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Semisimple orbits of Lie algebras and card-shuffling measures on Coxeter groups By Jason Fulman Dartmouth College Department of Mathematics 8 9 6188 Bradley Hall 9 1 Hanover, NH 03755, USA n a email:[email protected] J 7 1 ] R G . h t a m [ 2 v 3 4 2 2 1 7 9 1991 AMS Primary Subject Classifications: 20G40, 20F55 / h t a m : v i X r a 1 Abstract Solomon’s descent algebra is used to define a family of signed measures M for a finite W,x Coxeter group W and x 6= 0. It is known that the measures corresponding to W of types A and B arise from the theory of card shuffling and are related to the Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt theorem and splitting of Hochschild homology. Formulas for these measures and obtained in special cases. The eigenvalues of the associated Markov chains are computed. By elementary algebraic group theory, choosing a random semisimple orbit on a Lie algebra corresponding to a finite group of Lie type GF induces a measure on the conjugacy classes of the Weyl group W of GF. It is conjectured that this measure on conjugacy classes is equal to the measure arising from M (and further that M is non-negative on all elements of W). This conjecture is W,q W,q proved for all types for the identity conjugacy class of W, and is confirmed for all conjugacy classes for types A and B . n n 1 Definition of the Signed Measures M W,x This section defines signed measures M for any Coxeter group W and real x 6= 0. By a signed W,x measure is meant an element of the group algebra Q[W] of W whose coefficients sum to one. The motivation for this definition comes from work of Bergeron, Bergeron, Howlett, Taylor [3] and Bergeron and Bergeron [2]. For types A and B, results of Bergeron and Wolfgang [4] show that M is related to the Poincare-Birkhoff-Witt theorem and splitting of Hoschild homology. W,x Let Π be a set of fundamental roots for a root system of W. Call subsets K and K of Π 1 2 equivalent if there is a w such that w(K ) = K . Let λ be an equivalence class of subsets of Π 1 2 under the action of W and let λ be the equivalence class of the set K. Let |λ| denote the size of K the equivalence class λ, and let kλk denote the size of the set K for any K ∈ λ. For w ∈ W, defineD(w) as the set of simple positive roots mapped to negative roots by w (also called the descent set of w). Let d(w) = |D(w)|. For J ⊆ Π, let X = {w ∈ W|D(w)∩J = ∅} and J x = w. For K ⊆ J ⊆ Π define µJ = |{w∈XJ:w(K)⊆Π}|. Set µJ = 0 if K 6⊆ J. Since the J w∈XJ K |λK| K matrix (µJ ) is upper triangular with non-zero diagonal entries, it is invertible. Letting (βJ ) be its P K K inverse, define e and e in the descent algebra of W by J λ e = βJ x J K K K⊆J X e J e = λ |λ| J∈λ X Bergeron, Bergeron, Howlett, and Taylor [3] prove that the e are orthogonal idempotents of λ the descent algebra decomposing the identity. Definition For W a finite Coxeter group and x6= 0, define a signed measure M on W by W,x e λ M = W,x xkλk λ X For w ∈ W, let M (w) be the coefficient of w in M . W,x W,x Theorem 1 M is a signed measure on W. W,x Proof: Writing each e as c (w)w it must be proved that λ w∈W λ P 2 c (w) λ = 1 xkλk w,λ X This clearly follows from the stronger assertion that: 0 if kλk > 0 c (w) = λ 1 if kλk = 0 w ( X w Corollary 6.7 of Bergeron, Bergeron, Howlett, and Taylor [3] implies that e = w∈W . Thus ∅ |W| c (w) = 1 if kλk = 0. Since the e are idempotents, the value of c (w) isPeither 0 or 1. w λ λ w λ Since e = 1, clearly c (w) = 1. Combining this with the fact that c (w) = 1 if P λ λ w,λ λ P w λ kλk = 0 shows that c (w) =0 if kλk > 0. 