E,y ∈Y. Let M be a projective variety over K with a G-action, which is linearized by an ample line bundle L on X. Let E(G) := E× G denote the group scheme G,Int overX associatedto E by the actionof G on itself by inner automorphisms. Then X-group scheme E(G) acts naturally on the X-scheme E(M) which is linearized by line bundle E(L). Let x ∈ X be a point of X, E(G) , E(M) and E(L) denote the fiber of x x x E(G), E(M) and E(L) over x respectively. Then E(G) is a group scheme over x Spec(k(x)), and one has the action of E(G) on E(M) linearized by line bundle x x E(L) which is defined over Spec(k(x)). x SEMISTABILITY OF RATIONAL PRINCIPAL GLn-BUNDLES IN POSITIVE CHARACTERISTIC5 Let P ⊂ G be a closed subgroup of G, a reduction of structure group of E to P is a pair σ := (E ,φ) with a P-bundle E and an isomorphism of G-bundles σ σ φ : E (G) → E. Note that quotient E/P is naturally isomorphic to the fiber σ bundle E(G/P) on X and a section σ : X → E/P gives the P-bundle σ∗(E) with naturalisomorphism σ∗(E)(G)∼=E. This induces a bijection correspondence betweensectionsofE/P →X andreductionsofstructuregroupofE toP. LetT P be the tangentbundle alongthe fibers ofthe mapE/P →X,then T :=σ∗(T ) is σ P the vector bundle on X associated to P-bundle E for the natural representation σ of P on g/p, where g and p is the Lie algebra of G and P respectively. Arational G-bundle E onX isaG-bundle onabigopensubschemeU ofX,i.e. codim (X−U)≥2. Arational reduction of structuregroup ofarationalG-bundle X E to a subgroup P ⊂ G is a reduction σ of structure group of E| to P over a U′ big open subscheme U′ ⊆ U. Then the locally free sheaf T on U′ determine a σ reflexivesheafi (T )wherei :U′ →X isthenaturalopenimmersion,denoted U′∗ σ U′ by T again. The rational G-bundle E is semistable if for any rational reduction σ σ of E to any parabolic subgroup P of G over any big open subscheme U′ ⊆ U, the rationalvector bundle T has deg (T )≥0. If G=GL (K), then there is an one σ H σ n to one correspondencebetween rational GL (K)-bundles between reflexive torsion n free sheaves. In this case, the semistability of the rational GL (K)-bundle E is n equivalentto the semistability of the torsionfree sheafE in the sense of Mumford- Takemoto, where E is the reflexive torsion free sheaf corresponds to E. 2.3. Frobenius Pull Back of Principal G-Bundles. LetK beafieldofcharac- teristicp>0,φ:X →Spec(K)aschemeoverk. Theabsolute Frobeniusmorphism F :X →X isinducedbyO →O ,f 7→fp. Considerthecommutativediagram X X X X ❍❍❍ FX Fg❍❍❍$$X(1) Fa ''//X φ F∗(φ) φ k (cid:31)(cid:31) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) Spec(K) FK //Spec(K). The morphism F (resp. F ) is called the arithmetic Frobenius morphism (resp. a g geometric Frobenius morphism) of φ:X →Spec(K). IfK isaperfectfield,F andF areisomorphisms. LetGbeanalgebraicgroup K a overK,π :E →X aG-bundleoverX. PullingbackbytheabsoluteFrobeniusF∗ X wegetaG-bundleF∗(π):F∗(E)→X ,whereX istheschemeX endowedwith X X F F the K-structure by the composition X →φ Spec(K) F→K Spec(K). If K is a perfect field, we can change the K-structures of G, X and F∗(E) by composing their F X F−1 structure morphisms with Spec(K) →K Spec(K) to get a F∗(G)-bundle F∗(E)→ K X X. Inthiscase,theF∗(G)-bundle F∗(E)→X isthe sameasthebundle obtained K X from