2 P w λP P P Remarks 1. If W = S , then as noted in Bergeron and Bergeron [2], the measure M corresponds to n W,x performinganx-shuffleonW accordingtotheGilbert-Shannon-Reedsmodelofcardshuffling. This model of card shuffling is described clearly and analyzed by Bayer and Diaconis [1]. Let d(w) = |D(w)|. Bayer and Diaconis prove combinatorially that x+n−1−d(w) M (w) = n Sn,x xn (cid:0) (cid:1) Some further information about the measure M can be found in Fulman [9]. For instance Sn,x a generating function is derived for the distribution of the length of a permutation (in terms of the generators {(1,2),(2,3),···,(n−1,n)}) chosen from this measure. For W of type B (and thus also of type C), Bergeron and Bergeron [2] prove that (x+2n−1−2d(w))(x+2n−3−2d(w))···(x+1−2d(w)) M (w) = Bn,x xnn! An easy computation using formulas at the end of Section 2 of Bergeron and Bergeron [2] proves that (x+1)(x+p−1) if d(w) = 0 2px2 (x+1)(x−1) MI2(p),x(w) =  2px2 if d(w) = 1  (x−1)(x−p+1) if d(w) = 2 2px2  From the definition of M , it is clear that M (w) depends only on D(w), the descent set W,x W,x of w. Results and conjectures for other W appear in Section 2. 2. Observe that the x → ∞ limit of M is the uniform distribution on W (this follows from W,x the formula for e in the proof of Theorem 1). The eigenvalue computations of Section 2 can ∅ be used to give results on how fast this convergence occurs. 3. The elements M of the group algebra of W convolve nicely in the sense that M M = W,x W,x W,y M . This follows from the fact that the e are orthogonal idempotents. W,xy λ 3 4. As willemerge, M (w) need notalways bepositive. Partof Conjecture1of Section 3states W,x that M (w) ≥ 0 if W is a Weyl group of a finite group of Lie type and q is a power of a W,q prime which is regular and good for W (these terms are defined in Section 3). 5. Bidigare, Hanlon, and Rockmore [6] define and study interesting random walks on the cham- bersofhyperplanearrangements. Bidigare[5]definesafacealgebraassociatedtoahyperplane arrangement and shows that if the hyperplanearrangement comes from a reflection group W, then the descent algebra of W is anti-isomorphic to the trivial isotypic subalgebra of the face algebra. This suggests that the measures M are special cases of the Bidigare-Hanlon- W,x Rockmore measures. This is known to be true for W of type A. 2 Formulas for M and the Eigenvalues of the Markov Chain W,x Associated to M W,x This section considers formulas for M . A expression is found for M , and for all W, the W,x G2,x values of M on the identity and longest element of W are computed. This will allow us compute W,x the eigenvalues of the Markov chain associated to M for all W. W,x Theorem 2 (x+5)(x+1) if d(w) = 0 12x2 MG2,x(w) =  (x+112)x(x2−1) if d(w) = 1  (x−1)(x−5) if d(w) = 2 12x2 Proof: Letting V be the hyperplane inR3 consisting of vectors whose coordinates add to 0, it is well known that a root system consists of ±(ε − ε ) for i < j and ±(2ε − ε − ε ) where i j i j k {i,j,k} = {1,2,3}. Let A= ε −ε and B = −2ε +ε +ε be a base of positive simple roots. 1 2 1 2 3 All equivalence classes λ of subsets of Π have size one. Some computation gives that 1 e = x ∅ ∅ 12 1 1 e = − x + x A ∅ A 4 2 1 1 e = − x + x B ∅ B 4 2 5 1 1 e = x − x − x +x A,B ∅ A B A,B 12 2 2 from which the theorem easily follows. 2 Let id and w be the identity and longest element of W. Theorems 3 and 4 give expressions for 0 M (id)andM (w ). Itishelpful,asinBergeron,Bergeron,Howlett, andTaylor[3]toassociate W,x W,x 0 to each w ∈ W an equivalence class λ of subsets J of Π under the action of W. This is done as follows. LettingFix (w)betheelementsofV fixedbyw,defineA(w) = Stab (Fix (w)). Clearly V W V A(w) is a parabolic subgroup, conjugate to some W . Let λ be the equivalence class containing J. J This λ associated to w will also be called the type of w. w Theorem 3 Let m ,···,m be the exponents of W. Then 1 n n (x+m ) M (id) = i=1 i W,x xn|W| Q 4 Proof: We first show that the coefficient of the identity in e = eJ is equal to 1 |{w ∈ λ J∈λ |λ| |W| W : type(w) = λ}|. Writing e = βJ x and using the fact that the identity has coefficient J K⊆J K K P 1 in each x , it is enough to show that for all J of type λ, K P 1 |{w ∈ W :type(w) =λ}| = βJ |W| K K⊆J X From Bergeron, Bergeron, Howlett, and Taylor [3], there is a natural map from the descent algebra of W to the Burnside representation ring of W which sends e to ζ and x to IndW (1). J J K WK Here ζ is the function on W which takes the value 1 if w has type λ and 0 otherwise. This gives J the equation ζ = βJ IndW (1) J K WK K⊆J X Take the inner product of both sides with the identity character of W. The left hand side be- comes 1 |{w ∈ W : type(w) = λ}|. To evaluate the right hand side, note by Frobenius reciprocity |W| that < IndW (1),1 > =< 1,1 > = 1 WK W WK Therefore, the right hand side becomes βJ . Thus we have shown that for all J ∈ λ, the K⊆J K coefficient of the identity in e is equal to 1 |{w ∈ W :type(w) = λ}|. Consequently, J |WP| 1 |{w ∈ W :type(w) = λ}| M (id) = W,x |W| xkλk λ X 1 = xn−kλk|{w ∈ W : type(w) = λ}| xn|W| λ X 1 = xdim(fix(w)) xn|W| w∈W X n (x+m ) = i=1 i xn|W| Q In the third equation, dim(fix(w)) is the dimension of the fixed space of w in its action on V, the natural vector space on which w acts in the relection represenation of W. The third equality follows from Lemma 4.3 of Bergeron, Bergeron, Howlett, and Taylor [3], which says that dim(fix(w)) = n−|type(w)|. The final equality is a theorem of Shephard-Todd [13]. 2 Theorem 4 Let m ,···,m be the exponents of W. Let w be the longest element of W. Then 1 n 0 n (x−m ) M (w )= i=1 i W,x 0 xn|W| Q Proof: The proof is similar to that of Theorem 3. It will first be shown that the coefficient of w 0 in e = eJ is equal to (−1)kλk|{w ∈ W : type(w) = λ}|. Writing e = βJx and using λ J∈λ |λ| |W| J K⊆J K K the fact that w contributes only to x , it suffices to show that for all J of type λ, P 0 ∅ P (−1)kλJk βJ = |{w ∈ W : type(w) = λ}| ∅ |W| 5 From Bergeron, Bergeron, Howlett, and Taylor [3], there is a natural map from the descent algebra of W to the Burnside representation ring of W which sends e to ζ and x to IndW (1). J J K WK Here ζ is the function on W which takes the value 1 if w has type λ and 0 otherwise. This gives J the equation ζ = βJ IndW (1) J K WK K⊆J X Taketheinnerproductofbothsideswiththesigncharacter χofW. Thelefthandsidebecomes (−1)kλJk|{w ∈ W : type(w) = λ}|. To evaluate the right hand side, note by Frobenius reciprocity |W| that 0 if |K| > 0 < IndW (1),χ > =< 1,χ > = WK W WK 1 if |K| = 0 ( Therefore, the right hand side becomes βJ. Thus we have shown that for all J ∈ λ, the ∅ coefficient of w in e is equal to (−1)kλJk|{w ∈ W : type(w) = λ}|. Consequently, 0 J |W| (−1)kλJk|{w ∈ W : type(w) = λ}| M (w ) = W,x 0 |W| xkλk λ X 1 = (−x)n−kλk|{w ∈W : type(w) = λ}| (−x)n|W| λ X 1 = (−x)dim(fix(w)) (−x)n|W| w∈W X n (−x+m ) = i=1 i (−x)n|W| Q n (x−m ) = i=1 i xn|W| Q These equalities hold for the same reasons as in Theorem 3. 2 Observe that left multiplication of the group algebra Q[W] of W by M can be thought of W,x as performing a random walk on W. The transition matrix of this random walk is an |W| by |W| matrix. Theorem 5 computes the eigenvalues of this matrix. The eigenvalues for W = S were n determined by Hanlon [10]. Theorem 5 The transition matrix of the random walk arising from M has eigenvalues 1 for W,x xi 0 ≤ i≤ n with corresponding multiplicities |w ∈ W :ktype(w)k = i|. Proof: Since the e decompose the identity, Q[W] = e Q[W]. Since M = eλ , the λ λ λ W,x λ xkλk eigenvalues of the action of M on Q[W] by left multiplication are 1 . Furthermore, the W,x L xkλk P eigenvalue 1 occurs with mulitplicity xi dim(e Q[W]) λ λ:kXλk=i Since e is an idempotent, dim(e Q[W]) is the trace of e regarded as a linear map from Q[W] λ λ λ to itself. Taking the elements of w as a basis for Q[W], this trace is equal to |W| times the 6 coefficient of the identity in e . From the proof of theorem 3, this coefficient of the identity in e λ λ is 1 |{w ∈ W : type(w) = λ}|. This proves the theorem. 