G-bundle E by the extension of structure group g :G→F∗(G). K Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 0, X a smooth pro- jective variety over k with a fixed ample line bundle H, G a reductive algebraic group over k. Let E be a rational G-bundle on X, then we can get a rational F∗(G)-bundle F∗(E) on X. Then E is semistable when F∗(E) is semistable. If K X X Fm∗(E) is semistable for any integer m≥0, then E is called strongly semistable. X 6 LINGGUANGLI 2.4. Semistability of Rational G-bundles under Extension of Structure Groups. Letk beanalgebraicallyclosedfield, X asmoothprojectivevarietyover k with a fixed ample line bundle H, G a reductive algebraic group over k with a rational representation ρ:G→GL (k). Let E be a semistable rational G-bundle m on X, we study the semistability of rational GL (k)-bundle E(GL (k)). m m Let P be a maximal parabolic subgroup of GL (k), then G acts on GL (k)/P m m whichislinearizedbytheveryamplegeneratorL ofPic(GL (k)/P). Thisgivesan m G-invariant embedding of GL (k)/P inside projective space P(H0(X,L)). Then m X-group scheme E(G) acts naturally on the X-scheme E(GL (k)/P) which is m linearized by line bundle E(L). LetE(G) ,E(GL (k)/P) andE(L) bethefiberofE(G),E(GL (k)/P)and 0 m 0 0 m E(L)overthegenericpointofX respectively. ThenE(G) isagroupschemeover 0 function field Spec(k(X)), and one has the action of E(G) on E(GL (k)/P) 0 m 0 linearized by line bundle E(L) which is defined over Spec(k(X)). Therefore 0 there is an one to one correspondence between rational reductions of structure group of rational GL (k)-bundle E(GL (k)) to P and k(X)-rational points of m m E(GL (k)/P) . m 0 Lemma2.2. [9,Proposition3.10,Proposition3.13]Letk beanalgebraically closed field, X a smooth projective variety over k with an ample line bundle H. Let G be a reductive algebraic group over k, E a semistable rational G-bundle on X. Let σ : U′ → E(GL (k)/P) be a rational reduction of structure group of GL (k)- m m bundle E(GL (k)) to a maximal parabolic subgroup P of GL (k), where U′ is a m m big open scheme of X. The associated k(X)-rational point in E(GL (k)/P) is m 0 denoted by σ . Then 0 (1) If σ is a semistable point for the action of E(G) on E(GL (k)/P) lin- 0 0 m 0 earized by line bundle E(L) , then deg T ≥0. 0 H σ (2) If σ is not a semistable point for the action of E(G) on E(GL (k)/P) 0 0 m 0 linearizedbylinebundleE(L) ,anditsinstabilityparabolicP(σ)isdefined 0 over k(X), then deg T ≥0. H σ 3. The Semistability of Principal Bundles via GL -Representaions n LetK beanarbitraryfield,ρ:GL (K)→GL (K)arepresentationofGL (K) n m n over K. Then ρ is given by an m×m-matrix of regular functions f ij ∈K[T ,det(T )−1] , det(Tij)aij ij ij 1≤i,j≤n where a ∈N and f ∈K[T ] with (det(T ),f )=1. Denote ij ij ij 1≤i,j≤n ij ij d:= max {deg(f +n(a−a )}, where a:= max {a }. ij ij ij 1≤i,j≤n 1≤i,j≤n We say ρ is a GL (K)-representation over K of dimension m at most degree d. n Moreover, if a = 0 for any 1 ≤ i,j ≤ n, i.e., the above regular functions on ij GL (K) lie in the subring K[T ] , we say that ρ is a polynomial representa- n ij 1≤i,j≤n tion of GL (K) over K. n In this section, we use a variant of method of S. Gurjar and V. Mehta [3] to giveanexplicituniformboundforthe fieldofdefinitionofallinstabilityparabolics of all non-semistable