2 |W| Remark In the case of the symmetric groups, Bidigare [5] has computed these eigenvalues and their mulitplicities using results of Bidigare, Hanlon, and Rockmore [6] on random walks arising from hyperplane arrangements. An interesting challenge would be to prove Theorem 5 in a similar way. 3 Semisimple Orbits of Lie Algebras This section connects the signed measures M with semisimple orbits of Lie algebras arising from W,x finite groups of Lie type. Let G be a connected semisimple group defined over a finite field of q elements. Suppose also that G is simply connected. Let G be the Lie algebra of G. Let F denote both a Frobenius automorphism of G and the corresponding Frobenius automorphism of G. Suppose that G is F- split. Since the derived group of G is simply connected (the derived group of a simply connected group is itself), a theorem of Springer and Steinberg [14] implies that the centralizers of semisimple elements of G are connected. Let r be the rank of G. Now we define a map Φ (studied by Lehrer [11] in somewhat greater generality) from the F- rational semisimple orbits cof G to W,the Weyl group of G. Pick x ∈GF∩c. Sincethecentralizers of semisimple elements of G are connected, x is determined up to conjugacy in GF and C (x), the G centralizer in G of x, is determined up to GF conjugacy. Let T be a maximally split maximal torus in C (x). Then T is an F-stable maximal torus of G, determined up to GF conjugacy. By G Proposition 3.3.3 of Carter [7], the GF conjugacy classes of F-stable maximal tori of G are in bijection with conjugacy classes of W. Define Φ(c) to be the corresponding conjugacy class of W. For example, in type A the semisimple orbits c of sl(n,q) correspond to monic degree n n−1 polynomials f(c) whose coefficient of xn−1 vanishes. Such a polynomial factors as fai where i i the f are irreducible over F . Letting d be the degree of f , Φ(c) is the conjugacy class of S i q i i Q n corresponding to the partition (dai). i Two further technical concepts are helpful. As on page 28 of Carter [7], call a prime p good if it divides no coefficient of any root expressed as a linear combination of simple roots. Call a prime bad if it is not good. For example type A has no bad primes, but 2 is a bad prime for type B. The assumption that p is good will eliminate complications involving the maximal tori of G and GF. Also define p to be a regular prime if the lattice of reflecting hyperplane intersections of W (including ranks of elements in the lattice) remains the same on reduction mod p. For instance, in type A , p is not regular if p divides n, because then x = ··· = x , x = 0 has non-trivial n−1 1 n i solutions. P Conjecture 1: Let G beas above, and supposethat thecharacteristic is a primewhich is good and regular for G. Choose c among the qr F-rational semisimple orbits of G uniformly at random. Then for all conjugacy classes C of W, Prob(Φ(c) ∈ C) = Prob (w ∈ C). Furthermore, MW,q M (w) ≥ 0 for all w ∈ W. W,q Remark The assertion that M (w) ≥ 0 for all w ∈ W can be easily checked for types A W,q and B from the formulas in Section 1 and for type G from the formula in Section 2. The crucial 2 observation (which holds for all types), is that the bad primes for a given type are precisely those primes which are less than the maximal exponent of W but are not exponents of W. Theorems 6, 7, and 8 provide evidence in support of Conjecture 1. 7 Theorem 6 Conjecture 1 holds for G of all types (i.e. A,B,C,D,E ,E ,E ,F ,G ) when C is 6 7 8 4 2 the identity conjugacy class of W. Proof: Proposition5.9 ofLehrer[11](which usesthefactthatpisregular)states thatthenumber of F-rational semisimple orbits c of G which satisfy Φ(c) = id is equal to r q+m i 1+m i i=1 Y wherer is therank of G and m are the exponents of W. Since thereare a total of qr F-rational i semisimple orbits of G, and because |W|= r (1+m ), i=1 i Q r (q+m ) Prob(Φ(c) = id) = i=1 i . qr|W| Q The proposition now follows from Theorem 3. 2 Theorem 7 Conjecture 1 holds for G of type A, for all conjugacy classes C of the symmetric group S . n Proof: Note that a monic, degree n polynomial f with coefficients in F defines a partition of n, q and hence a conjugacy class of S , by its factorization into irreducibles. To be precise, if f factors n as fai where the f are irreducible of degree d , then (dai) is a partition of n. If the coefficient of i i i i i xn−1 inf vanishes,thenf representsanF-rational semisimpleorbitcofsl(n,q),andtheconjugacy Q class of S corresponding to the partition (dai) is equal to Φ(c). n i Diaconis, McGrath, and Pitman [8] have shown that if f is uniformly chosen among all monic, degree n polynomials with coefficients in F , then the measure on the conjugacy classes of S q n induced by the factorization of f is equal to the measure induced by M . (In fact it was this Sn,q observation which led the author in the direction of Conjecture 2). Thus, to prove the theorem, it suffices to show that the random partition associated to a uniformly chosen monic, degree n polynomial over F has the same distribution as the random q partition associated to a uniformly chosen monic, degree n polynomial over F with vanishing q coefficient of xn−1. Since the characteristic p is assumed to be regular, p does not divide n. Thus for a suitable choice of k, the change of variables x → x + k gives rise to a bijection between monic, degree n polynomials with coefficient of xn−1 equal to b and monic, degree n polynomials 1 with coefficient of xn−1 equal to b , for any b and b . Since this bijection preserves the partition 2 1 2 associated to a polynomial, the theorem is proved. 2 Theorem 8 will confirm Conjecture 1 for all G of type B. The proof will use the following combinatorialobjectsintroducedbyReiner[12]. LetaZ-wordoflengthmbeavector(a ,···,a )∈ 1 m Zm. For such a word define max(a) = max(|a |)m . The cyclic group C acts on Z-words of i i=1 2m length m by having a generator g act as g(a ,···,a ) = (a ,···,a ,−a ). Call a fixed-point free 1 m 2 m 1 orbit P of this action a primitive twisted necklace of size m. The group Z ×C acts on Z-words 2 m of length m by having the generator r of C act as a cyclic shift r(a ,···,a ) = (a ,···,a ,a ) m 1 m 2 m 1 and having the generator v of Z act by v(a ,···,a ) = (−a ,···,−a ). Call a fixed-point free 2 1 m 1 m orbit D of this action a primitive blinking necklace of size m. Let a signed ornament o be a set of primitive twisted necklaces and a multiset of primitive blinking necklaces. Say that o has type (~λ,µ~)= ((λ ,λ ,···),(µ ,µ ,···)) if it consists of λ primitive blinking neclaces of size m and µ 1 2 1 2 m m primitive twisted necklaces of size m. Also define the size of o to be the sum of the sizes of the 8 primitive twisted and blinking necklaces which make up o, and define max(o) to be the maximum of max(D) and max(P) for the primitive twisted and blinking necklaces which make up o. Reiner [12] establishes the following counting lemma. Lemma 1 (Reiner [12]) Let D(s,m) be the number of primitive blinking necklaces D such that max(D) ≤ s. Let P(s,m) be the number of primitive twisted necklaces P such that max(P) ≤ s. Then if q is an