points in a given GL (k)-representation space V in terms of n n, dim V and the maximal degree of regular functions correspond to the given k SEMISTABILITY OF RATIONAL PRINCIPAL GLn-BUNDLES IN POSITIVE CHARACTERISTIC7 GL (k)-representation. Moreover, we use these results to the study of semista- n bility of principal bundles under the extension of structure groups via GL (k)- n representations. Theorem 3.1. Let K be an arbitrary field of characteristic p > 0, V a K-vector space of dimension m. Let ρ : GL (K) → GL (V) be a GL (K)-representation n K n over K at most degree d. Then the instability parabolic of any unstable K-rational point in V is defined over Kp−N for some positive integer N ≥m·log (d). p Proof. By base change,the representationρ:GL (K)→GL (V) overK induces n K arepresentationρ:GL (K)→GL (V )overK atmostdegreed. Fixamaximal n K K torusT inGL (K)whichisdefinedoverK. DenoteV :=V ⊗ K,wecanchoose n K K a simultaneous eigen basis e ,...,e of V for all 1-PS of GL (k) which lie in T. 1 m K n Let v ∈ V be a non-semistable K-rational point with respect to the GL (K)- n actionρ. Thenthere aref ∈K[T ] ofdeg(f )≤danda∈N, suchthatfor l ij 1≤i,j≤n l any K-rational point g ∈GL (K), we have n m f (g) l g·v =Xdet(g)ael. l=1 Let λ(t) ∈ X (GL (K)) be an instability 1-PS of v. Then there exists K-rational ∗ n point g ∈ GL (K) such that g·λ(t)·g−1 ⊆ T. Then g·λ(t)·g−1 is defined over n K , the separable closure of K, and g·λ(t)·g−1 is an instability 1-PS of g·v with s µ(λ(t),v)=µ(g·λ(t)·g−1,g·v). Let f ,...,f (resp. f ,...,f ) denote the set of polynomials which vanish l1 lr lr+1 lm at g (resp. non-vanish at g). Consider the K-affine scheme X :=Spec(K[T ] /(f ,...,f )). ij 1≤i,j≤n l1 lr Then g is a K-rational point of X(K)⊆An×n(K) with m det(g) Y fl(g)6=0. l=r+1 Therefore, by [3, Lemma 10], there exists a finite extension field L⊆K of K with r [L:K]≤Ydeg(fl)=dr l=1 such that X has a L-rational point g′ in X and det(g′) m f (g′) 6= 0. Thus Ql=r+1 l g′ ∈ GL (L) and g ·v and g′ ·v have the same set of monomials with non-zero n coefficients when expanded in terms of the basis e ,...,e . Since e ,...,e is a 1 m 1 m simultaneous basis for g·λ(t)·g−1, so µ(g·λ(t)·g−1,g·v)=µ(g·λ(t)·g−1,g′·v). Hence µ(g′·λ(t)·g′−1,g′·v)=µ(λ(t),v)=µ(g·λ(t)·g−1,g·v)=µ(g·λ(t)·g−1,g′·v). As g′·λ(t)·g′−1 is an instability 1-PSof g′·v, so g·λ(t)·g−1 is also an instability 1-PSofg′·v. Itfollowsthatg′−1(g·λ(t)·g−1)g′ isaninstability 1-PSofv whichis defined over L. Thus, by Lemma 2.1, the instability parabolic P(v) of v is defined over L·K . By the Galois descent argument, any instability parabolic is defined s over a purely inseparable extension of K. Suppose that for some positive integer N with pN ≥ dm ≥ dr. Then P(v) must be defined over L ∩ Kp−N. By the arbitrariness of non-semistable point v ∈V, this theorem is followed. (cid:3) 8 LINGGUANGLI Theorem 3.2. Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 0, X a smooth projective variety over k with a fixed ample divisor H, ρ : GL (k) → n GL (k) a GL (k)-representation over k at most degree d. Let E be a rational m n GL (k)-bundle on X such that FN∗(E) is semistable for some integer n X N ≥ max Cr ·log (dr). m p 0<r<m Then the induced GL (k)-bundle E(GL (k)) is also semistable. m m Proof. LetV beak-vectorspaceofdimensionmwithafixedbasise ,...,e . Then 1 n there is a natural isomorphism GLn(k)∼=GLk(V) with respect to this basis of V. LetP be a maximalparabolicsubgroupof GL (V), then GL (V)/P is isomorphic k k to the grassmannianGrass(r,V) of r-dimensional subspaces of V for some integer 0<r <dim V. This induces a GL (k)-equivalent embedding k n r GLk(V)/P ֒→P(^V), which can be lift to a GL (k)-representation n r ρr :GLn(k)→GLk(^V). Since ρ : GL (k) → GL (V) is a GL (k)-representation over k at most degree d, n k n ρr is a GL (k)-representation over k at most degree dr. (In fact, GL (k) acts on n n GL (V)/P which is linearized by the very ample generator L of Pic(GL (V)/P). k k This gives a GL (k)-invariant embedding of GL (V)/P inside projective space n k P(H0(X,L)), and a GLn(k)-equivalent isomorphism VrV ∼=H0(X,L).) TheX-groupschemeE(GL (k))actsnaturallyontheX-schemeE(GL (V)/P) n k which is linearized by line bundle E(L). Let E(G) , E(GL (V)/P) and E(L) 0 k 0 0 denote the fiber of E(G), E(GL (V)/P) and E(L) over the generic point of X k respectively. Then E(G) is a group scheme over function field Spec(k(X)), and 0 one has anE(G) -actiononE(GL (V)/P) defined overSpec(k(X)), whichis lin- 0 k 0 earizedbylinebundleE(L) . OneobservesthatE(GL (k)) andE(GL (V)/P) 0 n 0 k 0 became trivial after a finite separable field extension. Hence after change the base to k(X) , the separable closure of k(X), we get canonical isomorphisms s E(GLn(k))0⊗k(X)k(X)s ∼=GLn(k)⊗kk(X)s ∼=GLn(k(X)s), E(GLk(V)/P)0⊗k(X)k(X)s ∼=(GLk(V)/P)⊗kk(X)s, E(L)0⊗k(X)k(X)s ∼=L ⊗kk(X)s, andthisisomorphismsbeingcompatiblewithgroupactions. LetV :=V × k(X) . s k s The E(GL (k)) ⊗ k(X) -action on E(GL (V)/P) ⊗ k(X) induces a n 0 k(X) s k 0 k(X) s GL (k(X) )-equivalent embedding n s r r (GLm(k)/P)⊗kk(X)s ֒→P(^V)⊗kk(X)s ∼=P(^Vs), which can be lift to a GL (k(X) )-representation n s r ρrs :GLn(k(X)s)→GLk(X)s(^Vs). Infact,ρr isjustthebasechangeoftheGL (k)-representationρr fromk tok(X) . s n s Hence ρr is a GL (k(X) )-representation over k(X) of dimension Cr at most s n s s m degree dr. SEMISTABILITY OF RATIONAL PRINCIPAL GLn-BUNDLES IN POSITIVE CHARACTERISTIC9 Let σ : U → E(GL (V)/P) be a rational reduction of structure group of E to k P, where U is an open subscheme of X with codim (X −U) ≥ 2. It corresponds X to a k(X)-rational point σ ∈ E(GL (V)/P) (k(X)). Let T denote the torsion 0 k 0 σ free sheaf determined by the the locally free sheaf σ∗(T ) on U, where T is the P P tangentbundle alongthe fibers ofthe map E(GL (V)/P)→X. By Lemma 2.2, if k σ isasemistablepointforthe actionofE(GL (k)) onE(GL (V)/P) linearized 0 n 0 k 0 by line bundle E(L) , then 0 deg T ≥0. H σ On the other hand, if σ is not a semistable point for the action of E(GL (k)) on 0 n 0 E(GL (V)/P) linearized by line bundle E(L) , we would like to prove that k 0 0 deg T ≥0. H σ View σ asank(X) -rationalpointin(GL (V)/P)⊗ k(X) , andliftthis point 0 s k k s r to a point in V , denote by σ again. Then by Theorem 3.1, we have the V s 0 instability parabolic P(σ ) of σ is defined over k(X)p−l for any integer l ≥ Cr · 0 0 s m log (dr). Then P(σ ) is actually defined over k(X)p−l by the uniqueness of the p 0 instability parabolic and Galois descent argument. Pulling back by the Frobenius morphism, the action of the generic fibre