odd integer, q−1 21m d|m µ(d)(qmd −1) q ≥ 3,m > 1 d odd D( 2 ,m) =  q−21P q ≥ 3,m = 1  0 q = 1  P(q−1,m)= 21m dd|omdd µ(d)(qmd −1) q ≥ 3 2 ( 0 P q = 1 Lemma 2 establishes an analog of Lemma 1 for special types of polynomials. Lemma 2 Let q be a positive odd integer. Let I˜ be the number of monic, irreducible, degree m m,q polynomials f over F satisfying f(z)= f(−z). Then q I˜2m,q = 21m dd|omdd µ(d)(qmd −1) q ≥ 3 ( 0 P q = 1 Proof: Thecaseq = 1isclear,soassumethatq ≥ 3isodd. LetM bethenumberofmonicdegree m m polynomials. Defining A(t) = 1+ ∞ M tm, clearly A(t) = 1 . Let M˜ be the number of m=1 m 1−qt m monic degree m polynomials f such that f(z) = f(−z). Defining B(t)= 1+ ∞ M˜ tm, one has P m=1 m that B(t)= 1 . 1−qt2 P Observe that ∞ ∞ 1 A(t) = (1+ tndeg(φ)) (1+ tndeg(φ))2 1−t φ:φ(zY)=φ(−z) nX=1 {φ,φY˜},φ6=z nX=1 φ(z)6=(−1)deg(φ)φ(−z) Here the φ are monic and irreducible, and the term 1 corresponds to the contribution from 1−t the polynomial z. Similarly, ∞ ∞ 1 B(t) = (1+ tndeg(φ)) (1+ t2ndeg(φ)) 1−t2 φ:φ(zY)=φ(−z) nX=1 {φ,φY˜},φ6=z nX=1 φ(z)6=(−1)deg(φ)φ(−z) These equations give: B(t)2 1 (1+ ∞ tmn)2I˜m,q = n=1 A(t2) 1−t2 m even (1+P∞n=1t2mn)I˜m,q Y 1 (1−tP2m)I˜m,q = 1−t2 m even (1−tm)2I˜m,q Y 1 1+tm = ( )I˜m,q 1−t2 1−tm m even Y 9 Combining this with the explicit expressions for A(t) and B(t) given above shows that: 1+tm 1−t2 ( )I˜m,q = 1−tm 1−qt2 m even Y Takelogarithms ofbothsidesofthisequation, usingtheexpansionslog(1+x) =x−x2+x3+··· 2 3 and log(1−x) = −x− x2 − x3 +···. 2 3 The left-hand side becomes: tdm 2I˜ m,q d m evend odd X X The right-hand side becomes: ∞ (qm−1)t2m m m=0 X Comparingcoefficientsoft2n showsthat2 m|n,n oddI˜2m,qm = qn−1. DefineLtobethelattice m consisting of all divisors m of n such that n is odd. Define functions f(m)= 2I˜ m and F(n)= m P 2m,q qn−1onthislattice. Moebiusinversiononthislatticeimpliesthatf(n)= m|n,m oddµ(m,n)F(m). n Thus, I˜2m,q = 21m d|m µ(d)(qmd −1), as desired. 2 P d odd P Lemma 3 counts the total number of signed ornaments satisfying certain conditions. Both the result and the proof technique will be crucial in proving Conjecture 1 for type B. Lemma 3 Let q be an odd integer. The total number of signed ornaments o of size n satisfying max(o) ≤ q−1 is equal to qn. 2 Proof: Let f(z) be a monic polynomial over F satisfying f(z) = f(−z). Such a polynomial can q be factored uniquely as [(−1)deg(φi)φ (z)φ (−z)]ri φ (z)si i i i {φi(z)Y,φi(−z)} φi:φi(zY)=φi(−z) where the φ are monic irreducible polynomials and s ∈ {0,1}. i i Hence monic polynomials satisfying f(z)= f(−z) correspond to a multiset of distinct products (−1)deg(φ)φ(z)φ(−z) where φ is monic and irreducible, and a set of polynomials φ which are monic, irreducible, and satisfy φ(z) = φ(−z). Recall that a signed ornament corresponds to a multiset of primitive blinking necklaces and a set of primitive twisted necklaces. Observe that there are qn monic polynomials f(z) of degree 2n satisfying f(z) = f(−z). Lemmas 1 and 2 show that the numberof degree2m monic, irreduciblepolynomials satisfying f(z)= f(−z)is equalto P(q−1,m), 2 the number of primitive twisted necklaces P of size m satisfying max(P) ≤ q−1. 2 Thus it suffices to show that the number of distinct products (−1)deg(φ)φ(z)φ(−z) where φ is monicandirreducibleofdegreemisequaltoD(q−1,m),thenumberofprimitiveblinkingnecklaces 2 D of size m satisfying max(D) ≤ q−1. To count the number of such products (−1)deg(φ)φ(z)φ(−z), 2 note that either φ is monic, irreducible, and satisfies φ(z) = (−1)deg(φ)φ(−z) or else φ is monic, irreducible and does not satisfy φ(z) = (−1)deg(φ)φ(−z), this latter case arising in two possible A(m,q)+B(m,q) ways. Thus the number of such products is equal to , where A(m,q) is the number of 2 10

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