FXl∗(E(GLn(k)))0 ∼=Fkl∗(X)(E(GLn(k))0) on FXl∗(E(GLk(V)/P))0 ∼=Fkl∗(X)(E(GLm(V)/P)0) is the base change by Fl∗ of the E(GL (k)) -action on (GL (V)/P) . The k(X) n 0 k 0 Frobenius Fl∗ factors through an isomorphism: k(X) Fl∗ k(X) k(X) //k(X) ∼= (cid:15)(cid:15) ✉✉✉✉i✉l✉✉✉:: k(X)p−l where i :Spec(k(X)p−l)→Spec(k(X)) is given by the inclusion k(X)⊆k(X)p−l. l Thereforefor this Fl∗ (E(GL (k)) )-action, the instability parabolicof the point k(X) n 0 Fl∗(σ) is defined over k(X). Since Fl∗(E) is semistable, by Lemma 2.2, we have X 0 X deg (T )=deg Fl∗(T )=pl·deg (T )≥0. H Fl∗(σ) H X σ H σ X Thus deg T ≥0. Therefore if FN∗(E) is semistable for some integer H σ X N ≥ max Cr ·log (dr), m p 0<r<m then for any rational reduction σ of structure group of rational GL (k)-bundle m E(GL (k)) to any maximal parabolic subgroup P ⊂GL (k), we have m m deg (T )≥0. H σ Hence E(GL (k)) is a semistable rational GL (k)-bundle. This completes the m m proof of this theorem. (cid:3) 10 LINGGUANGLI 4. The Semistability of Truncated Symmetric Powers The truncated symmetric powers was first introduced in [10] in order to study the semistability of Frobenius direct images. L. Li and F. Yu [8] have studied the instability of Tl(E) and show that Tl(E) is strongly semistable when E is strongly semistable. In this section, we would like to continue the further study of the semistability Tl(E), and give a sufficient condition for semistability of Tl(E). Now, we recall the construction and properties of truncated symmetric powers of vector spaces (See [10, Section 3]). Let K be an arbitrary field, V a n-dimensional K-vector space with standard representationof GL (K). Let l be a positive integer, S the symmetric group of l n l elements with a natural action on V⊗l by (v ⊗···⊗v )·σ =v ⊗···⊗v 1 l σ(1) σ(l) foranyv ∈V andanyσ ∈S . Lete ,··· ,e beabasisofV. Foranynon-negative i l 1 n n partition (k ,··· ,k ) of l (i.e. l = k , k ≥0, 1≤i≤n), we define 1 n P i i i=1 v(k1,··· ,kn):= X(e⊗1k1 ⊗···⊗e⊗nkn)·σ. σ∈Sl Let Tl(V)⊂V⊗l be the linear subspace generated by all vectors n {v(k1,··· ,kn) | l=Xki, ki ≥0, 1≤i≤n}. i=1 Then Tl(V) is a GL (K)-subrepresentationof V⊗l with n l(p) N(p,n,l):=dimkTl(V)=X(−1)q·Cnq ·Cnl−+plq−q−1, q=0 where l(p) is the unique integer such that 0≤l−l(p)·p<p. If char(K) = 0 then we have GLn(K)-equivalent Tl(V) ∼= Syml(V) for any integer l > 0. On the other hand, if char(K) = p > 0, then we have GL (K)- n equivalent Tl(V)∼=Syml(V) when 0<l <p and Tl(V)=0 for l >n(p−1). Proposition 4.1. For any integer l>0, Tl(V)=(V⊗l)Sl. Proof. Fix a basis e ,··· ,e of V. Let (k ,··· ,k ) be a non-negative partition of 1 n 1 n l, W the linear subspace of V⊗l generated by vectors k1,···,kn {e ⊗···⊗e | k =♯{i |i =m,1≤j ≤l},1≤m≤n}. i1 il m j j Thus W is a S -invariant linear subspace of V⊗l. (k1,···,kn) l By definition, it is obvious that Tl(V) ⊆ (V⊗l)Sl. It is easy to see that, any element in (V⊗l)Sl can be expressed as the form α= X αk1,···,kn, n l=Pki,ki≥0 i=1 where αk1,···,kn ∈ Wk1,···,kn. Then we have αk1,···,kn ∈ (V⊗l)Sl. In order to prove α ∈ Tl(V), it suffices to show that α ∈ Tl(V). By simple observation, we k1,···,kn have αk1,···,kn =a·v(k1,··· ,kn) for some a∈k. It follows that (V⊗l)Sl ⊆Tl(V). Hence Tl(V)=(V⊗l)Sl. (cid:3)

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